If we're going to win this (final) war, we must get over the distracting fantasy—or (as it were) red herring—that Karl Marx started it, and that the Kremlin has (somehow) been driving it
Thank you! The overuse of the word Communism is detracting from the depths of the problems we face. It almost makes it sound as if we are fighting for one political ideology over another, which is, as my dad used to say "picking pimples when you need open heart surgery."
What we are facing is overt totalitarian global slavery systems. Whether we get there from leaning excessively left or excessively right, the outcome is the same. It is not a continuum; it is a circle. We are being manipulated hard and heavy to tip to the deadly rock bottom of the dial, left or right notwithstanding.
Like you said, no amount of substacking can do justice to the concepts and real-life implementations of communism (or any of the other political/social/economic systems we pretend to understand and survey from superior positions.)
What I know is that my own gradual fondness for pre-2014 leftist policies was probably a reaction! A reaction to the disgusting, compassionless, and pretentious "I've got mine, what's your problem?" Reagan years. Bleccchh. The delusional Libertarians ignoring crumbling infrastructure and prepping personally, or the nasty Republicans waiting for the poor to simply die off, saying things like "Who is going to pay for it?" and trickling obscene money upward and out of the country permanently. They also decided, with Reagan's help, that education was for that cream of the crop who had the good sense to be born rich and everyone else could find their way to prison. Actual prison or free-range prison. (Save it. I'm currently politically homeless like so many.)
Then, the same people are appalled that the ignorant and angry younger generation seems ready to hand it all over to the commies with the (incorrect) thought that it can't get any worse than smug boomers who call them lazy for not showing up at jobs that pay less than the bus fare to get there. "Nothing for you unless you're a Kardashian, and angry rapper, or a tech mogul..."
The slaves with slightly nicer toys are conveniently trained to attack the slaves with less-nice toys, or adopt ever more "new and special" bizarre status to gain a foothold to survival on crumbs...without ever asking, "Who is actually at the table and who determines where these crumbs fall?
Hint: WEF isn't looking for communism for themselves, just for you. And their version of communism isn't communal property. It is a total surveillance state hellscape where your actions, thoughts, biology and lifespan are determined by your owner. Not you. Someone else. And guess what: They don't want to fight a majority, so plan on a lot less human beings existing at all. Like they trained you to tacitly accept with generations of the "too many people" mantra. Again, not for mother earth's sake, but for a handful of your owners' convenience. (For proof: Review 2020-2023 overall, including Ivy league schools that get more money from the NIH grants--your money--than from tuition! Or illegal G-of-F outsourced to foreign labs for weaponization to drive forced pseudo medicine/bioweapon administration. Can you say population reduction? Again you get to pay for it AND cling to your executioners in fear under censorship and a continual barrage of propaganda.)
Yes, withholding education has bitten the US on the behind, hasn't it? First being used to justify outsourcing jobs overseas and then to automation, then AI. While we were busy in the 1980's with "greed is good" and unregulated capitalism, we shifted massive amounts of people to poverty and hopelessness against an ever-decreasing few at the top.
What could possibly go wrong? Seen the news lately?
So at one point you say we should not fight communism...it doesnt exist.
Then you say WEF are commies as Totalitarianism is the end stage and goal of communism. Totalitarianism is Communism, its just Marxists use the lure of "getting it free" to create Chaos.
The lefties are in denial that they got this country into this mess by pushing ever progressive nuttery, now including chopping off genitals. The left is socialist and socialism is communism. That point cannot be accepted by many, including Dear Mark because it would be admitting this Coup of our country lies on their wacko shoulders.
*Agreed that the "left" I once aligned with at heart doesn't exist (if it ever did) and what has taken its place is some kind of grotesque melange of crazy-town bullying, bizarre, double-speak nonscience nonsense that seems to want unfettered access to people's kids, open season on white males, legislated emotions, kindergarten-level logic with supreme court power, and some kind of pro-war, pro-censorship, 100% dominance turnaround that is unrecognizable to me.
FYI: Yes, I just thought it would be nice to give life-sustaining support to single moms over tax gifts to the WalMart heirs. Now, the left is so far left of me I can't even see them anymore.
"Left" isn't allowed in American politics. The closest we've got seems to be Bernie who, by global standards, barely makes it far enough left to be a centrist.
Totalitarianism is not necessarily communism, although it can be. Totalitarianism encompasses much more than communism. It can also be fascism (the Nazis were totalitarian) or something that combines elements of both. It can also take a technocratic form. Communism is only one possible form of totalitarianism. What is currently being imposed on the world by billionaire oligarchs may have elements of communism (and fascism) but it's something distinct from anything we saw last century.
Having said that, today's 'left' is a disaster and it has chosen to act as an appendage of oligarchy.
Every iteration of communism is somewhat different--each dictator puts his own spin on it depending on his personal preferences. Hitler and Stalin were two sides of the same coin--they were like two street gang leaders fighting over territory.
The "everything bad is communism" view of history. The communist political prisoners in Nazi concentration camps would probably not have agreed that Hitler was a communist.
Capitalism "defeated" communism yet poverty and starvation are worse than ever. Is the notion of democratic control over our economic lives so awful that we accept the impoverishment of most of the world?
I wouldn't want to live in any tyrannical country, including communist ones, but that is already clear from my comments. The point is not all tyrannical systems are communist. Some have been fascist, some have been theocratic. I take it you would prefer those ones. Maybe Saudi Arabia or Iran?
The Nazis derived from a socialist party. The fascism component is a necessity as complex Societies will never be run by a political party again as it must incorporate big Corporations, outside of a collapse back to the stone age.
What history teaches is that Marxists use the lure of socialism with the goal of Totalitarianism, at the top of the pyramid scheme.
No Biden creature wants fairness and equity. It is about death and despair, but really fear of losing control and in this case watching his family imprisoned.
Yes, you are correct and the quote below is a perfect description of communism implemented on a global scale--until recently, however, no one had the technology to engineer a worldwide power grab to enslave nearly everyone on earth (and I don't know anyone who thinks that communism is some benign little plan to "share"). In all of its various iterations, communism makes everyone equally poor (except for those at the top of government) and results in the murders of massive numbers of people. Communism has been implemented in many places many times throughout history, and it never runs any other way.
The goal of progressivism is the implementation of communism, and it cannot be achieved until the public is demoralized. The communists have been working for decades to corrupt society, using many, many different devious strategies, and it's coming to fruition now.
"WEF isn't looking for communism for themselves, just for you. And their version of communism isn't communal property. It is a total surveillance state hellscape where your actions, thoughts, biology and lifespan are determined by your owner. Not you. Someone else. And guess what: They don't want to fight a majority, so plan on a lot less human beings existing at all. Like they trained you to tacitly accept with generations of the "too many people" mantra. Again, not for mother earth's sake, but for a handful of your owners' convenience."
Lotta the ground level Democrat types consider themselves "socialists". By which many (not all) of them mean, "hey, let's not kick the poor!" These folks are "leftist" because that used to mean "liberal". Free speech & social safety net - old skool. These people can readily be won over to our side.
Some "leftists" may have romantic, ahistorical ideas about actually existing historical socialist/communist states. A few may even be serious commies - like the kinda folks who've read Marx, Lenin, Mao, etc and earnestly want the working people to appropriate the means of production. But surely any real commies are very very uncomfortable with the "left" today. They must know that Comrade Lenin - let alone Comrades Stalin or Mao! - would condemn the leaders of our "left" as degenerate bourgeoisie and stand them up against the wall.
The true hardcore foot soldiers of the contemporary left are "queers" - i.e. people who lionize sexual & social degeneracy, and seek to criminalize virtue. These people probably cannot be reasoned with. Fortunately I believe they are a small minority, even among ostensible "leftists".
Kudos to Mark Crispin Miller for his heroic efforts and success in the struggle. We the People must always be aware of the existential threats lurking behind this fight!
All manner of lies and propaganda spew forth from the upper echelons in governments worldwide who are completely intertwined with the global criminal ruling class that wants to commit the worst atrocities imaginable and suffer no consequences. And their corruption slithers down the chain of command creating petty tyrants everywhere.
It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!
We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.
There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.
How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!
Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.
There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!
MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
One point you made (although ALL are excellent), really strikes me. I’ve been saying for years now, if we think our 2nd amendment is going to save us from tyranny, we are sadly (and tragically) mistaken. All the firearms in our homes are going to be useless when the WEF/UN military forces come to each and every house, picking us off one by one.
Totalitarianism is precise, but also difficult to pronounce and understand for some.
In November 2000, Carter Administration DOJ Nazi Hunter Prosecutor, John Loftus said:
"And I think what we have had is a series of multinational corporations behaving like pirates. And they have no ideology. They don't care about America, they don’t care about Nazi Germany. They only care about money."
The WEF Corps are looking for controlled markets, just like Maderno and Pfizer have with MRNA. The Globalists are a swarm of Psychos who want control over monopolies
Readers: this writer exemplifies what I saw on Facebook for 12 years: not one liberal ever apologize that their policies:
Liberals NEVER admitted their policies, failing, unless they added, everyone’s policies failed right after they said it. Just like this writer. And liberals ALWAYS said their idea went bad due to politicians, it was always “someone else made it bad”, not them. NO LIBERAL EVER CRITICIZED ANOTHER LIBERAL POLICY. ZERO. with conservative present.
Meanwhile, all my conservative friends would respectfully debate which conservative solution was the best. They had no issue criticizing Reagan policy, or Bush etCetera.
The left always goes off the rails, and then says it’s not their fault.
