These "apologies" are starting to bubble to the surface and all at the same time. This is not a coincidence. Clowns like Oster don't just "think this up" on their own. They are tasked to float these trial balloons by PR firms to gauge public sentiment.
This is just the opening salvo in a PR campaign we will likely see over and over again. Most likely this represents testing the rhetoric to determine which phrasing is the most persuasive and effective for gaslighting the population.
It is a disgrace to even be having this discussion at this time. But what else would you expect from narcissistic scumbags?
Further, the perpetrators do not get to decide anything about "sorry" , it is the victims who determine when and if forgiveness is appropriate.
I am personally engaged on a regular basis with numerous victims of various Covid medical murders, for but one example, and I can assure not one of these individuals is thinking about "sorry" they are all seeking justice for the murder of their loved one. I can further attest to the fact that universally they are repulsed by this notion at this point in time.
This is not even an apology, it is more gaslighting. The only thing that should be discussed right now is justice for the crimes that were committed across all sectors of society.
These crimes are still being committed on a daily basis. Millions were killed and millions more have had their lives permanently marred.
'Sorry' ain't gonna cut it.
This notion of "sorry" has gotten to the point of being pathological. To even suggest such a thing at this point is a disgrace and an insult to the millions who have had their lives destroyed forever and the millions who were killed.
Forgiveness of the criminals who have destroyed the lives of an entire generation of children can in fact be problematic. I don't believe we should even be in a conversation about "forgiveness" at this point- we need justice.
Without that these ghouls will do this again and again- they are already planning on it.
"Oops we killed 15 million people and implemented a mass surveillance control grid. Will you please forgive us? If you do, we will give you extra mealworm cupcakes."
I see very little sign of apologies. The Emily Oster article is the only thing, and it hardly qualifies as an apology. Authoritarians don't apologize. They duped us into reading an article in The Atlantic. The Atlantic, heh! I know who Emily Oster is now. No reason to LARP about apologies in my opinion.
several among my form er circle act as if nothing happened, but carefully. Hinting. Do you still give these birthday parties? It has been so long since I was at your house! Stuff like that. Well they can forget about it. I found a few people who treated me like a human, not like I had leprosy !
Tell them, "I don't have those bday parties anymore but I'm planning some special wakes for when y'all start keeling over from the vaxx. I'll let you know."
Exactly. Still dealing with discrimination via all the colleges and universities And schools that denied exemptions to its staff and its students. Disgusting. Still dealing with having to wear a mask to visit family in the hospital or go to the Dermotologist. Still dealing with family that refuses to visit because I’m not jabbed. I could go on and on....🙄
I agree with everything you state, but what if this is about more than that ?; in that they want social unrest and the people like me to rise up ?. Usually I find their stuff obvious, but I am only half there on this latest "mind game" ... but I believe that we are just being played again.
Very similar scenario to how one of our so called "alt-media" blokes or gals suddenly goes from a literal nobody -> to everywhere overnight (including mainstream media). Just my view, but I am a right sceptic.
You're right to be leery, and you're also right that most of their lies are really obvious, at least to those of us who realize that the "facts" they spew just don't line up with common sense so they must be researched further. Their lies are often SO obvious that one is often left with a nagging feeling that lie detection can't be this easy, and that everyone must be seeing the lies for what they are, but somehow they're not. Maybe this is because they don't have certain gifts of the brain and never tried to develop them, or maybe they are just such good little compliant sheep with all the attendant fear that goes with it, so they're always distracted by constant pants shitting (seeing it written out just now makes me think the pants/shit thing is more than just "possible", with the constant soaping, soaking, hiding, staining, bleaching, WOW, Covid fear porn is a pain in the butt, pun intended) Anyway, I do often wonder how so many people got it so wrong, and the sheep never stopped bleating counter-factual narratives, and months later, like clockwork, that iteration of lies were confirmed as lies, and all that shitting of pants wasn't necessary, just water over the boxers, you know, the water is used to scrub off the geysers of shit- fear, and then a new round of CDC Legacy Media revisionism begins, and I think "Ahh ha, NOW the sheep will see it, because the lies and reality are put side by side so all the proper sanding and chiseling can take place to make it all line up for the Legacy Media such as the New York Times to put above the fold, and the little sheep snatch up a copy, and point with glee: "There, see it?? I TOLD you a bright red mask works better with wood chips and a drizzling of bum piss around the mask's olfactory area!"
Then they look up to see a man with a half smile. He looks so calm. Like he knows something and isn't bleating to the rest of us. We're in a Starbucks and he ordered black coffee. That's weird, cuz they have so many delicious possibilities, we think Pumpkin Spice is the ONLY way to go. Oh well, why is he looking into my soul? He's going to make me shit my pants. Im very upset. Breathe, breathe. Covid doesn't seem to have FLUMMOXED him. Not a single trickle of sweat. Is it because he knew the liars were lying and always so transparent? But how is that possible for some to see it and many did not? That's a question they need to ask themselves and ask fast, because they rolled over and the sociopaths noticed. Next time maybe don't be so CWQ -compliant without questions, cuz to the sociopaths with big plans you are nothing but kindling.
Bravo!!! “They” have no shame.... they will spin this to make “us” look mean in our unwillingness to not let bygones be bygones... it’s really so outrageous. Our response should be “ your science was wrong. Really wrong. Admit that and explain how and why the science we were told to follow was so wrong. That would be a great starting point. But “ we’ll are onto you so first and foremost, stop the continued lying.
I found her piece quite moving. I've been following everything closely since Day 1, and I have yet to see an explanation for why there's so much antipathy towards Naomi Wolf.
She has a doctorate and in academic circles (which leaves out the dummies on The View) no one thinks her degree is in medicine. Her jump from academic orthodoxy to Freethinker is huge. And her anti-jab activism is exceptional.
Exactly. For someone who has spent her entire life and career on the left to realize and acknowledge that the whole ideology has become insane is a very big deal. That's why her former buddies hate her so much.
I disagree with you there. It's Naomi trying to wrap her mind around how she is supposed to live in a town with people that turned against her like rabid animals because she resisted the lockdowns and jabs. If she - the person who was harmed - wants to struggle towards forgiveness, that's her prerogative. That's completely different than people who were complicit in causing harm forgiving themselves.
The "I forgive" is rhetorical: I forgive the asshole who mistreated me. (Not! But I must pretend I do when I get out of the house or I will turn into a screaming lunatic)
I am listening to police sirens today Sunday...we've just had two. Reminds me of the Spring and Summer of 2021 during the Jab rollout...every day about 5 times a day.
It is a beautiful day here, 71 and a breeze. Indian Summer. I am dusting and moving the electric fireplace into my bedroom because it gets cold in there. Winter is coming.
Two young kids walkacross the parking lot, and my mind thinks: When I was that age, the one thing I knew in my life was that my parents would take a bullet for me. We knew we were the most important thing to our parents, and there was nothing they wouldn't do to keep us safe.
