They provide a link on a paper copy….does Canada have some new tech we do not know about?

Beyond that, what could possibly cause the backlogs the are striving to correct? Oh, silly me, climate change, of course.

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Thanks for this. Been looking into this kind of stuff lately.

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What is the story at the end of that link?

It's usually good to avoid links that people spam.

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Various ways to preserve foods.

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Please forgive me, I'm very tired, been out planting fruit trees and reroofing a shed, so my brain isn't working. I'm not quite getting what "Canada Life" is. Is it a medical insurance company, life insurance, disability insurance, or what? I thought they had socialized health care up there. I also hear it isn't worth a shit.

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It is a benefits management company - processes claims. It jumped ship from managing benefits in a corporate setting to being the civil service's provider. Ironically, most companies in Canada were glad to see it go because it was a dog's breakfast.

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"a dog's breakfast"...LOL...I'm stealing that.

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Does Black Rock own it?

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Google the Desmarais Family Residual Trust.

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What a very strange and inappropriate name for such a company….in such times Rather maybe ….CanadaLoseyourLife….MAID, after all….or some version thereof More and more, and the irony of names for abortion ….”health care,” etc. whose health? Bizarre

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Killed by doctor should be the label not maids

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"Socialized health care " ehh.

I'm a 68 year young Canadian born in Southern Ontario.

I've listened for decades on how great our "health care " system is from the MSM WHORES and gub'ments.

Our "health care " has always sucked which is why my wife and I have made sure we take great care of ourselves by using other philosophies other than the Allopathic Reductionistic medical cartel philosophy formed 100+ years ago.

We don't use MDs since they know nothing about real health care such as NUTRITION and fitness and any type of mental wellness or energy types of healing.

They can put folks back together yes after accidents and such but they have an average mortality rate of 56.


Because they use their own PHILOSOPHY.

My two Dr friends are examples of this as they got the BIOWEAPON JABS and I did not even though they lectured me on why I should.

They are both now diminished and can't function as they did.

They won't speak with me any more which is not surprising.


Don't go to a hospital here in CHINADA!

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Beth, Canada’s health care is perfect! It works like a charm as long as we do Not need it. Climate change is the priority here. Protecting the “future generations” by throwing this one under the bus.

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I think it's like Canada Dry, as in dem bones, dem bones- dem dry bones...


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The healthcare in Canada is ok if you have extended healthcare. My husband and I don't have a problem, we have a family doctor and no wait times. In the US if you get sick and go to the hospital, the bills can be in the millions, I'll take Canada and don't have to fear I would lose my home in the US due to bills. My ex mother in law broke her arm in the US while down there, the hospital bill was $17,000.00 thank God she had travel insurance.

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Same here. What kind of insurance co is it, and what benefits are they referring to ?

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MrsSmithSaysSo, group (health, dental, disability, life etc) benefits, individual life insurance, financial planning - one of the biggest insurers in Canada. Look at their web site if interested. :-)

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Not interested, but thank you. Here in the US, where I've had Medicare/Medicare Advantage for 10 years. Saw the MC dentist ONCE, and no Drs or RX'es except for emergency car whoopsie 20 years ago.

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BethanyAnne, yes to all and more. Canada Life offers group benefits, individual life insurance, investments, financial planning etc. I have worked in this industry for many years, and Canada Life has been a client as well. No, I am not a decision-maker just a low level service provider. However, this company did not "jump ship" as described below. It's been around since the 1800s.

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Canada Life, eh?

Now they are blatantly laughing at ALL of us...

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Many many people can not even get in to see a doctor nowadays in Canada. Then if they do they have to wait months and months to see a specialist who then more often than not will put them in a long cue. This despite the fact that one half of every provinces budget is spent on the health-care system. It is corrupt and broken. However,, if you want puberty blockers, a sex change operation, or "safe supply" for your drug addiction.....no problem.

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And now the government is trying to wipe out the natural supplements, etc., making it harder for companies to provide quality supplements which will stranglehold natural health practitioners as well. Go to NHHPA and sign the petition.

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Check out the book Whole by T Colin Campbell. Supplements are the other side of the big pharma coin, still selling the false idea of health through pills. Reductionist thinking. Reality is that we need vitamins in their original food packaging.

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perhaps you mean NHPPA https://nhppa.org/

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That is correct!

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Right now we are discussing how we can accommodate patients in hospital and allow them to “safely” smoke fentanyl during their stay. Our health care system is broken.

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Broken assumes it was working at one point. It never was so broken is not the correct term.

Ghastly medical system run by bureau- rats

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OMG. And now I can’t help noticing the racks and stacks of candy and such everywhere, tempting …. Yesterday in a store a dad came in, see him regularly, three kids under 8 I’m sure, each had a sucker in their mouth, and don’t take it out often either…….So what say Dad, lots of dental work before college, hmmmm!?

