King Charles is a cancer on humanity

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Yup. Long known as “The Sustainability Prince”. He of course champions green and pop. reduction like a good Eugenicist would. All for me and none for you.

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Anyone who believes that the Queen, or the King, or any globalist, was vaccinated is beyond naive. NONE OF THEM GOT THE SHOTS.


(Unless the globalists have plans to commandeer the lavish Royal Residences and property. Maybe they made an exception.)

You just read that few royals have ever had cancer. That’s not common in the general populace. They’re among the group for whom true cures are commonplace.

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I absolutely cannot believe they got the jabs!

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Feb 6, 2024
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Scram tara! You are nothing but a robotic troll spamming these sites.

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For sure they did NOT get the jab in a direct manner -- BUT -- they say Charles alone has 120 staff & nannies who 'takes care of HIM' --- I would imagine that they all got jabbed to keep HIM safe --- at least 3 each because 2 didn't even count, right?! His staff handle / touch everything HE uses - from his shoe lace to toothpaste, food, clothes, newspapers, bath water, etc. They drive him around and for sure 'breathe the same air'. Therefore, we can assume that 'HE' got at least 360 jabs in a round-about-manner --- according to HIS plan. Camelia is next! It's the new age Turbo Karma! ;-)

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Their staff would have got the saline shot, Like pfizer staff in Austalia got their own batch of jabs and you wonder why?

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We will never know the truth... but still think that HE's evil & dumb enough to give his staff the real thing. Thus the reason why THEY're all getting sick

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It looks like they all got it. The question is why. Would be interested to know if any other European royals are suffering unwanted effects.

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Because the media told you that? That the royals got the shots?🤣

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I don’t follow conventional media. Why on earth would I be here? The British royals went downhill in the same manner that I’ve observed people around me declining. I trust my own observations. Where did you hear that they didn’t get the shots? With all due respect, I’ll wager that you are far more dependent on sources outside of your own perceptions for your information than I am.

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Logic dictates that most people in power weren’t required to get the shots. Congress wasn’t required to get the shots. Neither was anyone at the CDC.

They’re the perpetrators. We’re the victims. The perpetrators aren’t going to off themselves.

I doubt the King has cancer. The Deep State often feigns someone in the public eye to have Covid or cancer to dissuade us from thinking they are exempt from our illnesses. It’s just more mind-fuckery, as CJ would call it.

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Philip was a 100 years old & had been in noticeable poor health for at least a decade which is pretty standard for someone in their 90s. The Queen most likely died quite some time before her supposed death. There is no way they could announce it during the convid psyop as a State funeral would’ve been impossible. There is tons of photo comparison evidence that the person playing the Queen at the end was an actor. They even had a hologram of her waving from the Royal coach at her jubilee. That was a piece of pure mockery for the profane https://youtu.be/ZqyTuwMNs6s?si=ekyRYs3YNaYRCEAZ

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You don't think some of the globalists are on the next to be axed list? I think when you play that game you're probably being gamed too.

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Agree, however I would point out that many Royals (in Europe at least) have homeopathic physicians, so there is no need for them to have a pharma COVID "vaccine", let alone the boosters (which is probably just the same ingredients). Pharma for the masses, homeopathy for holistic/individual care/treatment 🙏

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King Charles and Close Friends Raped ‘Hundreds of Children’ – Explosive New Testimony


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Feb 6, 2024
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thepeoplesvoice.tv is a little bit tabloid-esque but sometimes where there's smoke there's fire.

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I never heard of a royal stricken with cancer till now...sound fishy to me...what's the other alternative?

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Well, Satan always comes for his offspring one way or the other.

It's just pity that he didn't come earlier.

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Magoo had it before the elections! IF he didn’t get saline, it just speeded up his progression!

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Would you by any chance happen to have Joan Veon's book?

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Really interesting book. Joan Veon's work was so timely.

