I had measles, mumps and chicken pox as a child, as did my parents and siblings. No one was damaged, or died and as a bonus, we were rewarded with a lifetime of natural immunity.

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Exactly!!!!! It’s all for the kill and the money!!! My mom told me when anyone got the chicken pox or measles other people would expose their kids too in order to get it over with!!!! Oh how brainwashed people are today!

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Apr 13·edited Apr 13

We were certainly not isolated! Parents knew that it was important for children to get the traditional childhood diseases while they were in primary school, as their immune systems were capable of protecting without a big risk of serious disease. Commonsense and understanding the basics of how to protect their children without the involvement of pharma disappeared with the 'baby boomer' generation.

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deletedApr 13
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I am a boomer (1959) and vaccines for all the common childhood diseases became common after the baby boomer generation (ended in 1964). I'm not blaming the boomers, they were the last generation to not have the vaccines and achieved natural immunity by exposure. My statement is correct, you interpreted it incorrectly.

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I agree with you Paul as I'm a baby boomer born in 1956, also having the measles, chicken pox and mumps as a child. Our parents had the common sense that it was important for us to get these diseases and our immune systems would protect us, no need for pharma or vaccines at all. This is why we have an immune system. It was put there for a reason!!

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RemovedApr 15
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If you take off the end of what you wrote, THEN the statement is correct. Just remove "with the 'baby boomer' generation." We were still sensible. What happened was that the CDC and Pharma gained control of medicine, and school districts demanded proof of the jabs while wages tanked enough to require two paychecks to make ends meet. But, hey, blame the regular folks for what the elites are doing ... seems fair.

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I am in the UK, we do not have vaccine mandates and our health service is free at the point of use, so we are not singing from the same hymn sheet.

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RemovedApr 13
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Is this a bot or actual people spamming this constantly?

Are you collecting data on gmail users that click the link?

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I don’t open any comments like those!! They just keep posting them with no applicable remarks. Either spam or bots. Maybe we should all report the comment.

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Yes, they did do that. One of the reasons why is because these illnesses are handled much better by younger children for example than by teens. Also, I think the thinking was that the immune system would be strengthened earlier.

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And i think there is some scientific indications now that childhood diseases like mumps measles and chicken pox protect you from heart issues and other old age issues as well.

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Yea that was definitely a biggie.

My guy-friend lost hearing in one ear in addition to other possible health complications as a result of contracting measles as a teen.

We know others who were left with lifelong disabilities from this, as well.

I came down with chicken pox, measles, and mumps in the same year.

In those days, people had large families and basically everyone got it. Truly gross. But most of us lived though and were left with lifelong immunity as a result.

Part of me thinks that the psychos-in-charge have been running the same scam for a very long time.

It’s multi-factorial and involves incorporating dietary, societal, medical, and technological changes, media and other industries, simultaneously.

And it’s all been a buildup to what is coming down the road which I won’t get into here.

That way the true cause is actually causes,

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I believe so, too. My mother nearly died from chicken pox because she got it when she was 18. But I do think it is multi-factorial as well and the disconnect with people who think they are doing the 'right' thing because they are doing what they are told is really alarming to me.

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If it ain’t broke don’t fix it!

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yep! I took my kids to a "chicken pox party" when my kids were out 2 and 4. They swam with a neighbors little kids in a kiddie pool. My oldest got it, then youngest a couple weeks later, which I was very happy about.

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Many people seem so frightened of even catching a cold now. Good job, Disease Industrial Complex. You’ve brainwashed half the population,

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New agency...the DIC (Disease Industrial Complex)

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Same, it was common and no one freaked out about these diseases.

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My brother had one thing from mumps, i.e. his face was so puffed up for a while that he developed a cross-eyedness, at least the doctors claimed it may be from that, he didn't have it before. So he wore flasses early, like 5 y/o or so.

He doesn't need glasses today, though.

