Stand with the innocent, regardless of tribe. Lord have mercy.

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"Winnowing the innocent from the guilty is a nearly pointless exercise in the end. The question that always faces us is this: "What will I do?" We face it each and every day, and our collective answer to that question determines what kind of world we live in."

-- Wade Frazier - "The Business of War" https://ahealedplanet.net/war.htm

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Oct 28, 2023
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Funny you don't see Native Americans blowing up shopping malls and demanding Manhattan back. If they did, would you be fans of them?

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NAs know well what the usa does to folks who try to stop usa Gangsterism. Have you ever heard of Vietnam, 3 million slaughtered because they wanted their freedom. Ho Chi Minh wrote letter after letter to eisenhower asking for his help in getting their freedom. ike never replied. Korea, 23% of the population slaughtered. Indonesia, a great usa success, a million butchered in all the myriad deeply evil ways the usa's embassy's paid and supported killers could think of. usa embassy provided death lists and then checked them off when killed.

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See Norman Finkelstein's historical examples of escaped slaves running amok. If slavery and/or captivity is all you've ever known you will be brutalised. In any case Hamas are not the Palestinians.

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I trust Finkelstein about as much as I trust Howard Zinn.

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Jonah likes lying zionists much better than truthtellers. I'm pretty sure I have encountered this fabricating jonah before where he was lying his aze off about zionist israhell.

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Seig Heil to you too.

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Is that to say "not very much"? 😘

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what do you have against NJF?

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Back in the day Native Americans were on the warpath much like the Palestinians are now. The Native Americans only stopped because they were so beaten down for so long their spirit was basically crushed as a people.


Is that what you wish for the Palestinians? A centuries long crushing of their spirit?

I'm a citizen of a Native Nation.

Don't be so sure of yourself when you seem to understand very little about which you speak. That's called ignorant. God Bless.

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No, Natives were NOT on a warpath, that is all part of the white lies. They were genocided in the world's largest Holocaust, the American Holocaust, some 100 million started by the first ugly "settlers" in 1607 and pushed further by the Founding Genocidists/Liars/terrorists/... .m

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It's not all part of white lies. The Native Americans fought ferociously until they were entirely crushed. The Comanche. The Apache. The Lakota. The list goes on.

They were not passive people who were genocided by aggressive white people. There is a lot more complexity to the history than that and you are denigrating the tribes by casting them simply as victims of white people. They were much more than that.

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Folks are great at spreading usa lies/propaganda but how the F do you come to "think" you are more knowledgeable than the scholars who spend their lives studying these things?

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When it is the usa it is ALWAYS usa lies galore. Which is why so many usians are so ignorant about all the deeply evil things the usa has ALWAYS done.

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It was in pursuit of these and other grand visions that Jefferson later would write of the remaining Indians in America that the government was obliged "now to pursue them to extermination, or drive them to new seats beyond our reach." For the native peoples of Jefferson's "rising nation," of his "beloved country"-far from being Bolivar's "legitimate owners"- were in truth, most Americans believed, little more than dangerous wolves. Andrew Jackson said this plainly in urging American troops to root out from their "dens" and kill Indian women and their "whelps," adding in his second annual message to Congress that while some people tended to grow "melancholy" over the Indians' being driven by white Americans to their "tomb," an understanding of "true philanthropy reconciles the mind to these vicissitudes as it does to the extinction of one generation to make room for another."

Before either Jefferson or Jackson, George Washington, the father of the country, had said much the same thing: the Indians were wolves and beasts who deserved nothing from the whites but "total ruin." And Washington himself was only repeating what by then was a very traditional observation. Less than a decade after the founding of the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630, for example, it was made illegal to "shoot off a gun on any unnecessary occasion, or at any game except an Indian or a wolf." As Barry Lopez has noted, this was far from a single-incident comparison. So alike did Indians and wolves appear to even the earliest land hungry New England colonist that the colonist "fell to dealing with them in similar ways":

He set out poisoned meat for the wolf and gave the Indian blankets infected with smallpox. He raided the wolf's den to dig out and destroy the pups, and stole the Indian's children .... When he was accused of butchery for killing wolves and Indians, he spun tales of Mohawk cruelty and of wolves who ate fawns while they were still alive.... Indians and wolves who later came into areas where there were no more of either were called renegades. Wolves that lay around among the buffalo herds were called loafer wolves and Indians that hung around the forts were called loafer Indians.

As is so often the case, it was New England's religious elite who made the point more graphically than anyone. Referring to some Indians who had given offense to the colonists, the Reverend Cotton Mather wrote: "Once you have but got the Track of those Ravenous howling Wolves, then pursue them vigourously; Turn not back till they are consumed.... Beat them small as the Dust before the Wind." Lest this be regarded as mere rhetoric, empty of literal intent, consider that another of New England's most esteemed religious leaders, the Reverend Solomon Stoddard, as late as 1703 formally proposed to the Massachusetts Governor that the colonists be given the financial wherewithal to purchase and train large packs of dogs "to hunt Indians as they do bears." There were relatively few Indians remaining alive in New England by this time, but those few were too many for the likes of Mather and Stoddard. "The dogs would be an extreme terror to the Indians," Stoddard wrote, adding that such "dogs would do a great deal of execution upon the enemy and catch many an Indian that would be too light of foot for us." Then, turning from his equating of native men and women and children with bears deserving to be hunted down and destroyed, Stoddard became more conventional in his imagery: "if the Indians were as other people," he acknowledged, ". . . it might be looked upon as inhumane to pursue them in such a manner"; but, in fact, the Indians were wolves, he said, "and are to be dealt withal as wolves." For two hundred years to come Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, and other leaders, representing the wishes of virtually the entire white nation, followed these ministers' genocidal instructions with great care. It was their Christian duty as well as their destiny.


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It was the American Holocaust.


"Of course, there also were the unique horrors of the African slave trade, during the course of which at least 30,000,000-and possibly as many as 40,000,000 to 60,000,000-Africans were killed, most of them in the prime of their lives, before they even had a chance to begin working as human chattel on plantations in the Indies and the Americas. And finally, there is the unique subject of this book, the total extermination of many American Indian peoples and the near-extermination of others, in numbers that eventually totaled close to 100,000,000."


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Do you remember when the British made landing on the Americas and found long-abandoned copies of Shakespearian texts?


Oh, wait, they found statues about King Arthur buried on Plymouth?

No again?

Wow. That's odd.

