You wouldn't have the nerve to actually make this stuff up, could anyone? I mean 80 years later, we have Jews in hiding, being hunted by Ze Germans... And even worse, all our western "leaders" are sending money to actual Nazis (and yes I mean Nazi, direct line of descent from WW2, not "neo-Nazis")) in Ukraine. It is just depressing.

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It’s beyond depressing, it’s fucking disgusting. Thank God there are some humans left in my birthplace of Stuttgart who had the balls to do the right thing. It’s time we got on the Hill and started fighting instead of laying down to die! Never give up without the fight of your life.

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Nothing to gain by complying. Look at the places that do.

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At some point, one recognizes that a war has already started. There is no opting out. That's a brutal realization.

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There has been a blatant war against us "useless eaters" for over 3 years now and i have been shouting this for just as long;

Tyrants and Dictators have never throughout history ever listened to pleas or even demands from the masses; There has NEVER been any peaceful resolution to removing dictators and tyrants; NEVER

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Justin Trudeau has been in photo-ops with actual Ukrainian Nazis.

What the frick are they thinking?

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Well not to mention, his VP Chrystia Freeland, is the granddaughter of an actual WW2 Ukrainian Nazi, and she even was stupid enough to post photos of her on twitter with the Ukraine "protests" start of last year holding an Azov nazi banner...

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Yup. She's an ultra-nationalists. In many ways, this is her war.

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And she’s a top level WEFer. Tells you all you need to know about their ideological foundations. And those are perfectly aligned with the Banderistas who have declared the impure to be Slavs, Gypsies and Jews. There’s even been recent pogroms. (And of Armenians backed by UK Turkey vs Double crossed Russia).

T4. Declaring useless eaters. Superiority ‘exclusivity’ of ‘elite’ (stop using their preferred term. Use globalist savages).

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You're right about the term 'elites'. It's just wrong.

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I disagree - they are elites. Elite Parasites. They are the actual useless eaters. A Carrington level event would leave them dead. They can't actually do anything of real value or contribute anything of meaning to society. These mutts couldn't even change a light bulb.

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Only now they've decided everyone but themselves is a useless eater.

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They're not shy about using the term "useless eaters". One of the psychopaths apparently involved in the creation of this Covid deathvaxx used the term, and also said the following: "It is all measurable through hematological testing. The more shots and boosters the imbeciles get, the worse their blood will look under a microscope, and the quicker they will turn to fertilizer." https://www.henrymakow.com/2021/07/how-long-do-vaccinated-have-to.html

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His buddy Freeland has Nazi DNA.

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If this were a novel it wouldn't get past the 22 year old intern wading through the slush pile.

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We invited the Nazis in...

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Yep, Operation Paperclip...

And we left the Ukraine Nazis absolutely free from prosecution at Nuremberg so they'd be a thorn in the side of the Soviet Union...

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My response after listening to him was to laugh. Loudly. This is a desperate and revealing couple minutes. Paper tiger. TPTWB are losing and know they are screwed so doubling down. It's over for them.

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In this scenario the Axis Powers won before most of us knew there was a war. And we are all the Untermensch. We have a Catch-22. Become a lab rat for Dr. Mengele or lose privileges. (Ration cards or the ability to leave home without police thugs beating you.)

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depressing and terrifying.

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Jan 23, 2023Edited
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Jan 23, 2023
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Spot on.......It is even written in "plain sight" that the Evil must disclose their intent or "he" (i will not name it) will not return to claim all as his;

I see the signs everywhere now and this (genocide) and (subjugation) has been in the works for a long, long time

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Jan 23, 2023
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Gab is even worse. But at least it has the block app.

Ignore them.

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Jan 23, 2023
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You'd think the jews would be less trusting!

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They were betrayed from within.

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It's a conundrum.

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thought same thing

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I'm so angry at Benjamin Netanyahu.

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Another idiot leader. Where do they dig these people up??

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Klaus and Yuval's sauna.

