Would one of these people or parents please step up and break the jibby jab spell? All we need is just one.

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Except they can’t. If they are a parent that thought it was a great idea to get their not-at-risk child the shot, their mindset is not normal.

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Any person who lives by a rulebook will die by the rulebook. Thats as close as I can come to understanding the jabbers. If I had been jabbed i might be likely to believe the same unless I was ready for a nervous break down. I know cuz I had one too, watching everyone around me do it. I barely escaped, but have been transfected, by proximiity. Luckily I do alot of natural blood thinners, curry and birch extract. Best

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So what’s your strategy around the jabbed now?

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Thanks for asking Bridget. I am sorry this reply got long. My excursions out to stores and restaurants are obviously an exposure, and I do as little of that as I can manage. I try not to shake hands with people, but if they offer I have acquiesced, not knowing their status. I am currently living with a 2x jabbed person, ex-partner, and the only way to extricate myself from that is to let go of 25 years of mortgage value as we are both on the paperwork as owners, the other person having joined on about 10 years ago. They cannot afford to buy me out for a few hundred thousand. House value falling rapidly I would guess but havent checked. Few choices. No matter where I go in this state, Oregon, there will be jabbed folks, that is until I guess they die off first. Other states seem better wrt less jabbbed up. And am I just a few years behind the jabbed dead, due to the transfection and 5g killing me albeit slower? All of this to say, I eat alot of curry for the tumeric and garlic blood thinning effects, zinc and NAC, and drink alot of good potato vodka for the same effect as well (!). Also trying to get rid of my 5g elec meter, making my house into a killzone as well. (see emfhelpcenter.com), form letters and info. Losing that battle but important to try to change the dynamic of them putting these meters on residences. Its supposedly illegal to the FCC for them to broadcast radio frequencies from your house, come to find out. Finally, building a tent top rack for my old Volvo stationwagon so if I need to bug-out I will at least have a place to sleep as I travel. Other than all that, I make too long replies to Substack comments. Best

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We live to fight another day.

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you weren't transfected, you were poisoned by people who took poison and breathed it out into the air you had to breathe.

They want us to believe that they're so clever and powerful that they can create life forms. They can't. Their efforts go towards being better poisoners than before. Their big accomplishment is having created a poison which provokes the production of a different poison so that without proving how that works it can't be attributed to their poison "vaccine". But I see no proof that they're doing anything more than destroying cells in a way that creates cell debris which can poison others who breath the air they exhale.

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May 7, 2023
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There is an answer for him. He can find it. Lots of protocols ......EDTA and more. Tell him he can find that answer, otherwise the predators and cullers win. Dr. Ana on Substack! Dr. Robert O. Young, Dr. Bryan Ardis.......they all have answers.

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I’ve never heard Dr. Kory ever recommend EDTA chelation therapy. Nor anyone at FLCCC for that matter.

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Interesting but there are multtiple successful protocols. Ardis, Young, Merritt, many have their own but it doesn't mean there is anything suspicious. God gave us lots of options.

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If they are right with God it doesn't matter when they die.

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Yep, our social programmers had it all gamed out.

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So, if I am supposed to be the CEO of my own health doesn't that mean I should be free to refuse "covid vaccines"? I doubt this idiot hypocrite agrees.

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Two of my clients employees both had strokes in December. One is a perfectly healthy 31 year old man. The other is a healthy 41 year old woman. They have not worked since they collapsed. If two of your thirty employees have strokes. Wouldn’t you notice something is not kosher. Nothing to see here folks. These people are under a serious spell. Crazy times we live in.

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Very sorry to hear this. Let’s not let them get away with normalizing these tragedies.

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I've been saying prayers for Jamie Foxx. He doesn't deserve this. No one does. I have been praying for so many people these past 3 years. I pray for you too Professor Crispin Miller, because you're doing God's work. 🙏

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Agree PJ , he’s been hospitalized quite awhile.

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Proof of life, please?

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"All we have in this world is our health. Our life ... it's very scary."

Uuuuuuh... maybe before lining up to take a rushed "vaxx" (you and) your friends should attempt some deductive reasoning and do research?

That applies to anything in the scam medical industry as revealed by this retired surgeon (WORTH FOLLOWING!!!): https://robertyoho.substack.com/about

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Robert Yoho is on the target. His book "Butchered by Healthcare" is a must read.

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Indeed. One look at mRNA transfection vs traditional vaccination mechanisms would tell you a lot but most people must have thought "they call it a vaccine so it must be."

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spanish flu, polio vaxx, measles vaxx are all false flags. Data shows that "traditional" vaccines only did harm and didn't eradicate anything.

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I wonder how much masking these kids with brain infections are doing? Imagine you have a strep infection and then wear a mask so you keep rebreathing that bacteria. It can’t be good.

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Pittsburgh VA hospital requires veterans to still wear a mask...or they are denied entry and medical care.

How is this humane?

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I believe the VA hospitals are also requiring their employees to be covid vaxxed. It's complete BS.

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Yes, they were forced with the Biden mandate.

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May 7, 2023
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There is a rumor going around that he had a stroke and died Feb. 2021. I don't know, but I am pretty sure the public appearances are a fake Biden. Maybe he did not go to the Coronation on the off chance that someone will have once known the real Biden. Actually, I believe there is more then one fake Biden.

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I’ve heard a few times actor Arthur Anderson was one of them, I think the one the past few years but not currently

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Intentional friendly fire.