But we DO continued to find old Jewish manuscripts from thousands of years ago, written in Hebrew, within Israel.

Want to know why?

Jews are the aboriginal inhabitants.

Yes, yes, Muslims took over that land during one of their own CONQUESTS.

Now they think the Conquests make them the original inhabitants.

You want to make an allusion to Native Americans, imagine one Natives "took back" New York. And now suffer attacks from former New Yorkers claiming that it was theirs since time immemorial and the Natives made up their connection to Manhattan to justify taking it away.

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Except many Jews never left Israel

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Jews were a tiny minority and they and the Pals got along well. Then the zionists started the Palestinian Holocaust which continues to today.

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That too.

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Is being a Jew religious, cultural or genetic?

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There's some geneticism to it, but you can convert to Judaism and be considered as Jewish as someone who's ancestry went straight to Mount Sinai.

(Ruth was a convert. David was a descendent of Ruth. The Messiah will be from the House of David. Therefore, the Messiah will be the descendent of a convert.).

It's certainly a religion. And the culture is tied to the religion. Some are more strongly associated with the religion. Some less. Those that are less like to point at culture. But Judaism is not bagels and cream cheese in Brooklyn while watching Woody Allen movies.

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Modern archaeologists have found relics dating to Iron Age I, @1200 BC, that might be linked to the Israeli/Hebrew tribe. It was marked by a lack of pork remains (a person’s garbage reveals a lot about them). The Rothschilds purchased this land in the early 20th century? So they have the right to drive out the people of the land? I don’t know, but that’s what it looks like with the Balfour agreement. That’s also why property rights in the USA are so important (and almost always overlooked)!

If the United States decided to sell an island in Hawaii, do the new owners have the right to evict the current tenants? No. But in the British Isles? I bet they could. Anyone know British law well?

I guess if they burn the existing inhabitants out of their homes and make it too expensive to continue living there, you could get away with it, e.g., Maui. But that’s a topic for another day.

I’m definitely not an expert and a little knowledge is dangerous and somebody will correct my gaps of knowledge here if I’m lucky. My point is that there is a lot we don’t know and we could spend a lifetime just trying to figure it all out.

Peace and the saving of lives is key. But when a group of people prefer death over life to make a point, it’s near impossible to negotiate peace. And when larger political powers choose to use ignorance against citizens, and they’re allowed to get away with it, like U.S.S. Liberty, they will continue to use humans as pawns and the best we can do is to protect ourselves and our families by living in safe places and choosing safe company and stay informed. If a riot is going on downtown and you choose to go see what the fuss is about, you take a chance. Buy a house next to a railroad track. You take a chance. Buy a house on a curve of a busy street. Taking a chance. Build among a bunch of pine trees in an area know for forest fires. Taking a chance. We are given choices and we need to be smart.

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At least when the Jews returned to Israel, they were returning to the place of their historical origins.

The Europeans did not do that with the Americas; yet if you told them to get out, you'd likely be looked at as a kook.

The Arabs did not do that with the Holy land either; they are indigenous to Arabia, but to Israel? No. But again, you're apparently look at as a kook.

Were Europeans or Arabs or any other invader (of which history is awash) gentle with the indigenous people? No. Often they are not.

If I live in a house that I do not own, even if I am a model tenant paying the rent for 50 years, even taking over my grandfather's lease, does the owner still reserve the right to show at my door and say "The property was sold and you have to leave?" Yeah. They can do that.

Are there dangers to Jews in the holy land? Always was. Always will be, perhaps, until Messiah comes.

But those dangers do not mean, at any point. that Jews are obligated to lie down and die. No one was morally superior for allowing themselves to be liquidated at Auchwitz.

Was it nice when some Zionist pioneers bought land from Turkish landholders? And rather than tell the tenants "Please sent future rent payments to this new address" that "you'll need to pack and go, new people are moving in and we bought the land." Not particularly nice.

But it wasn't particularly nice when the Saracens showed up and said "Convert, Die, or pay the Jidzya tax under eternal humilation, and only if you are a person of the book."

That's not so nice either.

Somehow, Jews are news.

People want to bring back the Holocaust for the Palestinian's honor.

Uighers facing genocide at the hands of Chinese? No one gives a shit.

That's the result of the covenant, I suppose.

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Let's do call a spade a spade. That was the American Holocaust, the largest geno cide/Holocaust in history, a 100 million, slaughtered in ways most decent humans could never imagine. Still going on in canada, usa, Latin America.

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What's this supposed to be, a clever analogy?

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State of Palestine Quiz

1. When was the country of Palestine founded and by whom?

2. What were its borders?

3. What was its capitol?

4. What were its major cities?

5. Name one Palestinian leader before Arafat.

6. What was the language of the country of Palestine?

7. What was the religion of the "ancient country of Palestine"?

8. What was the name of its currency?

9. Choose any date in history and tell what was the approximate exchange rate of the Palestinian monetary unit against the US Dollar, GB Pound, Japanese Yen or Chinese Yuan on that date.

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FYI, according to the book "Lawrence in Arabia, War, Deceit, Imperial Folly and The Making of the Modern Middle East" by Scott Anderson-Standard Oil purchased a half million acres of land in Palestine in 1916. This is an indication that the Playbook was in effect over one hundred years ago re Israel/Palestine conflict.

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colonisation. empire-building. straight from the Crusades' playbook.

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If any of your questions has the slightest relevance, you would have answered them yourself. Just because you and vast numbers of other usians, ... are woefully ignorant of history does not in any way mean that history doesn't exist. If these Palestinians didn't exist, the zionists wouldn't have had to genocide them in the Nakba post WWII.

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Why would the zionist have been making plans from the early 1900s to take over the Pals lands if they didn't exist? Why did the zionists do the Haavara Transfer Pact with Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1941 to move German Jews and their wealth to Palestine?

Why would zionist ben gurion state that the Pals

Isn't it true that Palestine was empty and inhabited by nomadic people?

למאמר בעברית

UN map (updated Aug. 1950) showing Palestinians still own 94% of the lands

From the early stages of Zionism to the present, Zionists have propagated the myth that the most important land bridge in human history (Palestine) has been empty and destitute for two thousand years until it was later developed by the Israeli Jews. To facilitate such disinformation, the Zionists adopted the following slogan to entice European Jewry to emigrate to Palestine:

"A land with no people is for a people with no land".