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And sauna = butt-hole... they shyte them out. All giant turds that need flushing.

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Or think the outhouse way........Lime breaks down turd

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All these people have connections and think they only can rule the world as the elites. Klaus Schwab 's father most probably stole his money from the Jews during WW2 and used the money to buy and keep his control over Gov't connections to put his son into a power position to continue his control with good friends like Bill Gates and his WEF and the WHO.

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Klaus's father was a Nazi industrialist who used slave labor.

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And, interestingly enough, Klaus's mother was Jewish.

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Are you serious?

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It's easy enough to discover with just a modicum of online research and cross-referencing.

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The overwhelming majority of Schwab's history has been scrubbed from the internet.

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anyone that rich did something horrible

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The worse the crime, the more beautiful the mansion.

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They did all that and more despite being Jews themselves. The Nazi regime deemed the company that Satan Klaus’ father ran during WW2 (Escher-Wyss AG) essential for the war effort. Being Jewish also didn’t stop Netanyahu from selling his own citizens as lab rats to Pfizer.

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The plan for world domination has been going on since the Industrial Revolution started. At least. Check out videos by the John Birch Society on YT. Still up there for now.

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The "industrial revolution" was the modern day catalyst for the DEBT slave trade

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Seems they volunteer.

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All these people have connections and think they only can rule the world as the elites. Klaus Schwab 's father most probably stole his money from the Jews during WW2 and used the money to buy and keep his control over Gov't connections to put his son into a power position to continue his control with good friends like Bill Gates and his WEF and the WHO.

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From the stables of "Too Klaus for Comfort" Schwabista idiot.

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He looks strangely frail and weak.

Evil but pathetic.

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The ranks of all levels of government are full of them. Their power is decreased when people have freedom of movement.

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Looking at some of these people I am beginning to think they really are a "lost generation."

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Where do they dig up these people is the right question. They seem like the un-dead or perhaps AI androids.

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They order them from the store called "Idiot Leader Store".

When they need a new one they soimply unbox it, put in the batteries and set the switch to ON.

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Idiotic he may be, but the key point is that he is clearly a totalitarian enemy of liberal democracy. A type of apostate or traitor. "Near Nazi" is another term one could use with precision. See my use of it here following Jim Cramer's call for forcible vaccination of the unwilling. https://pomocon.substack.com/p/yes-its-time-to-call-them-nazis?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

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You said: "Cramer is not insane, but the moral equivalent of a German thought-leader calling for Nazism prior to Hitler’s election, or of a Russian thought-leader calling for Bolshevism prior to Lenin’s coup." Whether or not this is a type of insanity is a much bigger conversation but on these people being "near-nazis," there is no doubt in my mind. Anybody who has studied any related history or social psychology, or just has a good crap detector can recognize that these guys are indeed Nazis. Their brand of "national socialism" fits the bill perfectly, as does their "twisted mensch" personalities. As you have pointed out these guys came first, then came Lenin and Hitler. Scary thought. Maybe we will be able to divert that outcome.

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that anyone would want to hunt down and kill a holocaust survivor who writes music as beautiful and otherworldly as this shows what we're dealing with


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TQ for the link, it's beautiful. praying for her safety and well-being.

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It sure does.

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Hauntingly beautiful ! Thanks for sharing.

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One from New Zealand:



(taken from https://t.me/covidvaccineinjuries)


WOMAN: [I'm sharing] my story so that if something's happening to you, you don't overlook things and you get seen.

So on Thursday the 18th of November [2021] I received my second [points to shoulder to indicate injection]. And I was feeling OK, up until 5 days ago, I started having heart palpitations and when I first had heart palpitations I initially thought, you know, like, ooh, that feels different. I thought maybe it's a bit of indigestion, maybe I was just tired. And I tried to think of all the things that could be causing my heart to race. And I had feelings like my heart was jumping out of my chest. I'd have dizzy moments where I'd feel dizzy and get hot flashes and I'd start feeling real sweaty.

