Well, this is a refreshing take. Thank you! I’ve posted the following comment on social media many times in recent weeks and have been absolutely crucified for it. (I guess everyone’s looking for a Savior.)
“If you think that Elon Musk is going to protect your free speech or that Bitcoin is going to protect your privacy, you might want to check out this great doctor, Albert Bourla, whose amazing injections can protect you from any pandemic—past, present or future!”
Musk would like to protect our free speech and end the Bankster hegemony by democratizing money but he is an outsider with no power. And he ain't the World's richest man, not even close. The real ultra-rich are Bankster families that hide their wealth and demand secrecy. Musk builds things, Banksters produce nothing, they just steal the wealth created by others.
Says you who knows nothing and has never built anything. Musk is hated by the establishment. I would like to see you build even one component of a Tesla, maybe in your entire lifetime?
Very poor and uneducated take on Bitcoin. Educate yourself instead of repeating talking points. Even the most entry-level bitcoin commentators know the block chain is public. Privacy on the blockchain is a choice that comes from other layers. Not even the FED gets privacy on a public blockchain and that's a much bigger point.
He needs to do military projects in order to fund SpaceX and gain some protection because Big Aerospace wants to have SpaceX shutdown, real bad. They hired ex Moon landing astronauts incl Neil Armstrong to lobby Congress, claiming SpaceX is unsafe and damaging the environment. That's what you get for developing a large rocket 5X faster, 10X cheaper and 2000X lower cost of payload to orbit than big Aerospace Boeing/Lockheed Martin. And is not a throwaway rocket on top of that. Is that 30yr, $25B, SLS (Senate Launch System) ever going to fly?
They are already privatized, you never heard of Lockheed, Boeing, Bezos, ULA...? Musk's rockets could be used for weapons, just like any other rocket ever built.
True, but they were still under military and congressional oversight. SpaceX partnered with Ukraine and North Korea to build black market nuclear ICBMs under Obama/CIA 'oversight'. North Korea's nuclear arsenal has always been under CIA control. Rogers, Flynn and Putin caught him and that's why Elon is completely phuqed. When faced with crimes against humanity in a military tribunal the sky's the limit in what you'll agree to do 🤔
That is about the kookiest, dumbest fable I've heard this year, and I've heard many. Quit inventing nonsense to support your anti-America, pro-Globalist views.
Just as bioweapon labs were closed in the US and moved into universities and then abroad, Obama canceled many NASA & DoD projects and granted them to SpaceX [and to Iran, Ukraine China and North Korea] to avoid oversight.
Yeah, what projects were that? NASA claimed it would take $100B & 25yrs to develop a new booster - not reusable. Musk doing a reusable in 3yrs with $2B. 1000X cheaper than NASA or big Aerospace can do. Easy to criticize when you do nothing.
Yeah, I would like to see you build even one component of the Tesla's or SpaceX rockets in your lifetime. He makes things, really, really difficult things. Things nobody else would do. The first successful car company in the USA in ~100yrs, and highly successful, and electric at that when all the pundits said electric vehicles will never be practical.
Thank you! I have been so frustrated with people looking at Musk as a hero. Most people want someone to worship, and they'll latch on to anyone who tells them what they want to hear. Like Trump. If not for the immigration issue, he would not have been president. Like Judge Clarence Thomas. I agree he's made a few good moves recently. But he was Monsanto's property for decades and he personally ushered many of their foul plays on through the legal process with justice for no farmer. People just want a hero. And most reject the real hero, IMO. Jesus Christ.
Give up on this nutty Transhumanism fable being spread by Know-Nothings. Some people read too much Sci-Fi. Maybe, hopefully, possible one day Neuralink will be a method to have a better typewriter. So you can mentally transmit text to a computer. It would be handy dandy. But no I ain't interested in getting a hole in my head in order to type faster, my keyboard is plenty fast enough for me. Most likely the best Neuralink will do is allow paraplegics to have some rudimentary use of their non-functional limbs some day.
The REAL "transhumanism" of concern by a factor of a 1000X is this mRNA DNA editing (compulsory through vaccine mandates) which even the Covid vaccine does. That is a dangerous path that is right here, right now. Believe it. Forget Neuralink.
Transhumanism is NOT on the agenda. Compulsory vaccines = Digital I.D./CBDC/Social Credit chain around our necks with genocide/population reduction thrown in. That's techno-feudalism. Nothing transhumanist about it. Malthusianism is more like it. And an Oligarchy of the most incompetent. Try reading Klaus Schwab's 2 books on the 4th Industrial Revolution, high school level farcical nonsense.