What are they going to think when they get a little older, and realize that we shut down the world, masked them like slaves, deprived them even of normal play, trashed the economy for their lifetimes, just so the old and afraid people could live a few years longer?
When they realize their parents would sacrifice them in a heartbeat to keep themselves safe?
I don't think this is going to end well. After such knowledge, what forgiveness?
We hear the sirens coming to our neighborhood outside a college who has/had a requirement of the Bioweapon injection. Last week they came 3 times. Now I go out to find out first hand and give the EMTs an earful because they know exactly what is going on and are not speaking up. I tell everyone I see what is going on, even the students of course. I warn them about further injections. The students are better at receiving the news then the adults. They don't look happy when I tell them.
It's weird because I check my annoyingly trendy upstate town's Facebook page to see if I'm the only one noticing the many daily ambulance sirens, when it never used to be like this. Predictably, only crickets. It's stunning that nobody is mentioning it or maybe they're in so much denial, they've blocked their hearing.
I have been hearing far more than usual number of ambulances in Halifax, Nova Scotia for at least a year now. We are on an ambulance route, so can't avoid hearing them. I question my daughter, who is a nurse in an IMCU, and she said there are a lot of weird accidents happening. That would account for some of the sirens, but we all know heart attacks, strokes, brain bleeds, etc. are happening at higher rates. No one authority will acknowledge what is happening.
We need whistle blowers from the Hospital ER etc. and EMTs to start warning people. They can do it anonymously or not. If they never mention a patients name and speak in general terms it can be an observation that someone told them.
The truth will come out sooner or later. Imagine how the people are going to feel or be investigated for the cover ups. Like embezzlement or any other murders, the truth eventually comes out. Here there are tons of witnesses to the crime and criminals.
Now we need to line up the prosecutors and Judges. We need European History major Judges.
Me too! I talk to whoever listens and yesterday in a parking lot at beach met a like minded individual and he actually shared info with me that I didn’t have lol! Keep sharing!
What injuries do you see? Kudos on awakening strangers. So proud of you. Few people are brave enough for a frontal assault. In a hot war, you would receive a medal for valor.
A neighbor's very healthy active 60 something year old mother lost her hands and almost her feet to sepsis after having the shot last year. Another neighbor had a brain bleed. At least five people I know have been diagnosed with aggressive cancers. One miscarriage, heart attacks, bypass surgery, myasthenia graves, and others I am not remembering at the moment. So much craziness that I do not mind pressing doctors and nurses about this. I gave it to my very frightened dermatologist and he was completely like a deer in the head lights. For an intelligent man, that speaks volumes of how brain dead or controlled they are.
My SIL started having breathing issues then seizures after her booster,was in hospital and they put her on a vent. We flew down to help and was able to get her off the vent after 7 days. She now has memory issues and is in rehab. Never sick just has a knee injury. My next door neighbor 83 and healthy all of a sudden gets riddled with cancer and dies 3 weeks after diagnosis. She had 4 jabs. My friends husband healthy 52 yo gets colon cancer has surgery to remove huge mass. Now needs radiation. Has 3 jabs that I know of maybe 4. That’s enough for me.
I live on the Lower East Side in Manhattan and for the last few weeks I’ve been hearing ambulance sirens all day long, I mean a really crazy number of sirens from near and far. I’m wondering if it has anything to do with the rollout of the bivalent booster. (It’s quiet this morning. Maybe they ran out of ambulances.)
I have a friend who was shotted, along with most of her family at the time. We remained friends, never brought any of it up, but I observed the health of her husband and their combined parents decline rapidly. Her mother started post menopausal bleeding and had a hysterectomy. Her husband has some kind of alzheimer's dementia, her MIL went into the hospital for a suspected stroke, came out a week later and had to go back as she had another within 24 hours of being home.
Where I am going with this is the emergency room. I was in the emergency rooms with my late husband several times during the height of covid in late 20-21. The exam/trauma rooms are large and were set up at the time for single occupancy. The ER was not that busy, lots of space and few waiting. Apparantly, these same exam rooms are now set up with curtains to accomodate three patients at a time. She complained that her MIL stopped drinking water because she had no privacy to use a bed pan as people constantly walked past and milled outside the curtains. And the place is packed.
I wanted to say the same thing to the police siren comment, but thought it would confuse matters.
I have exactly the same thing over here in The NL (I work from home and have for years) ... anyway maybe in the past 1/week, 3-6/day PLUS "sirens at night", when there are few cars on the roads (?)
Agreed! My graduate mentor who is an older man, told me after I had shared that we should not be putting our children in harms way in order to protect the elderly, said my words bordered on elder abuse. What a gaslighting scum bag.
Oh for heaven's sake, what a awful old person you had for a mentor.
I do not know if you beleive in God or not, but even if you don't, please take it from an old
childless woman....the is only one point in life and that is to love, marry, have kids and raise them, and they in turn do the same and pay it forward. The perpetuation either of your DNA or your way to find is the only reason for life.
Covid 19 did not exist, the vax was not meant to save anyone, was not made to stop people getting it,and spreading it, it was all propaganda to get the needle in people's arms, Faucie admitted during the court case, that the test swabs test positive to any old cold or flu remnants left in the body, scientists have confirmed this, they have also tested positive to tap water,coke, mango fruit, the test swabs were being sold to governments around the world in 2017 and 2018, patented in 2016, all were paid for through the world bank...a fraud, fake covid test kits, fake vaccine.fake pandemic, and it worked, get the poison into millions of arms, mass genocide,depopulation, 170 countries signed up to World Reset, headed by Klaus Schwab ,the Rothschild's, and the CCP, as Schwab said in his world economic forum speech, you will own nothing,and be happy, mind control....The phizer documents ,which have been released to the public ,which they wanted hidden for 70 years, show there are 1300 side effects, 7 full pages, two of the side effects to are, Covid 19, and Sars 2, both are in the vax, also death is listed, cancers are through the roof, I could be here a week writing down all the side effects....I have lost two brothers-in-law to the vax, and one of my sisters will be lucky to see Christmas, she has stage 4 cancer.....
we are well on our way to owning nothing. Banks are gonna bail will still have to pay your mortgage but they own it....and will take it. the social contract has been broken already...there are only 2 things they can do with pensions/social security. Default on them, or inflate them away, so that your pension/ss will amount to nothing. Blackrock owns 40 percent of all the single family homes in the US. The digital currency which will be progammable by the Central banks (Biden expected to introduce it on Dec 13th as a concept we are developing) will also have expiry dates....
I think the globalists and the CCP have already made a bargain years ago....I think the globalists might live to regret it. The aims are the same...and I think the US is gonna be reserved for China and their soon as they can get rid of us.
