Feb 19, 2022·edited Feb 19, 2022

Living well--being alive and joyful in the face of evil and tyranny--is the best revenge. And courage is contagious.

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Its like watching Europe invade America all over again, this time the WEF invading...the peoples voices making songs so strong...so so strong...

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I've been watching several livestreams for going on 6 hours. Brilliant!

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They're towing the trucks, so people are pouring into the city to just "hold the line" themselves. Trudeau is losing fabulously and very publicly. May he rot in hell.

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Great bravery.

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Whew! They made it look like people were gone and the po-po swept them away. I guess only some.

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Need a Willliam Wallace, in full costume ideally

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Thank you Mark.

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Feb 19, 2022·edited Feb 19, 2022

Brave people! GJ!

But I would have liked to see the police also surrounded by other thousands of peaceful citizens, but of course it's not possible and not safe to do. The Neo Fascist governments are made of criminal cowards instead!

And please jewish associations stop to be part of these Neo Fascist governments and complain whenever somebody use the nazi cross or hitler face to criticize who's taking away all fundamentals right in every western society where you live too.

Nazi and their symbols are NOT your exclusive and after 80 years, after Memorial day and all the press and media you receive since then, sorry but it's time for all the rest of people not jewish that fought or hate the nazi and fascist to use those symbols as symbols of oppression as it was, for jewish or not!! You're not the center of the world. Thank you!

Unless you are on the Neo Fascist or Neo Nazist side...

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FWIW, "they're NOT AFRAID in Ottawa," yet!

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Funny, there was nothing about this on the news...

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Thanks for sending this!

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Thanks for all the work you do Mark. Within the last couple of months Substack has become a major source of great info, and people like yourself are a mjor part of it. I still recommend your 'Perspectives on the Pandemic' video to my colleagues. God bless you from Canada, Shawn

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I have followed most of the live feeds on You Tube - what struck me most was one Canadian observing firsthand and saying he didn’t recognize his country anymore - sadly, as an American that’s what I have been saying for several years.

The western democracies are devolving before our eyes - what replaces them will be surveillance states with social credit scoring to keep us in line.

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Too late - You Tube the virtue killer pulled it.

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They can’t stop now or the agenda will be permanent!

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