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Yes, and your immune system got a natural "booster" being exposed to the diseases as an adult. And we wonder why shingles is now so prevalent. SMH

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Same for this boomer.

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Go to your local cemetery. There’s a reason that small children are not the same percentage of the graves starting in the mid 50s. Ancillary bullshit means nothing. The MMR works. It’s that simple. There are poor vaccine choices to be made out there but the MMR is not one of them. You’re a fucking idiot and shame on you for insinuating that the vaccines are not worth receiving. Asshole

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I am having to undo my own brainwashing on measles.

Used to seem straight forward to get the vaccine.

How the whole Covid scam has now woken such as me up to all the other scams.

They can't keep pulling these hoaxes.

We are on to them now.

Brazen they be.

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If it can’t kill or seriously damage you, why jab? Natural immunity wins, always.

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I’m not saying it cannot kill or seriously damage you; it can.

I’m also not saying that vaccines are the solution; they mostly likely are the problem or part of the problem.

Let’s look at what COVID taught us: the jab was created for the “germ,” and the germ was created in a lab.

And all the pandemics are coverups for EMF rollouts.

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Or the "germ" was created for the jab. Take your pick.

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Yes I meant to say that the jab predates the germ but either way, it’s a package deal 😉

Forgive the foggy reply; I am not yet fully caffeinated

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You beat me to this comment.

Germ 'Theater" was create for the jab

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They think we are stupid.

And the MSM won't hear differently so it all plays on.

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Horrifying. I've been brainwashed ALL MY LIFE, by Bigpharma Money and I never realized it, because their propaganda and lies permeate our entire society. And I BELIEVED IT ALL. No longer.

The Vax Dependency Industry... DOCTORS GAVE BETRAYED US for filthy lucre. So much for the "hypocrits" Oath (suk).

I also now understand that I ABANDONED 5 helpless little embryos to the Abortion/Organ Industry, when I was young. I and my erstwhile "partners" murdered babies, as Inconveniences. We are ALL Criminals. 😪 Because it was "convenient"...

💰💰💰💰💰 Doctors of Death.

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We were all brainwashed, to a certain extent... Pretty much everything was/is a lie. But the important thing is that you are awake now, and here to help wake others up.

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Very sad Aussie Man. Can I ask what led you to understand what you had done to those babies? I’m not interested in judging you, just wondering if there is some wisdom I can impart on others who haven’t come to realize the horrors of abortion. It seems so obvious to me that I get infuriated (and consequently tongue-tied) when trying to get others to understand.

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You are a rarity in your thinking!!! God bless you! Please read my note to Aussie Man above!

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Please forgive yourself if you haven’t. One thing that always frustrated me as a woman is that it was socially accepted that men sowed their oats, well who do you think they showed them with! (I am not blaming you at all, but a stupid social stance that brought us to this point.) Also I remember when dating and the majority of men could care less about using protection when sex came up! So it was always the woman’s problem! Yet when we said no, they got angry with us! Many women cannot not take birth control pills because of the serious side effects it causes! So if this acceptable behavior wouldn’t have been the norm and men took a position of caring and making sure everyone was protected, we wouldn’t have had this run to abortion like it’s spiraled out of control.

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Men have rejected taking the birth control pills themselves I understand. What does that tell you?

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Male birth control pills are essentially chemical castration.

You don’t get to blame your decision to fuck up your hormones to have casual sex on men.

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Apr 13·edited Apr 13

When I grew up, the number of vaccines I had was in single digit.

My children were required to have double digit vaccinations to attend public school.

At the current trajectory, my grandchildren will be mandated triple digit vaccinations.

I'm still alive and healthy without these extra vaccines. What gives?