Communism has no checks or balances. That’s the problem.
The constitution allowed a state to be communist, but no state ever wanted to do it because it doesn’t work.
Until the federal government started paying for everything, then the leftists did it at the federal level, so no one could compare two states’ finances.
Thank you for this necessary and important corrective MCM. What further complicates the matter is the almost total failure of both the Marxist ad liberal Left to grapple with the COVID lies in an objective manner including the deadly vax which most of them have promoted. There is a site called real-left which has taken this on as well as the Workers League website which I encourage people here to access.
I often find myself saying that Russia has been the American boogeyman ever since its 1917 Revolution that overthrew Czarist Russia and its feudalism for an effort to create a Socialist State. The right has been hysterical about government support of the people with programs like Social Security, public education, etc They have latched onto this anti-communist, marxism mantra as most Americans, both right and left are well socialized into this fear of Russia and Communism and Socialism. Even looking at Canada with its successful socialized medicine or the UK and other EU countries with their numerous social programs that ensured people has jobs, housing, day care, health care, etc that kept the people relatively well cared about and much healthier than those in the US. This country has propagandized people to belief that Capitalism is the only economic system that can work. Even people on the right who hate the government and industry will still support Capitalism with no other solution for life beyond its ruthless oppression and increasing wealth gap at the public's expense. And I love the people on the Left with their graduate degrees arguing about the total failure of Socialist Cuba or Venezuela and refusing to look at the cruel and disruptiveness of American theft of funds and crippling sanctions. They are totally blind to the success of these societies that nationalize their own wealth and provide housing, education and food for their people. Propaganda is never taught in American schools except if it to describe what is defined as failed States like Hitler's Germany or Stalin's Russia, etc. Undoing this cellular level imprinting of American propaganda will be a massive re-educational training.
Exactly. The Cold War in its heyday---1947-1960---brainwashed the American people, many of whom feel all too comfortable with that kind of paranoid discourse.
I cringe a little when people say that govts should provide housing, food, education because.it creates people with no incentive to do anything and are dependent upon the govt for life. Sure, people need a hand up at times but not life where all is given as long as you are willing to align yourself with your leader's beliefs. Socialized medicine is not the success that you claim. And when the gov't decides you need certain shots to participate, even a bit evil. When you are massively taxed so everyone can have (bad) medical care and "free" housing, it also is a disincentive to work if your money is all being taken from you. Free medical care does not imply good medical care. The current medical system both here and in "free" systems is completely broken. No health is being provided. Only symptom masking making customers for life.
We do not agree. Government's role should be about supporting the needs of the people. Now one thing your thinking never seems to take into consideration is that people do prefer to work and take care of themselves. However, we have many disabled people who cannot work. Many are vaccine and medically caused problems. Others are from the toxic environments that cause chronic illness and that is what our Capitalist system has been allowed to create. Then we have the problem that Capitalism is only about profits and not people. Thus, if you know your history, after the Korean war the economy was burgeoning with new consumer industries, housing, and military weaponry. People pretty much had work --unless you were Black, Asian or Jewish. That was and still is a big fight for equity in employment. Unions were also becoming empowered due to the demand for labor. The answer was to mechanize production and that was followed by the outsourcing of production to countries without labor and environmental laws to protect workers. I recall Nike paying $.25/hour in Nicaragua to factory workers making those Nike sneakers that sold here for over $70-80.00 at that time. Now we had a new layer of unemployed people who could not get work. Or work available still left them impoverished and needing the support of programs like food stamps and WIC. Today we still have a serious job problem and there are 1000's working people with at least 2 people in a family working who cannot afford food, gas to get to work, health care, etc. I can go on but I think you get the picture. One thing the GOP did was create this illusion of millions of able bodied people who only want a hand out. It was a divisive tactic based on racism as the mantra also focused on those untrustworthy people (I wont list the language that was/is used ). Realty is most people on these programs are white people, often single mothers whose partners left, died or were abusive and elderly people beyond the age of being able to work. So I see your 'cringing' as a reflection of a well planned effort to create prejudice to be used to create a great division amongst the population. We now also have the issue of people who are incarcerated, mainly for low level survival crimes due to lack of jobs that paid a survival income. The prison industry is a profit making, private industry that thrives on creating the conditions that keep people imprisoned. Things like holding people accountable for crimes after they paid their debt to society but they are now banned from employment and other opportunities that would help them get focused in life differently than what got them in trouble, most often when very young. Now we have millions of people who are literally banned from getting into schools and training and employment due to this bias against them. It is one reason people have worked to 'ban the box' which is a check box on job, school and housing applications that eliminates people . I would seriously encourage you to study other sources of information from people who actually do professional study and can inform you more accurately of the situation in this country . Your concern about the amount of money the government spends is so miniscule on helping people its a joke. People are given subsidies that barely keep them alive and those funds go right back into the economy in the form of food, rent and utilities. It is actually a subsidy for the corporate State and functions as very cheap lollipops to keep people from rising up in anger and violence. We have had this condition in our history and perhaps you don't know that history but the government sure does and will work to prevent it from occurring again. Sorry for such a long response but I have heard your concerns many times before and in less than your polite terms.
Yes, I'm familiar with much of what you said. I'm an old fart whose seen all the changes in this country and knows a bit of history. I know the game is fixed but I still see that when you give people free stuff they tend to expect more free stuff and their incentives to ever achieve self-sufficiency is reduced. Politicians are aware of this and is a way to gain votes. My own county used this with the police and teacher's unions. They gave those two groups massive benefits(free stuff like full medical and very generous pensions) to keep them voting for them. We, the tax-payers provided that "free stuff" to the degree that my high property taxes forced me to move from the area. Someone always pays for free stuff. The human spirit only thrives when it is allowed to seek it's own joy, not to do the bidding of some gov't entity for a handout. Now, on the flip side, the politicians are beholden to corporations for their financial support and create regulations that also strip people of their ability to seek that joy. Corporations are allowed to pay less than living wages and to outsource their labor to cheaper countries. That leaves people with no ability to pay for their health care or real food. Corporations unfortunately also completely control food production and health care(in concert with gov't). Ironically, you mention the vaccine injured that now need gov't assistance. It was gov't policies that created their injury. That's what you get with free health care. Small farmers are disappearing and doctors give you 30 seconds of their time so their answer is often a prescription that only keeps you chronically ill. Real food heals and real health care cannot be found at a doctor's office.
So what is the answer? I think of a Simpsons episode where Homer was trying to keep a lobster alive in his fish tank. He added salt until the lobster started to go belly up and then added water until it was revived and doing that a few times, he found a balance where the lobster was comfortable. Corporations are now running the country with even bigger investment companies and individuals that we never hear of actually manipulating it all. But I also see when nations like China decide what is right for every citizen and monitor their every move, control their money, keep them all in lockstep with social credit systems, "educate" them to worship their leaders and give all to the state that supports them(as long as they surrender themselves to that state). Somewhere there is a balance. We need gov't for the protection of the citizens but not to the point that it robs people of their ability to find dignity in their work, value to life, to create and to grow.
Substituting big brother corporations for big brother gov't ain't the answer.
this ideal goes back to the Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité of the French Revolution (before it too would become totally compromised and turned into the horrific years of the Jacobins and their Committee of Public Safety, 1792-1794).
You confuse what should be and what has happened under control of the corporations. If you understand the concept of what should be and see that it isn;t that is what must define the goals for activism and change.
Remember the concept that Government should be Of the People, By the People, and for the People? If not that, then why have a government? Just to promote wars? Just to promote Corporate greed and fascism!
Sure, the Founding Fathers (roughly half of whom owned slaves) wanted the assistance of (white) men in throwing off the yoke of the Crown & Bank of E., but then wrote a Constitution in which only white men of property --about 5% of the population--got to vote. How would the US have turned out if, say, ONLY ppl w/ LESS THAN, say, $20K to their name got to vote?
this discussion is difficult because it hinges on complicated definitions, but at the core is the ideal, or understanding that workers, have-nots and the poorest groups in society deserve a decent income ('Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité). how that could or should be organised is the big question! the unions used to protect workers' rights, but they are severely compromised and only serve to maintain the unequal (and unfair) balance between corporatism and labour.
There is an excellent book by Simon Elmer, The Road to Fascism, written from a left perspective that those of us who considered ourselves left and have been abandoned by our peers can identify with. While I/you may not agree with everything (in the old days you didn't have to agree with everything in order to discuss something - I think that's what "dialogue" means) it is worth a serious reading.
"The Road to Fascism" By Simon Elmer is essential reading for anyone trying to understand the world since March 2020. Unlike most authors, he makes his arguments based on studying government policies, so he can't be dismissed as a conspiracy theorist.
TY. Totally agree about respectful discussion especially when there is disagreement.. I can share that some of my most memorable conversations have been with people diametrically opposite to my way of thinking. However, there was respect and kindness in the exchange which left us both feeling satisfied in the relationship. So I know that it is possible but can only happen when both parties are committed to a level of respect and civility.
I will consider your reading recommendation but that is hard for me given visual difficulties. I will look it up including reviews to at least give me a good understanding of the book's position.
Worth noting the Soviet revolutions & Hitler were funded by the same Wall Street Banksters who created and run our secret government. Some have full text at Wayback well documented in 35 economic text books by Antony Sutton.
Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, 1917-1930.
Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, 1930-1945
Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, 1945-1965.
National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union.
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution
Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler
Wall Street and FDR.
The War on Gold
How the Order Controls Education. (Yale University's Skull and Bones unmasked). Yale is the evil twin versus Harvard which is the good university!!