Hi, one brother-in-law lived on Vancouver Island, he went against my advice, he wanted them so they could travel, my sister just had one,he had two, he soon went blind jn one eye, was weak, then got bad shingles, told me he wished he had not done it, legs got weaker,put in hospital, lost the use of his legs, travelled up his spine, down his arms and hands, paralysed, he died after 8 other brother-in-law, died in April in England, just had a booster for his job, was fit, he played a game of golf, went back to his car, had a heart attack and died, my sister in UK would not listen, she thought it was all conspiracy theories, she got stage four stomach cancer, a few months ago, most of it removed, then about 5 weeks ago, said she and her husband
were booked in for covid booster and flu jabs, I could not believe it, 3 weeks ago she said the cancer is back and growing fast, and doctors have given her 3 months to live.....her husband had all the jabs, he's ok for now.....we live in Australia, all my family believed the government and media, most are d vaxed,some boostered...would not listen, my husband had to get vaxed so he could carry on playing golf, said all his vaxed mates were ok, from last November his health has gone down hill...he now says he wished he had not done it....
I don't fully agree about 'the old and afraid' so they could live a few more years or sacrificing their kids to keep themselves safe. These are the same people that think a windmill will give us our energy or gun control rather than removing criminals will stop crime. They are brainwashed to believe and obey and for those under 45ish, you can thank our education system. For those somewhat older, I have no explanation.
I've noticed the same thing in my town in upstate NY. I moved here from NYC, and noticed the absence of sirens for the first few years. Now, I'm hearing multiple sirens every single day for weeks.
Spent months doing my research and their was no way in hell I was going to let my young adult kids get the jab! Thank God they listened and I was able to get exemption from school for my youngest.
Q3 2021 the ambulance sirens went on all day. It was dystopian. I've heard more recently, but nothing like a year ago. Per Jordan Schachtel's latest article, about 7% of the US population has taken the mouse booster.
Because my family had already been infected with TDS, and because they already viewed me with suspicion for my political views (independent), they viewed with strong and impervious suspicion anything I had to say (questioning) about the lockdowns, masks, vaccines.
The brainwashing is, I fear, permanent. They are all about that amnesty and ready to move on.
Last night I hung out at a crowded bar with a dear old (brainwashed) friend who no longer feels the need to wear a mask because she has had 5 of the magical jabs. I said something like, "well, at least when most people are getting sick now, it tends to be mild." She said, "well, not if you are immunocompromised like my husband (unmasked, sitting beside her in the crowded bar)." Neither one of them has "caught it" the entire past 3 years. (and neither have I, despite having turned down all magical injections.)
I'm not sure what their thinking is, but they still strongly believe in jabbing and will definitely put their masks right back on as soon as the "go" sign is given.
Around here, being unvaccinated or questioning equates to being a Trumper, and essentially a leper. This is still the case. Many of my friends still don't know my status. (not their business)
I wonder how much of the "anti-Trump" mentality stems from snobbery. A lot of leftist trolls on conservative sites mock "Trumpkins" for having calloused hands and holding jobs like trucker, farmer or mechanic that aren't white collar. They assume we do not hold university degrees which automatically makes us ignorant and dumb. They accuse us of marrying our siblings, hating other races and being semi-literate. (Often poorly spelled with no punctuation and in all caps.)
Their arrogance may be the death of them. In this case literally.
I hate those people... same group that make fun of farmers as being “hayseeds.” It’s a tough enterprise to run. Ironically, it’s the academia elitists who traffic very seldom in the real world that promote this snobbery. And now are asking us who even with the smallest of doubts were ridiculed and shamed to “ not gloat” but forgive. That’s a hard NO.
Wow, that sounds like a really difficult existence, you may want to try surrounding yourself with like minded sane people even if you have to travel frequently, go to meetings or move even. There is shear happiness when you get away from the brainwashed. Lots of jobs everywhere because of the 40 % increase in all cause deaths 18-59 year olds in 2021.
It wasn't as passive as we are told. There was an active section of Freedom Fighters led by Subhas Chandra Bose and Sardar Vallabhabhai Patel without which India would not have liberated itself from the English occupation .
Exactly! I have been attempting to get this message across for almost three years now! All we needed to do is refuse the ridiculous face nappies and not submit to PCR-tests! That would have told the cabal that we are not playing game. They would not have tried to lock the world down. The circus would have ended right there, like it did with the previous "pandemics" they announced and that turned into duds in no time.
There have been lots of experiments throughout history and we obviously are at that time again.
It is Good or Evil, everyone has to pick a side and then watch out because one way or another you will get what you deserve. This is happening at all socioeconomic levels. Those making millions are pretty happy now. We will see.
The really evil sinners, in the hierarchy of sinners would be the uninjected pushing the injection on others. Can you imagine? " I won't take it but you have to." The good thing is we can do a blood test on these people to see if they were or were not injected. Nuremburg 2.0
Sounds like the Demonrat mantra " Good for thee, but not for me ". Like Kathy Hochul, we know Fraudci did not get it because he like Pfizer BioNtech CEO and Mark Zuckerbucks - FB advised their employees and were videoed doing so NOT to get it. While they promoted the opposite $$$- scared looking Zuckerbucks - to everyone else, including their customers. They don't want to hurt their own company profits though by workers being dead or damaged and out of work.
It's simply the biggest conspiracy in human history. Forgive? FUCK NO. REVEAL EVERYTHING INSTEAD. Get to the bottom and the top of it! REVEAL how it was engineered and why it was so successful! So it will NEVER BE ABLE TO BE PERPETUATED UPON HUMANITY EVER AGAIN.
Covid 19 is not real, it has been revealed it was computer generated in the US, and shared with the CCP....fake, a fraud, to get the people of the world injected, mass genocide, planned for years......and it worked......watched a CCP video recently, published by a whistle-blower, the head of the CCP, giving a talk to a roomful of people, he ells them, that covid 19 was brought in to bring America down, after all the military and elites are gone after the vax, they would no longer be the super power , he said all who are vaxed will die, and said all are chipped, that all their details are kept up in the Cloud, he said they have the antidote,but this will only be for the unvaxed, as the vax transmits to others.. he said those who helped push this around the world, will no longer be of use........this is straight from the horses mouth.......but others have been telling us about this for two years.......
Ahead of Tuesday's election, I've personally spoken with most of my local & regional candidates, and corresponded with the rest via email. And as a former political science lecturer, and someone coming from the "political left", I never thought I'd say this, but I'm now pretty much a single issue voter - Don't try to poison or kill my kids.
So inflation, crime, abortion, environment, all take a back seat. I only want to know the answers to a few simple questions: Have you ever supported mandatory jabs? Did you support the lockdowns? Have you supported censorship or open debate on this issue? (And frankly these questions set a pitifully low bar, I'm basically asking, "Are you a fascist?")
But no Democrat (in my locale at least) could give me a satisfactory answer, and so, for the first time, I will be voting straight ticket, 100% Republican.