Just listen to what they say. Now tell me does that sound like Transhumanism or Malthusianism? Why does everybody blab endlessly about the Transhumanism fable but ignore the obvious Malthusian agenda? Even Bannon has some jerk on regularly spouting off about Transhumanism but never mentions Malthusianism. Their ESG movement is in fact a design for World Tyranny, Population Reduction and a Feudal Society where most people own nothing and are impoverished, whereas an indentured Ruling Class lives in the lap of luxury, obscene Wealth. That's not Transhumanism. What they're up to is explained by quotes of themselves or the Toadies they promote and finance:
"We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest"
Paul Warburg, the International Banker testifying to the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations in 1950
"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis."
David Rockefeller, Club of Rome executive manager
“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected the promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world-government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the National auto determination practiced in past centuries.”
David Rockefeller in an address to a Trilateral Commission meeting in June of 1991
“This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long – We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.”
David Rockefeller, Club of Rome, Sept. 23, 1994
“For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will.
If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
from David Rockefeller’s autobiography ‘Memoirs’
" Complex technology of any sort is an assault on human dignity. It would be little short of disastrous for us to discover a source of clean, cheap, abundant energy, because of what we might do with it. "
Amory Lovins, Rocky Mountain Institute
" The prospect of cheap fusion energy is the worst thing that could happen to the planet. "
Jeremy Rifkin, Greenhouse Crisis Foundation
" Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun. "
Prof Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University
" A massive campaign must be launched to restore a high-quality environment in North America and to de-develop the United States. De-development means bringing our economic system (especially patterns of consumption) into line with the realities of ecology and the global resource situation "
John Holdren Obama Science Czar & Rockefeller puppet
"In Nature organic growth proceeds according to a Master Plan, a Blueprint. Such a master plan is missing from the process of growth and development of the world system. Now is the time to draw up a master plan for sustainable growth and world development based on global allocation of all resources and a new global economic system. Ten or twenty years from today it will probably be too late."
Club of Rome, Mankind at the Turning Point
"The concept of national sovereignty has been immutable, indeed a sacred principle of international relations. It is a principle which will yield only slowly and reluctantly to the new imperatives of global environmental cooperation."
UN Commission on Global Governance report
"Democracy is not a panacea. It cannot organize everything and it is unaware of its own limits. These facts must be faced squarely. Sacrilegious though this may sound, democracy is no longer well suited for the tasks ahead. The complexity and the technical nature of many of today's problems do not always allow elected representatives to make competent decisions at the right time."
Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution
"In my view, after fifty years of service in the United National system, I perceive the utmost urgency and absolute necessity for proper Earth government. There is no shadow of a doubt that the present political and economic systems are no longer appropriate and will lead to the end of life evolution on this planet. We must therefore absolutely and urgently look for new ways."
Dr. Robert Muller, UN Assistant Secretary General
"Nations are in effect ceding portions of their sovereignty to the international community and beginning to create a new system of international environmental governance as a means of solving otherwise unmanageable crises."
Lester Brown, WorldWatch Institute
"A keen and anxious awareness is evolving to suggest that fundamental changes will have to take place in the world order and its power structures, in the distribution of wealth and income."
Club of Rome, Mankind at the Turning Point
"Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable."
Maurice Strong, Rio Earth Summit
"All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself."
Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution
"The Earth has cancer and the cancer is Man."
Club of Rome, Mankind at the Turning Point
"A cancer is an uncontrolled multiplication of cells, the population explosion is an uncontrolled multiplication of people. We must shift our efforts from the treatment of the symptoms to the cutting out of the cancer. The operation will demand many apparently brutal and heartless decisions."
Prof. Paul Ehrlich, The Population Bomb
"A reasonable estimate for an industrialized world society at the present North American material standard of living would be 1 billion. At the more frugal European standard of living, 2 to 3 billion would be possible."
United Nations, Global Biodiversity Assessment
"A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal."
Ted Turner, founder of CNN and major UN donor
"The resultant ideal sustainable population is hence more than 500 million but less than one billion."
Son, we don't even have a clue how consciousness works yet. You ain't gonna transfer consciousness to a machine. And it is non-computable, so a Turing machine cannot simulate it. You might have things like artificial limbs, inferior to our own limbs. All the "transhumanism" will amount to is more and better machines i.e. big and better Front Loaders, Bulldozers, Excavators and factory robots. Whoopee-do. However selective breeding and genetic modification of humans could be done, just as we have been doing with plants and animals for a long time. It is just a nightmare as to how draconian the Bankster World Dictatorship will be. I don't want it. Stop this now, before it is too late.
All of these so called high tech leaders know less about tech than those who work with it.
I don't buy that they can monitor much of our brains besides normal vital signs. It's like this mrna technology, it's all vaporware. Chips, graphene, whatever... It's a spell to make us think they are all powerful, but like the wizard of Oz, they just hide behind a curtain shouting things.