I actually put up a post on on Facebook just saying, you know, that I can't really sleep, and this was two nights ago and quite a few people started commenting and messaging me, saying, you need to go to the doctor, you need to be seen. But if you know me, I'm also a registered nurse, so I'm pretty stubborn. I have an auto-immune disease, I've been paralyzed in 2018.

I finally went after having heart palpitations, I started getting a bit more conscious I guess and scared when my chest started tightening and so yesterday I decided to go to the doctors. And they took one look at me and told me that I need to go straight to the hospital. So I did, and when I got to the hospital, within 15 minutes they had stripped off my clothes, were taking bloods to run blood tests, and having a ECG, a chest x-ray.

I was sent to that part of the hospital where it's allocated for those who have been [points to shoulder to indicate injection] or had the [points to shoulder to indicate injection], and so I got sent to that part of the hospital. And I was like, man, why are you guys running all these tests like I'm having a heart attack? Like, I don't really fit the criteria of someone who's having a heart attack. I'm young, I'm fit and healthy, I exercise daily, I don't drink alcohol, I don't smoke, I don't take recreational drugs, I don't take any drugs. I don't take [unintelligible]. And so they were rolling out everything for me but, yeah.

They basically diagnosed me within an hour of my bloods coming back saying that I had pericarditis.

They have told me that this is because of my second [points to shoulder to indicate injection] and my heart is really inflamed, and it's swelling, and so they sent me home today with three different medications to bring down the swelling on my heart.

I'm on 24/7 watch in case I have a cardiac arrest.

The part that I guess really scared me is I was actually the seventh patient that they had seen yesterday. They say it's rare, that it's not really common that people get pericarditis or myocarditis. It's actually really common. I was the seventh person yesterday, and so that sort of freaked me out.



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Wake up New Zealand. Nurses, Doctors, Pharmacists, Teachers, Judges, Police, Army Personnel, now is the time you will be remembered for, by your children and by God. Do the right thing and say no to Tyranny.

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Remember the ANZAC spirit and vigor.....instill it into the soul[s] and take them on at every encounter

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If ANZAC spirit means supporting Empire and/or globalist lies and/or medical tyranny and/or biowarfare and/or technocracy then f**k ANZAC spirit.

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So ole horse teeth in her 'scared like she saw her fate, hanging upside down from a lamppost in town square" resignation speech, phony laugh and all, bows out and is replaced by this friggin zombie, yes he looks very much like one, be like AOC 'eyes'....LIFELESS!

Wonder how long before the people tell him where to go!

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We’ll tell him on 14th October, 2023. His vaxx monologue is breathtakingly imbecilic. Obvious lives in a bubble with other self- fellating elites.

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Just say....STFU and take your lifeless self and go live with your cronies the slob Schwab, Hari Kari Harari, Gates of Hell, AOC, Greta Thunderbooger, Obozo and Big Mike.....would suit me just fine to put him in a 14' jon boat, 2 days of food, a gallon of water, a sheet for as sail and send him toward China

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Much more lenient than i would be, but yes, this seems like a perfectly good remedy to me.......perhaps leave out the food though; Remember they are doing their level best to wipe out the worlds food industry

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Let them have barrel full of worms, bugs, cockroaches – they seem to like that crap.

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He looks like the kind of guy who would "partner" with a much bigger, bearded man who praises his cooking.

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Rump Ranger comes to mind

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You honestly think that "voting" is going to solve the problem of Tyrants doing their level best to take over the lives of every Man, Woman and Child?

You are either delusional or quite happy in your ignorance

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Steady on, Mark. The question was when will the new PM be told where to go. Based on electoral cycles that will be 14th October, 2023. Nowhere did I suggest voting would fix the tyrants, a task that I am well engaged with here in New Zealand. So perhaps you might back off the ‘delusional’ and ‘ignorant’ epithets.

