The anniversary is past, but the aftermath continues. Two very different songs—a heartrending lament by Bobbi Martin, and Bob Dylan's epic meditation—mark that awful turning-point
"Turning-Point" is no over-statement and no mistake. All current history revolves around that shot heard around the world. Question is, will enough awake in time, in what very little time we have left to effectively cancel the Great Reset & change the course of history? Or, will a Strong Hand from someplace be the only salvation left for mankind as created? The battlelines have long been drawn. The choices have all been made. Can any so blinded yet turn & open their eyes to really see?
Well said. We are now at crossroads of history. Amazing how many people are completely blind to the fact. On the bright side their obsession with total control has forced them to expose themselves blatantly, and more and more people are awakening.
At this point that is probably the most important thing collectively we can do, force them to expose themselves. They want us to give up, and throw up our hands in despair. Wrong thing to do. i.e. Election Fraud. Come out in even greater numbers next election, document everything, videotape everything, make them cheat even more overtly, expose the extent of their control even more, and expose all their minions, even in the Republican party.
Yes, agreed. Exposure of evil is KEY. Slumbering folks are seeing that things aren't right. Yet, it seems they just can't yet inconvenience themselves to believe their own eyes & ears.
Thanks so much, Mark. Yes - the murder most foul of JFK was a horrendous turning point - I’d almost call it the beginning of the effective use of Shock & Awe against the American People. And then when the Evil Ones ( now the Global Elite) realized that by killing JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcolm X, et al, that they still hadn’t completely murdered the Spirit of Our Nation, then came 9/11 and more murder most foul and all that followed to begin the planned demolition of our civil rights. But when that horrific act and all that followed still didn’t shut up the truth tellers and the freedom lovers, along came a global crime most foul in the form of constant Fear Mongering & lie soaked propaganda so pervasive (continuing to this day) that those who used to love Freedom, now call for an end to it, now relish the silencing and punishments of the Truth Tellers and Lovers of Freedom. It is my belief that those of us who “see” have no choice but to fight it with all of our energy and spirit and we have no choice but to Not Comply - under any circumstance.
As the much maligned but much loved Bobby Kennedy Jr has repeatedly said, “This is the hill I am willing to die on”.
It is my hope to be as brave as he is and to not shrink from the fight. God Bless Us Everyone.🙏
This was the event that convinced the CIA that they could get away with anything, even with murder, if they wanted to, and put them almost permanently in charge of the government.
The amount of the sheer weight of history we bear today is difficult to process. Few Americans have an idea of how intense and many-tentacled it is. All the civilizations have traded freedom for security and lost.
To stop the sociopathic money ADDICTS who did this, who had done similar things in Latin America for decades before killing JFK, and who have now built a large corruption cartel of countries they EMBEZZLE from, it is CRUCIAL for us to know the corruption scam the US has done in all countries it takes over. Read the overview/exposé below - just 6 paragraphs - to see what is behind the curtain of lies they dupe us with. Information is power, and knowing what the scammers hide from us will mean we can do good OFFENSE, be effective in fighting the corrupt liars, not just keep reacting as the sociopaths keep doing their tyranny and taking everything from us.
Here is what the US criminals have done all over the world, since WW2:
1. Take over a country by coup, assassination, lies about government being corrupt or by threat or invasion so they can...
2. Implement their EMBEZZLING scam of "privatization", taking over government services & systems and national assets so the corrupt liars can handle fiat government money & BILL THE GOVERNMENT ANY AMOUNT for running such things; they provide themselves with massive exec salaries and insanely high profits, becoming oligarchs and billionaires.
3. Lie to the public ENDLESSLY to keep us duped.
4. Praise leaders who submit to US corruption & demonize leaders who RESIST or reverse it - like Putin, who reversed the US plundering done under US puppet Yeltsin, like Chavez and Maduro in Venezuela, like Gaddafi wanting things nationalized and government money going to THE PEOPLE, like Morales in Bolivia, like Assad who said NO to a US pipeline through Syria, and so on.