Had the Zionist leadership admitted the existence of an indigenous people, then they would have been obliged to explain how they intended to displace them. To disprove this baseless myth, let's quote Ben-Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister) who stated as early as 1918 that "Palestine is not an empty country". According to Shabtai Teveth (one of Ben-Gurion's official biographers), Ben-Gurion stated in an article published in 1918:

"Palestine is not an empty country . . . on no account must we injure the rights of the inhabitants."

Ben-Gurion often returned to this point, emphasizing that Palestinian Arabs had "the full right" to an independent economic, cultural, and communal life, but not political. (Shabtai Teveth, p. 37-38)

To further destroy this ridiculous myth, here is a scanned page from a book written by Ben-Gurion himself, stating that Jews made up 12% of the total Palestinian population as of 1914; most of those Palestinian Jews lived in the major cities who weren't a self-sustaining community that lived off of charity from diaspora Jews. It's not only that the majority of the Jews in Palestine were not Zionists (by Ben-Gurion's own admission), but they were also not even citizens of the country since many had recently fled anti-Semitic Tsarist Russia. It is worth noting that Ben-Gurion wrote these facts as late as Jan. 1966. Also here is AP News which cited Ben-Gurion admitting that Palestinians are the original Israelites who simply converted and never left. This implies that the current Zionist narrative was concocted out of thin air after the 6-Day War when the majority of American Jews "became" Zionists. Thanks to "From Time Immemorial" which the NY Times rebuked soon after it was released. Therefore, why American Jews have been propagating myths about Palestine and its people which the Israeli founding father walked away from since the early 1930s? If Palestine (the most important land bridge) was empty, why they haven't immigrated especially after WWII ended when many of Europe's Jews lingered in the displaced persons camps? Well, here is the NY Times' editor giving us a hint as to why that was the case two years before Nakba, which of course never happened!

As the Ottoman census records show Palestine was widely inhabited in the late 19th and early 20th century, especially in the rural areas where agriculture was the main profession. According to Justine McCarthy (p. 26), an authority on the Ottoman Turks, Palestine's population in the early 19th century was 350,000, and in 1914 Palestine had a population of 657,000 Muslim Arabs, 81,000 Christian Arabs, and 59,000 Jews (including many European Jews from the first and second Aliyah).

Fake Valor: Why Did Zionist Jews Hoist Nazis Flag on Their Ships in the 1930s?

Once Zionists are confronted with irrefutable facts, often the goalpost moves and concocts even more ridiculous lies (a.k.a. Hasbarah, gaslight, or make me feel good drugs). Chief among them was that Arabs from neighboring states flooded Palestine after Zionist investment increased, and Jews were the majority of the major cities population. What is tragically funny is that A) many Palestinians did the opposite (emigrated) mostly to South America even before Palestine was emptied due to the war of Nakba, B) Arab immigration to Palestine was minimal which was due to the influx of workers, at the most amounting to a few hundred per year (Survey of Palestine, p. 185) C) The Jewish Agency's budget between 1930-33 was on the ropes, and not for signing the Haavara Agreement with Hitler, the Jewish Agency was about to be liquidated (almost 2/3 of its budget was in deficit, see The Transfer Agreement, p. 90). Actually, at the time more Jews were leaving than coming in; thanks to the great leader who bailed them out in return for breaking up the anti-Nazi boycott. And D) to this date most Palestinians still live in their villages (in the occupied West Bank) working and living off of their lands, but Jews lived (and mostly still do) in the cities because they were disconnected from working the land (who owned very little of it even to this date) even after Palestinians were dispossessed and replaced. Are you surprised that Israel has one of the largest urban dwellers in the world?

So the Jewish population in Palestine as of 1914 was under 8% of the total population, which was much smaller than the Palestinian Christian Arab population. It should be noted that our source, Justine McCarthy was quoted by many Israeli Jewish scholars like Benny Morris and Tom Segev. In that regard, it's worth quoting one of the most ardent Zionists, Israel Zangwill, who stated as early as 1905, that Palestine was twice as thickly populated as the United States. He stated:

"Palestine proper has already its inhabitants. The pashalik of Jerusalem is already twice as thickly populated as the United States, having fifty-two souls to the square mile, and not 25% of them Jews ..... [We] must be prepared either to drive out by the sword the [Arab] tribes in possession as our forefathers did or to grapple with the problem of a large alien population, mostly Mohammedan and accustomed for centuries to despise us." (Righteous Victims, p. 140 & Expulsion Of The Palestinians, p. 7-10)

{{ Dear Zionist Jews: KLM will fly you to nowhere [Palestine] from NY City for $607 only!}}


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Apparently you've never read the Balfour Declaration.



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I could ask the same questions about most countries on the planet. A straw man argument if ever there was one

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Just answer the questions.

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the concept of 'country' or 'state' is not the same as communities sharing the same space and culture. the fairly recent formation of Germany as a national state comes to mind.

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Prove it.

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94% of the land they "owned" was uninhabitable desert. 84% of the population was 84% of what number?

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So Terry Byrne - following these five responses to your lies - are you going to acknowledge that you are a spinner of fake narratives rather than a seeker after historical accuracy?

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Your five responses have provided as much evidence as you, Duncan. And you can't even grasp how lame their replies are which perfectly matches yours for pure vacuity. Now, will the six flee? This is what evidence does to inane. Inane partnered with lamely attempting to cover up pure evil can be described as what?

Any of the group of six want to tackle that?


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It's seems like fictitious history is much more fun than reality for you. Why did you settle on 1947? Fits your narrative?

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Native American tribes battled each other for land all the time; they also raped each other's women, killed each other's children, and enslaved each other. Don't be so naive.

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This is exactly the kind of "thinking" that allows the usa to mass murder all over the world, christian mikey. Have you ever read Nick Turse? The same things that scum like andrew jackson were doing to First Nations peoples the usa was doing centuries later to Vietnamese, 'cause they were just gooks.

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That is a common refrain from woefully ignorant people but it is especially shocking coming from a "christian", and shockingly, a white man no less. The very folks who have done these massive usa genocides all over the world. Yet make these fatuous claims to being "christian". Are you a rabid desantis follower? Why be so deeply ignorant.

"For two hundred years to come Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, and other leaders, representing the wishes of virtually the entire white nation, followed these ministers' genocidal instructions with great care. It was their Christian duty as well as their destiny." -- American Holocaust

Andrew Jackson skinned Indians they had slaughtered for making reins and in order to "provide

the good ladies of Tennessee with some souvenirs".

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What you've written is ignorant. What kind of "reverend" are you? Not the kind that follows Christ, so what "church" do you represent?