But to those of you Republicans who want us on board, don't get too excited. You guys cannot turn a blind eye to Trump's position on the vaccines. Dr Miller has pointed this out many times. Trump, the author of Operation Warp Speed, gave millions to fund new vaccine research (has everyone forgotten about this?), gave billions to GAVI (whose singular goal is to vaccinate the entire world), and Trump has unapologetically sung the praises of the vaccine over & over again. He can add his qualifier (". . .but I respect your liberty") all he wants, but he is in bed with Pfizer, taking millions in campaign contributions from them, and appointing them to his cabinet. So while we're on the subject of never forgetting, let's make sure to put Trump where he belongs, in Camp Complicit, along with Biden, Obama, the Clintons, Bush 43, and the rest of them. And frankly, Trump had something the others didn't - people ALL around him brave enough to tell him the truth, in some cases loudly. And he ignored them.
Your last point has merit although the tremendous damages of the vaccine rollout came after he was out of office and purposely isolated from medical dissenters.
Mark; have they even stopped paying hospitals $100k plus liability protection per c19 death? Perhaps they should stop killing people before they ask for forgiveness?
May each and every person that wished pain, suffering and death on the "noncompliant" rot in Hell for all Eternity. Perhaps Lucifer will provide amnesty.
They are still injecting us and our children everyday, everywhere and they want to be excused for what they are actively doing!? F ! that sounds like a Demonrat!
Murder trials in local courts are whats needed, along with all the implications for discovery and precedent. Multiply that by millions. The result will be change.
Amnesty? The masking and coercion to get shots to attend college, work in health care, military, schools, and other employment is still going strong. There is no slow down. The ads for more shots are still going strong also.
The useful idiots who destroyed families, communities, personal health, and livelihoods need to go to jail for their crimes against their fellow man. Crimes against humanity. They can write beautiful prose from their jail cells. Amnesty is off the table and out of the question.
A while back (the last DIM candidate I actually worked for) Marisa DeFranco who was running for senate in Massachusetts against Warren recommended I watch "V is for Vendetta" - I didn't 'get it' back then - just scifi I thought. DeFranco was wise. Great film great cast; very prescient.
Most people haven't a clue what's really happening despite the courageous efforts of people like you Mark. Wait til CBDC and the WHO (i.e. BIGPHARMA) treaty that authorizes the takeover of "health" for the entire world kicks in, in the not to distant future. I had hoped for a nuremberg 2. Instead I think it'll probably be WWIII because of the nut jobs in DC and the MIC. And I think all the propaganda/brainwashing/ingested poisons now block any possibility of a real revolution. I'm sad for my children and grand kids.
I live in the very blue DIM Massachusetts, with the least transparent statehouse in the country. I've already submitted a blank ballot (only voted on issues - one of which is a light tax on the rich, whch will be overturned in a secret vote in the state house). I watched as my town clerk date stamped my ballot and checked it in. My little very wealthy town still has 'vax clinics' to give the poison to very young children and the elderly (many of whom still wear useless masks) - insanely clueless; now more damaged than ever because BIGPHARMA poisons and all the other poisons in the world. A very DIM town (and I mean that in both senses).
Amnesty for Emily? Geraldo Rivera? Anderson Cooper? Gene Simmons? All those and the other WAR CRIMINALS who advocated withholding medical treatment, shunning and outright locking up the unvaxxed for the crime of not taking a series of experimental gene therapy injections for a disease with an IFR of 0.3 (CDC, May 2020) and the current variant is half that.
For about three years, I've been banned from restaurants, theaters, museums, and libraries. Hell, I couldn't even go to yoga or my private Spanish conversation class without wearing a goddamned mask.
Cries for justice answered by questions about concerts, movies, travel arrangements missed and offers of compensation. WTF?
What about the murders?
The future deaths from everything from cancer to ALS?
What about the damage to kids? The effects of poverty, abuse?
From the tainted blood supply to the damaged legal, medical scientific communities and systems, and beyond, calculating it all will take years. Criminal trials are just a start.
These "apologies" are starting to bubble to the surface and all at the same time. This is not a coincidence. Clowns like Oster don't just "think this up" on their own. They are tasked to float these trial balloons by PR firms to gauge public sentiment.
This is just the opening salvo in a PR campaign we will likely see over and over again. Most likely this represents testing the rhetoric to determine which phrasing is the most persuasive and effective for gaslighting the population.
It is a disgrace to even be having this discussion at this time. But what else would you expect from narcissistic scumbags?
Further, the perpetrators do not get to decide anything about "sorry" , it is the victims who determine when and if forgiveness is appropriate.
I am personally engaged on a regular basis with numerous victims of various Covid medical murders, for but one example, and I can assure not one of these individuals is thinking about "sorry" they are all seeking justice for the murder of their loved one. I can further attest to the fact that universally they are repulsed by this notion at this point in time.
This is not even an apology, it is more gaslighting. The only thing that should be discussed right now is justice for the crimes that were committed across all sectors of society.
These crimes are still being committed on a daily basis. Millions were killed and millions more have had their lives permanently marred.
'Sorry' ain't gonna cut it.
This notion of "sorry" has gotten to the point of being pathological. To even suggest such a thing at this point is a disgrace and an insult to the millions who have had their lives destroyed forever and the millions who were killed.
Forgiveness of the criminals who have destroyed the lives of an entire generation of children can in fact be problematic. I don't believe we should even be in a conversation about "forgiveness" at this point- we need justice.
Without that these ghouls will do this again and again- they are already planning on it.
"Oops we killed 15 million people and implemented a mass surveillance control grid. Will you please forgive us? If you do, we will give you extra mealworm cupcakes."
No thanks.
“This is not even an apology, it is more gaslighting.”
A million times, yes! But the sheep are still sheep and can’t or won’t see it.
Sheep ?; more like "lambs to the slaughter".
Never forget what the leftist totalitarians did to us:
Excellent video thanks.
Unfortunately with the UN agenda (S) and the WEF Great Reset, I no longer believe in left and right totalitarians; just globalist parasites.
I see very little sign of apologies. The Emily Oster article is the only thing, and it hardly qualifies as an apology. Authoritarians don't apologize. They duped us into reading an article in The Atlantic. The Atlantic, heh! I know who Emily Oster is now. No reason to LARP about apologies in my opinion.
several among my form er circle act as if nothing happened, but carefully. Hinting. Do you still give these birthday parties? It has been so long since I was at your house! Stuff like that. Well they can forget about it. I found a few people who treated me like a human, not like I had leprosy !
Let them hint, the wankers.
Tell them, "I don't have those bday parties anymore but I'm planning some special wakes for when y'all start keeling over from the vaxx. I'll let you know."
I’m sorry for you. And sadder that this kind of discord was intentionally sowed.
I don't think they expect us to forgive them.