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Please have the CDC release comparison data using the Amish as a control group. RFK will release all hidden CDC data on day one, which will cause a seismic shift in “healthcare”. We need radical change. We need truth tellers in charge. Every comparison that I am aware of favors NOT vaccinating. I’m f proper control group studies were done, it’s possible that some products could confer a benefit. But we will never know, since proper studies will NEVER be done. It’s unethical. Don’t be a denier. The US leads the world in infant mortality AND number of jabs. And refuses to even delay and space out the jabs. They know this. They lie. People die. The end.

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I don’t trust the CDC with anything! They’ve been lying about everything!!! They don’t care how many people die from vaccines.

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If they say grass is green you better double check

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Criminal cartel

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Hopefully your grandchildren don’t get them!!! I know many people now who aren’t giving their children any and they are thriving!!! The vaccine schedule now is designed to injure and kill them! There are far too many with autism alone. My sister has a friend whose daughter has two children with autism!

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Confirmed anti-vaxxer since June 2020.

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Confirmed anti vaxxer since FOREVER!

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I never likes them, but now I am staunchly against.

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Nice! My eyes were opened in 2020 and I am glad for it.

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Certified SMART!!!❤️

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Yes and Fredrick Klenner cured 60/60 polio patients including with placid paralysis using vitamin c injections and vitamin c iv.

Also read Dr Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Harm”. Dr Andrew Moulden MD, PhD

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Link to Frederick Klenner MD reports from 1950-60s of rapid cures of 60 cases of measles among other useful info titled The Clinical Guide to using Vitamin C. I’ve noticed that scorpion bites painful reaction is gone in under 30 minutes when I followed the guidelines of Dr Klenner:


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Also check out orthomolecularnews.org

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Vitamin A for measles I hear.

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good info, also see brucha weisberger's exhaustive research into the measles vax scam https://truth613.substack.com/p/why-not-get-the-measles-shot

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Medicine Is Not A Science.

It’s A Business.

Your Only Job

Is To Make It Too Costly

For Them. To Kill You.

Either Get That.

Or They Get You.


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Nothing to do with diet is it? Consumption of packaged food, using toxic ingredients on you body, breathing in toxic fumes, the list is enourmous. The only reason that it spreads now is from vaccines, healthy unvaccinated kids with good immune systems don't usually get it. If you are concerned there are homeopathic preventative remedies.

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Let’s redirect the billions used on harmas prevention to detoxify our population and subsidize sustainable farming and real nutrition. Imagine the “consequences”. True health and the demand for “healthcare” decreasing by 90%. But then the “healthcare” and insurance industries would be mortally wounded. Can’t be allowed.

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The insurance industry is already in sad shape, from all the vaxxidents and deaths. My auto insurance went up almost $400 this year, due to "inflation". And they keep trying to push life insurance on me.

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We are under attack constantly every day and night from the air which affects our food supply, in our water, in every harma product, electromagnetism AND over regulation among other things. It’s increasingly difficult to keep up with the battles that need to be fought. I would say stay focused.

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Agree Wendy, we need to stay focused on what we can control, what we put in and on our bodies for a start. Saving seeds and growing your own as much as possible even if it is only sprouts on the bench near a window, full of nutrients.

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Homeopathic Immunizations are pretty effective and are growing in use all around the world due to safety and cost. Got through the past four years of plandemic unjabbed with their help so only had one day of sniffles once in 2022.

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Yes, excellent, I too use homeopathics, have done for years, still learning. I never even get a sniffle, attack with homeopathics if I feel a niggle.

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Yes however our soils are so depleted that it’s impossible to get enough nutrients from our diet. I would suggest that if we took all the profits from the pharmaceutical industry complex and funnelled it into replenishment of our natural resources we would all be much healthier. We have mega deficiencies and therefore need mega supplemental support. The use of shots have left much of the world in need of this support for life. Again i support Dr Andrew Moulden’s research that all vaccines cause harm. We just didn’t know what we were looking for.

Clinicians make the best researchers.