Canada had a very good health care system as did other nations. Unfortunately the US did not learn to imitate them but worked to impose its own system of limited services for greater profit and those systems are going the way the US medical industry has been pushing. What is important is recognizing what was that worked and promoting that instead of the death defying system we have in the US My understanding is from the many people who have experienced both systems and wrote/spoke about the vast difference in costs and outcomes. As someone who seems to critique this country, you must be aware that anything that tries to share or portray a better system gets distorted and lied about in MSM which most people tend to take in without any real knowledge.
I always am listening to people with ideas like yours but never hear any meaningful critique or vision for how to create a better system that provide equity for everyone.
I have taken great care of myself for the reason that CHINADA has never had a "good " health care system.
I found that out as a young person when relatives who needed certain medical tretreatments went to America so they could actually get the treatment without waiting to die.
And that was in the 70s and 80s.
My family was hard working blue collar mostly so not wealthy but they realized to get their treatment they needed to find the money to survive.
Even things as simple as MRIs would have months on the waiting list.
They would go to N Y state since we are in Ontario .
Or just go where they had to.
That was decades ago.
It's gotten much worse and OF course now there is NO HEALTH CARE at all if one wants a medical Dr.
I haven't had a Dr in 10 years.
Now they are dying suddenly.
I use alternative philosophies.
This is on purpose of course as we now know.
The next big fight is the tyrannical gub'ment coming to take our supplements within two years.
I'm going to be part of that fight doing what I can since learning and implementing nutrition is how we stay strong and lean for decades.
It is not the health care system as it was originally designed but the efforts to destroy it that you are describing. WE have known for decades the Codex Alimentarius demands that all countries work to destroy holistic healing. They also demand, maybe in subtle ways, the destruction of social programs to benefit the people. Not noted by you is how the medical industry in Canada as in the US has gotten control of the system which works solely to privatize service for profit at our expense. As a child I seemed to have gotten the message (not from my working class parents) that the medical industry was not to be trusted. Many decades later I have a long history of study and practice to build health without drugs or co-dependence on that industry. Yes, it works to create co-dependence and acts like a controlling addict who will manipulate, coerce and outright threaten and destroy any that try to free themselves from that controlling abuse. We need to define the problem clearly and not just throw around blame without looking at the real power source and how it operates. That includes controlling the government. In the US, to remind, we have many structures created to ensure that control. One of the most powerful was SCOTUS ruling in favor of Citizen's United which opened the flood gates for corporate use of money to control politics; ie, the government.
Sorry I didn't mention the Flexnor report from 100 plus years ago where 97% of homeopathic DRs where destroyed.
Putting us into The EVIL Rockefellor Allopathic Reductionistic philosophy that I saw here in CHINADA growing up as I said were we wait to get service for anything almost.
I did a paper mid-1970's on Women in Medicine which took me into the history of medical industry and its nefarious use of Edward Bernays use of his uncle Freud's psychology priniciples for mass social manipulation The early medical associations were failures and those who became 'doctors' has no more than 1 yrs training. In the very early 20c the medical group that formed received Rockefeller money which they used to create branding of allopathic doctors and attack the holistic ones. The Flexner Report was the tool they created to assault the homeopathic colleges, calling them defective, which caused loss of their funding. Trying to survive as a profession they linked with the new AMA and the rest is history. Interestingly the same parallel history was uncovered with women in labor (not pregnancy-LOL). A very powerful, radical movement that supported women and their unionizind was desroyed and women pushed out of the labor market for many decades. Going back to the AMA, what most don't know is that Rockefeller believed in using Homeopathy and expected that fledgling AMA group to equally support it. But the head of that group and, we can suppose, his cohorts saw the power in promoting patented chemical drugs and he rest is history.
All that money would go to Biden in America. And that is the point, any socialism gives power to too few and they keep it all for themselves.
The problem is not in a "communal" ideaology, it is in humans themselves. We dont share well and are animals. In fact, humans behave most like chimps who are the only animals that run in packs and use intellect against enemies.
I read an article wear a man needed surgery and the lady on the phone said it would be 6 months OR you can volunteer for MAIDS. Which is Medical Assistance In Death System or something like that.
EVERY country w/ socialized medicine, at least right up until The Scamdemic, had higher longevity, WAY less poverty, healthier ppl by every metric than did the U.S.--even Canada. Seems to me that the entire scamdemic being pushed via gov't-issued mandates was intended to be a smear of socialized medicine. And Canadian healthcare has been under serious attack during the past decade. THE way to hamstring socialized medicine is to under-fund it, e.g., not hiring enough staff, so that, e.g., ppl have to wait half a year or more for treatment. Those who want you to believe that socialism means spending other ppls' (finite) money don't seem to understand that 90% of all US wealth is in the hands of 2% of its population, or that the Constitution allows Congress to create all the currency it needs to run a just country w/out having to tax anyone.
On the contrary. Obamacare had to be fully enacted to pull of the Fake Pandemic. Doctors under Corp control, under directions from the Governments sent people home until it was too late, rather than early treatment, which would have happened under a free system.
Then when the Covid victims.came with purple lips, the marching orders were to vent and Remdesiver: a death protocol.
Marxists love Social medicine, its a license to kill.
Picky points: Remdesivir was left over from Fauci's "cure" (LOL!) for AIDS; Obamacare not only kept the profit-motive firmly entrenched in "healthcare", but threw 30 million Americans under the bus right from the start, in exchange for allowing the IRS to help itself to the contents of Americans' bank accounts if it decided, unilaterally, that they hadn't bought "enough" "insurance" (which isn't required to actually pay for anyone's healthcare); all those countries w/ socialized medicine had healthier populations decades before Obama came along AS WELL AS THROUGHOUT THE SCAMDEMIC; and, according to Prof. Richard D. Wolff, what Marx wanted was democracy in the workplace. Gov't & corporations working together is fascism.
Thanks for this, Mark. Whilst I put behind me Leninism in the 1980s. I saw myself still of the Left, even as a libertarian, till the last few critical years. Escaping from the Left bubble has been energising and troubling. I have read and conversed with folk from across the political spectrum to my intellectual and political nourishment. This said, I have sighed at yet another frankly ignorant sideswipe at 'Marxism and Communism'. the latter a seductive utopian dream free from authoritarianism. This said it is clear that the ruling class has incorporated and neutered the struggles of the oppressed and bought off its leaders. Hence I understand the feeling that the 'commies' have captured the elite. But these people do not represent the possibilities of a social force arising from below utterly opposed to the technocratic authoritarian agenda we face. Such a social force has to transcend stereotypes of Left and Right, of the spritual and the material and so on. . At bottom we are not prepared to do as instructed.
Thank you Mark. It is time that the formulation of what we are up against becomes more universally reality based. There never has been communism, capitalism, socialism, national socialism, and etc. existing in the real world as they were put forth in theory. These terms have always been about marketing, misdirection, and then control . Capitalism, communism, socialism, climate activism, woke activism, CRT, and etc. are infomercials. Adam Smith was paid to write The Wealth of Nations, the edifice on which capitalism was built to create a façade of academic creds for colonialism. Communism was financed by the same group, much later in time to practice new improved methods of mass control. Our Civil War was an attempt by the British to crush the manufacturing north and continue to benefit from the 'low cost' labor of the south. WW1 was created by the same mentality in an attempt to maintain British dominance in the face of the growing German economy. WW2 was about creating a one world government under genocidal fascism, which we are now living under part 2. Do the elite - I hate that term, it is so misleading - really care about the environment, the Ukrainian people, the rights of people of color, our health, or those of nontraditional sexual orientations? Of course not, they are just red herrings to give a caring appearance to our government, give people on the left issues to get excited about, and then to use these issues to create crises that they can then solve by implementing the policies that were the true motivation behind fomenting these agendas in the first place. As you are saying Mark, if we don't open our eyes to who the real enemy is we are just playing into their age old game of conquering us by dividing us.
I am not a learned person regarding Marxist thought. I’ve read a history of him and a bit of Das Capital. But the mostly conservative folks who constantly spout “Marxism is destroying us all,” always leave me feeling flat and dissatisfied with their comments. They’re disingenuous, historically wrong, and NOT learned, these comments from them. They are instead reactionary. I’d like to get away from all reactionaries of every stripe. Thanks, Mark Crispin Miller. You are a light in the darkness.
"Reactionary." Now there's a word straight outta the commie manifesto. er I mean "The Communist Manifesto. Reactionary this, reactionary that, it's a word that spices up the whole boring evil thing from beginning to end. "historically wrong." that's another one.
as a student we read some of Marx' writings, including The Communist Manifesto (23 pages). "Reactionary" is not "straight outta the commie manifesto", but a much earlier term derived from the French word réactionnaire (a late 18th-century coinage based on the word réaction, "reaction"). In 19th Century European politics, the reactionary class included the Catholic Church's hierarchy and the aristocracy, royal families, and royalists who believed that national government was the sole domain of the Church and the State - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reactionary
Marx's "reactionary class" isn't the French royals. It's conservatives and "reactionaries of every stripe" (quoting mel). The "historically wrong" no-goodniks that Mel wants to get away from.
