Measles had largely disappeared in the US BEFORE the doctors started giving measles shots (which only made the problem worse)
Yet another illness whose lethality was wildly overstated to create a booming bio-fascist industry that's made us all much sicker than we were before they starting using their infernal needles on us
How Many People in the U.S. Died of Measles Each Year Before the First Measles Vaccine?
April 11, 2024
On the fear porn over measles:
January 11, 2023
May 22, 2019
Measles: Facts and Misconceptions in a Near-Hysterical Media Environment
by Sharyl Attkisson
April 19, 2023

You probably know that the U.S. has broken the record for number of measles cases in recent years. You also likely know that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says “high coverage” with measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine is the most effective way to limit the spread of measles.
Here are some other facts CDC released this week about the 2019 outbreak:
67% of cases are in New York City and New York state.
All of the original sources of infection are foreign countries.
The most number of cases came in from the Philippines, followed by Ukraine.
So far, there are no reports of measles-related brain damage or death, which are very rare.
Read the CDC’s latest on the 2019 U.S. measles outbreak here.
Along with the facts, a great deal of propaganda and misreporting is stoking near-hysteria among some.
Fact check and sourcing on 10 statements you may have heard about the 2019 U.S. measles outbreak
I had measles, mumps and chicken pox as a child, as did my parents and siblings. No one was damaged, or died and as a bonus, we were rewarded with a lifetime of natural immunity.
I am having to undo my own brainwashing on measles.
Used to seem straight forward to get the vaccine.
How the whole Covid scam has now woken such as me up to all the other scams.
They can't keep pulling these hoaxes.
We are on to them now.
Brazen they be.