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Hi Pam,

The READ (Resources for the Education of Autonomous Dissidents) Library is an almost complete archive of all books, in digital format, of interest to those committed to truth over lies, deception, and manipulation. One of the few items we are missing, however, is Joan Veon's book. If you have a scanned version (which we have never, in our book-seeking peregrinations, ever come across), would you be willing to share it? Otherwise, would it be possible for you to scan the book to help complete our archive? You will amply rewarded for your efforts!

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Wow I did not know this! I do know they are culling books, and altering the digital ones! They culled many thousands from our NZ national library!

Yes I am more than willing to TRY to do this. Unfortunately right now it is in another location so when I next access it I will do my best. Scanning would be difficult as it is hard to open the pages sufficiently for that. Perhaps a phone capture of each page? You can contact me at my website contact pages envirowatchnz.com or truthwatchnz.is Very keen to access your library also. I have retained many ebooks still available online like Bill Cooper's for instance. .. knowing they'll eventually get disappeared. Let me know what else is missing as they may be in my collection.

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Thanks for replying, Pam! The book is stil available, at inflated prices, online. We are looking for the final edition before her untimely death (was it the fifth?). Even a phone capture would be helpful! We will get in touch via the links you have provided.

I might mention here that one other (related) item we are still needing is the following:

EIR Special Report, September 2015

‘Global Warming’ Scare Is Population Reduction, Not Science

There is an incomplete preview circulating, but we need the full report. If anyone has the full report, kindly reply here!

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the entire Crown is. Canada will not ever be soveriegn until that tumour is removed.

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Canada is already lost. They’re done. Everybody knows that.

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Mixing up the monarch and the Crown (no offence). The Monarchy are the figureheads and the bosses of the Crown ... which is basically a huge corporation...

"While the crown's legal personality is usually regarded as a corporation sole, it can, at least for some purposes, be described as a corporation aggregate headed by the monarch."

"A Crown corporation is an enterprise that is owned by the Crown or the King in the right of a province. The corporation is established through legislation and reports to the government through a minister, who chairs its board of directors."

"The British Crown legally owns 6.6 billion acres of land across the world. That is a sixth of the earth's surface."

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listen to Justin Trudeau's oaths to the Crown. Do your research and you will understand - Canada is a colony of the Crown. I don't want to talk ( argue ) with someone who hasn't done their research. bye

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Not quite sure what you are on about. So please try and learn something ... there is what we call 1. "The Crown" which we know as the monarchy, because they wear crowns and they are the figurehead of all Crowns; probably because they wear Crowns .... 2. There is the Crown Estate, which I understand to be the owners of the UK lands (could be wrong though) = https://www.thecrownestate.co.uk/ .... then you have 3. the Crown (no idea) that owns 1 sixth of the World's land INCLUDING MOST OF CANADA... and then you have of course the Commonwealth where the monarchy (the Crown) also lead ... Canada is also in the Commonwealth and all new citizens MUST swear allegiance .. because we basically own most of Canada.


Do not patronise me, nor repeat my original post at me.

Do one you troll.

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Bob-Enough does the Crown still have a legal claim to the Virginia or any North American lands. I have read this before but I hope not.

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Honestly I do not know, but most of Canada, Australia and various Commonwealth Countries are in there. I would doubt it, but I cannot find anything on the subject; apologies.

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Nice of them to include themselves in the great depopulation lottery. No doubt by mistake, if at all.

Hard to feel sorry for him.

He introduced the "Great Reset" alongside Klaun Klaus.

"Charles demonstrated this “more hands on” approach to governance on June 3, 2020 when he became the official patron of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset and even officially launched the project Tweeting out #TheGreatReset.



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A classic case of inbreeding.

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Especially his take on the hoax of global warming!!

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Maybe the worlds will be lucky and it’s a very aggressive Turbo cancer. They will never treat him with FenBen or Ivermectin so he won’t last long if it’s so.

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Doesn't change anything.

It's just whack a mole.