And many seem to have connections before they start.
Even the ones without family connections are intellectually inbred.
I would personally do anything I could help to facilitate the opportunity for Musk, his partner and the entire WEF billionaire trans humanist cadre to - "astro-glide" their derrieres deep into space on some of Musk's space craft - where they can then spend endless fascinating hours engaged in debating "who's crazier."
"Is a transhumanist and technocrat (with a Satanic wife) the proper choice to safeguard our free speech?" As if we will be given a choice. Sadly, we will get whatever we are given. Only if/when enough people ditch Twitter and rob them of ad revenue will things (potentially) change on the social media site.
You should add "union buster" to his list of titles; like: the way he illegally undermined the union drive at his Freemont TESLA plant, over safety and work condition issues. Also, "WEF good cop" would work too. Populist he may be, but he's no friend of the masses, truly. His narcissism spurs him to express contrarian views, but it's shallow / just for show; he's a salesman to the core, and clearly, his interests are global ( ex: not minding accommodating the censorious Chinese government, to further his business ambitions ). The global oligarchic class doesn't care about free-speech — a local, and rather relative, specificity — just the free-flow of capital ( namely: theirs ), as much as possible.
if we actually had a judicial branch that enforced our constitutional rights... with searing penalties at the highest level for those who conspired in the theft of those rights... just daydreaming...
Musk has been the exact opponent of the Davos Bankster Parasite Psychopaths:
1) Against the Covid lockdowns, masks & vaccines right from the beginning. He wouldn't wear a mask, if he had to he wore a Texas bandanna which he just lifted up over his nose. Said he got tested 4 times in one day and got 4 different results. Moved his base from California to Texas due to their stupid lockdowns
2) He calls for INCREASING human population NOT drastically reducing it.
3) Remember he developed PayPal. He states that money is just information, a metric that measures the relative value of goods and services. The exact opposite of the criminal Banksters who demand we worship money as a god that only they control.
4) Musk promotes Dogecoin as the "People's currency". And states he wants to use that as a decentralized Mars currency. No central bank needed. No Bankster criminal parasite monopolists wanted.
5) Opposite to the Malthusian Davos Bankster birdbrains, Musk believes in expanding the human species, not contracting it, colonizing Mars and other worlds. The Banksters advocate "Limits on Growth", "Club of Rome" enforced World poverty for the people (except for them & their Toadies who will live in the lap of luxury). They want population reduction and a feudal society.
6) Musk strongly advocated for the Trucker Convoys and their message of freedom. The Banksters despised them with a passion and demanded their funding be stolen.
7) Musk runs his companies the exact opposite of these snot-swallowing, ivory tower, Aristocrats do. He is old school. He gets right down & dirty with the shop floor employees. He will sleep at the factory and get his hands dirty on the assembly line. Most of the Corporate execs nowawdays are just bean counters & aristocrat stooges, only interested in profiting through financial trickery.
Notice he can produce a rocket 5X faster, 1000X cheaper($/lb to orbit) and 4X more capable than the Aristocrat run Big Military Industrial Giants. Notice Boeing typical Aristocracy Elite Executive moved their head office from Seattle to Chicago so they wouldn't have to deal personally with the "dirty workers". More interested in profits from financialization then from spending it on making better airplanes. He instead wanted to frequent the Chicago Opera rather than visit the production line. No wonder Boeing went down the sewer.
8) While the Davos gang is advocating for reducing energy consumption via their "Great Reset" and ESG plan. Musk is calling for more gas drilling, reopening Nuclear power plants, expanding energy production. He wants economic growth, they want economic contraction.
9) For Mars Governance Musk is advocating for a decentralized Direct Democracy. The exact opposite of what the Davos Elitists want. They want centralized Tyranny of the most incompetent = Them.
10) Musk is creative. He is a builder. He makes things. The Davos Bankster criminals only destroy, create one economic recession or depression after another. They are the penultimate Parasites, produce nothing, good for nothing, extraordinary Wealth just because of who they are not because of what they accomplish which is much, much less than nothing. If we got rid of all these Davos Bankster Financialization creeps the World be a far better place in every way.
Nonsense. I have the full list of all YGL's going back to 1993. Musk isn't on it. Controlled opposition makes zero sense. You once again, like so many now, have a delusional idea about the Great Reset. It will make us, the 99%, impoverished peasants. The Bankster elites are Malthusians and want us to have less tech not more tech. At most they want enough tech to monitor us 24/7 and prevent us from having any currency or food or travel any time it suits them. Musk is zip for solar, that's all China. BEV's forget it, we won't have any cars, maybe allowed to have a bicycle if we don't travel beyond are designated boundaries. Musk is their enemy, and if nothing else, the enemy of our enemies is our friend.
