I rejoice that the people of Guangzhou at long last have said "ENOUGH!!" to Emperor Xi's sanitary fascism! May this spread like an epidemic--pun intended--to other cities and towns across the PRC!

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It’s not so much “fascism” as it is China’s willingness to play its role in the covid drama... most likely engineered by the West & directed by the U.S. Israel, Canada, Australia are also playing their part in this worldwide theatrical production.

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Exactly. Well put Jerard.

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No. It is fascism, totalitarianism or whatever the current fashionable term is to apply. This is a common misperception and a dangerous one. It seems it is part of the fear we must stare down before we can engage in meaningful action to stop what is happening. Denial, as they say, isn’t just a river in Egypt. Can’t properly work against something without understanding it. It is worldwide theatrics and skillfully produced by master social engineers. It is directed by supranational forces all engaged in the deceptions to gain power.

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Recommend the above video (~52minutes) for anyone interested in the historical difference between Jew and Hebrew.

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Isn't it both?

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Nov 15, 2022
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Thanks. This is certainly a big part of it. The history of modern times is being written in the vast sucking black hole of the internet. You can almost hear the sound.

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It is about time. Love to see it.

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OMG I love this so much.

For what it's worth, I'm seeing a lot more cursing. And this is a good thing. There is a time and place for the F-word: NOW and HERE.

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F U C K yes!

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cussing lets off steam. For all those that think God will punish them for it, I think we need the steam to come out and quickly too. Otherwise our whole system blows up !

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People that curse are trusted more than people that don't, no clue where I read that, but I find it to be true once I started paying attention. Most people don't like being around prudes.

It is one thing to drop a curse word, and another to have ghetto mouth. Sometimes the word Fuck is the only word that will do, it covers such a broad spectrum of emotion and sentiment. Anyway, I agree you, it is a form of release.

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I have a prudish neighbor who laughed nervously over text, when I said fuck about something deserving. It wasn’t directed at her. She’s a total pain in my ass, and in the ‘cult.’

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I hear ya! For me, it was my sister I was thinking of. She is so shallow, faux, full of sap and syrup, and oh my goodness it just offends her so to hear a curse word, worst thing in the world, yet, she is the Queen Bitch of all. And a member of the Cult.

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I think when you take God's name in vein, he gets a little irked. But cursing for the right reason is...a blessing! (IMO)

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you are absolutely right ! I think God has a funny bone

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I've been preparing myself for years!

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Since I was four! hahahahahaha

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A Canadian classic comes to mind especially sung with gusto for our imperial leader Justin


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Thanks for sharing this, Mark, a beautiful sight to see. I just wish more of them were ripping off their masks as well.

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No human nor animal can live caged forever…

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There are A LOT of people in China. Hope they all start waking up.

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When will Amerikana wake up?

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Americans were hoping the “election” would make a huge difference.America has had a “red wave” - of the Norsefire party - the Kleptocrats of course. Amazing but many victims of the international kleptocracy aren’t even aware of. America was the focus of an extraordinary effective propaganda campaign. But, when Americans wake up - look out.

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"But, when Americans wake up - look out."

And, when elephants fly, keep an umbrella close by.

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So many bots so little time. The bots never are able to make sense.

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I think the me me me attitude of the vast majority of Americans means they look out for number one and so rather than fight they run away to the woods thinking Biden's F15's can't find them there. There was a reason that JFK gave that famous speech "Ask not what your country can do for you but rather as what can I do for my country" ..... He knew Americans were at base not about country but were about themselves and the complete lack of marches etc in the US shows that. The marches of the 60's were again about me me me be it marching for the "civil right" to be given a job you didn't earn and can't do simply because you aren't white (a compete repudiation of all America was supposed to stand for) or the right not to fight for your country in manufactured banker's wars (a completely reasonable thing) but at base still about me me me. That is why there will never be an American Revolution against a powerful state that helps a growing number of me me me's from the third world by stealing from the shrinking number of working Americans who just want to save enough to be able to head to the hills.

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The original Revolution was about breaking free from Britain rather than overthrowing the king who reigned from London.

It helped that the colonists were self-sustaining and didn't rely on George III to heat their homes, educate their kids, shoe their horses, nurse their sick, take care of them in their old age, transport them on ships he owned when they went to Europe...you get the picture.