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How can you claim that you have NOT suggested that "voting" is the cure and yet mention "electoral cycles" in the same instant;

I will not back off on letting all and every know about the fraud that is "government" and the fraud that is "voting";

Some may see debating about the existence of a virus or the efficacy of a drug to be useful; Others may want to chase the elusive tails of those individuals that have beaten the brow of mankind into a deadly submission; All worthy and noble no doubt but there are many on that path;

However, all i see and hear is another plot of Bread and Circus routine;

People are concentrating on yet another "problem to solve" while the Elephant stands and stomps in the middle of the caucus....... OUR GOVERNMENTS are not what they seem (by intent) and they are indeed UNLAWFUL CORPORATE ENTITIES that have absolutely ZERO regard for We The People or The Well Being and Free Will of the same; They also have ZERO lawful authority over anything to do with Living Man and Woman;

Government is meant to be Of The People, By The People, For The People, not to DICTATE what rights they think we may or may not have;

Would you "vote" for the manager of McDonalds to rule over you?

How about the Manager of K-Mart? Woolworths? Bunnings?

If you are not a MEMBER of The Corporation, your vote means didly squat

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Wow. I gave you a polite reply to your assumption-filled attack on my supposed motives and you respond like that. I’d suggest there’s probably more we agree on than not, but the difference is I don’t assume to know your motives, nor do I attack you. For what it’s worth I have done vastly more that my share of calling out NZ’s tyrants and actively working against them. Good on you for ‘not backing off’. Can I politely suggest you save your fusillades for the enemy rather than others in your trench. Peace.

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Fuck him and the horse he rode on. Oh, wait... What I said! ☺

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Didn't Hipkins say that in 2021?

Anyway. He's a Covid creep.

Meet the new boss....plus ca change.

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One video on rumble mentions Hipkins made that speech in 2020 ( source: https://rumble.com/v1td7p0-2020-new-zealand-minister-early-next-year-we-will-be-in-the-phase-of-chasin.html ).

In any case, this is dictatorship-level rhetoric, typical of the tone set, and evil perpetrated, by the Arden administration. Hopefully, this sadistic, creepy weasel will be chased out of his position, and/or croak suddenly of 'unknown causes', soon. The 3rd or 4th booster might be the charm.

For a great indictment of Arden and her reign of terror: https://thebfd.co.nz/2023/01/09/the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly-reprise/

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He even said it BEFORE the rollout! Not good.

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Thanks for the info! Agree that this is best judged not as mere idiocy, but as sinister speech that signals a willingness to impose despotism and abandon rights-based democracy.

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These people are psychopaths. They simply have no regard for anyone else’s freedom. You either agree with them or you are less than human. While it’s nice to hear Scott Adams come to his senses, does anyone really think that those desperate for a New World Order didn’t just spend the past week discussing plans to accelerate the push? Klaus and his friends don’t have another 20 years. Nothing, not even nuclear holocaust is off the table.

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Another puppet monster. Do we have his WEF Young Global Leader bio yet?

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I can only hope that he shows up on your stack again, "suddenly" this year.

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Here's another one from about a year ago that maybe Mr. Hipkins might benefit from watching, not that I would expect that would happen. You know what, I think the pharmacist was terrified.

informed consent impossible: blank sheet of paper for side effects of covid jab baffles pharmacist

[undated, 2021-2022]



[The woman speaking is wearing a body camera and filming inside a CVS pharmacy]

WOMAN:The um, the, ah, the, if you're offering the covid 19 boosters or shots still?

FEMALE PHARMACIST: We are but we're only accepting appointments because it's just been really crazy today.


FEMALE PHARMACIST: So you can make an appointment online at cvs.com.

WOMAN: OK. Um, do you have the insert for the, from the manufacturers that shows the safety studies, the effects, and all of those things?

FEMALE PHARMACIST: Honestly I don't know. Um.

WOMAN: Is there a pharmacist here who knows, ah, where to find the insert in the box of vaccines that I could take a look at?