I've downloaded every single list of Young Global Leaders (and Global Leaders for Tomorrow) that I could find. And I'm pretty good at finding stuff. He's not on my list;
Nor is he on the 2008 or 2009 lists which suggests that the 2008 story is either wrong or that Musk dropped out or that he asked not to be listed. So I won't be adding him to my list until there's some better confirmation that he is or he is not.
And here is the Bloomberg article, if you have a subscription ( titled: "“Young Global Leaders–Anderson Cooper and Leonardo DiCaprio Are In The Most Exclusive Private Social Network In The World” ):
He may not be any longer, but he apparently was. And there are plenty eulogistic articles regarding Musk on the WEF's own website. Birds of a feather / Not an actual threat.
Those links are pure drivel. It's more likely that your sources are YGL's and Controlled Opposition. I go by actions & policy not smear jobs. Trump was a builder, that's what I like about him, Musk builds things, Banksters only destroy. I doubt most Banksters could build a doghouse if they had a two year carpentry course.
Although I agree with you re the banksters (who are all c%nts) I'm going to remain with an open mind on Musk as a YGL. Nevertheless there are contradictions in the information above, one says 2005 the other article is from 2008 and saying that Musk is a new YGl at that stage. In none of the actual YGL lists that I've downloaded is he mentioned. But that doesn't mean that he isn't.
YGL ain't the biggest thing going. Look at McConnell & McCarthy, not YGL but two of the biggest Bankster crony stooges on the planet. They are trying to KILL YOU. Does that register? Why aren't you talking about those two arseholes instead of endlessly trying to stick that label on Musk. Musk is your friend. We need friends. 90% of the Republican party are our enemies.
You seem to hate everybody. Makes you sound like a CIA puppy. Trump is not their friend. He did build many hotels and resorts. Not easy stuff. What have you ever built? Probably ~80% of the politicians have never done anything constructive in their entire lifetimes. Was Trump Mr. Perfect? No, not even close. Demand Perfect and you will get nothing.
that you mention, does not correlate with the list that I have re Musk as the alphabetical order in the North Americans on that list is;
Afshin Molavi
followed by
Trevor Nielson
Also several of the others on your list are not on mine. Athey, Jones & Shapiro immediately before Musk for example are not on my list which dates to 2009 and is a WEF list.
Musk is not there as a South African either btw. Or Canadian.
I agree somewhat. In other words he's not as bad as he's made out to be by some and not as great as others make him out to be. That Grimes is a witch is not necessarily a diss but more a compliment. But then she was the one who pulled Musk back on his statements on transgender at one stage, so maybe she's not a witch.
Q may just be a crank conspiracy or a 5D psyop, but IF it's true then Elon most certainly has cut a deal for his many transgressions, most spectacular among them the allegations he used SpaceX technology to privatize at least three separate space based weapons systems for Obama & Co., one of which was attempted to be used to kill millions of Americans on 1/13/18.
Elon might be a satanic globalist, but the US military [probably] owns him and he'll do everything he's told to do.
Well, this is a refreshing take. Thank you! I’ve posted the following comment on social media many times in recent weeks and have been absolutely crucified for it. (I guess everyone’s looking for a Savior.)
“If you think that Elon Musk is going to protect your free speech or that Bitcoin is going to protect your privacy, you might want to check out this great doctor, Albert Bourla, whose amazing injections can protect you from any pandemic—past, present or future!”
Musk would like to protect our free speech and end the Bankster hegemony by democratizing money but he is an outsider with no power. And he ain't the World's richest man, not even close. The real ultra-rich are Bankster families that hide their wealth and demand secrecy. Musk builds things, Banksters produce nothing, they just steal the wealth created by others.
Says you who knows nothing and has never built anything. Musk is hated by the establishment. I would like to see you build even one component of a Tesla, maybe in your entire lifetime?
More gibberish. You really are getting unhinged.
He's a vet btw. Completely agree though.
Very poor and uneducated take on Bitcoin. Educate yourself instead of repeating talking points. Even the most entry-level bitcoin commentators know the block chain is public. Privacy on the blockchain is a choice that comes from other layers. Not even the FED gets privacy on a public blockchain and that's a much bigger point.
I've educated myself. Bitcoin is going to zero real soon. Completely crap as a usable currency,
What thoughtful insight! You must be an oracle. At leat now I don't have any reason to read your nonsense blog. You write about as deep as a teaspoon.
Thanks, great to have you off-board.
Lol I bet you are
Even more so now!
ha! excellent.