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True, like GSoros and HKissinger, their heirs step up to replace them and carry on the family business.

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His cancer is probably from climate change!

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... in which he also fervently believes.

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Or PRETENDS to fervently believe.

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Yup just read an article linking climate change to cancer. Like the most obscure loose connection possible is made to link one thing to another. This is the state of ‘science’ these days.

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My favorite was the story about childhood kidney disease and climate change.

They blamed it on dehydration. You know, because all those kids who never get exercise , are dehydrating inside -- while playing video games.

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As long as the study has the right conclusions any old junk science can be passed off.

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Just seen a video describing the silent mysterious killer that's taking out young people ...Sudden cardiac death affecting 12 young people every week - what is this ‘silent killer’?


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Doctors are “baffled”. They are PAID to be baffled. I don’t know how these degenerate demons sleep at night. Oh wait. They have no conscience.

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Yes, those White Coats are not to be trusted ever. Long ago sold out, aside from the ones who did speak out. Definitely no conscience!

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Wait til they get paid to be Perplexed....or Befuddled?

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I think a case can be made politicians were never jabbed. I can’t think of a North American politician, big name, who has suffered. Yet look at soccer players, news people, entertainers, and so on. Pfizer made sure no one turned on them.

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Jamie Raskin, Jon Fetterman, Steve Scalise, Mitch McConnell and Dianne Feinstein are just a few of the American pols who pushed the jab, then clearly "suffered." Others have had family members sickened by the shots. I think you should look into it a bit more deeply.

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Plus one, Illinois Rep. Sean Casteen, had a 17 year old vaccinated daughter die in her sleep. He denied any connection to the vacine.

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Of course he denies it. Otherwise he would have to admit that HE was the one who killed her.

He would accuse anything and everything - but himself.

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Just noticed I spelled vaccine wrong, but it's not really a vaccine anyway. I know how to edit it, but I'm not.

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You could be correct. I am

Going strictly by memory of what I’ve noticed. But…wasn’t Fetterman ill from before the jab? Feinstein was old. Scalise is a Republican as was McConnell. They might have allowed Rs to get the real stuff. I can’t think of Canadian pols that suffered. John Horgan Premier of BC had his cancer return.

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Here's another one, Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) Republican Leader in the US Senate.


Fully Boosted, US Senator Mitch McConnell Freezes Up at the Podium TwiceAide: "Did you hear the question, Senator? Running for reelection in 2026?"

TRANSCRIPT: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/121818.html

SOURCE VIDEO: ComediaNoob ( at ) ComediaNoob1

posted August 30, 2023


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Methinks McConnell got some sort of brain damage from the jab that not only causes strokes but greatly interferes with his cognition. He is more open regarding his dislike of America than our borders themselves.

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He’s already a robot transhuman.

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And there's another one, a big one - Colin Powell.

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Nancy Mace

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Yep. And here's the transcript:

US Representative Nancy Mace Grills Twitter's Former Chief Legal Officer Vijaya Gadde

"I now developed asthma that has never gone away since I had the second shot. I have tremors in my left hand and I have the occasional heart pain that no doctor can explain and I've had a battery of tests. I find it extremely alarming Twitter's unfettered censorship spread into medical fields and affected millions of Americans by suppressing expert opinions from doctors and censoring those who disagree with the CDC."

TRANSCRIPT: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/65437.html

SOURCE VIDEO: US Rep. Nancy Mace Speaks at Oversight Hearing on Twitter Censorship

posted February 8, 2023


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She’s an R.

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I wonder if that has been a factor.

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Yes, it might have been a factor. The most contaminated batches were in the red states.

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They did have a lot of exemptions in NZ. I wonder if some of them got played. Regardless, the truth will come out.

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You are making me reflect. Looks like I forgot a few people. Also saw a 2020 video of Biden today and he looked and sounded much better.

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Feb 5, 2024
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True. I had forgotten that.

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He is a big fish too.

