These cops are just being bullies because they enjoy power as much as the covidians and the corrupt leaders.

If they were just following orders, they could have just called in sick instead of having to do this nonsense

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"Well if can't go into the forbidden red zone, you go get me coffee... Boy."

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“Scratch a liberal, a fascist bleeds”

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There's some truth in what you say, but those cops aren't liberals.

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Yes, they are MCM. Liberals support corporatist capitalism and when (not if, never if) corporate capitalism is at risk they go fascist. Period. It doesn’t happen all the time it happens every time.

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Cops like those just follow orders, exulting in their wee bit of authority. If that makes them "liberals," then countless bullyboys in every tyranny in modern times were "liberals," too.

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They are there to defend liberal capitalism. They are foot soldiers of liberalism. So yes, the cops are liberals. Members of the middle class, labor leaders, and people who hold "liberal ideals" will be willing to turn to fascism when the bribes their class receives from GloboCap get threatened (scratched). The so-called middle class will turn fascist in order to protect their class status. Liberals are easily swept up into imperialist wars and police brutality.

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No, the cops are not liberals. You're tying yourself up in knots to push that mantra.

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It's not a mantra. "Scratch a liberal, a fascist bleeds" is as near an axiom as one can get in political analysis. You teach propaganda. Did you not cover it? To say "Cops are not liberals" is supporting them.

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Mussolini ‘invented’ fascism/corporatism, Italians loved it. They owned nothing and loved it. Like, I get it. Nobody wants to think they’re fascist so they call themselves Liberal or Conservative or NDP or Democratic or Republican; all these are shades of liberalism and they all go fascist when corporate capitalism is at risk (or when they say it’s at risk).

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The Left is the theatrical opposition and it is the only opposition permitted. Thus the sin the truckers committed is that they dared to think they could get up and do things themselves. That is why the media must punish them and make them an example. The media says, "How dare you think you can do this! We will do it for you!"

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interesting how quickly such goo tube videos are deleted!

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Putin recognizes sovereignty of Donbass regions. What a world we live in. Maybe Trudeau will recognize the sovereignty of Canada, eh?

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Disclaimer: Many times I have linked to this noxious site but I have to do so again since ... well read it yourself:


Note first of all the DRY nature of much of the reportage. Statistics (“an additional 1,800 officers”) , dimensions (“12x20 blocks wide”), finances (“banks ...had frozen 76 bank accounts ... containing more than $3 million”).

When bias enters, it is undeniable that the WSWS are on the side of the officers who “demonstratively sought to avoid confrontation” and who “did use their batons but only as a means to push back the protesters”. Meanwhile the last half of the article (which, I must confess, I didn’t have the patience to read right through) lays out the “evil Right Wing networks behind the protests”.

Note this (but get your barf bag ready!):

“The isolated reports of police using force to detain unruly occupiers and the police’s conduct throughout the three-day operation are in striking contrast with the savage violence—be it baton-charges, tear-gas barrages, or mass arrests—they routinely use when repressing left-wing demonstrators or escorting scabs across worker picket lines.”

And it’s clear we are on automatic pilot with the old Left/Right theatrical presentation WHICH COMPLETELY DIED THE MOMENT COVID ARRIVED. From that moment on, the roles were switched. The mainstream, representing the miniscule parasitical faction at the top, is now “the revolutionary party”. The population are now “the Evil Right Wing”.

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I was tempted to insert this comment into their thread - but I know it would never see the light of day ... unless I put it here:

"I thoroughly applaud the WSWS in seeing through the police pussy footing around these Right Wing protestors who were lovingly handled all the way. Like the old woman gently pummelled by a horse and accompanied by tomato sauce squirts. And the humorously seized bank accounts of these fascist thugs who really don’t need the money after all.

The true workers are of course keeping safe in their houses and lining up for the next of the thirty booster shots delivered by The Science under the threat of wildcat strikes. The latest triumph is in forcing governments to hammer the face masks on and so imprinting the very essence of the revolution on our faces!"

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Considering the old lady crushed under the horse, it looked like a re-run of the Peterloo Massacre I.e one of the most iconic confrontations in the history of class conflict, an emblem of working class struggle. And our present Left not only don't care but consider the old dear a Right Wing menace!