They'll forgive themselves.
And then presume that means we forgave them.
The next step will be to paint those of us who reject this gaslighting as angry, uncompassionate, and unreasonable.
Hard to top what they have already called us. Forget them. I have my friends and community. The Covidians can keep their social distance.
Who really gives a shit - F-‘em. An eye for an eye.
Oops, I thought you were describing the last 2+ years of reactions of that faction of people, not us. My bad.
Exactly. Still dealing with discrimination via all the colleges and universities And schools that denied exemptions to its staff and its students. Disgusting. Still dealing with having to wear a mask to visit family in the hospital or go to the Dermotologist. Still dealing with family that refuses to visit because I’m not jabbed. I could go on and on....🙄
I agree with everything you state, but what if this is about more than that ?; in that they want social unrest and the people like me to rise up ?. Usually I find their stuff obvious, but I am only half there on this latest "mind game" ... but I believe that we are just being played again.
Very similar scenario to how one of our so called "alt-media" blokes or gals suddenly goes from a literal nobody -> to everywhere overnight (including mainstream media). Just my view, but I am a right sceptic.
Be very skeptical.
You're right to be leery, and you're also right that most of their lies are really obvious, at least to those of us who realize that the "facts" they spew just don't line up with common sense so they must be researched further. Their lies are often SO obvious that one is often left with a nagging feeling that lie detection can't be this easy, and that everyone must be seeing the lies for what they are, but somehow they're not. Maybe this is because they don't have certain gifts of the brain and never tried to develop them, or maybe they are just such good little compliant sheep with all the attendant fear that goes with it, so they're always distracted by constant pants shitting (seeing it written out just now makes me think the pants/shit thing is more than just "possible", with the constant soaping, soaking, hiding, staining, bleaching, WOW, Covid fear porn is a pain in the butt, pun intended) Anyway, I do often wonder how so many people got it so wrong, and the sheep never stopped bleating counter-factual narratives, and months later, like clockwork, that iteration of lies were confirmed as lies, and all that shitting of pants wasn't necessary, just water over the boxers, you know, the water is used to scrub off the geysers of shit- fear, and then a new round of CDC Legacy Media revisionism begins, and I think "Ahh ha, NOW the sheep will see it, because the lies and reality are put side by side so all the proper sanding and chiseling can take place to make it all line up for the Legacy Media such as the New York Times to put above the fold, and the little sheep snatch up a copy, and point with glee: "There, see it?? I TOLD you a bright red mask works better with wood chips and a drizzling of bum piss around the mask's olfactory area!"
Then they look up to see a man with a half smile. He looks so calm. Like he knows something and isn't bleating to the rest of us. We're in a Starbucks and he ordered black coffee. That's weird, cuz they have so many delicious possibilities, we think Pumpkin Spice is the ONLY way to go. Oh well, why is he looking into my soul? He's going to make me shit my pants. Im very upset. Breathe, breathe. Covid doesn't seem to have FLUMMOXED him. Not a single trickle of sweat. Is it because he knew the liars were lying and always so transparent? But how is that possible for some to see it and many did not? That's a question they need to ask themselves and ask fast, because they rolled over and the sociopaths noticed. Next time maybe don't be so CWQ -compliant without questions, cuz to the sociopaths with big plans you are nothing but kindling.
Bravo!!! “They” have no shame.... they will spin this to make “us” look mean in our unwillingness to not let bygones be bygones... it’s really so outrageous. Our response should be “ your science was wrong. Really wrong. Admit that and explain how and why the science we were told to follow was so wrong. That would be a great starting point. But “ we’ll are onto you so first and foremost, stop the continued lying.
More diversion before Tuesday. 😉
Yep, exactly.
Brilliant comment. Thank you.
I found her piece quite moving. I've been following everything closely since Day 1, and I have yet to see an explanation for why there's so much antipathy towards Naomi Wolf.
Maybe if she didn't insist on her calling herself "Dr."?
Yeah, that's a little pretentious, I'll grant you that. But her team has done amazing work digging up all the horrible crap from the Pfizer documents.
Indeed. And the piece is VERY well written!
She loves to say she's "CEO" of her own company, too. . . .
She has a doctorate and in academic circles (which leaves out the dummies on The View) no one thinks her degree is in medicine. Her jump from academic orthodoxy to Freethinker is huge. And her anti-jab activism is exceptional.
Exactly. For someone who has spent her entire life and career on the left to realize and acknowledge that the whole ideology has become insane is a very big deal. That's why her former buddies hate her so much.
You don't see "DR. Noam Chomsky" on any of his book covers, do you? It's pretentious and reeks of low self-esteem.
She doesn't put Dr. Naomi Wolf on her book covers either.
Well, Noam Chomsky is a dyed-in-the-wool leftist, so I'll take a pretentious person on our side over a humble one on their side.
I admire and appreciate her. She's got GUTS. Just drop the Doctor thing. It's pretentious and I don't think she is.
She is a great writer. I recommend The Bodies of Others.
Like "DR. Jill," whom the clueless Whoopi thought would make "a great Surgeon-General" . . .
Can't stand that Dr. b.s. with people who aren't doctors.
Nor can I stand real doctors anymore.
Because she is working with MDs and her PhD is in English, it would be a good idea for Naomi Wolf to drop the appellation Dr.
InDEED! (And even if she were working with fellow Ph.Ds, she should drop this sign of insecurity.)
And this, from essayist Joseph Epstein:
I disagree with you there. It's Naomi trying to wrap her mind around how she is supposed to live in a town with people that turned against her like rabid animals because she resisted the lockdowns and jabs. If she - the person who was harmed - wants to struggle towards forgiveness, that's her prerogative. That's completely different than people who were complicit in causing harm forgiving themselves.
Naomi ruthlessly describes the petty and tyrannical actions of her neighbors. They continue to be on Naomi's shitlist.
The "I forgive" is rhetorical: I forgive the asshole who mistreated me. (Not! But I must pretend I do when I get out of the house or I will turn into a screaming lunatic)
get the needles out to pop the balloons !
I am listening to police sirens today Sunday...we've just had two. Reminds me of the Spring and Summer of 2021 during the Jab rollout...every day about 5 times a day.
It is a beautiful day here, 71 and a breeze. Indian Summer. I am dusting and moving the electric fireplace into my bedroom because it gets cold in there. Winter is coming.
Two young kids walkacross the parking lot, and my mind thinks: When I was that age, the one thing I knew in my life was that my parents would take a bullet for me. We knew we were the most important thing to our parents, and there was nothing they wouldn't do to keep us safe.
What are they going to think when they get a little older, and realize that we shut down the world, masked them like slaves, deprived them even of normal play, trashed the economy for their lifetimes, just so the old and afraid people could live a few years longer?
When they realize their parents would sacrifice them in a heartbeat to keep themselves safe?
I don't think this is going to end well. After such knowledge, what forgiveness?