FEMALE PHARMACIST: If you want to step to the side there we'll be with you as soon as we can.

WOMAN: Perfect. Thank you.

SECOND FEMALE PHARMACIST: Hello, hi, did you have a question?

WOMAN: Hi. Yes. I was wondering did you have the insert from the manufacturers for the, um, covid vaccine?

SECOND FEMALE PHARMACIST: [inaudible] I'll be right back.

WOMAN: Comes in the box of vaccines.

[...waiting... background noise of music and other customer / pharmacist interactions]

MALE PHARMACIST: I have someone who wants a package insert. [white-coated man in a blue surgical mask briskly walks up and hands the woman the package insert] That's from the Moderna vaccine.

WOMAN: OK. Moderna. Is it the same for, um, Pfizer, and all of the others?

MALE PHARMACIST: No. Each brand is a little different.

WOMAN: OK. So may I take this with me? For, to look at all of the safety studies, placebo safety studies on this?

MALE PHARMACIST: Yeah, because, yeah because the, yeah the one, because the one that we give, um, yeah because the one that's given to patients doesn't contain that information. So that—

WOMAN: Which ones are they giving if it's not this one?

MALE PHARMACIST: So, no. No, that's the one, that is the one we are giving.


MALE PHARMACIST: But yeah, the, the, the package insert given to patients isn't the full information. It's—

WOMAN: It's not from the manufacturers themselves.

MALE PHARMACIST: That is from the manufacturer but it's truncated. That's the full thing.

WOMAN: So why is it intentionally blank if it's all the safety studies and stuff?

MALE PHARMACIST: It's ah, they're inside.

WOMAN: They're inside of it?

MALE PHARMACIST: This folds out. [camera shows his hands unfolding the package insert]


MALE PHARMACIST: [continuing to unfold the package insert. Once it is unfolded and seen to be blank, pharmacist quickly steps away] It's supposedly [inaudible] I've got, I've got to get online and find it.

WOMAN: No it's OK. It's OK. I already know that it's intentionally blank. My last question is, um, how is it informed consent when all of the safety studies, placebo safety studies are not listed from the manufacturer?

MALE PHARMACIST: That's, that's a great question. I would talk, I would talk to, I would talk to CVS about that because—

WOMAN: OK. Um, so is if we don't know what we're injecting into ourselves, um, I don't understand how that's informed consent.

MALE PHARMACIST: That— you're, you're exactly right. And you are exactly right and you are correct. I should not be giving these vaccines at all.

WOMAN: OK. Why are you giving them?

MALE PHARMACIST: Because, I am, because I am told to and that's how, because I am told to and I am told—

WOMAN: I understand that.

MALE PHARMACIST: And everything I have shown including the patients that I have given it to, it is safe.

WOMAN: It is safe and effective. Of what studies are you going by that states that it's safe and effective? [MALE PHARMACIST starts to back away]. I know these are tough questions but I have to ask.

MALE PHARMACIST: I know. And I, and I'm sorry but—

WOMAN: But you can't answer.


WOMAN: So I understand that.

MALE PHARMACIST: I unfortunately cannot answer that.


MALE PHARMACIST: And I feel, and right, right now I'm, I'm feeling totally inadequate as a pharmacist and ready to turn in my license.

WOMAN: Don't. Don't. Just, just learn more about it. Um, you know about the Nuremberg Trials, right?

MALE PHARMACIST: I, I, I understand about all of that and—

WOMAN: Just curious if, if people here really understand what's happening around them? And that just doing my job is not an excuse for what's really happening.

MALE PHARMACIST: I, no, I, I absolutely understand.

WOMAN: Well I just wanted to thank you for—

MALE PHARMACIST: And. And. And based, and based on what you're saying, I can no longer, I can no longer advocate for these vaccines.