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Now the majority is Jewish, so in your terms it’s Jewish land. Should it really be about numbers, or how long rooted in the land? How many Ottoman Turks “owned” land and for how long. What about the land rights of other communities, such as Christians and Jews who were there far longer ? Is that about numbers in a land where most original Palestinians were actually Jews forced to convert to Islam? What about the persecution of Christians going on even today? There are lots of lies and myths and dodgy definitions of ownership. You need to research rather than just going with Arab claims.

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How come Paddy fled, Paddy? You are ACTUALLY the one who said "You need to research " when you showed, in spades" you only knew the brainwashing you have received.

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Of course the majority is Jewish because the zionists did a massive Holocaust, genocide, theft of the Pals lands and wealth. The zionists started their evil plans in the early 1900s and it culminated in the Nakba, post WWII, aided and abetted by the perennial scum brits and yanks and ... .

If the zionists are/were such saints why did they do the Haavara [Transfer] Agreement with the Nazis from 1933 to about 1941?

The Top 30 Facts (Not Lies) about the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

All of the below facts have been linked to their relevant sources which are based on the British Mandate, the UN, the NYTimes, or the Zionist archives:

It wasn't Arabs but Europeans who took turns persecuting their Jewish citizens in the millions. Does that explain why they eagerly voted for partitioning Palestine in late 1947?

Theodor Herzl (the founder of Zionism) created Zionism after he saw how the center of European liberalism (Paris) persecuted Alfred Dreyfus (French Jewish officer), see Dreyfus Affair for details.

Theodor Herzl died thinking Israel would be in Uganda; not in Palestine. Is it possible that was the case because Herzl knew that Palestine wasn't empty and its people wouldn't abandon their homes without a fight?

The overwhelming majority of the Jewish religious establishment petitioned the UN against partitioning Palestine in 1947 and against the creation of the "Jewish state".

Palestinians were 89% of citizens (67% of the population) in Palestine as of 1948 and after the war of Nakba, they were reduced to 16%. It should be noted that 2/3 of Jews in Palestine arrived recently as refugees who escaped European persecution. Therefore, Nakba wasn't only about colonizing Palestine, but most importantly it was almost a complete replacement of the indigenous population.

Palestinians still own 94% of the lands in Palestine, and Israel's proper Palestinian citizens of Israel are restricted to under 3% of the land! Here it is on the UN's website. Pay attention how the map was updated two years after Nakba.

To this date, we have seen only a few land deeds for the Jewish citizens of Palestine. On the other hand, Palestinians have tens of thousands of their land deeds that prove their land ownership, here is our growing list. In a nutshell, Israeli Jews are mostly nothing but a bunch of colonial squatters living on Palestinian lands.

[see and read all, with links to sources at, ]


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You can make that argument going back centuries. So what???

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You mean like Biblical "history?"

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My 10 year old has been asking me a lot of questions and I had a very proud Dad moment today when I asked him, after everything I explained to him, which side is he on, and God help me he said "the people". I have tobtake my moments when I they come, I am going to bask in this answer for awhile.

And it reinforces this notion I have that hate and racism and even choosing sides has to be taught.

And when you think of the young minds bombarded with these unnatural concepts, it really reveals how sick the governing society is.

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Be a proud parent and do bask in his answer...and your answers...we need a lot more of you (way past parenting here...of impressionable children I should add).

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Post of the Week, Aldous. Your son's heart and head are in the right place.

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Yes but good fences make good neighbours

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Healthy Boundaries should be required curriculae in Grammar & High Schools, replacing the codependency and victimhood cultural dynamics that's been indoctrinated...

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Education instead of indoctrination

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That is a quote that’s been misunderstood by many. It means the wall may keep their properties apart, but it also brings them together as they ‘meet’ in order to mend it. The walls were built of piled stones and each Spring, the neighbors worked TOGETHER to repair it and maintain it. Ironically, and sadly, that is what’s needed rather than rockets and rifles.

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tru dat. violence ('rockets and rifles') is never the answer.

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I also believe, as you just said, it was all started by the Globalists, just like Lahaina and all the other wars and catastrophic events. They seem to think if they start wars all over the world, they will keep their advantage. I hope they are wrong.

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They just put out a documentary, The Mystery of Israel Solved, it explains who is behind creating Israel, and what Jesus said. Highly recommend watching. https://rumble.com/v3pr62s-must-see-the-mystery-of-israel-solved.html

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Yes, thanks I did watch that it is on stopworldcontrol.com

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Thanks for the link.

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How right you are !!! Bbb

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Oct 28, 2023Edited
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Exactly!, keeping people in a constant state of fear makes it easier to control people. Lets keep aware and do what we can but remain calm, and be grateful and happy with what we have, spend quality time with family and friends. Enjoying life is not a crime. I also think it is important not to allow children to view the horror, they should be enjoying their childhood not worrying about the world's problems that they cannot fix.

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I personally believe zionism is antithetical to Judaism and is actually an antisemitic fascist movement useful for ruling elites who are eager to establish multipolar totalitarianism. These devious pyschopathic international financiers know how to manipulate populations by deploying theological myths about the rapture or inculcating historically persecuted populations into believing in their own ethno supremacy.

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Zionism---i.e , political Zionism---is indeed a betrayal of Judaism (which is partly why it was for so long deemed eccentric among Jews, enjoying the support of just a small minority). Spiritual Zionism was something else, and quite in keeping with the Prophetic books of the Bible.

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Is it true that all synagogues in USA have The Talmud as the preferred book? Just how far has this betrayal of Judaism gone Mark?

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Generally, it's the Ashkenazi Jews who rely on the Talmud vs. the Torah . They happen to dominate the Israeli Supreme Court and Likud. In my opinion the kinetic and cruel Zionist polices are responsible for Israel being increasingly rejected by the US Jewish community. Dov Waxman's book, "Trouble in the Tribe" (2016) elaborates.

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Unfortunately "spiritual Zionism" didn't prevail. If it had, it might've concentrated on establishing a national spiritual center ensuring a high-­quality of life in Palestine to all Diaspora communities.

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Over the last four decades virtually all Arab nations have expelled at least 90 percent of their Jewish populations. In Israel, Arabs have the vote and equal rights under the law unless they break the law (e,g, terrorism). There are Arab members of parliament. There is freedom of religion - you can be devout Jew, Christian, Muslim or secularist. You have freedom of speech and freedom of religion. None of the Arab/Islamic countries are democracies. They are all tyrannies.