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And a dumb one

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Newscum (nickname courtesy of podcaster Jewels Jones) is dumb and evil combined.

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Biden has gone downhill since his shot. Never overestimate the intelligence of these “leaders”, they often believe their own press releases.

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He was suffering long before the jabs were introduced!

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Perhaps. These jabs have a way of exacerbating already existing maladies. I have noticed this, sadly, in some of those around me.

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There's clearly more than one Biden in play. The first Biden to be jabbed on TV had smooth, hairless arms...the second one jabbed had very hairy arms! Plus, your earlobes don't suddenly attach/detach from your head as you age. Look up older videos of Sen. Biden and compare to today. Then, look at several videos from different times during the past 3 yrs. Not the same guy.

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Maybe he is an AI simulation. I am only half joking. If they manage to drag him across the electoral finish line one more time that will confirm it.

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That's been shown, too. His hand going threw a microphone when he's being questioned by the "press".

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True. They say he is early 80s. He might be; but I am 73 next month. I know a ton of 80 year olds. He comes across like a 90 year old. He is old, but way older than his years.

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He looks a lot like the Crypt Keeper

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Very good point. I just saw a video of him from 2020. What a difference!

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I would not be surprised if it came out that high-profile people received saline. Having them dropping early would have created “hesitancy”. Can’t have THAT!

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There is a French politician who took the vax and suffered a heart attack. He found out (later) that Macron and many other French politicians didn't take the jab. They either got saline or a fake green pass. He was furious and spoke out about this.

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Can’t think of any in Canada. I think a FOIA is in order. Apparently, Canadian politicians were exempt.

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If, as an atheist, you read the headline "King Charles diagnosed with cancer", and you're aware of what an absolute up-to-no-goodnik he is, don't be surprised if you find yourself thinking that perhaps there IS a god.

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One of the saddest things to realize over the last few years is that a just G-d NEEDS a Hell.

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Is that you Loki?

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There's no way of knowing for sure but it is interesting seeing just the sheer numbers of people at a high level in celebrity, politics and sports who are either stricken or dead. The biggest surprise to me, and one I would have bet money on getting a saline shot, was Sadiq Khan, the mayor of London England. That's pretty far up the food chain.

# Here's some people who found out the hard way that they just weren't that important


























# War Criminals Who Got High On Their Own Supply

















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With Bieber it could be straight up retardation. Hard to tell to be honest

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😳Your post is the wildest post I have ever seen (and I read an embarrassingly large amount of substack comments). Do you have this as a video on YouTube or Rumble?

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No video. Feel free to make one. While I don't wish vile health on others as that is just bad karma, but I really don't care what happens to them.

The vast majority took the shots and acquiesced with their silence at the war crimes like the weak humans they are. Those I view as pathetic.

The vast majority of political, media and medical "professionals" lied or were true believers in the cult. They are getting a taste of their own medicine, literally. The punishment fits the crime.

So sure and righteous in their position that they didn't just go along with war crimes, they cheered them on and in some cases were in positions of authority to inflict them. They did so willingly and eagerly.

This is the best explanation of what just happened to our species. This VENN diagram originated on the Substack "bad catitude" (I've added the brief explanations):


PS. They STILL are not giving up. The cult is strong with some people:


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Great work! Especially the trifecta of the 3 human character experiments. Bar none, these were the best psychological experiments ever, which peeled back the facade we all carry around and exposed the unconscious that Freud discovered; Wilhelm Reich's contribution was to explain the "unnatural origins" of these impulses.

Alas, powerhouse experiments such as these will never be carried out again due to the poisonous Political Correctness that hates spontaneity and ultimately all truths.

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I have wondered if the people like pelosi and aoc who took the 'capitol' injections got saline and the other congress people who got injured got the injections at their local drug stores??

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people please


do not trust anyone who profits from your misfortune

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I think Katy Perry's eye was stuck because of eyelash glue or something like that. I don't think we've seen any other times where she has had a defective eye.