WOMAN: OK. yes, that's absolutely your choice and the people that take it that's their choice to take it, but just looking for informed people, where I can get information. And it seems like I keep hitting this block each time. Every time I go online to talk to doctors they, they block me, you know it's because they can't answer my questions they get uncomfortable. And I get that. But then why even continue this if, if you don't know the information?

MALE PHARMACIST: That is an, that is an absolutely valid question.

WOMAN: OK. Well, thank you for taking your time with me. I really appreciate it and hope you have a wonderful day.




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The pharmacist knew he was being recorded.

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I wonder. I don't know. The video is at a very odd angle such that for much of it the pharmacist's head is cut off. Again I don't know, but I would guess that the woman who made the video wore a secret camera pinned to her shirt or jacket. Certainly there is a moment in that video when the pharmacist realizes many things all at once.

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Jan 23, 2023
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At least he was honest about the issue. Most shout you down for asking.

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That's what I found shocking. I often wonder what happened to him.

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Dear Lord, escapes one Nazi regime only to be hunted down by another!! Thank God she was rescued by friends before they could capture and kill her with the shot. And New Zealand....I had hope their next PM couldn't be as bad as Arden., but low-and-behold, they've found someone who seems even more crazy! I swear they're coming from the 'Island of Dr. Schwaub"!!

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My first questions were who is he and what's his pedigree? I decided to look. A pretty mysterious background as far as most politicians go. Very little information out there on a quick search of his father, Doug Hipkins. Even finding his name took some digging.

But Chris Hipkin's mother, Rosemary Hipkins, is another story. She has been a very prolific writer of sociology and behavioral science concepts in education and science:

https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/author/rosemary-hipkins [SAGE is a publisher of behavioral science approaches to public policy, "Nudge" theory, the science of propaganda to change perceptions and gain compliance]


Here's titles for some of her research:

The New Genetics, December, 1990 [Eugenics, population control]


Making the most of learning from home during times of crisis [How to be locked down by government order and be happy]


The Sigmoid Curve as a Metaphor for Growth and Change [behaviorism to change ideas in a targeted population]


Rosemary has a whole lot of DEI/CRT/Marxism School Indoctrination writings:

Challenges for Initial Teacher Education in the Context of ‘Twenty-first Century’ Learning Imperatives: Setting Directions for New Cultures in Teacher Education


How “tight/loose” curriculum dynamics impact the treatment of knowledge in two national contexts


Key Competencies for the Future


Building epistemic thinking through disciplinary inquiry: Contrasting lessons from history and biology


[Point of Information: Marx and Engels wrote of the separate natural and social sciences, "we know of only a single science, the science of history."


Social science masquerading as natural science is a hallmark of tyranny, behavioral science is the science of totalitarianism:

https://web.archive.org/web/20210519003131/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/05/14/scientists-admit-totalitarian-use-fear-control-behaviour-covid/ ]

More of her writings:


But that's not the only clue found in searching her name. Rosemary Hipkins nee Collinge. That's an interesting name in New Zealand political history. John Collinge was the President of the National Party of New Zealand. And a Monarchist, supporter of ruling bloodlines. An elite that rules the masses:




I don't know John Collinge is related to Rosemary Collinge Hipkins, my internet search trail outside of New Zealand went cold pretty quickly. Maybe a Kiwi reader can help with a deeper dive on this search up his family tree that gives us a better indication of who he is and what his values are?

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You could’ve stopped at his mother’s expertise is ‘behavioural science’ that’s red flag (no pun) for technocracy, oh and genetics (eugenics). Of course.

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A million Mengeles – the connections between the Eugenicist/Transhumanist and the Technocratic movements: https://video.icic-net.com/w/cdvDhcDeb2H5kDybQiZC1k

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That’s a good way to get assassinated.

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Sheep hooves crossed.

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This hipkins shithead is a lesson to all commenters here and on other blogs that think things are just about won, especially with the "resignation" of jacinda. We are maybe 60% of the way to the end of the 1st round with many more rounds to come. Don't celebrate anything until the ropes have worn out on all the gallows.