We hear the sirens coming to our neighborhood outside a college who has/had a requirement of the Bioweapon injection. Last week they came 3 times. Now I go out to find out first hand and give the EMTs an earful because they know exactly what is going on and are not speaking up. I tell everyone I see what is going on, even the students of course. I warn them about further injections. The students are better at receiving the news then the adults. They don't look happy when I tell them.
It's weird because I check my annoyingly trendy upstate town's Facebook page to see if I'm the only one noticing the many daily ambulance sirens, when it never used to be like this. Predictably, only crickets. It's stunning that nobody is mentioning it or maybe they're in so much denial, they've blocked their hearing.
Omg I thought I was the only one. I hear and SEE emergency vehicles several times a day now. I wasn’t sure if it was confirmation bias
I have been hearing far more than usual number of ambulances in Halifax, Nova Scotia for at least a year now. We are on an ambulance route, so can't avoid hearing them. I question my daughter, who is a nurse in an IMCU, and she said there are a lot of weird accidents happening. That would account for some of the sirens, but we all know heart attacks, strokes, brain bleeds, etc. are happening at higher rates. No one authority will acknowledge what is happening.
We need whistle blowers from the Hospital ER etc. and EMTs to start warning people. They can do it anonymously or not. If they never mention a patients name and speak in general terms it can be an observation that someone told them.
The truth will come out sooner or later. Imagine how the people are going to feel or be investigated for the cover ups. Like embezzlement or any other murders, the truth eventually comes out. Here there are tons of witnesses to the crime and criminals.
Now we need to line up the prosecutors and Judges. We need European History major Judges.
Medical "privacy" is mainly used to muzzle health care workers.
Me too! I talk to whoever listens and yesterday in a parking lot at beach met a like minded individual and he actually shared info with me that I didn’t have lol! Keep sharing!
More sirens.........hearing
Maybe NYC marathon related today??
What injuries do you see? Kudos on awakening strangers. So proud of you. Few people are brave enough for a frontal assault. In a hot war, you would receive a medal for valor.
A neighbor's very healthy active 60 something year old mother lost her hands and almost her feet to sepsis after having the shot last year. Another neighbor had a brain bleed. At least five people I know have been diagnosed with aggressive cancers. One miscarriage, heart attacks, bypass surgery, myasthenia graves, and others I am not remembering at the moment. So much craziness that I do not mind pressing doctors and nurses about this. I gave it to my very frightened dermatologist and he was completely like a deer in the head lights. For an intelligent man, that speaks volumes of how brain dead or controlled they are.
My SIL started having breathing issues then seizures after her booster,was in hospital and they put her on a vent. We flew down to help and was able to get her off the vent after 7 days. She now has memory issues and is in rehab. Never sick just has a knee injury. My next door neighbor 83 and healthy all of a sudden gets riddled with cancer and dies 3 weeks after diagnosis. She had 4 jabs. My friends husband healthy 52 yo gets colon cancer has surgery to remove huge mass. Now needs radiation. Has 3 jabs that I know of maybe 4. That’s enough for me.
Keep telling them. Good for you.
I live on the Lower East Side in Manhattan and for the last few weeks I’ve been hearing ambulance sirens all day long, I mean a really crazy number of sirens from near and far. I’m wondering if it has anything to do with the rollout of the bivalent booster. (It’s quiet this morning. Maybe they ran out of ambulances.)
Here a little anecdote I gathered yesterday:
I have a friend who was shotted, along with most of her family at the time. We remained friends, never brought any of it up, but I observed the health of her husband and their combined parents decline rapidly. Her mother started post menopausal bleeding and had a hysterectomy. Her husband has some kind of alzheimer's dementia, her MIL went into the hospital for a suspected stroke, came out a week later and had to go back as she had another within 24 hours of being home.
Where I am going with this is the emergency room. I was in the emergency rooms with my late husband several times during the height of covid in late 20-21. The exam/trauma rooms are large and were set up at the time for single occupancy. The ER was not that busy, lots of space and few waiting. Apparantly, these same exam rooms are now set up with curtains to accomodate three patients at a time. She complained that her MIL stopped drinking water because she had no privacy to use a bed pan as people constantly walked past and milled outside the curtains. And the place is packed.
I wonder why that would be?
Important for us to share these stories. This is true journalism, the stories of “the people.” (Sirens in the background.)
If you SEE something SAY something!
John Campbell has been covering the excess deaths:
I moved from the east village to upstate, and lately I'm noticing ambulance sirens many times each day. Not that long ago, they were so rare here.
I wanted to say the same thing to the police siren comment, but thought it would confuse matters.
I have exactly the same thing over here in The NL (I work from home and have for years) ... anyway maybe in the past 1/week, 3-6/day PLUS "sirens at night", when there are few cars on the roads (?)
same thing all over western world which was forced into these high vaxx rates ...
The scary thing is when the time comes they are instructed to turn them off.
My SIL from NYC thinks it is the drug overdoses .Possibly both?
I don't think so.
it is not really "we" that shut down the world ...
Agreed! My graduate mentor who is an older man, told me after I had shared that we should not be putting our children in harms way in order to protect the elderly, said my words bordered on elder abuse. What a gaslighting scum bag.
Oh for heaven's sake, what a awful old person you had for a mentor.
I do not know if you beleive in God or not, but even if you don't, please take it from an old
childless woman....the is only one point in life and that is to love, marry, have kids and raise them, and they in turn do the same and pay it forward. The perpetuation either of your DNA or your way to find is the only reason for life.
Covid 19 did not exist, the vax was not meant to save anyone, was not made to stop people getting it,and spreading it, it was all propaganda to get the needle in people's arms, Faucie admitted during the court case, that the test swabs test positive to any old cold or flu remnants left in the body, scientists have confirmed this, they have also tested positive to tap water,coke, mango fruit, the test swabs were being sold to governments around the world in 2017 and 2018, patented in 2016, all were paid for through the world bank...a fraud, fake covid test kits, fake vaccine.fake pandemic, and it worked, get the poison into millions of arms, mass genocide,depopulation, 170 countries signed up to World Reset, headed by Klaus Schwab ,the Rothschild's, and the CCP, as Schwab said in his world economic forum speech, you will own nothing,and be happy, mind control....The phizer documents ,which have been released to the public ,which they wanted hidden for 70 years, show there are 1300 side effects, 7 full pages, two of the side effects to are, Covid 19, and Sars 2, both are in the vax, also death is listed, cancers are through the roof, I could be here a week writing down all the side effects....I have lost two brothers-in-law to the vax, and one of my sisters will be lucky to see Christmas, she has stage 4 cancer.....
we are well on our way to owning nothing. Banks are gonna bail will still have to pay your mortgage but they own it....and will take it. the social contract has been broken already...there are only 2 things they can do with pensions/social security. Default on them, or inflate them away, so that your pension/ss will amount to nothing. Blackrock owns 40 percent of all the single family homes in the US. The digital currency which will be progammable by the Central banks (Biden expected to introduce it on Dec 13th as a concept we are developing) will also have expiry dates....