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Arab countries and ironically Israel will be part of the multipolar totalitarian Fourth Industrial Revolution. Their rulers welcome technocractic biosecurity "smart cities."

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Who/where/what are the "spiritual Zionists" IN Israel today? Who are some of their spokespeople or representatives?

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If any exist, none are in positions of power.

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Whatever there were have probably voluntarily left or been harassed out of the country.

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Yes, or their opinions are suppressed and censored.

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Gonna have to disagree on this one. But frankly, we don't know. Hashem has the divine promise to return his people to Israel. The Israel projection could be part of that -- or separate of that -- and it might very well depend on our actions whether it is or was not.

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How ‘spiritual’? Zionism was always about a return to Israel.

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Zionism goes back to the Babylonian exile.

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Human nature has not changed, nor has the diabolical nature of Empire which continously thrives on devious machinations.

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Great thinking Charlotte Ruse

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Thank you Mark.

I appreciate the material you are putting forward.

People are reactive and defensive and being used.

It's hard and sad.

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In other news I just submitted to the 'died suddenly' list an Israeli 9-year-old dead of cardiac arrest.

I think that sums it up really, as to the purpose of using this issue.


Citizen journalists on Twitter made the excellent point that the MSM in the UK are covering massive Palestine protests but didn't cover the Freedom protests. There is shit going on here

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Great point.

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Don’t forget the BLM protests

The MSM promotes anything that will create division between people

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Mark, I don’t doubt the Oct 7 attack on Israel was some kind of inside job. However, the hundreds of people I’ve heard and seen expressing solidarity with Palestinians are not ‘cheering’ for Hamas. They are demanding an end to the ethnic cleansing and slow extermination of Palestinians perpetrated by Israel (with US support) over decades and that has now escalated horrifically in Gaza. We heard this repeatedly expressed by Palestinians, anti-Zionist Jews and countless other people of conscience in my city of Richmond CA, the first to adopt a resolution in support of Palestinians. The severe oppression is real. Those who lack food and water, who witness bombs raining down on their children with nowhere to escape are not thinking about whether their perspective is being manipulated.

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Yes, I'm well aware of what the Palestinians have long been going through, and have myself supported them as best I can. But you're ignoring the uncomfortable fact that many of the protesters have NOT just stood up for the Palestinians but loudly hailed Hamas per se, which makes them just as credulous and war-like as the Zionists whom they oppose.

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The lying media doesn't know how to present this. They want people to think all Jews support the kiliing of innocent people in Gaza and all Muslims support the destruction of Israel.. Instead they are calling for peace and don't want to see anyone killed. When will people understand that it's the globalists that want to kill all of us? HAPPENING NOW AT NYC'S GRAND CENTRAL STATION: HUNDREDS OF JEWS AND ALLIES ARE GETTING ARRESTED IN THE LARGEST MASS CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE NYC HAS SEEN IN TWO DECADES.




And of course these peaceful protestors are being arrested.

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I see your point, but then the title of your post is misleading, as many of those who "stand with Palestine" are not loudly hailing Hamas. In the several large protests I've personally witnessed, people are calling primarily for an end to the oppression of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, support for Palestinian self-determination in their homeland, with peace and dignity for all in the region. Please clarify your title to read, "those who hail Hamas", if that's what you mean. Thank you for your astute observations.

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Why don't the Palestinians and their supporters ever call out their own leadership, who steals billions of dollars from them, like Arafat who lived in Paris and died a billionaire, and the current leadership who live affluent lives in Quatar while instilling in Palestinian children the reward of martyrdom for the killing of Jews?

Does their leadership really care at all about them? I think the answer is obvious.

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Does any leadership really care about it's people?

United States of America, case in point.

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I agree with your basic premise, that support for Palestinians should not be conflated with support for Hamas. But I can’t find a so-called supporter of Palestinians who has ever supported them against Hamas, only ever against Israelis. Even Egypt gets a free pass. Remember when Egypt flooded the tunnels with sewage? Who gives a damn really? Some of us do-and I speak as a supporter of Jewish rights in Palestine - but it’s not the so-called kefiya-wearing supporters of Palestine. For them, Palestinians are pawns against Israel, dead or alive.

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You, Mark, as much as any person, should be aware of the 2000 years of suffering Jews put up with, and that was just since the death of Jesus, with the New Testament so cleverly worded to blame an ENTIRE PEOPLE for what ironically is the pivotal moment of Christian beginnings. If not, perhaps I can recommend some reading. Scottish RAF pilot Malcolm Hay wrote an incredible history with Europe and the Jews. It is out of print, but it starts off with a bang, as Hay detailed a conversation with a SS officer at Nuremberg, in which he was asked, in regards to the horrors of the camps and the planned extermination of world Jewry, "How could such a thing happen?" To which the SS officer replied, and I paraphrase because this is recalled from memory; "when for 2000 years, entire societies have treated and taught that a group of people are less than human and deserve nothing but punishment, such an outcome is inevitable". That lucid analysis is then followed by the historical accounts of barbarism that make the so-called refugees in Gaza and the West Bank look like they have been in Disneyland since the Arab League was defeated in their very own attempt at genocide.

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No serious Christian scholar today would interpret the New Testament texts as blaming the Jews exclusively for the death of Jesus. Pilate is implicated as well (which implicates all Gentiles).

In the book of Acts, when Peter or Stephen or Paul speak of the Jews guilt for the crucifixion of Jesus, they are speaking as one Jew to another, not making anti-Semitic accusations. New Testament theology is clear; ALL are guilty for the death of Jesus, and ALL can call on his name for salvation (Acts 2:21; Acts 4:12).

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Let's be real, throughout history most believed the prevailing narrative blaming the collective Jews for killing Christ.

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I was educated for 12 years in staunch (horrible) Roman Catholic school.

I was propogandized and terrified early on. No one did it better than the nuns that taught me.

But never did I hear that Jews were responsible for Jesus death. I never got that impression. And I was very impressionable.

As I remember it, the Romans crucified Jesus.

As I remember it, Jesus was Jewish.

I have never blamed Jewish people for killing Christ.

I hate that innocent people suffer, but I am so sick of these wars. I have become callous because I just see this as more smoke and mirrors and distratction and divisive measure.

And I am so sick of yard signs. Now it's "We stand with Israel".

Pick a day, pick a yard sign.

Meanwhile people continue to suffer and die from these murderous injections.