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I am not convinced that all soils are depleted, I often think it might be a comment made by the supplement companies to sell more. Unless we get all soil tested including out backyards we will never know for sure. But certainly those soils that have had a lot of chemical fertillizers. There is a big regeneration movement going on which is quietly working in the background, so there is hope. We can do what we can in our own backyards and local communities.

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Look up they have been spraying up like bugs for decades.

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1) The 2015 Disneyland measles outbreak was Type B - wild type from the Philippines. The vaccine is for Type A. From the CDC:

"No, the MMR vaccine does not cover B type measles."

This is important because 2015 was a huge turning point in media coverage. It's when Fauci et al began their "full court press" vilifying those antivaxxers, and the media complied. Recall a 2010 Frontline episode called "Vaccine War" where they actually gave a balanced view of the vaccine debate, including almost equal time to critics Barbara Loe Fisher, a pioneer in this field. In 2015 they attempted to scrub that episode from the internet, but it's available again:


2) I grew up with Brady Bunch reruns, and look at their cavalier attitude toward the measles:


3) The measles vaccine by itself was not nearly as dangerous as the multivalent MMR. But Merck traded the solo measles vaccine to Europe so they could keep the more profitable MMR in the US, where it enjoys immunity from liability.

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I'm not familiar with that take on the event, as I read that the outbreak was actually from someone inoculated for measles. The cause, in fact, was from the treatment. That story has been scrubbed.

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"The source of the initial Disney theme park exposure has not been identified. Specimens from 30 California patients were genotyped; ALL WERE MEASLES GENOTYPE B3, which has caused a large outbreak recently in the Philippines, but has also been detected in at least 14 countries and at least six U.S. states in the last 6 months"


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I distinctly remember reading the article, as a sent it around to many people whom I thought would find it interesting. I seem to recall that the piece was written in '16 but perhaps later in '15.

I've been on the anti-fauxccination trip since before 2000, since before being fauxccine damanged in '98, mmr to get law school funding.

Living in SoCal the Disney to-do raised eyebrows among those aware of fauxccine dangers. In retrospect, I suspect the entire ordeal rather conveniently advanced the anti-fauxccine hysteria. I noticed considerably more censorship around fauxccination thereafter, along with increasing packaging of scientism as an infallible Truth.

Even before Plague 1984, I had had comments and articles censored from Medium and attempts to help long-haulers have been deleted and flagged on Reddit.

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Well there’s the flaw right there as the information is coming from the CDC.

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There’s no type a or type b. It’s just a variation of the amount of poison being concentrated in certain areas to create the illusion of disease and keep the sleepals believing the narrative and continue to divide and conquer. We need a Declaration of indisputable truth and to stay on the path!

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I would encourage all to read Turtles All The Way Down.

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My late mother was a hospital-trained RN who told me that polio was well on its way out before either of the polio vaccines were released to the market.

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Your Mom was absolutely correct!!

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She was so about more things than I realized before she was gone.

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Hindsight is 20/20

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Did you just figure that out?

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Why would you say that?

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Because "Hindsight Is Not 20/20 – The Hindsight Fallacy."


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A good post I read recently details how Dr Russell Blaylock MD ( now essentially scrubbed from the web) pulled the rug out completely from the entire herd immunity narrative! (The narrative that justifies the use of ANY vaccine.)


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Herd immunity is known to occur with natural immunity as the animals innate response to a contagion transitions to their acquired immune response which has long term memories.

Vaccine can’t induce herd immunity. At best can induce short term pseudo herd immunity only if it prevents transmission. mRNA based vax don’t prevent transmission.

They want all to be brainwashed and tv programmed to believe that vaccines can establish herd immunity. I will not comply.

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Enders disproved his own 'germ' of a theory, & then he won a Nobel. The rest, as they say, is 'history'....

(and he who is ignorant is doomed to repeat it )


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could you provide a reference on Enders disproving his own Nobel-worthy 'germ' of a theory? I only know of the germ > < terrain discussion / Pasteur - Béchamp (the latter arguing that microbes were to become dangerous when the health of the host, i.e. its "terrain" deteriorated).