"Reactionary" is a marxist slur like "lumpenproletariat." It's a cognate of the french, german and spanish words which derive from latin not french. Mel didn't pull it out of le tribun du peuple lol. "Lumpenproletariat" derives from Marx's head. He made it up. Which tells you where his aristocratic bigoted head was at.
politely disagree. in Europe it is used as a political term, and certain political parties carry it in the name of their party. it intends to make clear what type of policy they stand for (not my type of friends, but you might've guessed that already). 'Lumpenproletariat' means nothing more, nothing less than 'the poorest of the poor', or 'have-nots', probably including hillary's infamous 'deplorables'. although in most Western countries this category has been able to find better futures for their children (very slow but discernible upward social mobility; mostly through education, basic health care and equal opportunities for boys and girls), in many other countries there still are visible, appalling and persistent levels of poverty that should make everyone ashamed. think international migrant labour - no hope, no protection, very few means to escape.
When the world is run by private racketeers, the government is co-opted for the benefit of immense private wealth, the censorship machine is run by private corporations, and the lower and middle class earned equity is being inexorably suctioned upward by every major and minor event in recent history, we have a word for that and it isn’t communism. Begins with F…
As if the Kremlin is still Marxist. I appreciate your words here, Mark. Too often conservatives and libertarians consider liberals to be leftists. Because Biden and the DNC have shown their COVID policy to be disrespectful of human freedom, its an easy mistake to make. The DNC and Biden are more correctly considered fascist, or right wing revolutionary tyrants. I say that because to me, fascism is the unity of the state and corporations.
Thanks so much for this. I am writing something similar. Near the end of the misnamed "Great Awakening" Mattias Desmet says that the dissidents who resist the mass formation have to be careful that they don't form their own mass. I think that is exactly what is happening. They are consumed with disparaging the wrong people and isms which is not getting us closer to the society we desire. I wonder if some of the people in the film are not pleased with being part of it.
Thanks so much, Mark, for addressing this directly. Every time I read yet another galling reference to the "great Commie conspiracy," spouted by various "thought leaders" in our midst, I see (pardon the pun) red.
Thank you again, Mark. Everyone can benefit from reading much of Marx, I think--especially 'The Working Day' in Capital--more graphic and affecting than even Dickens. I also think that the WEF tries to hide its in-plain-sight Corporatist Fascism (see the WEF's 100 Strategic Partners) behind Green Hooey of professed socialism. The WEF is ALWAYS doing good, id'n't It?
Labels are not that helpful. Most accurate one I have heard is “Neo feudalism”. Basically slavery for majority and all the power in the hands of the few. I guess “Neo” refers to enslavement by technology and debt.
The globalists convince liberals that only right wing conspiracy theorists oppose their agenda so all good liberals naturally support the globalist's agenda because they don't want to be right wing conspiracy theorists.
The globalists convince conservatives that Communist China supports their agenda so all conservatives naturally opposed that because they don't want to be communists, And when they see liberals supporting that agenda they are even more convinced that liberals are Marxists.
So I guess George Soros, Klaus Schwab, and Bill Gates are Communists or at least Marxists,
Both sides get something and meanwhile the globalists sit back and enjoy the theater
while emerald robinson et al. are doing valuable work exposing the globalist agenda, the communist-vs-capitalist dichotomy is a slightly more elevated variant on the false dichotomy of left-vs.-right. political ideologies are better described by the horseshoe theory than a simplistic linear continuum.
did communism ever exist? under the romanovs, russia was exploited and plundered by european powers much as the brits did in india, and that byzantine bureaucratic legacy was ripe for transformation into the soviet system and the nomenklatura at the top.
in china, the world's most influential narcoterrorist organization, the dutch east india company, set up local cartels to rule the coastal cities with the same ruthlessness as their more modern mexican counterparts.
in the post-mao period in "communist" china, their most successful oligarchs are revered almost as gods. "communism" with chinese features hardly qualifies as such. it's all rhetoric, just as DEI has nothing to do with diversity, equity and inclusion other than including us all among a race of slaves.
Since you bring up Marx, Communism, Council on Foreign Relations and infectious disease I'd be remiss in not sharing what I've written about on my Stack that explores the very subject:
Foreign Affairs is an international affairs publication supported by and intended for the globalist audience, those who believe in one-world governance, varieties found both on the left and right. It is a highly influential publication in those circles. It is published by the Council on Foreign Relations.
In one of the links in the FA article above I recently clicked into when I was rediscovering old articles I had read was this book out of China, published in 2013:
Rural Health Care Delivery
Modern China from the Perspective of Disease Politics
VERY interesting. From the book's official description:
"Diseases are everyday, ordinary occurrences intimately related to people’s daily lives. However, as the metaphor of the “Sick Man of East Asia” emerged against the backdrop of a weak modern China, health care and the curing of diseases were turned into grand state politics with far-reaching implications. This book, starting with the argument for diseases being metaphors, describes and interprets such incidents in China’s history as the Abolishment of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Patriotic Hygiene Campaign and the Cooperative Medical Services. In an effort to reveal the internal logic of disease politics in the transformation of the state-people relationship, the book analyzes key aspects including the politicization and inclusion of diseases in state governance, the double disciplining of hygiene, legitimacy construction of the state, the remaking of the nationals, and the expansion of the “publicness” of the state. The book argues that disease politics in modern China has developed following the path from nationals to the people, and then to citizens, or from crisis politics and mobilization politics to life politics. In addition, a marked change has occurred in China’s state building: increasingly standard, rationalized and institutionalized means have been employed while the non-standard means, such as large-scale mobilization and ideological coercion, had been historically used in China."
It's a very long book, I didn't take the time to read it all. However I did read chapters and sections with titles that jumped out at me. And share those titles and sections on my Stack that were most interesting in the context of understanding the world today, how infectious disease is very useful to fundamentally transform a nation of free, sovereign individuals into a collective population under central authoritarian control. Left and Right varieties
I encourage you, Mark, and all readers to learn the type of information that global leaders avail themselves to when they are speaking to one another, as the intended audience of Foreign Affairs is. Yes, Mark is right, we will not prevail over this intense push into collectivist authoritarianism unless we better understand those who are doing the pushing. And how using infectious disease to herd us is an age-old, well-practiced tactic of despots and tyrants of all types throughout history.
As Marx and Engels wrote about the separation of Natural from Social sciences:
"We know only a single science, the science of history. One can look at history from two sides and divide it into the history of nature and the history of men. The two sides are, however, inseparable; the history of nature and the history of men are dependent on each other so long as men exist."
Meaning social science and behavioral science-based claims, like mask mandates are supported by The Best Science (TM) are equal to or more important than the natural and medical science evidence that masks don't work. Why freedom protests against lockdowns were dangerous, but social justice BLM protests at the same time were safe and necessary.
Social science, the science of men and Natural Science, the science of history are a single science to the Marxist. Each useful to achieve a collectivist agenda, one. As was science prior to the Age of Enlightenment, Reason, before Rene Descartes and John Locke devised the scientific method of natural scientific discovery, separate, to debunk the social science agendas and plans of monarchs and clergy, leading to four-hundred years of freedom-enhancing discoveries. Being shut down by the social science agendas and plans of totalitarians again today, in the twighlight of a Neo-Dark Ages. What say We, The People?
China's "double discipline" method of governance involves the Asian martial arts concept of internal and external discipline. External being force, coercion, the heavy hand of authority to compel behaviors. Internal being an orientation of the self to elevate the needs of a collective above one's own selfish needs, a virtuous act of obedience without the threat of force.
External force was initially relied upon by Mao and the Communists to break the independent will of the nationals, the individualists in China after securing power in the People's Revolution. Hard, harsh, 'resistance is futile' type External discipline. As the willful and disobedient were killed, reformed or bent into submission by the External discipline the softer form of Internal discipline was advanced through massive propaganda and reeducation campaigns. The public mind was assaulted and continues to be assaulted to this day.
Manufacturing Consent (borrowing from Marxist Noam Chomsky) to collectivist authoritarianism as virtuous, desirous, more enlightened than base, selfish, individual freedom. Sound familiar? Double discipline. The Chinese method of collectivist authoritarian control. Tried and true method. And why Foreign Affairs highlighted the book in March, 2020, at the onset of pandemania.
Excellent and refreshing. The tired trope of 'communism bad' is meaningless and misdirected. As you note, it really distracts us from who is manipulating these affairs and prevents a deeper understanding, not just of Marx, but the globalists trying to harm and eliminate us.
Thank you! The overuse of the word Communism is detracting from the depths of the problems we face. It almost makes it sound as if we are fighting for one political ideology over another, which is, as my dad used to say "picking pimples when you need open heart surgery."
What we are facing is overt totalitarian global slavery systems. Whether we get there from leaning excessively left or excessively right, the outcome is the same. It is not a continuum; it is a circle. We are being manipulated hard and heavy to tip to the deadly rock bottom of the dial, left or right notwithstanding.
Like you said, no amount of substacking can do justice to the concepts and real-life implementations of communism (or any of the other political/social/economic systems we pretend to understand and survey from superior positions.)
What I know is that my own gradual fondness for pre-2014 leftist policies was probably a reaction! A reaction to the disgusting, compassionless, and pretentious "I've got mine, what's your problem?" Reagan years. Bleccchh. The delusional Libertarians ignoring crumbling infrastructure and prepping personally, or the nasty Republicans waiting for the poor to simply die off, saying things like "Who is going to pay for it?" and trickling obscene money upward and out of the country permanently. They also decided, with Reagan's help, that education was for that cream of the crop who had the good sense to be born rich and everyone else could find their way to prison. Actual prison or free-range prison. (Save it. I'm currently politically homeless like so many.)
Then, the same people are appalled that the ignorant and angry younger generation seems ready to hand it all over to the commies with the (incorrect) thought that it can't get any worse than smug boomers who call them lazy for not showing up at jobs that pay less than the bus fare to get there. "Nothing for you unless you're a Kardashian, and angry rapper, or a tech mogul..."
