More evidence of democide: Canada Life acknowledges the "degradation" of its services (but not the reason for it)
The Canadian insurance giant sends its livid customers a letter tacitly admitting that the ongoing plague of "injuries" has all but ground their operations to a halt
With thanks to Francois van Heerden:
They provide a link on a paper copy….does Canada have some new tech we do not know about?
Beyond that, what could possibly cause the backlogs the are striving to correct? Oh, silly me, climate change, of course.
Please forgive me, I'm very tired, been out planting fruit trees and reroofing a shed, so my brain isn't working. I'm not quite getting what "Canada Life" is. Is it a medical insurance company, life insurance, disability insurance, or what? I thought they had socialized health care up there. I also hear it isn't worth a shit.