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he did a "control" it led to chaos, it later became a lump under the rug...

(see Tom Cowan, or the Baileys, or Mike Stone)

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OK. I'm still interested in the original text, though. maybe it's findable.

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Along those lines, we were never intended to suffer from contagious diseases.

Our bodies were perfectly designed to live in nature as the Creator provided.

The original sin was violating Creator’s commands. The result being, we now live isolated from those elements and practices that keep us healthy and happy.

The last SIN, the knmy one that can cause permanent separation from our source of life, will be to accept what this VAX will eventually become, and that’s where this is going.

The chicken pox and measles trained us to believe in vaccines, that was their purpose.

They have been doing this usually in conjunction with a world war, for centuries in one form or another.

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Apr 13·edited Apr 13

could you explain what you mean by 'The last SIN, the knmy one...'? thank you.

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I’ll try.

Knmy was a typo, should have read:

I find that happens a lot when I’m typing stuff they don’t want being posted. Should have read: “... the only one that can cause permanent ...”

Is blaspheming or denying the Holy Spirit.

At some point in the near future, we will all be given a choice to accept some kind of implant or tattoo on forehand or hand- that will be used to control all buying and selling, so no mark, no access to food, water, and probably everything necessary for daily life but I only know the Bible says: buy or sell.

You can’t take it accidentally, and it will be part of a process perhaps with a ceremony in which a person has to make a choice to accept this mark as part of a pledge of allegiance to some kind of antichrist person, being, alien or demon, with what we call AI technology.

The early stages of this technology are already in play and the rest will roll out soon, I’m talking about in the months to 1-3 years range.

This “sin” is different than anything man has ever seen before. It was spoken of as a future event when it was recorded in holy script. It’s different because the technology didn’t exist until now.

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thank you, now I understand. very disconcerting indeed, take care.

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You’re welcome

It looks like it’s a pledge of allegiance to the 6uild 6ack 6etter one-world government with the entity that I mentioned as its “god.”

It wouldn’t be the first time that people were tortured and killed for not calling a ruler “god.”

The use of the implant will force compliance from people who don’t have the other spirit inside that’s telling them that this is eternally deadly wrong, and giving them the strength and courage to reject it.

Now you know, if you didn’t already.

What will you do with this information?

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Measles is a DISEASE OF INCONVENIENCE. It is not a health emergency. More government fraud pushing to inject poison into your body.

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But but but, why would our pampered crybabies ever have to suffer any inconvenience at all?? Come on man, support the $cience!!! A jab or pill is the answer to EVERYTHING. Please be “evolved”. Yes, I am sarcastic. Yes, I hate everyone.

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sarcasm, irony and having fun is better than hate ;-))

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Exactly. And I am relentlessly attacked as a Covidian by people who can’t see it. I’ll post something like “the “vaccines” have killed ZERO and saved billions of lives. Please do not believe your eyes and ears”. And people come at me. Telling me my sarcasm needs work. #iHateEveryone

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big smile when i read this :-))

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Please feel free to visit my website http://yallAreFarkingCretinsAndGetWhatYouDeserve.com

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funny that:

"...Hmm. We’re having trouble finding that site.

"....We can’t connect to the server at yallarefarkingcretinsandgetwhatyoudeserve.com

will try later!

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Yes DIS EASE with your environment.

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I will always believe my then perfectly healthy son, who was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at the age of 8, is vaccine injured. The culprit - MMR vaccinations. He is soon going to turn 35 and what a hand he got dealt as a little boy. I had read where there has been a huge rise in childhood Type 1 diabetes since MMR vaccinations were introduced. Along with autism, these pharmaceutical companies need to be bankrupted to compensate their innocent victims for the illnesses, misery and death their sick “potions” have caused. Crimes against humanity charges should be brought against these demons who should pay with their lives for what they have done.

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Trust your gut/instincts

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