Let’s not forget the military connection In case you were unaware that SpaceX is a military contractor, here are some links. The military contractors run the biggest money laundering scam in the world. https://www.cnet.com/tech/tech-industry/spacex-signs-a-deal-to-rocket-military-cargo-around-the-world/https://www.republicworld.com/world-news/us-news/spacex-signs-agreement-with-us-army-to-asses-starlink-broadband.html
He needs to do military projects in order to fund SpaceX and gain some protection because Big Aerospace wants to have SpaceX shutdown, real bad. They hired ex Moon landing astronauts incl Neil Armstrong to lobby Congress, claiming SpaceX is unsafe and damaging the environment. That's what you get for developing a large rocket 5X faster, 10X cheaper and 2000X lower cost of payload to orbit than big Aerospace Boeing/Lockheed Martin. And is not a throwaway rocket on top of that. Is that 30yr, $25B, SLS (Senate Launch System) ever going to fly?
That's the cover story. He's point man for the privatization of Space weapons. Obama and the CIA had him help build private [non-military] ICBMs
They are already privatized, you never heard of Lockheed, Boeing, Bezos, ULA...? Musk's rockets could be used for weapons, just like any other rocket ever built.
True, but they were still under military and congressional oversight. SpaceX partnered with Ukraine and North Korea to build black market nuclear ICBMs under Obama/CIA 'oversight'. North Korea's nuclear arsenal has always been under CIA control. Rogers, Flynn and Putin caught him and that's why Elon is completely phuqed. When faced with crimes against humanity in a military tribunal the sky's the limit in what you'll agree to do 🤔
That is about the kookiest, dumbest fable I've heard this year, and I've heard many. Quit inventing nonsense to support your anti-America, pro-Globalist views.
Did you catch these?
Elon is ballz deep in this
Stay tuned. You're about to learn the world is much different than you thought.🍿
Just as bioweapon labs were closed in the US and moved into universities and then abroad, Obama canceled many NASA & DoD projects and granted them to SpaceX [and to Iran, Ukraine China and North Korea] to avoid oversight.
Yeah, what projects were that? NASA claimed it would take $100B & 25yrs to develop a new booster - not reusable. Musk doing a reusable in 3yrs with $2B. 1000X cheaper than NASA or big Aerospace can do. Easy to criticize when you do nothing.
Fruity Pebbles was an anti-satellite constellation using microwave DEWs. It disappeared right as Starlink rolled out [5G is Directed microwave...]
This system would have given theater dominance of space to non-nation states.
Nice Word Salad. You sound like Pelosi and Biden, even worse.
Yeah, I would like to see you build even one component of the Tesla's or SpaceX rockets in your lifetime. He makes things, really, really difficult things. Things nobody else would do. The first successful car company in the USA in ~100yrs, and highly successful, and electric at that when all the pundits said electric vehicles will never be practical.
You are getting incoherent. Gibberish. "fake spacex shit"?!? Explain that.
It's scary that many people are buying the Musk hopium.
Becoming a straight laced Christian conservative is the way to be a radical subversive these days.
Unless he's leveraged by his past, which he certainly is. Puppets still dance when a new master is pulling his strings
Thank you! I have been so frustrated with people looking at Musk as a hero. Most people want someone to worship, and they'll latch on to anyone who tells them what they want to hear. Like Trump. If not for the immigration issue, he would not have been president. Like Judge Clarence Thomas. I agree he's made a few good moves recently. But he was Monsanto's property for decades and he personally ushered many of their foul plays on through the legal process with justice for no farmer. People just want a hero. And most reject the real hero, IMO. Jesus Christ.
Luciferian transhumanist who want to chip people's brain is praised as savior by gullible people
"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. (D. Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, UN)
Give up on this nutty Transhumanism fable being spread by Know-Nothings. Some people read too much Sci-Fi. Maybe, hopefully, possible one day Neuralink will be a method to have a better typewriter. So you can mentally transmit text to a computer. It would be handy dandy. But no I ain't interested in getting a hole in my head in order to type faster, my keyboard is plenty fast enough for me. Most likely the best Neuralink will do is allow paraplegics to have some rudimentary use of their non-functional limbs some day.
The REAL "transhumanism" of concern by a factor of a 1000X is this mRNA DNA editing (compulsory through vaccine mandates) which even the Covid vaccine does. That is a dangerous path that is right here, right now. Believe it. Forget Neuralink.
Transhumanism and the "vaccines" are not an either/or proposition, as they're both part of the same agenda.
Transhumanism is NOT on the agenda. Compulsory vaccines = Digital I.D./CBDC/Social Credit chain around our necks with genocide/population reduction thrown in. That's techno-feudalism. Nothing transhumanist about it. Malthusianism is more like it. And an Oligarchy of the most incompetent. Try reading Klaus Schwab's 2 books on the 4th Industrial Revolution, high school level farcical nonsense.
