"The purpose of the mainstream media is not to inform you, but to conform you."

- Ned B.

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Excellent succinct comment.

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It's effective programming

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All of them one big continuous neocon family infecting both parties.

Difficult to accept, but glad I have gotten past those hurdles of disbelief and misguided idealism.

Substack is the current miracle of Free Speech.

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Yep. I've been living in Japan now for 40 years now, and the corporate nation-state's propaganda tentacles have become particularly infuriating. Fear porn upon fear porn, phrasing the day's numbers to reflect record high 'cases' since last week, last month, last year etc., editing and locking what is phrased as 'reader's comments' to on-line 'newspapers'. There is so much bullshit over here, and most of the working class is kept so close to the edge of financial sustainability, they just don't have the time or energy to dig deeper than the evening meal and televised bullshit.

As an educator for my entire career over here, my observation is that since the beginning of the modern nation state of Japan (younger than the U.S.), compliance to authority and self-censorship have always been the highest values of institutional education ... not critical thinking skills, or compassionate, collaborative problem solving.

The dark-triads running the show of Japan Inc. are patient and persistent, and when the hammer falls in Japan, it won't be pretty ... particularly for ethnically different foreigners like me.

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Slightly side-stepping your comment: What's your on-the-ground opinion/take on Shinzo Abe's assassination?

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Hi Zelda,

Was on the phone with a Japanese friend and fellow community activist chatting about Abe. among other things. Of course I don't condone violence, but prior to his assassination, most of my Japanese friends had little good to say about him ... he was was the one that pushed through a draconian states secrets law that allows for no FOIA and can now keep those secrets in perpetuity.

He was the one that tried, and largely succeeded in ridding the national universities of humanities and social sciences ... reducing the schools to technical trade schools so that the politicians and CEOs would be the only ones with the credentials to make policy decisions.

And he was known for silencing many scandals involving the supermajority LDP by simply refusing to comment.

Now that he is gone, a lot of Japanese are angry that their tax money is funding his lavish funeral, and angry that the tax funded NHK television news is saying little about the LDP's dirty money tied up with the Unification Church, the Korean CIA, and the U.S. CIA ... but it is coming out in dribbles on other television stations and on Japanese Twitter and Yahoo News.

I wrote a little about some of this, and left links in my second post (Count Chocula).

Cheers from Japan, land of a rapidly sinking sun.

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Where goes Japan, so go us all.

Fukushima is a slow motion extinction event. There, I said it for you, since you'd be incarcerated for doing so.

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LOL. Could be true on both accounts.

But hey, look at the bright side.

Catch a fish and its already cooked. 🙃

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Steven, Many Thanks :-) . Loads of Japanese here in Vancouver (Canada). But I can't ask anyone who lacked previous interest in politics, no matter where they came from/where they are. I had a good pal (another schoolmom), who regularly returned to Japan for family and for free healthcare. But she had zero interest in politics (whether Japan, Canada, or Mars).

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Hi Hossier,

Went to the first of I hope will be many 'Moms (and Teachers) Against the Mask Mandate Madness' dinner chats. It was just a casual chat with about 12 other Japanese, and they are not yet militant, but the hammer is yet to fall. When it happens, I think it will be brutal and quick. Japan has the infrastructure for it. Small parallel communities of friends will be the only chance of meaningful substainability.

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Knowing the Japanese people I AGREE re comments in the above statement.

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PLANNED by the usual people who pay the bills internationally.

The JAPANESE people shall turn the ship around!!!!!!!!!!

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Hoping so ... but the middle class is rapidly being hollowed out, and the working class run ragged. The Japanese have not had massive demonstrations since the 1960's ... but when the hammer comes down, I am hoping for a resurgence of that samurai spirit.

Cheers Gumnut!

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Everywhere the Middle class has been hit, for many years now, and in so many ways.

I witnessed some full-on demonstrations a number of times I was there, ending up in Shiba Park. First trip to Japan in mid 1987. Back many times and lived there too. I was always impressed with the Media and the Diets/Pollies immediate responses/reactions,

Japan is behind at present in their reaction stages to this mess, (I admit I have not followed closely as I have been so busy for years being a forced Pharmacist/Researcher, Psychologist, parent, grandmother while I was supposed to be not doing anything re Fauci HIV/XMRV since late 1980s.

So much Info & Evidence now and the Japanese shall WIN, they are an amazing race and Culture. SAMURAI spirit is still there and always has been.