The demonization of both Russia and China is part of the multipronged US sabotage of the BRICS coalition since 2006. The greedy sociopathic money ADDICTS hate that those two countries are doing fair deals with other countries and helping them escape US control, corruption, privatization and loansharking.
Also, vax co's & digital ID systems to control & subjugate us are "privatized" (as are quarantine camps). The scheme was to get TRILLIONS from many govts FOREVER while arranging to squash us so we could never rise up to stop their corruption, tyranny and inhumanity. They tried many pandemics previously to enrich themselves with government money, this was the most coordinated one - and used the most coercion.
More specifics re "privatization" embezzling: Yes, in general a government can issue ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY for anything that is physically possible; the corrupt know this and have used that knowledge to scam the public and embezzle government money. They take over government services, conning the public about "saving money" and being "more efficient", but those are lies. The costs actually become higher because the corrupt liars overbill the govt for everything, billing ANY AMOUNT, providing massive exec salaries and insanely high profits. And they give us REDUCED services, because their sociopathic greed and money addiction means they take more for themselves and do not supply what they are supposed to supply for us.
Basically, the US has built a global corruption cartel, taking over countries (and their media) to EMBEZZLE from their governments. The UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand were coopted and corrupted in the 70s; the massive embezzling that ensued by taking over the many dozens of government services, support systems, assets and resources they had is what gave rise to the billionaire class in the 80s!
We need a successful INTERVENTION on the lunatic money addicts in power who lie, destroy and KILL for more "money fixes". They are totally UNFIT TO GOVERN and should face charges of dereliction of duty, violating the Constitution, embezzling federal money, crimes against humanity, violating the Nuremberg code, war crimes and more.
Deepest respect to the Kennedy family. I was too young to understand when President Kennedy was murdered, but when I went to medical school in the Dallas/ Fort Worth area , it was the first place my parents and I visited to shed a tear and say a prayer.
If in sixty years the public has not fully awoken to the JFK (and RFK) subterfuge I don’t hold out hope that any of the current narratives will be easily exposed - particular in this internet age of media capture/manipulation.
David Icke, a non-American, but I believe, a lover of The American Ideal, wrote something long ago.
I'll paraphrase as best I can:
'The Murder, of JFK, was far more than a mere political hit. For it surely tore a rend, through the entire American populace-psyche. It will still take many years to heal.'
Thanks Mark. I’m 72 now and have always hoped to learn what really happened in Dallas before I die. I just read your Forbidden Book Dallas’63. What an eye opener it has been for me. I’ve never read anything like it. Back then, no one heard of the deep state. But there it is, covering up, lying, torturing, killing.
So if you believe the establishment that the CIA is on the level, then what we know is (Quoting Gerald Posner):
" ... so Oswald came back into the U.S in early October they didn't tell anyone. The CIA kept it a secret they didn't tell the FBI that would be very embarrassing and damning for them, I wouldn't be surprised, remember this is the agency the CIA that missed the Bay of Pigs they missed the Tet Offensive they missed what was going on in the Yom Kippur War in Israel then they missed the fact that the Iran is about to fall to the Ayatollah, they thought it was safe. They didn't know the Soviet Union was going to invade Afghanistan, they didn't know the Soviet Union was about to fall in 1991. They missed 9/11 and then they got it wrong in Iraq in 2003 about weapons of mass destruction. So why are we not surprised that they might get something wrong here on the assassination of a president in 1963 and not want us to know about it. Let's send them billions more on the black budget and let them interfere in our elections. That seems like the black budget's only purpose. The black budget's only 56 billion dollars right now most of which we don't know what it goes for it's you know the largest segment of money in the United States budget that's given away to a group and they sort of decide how they're going to use it without any oversight it seems pretty scary to me doesn't sound like a democracy to me.."
So taking the CIA at their word, they are admitting that they are about the most incompetent bunch of screwups in the US gov't, not worth 10 cents never mind $56B/yr. DISBAND THE CIA.