Your certainty is impressive. You need to look into it more deeply.
Just listen to what they say. Now tell me does that sound like Transhumanism or Malthusianism? Why does everybody blab endlessly about the Transhumanism fable but ignore the obvious Malthusian agenda? Even Bannon has some jerk on regularly spouting off about Transhumanism but never mentions Malthusianism. Their ESG movement is in fact a design for World Tyranny, Population Reduction and a Feudal Society where most people own nothing and are impoverished, whereas an indentured Ruling Class lives in the lap of luxury, obscene Wealth. That's not Transhumanism. What they're up to is explained by quotes of themselves or the Toadies they promote and finance:
"We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest"
Paul Warburg, the International Banker testifying to the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations in 1950
"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis."
David Rockefeller, Club of Rome executive manager
“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected the promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world-government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the National auto determination practiced in past centuries.”
David Rockefeller in an address to a Trilateral Commission meeting in June of 1991
“This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long – We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.”
David Rockefeller, Club of Rome, Sept. 23, 1994
“For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will.
If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
from David Rockefeller’s autobiography ‘Memoirs’
" Complex technology of any sort is an assault on human dignity. It would be little short of disastrous for us to discover a source of clean, cheap, abundant energy, because of what we might do with it. "
Amory Lovins, Rocky Mountain Institute
" The prospect of cheap fusion energy is the worst thing that could happen to the planet. "
Jeremy Rifkin, Greenhouse Crisis Foundation
" Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun. "
Prof Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University
" A massive campaign must be launched to restore a high-quality environment in North America and to de-develop the United States. De-development means bringing our economic system (especially patterns of consumption) into line with the realities of ecology and the global resource situation "
John Holdren Obama Science Czar & Rockefeller puppet
"In Nature organic growth proceeds according to a Master Plan, a Blueprint. Such a master plan is missing from the process of growth and development of the world system. Now is the time to draw up a master plan for sustainable growth and world development based on global allocation of all resources and a new global economic system. Ten or twenty years from today it will probably be too late."
Club of Rome, Mankind at the Turning Point
"The concept of national sovereignty has been immutable, indeed a sacred principle of international relations. It is a principle which will yield only slowly and reluctantly to the new imperatives of global environmental cooperation."
UN Commission on Global Governance report
"Democracy is not a panacea. It cannot organize everything and it is unaware of its own limits. These facts must be faced squarely. Sacrilegious though this may sound, democracy is no longer well suited for the tasks ahead. The complexity and the technical nature of many of today's problems do not always allow elected representatives to make competent decisions at the right time."
Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution
"In my view, after fifty years of service in the United National system, I perceive the utmost urgency and absolute necessity for proper Earth government. There is no shadow of a doubt that the present political and economic systems are no longer appropriate and will lead to the end of life evolution on this planet. We must therefore absolutely and urgently look for new ways."
Dr. Robert Muller, UN Assistant Secretary General
"Nations are in effect ceding portions of their sovereignty to the international community and beginning to create a new system of international environmental governance as a means of solving otherwise unmanageable crises."
Lester Brown, WorldWatch Institute
"A keen and anxious awareness is evolving to suggest that fundamental changes will have to take place in the world order and its power structures, in the distribution of wealth and income."
Club of Rome, Mankind at the Turning Point
"Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable."
Maurice Strong, Rio Earth Summit
"All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself."
Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution
"The Earth has cancer and the cancer is Man."
Club of Rome, Mankind at the Turning Point
"A cancer is an uncontrolled multiplication of cells, the population explosion is an uncontrolled multiplication of people. We must shift our efforts from the treatment of the symptoms to the cutting out of the cancer. The operation will demand many apparently brutal and heartless decisions."
Prof. Paul Ehrlich, The Population Bomb
"A reasonable estimate for an industrialized world society at the present North American material standard of living would be 1 billion. At the more frugal European standard of living, 2 to 3 billion would be possible."
United Nations, Global Biodiversity Assessment
"A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal."
Ted Turner, founder of CNN and major UN donor
"The resultant ideal sustainable population is hence more than 500 million but less than one billion."
Club of Rome, Goals for Mankind
You are living in lala land. Ignorance is not bliss.
Will the Future Be Human? - Yuval Noah Harari
Transhumanism Between Human Enhancement and Technological Innovation
International Conference on Human Enhancement and Transhumanism
Son, we don't even have a clue how consciousness works yet. You ain't gonna transfer consciousness to a machine. And it is non-computable, so a Turing machine cannot simulate it. You might have things like artificial limbs, inferior to our own limbs. All the "transhumanism" will amount to is more and better machines i.e. big and better Front Loaders, Bulldozers, Excavators and factory robots. Whoopee-do. However selective breeding and genetic modification of humans could be done, just as we have been doing with plants and animals for a long time. It is just a nightmare as to how draconian the Bankster World Dictatorship will be. I don't want it. Stop this now, before it is too late.