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They’re all woke

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Not all. I doubt even a third. A quarter, an eighth! This is an agenda promulgated by manipulative psychopaths. I think the problem is more a willingness to look the other way than support. They're even effing with our language, but you wouldn't know it from the way the majority speaks, only how the msm writes, trying to force changes in language in order to change minds. Isn't working, not really.

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talked to a multi jabbed person today. Very well aware of what they have done to their bodies, they are. Very scared of what might come.

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I, too, finally met someone who is concerned and thinks her health problem that just developed - a sharp nerve pain in her cheek one-year after the Australian jabs were coerced into her - are shot-related. It's slight progress, but it is there.

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There are ways to minimize the damage.

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I don't think they have an issue with being awake as much as with

how to speak over the coerced silence.

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Oh yeah? Howzabout Rittenberg, that young dude who aced the antifa thugs? In trial this week, an Asst AG stopped the FBI from TESTIFYING FOR HIM because it would aid his case... coerced silences? Oh PUH-LEEZE WTF UP!

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Yes, lots of people in China. I hope the noise of their protest awaken America.

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Justin the cockwomble is too busy playing Mr. Dress up expanding his carbon footprint by flying to Egypt.

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The video footage is interesting. However, I fear for those protestors. The Chinese government is ruthless and brutal. They have more cameras and corresponding tracking software then anywhere in the world. Those protestors will likely be exterminated, assassinated and annihilated (not sure the correct words) before they can reach their homes. China is not nice to its people if they break rules.

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I doubt if they are any different from our own slavemasters in the U.S. I know that the gov't purchased billions of hollowpoint bullets several years ago, distributing them to agencies you would never think would require weapons. What is the purpose of this purchase do you think?

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Which agencies?

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I always ask, where is it all stored? Someone has to know.

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Looks like they're already determined to kill them. Nothing to lose at this point.

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Perhaps these insane lockdowns were a test to see just how much people would take before rebelling. I can’t believe the Chinese government really believed in a zero covid policy. I know power makes politicians stupid, but really, *that* stupid?

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Yep. One Big Sh*t Test.

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I heard from Tim Pool that due to the centralized farming methods the Chinese have been struggling to feed all their people. From Epoch Times I read that a lot more dislike the CCP. Places like Shanghai are full of these dissidents.

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I believe this is planetary. We are being so played. Time to regard with a stone cold and unwavering gaze the WEF. Hard to believe China isn’t part of this international chess (or Go) game. The kleptocrats need lots of efficient slave labor to carry out their games of planetary dominance of which silicon chips are a key component.

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Of course China is part of the game.

I believe the covid mRNA "vaccines" are only the opening salvo in the real depopulation effort. All "vaccines" will in the near future use mRNA technology, (as though the previously used technologies were not devastatingly damaging enough!) and they will indeed destroy everyone who takes them, sooner or later.

The covid mRNA poison injections have shown themselves to be successful in the proof of concept: People will line up to be injected with poison, and they'll believe anything they're told by their government and its propaganda outlets, a.k.a. the mainstream media, as well as almost the entire so-called "alternative" media.

The real battle is not over how to deal with SARS-CoV-2, nor even the covid "vaccines" per se: it's about ALL vaccines, and of course the bedrock concepts of individual freedom, liberty and autonomy. People had better start understanding that, and soon.

Every single time yet another person prefaces their remarks with, "I'm not an anti-vaxxer," they validate Satan. They cede ground to Lies and Evil.

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"People will line up to be injected with poison"

Nope, don't think so. Booster uptake ist down to 44% here in Germany and the paediatritians are already howling that child vaccination in general is going down at an alarming rate.

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That's why they tried to punish Shanghai so hard with Zero Covid policies.

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I was just thinking of the possibility that the fact that people will eventually knock over barricades may be the reason for the barricades...

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The contempt the "elite" have for non-psychopaths will hopefully be their own undoing.

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while blasting them with 5G.....

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Nov 14, 2022
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probs they all know and are both vaxxed and so fed up they dont care if they die protesting...

search how towers are going up in ny if you havent seen, its heinous

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I read an article regarding a 5G tower installed on the sidewalk in a Brooklyn neighbourhood. It appeared to go up overnight and no one knew what company was responsible. The thing is freaky looking. The neighbourhood should wrap it in tinfoil.