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I can only hope so Gumnut. But thinking about my looong 2nd post on Count Chocula though ... meh ... people are people, the world over. And the Japanese working class are being played by a ruling class, high in dark-triad behavior, just like everywhere else.

Let's hope though!

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F.U.D. = Fear. Uncertainty.Doubt. All three are components of the Problem-Reaction-Solution mind control tactics.

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Bingo, RTT!

Thank you for putting it so succinctly.

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If you have any techniques to share re speaking with vaxx victims(adverse reactions)who haven't heard of VAERS--please share. It's a jungle out there!

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LOL ... I just realized that Mark Zuckerberg is claiming a monopoly on only 2 out of 3 Platonic ideals ... Truth and Goodness. Maybe because there is no way he would win a Beauty Contest? 🤣

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Funny. Nor could Mark Z's female clone, Jen Psaki. Separated at birth?

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Agreed, RTT.

Peppermint Patty.

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It is indeed. I just got smacked with a 6 day suspension of all activitiy by posting 'false information' breaking F.Book's community standards. I can still use messaging ... so maybe group chats are a way. Never really got into the Twitter thingy.

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Steven, I was never on FB proper, but I was hammered by Instagram (now FB-owned) censors. Much prefer Substack. Laughed the other day when a millennial kids' fiction writer bemoaned the absence of censorship for the "covid misinformation" WE'RE all spreading here, hahaha. They CRAVE fascism.

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Aug 6, 2022·edited Aug 6, 2022Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

Thank you Mark for being so outspoken, over decades now, regarding the false flags and hoaxes that our so called govt has perpetrated on we the people. I've followed your articles for a long time and have been so grateful that a man of your intelligence and stature has the guts to tell it like it is. I've always admired your sense of humor as well. I love how you ended your talk by advising that we not fight amongst ourselves for our differences but instead aim our anger directly at the perps out to harm all of us. I've said the same many, many times. Btw, you look fabulous in your 70's! :)

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Aug 6, 2022Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

There have been two life affirming political events for me in the past 12 years and I hope to remind every one in the US of the first. That was when OVER 99% of us were on the same side in 2009 against the bank bailouts. I was so excited that we were truly all unified on that one point.

The second time I've had weeks of joy was immersing myself every waking moment in all the people in Ottawa led by the truckers. I haven't been that happy since the birth of my first born or falling in love.

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We are in a war with AI in my current perception of the realm! This is a difficult topic to discuss due to the attributes: Cognitive dissonance, and Mass Formation Hypnosis/Psychosis. In order to win this historic war-- for the sake of humanity, we will need to develop and cultivate all of our Jedi mental skills. And I'm not kidding! Practice clearing the mind, and turn off the screens as much as possible. Pax

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My friend and I went and it was beautiful. You had the truckers, you had "Hindus for freedom" etc. In a debate with Christopher Hitchens, David Berlinski said (around 1:20:05 of the video) the sea of faith has been receding under a number of powerful forces...and catastrophic for the human race" and about a minute later answers, "why should a secular Jew open his mouth to matters pertaining to the Christian religion?...It's a big tent and I am presuming I will be welcome." That was so profound I listened to it three times. Professor Miller, Dr. Breggins and so many others know we are experiencing something that cannot be refuted by secularism. It is a matter of faith. It is a faith in divinity that touches us all and it is indeed a big tent where all are welcomed whether they are the Amish, the truckers, the Jews or the Moslems.

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To access Edward Bernays' book, 'Propaganda' through my public library system, one must visit the central resource centre and schedule an appointment to sit in front of a video camera to even look at it.

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That's insane. Why?? It's hardly a subversive treatment of the subject....

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Welcome to Chinada.

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Aug 6, 2022·edited Aug 6, 2022

Nice talk and good advice to "make friends of our enemies". Easier said then done though, because the propoganda has been so effective with a great majority, that even civil conversation with a person that veers outside their propoganda-formed world view is met with opposition. I find it very difficult to make conversation with people whose mind has not been opened to the role of propoganda in our lives.

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No kidding. You and me both. But water will eventually wear down the hardest stone.

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Aug 6, 2022Liked by Mark Crispin Miller


Yes, I said "mandated" (!)

Thank you Mark for giving this speech, touching all points, pushing all my buttons - in a good way. Apparently I was in every battle you have been in. To me this is THE SPEECH because its funny - hard to do with so much tragedy - and concise and irrefutable. Yes, I definitely agree with all your truth. That which almost all my friends and relatives would call propaganda......and would refute. I don't know how they would refute it all but I am mindful of some BS I've believed before. So we keep on doing the best we can to not be unduly unkind, and still available for assistance should they ever ask. But boy is it hard.