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As a western Canadian this description sounds about right! At least emergency system is still kind of working, but anything not obvious can kill you while waiting for specialist doctors! I’m learning the hard way myself. 😢🙏🏻

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Join Goldcare.com

Doctor in your pocket.

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The letter phrases it as a shortage of clerical staff.

But I take it that it's a shortage of money and/or a shortage of medics.

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The numbers of dying and murdered with the Electronanoweapon Injections and Geo-Engineering has drastically reduced the population. With Euthanasia on the rise; appears the LIE IS ON. Time to take that U.N. Uniparty Nazi installed into the Executive Position along with the APPOINTED CROWN CORPORATION/CITY OF LONDON AGENT and indict for Child Rape as they should have already done.


Is wonderful to watch all the tactics being implemented on the people of 'The Five Eyes' as it's certainly a LIVING LAB WE KNOW THEY'RE PERFECTING BEFORE IT IS FORCED ON THE U.S. POPULATION.

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"drastically reduced population"? But, but, but, I thought they had all those lovely professional types that recently crossed their border illegally. They certainly aren't required to have any injections. You must be mistaken. /s

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😲OH...Forgot about the IMMIGRANT INVADER MILITARY-AGED MEN just lookin' for a better life or those within the 'Men in Black' without identification attacking the Canadian population at the Trucker Protest; U.N Peacekeepers now living in Canada or CCP Soldiers.

Seems North America has countless WORLD CITIZENS JUST LOOKIN' FOR A BETTER LIFE.

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Yah, isn’t it maddening?!

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Stats are as accurate for World Population as for Elections...With all owning Survey's and saturating the 'Deep State' of the west the same Enemy/Criminals Against Humanity. All INDOCTRINATION/BRAINWASHING with endless LIES/PROPAGANDA to fit deceptive narratives.

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Nothing to see here folks. Nothing to see, please move along...

Sincerely, Brad Fedorchuk

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The way countries have financially "taken care of" various groups during the pandemic and vaccination program (schools, colleges, businesses, hospitals, doctors, etc.), I am very surprised that countries didn't do this with life insurance companies. Were they not compensated or promised anything, at all?

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The claims will just be denied on some technicality. The courts are taking care of, that is protecting, all the perpetrators.

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I see. Yes, the insurance companies can "depend" upon the courts.

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so far :)

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Jennifer Jones. Apparently not. They're beginning to look like the canary in the gold mine. Their statistics don't paint a very encouraging future.

It appears the life insurance industries are taking a hit. A lot of people that signed up for these policies were expected to live for years. It seems they're not.

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3rd generation lifelong San Diego resident here. I’m letting anyone who wants to listen know that there has been a massive and deliberate importation of the Sino and Aryan sphere into San Diego since 2020. When I am out and about now, I see large numbers of people from China (followed closely by India) everywhere, including places where I rarely or never saw them before. It is clear to me that they have been brought here to implement this great reset agenda, as a soft invasion. I am now the minority in many places around the county. This is what has been going on in Canada for decades. It's a great reset and it's easy to see if anyone has eyes. An incredibly bizarre number other countries flags displayed everywhere now (and most prominently, the rainbow flag), with not a single American flag in sight. The America that I knew has been destroyed. It’s not coming back.

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I was in San Diego with family last August, relief from AZ summer, gave me visuals to survive here, and wonderful ocean walks and views. But the crowds and new buildings were a shock and airport, whole new city coming up there….I couldn’t have found my way around by myself, just nuts. Also suspect homeless were moved out of sight, but hear it is much worse now

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The homeless are everywhere. It's just spread out. The change at the airport was also sprung during "COVID," just like all of the cameras, LED lights, bio labs, and 5G or 6G towers that were put up everywhere. How are people NOT seeing this agenda? The Asian community is particularly vulnerable to being exploited by this bio-techno authoritarianism because it fits many of their materialist status-seeking prejudices and apparently a worship of numbers and occult "science."

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I share your sentiments. There are more homeless people in San Diego than I have ever seen before (one side of my family has been here since the late 19th century). Many of the homeless are living in makeshift tent cities in canyons, on bridges, and in areas around downtown. It's insane. And yes, I have seen a large influx of Ukrainians (and a mind-boggling number of Ukrainian flags) since 2021. There is also a noticeable increase in Israelis (and Israeli flags) as well as Chinese and Hindu nationals (and large bio buildings) here since "COVID." How is any of this a "coincidence?"