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agreed. Thanks Melanie. I wondered how latex paint

would work over the meshy part, probably not very good.


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Latex paint won't block any of the 5G waves, but it will cover the hideous looking thing. Lead paint would be more effective in doing some damage. Tinfoil probably won't do a heck of a lot either, but both options would make people feel better and make a statement.

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finally a real use for paintguns! Just kidding....just watching folks annihliate each other is pretty fun...or was, at least ...with paint guns....oh Melanie, what to do....ps there is a booming industry in 5g 'paint' that reflects it....almost like they planned....it........

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There is a website out there that will tell you where the 5G towers are. One was put up not far from me. I never did the quarantine thing, when I would be out driving I would see all the mysterious white trucks. It was a tad creepy.

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Crone, do you have a link to that website?

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It is in Spanish, but you don't need Spanish to read the map. Interesting to see what countries are not covered in 5G. And it has grown since I last looked at the map.


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Search on 5G Maps usa. They let you sort by provider and by 3G, 4G, 5G etc. They also color code the "intensity" of the area you are searching.

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Good! I’m glad they’re finally waking up and they’ve had enough! I hope this continues, not only in China, but across the globe!

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Americans are too busy watching football and eating Chicken wings.

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The Chinese are extra paranoid about covid as it's a US coalition bioweapon developed under their noses and released on their soil. They expect it to kill hundreds of millions, sooner or later. That's what they would expect had they done it.

My only question is why haven't they called off the killer jabs too?


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Their jabs aren't our jabs. They didn't do Pfizer, Moderna or mRNA. Well, they got their own mRNA approved, but just a month ago. That doesn't mean their jabs are better; but, until recently, they weren't based on a novel platform that was never intended as a vaccine delivery mechanism.

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Their jabs are lethal. (So are Russia's.) if you're looking for the Good Guys in this vast extermination drive, you'll look in vain. They're ALL killing their own people.

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Yes and here we are in a world steeped in totalitarianism. Shot full of toxins, irradiated, our genetic material highjacked, enslaved by our own digital technologies. Some of us have managed in some fashion or another to stay more or less free of these - at least comparatively. But unless we can continue to combat this darkness, despair, death-dealing anger-driven hostile force in some meaningful way the human species is done. I do believe the darkest hours are just before dawn. I believe the nation state has proved itself passé beyond the shadow of a doubt. So important to understand that looking for Good Guys among the ruling class of nation states is futile and dangerous.

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I don't know of a single good guy billionaire or holding in a government position (federal level at least.)

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Yes, they have infested everything. They are everywhere. I even know some personally. Trust with these folks is not an option. They would just as soon kill us all as a matter of principle.

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Interestingly you mention Russia. I know they had their Sputnik vaccine that was supposedly different from Pfizer, Moderna, etc. I have heard practically nothing coming out of Russia when it comes to deaths.

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There are lots of sudden, unexpected deaths, including of young, healthy, vibrant, athletic people, in Russia.

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Hmmm. That substack article linked below by mzlizzi seems to belie that assertion. Hungary did not do Pfizer or Moderna, instead it administered China's and Russia's vaccines, yet it has much lower excess mortality than its peer countries who used Pfizer and Moderna. I have no evidence either way beyond that summary, so I take no position on whether or not China and Russia's vaccines are worse.

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very informative website: ourworldindata.org

chart showing the percentage of people p/country (check out Hungary) and including 'world' who have received a cov-inoculation - https://ourworldindata.org/explorers/coronavirus-data-explorer

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facts aren't fitting that narrative-perhaps...?

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Which facts don't fit?

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What I mean to say is, "what are the 'facts' ?" is what is in question...

and what narrative(s) do they serve ?

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My brain short curcuited. BRB

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They use a traditional type of vaccine that does not do what this Bioweapon (that is not a vaccine ) does.

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This is really something to behold! Praying for all of their safety. This video may not stay up to long.

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They must be racist, mysogonistic, homophobic, anti-semetic far right extremists that hold 'unacceptable views', to quote a certain jet-setting empty suit who likes to pretend he is a person of colour.

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Nice hair. Such a pretty face! But that lip and chin of hers could stand a wax job.

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People of Guangzhou, tear down those barricades!

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Excellent! May it spread throughout China.

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