I think the globalists and the CCP have already made a bargain years ago....I think the globalists might live to regret it. The aims are the same...and I think the US is gonna be reserved for China and their soon as they can get rid of us.
You are right on target.
I am sorry for your losses.
Just a hunch but do your relatives live in the NE or Cal ?
Hi, one brother-in-law lived on Vancouver Island, he went against my advice, he wanted them so they could travel, my sister just had one,he had two, he soon went blind jn one eye, was weak, then got bad shingles, told me he wished he had not done it, legs got weaker,put in hospital, lost the use of his legs, travelled up his spine, down his arms and hands, paralysed, he died after 8 other brother-in-law, died in April in England, just had a booster for his job, was fit, he played a game of golf, went back to his car, had a heart attack and died, my sister in UK would not listen, she thought it was all conspiracy theories, she got stage four stomach cancer, a few months ago, most of it removed, then about 5 weeks ago, said she and her husband
were booked in for covid booster and flu jabs, I could not believe it, 3 weeks ago she said the cancer is back and growing fast, and doctors have given her 3 months to live.....her husband had all the jabs, he's ok for now.....we live in Australia, all my family believed the government and media, most are d vaxed,some boostered...would not listen, my husband had to get vaxed so he could carry on playing golf, said all his vaxed mates were ok, from last November his health has gone down hill...he now says he wished he had not done it....
I don't fully agree about 'the old and afraid' so they could live a few more years or sacrificing their kids to keep themselves safe. These are the same people that think a windmill will give us our energy or gun control rather than removing criminals will stop crime. They are brainwashed to believe and obey and for those under 45ish, you can thank our education system. For those somewhat older, I have no explanation.
I've noticed the same thing in my town in upstate NY. I moved here from NYC, and noticed the absence of sirens for the first few years. Now, I'm hearing multiple sirens every single day for weeks.
Spent months doing my research and their was no way in hell I was going to let my young adult kids get the jab! Thank God they listened and I was able to get exemption from school for my youngest.
You can edit the post, click those 3 dots.
Q3 2021 the ambulance sirens went on all day. It was dystopian. I've heard more recently, but nothing like a year ago. Per Jordan Schachtel's latest article, about 7% of the US population has taken the mouse booster.
'the mouse booster', brilliant :-))
That was certainly true Q3 2021 here in Manhattan also, but there have been days the past few weeks when I hear sirens every 15 minutes or so.
Because my family had already been infected with TDS, and because they already viewed me with suspicion for my political views (independent), they viewed with strong and impervious suspicion anything I had to say (questioning) about the lockdowns, masks, vaccines.
The brainwashing is, I fear, permanent. They are all about that amnesty and ready to move on.
Last night I hung out at a crowded bar with a dear old (brainwashed) friend who no longer feels the need to wear a mask because she has had 5 of the magical jabs. I said something like, "well, at least when most people are getting sick now, it tends to be mild." She said, "well, not if you are immunocompromised like my husband (unmasked, sitting beside her in the crowded bar)." Neither one of them has "caught it" the entire past 3 years. (and neither have I, despite having turned down all magical injections.)
I'm not sure what their thinking is, but they still strongly believe in jabbing and will definitely put their masks right back on as soon as the "go" sign is given.
Around here, being unvaccinated or questioning equates to being a Trumper, and essentially a leper. This is still the case. Many of my friends still don't know my status. (not their business)
I wonder how much of the "anti-Trump" mentality stems from snobbery. A lot of leftist trolls on conservative sites mock "Trumpkins" for having calloused hands and holding jobs like trucker, farmer or mechanic that aren't white collar. They assume we do not hold university degrees which automatically makes us ignorant and dumb. They accuse us of marrying our siblings, hating other races and being semi-literate. (Often poorly spelled with no punctuation and in all caps.)
Their arrogance may be the death of them. In this case literally.
I hate those people... same group that make fun of farmers as being “hayseeds.” It’s a tough enterprise to run. Ironically, it’s the academia elitists who traffic very seldom in the real world that promote this snobbery. And now are asking us who even with the smallest of doubts were ridiculed and shamed to “ not gloat” but forgive. That’s a hard NO.
Wow, that sounds like a really difficult existence, you may want to try surrounding yourself with like minded sane people even if you have to travel frequently, go to meetings or move even. There is shear happiness when you get away from the brainwashed. Lots of jobs everywhere because of the 40 % increase in all cause deaths 18-59 year olds in 2021.
cant really blame the people ... they are facing evil ... lots of pressure 24/7
People are responsible for their behavior, so of course you can blame them.
Not sure I am understanding your comment because my above statement is obvious I know.
If they " forced "you to drink the Bioweapon shot would you?
What does a decent human being do when facing evil? Isn't that kind of a test of human decency?...
Resist. Do NOT comply. Ever.
If everyone stopped complying all at one time, it would stop.
I'm not aware of other methods that work.
Protesting, petitions, and parades, have not gotten through.
passive resistance, Mahatma Gandhi.
It wasn't as passive as we are told. There was an active section of Freedom Fighters led by Subhas Chandra Bose and Sardar Vallabhabhai Patel without which India would not have liberated itself from the English occupation .
indeed. but Gandhi needed to get out the message, going against the ruthless power of the British Empire, hence the word 'passive'.
Passive resistance only has a prayer when facing an ethical and moral authority.
Exactly! I have been attempting to get this message across for almost three years now! All we needed to do is refuse the ridiculous face nappies and not submit to PCR-tests! That would have told the cabal that we are not playing game. They would not have tried to lock the world down. The circus would have ended right there, like it did with the previous "pandemics" they announced and that turned into duds in no time.
Yes Athena.
There have been lots of experiments throughout history and we obviously are at that time again.
It is Good or Evil, everyone has to pick a side and then watch out because one way or another you will get what you deserve. This is happening at all socioeconomic levels. Those making millions are pretty happy now. We will see.
The really evil sinners, in the hierarchy of sinners would be the uninjected pushing the injection on others. Can you imagine? " I won't take it but you have to." The good thing is we can do a blood test on these people to see if they were or were not injected. Nuremburg 2.0
Sounds like the Demonrat mantra " Good for thee, but not for me ". Like Kathy Hochul, we know Fraudci did not get it because he like Pfizer BioNtech CEO and Mark Zuckerbucks - FB advised their employees and were videoed doing so NOT to get it. While they promoted the opposite $$$- scared looking Zuckerbucks - to everyone else, including their customers. They don't want to hurt their own company profits though by workers being dead or damaged and out of work.
Hypocrisy doesn't even begin to describe it, does it!