It’s good to see the government’s refusal to release the Still sealed JFK assassination files is starting to get much needed attention. This journalist was on Tucker C starting at 27:35 but the entire show is eye opening.
This is a major cover up that’s been in our face for 60 years. I’m old enough to remember the event in 1963 as well as Watergate, a cover up that we all just couldn’t get enough of. What in the hell happened to our ability to think and question? Or do we only want to look at the media approved scandals?
Thank you for these perspectives, so beautifully and reflectively expressed. I wondered about this from Dylan when I heard it, I think back in 2020, like why now? But, I would argue, that there is often a prescience in creative work, has been throughout history, as if there is an aspect of our brain's relationship to the nonlocal nontemporal realm of quantum physics and quantum biology (as yet unstudied) that is accessed in creativity. A sports writer for the SF Chronicle wrote a column saying a particular team (can't remember now) couldn't win unless there was an earthquake during the first five minutes of the game. Next day, 5:04, the Loma Prieta Earthquake. I know this sounds like woo to reductionist materialism, but I think there is an argument to be made that this is possible. My sense of Dylan is that he has a mainline connection to the nonlocal nontemporal. "The executioner's face is always well hidden" from A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall And so much woke effort goes into turning art and poetry and literature and theatre into Soviet-style woke Realism that you know the orcs fear it. Young people fear being crucified for perhaps saying something not politically correct. "I saw a new born babe with wild wolves all around it" And "I'll know my song well before I start singing" AI can't understand the creative poetic mind or symbol or metaphor. These are our weapons, plus those of the spirit, if we can reclaim them.
"Turning-Point" is no over-statement and no mistake. All current history revolves around that shot heard around the world. Question is, will enough awake in time, in what very little time we have left to effectively cancel the Great Reset & change the course of history? Or, will a Strong Hand from someplace be the only salvation left for mankind as created? The battlelines have long been drawn. The choices have all been made. Can any so blinded yet turn & open their eyes to really see?
Well said. We are now at crossroads of history. Amazing how many people are completely blind to the fact. On the bright side their obsession with total control has forced them to expose themselves blatantly, and more and more people are awakening.
At this point that is probably the most important thing collectively we can do, force them to expose themselves. They want us to give up, and throw up our hands in despair. Wrong thing to do. i.e. Election Fraud. Come out in even greater numbers next election, document everything, videotape everything, make them cheat even more overtly, expose the extent of their control even more, and expose all their minions, even in the Republican party.
Yes, agreed. Exposure of evil is KEY. Slumbering folks are seeing that things aren't right. Yet, it seems they just can't yet inconvenience themselves to believe their own eyes & ears.
Thanks so much, Mark. Yes - the murder most foul of JFK was a horrendous turning point - I’d almost call it the beginning of the effective use of Shock & Awe against the American People. And then when the Evil Ones ( now the Global Elite) realized that by killing JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcolm X, et al, that they still hadn’t completely murdered the Spirit of Our Nation, then came 9/11 and more murder most foul and all that followed to begin the planned demolition of our civil rights. But when that horrific act and all that followed still didn’t shut up the truth tellers and the freedom lovers, along came a global crime most foul in the form of constant Fear Mongering & lie soaked propaganda so pervasive (continuing to this day) that those who used to love Freedom, now call for an end to it, now relish the silencing and punishments of the Truth Tellers and Lovers of Freedom. It is my belief that those of us who “see” have no choice but to fight it with all of our energy and spirit and we have no choice but to Not Comply - under any circumstance.
As the much maligned but much loved Bobby Kennedy Jr has repeatedly said, “This is the hill I am willing to die on”.
It is my hope to be as brave as he is and to not shrink from the fight. God Bless Us Everyone.🙏
This was the event that convinced the CIA that they could get away with anything, even with murder, if they wanted to, and put them almost permanently in charge of the government.
A swivel moment for sure
...and they rubbed our faces in it.