Thank you. Can't believe anyone would trust this guy. Or any oligarch/billionaire for that matter.
All of these so called high tech leaders know less about tech than those who work with it.
I don't buy that they can monitor much of our brains besides normal vital signs. It's like this mrna technology, it's all vaporware. Chips, graphene, whatever... It's a spell to make us think they are all powerful, but like the wizard of Oz, they just hide behind a curtain shouting things.
And many seem to have connections before they start.
Even the ones without family connections are intellectually inbred.
Couldn't have said it better. But it's also clear that all this vapo(u)rware is clogging up people's bloodstreams as well.
I would personally do anything I could help to facilitate the opportunity for Musk, his partner and the entire WEF billionaire trans humanist cadre to - "astro-glide" their derrieres deep into space on some of Musk's space craft - where they can then spend endless fascinating hours engaged in debating "who's crazier."
"Is a transhumanist and technocrat (with a Satanic wife) the proper choice to safeguard our free speech?" As if we will be given a choice. Sadly, we will get whatever we are given. Only if/when enough people ditch Twitter and rob them of ad revenue will things (potentially) change on the social media site.
Thank you. I knew a bit about the Facebag, but not about Twitter. I love learning new things.
You should add "union buster" to his list of titles; like: the way he illegally undermined the union drive at his Freemont TESLA plant, over safety and work condition issues. Also, "WEF good cop" would work too. Populist he may be, but he's no friend of the masses, truly. His narcissism spurs him to express contrarian views, but it's shallow / just for show; he's a salesman to the core, and clearly, his interests are global ( ex: not minding accommodating the censorious Chinese government, to further his business ambitions ). The global oligarchic class doesn't care about free-speech — a local, and rather relative, specificity — just the free-flow of capital ( namely: theirs ), as much as possible.
if we actually had a judicial branch that enforced our constitutional rights... with searing penalties at the highest level for those who conspired in the theft of those rights... just daydreaming...
Musk is competent in one area only: Bringing attention to himself.
-- A lucrative skill in this age of narcissism.
Ok this is really creepy! As is Zuckerberg and Dorsey. Can’t we have at least one good guy show up?
Musk has been the exact opponent of the Davos Bankster Parasite Psychopaths:
1) Against the Covid lockdowns, masks & vaccines right from the beginning. He wouldn't wear a mask, if he had to he wore a Texas bandanna which he just lifted up over his nose. Said he got tested 4 times in one day and got 4 different results. Moved his base from California to Texas due to their stupid lockdowns
2) He calls for INCREASING human population NOT drastically reducing it.
3) Remember he developed PayPal. He states that money is just information, a metric that measures the relative value of goods and services. The exact opposite of the criminal Banksters who demand we worship money as a god that only they control.
4) Musk promotes Dogecoin as the "People's currency". And states he wants to use that as a decentralized Mars currency. No central bank needed. No Bankster criminal parasite monopolists wanted.
5) Opposite to the Malthusian Davos Bankster birdbrains, Musk believes in expanding the human species, not contracting it, colonizing Mars and other worlds. The Banksters advocate "Limits on Growth", "Club of Rome" enforced World poverty for the people (except for them & their Toadies who will live in the lap of luxury). They want population reduction and a feudal society.
6) Musk strongly advocated for the Trucker Convoys and their message of freedom. The Banksters despised them with a passion and demanded their funding be stolen.
7) Musk runs his companies the exact opposite of these snot-swallowing, ivory tower, Aristocrats do. He is old school. He gets right down & dirty with the shop floor employees. He will sleep at the factory and get his hands dirty on the assembly line. Most of the Corporate execs nowawdays are just bean counters & aristocrat stooges, only interested in profiting through financial trickery.
Notice he can produce a rocket 5X faster, 1000X cheaper($/lb to orbit) and 4X more capable than the Aristocrat run Big Military Industrial Giants. Notice Boeing typical Aristocracy Elite Executive moved their head office from Seattle to Chicago so they wouldn't have to deal personally with the "dirty workers". More interested in profits from financialization then from spending it on making better airplanes. He instead wanted to frequent the Chicago Opera rather than visit the production line. No wonder Boeing went down the sewer.
8) While the Davos gang is advocating for reducing energy consumption via their "Great Reset" and ESG plan. Musk is calling for more gas drilling, reopening Nuclear power plants, expanding energy production. He wants economic growth, they want economic contraction.
9) For Mars Governance Musk is advocating for a decentralized Direct Democracy. The exact opposite of what the Davos Elitists want. They want centralized Tyranny of the most incompetent = Them.