The slaves with slightly nicer toys are conveniently trained to attack the slaves with less-nice toys, or adopt ever more "new and special" bizarre status to gain a foothold to survival on crumbs...without ever asking, "Who is actually at the table and who determines where these crumbs fall?
Hint: WEF isn't looking for communism for themselves, just for you. And their version of communism isn't communal property. It is a total surveillance state hellscape where your actions, thoughts, biology and lifespan are determined by your owner. Not you. Someone else. And guess what: They don't want to fight a majority, so plan on a lot less human beings existing at all. Like they trained you to tacitly accept with generations of the "too many people" mantra. Again, not for mother earth's sake, but for a handful of your owners' convenience. (For proof: Review 2020-2023 overall, including Ivy league schools that get more money from the NIH grants--your money--than from tuition! Or illegal G-of-F outsourced to foreign labs for weaponization to drive forced pseudo medicine/bioweapon administration. Can you say population reduction? Again you get to pay for it AND cling to your executioners in fear under censorship and a continual barrage of propaganda.)
Yes, withholding education has bitten the US on the behind, hasn't it? First being used to justify outsourcing jobs overseas and then to automation, then AI. While we were busy in the 1980's with "greed is good" and unregulated capitalism, we shifted massive amounts of people to poverty and hopelessness against an ever-decreasing few at the top.
What could possibly go wrong? Seen the news lately?
THIS!!! 👆👆👆👆👆👆
So at one point you say we should not fight communism...it doesnt exist.
Then you say WEF are commies as Totalitarianism is the end stage and goal of communism. Totalitarianism is Communism, its just Marxists use the lure of "getting it free" to create Chaos.
The lefties are in denial that they got this country into this mess by pushing ever progressive nuttery, now including chopping off genitals. The left is socialist and socialism is communism. That point cannot be accepted by many, including Dear Mark because it would be admitting this Coup of our country lies on their wacko shoulders.
*Agreed that the "left" I once aligned with at heart doesn't exist (if it ever did) and what has taken its place is some kind of grotesque melange of crazy-town bullying, bizarre, double-speak nonscience nonsense that seems to want unfettered access to people's kids, open season on white males, legislated emotions, kindergarten-level logic with supreme court power, and some kind of pro-war, pro-censorship, 100% dominance turnaround that is unrecognizable to me.
FYI: Yes, I just thought it would be nice to give life-sustaining support to single moms over tax gifts to the WalMart heirs. Now, the left is so far left of me I can't even see them anymore.
Agreed. Today's 'left' is a disaster and it has chosen to act as an appendage of oligarchy.
"Left" isn't allowed in American politics. The closest we've got seems to be Bernie who, by global standards, barely makes it far enough left to be a centrist.
Fair enough.
Government belongs in neither live support to anybody nor fascism (tax gifts to the Oligarchy) IMO.
Didn't say item 1, 2 or 3. Nopey nope. You would make a great reporter! Have a nice day.
A good one.
Totalitarianism is not necessarily communism, although it can be. Totalitarianism encompasses much more than communism. It can also be fascism (the Nazis were totalitarian) or something that combines elements of both. It can also take a technocratic form. Communism is only one possible form of totalitarianism. What is currently being imposed on the world by billionaire oligarchs may have elements of communism (and fascism) but it's something distinct from anything we saw last century.
Having said that, today's 'left' is a disaster and it has chosen to act as an appendage of oligarchy.
Every iteration of communism is somewhat different--each dictator puts his own spin on it depending on his personal preferences. Hitler and Stalin were two sides of the same coin--they were like two street gang leaders fighting over territory.
The "everything bad is communism" view of history. The communist political prisoners in Nazi concentration camps would probably not have agreed that Hitler was a communist.
Kevin, we have that viee of communism because all communist Societies have failed or current hell holes.
If you dont mind me asking, what communist nation to you want to live in so badly? North Korea?
Capitalism "defeated" communism yet poverty and starvation are worse than ever. Is the notion of democratic control over our economic lives so awful that we accept the impoverishment of most of the world?
What's your idea of a successful capitalist country?
I wouldn't want to live in any tyrannical country, including communist ones, but that is already clear from my comments. The point is not all tyrannical systems are communist. Some have been fascist, some have been theocratic. I take it you would prefer those ones. Maybe Saudi Arabia or Iran?
What would the prisoners in the Soviet gulags have said?
Have you read "The Naked Communist" (https://www.amazon.com/Naked-Communist-1/dp/1630720615) or The Naked Socialist (https://www.amazon.com/Naked-Socialist-Paul-B-Skousen/dp/0910558736)?
The Nazis derived from a socialist party. The fascism component is a necessity as complex Societies will never be run by a political party again as it must incorporate big Corporations, outside of a collapse back to the stone age.
What history teaches is that Marxists use the lure of socialism with the goal of Totalitarianism, at the top of the pyramid scheme.
No Biden creature wants fairness and equity. It is about death and despair, but really fear of losing control and in this case watching his family imprisoned.
Yes, you are correct and the quote below is a perfect description of communism implemented on a global scale--until recently, however, no one had the technology to engineer a worldwide power grab to enslave nearly everyone on earth (and I don't know anyone who thinks that communism is some benign little plan to "share"). In all of its various iterations, communism makes everyone equally poor (except for those at the top of government) and results in the murders of massive numbers of people. Communism has been implemented in many places many times throughout history, and it never runs any other way.
The goal of progressivism is the implementation of communism, and it cannot be achieved until the public is demoralized. The communists have been working for decades to corrupt society, using many, many different devious strategies, and it's coming to fruition now.
"WEF isn't looking for communism for themselves, just for you. And their version of communism isn't communal property. It is a total surveillance state hellscape where your actions, thoughts, biology and lifespan are determined by your owner. Not you. Someone else. And guess what: They don't want to fight a majority, so plan on a lot less human beings existing at all. Like they trained you to tacitly accept with generations of the "too many people" mantra. Again, not for mother earth's sake, but for a handful of your owners' convenience."
Excellent!. If Mark understood what you wrote and took it back to his college, we may have a future. Lol.
Lotta the ground level Democrat types consider themselves "socialists". By which many (not all) of them mean, "hey, let's not kick the poor!" These folks are "leftist" because that used to mean "liberal". Free speech & social safety net - old skool. These people can readily be won over to our side.
Some "leftists" may have romantic, ahistorical ideas about actually existing historical socialist/communist states. A few may even be serious commies - like the kinda folks who've read Marx, Lenin, Mao, etc and earnestly want the working people to appropriate the means of production. But surely any real commies are very very uncomfortable with the "left" today. They must know that Comrade Lenin - let alone Comrades Stalin or Mao! - would condemn the leaders of our "left" as degenerate bourgeoisie and stand them up against the wall.
The true hardcore foot soldiers of the contemporary left are "queers" - i.e. people who lionize sexual & social degeneracy, and seek to criminalize virtue. These people probably cannot be reasoned with. Fortunately I believe they are a small minority, even among ostensible "leftists".
Kudos to Mark Crispin Miller for his heroic efforts and success in the struggle. We the People must always be aware of the existential threats lurking behind this fight!
All manner of lies and propaganda spew forth from the upper echelons in governments worldwide who are completely intertwined with the global criminal ruling class that wants to commit the worst atrocities imaginable and suffer no consequences. And their corruption slithers down the chain of command creating petty tyrants everywhere.
Supporting this excellent post with a statement and useful links. RejectDigitalEnslavement.com
It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!
We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.
There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.
How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!
Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.
There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!
MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
Pam Popper: https://makeamericansfreeagain.com
Del Bigtree: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/highwire
Naomi Wolf: https://dailyclout.io
One point you made (although ALL are excellent), really strikes me. I’ve been saying for years now, if we think our 2nd amendment is going to save us from tyranny, we are sadly (and tragically) mistaken. All the firearms in our homes are going to be useless when the WEF/UN military forces come to each and every house, picking us off one by one.
The Vietnamese and Afghanis beg to differ on the viability of popular resistance against imperial military forces.
Aldous Huxley was, sadly, right on 👍
Totalitarianism is precise, but also difficult to pronounce and understand for some.
In November 2000, Carter Administration DOJ Nazi Hunter Prosecutor, John Loftus said:
"And I think what we have had is a series of multinational corporations behaving like pirates. And they have no ideology. They don't care about America, they don’t care about Nazi Germany. They only care about money."
From "Knowing The True Adversary" by Freedom Fox, https://freedomfox.substack.com/p/knowing-the-true-adversary.
So maybe the best word we can use, which everybody understands is "Centralism"?
noun | cen·tral·ism ˈsen-trə-ˌli-zəm
: the concentration of power and control in the central authority of an organization (such as a political or educational system)
That way, there is no ideology involved, only method.
... or Corpiratism? (intended spelling)
The WEF Corps are looking for controlled markets, just like Maderno and Pfizer have with MRNA. The Globalists are a swarm of Psychos who want control over monopolies
So well said...
Readers: this writer exemplifies what I saw on Facebook for 12 years: not one liberal ever apologize that their policies:
Liberals NEVER admitted their policies, failing, unless they added, everyone’s policies failed right after they said it. Just like this writer. And liberals ALWAYS said their idea went bad due to politicians, it was always “someone else made it bad”, not them. NO LIBERAL EVER CRITICIZED ANOTHER LIBERAL POLICY. ZERO. with conservative present.