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That might be one explanation. We'll see. The deaths continue to pile up. This is just a reminder to those who promoted it.

The numbers to watch are all cause mortality (ACM), fertility and the insurance industry data. The first 2 are very hard for the government to "adjust".

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Factcheckers Snopes denied the Queen was taking Ivermectin which convinces me she was taking it as Covid treatment in 2022.


She was a lifelong horse breeder. So she surely knew about its efficacy.

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Wow … everything connects Hmmmmm

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Ultimately ...

Should The Vaccinated

Be Buried In The Ground ?

Should They Even Be Cremated

And Strewn To The Air That We Breath ?

It’s A Serious Question.


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Because the prions that the MNRA makes in you supposedly never go away?

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Oh you have to keep some just buried normally for evidence for future humanity of what happened here. You can’t make it easy for them to erase history.

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They can be put in jars.

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They've already poisoned the water supply with their urine and feces...

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Maybe but I m sure protein and what not must degrade eventually 🤷‍♀️

But tbh they probably need to study the issue carefully before I can actually say what the true risk are (which we are all probably thinking, that’s why long term studies are supposed to be done)

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Feb 5, 2024
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We pure blood solve everything with bleach, don’t we? LOL

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Or launch them at the sun.

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The older people are easier for them to excuse away and say it's not related to the jab, but it's all highly suspect, when said older people were the picture of health before. It's happening in my own family. The latest was an elderly relative, who was told at his 2021 physical that he had the bloodwork of someone 20 years younger (and he certainly also had the brain and mind of a much younger person). Then, at that same appointment, the doctor suggested he get the jab due to his age, so he did, and then he got them all. Exactly one year after the first jab he was told he had a very strange cancer. The cancer then spread. Then, less than 2 weeks ago, he took his own life in a very violent manner. None of it would have happened, if he'd not gotten any jabs, and no one can convince me otherwise.

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Many condolences. I can't even imagine.

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Am so so sorry, what all this craziness and manipulation does to one’s dreams and conscience, very sad

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Hmmmm 🤔 Maybe he’ll be given the new cancer shot, and be cured! 🙄 Be great for business wouldnt it..

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I don’t think the powers behind the throne actually think he is helping them. They would prefer William as King I suspect. Kate being obviously really ill is a wild card. I read she was in the hospital for 11 days!! That’s a very long stay. And now off duties until Easter?

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Feb 5, 2024
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Oh that's cold man. Made me laugh though.

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Thanks for connecting the dots Mark. Your witnessing is powerful. We are truly living in unprecedented times.

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Pretty weird that a man of his position with his connections would be a lazy moron not to look into the clot shots before taking them.

Speaking of celebs hurt by the shot, any news on Jamie Foxx besides the stupid fake or old video of him on a boat as "proof"?

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Am I the only one assuming his new treatments might involve adrenochrome. I love using words Apple doesn’t automatically use.

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There is science to the myth


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And do they still have the king’s tasters in royal courts who try out His Majesty’s daily menu to be sure HRH is not being poisoned? A la the biblical Nehemiah ~~~Imagine the same, taking the vacs for the king, to be sure that they would not be harmful….thou must wait for six months to a couple of years ….Oucha magoucha

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I read a thing about him having six or seven plates of the same egg dish prepared for him every morning, so that he can choose the one that conforms most precisely with his gustatory requirements. But maybe they are all prepared by different chefs, as a security measure?

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Oh my goodness…..can you believe…..imagine all those hens sacrificed their children for Chas to have his choice…. I don’t know how complicated the royal life can be regarding their diet….all sounds pretty bizarre to me, and I don’t admire entitlement personalities, even if they come from a long line of…….would surely be interesting… but staff has certainly signed in blood they will never share such info….or beheadment could occur

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more like beMI5ment.

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And like Nehemiah, required to keep a smile on your face all the time.

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I saw Amazon Prime was advertising a new show with Foxx and Tommy Lee Jones. Have not watched it but wondered if the show was done prior to his stroke. Amazon lists 2023 as the date for this show.

