Nov 13, 2023·edited Nov 13, 2023

MTG is a loudmouth fake.

She owns stock in Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Blackrock, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Gilead (makes the death drug Remdesivir), Facebook, Johnson & Johnson, Disney, etc.

How can she vote on issues concerning Big Pharma and defense contractors?

Real stock. Not stuff in a 401k.

Link to her 2020 Financial Disclosure Report. Who knows what other stock she now has...Congress has the nasty habit of insider trading.


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MC Miller-Thank you for reporting on this trend! At our local Public Library, the makeover of a former relatively well stocked library has now turned into a carefully managed woke billboard advert. The short kiosks with books and DVD's in the lobby often display trans-friendly titles. The top shelves in the main aisles are now strangely empty. A good friend and fellow awakened-observer confronted the librarians and asked the question: "What has happened to all of the books?"...the stock reply (as my friend has asked this more than once) has come off like some gas-lighting tactic: "We have all the usual books...some might get transferred to other libraries when we get requests..." It's literally as if we are in the Twilight Zone. Also, the demographic of librarians and aides are often 'he/she' bearded "its"...and we're seeing brightly colored hair as if everyone is working in a circus. I know I'm not some unhip nerd because I played in rock bands in my youth--and often dressed in androgenous stage clothes, with a hairstyle that was a Bowiesque henna red. The point to this is that the Library has plausibly downsized and removed books that don't fit the PC/Woke parameters of the new World disorder. I feel as if the world has lost its sanity when I look around our local town...and fortunately I know others who feel the same way. I have no humor left when confronted by the dictates of gender pronoun neurosis either. Also, I was once categorized as "transphobic" for expressing my concerns re the transhumanism trends we are seeing at a local level.

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Before you can watch an episode of Bonanza or Gunsmoke (cumulatively on the air for over 25 seasons), there is a disclaimer which says - paraphrasing - "This show depicts outdated characterizations of certain types of people." LOL Can't make this shit up.

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A brilliant compendium and explication of the current state of free speech in the good ole USA with a much-needed shot of reality about the ongoing, broadcast wrestling match that comprises (and compromises) our politics. MCM, as usual, provides an informed historical perspective that's hard to find and can't be beat. Three cheers, for Mr. Miller!

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Nov 14, 2023Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

The local public library here is not quite as zealous as those schools removing everything pre 2009, but it’s getting close. The old children’s section director retired a few years ago and was replaced by a new, ultra-woke youngster, who is hell bent on remaking it in her image. Anything older than 20 years or so is vanishing— they used to have a section devoted to all of the Caldecott and Newberry award winners, they have all been removed. New emphasis for children’s books is on titles that are marked with rainbows on the spine, or biographies of woke icons like Obama, or Kamala Harris (!), or Greta Thurnberg (!!).

This is in rural, heavily conservative Indiana, btw.

Compare to when I was growing up in the same neighborhood that my mother did, and us kids would find, when checking out books, the names of my mother or some of her siblings, having checked out the same books decades earlier.

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I hope this current environment doesn't hurt my chances for getting additional funding for my new off Broadway play "Springtime for Hitler"!

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I am so finished with the political class.

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Well that goes a long way to explaining why I am dealing with idiots who think history started somewhere between 1850 and 1900 and act as if everything was just great before that colonization thingy that just came out of nowhere in europe and america.

I am hoarding books now. Until they Fahrenheit 451 them, at least I'll have the real things...

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She is owned by pharma and the military. Bob Dylan said it best, It may be the devil or it may be the LORD but youre gonna have to serve somebody.

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Nov 14, 2023Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

This really is a wonderful essay. I'm sending it on to people who are still believing the shaped narratives on this engineered conflict. This book-banning library thing was recent, maybe post-George Floyd, as during MeToo, the librarians often stood up and refused to remove books that were deemed to have been written by harassers. I think of Sherman Alexie, who was born to alcoholics, in poverty, on a reservation, and who may or may not have been sexually inappropriate or power-trippy. The librarians said they weren't going to remove his books as they had Mein Kampf on the shelves. Bookstores, who were told by the mentally ill woke that just the sight of his books would traumatize them, did remove them.

There's a magnificent novel by Anthony Doerr, Cloud Cuckoo Land, about libraries and the survival of what is thought long lost. Heartening and nourishing. He wrote All The Light You Cannot See that Netflix just twisted out of shape completely.

I think we should have a constitutional amendment that states that anyone banning or shadow banning or refusing to publish a book must first read it, then give a public book report on it. The purifier alphabet people were after Newton's Principia awhile back, as Newton was a bastard or something, but I'd bet my first born child that not a one of them read it.

Excellent, thorough, impressive take on this situation. Thank you.

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And the whole library lending con that diminished real stock of the most important books and even then they don't have them. Campuses with bare library shelves and only digital catalogues on the shelf. Millions spent on library additions in new construction to make them feel like they support knowledge and free thought while they ignore having any rich inventory.

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So close but yet so far.

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I’ll get round to reading this asap, but did you see her today at the hearing? She was core truth-seeking and allowing others to speak. The ones who know what they are talking about. I wonder how much of the stuff people have read about her is true? This was from the heart, and Malone is a trouper. With the heart of a lion.

Seriously, check this out.


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Curious what you all make of RFK Jr's also recent support of censorship, as he eggs on the idea of "anti-Israel" students being put on a list and prevented from protesting. Seems like another about-face, and a very disappointing one.

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I guess I see it differently. I don’t think that sexually explicit books belong in schools. Go ahead and publish the trash and put it in bookstores. That’s not book banning.

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MTG is a BRAVE Woman of God!

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