Meanwhile, all my conservative friends would respectfully debate which conservative solution was the best. They had no issue criticizing Reagan policy, or Bush etCetera.
The left always goes off the rails, and then says it’s not their fault.
Communism has no checks or balances. That’s the problem.
The constitution allowed a state to be communist, but no state ever wanted to do it because it doesn’t work.
Until the federal government started paying for everything, then the leftists did it at the federal level, so no one could compare two states’ finances.
I want to add only this: thank you. And of course - oops, wrong planet.
Thank you for this necessary and important corrective MCM. What further complicates the matter is the almost total failure of both the Marxist ad liberal Left to grapple with the COVID lies in an objective manner including the deadly vax which most of them have promoted. There is a site called real-left which has taken this on as well as the Workers League website which I encourage people here to access.
I often find myself saying that Russia has been the American boogeyman ever since its 1917 Revolution that overthrew Czarist Russia and its feudalism for an effort to create a Socialist State. The right has been hysterical about government support of the people with programs like Social Security, public education, etc They have latched onto this anti-communist, marxism mantra as most Americans, both right and left are well socialized into this fear of Russia and Communism and Socialism. Even looking at Canada with its successful socialized medicine or the UK and other EU countries with their numerous social programs that ensured people has jobs, housing, day care, health care, etc that kept the people relatively well cared about and much healthier than those in the US. This country has propagandized people to belief that Capitalism is the only economic system that can work. Even people on the right who hate the government and industry will still support Capitalism with no other solution for life beyond its ruthless oppression and increasing wealth gap at the public's expense. And I love the people on the Left with their graduate degrees arguing about the total failure of Socialist Cuba or Venezuela and refusing to look at the cruel and disruptiveness of American theft of funds and crippling sanctions. They are totally blind to the success of these societies that nationalize their own wealth and provide housing, education and food for their people. Propaganda is never taught in American schools except if it to describe what is defined as failed States like Hitler's Germany or Stalin's Russia, etc. Undoing this cellular level imprinting of American propaganda will be a massive re-educational training.
Exactly. The Cold War in its heyday---1947-1960---brainwashed the American people, many of whom feel all too comfortable with that kind of paranoid discourse.
Have we ever gotten over the abuses of McCarthyism!
I cringe a little when people say that govts should provide housing, food, education because.it creates people with no incentive to do anything and are dependent upon the govt for life. Sure, people need a hand up at times but not life where all is given as long as you are willing to align yourself with your leader's beliefs. Socialized medicine is not the success that you claim. And when the gov't decides you need certain shots to participate, even a bit evil. When you are massively taxed so everyone can have (bad) medical care and "free" housing, it also is a disincentive to work if your money is all being taken from you. Free medical care does not imply good medical care. The current medical system both here and in "free" systems is completely broken. No health is being provided. Only symptom masking making customers for life.
We do not agree. Government's role should be about supporting the needs of the people. Now one thing your thinking never seems to take into consideration is that people do prefer to work and take care of themselves. However, we have many disabled people who cannot work. Many are vaccine and medically caused problems. Others are from the toxic environments that cause chronic illness and that is what our Capitalist system has been allowed to create. Then we have the problem that Capitalism is only about profits and not people. Thus, if you know your history, after the Korean war the economy was burgeoning with new consumer industries, housing, and military weaponry. People pretty much had work --unless you were Black, Asian or Jewish. That was and still is a big fight for equity in employment. Unions were also becoming empowered due to the demand for labor. The answer was to mechanize production and that was followed by the outsourcing of production to countries without labor and environmental laws to protect workers. I recall Nike paying $.25/hour in Nicaragua to factory workers making those Nike sneakers that sold here for over $70-80.00 at that time. Now we had a new layer of unemployed people who could not get work. Or work available still left them impoverished and needing the support of programs like food stamps and WIC. Today we still have a serious job problem and there are 1000's working people with at least 2 people in a family working who cannot afford food, gas to get to work, health care, etc. I can go on but I think you get the picture. One thing the GOP did was create this illusion of millions of able bodied people who only want a hand out. It was a divisive tactic based on racism as the mantra also focused on those untrustworthy people (I wont list the language that was/is used ). Realty is most people on these programs are white people, often single mothers whose partners left, died or were abusive and elderly people beyond the age of being able to work. So I see your 'cringing' as a reflection of a well planned effort to create prejudice to be used to create a great division amongst the population. We now also have the issue of people who are incarcerated, mainly for low level survival crimes due to lack of jobs that paid a survival income. The prison industry is a profit making, private industry that thrives on creating the conditions that keep people imprisoned. Things like holding people accountable for crimes after they paid their debt to society but they are now banned from employment and other opportunities that would help them get focused in life differently than what got them in trouble, most often when very young. Now we have millions of people who are literally banned from getting into schools and training and employment due to this bias against them. It is one reason people have worked to 'ban the box' which is a check box on job, school and housing applications that eliminates people . I would seriously encourage you to study other sources of information from people who actually do professional study and can inform you more accurately of the situation in this country . Your concern about the amount of money the government spends is so miniscule on helping people its a joke. People are given subsidies that barely keep them alive and those funds go right back into the economy in the form of food, rent and utilities. It is actually a subsidy for the corporate State and functions as very cheap lollipops to keep people from rising up in anger and violence. We have had this condition in our history and perhaps you don't know that history but the government sure does and will work to prevent it from occurring again. Sorry for such a long response but I have heard your concerns many times before and in less than your polite terms.
Yes, I'm familiar with much of what you said. I'm an old fart whose seen all the changes in this country and knows a bit of history. I know the game is fixed but I still see that when you give people free stuff they tend to expect more free stuff and their incentives to ever achieve self-sufficiency is reduced. Politicians are aware of this and is a way to gain votes. My own county used this with the police and teacher's unions. They gave those two groups massive benefits(free stuff like full medical and very generous pensions) to keep them voting for them. We, the tax-payers provided that "free stuff" to the degree that my high property taxes forced me to move from the area. Someone always pays for free stuff. The human spirit only thrives when it is allowed to seek it's own joy, not to do the bidding of some gov't entity for a handout. Now, on the flip side, the politicians are beholden to corporations for their financial support and create regulations that also strip people of their ability to seek that joy. Corporations are allowed to pay less than living wages and to outsource their labor to cheaper countries. That leaves people with no ability to pay for their health care or real food. Corporations unfortunately also completely control food production and health care(in concert with gov't). Ironically, you mention the vaccine injured that now need gov't assistance. It was gov't policies that created their injury. That's what you get with free health care. Small farmers are disappearing and doctors give you 30 seconds of their time so their answer is often a prescription that only keeps you chronically ill. Real food heals and real health care cannot be found at a doctor's office.
So what is the answer? I think of a Simpsons episode where Homer was trying to keep a lobster alive in his fish tank. He added salt until the lobster started to go belly up and then added water until it was revived and doing that a few times, he found a balance where the lobster was comfortable. Corporations are now running the country with even bigger investment companies and individuals that we never hear of actually manipulating it all. But I also see when nations like China decide what is right for every citizen and monitor their every move, control their money, keep them all in lockstep with social credit systems, "educate" them to worship their leaders and give all to the state that supports them(as long as they surrender themselves to that state). Somewhere there is a balance. We need gov't for the protection of the citizens but not to the point that it robs people of their ability to find dignity in their work, value to life, to create and to grow.
Substituting big brother corporations for big brother gov't ain't the answer.
this ideal goes back to the Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité of the French Revolution (before it too would become totally compromised and turned into the horrific years of the Jacobins and their Committee of Public Safety, 1792-1794).
That IS LITTERLY what killed millions, ie Take this Vaccine for the collective good.
You confuse what should be and what has happened under control of the corporations. If you understand the concept of what should be and see that it isn;t that is what must define the goals for activism and change.
Yikes is right.
Remember the concept that Government should be Of the People, By the People, and for the People? If not that, then why have a government? Just to promote wars? Just to promote Corporate greed and fascism!
Sure, the Founding Fathers (roughly half of whom owned slaves) wanted the assistance of (white) men in throwing off the yoke of the Crown & Bank of E., but then wrote a Constitution in which only white men of property --about 5% of the population--got to vote. How would the US have turned out if, say, ONLY ppl w/ LESS THAN, say, $20K to their name got to vote?
this discussion is difficult because it hinges on complicated definitions, but at the core is the ideal, or understanding that workers, have-nots and the poorest groups in society deserve a decent income ('Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité). how that could or should be organised is the big question! the unions used to protect workers' rights, but they are severely compromised and only serve to maintain the unequal (and unfair) balance between corporatism and labour.
There is an excellent book by Simon Elmer, The Road to Fascism, written from a left perspective that those of us who considered ourselves left and have been abandoned by our peers can identify with. While I/you may not agree with everything (in the old days you didn't have to agree with everything in order to discuss something - I think that's what "dialogue" means) it is worth a serious reading.
"The Road to Fascism" By Simon Elmer is essential reading for anyone trying to understand the world since March 2020. Unlike most authors, he makes his arguments based on studying government policies, so he can't be dismissed as a conspiracy theorist.
TY. Totally agree about respectful discussion especially when there is disagreement.. I can share that some of my most memorable conversations have been with people diametrically opposite to my way of thinking. However, there was respect and kindness in the exchange which left us both feeling satisfied in the relationship. So I know that it is possible but can only happen when both parties are committed to a level of respect and civility.
I will consider your reading recommendation but that is hard for me given visual difficulties. I will look it up including reviews to at least give me a good understanding of the book's position.