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indeed, ms C,... 'Of note on the used masks was also Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus, a type of bacteria that only grows in warm temperatures

between 131 degrees F (55 degrees C) and 149 degrees F (65 degrees C),

and requires carbon dioxide to grow...Disease-Causing Bacteria, Parasites and Fungi Detected on Masks

It should come as no surprise that a piece of cloth worn on a child's face for an entire school day ends up as a veritable petri dish of pathogens...After the masks were sent to the University of Florida's Mass Spectrometry Research and Education Center for analysis, 83% turned out to be contaminated with 96 unique strains of biological contaminants -- 21 of them pathogenic and 33% contaminated with antibiotic-resistant strains. Eleven particularly dangerous pathogens were detected on the masks, which include the following (noted beside the diseases they're linked to):[iv]

Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumonia)

Mycobacterium tuberculosis (tuberculosis)

Neisseria meningitidis  👉(meningitis, sepsis)

Acanthamoeba polyphaga (keratitis and granulomatous amebic encephalitis)

Acinetobacter baumanni (pneumonia, bloodstream infections,  👉meningitis, UTIs --resistant to antibiotics)

Escherichia coli (food poisoning)

Borrelia burgdorferi (causes Lyme disease)

Corynebacterium diphtheriae (diphtheria)

Legionella pneumophila (Legionnaires' disease)

Staphylococcus pyogenes serotype M3 (severe infections -- high morbidity rates)

Staphylococcus aureus  👉(meningitis, sepsis)

Bacteria on Masks Cause Everything From Pneumonia to Acne and Gum Disease

A wide variety of biological contaminants

were detected on masks via the private investigation,

including "slime molds"

and bacteria linked to serious disease as well as less dangerous conditions...

21 'Pathogenic Bacteria' Detected on Kids' Face Masks


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I had Covid in November of 2021 and developed the mother of all sinus infections. 104 fever for days and had to get antibiotics. I've never had an infection in my life and I'm 62. I would bet my life it was the forced mask wearing that caused it. The sinus infection was worse than Covid.

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Tracy - I worked remote prior to Covid. I also spent a lot of the time with family in a very remote location in Colorado. I rarely wore a mask. The only day I ever wore one for most of the day was at a car mechanic in NY state, while waiting for the car. I got the worst sinus infection from that day. After than I just ditched the mask.

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May 7, 2023
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Whether it's "Covid" or not I was sick right before the infection. It was nothing that I'd ever been through before. I'm not going to get into a back and forth on whether Covid exists or not. Prove that this "virus" doesn't exist and I'll quit calling it Covid.

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May 8, 2023
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Good Lord. I am the exact opposite of a brainwashed zombie. Spew your crap elsewhere.

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I'm always seeing kids in strollers cough into their masks, and then keep breathing it all in.

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Sometimes news of an 80 year old actor dying just doesn't blow my skirt up but these ones listed here today are clearly indicative of an overarching issue that needs to be dealt with. Lizzo is morbidly obese so I'd expect her to have health issues but taken along with everything else we're seeing, it signals something much bigger

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Her obesity is part of her fame.

You can't even mention obesity lest you be accused of 'fat shaming'.

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yes, instead we must all support 'Fat Faming'...


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For historical context you might want to look at this....just sayin https://smarthistory.org/venus-of-willendorf/ what do you think? What color is your skirt btw?

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I never want to hear the word "vaccine" ever again.

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"You can't accidentally poison people." -

Dr. Lee Merritt

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There is either a dark hold on the minds of the masses that is pleading with themselves to stay in ignorance in spite of their hearts telling them they are seeing horror unfold or.......There's no finishing this comment.

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The WHO has ended the pandemic emergency.

But the fun has only begun.

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Rare mention of EIS (Epidemic Intelligence Service) of the CDC on the "Mysterious cluster of brain infections" article. That is a sign this is a serious issue and they deploy their "disease detective" - much more like a coverup specialist. Intelligence Dept. in a health agency? EIS has been around for over 60 years. A high-level Operation Mockingbird so that media will report as directed.

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As these individuals have proven to be disruptive and dangerous, it is necessary for us as a society to find a way to remove their legal protections. According to French sociologist Alain Ehrenberg's recent works, neoliberalism has shifted many personal responsibilities to individuals, but the State still has a crucial duty to protect its citizens. Although Thatcher and Reagan partially reverted to pre-New Deal policies, any Western government that neglects its sovereign obligations risks inciting a significant revolt. - Luc

PS: I would suggest reading "The right of all to punish," of the late Robert Nozick's 1974 book, "Arnarchy, State, and Utopia."

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How much longer can all these people play dumb? It's really amazing how they avoid the obvious...

"Look away...nothing to see here..."

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AND ... a few autopsies would explain A LOT!

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Ironic: "All we have in this world is our health. Our life ... it's very scary."

...then why are you all playing Russian roulette???

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Blinded by the fear.

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Interestingly , insurances only allow so many days in the hospital ( DRG), depending on your diagnosis. Mr. Foxx ( although I don’t know his complex diagnosis) , has been there quite a long time .

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Hollywood insures the actors well.

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The media and his friends are trying to tell us he is I proving because supposedly he tweeted out a brief message. Ha! That tweet will show us conspiracy theorists! That tweet likely typed by someone in his family or his agent will shut us up! They take us for fools.

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Hospitals also have morgues.

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