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Feel free to contact me at markcrispinmiller@pm.me.

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What a nice line in the video bio: " Outspoken, truth-oriented, freedom-defending, Dr. Miller is a welcome addition to our roster."

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So good to hear your speech. Loved when you brought up todays “Left” making fun of the Canadian truckers. Who stole all the liberal minds? Who are the good guys in our World? It sure ain’t Klaus and the WEF, nor China nor Putin and they are not inside the Vatican nor the White House. I’m sure hoping DeSantis is a good guy and I gotta say that after 18 months of Brandon, I sure miss Trump…..Thank you for your work…

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“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.” - Ecclesiastes 1:9

Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.”

― Joseph Goebbels

Stunning Parallels Between COVID Measures and Nazi Germany


"…the SS organization had been constituted according to the principles of the Jesuit Order."- Edmond Paris, The Secret History of the Jesuits, p. 164.

"...Since the beginning of the Corona operation, many people began to realize that their governments have been taken over by very powerful and extremely evil forces, making political leaders worldwide move in unison to unleash unprecedented tyranny on their citizens."


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Isn’t it interesting that all US Presidents and leaders from other countries finally make their way to Rome to visit the Pope! Could it be that he is leading the parade and calling the shots! No pun intended!

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I don't think that could be. The reason why our presidents paid visits to the Pope was all those Catholic voters in America. I'm not sure why they do it now (since our elections are an open joke), but rest assured that THIS pope's just a tool, like Biden, Trudeau, Macron, Merkel and the rest of them.

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You’re way too naïve! Who has ruled the world since about 313 AD….under the guise of the state church…Rome! The popes took the place of the Caesars and ruled the known world for the better part of 600 years..until the Reformation under such men as Tyndale…Huss..Wycliffe…Luther and many others!

Read your Bible…Mystery Babylon the Great is drunk with the blood of the saints! Revelation! And the RC church hierarchy…which sits on seven hills and has been responsible for most all of the wars and massive death in the world..including what’s going on today with Cov-19! In one day the RC army murdered 57,000 French Huguenot bible believing Christians in northern France….Massacre of St. Bartholomew’s Day…after which Pope Gregory X111 celebrated mass in honor of the victory of there deaths!

Rome has been murdering Christians and anyone who stands in her way for centuries…Most recent is Rwanda where 800,000 lost there lives through RC Jesuit provocation! Several RC priests and Nuns were arrested for this incitement! President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by RC Jesuits! No RC could hold political office during the time of the 13 colonies! The counter Reformation commenced under the RC Jesuit..Ignatius Loyola and is still going strong today!

The seat of power is the Vatican to this day! The presidents of the world don’t come for a nice little visit.. but to do business with the Vatican! It will eventually be destroyed when the Lord returns! Many people think it can’t be true and yes..that’s how deception works! There’s plenty of information on this if you’re willing to search it out!

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Many people think it can't be. That's how deception works, The information on the take over of the US by the Jesuit Papacy is available in congressional library above other open sources and countless books written by historians throughout centuries. Read the article I posted there are some references. Elections are SELECTIONS. all the worlds leaders are reading from the same script.

The Hidden Faith of The Founding Fathers


Rerum Novarum - The Real New World Order. The Hidden Hand Behind Agenda 21/2030 and The Great Reset


A Sinister Force Behind Historical Conflicts, Global Agendas, Revolutions and World Wars. Is the same sinister force currently working behind The Corona Operation?


This is a "ruthless conspiracy" John Kennedy was referring to in his famous speech ...

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Excellent information! Thank you!😊

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Brilliant keynote, Mark! I just shared this with Mark Changizi as I have been disputing his belief that the mass hysteria is not engineered (https://markchangizi.substack.com/p/being-culpable-for-mass-hysteria) in this comment thread:


I proposed he debate you on the subject—would you be up for that? :-)

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MCM, perfect speech, which should be like a woman's skirt: long enough to cover the

subject, short enough to be interesting. It was good to hear the history of propaganda,

and how the current situation is different.

Ty and Charlene Bollinger's multi-episode series "propaganda" was excellent


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Brilliant speech!

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Thank you for this keynote recording. I realize you could have gone on longer, but found it very helpful covering key points. Good lecturer! I would have enjoyed being a student of yours. Everyone should be educated/informed on this topic.

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