Worth noting the Soviet revolutions & Hitler were funded by the same Wall Street Banksters who created and run our secret government. Some have full text at Wayback well documented in 35 economic text books by Antony Sutton.
Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, 1917-1930.
Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, 1930-1945
Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, 1945-1965.
National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union.
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution
Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler
Wall Street and FDR.
The War on Gold
How the Order Controls Education. (Yale University's Skull and Bones unmasked). Yale is the evil twin versus Harvard which is the good university!!
"Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development 1930-1968 - DOCUMENTS - Parts 1-3" By ANTONY C. SUTTON
A meme went something like:
A man with a penis cut his hand, in the US, UK, and Canada
In the US treatment was swift and cost 66k
In the UK, the man almost bled to death, it was free.
In Canada he was asked if he was willing to commit suicide
Canada had a very good health care system as did other nations. Unfortunately the US did not learn to imitate them but worked to impose its own system of limited services for greater profit and those systems are going the way the US medical industry has been pushing. What is important is recognizing what was that worked and promoting that instead of the death defying system we have in the US My understanding is from the many people who have experienced both systems and wrote/spoke about the vast difference in costs and outcomes. As someone who seems to critique this country, you must be aware that anything that tries to share or portray a better system gets distorted and lied about in MSM which most people tend to take in without any real knowledge.
I always am listening to people with ideas like yours but never hear any meaningful critique or vision for how to create a better system that provide equity for everyone.
I'm 67 and born in CHINADA.
I have taken great care of myself for the reason that CHINADA has never had a "good " health care system.
I found that out as a young person when relatives who needed certain medical tretreatments went to America so they could actually get the treatment without waiting to die.
And that was in the 70s and 80s.
My family was hard working blue collar mostly so not wealthy but they realized to get their treatment they needed to find the money to survive.
Even things as simple as MRIs would have months on the waiting list.
They would go to N Y state since we are in Ontario .
Or just go where they had to.
That was decades ago.
It's gotten much worse and OF course now there is NO HEALTH CARE at all if one wants a medical Dr.
I haven't had a Dr in 10 years.
Now they are dying suddenly.
I use alternative philosophies.
This is on purpose of course as we now know.
The next big fight is the tyrannical gub'ment coming to take our supplements within two years.
I'm going to be part of that fight doing what I can since learning and implementing nutrition is how we stay strong and lean for decades.
Following Shawn Buckley and his organization at https://nhppa.org/.
It is not the health care system as it was originally designed but the efforts to destroy it that you are describing. WE have known for decades the Codex Alimentarius demands that all countries work to destroy holistic healing. They also demand, maybe in subtle ways, the destruction of social programs to benefit the people. Not noted by you is how the medical industry in Canada as in the US has gotten control of the system which works solely to privatize service for profit at our expense. As a child I seemed to have gotten the message (not from my working class parents) that the medical industry was not to be trusted. Many decades later I have a long history of study and practice to build health without drugs or co-dependence on that industry. Yes, it works to create co-dependence and acts like a controlling addict who will manipulate, coerce and outright threaten and destroy any that try to free themselves from that controlling abuse. We need to define the problem clearly and not just throw around blame without looking at the real power source and how it operates. That includes controlling the government. In the US, to remind, we have many structures created to ensure that control. One of the most powerful was SCOTUS ruling in favor of Citizen's United which opened the flood gates for corporate use of money to control politics; ie, the government.
So we agree.
Sorry I didn't mention the Flexnor report from 100 plus years ago where 97% of homeopathic DRs where destroyed.
Putting us into The EVIL Rockefellor Allopathic Reductionistic philosophy that I saw here in CHINADA growing up as I said were we wait to get service for anything almost.
We are on our own in CHINADA.
I did a paper mid-1970's on Women in Medicine which took me into the history of medical industry and its nefarious use of Edward Bernays use of his uncle Freud's psychology priniciples for mass social manipulation The early medical associations were failures and those who became 'doctors' has no more than 1 yrs training. In the very early 20c the medical group that formed received Rockefeller money which they used to create branding of allopathic doctors and attack the holistic ones. The Flexner Report was the tool they created to assault the homeopathic colleges, calling them defective, which caused loss of their funding. Trying to survive as a profession they linked with the new AMA and the rest is history. Interestingly the same parallel history was uncovered with women in labor (not pregnancy-LOL). A very powerful, radical movement that supported women and their unionizind was desroyed and women pushed out of the labor market for many decades. Going back to the AMA, what most don't know is that Rockefeller believed in using Homeopathy and expected that fledgling AMA group to equally support it. But the head of that group and, we can suppose, his cohorts saw the power in promoting patented chemical drugs and he rest is history.
What success of "nationalizing its own wealth".
All that money would go to Biden in America. And that is the point, any socialism gives power to too few and they keep it all for themselves.
The problem is not in a "communal" ideaology, it is in humans themselves. We dont share well and are animals. In fact, humans behave most like chimps who are the only animals that run in packs and use intellect against enemies.
I read an article wear a man needed surgery and the lady on the phone said it would be 6 months OR you can volunteer for MAIDS. Which is Medical Assistance In Death System or something like that.
EVERY country w/ socialized medicine, at least right up until The Scamdemic, had higher longevity, WAY less poverty, healthier ppl by every metric than did the U.S.--even Canada. Seems to me that the entire scamdemic being pushed via gov't-issued mandates was intended to be a smear of socialized medicine. And Canadian healthcare has been under serious attack during the past decade. THE way to hamstring socialized medicine is to under-fund it, e.g., not hiring enough staff, so that, e.g., ppl have to wait half a year or more for treatment. Those who want you to believe that socialism means spending other ppls' (finite) money don't seem to understand that 90% of all US wealth is in the hands of 2% of its population, or that the Constitution allows Congress to create all the currency it needs to run a just country w/out having to tax anyone.
On the contrary. Obamacare had to be fully enacted to pull of the Fake Pandemic. Doctors under Corp control, under directions from the Governments sent people home until it was too late, rather than early treatment, which would have happened under a free system.
Then when the Covid victims.came with purple lips, the marching orders were to vent and Remdesiver: a death protocol.
Marxists love Social medicine, its a license to kill.
Picky points: Remdesivir was left over from Fauci's "cure" (LOL!) for AIDS; Obamacare not only kept the profit-motive firmly entrenched in "healthcare", but threw 30 million Americans under the bus right from the start, in exchange for allowing the IRS to help itself to the contents of Americans' bank accounts if it decided, unilaterally, that they hadn't bought "enough" "insurance" (which isn't required to actually pay for anyone's healthcare); all those countries w/ socialized medicine had healthier populations decades before Obama came along AS WELL AS THROUGHOUT THE SCAMDEMIC; and, according to Prof. Richard D. Wolff, what Marx wanted was democracy in the workplace. Gov't & corporations working together is fascism.
I´ll be scurrying off to Canada for socialized medicine. NOT!
Thanks for this, Mark. Whilst I put behind me Leninism in the 1980s. I saw myself still of the Left, even as a libertarian, till the last few critical years. Escaping from the Left bubble has been energising and troubling. I have read and conversed with folk from across the political spectrum to my intellectual and political nourishment. This said, I have sighed at yet another frankly ignorant sideswipe at 'Marxism and Communism'. the latter a seductive utopian dream free from authoritarianism. This said it is clear that the ruling class has incorporated and neutered the struggles of the oppressed and bought off its leaders. Hence I understand the feeling that the 'commies' have captured the elite. But these people do not represent the possibilities of a social force arising from below utterly opposed to the technocratic authoritarian agenda we face. Such a social force has to transcend stereotypes of Left and Right, of the spritual and the material and so on. . At bottom we are not prepared to do as instructed.
Thank you Mark. It is time that the formulation of what we are up against becomes more universally reality based. There never has been communism, capitalism, socialism, national socialism, and etc. existing in the real world as they were put forth in theory. These terms have always been about marketing, misdirection, and then control . Capitalism, communism, socialism, climate activism, woke activism, CRT, and etc. are infomercials. Adam Smith was paid to write The Wealth of Nations, the edifice on which capitalism was built to create a façade of academic creds for colonialism. Communism was financed by the same group, much later in time to practice new improved methods of mass control. Our Civil War was an attempt by the British to crush the manufacturing north and continue to benefit from the 'low cost' labor of the south. WW1 was created by the same mentality in an attempt to maintain British dominance in the face of the growing German economy. WW2 was about creating a one world government under genocidal fascism, which we are now living under part 2. Do the elite - I hate that term, it is so misleading - really care about the environment, the Ukrainian people, the rights of people of color, our health, or those of nontraditional sexual orientations? Of course not, they are just red herrings to give a caring appearance to our government, give people on the left issues to get excited about, and then to use these issues to create crises that they can then solve by implementing the policies that were the true motivation behind fomenting these agendas in the first place. As you are saying Mark, if we don't open our eyes to who the real enemy is we are just playing into their age old game of conquering us by dividing us.
I am not a learned person regarding Marxist thought. I’ve read a history of him and a bit of Das Capital. But the mostly conservative folks who constantly spout “Marxism is destroying us all,” always leave me feeling flat and dissatisfied with their comments. They’re disingenuous, historically wrong, and NOT learned, these comments from them. They are instead reactionary. I’d like to get away from all reactionaries of every stripe. Thanks, Mark Crispin Miller. You are a light in the darkness.