10) Musk is creative. He is a builder. He makes things. The Davos Bankster criminals only destroy, create one economic recession or depression after another. They are the penultimate Parasites, produce nothing, good for nothing, extraordinary Wealth just because of who they are not because of what they accomplish which is much, much less than nothing. If we got rid of all these Davos Bankster Financialization creeps the World be a far better place in every way.
Controlled opposition. Musk is, or at the very least was, a WEF young leader.
Nonsense. I have the full list of all YGL's going back to 1993. Musk isn't on it. Controlled opposition makes zero sense. You once again, like so many now, have a delusional idea about the Great Reset. It will make us, the 99%, impoverished peasants. The Bankster elites are Malthusians and want us to have less tech not more tech. At most they want enough tech to monitor us 24/7 and prevent us from having any currency or food or travel any time it suits them. Musk is zip for solar, that's all China. BEV's forget it, we won't have any cars, maybe allowed to have a bicycle if we don't travel beyond are designated boundaries. Musk is their enemy, and if nothing else, the enemy of our enemies is our friend.
I've downloaded every single list of Young Global Leaders (and Global Leaders for Tomorrow) that I could find. And I'm pretty good at finding stuff. He's not on my list;
Nor is he on the 2008 or 2009 lists which suggests that the 2008 story is either wrong or that Musk dropped out or that he asked not to be listed. So I won't be adding him to my list until there's some better confirmation that he is or he is not.
He is a 2005 Business YGL, according to at least this source:
Apparently, this was mentioned in a 2008 Bloomberg article, according to this source:
And here is the Bloomberg article, if you have a subscription ( titled: "“Young Global Leaders–Anderson Cooper and Leonardo DiCaprio Are In The Most Exclusive Private Social Network In The World” ):
He may not be any longer, but he apparently was. And there are plenty eulogistic articles regarding Musk on the WEF's own website. Birds of a feather / Not an actual threat.
Those links are pure drivel. It's more likely that your sources are YGL's and Controlled Opposition. I go by actions & policy not smear jobs. Trump was a builder, that's what I like about him, Musk builds things, Banksters only destroy. I doubt most Banksters could build a doghouse if they had a two year carpentry course.
Although I agree with you re the banksters (who are all c%nts) I'm going to remain with an open mind on Musk as a YGL. Nevertheless there are contradictions in the information above, one says 2005 the other article is from 2008 and saying that Musk is a new YGl at that stage. In none of the actual YGL lists that I've downloaded is he mentioned. But that doesn't mean that he isn't.
YGL ain't the biggest thing going. Look at McConnell & McCarthy, not YGL but two of the biggest Bankster crony stooges on the planet. They are trying to KILL YOU. Does that register? Why aren't you talking about those two arseholes instead of endlessly trying to stick that label on Musk. Musk is your friend. We need friends. 90% of the Republican party are our enemies.
You seem to hate everybody. Makes you sound like a CIA puppy. Trump is not their friend. He did build many hotels and resorts. Not easy stuff. What have you ever built? Probably ~80% of the politicians have never done anything constructive in their entire lifetimes. Was Trump Mr. Perfect? No, not even close. Demand Perfect and you will get nothing.
I've seen the bloomberg article as it's in the link that I gave (no subscription needed)
ie. "Elon Musk, the chairman of Tesla Motors, the much-publicized electric sports-car company, is a new YGL." March 18, 2008.
There's still no proof that he has been a YGL.
Also the 2005 list at;
that you mention, does not correlate with the list that I have re Musk as the alphabetical order in the North Americans on that list is;
Afshin Molavi
followed by
Trevor Nielson
Also several of the others on your list are not on mine. Athey, Jones & Shapiro immediately before Musk for example are not on my list which dates to 2009 and is a WEF list.
Musk is not there as a South African either btw. Or Canadian.
I agree somewhat. In other words he's not as bad as he's made out to be by some and not as great as others make him out to be. That Grimes is a witch is not necessarily a diss but more a compliment. But then she was the one who pulled Musk back on his statements on transgender at one stage, so maybe she's not a witch.
Q may just be a crank conspiracy or a 5D psyop, but IF it's true then Elon most certainly has cut a deal for his many transgressions, most spectacular among them the allegations he used SpaceX technology to privatize at least three separate space based weapons systems for Obama & Co., one of which was attempted to be used to kill millions of Americans on 1/13/18.
Elon might be a satanic globalist, but the US military [probably] owns him and he'll do everything he's told to do.
Looks like Musk has already moved on to yet another young lady. https://hollywoodlife.com/2022/03/12/elon-musk-girlfriend-natasha-bassett-baby-grimes/