It's simply the biggest conspiracy in human history. Forgive? FUCK NO. REVEAL EVERYTHING INSTEAD. Get to the bottom and the top of it! REVEAL how it was engineered and why it was so successful! So it will NEVER BE ABLE TO BE PERPETUATED UPON HUMANITY EVER AGAIN.
Covid 19 is not real, it has been revealed it was computer generated in the US, and shared with the CCP....fake, a fraud, to get the people of the world injected, mass genocide, planned for years......and it worked......watched a CCP video recently, published by a whistle-blower, the head of the CCP, giving a talk to a roomful of people, he ells them, that covid 19 was brought in to bring America down, after all the military and elites are gone after the vax, they would no longer be the super power , he said all who are vaxed will die, and said all are chipped, that all their details are kept up in the Cloud, he said they have the antidote,but this will only be for the unvaxed, as the vax transmits to others.. he said those who helped push this around the world, will no longer be of use........this is straight from the horses mouth.......but others have been telling us about this for two years.......
Hence the panic for vaccines....
Absolutely! No Amnesty!
Ahead of Tuesday's election, I've personally spoken with most of my local & regional candidates, and corresponded with the rest via email. And as a former political science lecturer, and someone coming from the "political left", I never thought I'd say this, but I'm now pretty much a single issue voter - Don't try to poison or kill my kids.
So inflation, crime, abortion, environment, all take a back seat. I only want to know the answers to a few simple questions: Have you ever supported mandatory jabs? Did you support the lockdowns? Have you supported censorship or open debate on this issue? (And frankly these questions set a pitifully low bar, I'm basically asking, "Are you a fascist?")
But no Democrat (in my locale at least) could give me a satisfactory answer, and so, for the first time, I will be voting straight ticket, 100% Republican.
But to those of you Republicans who want us on board, don't get too excited. You guys cannot turn a blind eye to Trump's position on the vaccines. Dr Miller has pointed this out many times. Trump, the author of Operation Warp Speed, gave millions to fund new vaccine research (has everyone forgotten about this?), gave billions to GAVI (whose singular goal is to vaccinate the entire world), and Trump has unapologetically sung the praises of the vaccine over & over again. He can add his qualifier (". . .but I respect your liberty") all he wants, but he is in bed with Pfizer, taking millions in campaign contributions from them, and appointing them to his cabinet. So while we're on the subject of never forgetting, let's make sure to put Trump where he belongs, in Camp Complicit, along with Biden, Obama, the Clintons, Bush 43, and the rest of them. And frankly, Trump had something the others didn't - people ALL around him brave enough to tell him the truth, in some cases loudly. And he ignored them.
The DS is the DS. We all saw what happened to JFK. I'm willing to give Trump a chance to open the drain. NO MORE DEMOCRATS..
🎯 👏 🗣️
Your last point has merit although the tremendous damages of the vaccine rollout came after he was out of office and purposely isolated from medical dissenters.
Mark; have they even stopped paying hospitals $100k plus liability protection per c19 death? Perhaps they should stop killing people before they ask for forgiveness?
May each and every person that wished pain, suffering and death on the "noncompliant" rot in Hell for all Eternity. Perhaps Lucifer will provide amnesty.
I would not be upset if all those people "died suddenly."
Tick, tock.
After such knowledge, what forgiveness?
#TrudeaumustgoNOW 🆘️
They are still injecting us and our children everyday, everywhere and they want to be excused for what they are actively doing!? F ! that sounds like a Demonrat!
Tell this grieving mother about amnesty:
‘100% Because of the Vaxx’: Grieving Mother Vows To Bring Justice Following Death of Teen Daughter
Murder trials in local courts are whats needed, along with all the implications for discovery and precedent. Multiply that by millions. The result will be change.
That is an excellent idea.
Amnesty? The masking and coercion to get shots to attend college, work in health care, military, schools, and other employment is still going strong. There is no slow down. The ads for more shots are still going strong also.
The useful idiots who destroyed families, communities, personal health, and livelihoods need to go to jail for their crimes against their fellow man. Crimes against humanity. They can write beautiful prose from their jail cells. Amnesty is off the table and out of the question.
If you haven't seen the film "V is for Vendetta" you really should. Yesterday was November 5...
This piece has many relevant excerpts --well worth your time to read.
A while back (the last DIM candidate I actually worked for) Marisa DeFranco who was running for senate in Massachusetts against Warren recommended I watch "V is for Vendetta" - I didn't 'get it' back then - just scifi I thought. DeFranco was wise. Great film great cast; very prescient.
Most people haven't a clue what's really happening despite the courageous efforts of people like you Mark. Wait til CBDC and the WHO (i.e. BIGPHARMA) treaty that authorizes the takeover of "health" for the entire world kicks in, in the not to distant future. I had hoped for a nuremberg 2. Instead I think it'll probably be WWIII because of the nut jobs in DC and the MIC. And I think all the propaganda/brainwashing/ingested poisons now block any possibility of a real revolution. I'm sad for my children and grand kids.
Me too, sister.
Go ahead and vote. But don't expect salvation at the ballot box.
Here's a way to face what lies ahead.
Excellent link. Thanks.
I live in the very blue DIM Massachusetts, with the least transparent statehouse in the country. I've already submitted a blank ballot (only voted on issues - one of which is a light tax on the rich, whch will be overturned in a secret vote in the state house). I watched as my town clerk date stamped my ballot and checked it in. My little very wealthy town still has 'vax clinics' to give the poison to very young children and the elderly (many of whom still wear useless masks) - insanely clueless; now more damaged than ever because BIGPHARMA poisons and all the other poisons in the world. A very DIM town (and I mean that in both senses).
Amnesty for Emily? Geraldo Rivera? Anderson Cooper? Gene Simmons? All those and the other WAR CRIMINALS who advocated withholding medical treatment, shunning and outright locking up the unvaxxed for the crime of not taking a series of experimental gene therapy injections for a disease with an IFR of 0.3 (CDC, May 2020) and the current variant is half that.
You want amnesty? Here's your amnesty.
Oh and if you thought that you were important LOL
For about three years, I've been banned from restaurants, theaters, museums, and libraries. Hell, I couldn't even go to yoga or my private Spanish conversation class without wearing a goddamned mask.
Forgiveness hell—I want revenge.
I can just see it coming:
Cries for justice answered by questions about concerts, movies, travel arrangements missed and offers of compensation. WTF?
What about the murders?
The future deaths from everything from cancer to ALS?
What about the damage to kids? The effects of poverty, abuse?
From the tainted blood supply to the damaged legal, medical scientific communities and systems, and beyond, calculating it all will take years. Criminal trials are just a start.
Spot on, Tommy.
Whining about personal grievances seems selfish when one considers the VAERS data and the real people behind the data.
Criminal trials should occur and should be merely the start.
I'm a big fan of whining, but yes, criminal trials
I will never forget what they did to us.