"Reactionary." Now there's a word straight outta the commie manifesto. er I mean "The Communist Manifesto. Reactionary this, reactionary that, it's a word that spices up the whole boring evil thing from beginning to end. "historically wrong." that's another one.
ah hah… another one.
as a student we read some of Marx' writings, including The Communist Manifesto (23 pages). "Reactionary" is not "straight outta the commie manifesto", but a much earlier term derived from the French word réactionnaire (a late 18th-century coinage based on the word réaction, "reaction"). In 19th Century European politics, the reactionary class included the Catholic Church's hierarchy and the aristocracy, royal families, and royalists who believed that national government was the sole domain of the Church and the State - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reactionary
Marx's "reactionary class" isn't the French royals. It's conservatives and "reactionaries of every stripe" (quoting mel). The "historically wrong" no-goodniks that Mel wants to get away from.
"Reactionary" is a marxist slur like "lumpenproletariat." It's a cognate of the french, german and spanish words which derive from latin not french. Mel didn't pull it out of le tribun du peuple lol. "Lumpenproletariat" derives from Marx's head. He made it up. Which tells you where his aristocratic bigoted head was at.
politely disagree. in Europe it is used as a political term, and certain political parties carry it in the name of their party. it intends to make clear what type of policy they stand for (not my type of friends, but you might've guessed that already). 'Lumpenproletariat' means nothing more, nothing less than 'the poorest of the poor', or 'have-nots', probably including hillary's infamous 'deplorables'. although in most Western countries this category has been able to find better futures for their children (very slow but discernible upward social mobility; mostly through education, basic health care and equal opportunities for boys and girls), in many other countries there still are visible, appalling and persistent levels of poverty that should make everyone ashamed. think international migrant labour - no hope, no protection, very few means to escape.
peace out.
that may be your definition of lumpenproletariat but it ain't marx's. are you sure you read the manifesto? nice whitewash though.
When the world is run by private racketeers, the government is co-opted for the benefit of immense private wealth, the censorship machine is run by private corporations, and the lower and middle class earned equity is being inexorably suctioned upward by every major and minor event in recent history, we have a word for that and it isn’t communism. Begins with F…
As if the Kremlin is still Marxist. I appreciate your words here, Mark. Too often conservatives and libertarians consider liberals to be leftists. Because Biden and the DNC have shown their COVID policy to be disrespectful of human freedom, its an easy mistake to make. The DNC and Biden are more correctly considered fascist, or right wing revolutionary tyrants. I say that because to me, fascism is the unity of the state and corporations.
Thanks so much for this. I am writing something similar. Near the end of the misnamed "Great Awakening" Mattias Desmet says that the dissidents who resist the mass formation have to be careful that they don't form their own mass. I think that is exactly what is happening. They are consumed with disparaging the wrong people and isms which is not getting us closer to the society we desire. I wonder if some of the people in the film are not pleased with being part of it.
Thanks so much, Mark, for addressing this directly. Every time I read yet another galling reference to the "great Commie conspiracy," spouted by various "thought leaders" in our midst, I see (pardon the pun) red.
Thank you again, Mark. Everyone can benefit from reading much of Marx, I think--especially 'The Working Day' in Capital--more graphic and affecting than even Dickens. I also think that the WEF tries to hide its in-plain-sight Corporatist Fascism (see the WEF's 100 Strategic Partners) behind Green Hooey of professed socialism. The WEF is ALWAYS doing good, id'n't It?
Labels are not that helpful. Most accurate one I have heard is “Neo feudalism”. Basically slavery for majority and all the power in the hands of the few. I guess “Neo” refers to enslavement by technology and debt.
feudalism never left, the system just acquired new names over time.
The globalists convince liberals that only right wing conspiracy theorists oppose their agenda so all good liberals naturally support the globalist's agenda because they don't want to be right wing conspiracy theorists.
The globalists convince conservatives that Communist China supports their agenda so all conservatives naturally opposed that because they don't want to be communists, And when they see liberals supporting that agenda they are even more convinced that liberals are Marxists.
So I guess George Soros, Klaus Schwab, and Bill Gates are Communists or at least Marxists,
Both sides get something and meanwhile the globalists sit back and enjoy the theater
So thank you MCM for talking about this..
good find!
while emerald robinson et al. are doing valuable work exposing the globalist agenda, the communist-vs-capitalist dichotomy is a slightly more elevated variant on the false dichotomy of left-vs.-right. political ideologies are better described by the horseshoe theory than a simplistic linear continuum.
did communism ever exist? under the romanovs, russia was exploited and plundered by european powers much as the brits did in india, and that byzantine bureaucratic legacy was ripe for transformation into the soviet system and the nomenklatura at the top.
in china, the world's most influential narcoterrorist organization, the dutch east india company, set up local cartels to rule the coastal cities with the same ruthlessness as their more modern mexican counterparts.
in the post-mao period in "communist" china, their most successful oligarchs are revered almost as gods. "communism" with chinese features hardly qualifies as such. it's all rhetoric, just as DEI has nothing to do with diversity, equity and inclusion other than including us all among a race of slaves.
Since you bring up Marx, Communism, Council on Foreign Relations and infectious disease I'd be remiss in not sharing what I've written about on my Stack that explores the very subject:
It was very early in the pandemania of March, 2020 that I first came across this story in Foreign Affairs:
Past Pandemics Exposed China’s Weaknesses
The Current One Highlights Its Strengths
Foreign Affairs, March 27, 2020
Foreign Affairs is an international affairs publication supported by and intended for the globalist audience, those who believe in one-world governance, varieties found both on the left and right. It is a highly influential publication in those circles. It is published by the Council on Foreign Relations.
In one of the links in the FA article above I recently clicked into when I was rediscovering old articles I had read was this book out of China, published in 2013:
Rural Health Care Delivery
Modern China from the Perspective of Disease Politics
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013
('GET' .pdf download)
VERY interesting. From the book's official description:
"Diseases are everyday, ordinary occurrences intimately related to people’s daily lives. However, as the metaphor of the “Sick Man of East Asia” emerged against the backdrop of a weak modern China, health care and the curing of diseases were turned into grand state politics with far-reaching implications. This book, starting with the argument for diseases being metaphors, describes and interprets such incidents in China’s history as the Abolishment of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Patriotic Hygiene Campaign and the Cooperative Medical Services. In an effort to reveal the internal logic of disease politics in the transformation of the state-people relationship, the book analyzes key aspects including the politicization and inclusion of diseases in state governance, the double disciplining of hygiene, legitimacy construction of the state, the remaking of the nationals, and the expansion of the “publicness” of the state. The book argues that disease politics in modern China has developed following the path from nationals to the people, and then to citizens, or from crisis politics and mobilization politics to life politics. In addition, a marked change has occurred in China’s state building: increasingly standard, rationalized and institutionalized means have been employed while the non-standard means, such as large-scale mobilization and ideological coercion, had been historically used in China."
It's a very long book, I didn't take the time to read it all. However I did read chapters and sections with titles that jumped out at me. And share those titles and sections on my Stack that were most interesting in the context of understanding the world today, how infectious disease is very useful to fundamentally transform a nation of free, sovereign individuals into a collective population under central authoritarian control. Left and Right varieties
I encourage you, Mark, and all readers to learn the type of information that global leaders avail themselves to when they are speaking to one another, as the intended audience of Foreign Affairs is. Yes, Mark is right, we will not prevail over this intense push into collectivist authoritarianism unless we better understand those who are doing the pushing. And how using infectious disease to herd us is an age-old, well-practiced tactic of despots and tyrants of all types throughout history.
As Marx and Engels wrote about the separation of Natural from Social sciences:
"We know only a single science, the science of history. One can look at history from two sides and divide it into the history of nature and the history of men. The two sides are, however, inseparable; the history of nature and the history of men are dependent on each other so long as men exist."
Meaning social science and behavioral science-based claims, like mask mandates are supported by The Best Science (TM) are equal to or more important than the natural and medical science evidence that masks don't work. Why freedom protests against lockdowns were dangerous, but social justice BLM protests at the same time were safe and necessary.
Social science, the science of men and Natural Science, the science of history are a single science to the Marxist. Each useful to achieve a collectivist agenda, one. As was science prior to the Age of Enlightenment, Reason, before Rene Descartes and John Locke devised the scientific method of natural scientific discovery, separate, to debunk the social science agendas and plans of monarchs and clergy, leading to four-hundred years of freedom-enhancing discoveries. Being shut down by the social science agendas and plans of totalitarians again today, in the twighlight of a Neo-Dark Ages. What say We, The People?
China's "double discipline" method of governance involves the Asian martial arts concept of internal and external discipline. External being force, coercion, the heavy hand of authority to compel behaviors. Internal being an orientation of the self to elevate the needs of a collective above one's own selfish needs, a virtuous act of obedience without the threat of force.
External force was initially relied upon by Mao and the Communists to break the independent will of the nationals, the individualists in China after securing power in the People's Revolution. Hard, harsh, 'resistance is futile' type External discipline. As the willful and disobedient were killed, reformed or bent into submission by the External discipline the softer form of Internal discipline was advanced through massive propaganda and reeducation campaigns. The public mind was assaulted and continues to be assaulted to this day.
Manufacturing Consent (borrowing from Marxist Noam Chomsky) to collectivist authoritarianism as virtuous, desirous, more enlightened than base, selfish, individual freedom. Sound familiar? Double discipline. The Chinese method of collectivist authoritarian control. Tried and true method. And why Foreign Affairs highlighted the book in March, 2020, at the onset of pandemania.
Excellent and refreshing. The tired trope of 'communism bad' is meaningless and misdirected. As you note, it really distracts us from who is manipulating these affairs and prevents a deeper understanding, not just of Marx, but the globalists trying to harm and eliminate us.