The border is clearly open in San Diego. When I now go to the Costco near my home, there appear to be more non-native than native English speakers. And weird shit has occurred recently, like a bunch of clearly recently-arrived Sikhs just appearing out of nowhere all over San Diego, and a bunch of Chinese people wandering around San Diego's beach communities. (I just saw a large group of African men walking around Pacific Beach yesterday dressed in some type of traditional clothing. I have never seen that before in my life.). I spent much of my life at San Diego's beaches growing up. My uncle was one of the foundational figures in OMBAC, the organization that created the sport of over-the-line. There were literally no Chinese people at San Diego's beaches, even a few years ago.

And yes, no belief in Trump as a savior on my end. I think if Trump would have forcefully resisted the jab, risked his life and career to stand strong in the face of all of the great reset bullshit that occurred on his watch, or even walked to the capital on January 6, talked to everyone there, risked his life, and stood up personally for what he believed was right (maybe getting himself arrested), I might have a measure of hope with him. But no, that is never going to happen.

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My location setting is now turned off much the time, even though I know it’s a tepid gesture. I know my digital twin is being built. Not really hopeful for a political solution. I pray a lot for wisdom and discernment from God. I know that my mind is easily capable of being tricked.

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Revelation 13:11-18>USA

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That's the plan...!

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To be sung according to the tune that's played on hockey games:

O, Kanada! Our post-national land!

Through idiot laws, now all thy sons do MAID...

With failing hearts, while inflation rises

The True North just ain't free

From left and right,

O Kanada, we took the ja(a)b fo(o)r thee!

Gov keep our land, notorious for its fees

O Kanada, the lumberyard for me!

O Kanada, the lumberyard for me....

Greetings to all my fellow Kunucks!

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Fabulous, get it out there asap, with two guitars …. Then go underground

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Underground?! I'm already 6 feet under already: "I am smelling like a rose that somebody gave me on my birthday deathbed." (STP, ca. 1990s). Glad you liked it; I'm no proud of it, though. 😔

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"Trudeau or False" (Steven Tucker): Canada’s forthcoming new Online Harms Act, a.k.a Bill C-63 "....makes specific provision for people to be placed under house arrest for things they have not yet said, but may be deemed likely by a judge to one day say, at some point in the hypothetical future..." - https://dailysceptic.org/2024/04/14/could-justin-trudeau-be-prosecuted-for-encouraging-genocide-under-the-terms-of-his-own-anti-genocide-online-harms-act/

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It's a 'Broad Herd Fuck' signed, 'Brad Fedorchuk'...


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Also evidence of degradation of services, eh?

Justin Trudeau Facing Life Behind Bars on Child Rape Charges


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See me, hear me, touch me, feel me...


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jail him

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I kind of doubt it but I certainly would like to see somebody throw him under the boss...along with more than a few others.

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thepeoplesvoice.tv is sort of a tabloid, its true, but Turdwater is definitely bus wheels material and probably is at the top of the pathocracy's list of items to jettison on the getaway.

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I have worked with Canada Life more than once over two decades as an independent service provider. At times, I have heard the internal issues that they struggle with. No, I am not a decision-maker and I am not working with them right now.

This letter is a "plan member" communication. That is, a letter to retirees receiving health benefits from their "plan sponsor" -- in this case, the Ontario Public Service or OPS.

Obviously there is a service disruption. There could be many reasons for this (yes, including the lack of staff due to illness).

However, this type of letter would never get into the "why" of such a disruption. It would merely tell plan members the facts, and what they (Canada Life) is doing to fix the problem.

Discussions on "why" might take place during contract discussions between the OPS and Canada Life executives, for example.

While this letter is interesting, and maybe even hints at the possibility of a staff shortage due to illness, I think that it's prudent to understand that service disruptions (especially for a very large client such as OPS) are not unheard of in this industry.

Having said that, I do follow the work of Ed Dowd. And I sure would be curious about their discussions behind closed doors right now.

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I kept thinking the insurance companies were going to be the tell-tale sign of the carnage being reaped by these shots. Sure enough, because we live in California(although unjabbed) we were dropped by Oscar health insurance as of 12/31/23. When I called to ask why I was told “Oscar is leaving the California market.” I asked why? He said basically "No real reason, just switching things up for now. We might come back eventually." I knew immediately it was because all the claims in CA were tanking them.

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The reason is they've taken on Federal Gov.employees now.It's more work than they can readily handle.

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I know of someone in New York City who had an appointment with a primary care physician for an annual check-up and had to cancel. The next appointment available was for 8 months later.

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OMG…..illegals sitting in the office hallways?! Hmmmm?! …so need to start a real list of the phormerly real life relationships and expectations~~~the farces, becoming more exposed…..as in

Then, Now ….. terrifying

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I think it's also that the government is not too interested in the survival of anyone who is over 65 years of age, except if they are in public "service", then their preservation is crucial even if they are beyond saving.

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So .. "automation technology" will replace those who died from the DoD injections ? You can't stop "The Science" ...

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The letter's not dated. "In the weeks ahead..."

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