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Yes, Catholics and Protestants don't believe the same thing (I'm Catholic with Jewish ancestry.) Paragraph 674 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church explains the Christian doctrine regarding "Israel", (not the country.) Israel always means "the people of God," which includes Gentile Christians (because Jesus is the Messiah.) The Catechism is based on Sacred Scripture. Here it is, which anyone who went to Catholic school or attended catechism or CCD learned, (this is based on Romans Chapter 11:1-32): Catechism paragraph 674: The glorious Messiah's [Second] coming is suspended at every moment of history until his recognition by "all of Israel" for a hardening has come upon part of Israel" in their "unbelief" toward Jesus. St Peter says to the Jews of Jerusalem after Pentecost: "Repent therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out, that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that he may send the Christ appointed for you, Jesus, whom heaven must receive until the time for establishing all that God spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets of old." (Acts 3:19-21) St Paul echoes him: "For if their rejection means the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance mean but life from the dead?" The "full inclusion" of the Jews in the Messiah's salvation, in the wake of the "full number of the Gentiles," will enable the People of God to achieve "the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ," in which "God may be all in all." If you read Romans Chapter 11 it explains that the Jews at that time who didn't believe that Jesus was the Messiah "had eyes that could not see and ears that could not hear" by the design of God (MANY DID!) And those "branches" of the unbelievers were cut off, which created space for Gentiles to be grafted onto the tree in their place. Jesus came for the Jews and the Gentiles, in fulfillment of the Hebrew Scriptures. However, as Paul states in Romans 11:19 "Indeed yoy will say, "Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in. That is so. They were broken off because of unbelief, but you are there because of faith. So do not become haughty, but stand in awe." For if God did not spare the natural branches, perhaps he will not spare you either. ... And, they also, if they do not remain in unbelief, will be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in again. For if you were cut from what is by nature a wild olive tree, and grafted, contrary to nature , into a cultivated one, how much more will they who belong to it by nature be grafted back into their own olive tree. I do not want you to be unaware of this mystery, brothers, so that you will not become wise in your own estimation: a hardening has come upon Israel IN PART [emphasis added], until the full number of the Gentiles comes in, and thus all Israel will be saved, as it is written: "The deliverer will come out of Zion, he will turn away godlessness from Jacob; and this is my covenant with them when I take away their sins." ... Just as you once disobeyed God but have now received mercy because of their disobedience, so they have now disobeyed in order that, by virtue of the mercy shown to you, they too now have mercy. For God delivered all to disobedience, that he might have mercy upon all."

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I had a conversation with a woman, raised in some Protestant denomination who argued that Jesus was not a Jew. I asked her who the first Christian was. She said John the Baptist. I suggested Paul of Tarsus. She asked me what Jew told me all this.

There is quite a bit of anti-semitism out there, but I'm sure it is only in the misinformed, and it never comes from a church.

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I hear that a lot, Reverend, none today would, and that is probably most true...but look at the passage from Matthew, which I found to be the MOST LIKELY to have been worked over at the Council of Nicaea at the very least..."When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it. 25Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children. .."

I find it unlikely a group of people are going to say, "blame us and OUR CHILDEN". Who says that? Who WOULD say that? An ecumenical council anxious to put the blame on someone while selecting doctrine?

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J6 playbook? there's the genuine concern for the humanitarian tragedy befalling all citizens in the region and there are voices supporting the Palestinians as well as Jewish groups publicly demonstrating for a cease fire. how to fight for peace, that's the question.

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The support you are talking about is basically NOT being covered in the mainstream media, and has nothing to do with "woke mobs." Neither are events like a UK university in Liverpool not allowing noted Jewish/Israeli/Iraqi scholar Avi Shlaim to speak being covered.

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The resolution adopted in Richmond, California did get coverage in the Los Angeles Times, the San Francisco Chronicle and the East Bay Times (same as San Jose Mercury News): https://www.mercurynews.com/2023/10/25/after-hours-of-debate-richmond-becomes-first-u-s-city-to-declare-support-for-palestinians-amid-israel-hamas-war/?

But you're right that coverage of this sort is extremely rare in corporate media.

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the ethnic cleansing is of jews in israel perpetrated by palestinians, and the so-called ethnic cleansing of palestinians is perpetrated by the rest of the arab nations.

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And that ethnic cleansing of Jews in Israel, just like everywhere else where it previously happened in the Arab world, gets little media attention. "Juden-free from the River to the Sea" is just a slogan to the media. Giant rallies of Arabs cheering the deaths of Jews is ignored. If all the Jews were slaughtered tomorrow, perhaps all the people on the Left could finally breathe a sigh of relief, that those horrible Christ-killers--the Christ that most on the Left don't follow anyway--are finally gone so as not to plague the world with..intelligence? Perseverance? Creativity? A moral compass that was never enough for the critics? And people of strong Christian faith could wait with baited breath for the rapture. Yes! The mass death of Jews has something for so many, doesn't it?

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No Christian expects the death of Jews to bring about "the rapture" (which is a teaching that not all Christians subscribe to, at least not in the context you're inferring).


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Two millions Pals in 1947. Ten million now. Jews are very good in many areas but apparently ethnic cleansing is not one of them.

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Now look at the population of Jews in all the Arab countries, 1947 to now. Arabs are good in that one area.

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I still think making it clear that one stands with the Palestinians is a good signal. Standing with the Palestinians doesn't mean endorsing a religion nor endorsing anything else but the right to not being dominated by some people who came from Europe starting in 1945. It also doesn't rule out having compassion with everyone who deserves and needs it.

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Modern jewish zionists began migrating from europe, russia, and america to palestine in 1870s.

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And in 1945 at the latest they started forcing themselves in, using terror. Against the explicit will of the British whom they then bombed out of the hotel where they had their administration. They also killed some "authority figures" who didn't help them enough. See Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, otherwise quite biased against Arabs.

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The Arabs also migrated to Palestine in massive numbers during the mandate period, thanks to the British. This massively inflated the number of Arabs from a collection of villages not of land owners but itinerant farm hands and labourers. Until such facts are acknowledged then it’s nothing more than another war against Jews.

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I love sources. Do you have a text (a book, by some historian preferably, not too recent) that makes this point where I can read up?

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I think that signal is important so at least they see we are not buying that story, and so they know they are operating outside the endorsed area so to speak. Clearly they can do what they want, yes, but they should at least be made to understand that in doing so, they are bulldozing over adverse public opinion.

