When I read those leaked messages originally, I thought of these quotes from “Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland”:

“As the story of Reserve Police Battalion 101 demonstrates, mass murder and routine had become one. Normality itself had become exceedingly abnormal.”

“The company recreation room was decorated with racist slogans, and a Star of David hung above the bar. A mark was made on the bar door for each Jew shot, and ‘victory celebrations’ were reportedly held on days when high scores were recorded.”

On another note, Mark, I wanted to let you know Winter Oak Press’s Paul Cudenec gave both of us a shoutout in his latest piece, published at Nevermore Media (where I’m also a contributor):


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Okay, here I go: this picture of Flame haired Aubrey shows us two eyes that are not matched, that are staring into space. Okay, maybe that's bc he's videoing. OR maybe that's because he's brain damaged by way too many neurotoxins in the way too many vaccs he got as a kid. And maybe that's why erstwhile polite Canadians joined the RCMP, because the moral compass is routinely lost in the wake of such neurotoxicity. Ditto the school-shooters - - How many of them are on psych meds to 'manage' ADD and ADHD, typical injuries of the DTap and DPT shots. We are a poisoned people at this point. I love what Toby Rogers said the other day: in

I’ll even go one step further. You want a trillion dollars a year in global economic stimulus? Abandon the vaccine program worldwide immediately and permanently. Pharma is inflicting a trillion dollars a year in iatrogenic injury worldwide via vaccine programs. Pharma gets paid hundreds of billions of dollars for toxic vaccines and 5x to 10x more for patented treatments for the chronic conditions caused by vaccines. It’s the most corrupt business model since the Middle Passage. As governments around the world run out of money in the coming years and cannot print more without triggering hyperinflation (as is already happening in the U.S.), abandoning the vaccine program will be the ONLY way of injecting economic stimulus into the economy.

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The "neo-left" gets great pleasure when an unvaxxinated person dies.

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Excellent piece, but deeply disturbing. I'm not up to an academic work, but the reviews of Lobaczewski’s book give a very good idea of the major points. It makes sense of the reason I'm completely unable to wrap my mind around the pure evil that envelopes us all.

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Does anyone know how we can safely and securely send money to the truckers and support them from the U.SA.? If I were younger, I'd pick up a gun.

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Another good book is unholy hungers, to learn about narcissism through archetypes

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An MP today said “honk honk” is code for “heil Hitler”! This is somehow a justification for a “Nazi hunt” amongst the farmers, truckers, plumbers, mechanics, nurses, teachers, secretaries, and other notoriously tolerant and welcoming Canadians. This can go on indefinitely of course, because they’ll be so difficult to root out. Or they’ll start by rounding up people wholesale, calling them “insurrectionists” and dumping them into camps or prisons. Jagmeet Singh is waiting for Trudy to fall, then takeover.

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Political Ponerology is one of the most significant reads you can lay your eyes upon. I sing its praises to anyone who lends me half an ear. You are the first person I’ve ever come across that has heard of it.

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The disadvantage that the RCMP and others have is that they put women in the front line. If it gets hairy then 30% or so of their 'troops' are at a physical disadvantage, a very significant one.

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When I watched the Cottle video it looked strangely familiar. And then I remembered. This:


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