Still are
The amount of the sheer weight of history we bear today is difficult to process. Few Americans have an idea of how intense and many-tentacled it is. All the civilizations have traded freedom for security and lost.
To stop the sociopathic money ADDICTS who did this, who had done similar things in Latin America for decades before killing JFK, and who have now built a large corruption cartel of countries they EMBEZZLE from, it is CRUCIAL for us to know the corruption scam the US has done in all countries it takes over. Read the overview/exposé below - just 6 paragraphs - to see what is behind the curtain of lies they dupe us with. Information is power, and knowing what the scammers hide from us will mean we can do good OFFENSE, be effective in fighting the corrupt liars, not just keep reacting as the sociopaths keep doing their tyranny and taking everything from us.
Here is what the US criminals have done all over the world, since WW2:
1. Take over a country by coup, assassination, lies about government being corrupt or by threat or invasion so they can...
2. Implement their EMBEZZLING scam of "privatization", taking over government services & systems and national assets so the corrupt liars can handle fiat government money & BILL THE GOVERNMENT ANY AMOUNT for running such things; they provide themselves with massive exec salaries and insanely high profits, becoming oligarchs and billionaires.
3. Lie to the public ENDLESSLY to keep us duped.
4. Praise leaders who submit to US corruption & demonize leaders who RESIST or reverse it - like Putin, who reversed the US plundering done under US puppet Yeltsin, like Chavez and Maduro in Venezuela, like Gaddafi wanting things nationalized and government money going to THE PEOPLE, like Morales in Bolivia, like Assad who said NO to a US pipeline through Syria, and so on.
The demonization of both Russia and China is part of the multipronged US sabotage of the BRICS coalition since 2006. The greedy sociopathic money ADDICTS hate that those two countries are doing fair deals with other countries and helping them escape US control, corruption, privatization and loansharking.
Also, vax co's & digital ID systems to control & subjugate us are "privatized" (as are quarantine camps). The scheme was to get TRILLIONS from many govts FOREVER while arranging to squash us so we could never rise up to stop their corruption, tyranny and inhumanity. They tried many pandemics previously to enrich themselves with government money, this was the most coordinated one - and used the most coercion.
More specifics re "privatization" embezzling: Yes, in general a government can issue ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY for anything that is physically possible; the corrupt know this and have used that knowledge to scam the public and embezzle government money. They take over government services, conning the public about "saving money" and being "more efficient", but those are lies. The costs actually become higher because the corrupt liars overbill the govt for everything, billing ANY AMOUNT, providing massive exec salaries and insanely high profits. And they give us REDUCED services, because their sociopathic greed and money addiction means they take more for themselves and do not supply what they are supposed to supply for us.
Basically, the US has built a global corruption cartel, taking over countries (and their media) to EMBEZZLE from their governments. The UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand were coopted and corrupted in the 70s; the massive embezzling that ensued by taking over the many dozens of government services, support systems, assets and resources they had is what gave rise to the billionaire class in the 80s!
We need a successful INTERVENTION on the lunatic money addicts in power who lie, destroy and KILL for more "money fixes". They are totally UNFIT TO GOVERN and should face charges of dereliction of duty, violating the Constitution, embezzling federal money, crimes against humanity, violating the Nuremberg code, war crimes and more.
Deepest respect to the Kennedy family. I was too young to understand when President Kennedy was murdered, but when I went to medical school in the Dallas/ Fort Worth area , it was the first place my parents and I visited to shed a tear and say a prayer.
Mark, I've never heard that song murder most foul. I am soo moved. 🙏❤️
This song demonstrates why there's been such an effort to control the people in the entertainment industry.
If in sixty years the public has not fully awoken to the JFK (and RFK) subterfuge I don’t hold out hope that any of the current narratives will be easily exposed - particular in this internet age of media capture/manipulation.
David Icke, a non-American, but I believe, a lover of The American Ideal, wrote something long ago.