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Standing with the Palestinians and standing with Hamas are two very different things---and mutually exclusive, if the observations in the post are accurate. Thus it requires a certain subtlety to do the former, whereas the "woke" mobs doing the latter are (like all mobs) not capable of subtlety.

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What do you think about wearing the Palestinian keffiyeh as worn by Arafat? I associate it closely with Arafat, thus with PLO, thus with the non religious strictly historical pro Palestinian faction, as opposed to Hamas which was founded later by shady actors to replace PLO's influence.

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That garment was folded and shaped to mimic the outline of the entire Levant as a representation of Arab holdings. What should be Arab holdings? Anywhere an Arab has so much as defecated on in the last 1400 years.

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Interesting. The last sentence makes me doubt the first, and not consider the entirety.

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So what is the solution? I certainly don't see it.

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What about standing with the Palestinians and ascribing some responsibility to their leadership for victimizing them for decades, besides the Israelis?

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Oct 28, 2023
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Woke mobs each have their own type of "hive mind". The common feature is surrender to the collective, loss of rational thought and individuality, and acting out of primitive rage projected upon people whose individuality as human beings like onself is not acknowledged. Rage justifies burning it all down with no prior thought of what will be constructed in its place.

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These wokies are rather idiotic, I might point out, e.g. "queers for palestine", who would last as living, breathing entities in Gaza no longer than an ice cube on a summer's day.

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Compassion yes. And what say you about the Palestinian leadership helping their own people? You are good at assigning all the blame to "some people (the Jews) who came from Europe in 1945) but mummo on the leadership of the Palestinian leadership who have zero responsibility? I propose that "having a good signal" is being more objective and fair-minded.

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And keep in mind the British and the French who out and out lied and manipulated and lied to the Arabs regarding the Ottoman empire and the spoils of war if they would assist in World War 1.

The duplicity of the Sykes Pico agreement and the Balfour agreement, and the shenanigans to get US to come into the war, all play into Britain letting go of Palestine control and promising it to Zionists, again for assistance in winning the war.

It is all so neferious.

Supporting the Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank is not supporting terrorism just as speaking out against the Israeli government is not anti Jewish.

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It depends whether the ‘calling out’ is fair or not.

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It is clear to me that the Israeli government at its highest level allowed the attack to take place. In the past I never would have imagined such a thing could happen.

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Is there any actual REAL evidence for this, Jerry? Not that I doubt their [usa/zionists] capacity for evil.

The past, the zionists' Nakba, rape & pillage of Palestine, the genocide, Haavara, the zionist/Nazi pact/agreement 1933 to 1941, and much else tells us all that the zionist evil has been going on since the early 1900s. That the usa so avidly supports this kind of evil also tells us that these things have been going on for a long long long time. All right under all of our noses. Disguised by the rankest propaganda systems ever, but really good ones.

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Yeah, so sorry you had Jews breathing near you. And how dare they survive the Arab push for extermination! Rude!

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You use the word "Jews." He didn't. He said "Zionists." Many Jews, from orthodox to secular, do not consider Zionists Jews or truly "Jewish."

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Howard, please note where in modern Jewish writing, from Reform, through Conservative and Orthodox, many Jews do not consider Zionists Jews? This sounds like mumbo-jumbo some anti-semite would dream up.

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Good question. People can use their semantics as they please (and do):


This is written by Moshe Menuhin, Yehudi Menhuin's father. Feel free to read the "mumbo jumbo" from the "anti-Semite." I actually became aware of this work from Mark Crispin Miller's FORBIDDEN Bookshelf series.

On this one, please let me know if this Orthodox Jew is an anti-Semite, or if the tweet is actually a fake. According to "legitimate," undreamy Wikipedia, there's a history of this movement dating back to pre-1948 Palestine



https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Jewish_anti-Zionist_organizations -- Concentrated in Israel, U.S. and UK.

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Wikipedia as legitimate is debatable. I have read more outright political lies in Jimmy's rag than any entity described as an encyclopedia of knowledge.

The fact that there are Jews that don't support the State of Israel, that some are against the Zionist idea of the homeland, and have an organization, or for that matter that some Jews were once frum and are now transexual prostitutes, anything is possible, but doesn't make a case that in my review of the issue over the last 40 years, the small world population of Jews need Israel, and the Arabs who are fighting them over it do not. If anything, it shows Jews and everyone else, can have their own thoughts. My thought is 155 million Arabs surround the 6 million Jews of Israel. Arab lands comprise over 13 million Km2. Israel is 22,000 Km2. Let Israel be for Jews.

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Not true. Trust me, I'm Jewish, been to a lot of synagogue, we do not go around saying "Those Zionists are not really Jewish."

But I do hear it a lot from a lot of people that are trying to talk about Jews without sounding like they're talking about Jews.

And I don't get it either.

"We LOVE the Jews who don't support the existence of a Jewish state, and would like to be vulnerable for extermination whenever we feel the need to kill them."

Yeah, I'm sure you do.

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Serial liar zionist jonah says "trust me". That is like the usa, israhell saying "trust me".

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So am I. You're wrong.

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Reform synagogue? Do you do Drag Queen story time for Sunday School?

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Serial liar jonah is always wrong.

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The Nakba? The disaster of Arabs failing to murder all the Jews in the nascent State of Israel?

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This, Maha, is another prime example of people who know nothing about the actual history of the zionists' planned since the early 20th century Holocaust, still running, still ongoing Holocaust/genocide, almost a full century. Like the western nations Holocausts still ongoing to this day and tomorrow and the next day and the next and ... . Why do you think the zionists made a pact, Haavara, with Nazi Germany in 1933 that continued to 1941 and they NEVER seem to want to discuss it? Shouldn't zionists be constantly describing how the Nazis helped them, were their partners in moving vast sums of German Jews' wealth to the zionists and Palestine? How come there aren't statues erected in Palestine honoring Hitler and the other Germans who zionist partners.

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I'm sorry, I can't possibly have a conversation with someone so misguided. They can't say it because it didn't happen. The Nazis never helped "the Zionists". The reformed German government, after WWII, did help the early beginnings of Israel. Why don't you read a book by a real historian? Try Paul Johnson's discussion of the Middle East in Modern Times, or his remarkable work, The History of the Jews.

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You say you can't have a convo and then you reply many times to have convos, Maha. Pretty weird.


Facts about the Haavara (Transfer) Agreement between Ben-Gurion & Hitler (1933 - late 39)


Fake Valor: Why Did Zionist Jews Hoist Nazis Flag on Their Ships in the 1930s?