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if naomi wolf is right, and i think she is, the death shot uptake among the more affluent classes was quite high https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/among-the-rich

of course, charles-in-charge's diagnosis affords a prime opportunity to go warp speed with the pfizer cancer shot or whatever crispr sci-fi the mad scientists want to cook up

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true fer the "affluent" but ain't necessary so fer the nosebleed section (which includes King Charles Spaniel--royals an' lapdogs admitted). Methinks Charlie is gonna git "cured" an' then the push his "experimental" mRNA mira-cull treatment.... the Pffizer Cancer Moon Shot!!! No way this ain't a con---Charlie, Fergie, an' Kate all in one month with the big C? C is fer CON. The big con's on us. (But I too agree with Naomi re the upper crusties--all their holdin's kin go ta the 300 an' the "big guys" cuz their kids also took the clot shots... just my 2 cents plain!)

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He's so freaking stupid he probably DEMANDED the jabs, whilst his staff were trying to tell him "Sire, you of all people don't have to take it!"

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"Curiouser and curiouser" said Alice. 🤔

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Why anyone is curious about the royal family is a complete mystery to me.

Jaded Londoner

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Actually this cartoon by Bob Moran on the departure of his mother reflects my attitude to Chuckie's cancer diagnosis:


Hopefully he'll join her shortly... 😒 🪦

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Consider where Alice was when she said that.... 🤔

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I'm afraid my response will have to suffice. I have to watch some paint dry....

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No problem.

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Well, we do wonder what it’s like to have someone else holding your coat, choosing or getting out your nightgown, fluffing your pillow, and asking you what shoes you wish to wear….bowing and scraping when they pass you in the hall, or do they have separate hallways, for the servantage to use ? I’ve heard Edward can be an entitled brat….yuk

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It is a curiosity because their life is so utterly different and its history is like a nation unto itself.

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No no, this is all propaganda. No way these toads got actual shots. I know - we're talking one degree of separation - of officials in cabinets in an Eastern European country who were told they were only getting saline. But who got the shots on TV in their country. And those cabinet ministers were not household names.

This is just part of the deception to normalize cancer and general illnesses among the general population. These guys are NOT sick.

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How do you know this? You don't.

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Simple but very important point. As much as we can understand the mendacity of the psyop, we can’t be sure about some things without more inside information. Who took real shots is one thing.

It is easy to say we know more than we know. For example some who are otherwise very astute are dismissing the notion of nanotechnology in the shots. If nothing else we would have to call the calamari clots nano/micro (it doesn’t really matter which, same effect) creations from the injections.

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it is possible that they are, like the trudeaus, ardens, bidens, simply two-bit players thinking they are at the big player table. they are a kind of 'fifth business', to use a theatrical phrase. very ripe for the cull when their utility has been spent.

we don't know what we don't know, and what we think we believe is true are the invisible roots of the 'fake' knowledge that stops us from seeing.

thank you mark.

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To quote a sage of our age, Donald Rumsfeld;

“There are known knowns, things we know that we know; and there are known unknowns, things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns, things we do not know we don't know.”

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Jung put this well, paraphrased: when something is unconscious, **it is unconscious**. it is not seen, not known, not knowable in the way we think that knowing the 'unconscious' has empowered us. nope: to name the unconscious has deluded us into thinking it is now known. lol! so funny, imo and ime.

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This is what I’m thinking. They think they’re insiders but they’re not.

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I'm willing to bet some of them got played. You would think if they even suspected of getting played, they would speak out. Who knows with these psychopaths. I know some of those shots given on live TV were not real. The nurse didn't even remove the cap from the needle. Then Biden had a no tattoo on his arm when he got the first one and then he had a tattoo when he got the 2nd one.

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I think you do not need any Kings or Presidents or even PRIME ministers when you are abolishing the concept of a national state.

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Agreed. He knew not to take it.

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