I'll paraphrase as best I can:
'The Murder, of JFK, was far more than a mere political hit. For it surely tore a rend, through the entire American populace-psyche. It will still take many years to heal.'
For Those...
Who Offer, Report, & Sing,
In A Myriad of Ways...
I can only Imagine
Jack & Jackie,
Say Thank you,
Smiling Together,
Upon Their Beloved Citizens,
Regardless of Political Party,
Or Age.
Thank you Mark
& Others, In-Kind.
Watch immediately:
Thank you for the link.
Yes. "so far so good" is right. I've been writing about the WEF and "not-so-great" Reset since March of 2020. Very slippery slope with greased skids.
Thanks Mark. I’m 72 now and have always hoped to learn what really happened in Dallas before I die. I just read your Forbidden Book Dallas’63. What an eye opener it has been for me. I’ve never read anything like it. Back then, no one heard of the deep state. But there it is, covering up, lying, torturing, killing.
Thanks Steve. Watch it today.
Thank you
So if you believe the establishment that the CIA is on the level, then what we know is (Quoting Gerald Posner):
" ... so Oswald came back into the U.S in early October they didn't tell anyone. The CIA kept it a secret they didn't tell the FBI that would be very embarrassing and damning for them, I wouldn't be surprised, remember this is the agency the CIA that missed the Bay of Pigs they missed the Tet Offensive they missed what was going on in the Yom Kippur War in Israel then they missed the fact that the Iran is about to fall to the Ayatollah, they thought it was safe. They didn't know the Soviet Union was going to invade Afghanistan, they didn't know the Soviet Union was about to fall in 1991. They missed 9/11 and then they got it wrong in Iraq in 2003 about weapons of mass destruction. So why are we not surprised that they might get something wrong here on the assassination of a president in 1963 and not want us to know about it. Let's send them billions more on the black budget and let them interfere in our elections. That seems like the black budget's only purpose. The black budget's only 56 billion dollars right now most of which we don't know what it goes for it's you know the largest segment of money in the United States budget that's given away to a group and they sort of decide how they're going to use it without any oversight it seems pretty scary to me doesn't sound like a democracy to me.."
So taking the CIA at their word, they are admitting that they are about the most incompetent bunch of screwups in the US gov't, not worth 10 cents never mind $56B/yr. DISBAND THE CIA.
It’s good to see the government’s refusal to release the Still sealed JFK assassination files is starting to get much needed attention. This journalist was on Tucker C starting at 27:35 but the entire show is eye opening.
This is a major cover up that’s been in our face for 60 years. I’m old enough to remember the event in 1963 as well as Watergate, a cover up that we all just couldn’t get enough of. What in the hell happened to our ability to think and question? Or do we only want to look at the media approved scandals?
Thank you for these perspectives, so beautifully and reflectively expressed. I wondered about this from Dylan when I heard it, I think back in 2020, like why now? But, I would argue, that there is often a prescience in creative work, has been throughout history, as if there is an aspect of our brain's relationship to the nonlocal nontemporal realm of quantum physics and quantum biology (as yet unstudied) that is accessed in creativity. A sports writer for the SF Chronicle wrote a column saying a particular team (can't remember now) couldn't win unless there was an earthquake during the first five minutes of the game. Next day, 5:04, the Loma Prieta Earthquake. I know this sounds like woo to reductionist materialism, but I think there is an argument to be made that this is possible. My sense of Dylan is that he has a mainline connection to the nonlocal nontemporal. "The executioner's face is always well hidden" from A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall And so much woke effort goes into turning art and poetry and literature and theatre into Soviet-style woke Realism that you know the orcs fear it. Young people fear being crucified for perhaps saying something not politically correct. "I saw a new born babe with wild wolves all around it" And "I'll know my song well before I start singing" AI can't understand the creative poetic mind or symbol or metaphor. These are our weapons, plus those of the spirit, if we can reclaim them.
love, life and laughter they can't understand.
Sorry, I have to post my favourite lyrical masterpiece: Crucifixion by Phil Ochs.