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"This hipkins shithead..." Perfect! I had him pegged as a 'sadistic, creepy weasel', but shithead works too. Hehehe.

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What a crazy world. The arrogance of the vaccinators is breathtaking. Relatedly, from about a year ago, this comes off almost as a playlet, and I might title it, "Who Is Educating Whom?":

Ontario's covid dystopia problem solved: public health brownshirts get owned by native restaurateur


[TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This appears to have been filmed in the winter of 2021 and posted on a TikTok account. The TikTok address is on the video but it is illegible. The notes for the rumble video credit (at ) apiarygurl on Instagram but note that the restaurant was not identified. Can anyone identify this?]


WOMAN IN BLUE MASK: You know we're on a provincial lockdown right now. Restaurants are not allowed to be open.

RESTAURANT OWNER: I'm not under provincial jurisdiction. Ever. You're on sovereign land. My paralegal is on his way here and you can discuss it with him.

WOMAN IN BLUE MASK: OK I'm just asking you, and I'm educating you right now, if you do not shut this down—


WOMAN IN BLUE MASK: Follow the provincial rules—

RESTAURANT OWNER: Right. [inaudible] provincial rules here.

WOMAN IN BLUE MASK: There will be charges coming, OK?


WOMAN IN BLUE MASK: There will be some charges coming.

RESTAURANT OWNER: What kind of charges?

WOMAN IN BLUE MASK: Don't know, I'm just telling you. Shut this down—

RESTAURANT OWNER: What do you mean, you don't know? If you don't know what charges are, what are you going go trump them up in the fricking office? Gee, do you even know what charge you're going to be filing? Or there is no charge. If you haven't noticed, this pandemic they're making these bullsh*t rules as they go.

WOMAN IN BLUE MASK: Right. [inaudible]

RESTAURANT OWNER: You're infringing on my right to feed myself. You're infringing on my right for my son to feed himself, you're on sovereign land, dealing with First Nations People. You've killed enough of the babies, you take them away and haul them off in graves, you hold nobody accountable, and now you're trying to take, put me into starvation?

MAN IN BLUE MASK: So [inaudible] made you aware of why we're here? OK? So that's all—

RESTAURANT OWNER: She's made me aware of what?

MAN IN BLUE MASK: That it's a lockdown.

RESTAURANT OWNER: That I might be charged?

MAN IN BLUE MASK: That's right.

RESTAURANT OWNER: But she doesn't know what I'll be charged with? Then the law must not exist.

MAN IN BLUE MASK: That's not the issue right now.

WOMAN IN BLUE MASK: That's not the issue.

RESTAURANT OWNER: What is the issue?

MAN IN BLUE MASK: The issue is you've been told that this is a lockdown and you're not supposed to be open.

RESTAURANT OWNER: These are, these are laws, these are not constitutional laws of any human being.

MAN IN BLUE MASK: Long as you're aware of that.

RESTAURANT OWNER: As long as you're aware that you're doing the work— [the masked officials start to walk away] Oh what, wait! Wait a minute! Why don't you stay and talk to my lawyer! [following them towards the door] Why don't you talk to my lawyer!

MAN IN BLUE MASK: [inaudible]



FEMALE VOICE: Thanks for coming out.

RESTAURANT OWNER: You guys are awful. Awful! Turning on your own citizens. Why don't you go live in Communist China? Go live on credit scores.

[as officials leave, restaurant patrons start pounding the tables, cheering, shouting "bye", clapping]


[cheering, applause]

WOMAN'S VOICE: Good for you. [inaudible]

RESTAURANT OWNER [at door, shouting at officials now in parking lot]: Come and try to take people's livelihoods to make a living! Get the fu*k out and don't come back! Don't shake your head at me either, ya fuc*ing brown shirt!

[comes back inside restaurant]: OK.

[loud clapping from restaurant patrons]



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heartwarming indeed!

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