The Haavara (Transfer) Agreement was a financial instrument that was negotiated between David Ben-Gurion & Hitler a few months after the Nazis rose to power in early 1933, and it continued non-stop (even after Nuremberg Laws & Kristallnacht pogrom) until December 1941 and was designed to:

Relieve Nazi Germany from the crippling spontaneous worldwide boycott & rise in unemployment that hit Germany soon after Hitler became chancellor in early 1933.

Stimulate the German economy and decrease unemployment by selling German goods in the Middle East and North Africa.

Help Nazis implement their racist policies aimed at "cleansing" Germany of its Jewish citizens and to dispossess them from their wealth (valued at 10-12 billion Reichsmarks which was more than Mefo bills' total size as of mid-1938) as much as possible.

In return, Zionists channeled a fraction of the liquidated German Jewish wealth to build the foundation of their "Jewish state" 15 years ahead of its time.

From Zionist, and Israeli sources and as well as the NY Times, we shall shortly prove how and why Zionists thought of themselves first and foremost; and "saving" Europe's Jews was way secondary. In a nutshell, Zionist leaders fomented antisemitism with the goal of creating a Jewish refugee crisis which could act later as the lever (using David Ben-Gurion's sinister terminology) that will create their "Jewish state". Soon after Nakba, a similar sinister strategy was employed to cause an Arab Jewish refugees crisis when Ben-Gurion & Co. discovered that Europe's Jews were voting with their feet and immigrating to the Americas to live with the Gentiles; and not to the emptied country of Palestine.


There are loads of hot links there for you to bring yourself up to speed on the zionists' Palestinian Holocaust.

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Tell us your history of speaking up for Palestinians against Hamas Terry Byrne.

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Tell us why all you can post is vacuous nonsense, paddy.

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I am not prepared to say that all Zionists are "evil," any more than I would say the Israeli people are "evil." No. The Zionists leaders ave a lot to answer for. What is the evidence that the IDF/Israeli government is incapable of monitoring the border?

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Aren't people who do Holocausts/genocides evil? Isn't that the prevalent idea/notion that we have lived with since WWII? What of the Vietnam Holocaust, the Korean Holocaust where usa curtis lemay bragged about holocausting 23% of the people of the nation of Korea? What of the usa's perpetuating the Korean Holocaust? Then we have the usa's planned Indonesian Genocide/Holocaust, where usa embassy officials created death lists, checked off those their death squads had murdered in the most vicious ways possible, the usa death squads had watched usa gangster movies to get more and "better" ideas to kill innocents. These all seem pretty holocausty to me. How about you?

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Jerry N: The Zionists leaders ave[SIC] a lot to answer for.


Indeed! And why hasn't anyone ever asked, "How many Palestinians have been murdered in this Holocaust?"

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There is a wealthof valuable information in this post.

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Oh, thank you so much, Mark. Thank you. So few writers have grasped the idiocy of this obviously fabricated psyop. The constant propagandized narrative triggering emotional responses facilitates the behavior .govs want to see: citizen divided against citizen. Here is another aspect to this entire situation: an astute thesis with receipts that Israel initiates these wars, which ultimately furthers the 4th Industrial Revolution's agenda, using these periods to evaluate and test their technology from surveillance to digitalization to state-of-the-art weaponry destroying anyone anywhere with pinpoint precision. Why does Israel bomb the hell out of Gaza in complete disproportionate measure *every* *single* *time* one of these "wars" occur? Video is timestamped. https://youtu.be/jIAm8rRHFeY?t=9008

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Mark, thanks for adding more weight to the fielded rumors of Israeli "fragging"

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Mark, please continue to educate us all. I’ve come to the understanding that a dark force has taken control of many of our nations and humanity is being pulled, kicking and screaming, into WW III with little defense or recourse. Looks like Revelation prophecy.

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Go down this rabbit hole to find out more: stopworldcontrol.com

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Thanks a lot 🤯 That’s a rabbit hole tunnel complex. There is so much history, and twists, and players in addition to other groups with similar complex histories vying for the title of ‘THEY’ that it’s becoming increasingly difficult to know which of the conspiracy paths to take. Rothschilds? Zionists? Black Pope? Freemasons? Khazarian Mafia? Oh my. They are all connected somehow, but I’ve yet to see a diagram that shows how they’re all interconnected and which ones or which one is at the top.

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Yes a diagram would help to understand but who would have that knowledge? It is all kept so secret that only bits and pieces can be told from eyewitness reports or those in the know. All I know there is a lot of evil in the world and us as the people need not be a part, stop buying their products can be so powerful, after all many rely on income from what we buy although I am sure many just get their wealth from crime.

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Everything is setting the stage for a leader….any leader…who can step forward with a solution. Be he man or beast, angel or demon, the world will follow him.

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Hitler 2024

25 in 25

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It's rather ironic that 'Hitler', also 'nazis' is always/often used as the prime example of evil in this world when any usa prez truman to biden, all being Class A war criminals, not to mention "butcherers of women and children", are far worse. When such relentless finger pointing occurs, folks with a brain at least start to wonder why.

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Tony Blair, Stalin, Pol Pot , Chairman Mao, Churchill- the list goes on and on

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Don't agree.

Trump was the exception, but he has been called Hitler more than any person on earth short of Hitler.

So give peace a chance

Hitler 2024

25in 25

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Trump has been called a Hitler-like person by mostly liberals. Most conservatives realize how much he loves this country and many others. I think he's been the best president besides Reagan in my 64 years. I hope we will be blessed again with him back in the WH.

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Had it not been for warped speed I would say better.

So I give it a tie.

25 in 25

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Listen to this wonderful song by singer, Martin Page, called The Door (on youtube.com). Make sure you listen AND have the lyrics in front of you while you do. I wonder how Hannah, in the song, would now feel about the US if she was a real person. I know how I feel. She was a part of the first Holocaust and hopefully she would be smart enough not to be shotted up with C19 and any other fake shots for fake diseases..

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Agreed! And just as we as American should hold our leaders accountable, so too should the Palestinians. That would be a more balanced approach, in my opinion.

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I wish you weren't right Mark, but the evidence does point in this direction. I agree the Israeli government cares as much about its people as does Hamas for the Palestinians. The Israeli government proved it in their cruel authoritarian and even fascist jab mandate. Hamas proves it by provoking attacks on the Palestinians. Its really a sad state of affairs and I hope the people can wake up to that fact.

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