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“I will come out and say it: Today’s left does not want to talk about the socialism in Germanic National Socialism, even though there was some. Namely: Unlike seemingly all Western politicians today, Hitler actually read Marx and incorporated something of class analysis into Germanic Nazism. He clearly was familiar with the perfectly accurate Marxist analysis of European historico-economics up until the late 19th century: landed wealth was joined by commercial/trading wealth was joined by industrial/financial/stock-jobbing wealth, and then they all stopped squabbling and peacefully joined hands to oppress the 99%. Western Liberal Democracy remains – eternally – at this point.”-Ramin Mazaheri

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So interesting to hear 20-something Canadians saying: “Fuck Klaus Schwab!”. In Mexico, Bolivia and anywhere else in the countries truly fucked by GloboCap you hear that shit from 4 year olds. Toddlers who still shit their pants in the global south are better educated politically than adults with PhD’s in the northern capitalist countries. It’s been that way for centuries. Liberalism is an extraordinary and extraordinarily violent achievement/bullshit story.

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Unbelievable, but this is now reality

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I believe it is unlawful for a male officer to touch a woman in Canada.

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Except in the ‘red zone’?

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She is a criminal! They should just shoot her.

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Removed (Banned)Feb 21, 2022
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Feb 21, 2022·edited Feb 21, 2022

The bourgeois 'left' — an oxymoron — otherwise known for the most part as the 'intellectual bourgeoisie', is hopelessly in league with anti-democratic globalist forces. As stated in the brilliant 'Manifeste Conspirationniste', Seuil ed., 2022 ( translating, though it's a hard one ), p.39:

"The left [ during the Covid crisis ] revealed itself for what it is: irrational by dint of excessive rationalism, obscurantist due to excessive scientism, insensitive due to excessive sensitivity, morbid via hygienism, hateful via an excess of philanthropy [ in the general sense, I believe, as in 'caring for others' ], counter-revolutionary by way of progressivism, stupid for having believed itself better educated, and malevolent for excessively desiring to position itself on the side of the Good."

Summarizing, the liberal 'left' fell through hubris ( along with material incentives, shall we say ). Among left-wing public intellectuals, in the US, besides the flaming — and increasingly irrelevant — horror-shows that became Chomsky and M. Moore, I am perhaps most disappointed with Chris Hedges, who couldn't stop himself from depicting working-class Trump supporters as so much rabble — 'Christian neo-fascists', or some such — in the lead-up to the stolen election. Although, lately, he's changed his tune a bit, and is now claiming that Democrats are not the greater evil, but the 'most effective' evil ( see his latest piece ). ...That means the greater evil, M. Hedges, in my book!

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I think what covid had proven is that this Left are more compelled to play "follow the leader" than the Right. Which is why the govt only had to place certain moles (or if you prefer "spooks") at crucial junctures and they knew the rest would follow. In spring 2020, I was astonished how certain brain-dead memes could so easily be taken up and passed around. Cue the excrutiatingly embarrassing vision of mindless mimics strutting their stuff as if they were being so daring. (While not noticing that the mainstream media was in full agreement with them!)

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First rule of permitted Left dissidence: You can complain about any brutal, psychopathic, fascistic, genocidal act you want and point the finger at anyone you want as long as you use the word "opportunistic". This is a magic word which enables the self-righteous to vent their wrath whilst also having the curious effect of ... excusing the one accused.

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With the exception of Pinochet? Of course after WWII is the easiest example to not see the truth!

Problem is she and most of north Americans do not want to believe or better, they do not want to see, that after WWII all new Fascist Governments and the recently Neo Nazi organizations, were and are planned and sponsored by USA.... Pinochet coup wasn't a Chile thing, it was organized and planned in US, same Argentina and others.

Sorry guys but this time you have to fight Fascist and Nazi at home finally, instead of going around in the world killing citizens and pacifists, with the lye of bringing democracy!

And BTW you all forgetting J.Assange and Wikileaks great work for Foredoom exposing all the dirty jobs from US and western countries! They are the real Heroes in the last 25 years!

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