Well, this is very odd. I just tried both searches on DDG and they worked OK. The top result for Mark Crispin Miller Substack was your substack profile. The top result for the RFK Jr item was a re-post of the article at Children's Health Defender. Maybe some sort of weirdness involving cookies and personally customized search results?
I searched on Mark Crispin Miller AND substack. DDG gave me MCM's substack profile. DDG gave me childrenshealthdefense when I typed in the title of his substack post. Then I tried to see if I could get a direct link to MCM substack articles. First I tried "More music for our drive to freedom" I got nothing but music, driving, freedom, etc. But then when I put in AND substack, I got a direct link to your substack article. Let's see if it will also do that for more incendiary posts. I searched on Dr. Fauci announces Omicroin AND substack. It seemed to algorithm "corrected" omicroin to Omicron so the first 4 results were for Fauci plus Omicron. But the 5th post was your substack article. And the 6th spot was your substack profile. I'm going to say that right now, Duck Duck Go has crude algorithms that lead sometimes to undesirable effects. This happens all the time, but algorithms usually are not mind readers. I tried to search years ago to find a diet to help my anorexic husband gain weight. No matter how I tried, Google kept changing my search to "lose weight" as if no one ever was interested in weight gain. So frustrating. But I doubt this was politically motivated. I think AI adjusts itself automatically to favor common searches (so Google will gain more ad revenue). In the case of politically sensitive material, Google, DDG, etc. may actually intervene and programmatically adjust the algorithm to move your articles lower in the queue or to suppress them. I would not rule out censorship since you and those you work with and admire have suffered so much of it. For now, you seem to be OK. (You are not on the list of "the dirty dozen.") I think you need to worry when the NYTimes starts denouncing you. The problem is that you have been so censored and excluded from MSM, ever since "Fooled Again" that you are no longer so famous--therefore you are not a higher priority target. When tigers threaten--we can ignore the termites. (Pick a metaphor). Anyway, I'm grateful for your posts and your work in general which I support.
Mark, I found your substack on DuckDuckGo by searching on "news from underground by mark crispin miller" and scrolling down until I found the term "substack." That said, I've had my doubts about DuckDuckGo in the past and recently read that Brave's search engine is far superior -- but so far I've been unable to locate it.
I just did a search on DuckDuckGo with "mark crispin miller substack" and your Substack came up as #1. Was it a glitch? Did they get pushback? Or was it the search method? I find the fewer words I use the better. It seems the search engines have extremely limited reading comprehension.
Copied the title and pasted it in DuckDuckGo. It came right up, 2:06 p.m. 1/30/22. On Google, all they had was a long list of attacks on him for talking about the "holocaust." Tried Yandex, which usually does well, but again, just attacks on RFK. I have zero doubt about Google being controlled by "the deep state." Nor do I doubt that ProtonMail is being watched, and in one or two cases of my own, hacked. I see Jerry's comment below and think there may be truth to that...
I have been using DDG for years. I type the following in, no quotes:
mark crispin miller substack
The first hit is the substack, the second is the Taibbi article on the censorship of MCM, and the third is a link to MCM's homepage announcing the Substack. DDG works as advertised here. Will send a screenshot via email.
Well, this is very odd. I just tried both searches on DDG and they worked OK. The top result for Mark Crispin Miller Substack was your substack profile. The top result for the RFK Jr item was a re-post of the article at Children's Health Defender. Maybe some sort of weirdness involving cookies and personally customized search results?
Could be; I'm sure they do that.
Your Substack showed up as the second result when I searched just now for "Mark Crispin Miller" in a Duck Duck Go search.
I typed in Mark Crispin Miller Substack and it was the first result.
I searched on Mark Crispin Miller AND substack. DDG gave me MCM's substack profile. DDG gave me childrenshealthdefense when I typed in the title of his substack post. Then I tried to see if I could get a direct link to MCM substack articles. First I tried "More music for our drive to freedom" I got nothing but music, driving, freedom, etc. But then when I put in AND substack, I got a direct link to your substack article. Let's see if it will also do that for more incendiary posts. I searched on Dr. Fauci announces Omicroin AND substack. It seemed to algorithm "corrected" omicroin to Omicron so the first 4 results were for Fauci plus Omicron. But the 5th post was your substack article. And the 6th spot was your substack profile. I'm going to say that right now, Duck Duck Go has crude algorithms that lead sometimes to undesirable effects. This happens all the time, but algorithms usually are not mind readers. I tried to search years ago to find a diet to help my anorexic husband gain weight. No matter how I tried, Google kept changing my search to "lose weight" as if no one ever was interested in weight gain. So frustrating. But I doubt this was politically motivated. I think AI adjusts itself automatically to favor common searches (so Google will gain more ad revenue). In the case of politically sensitive material, Google, DDG, etc. may actually intervene and programmatically adjust the algorithm to move your articles lower in the queue or to suppress them. I would not rule out censorship since you and those you work with and admire have suffered so much of it. For now, you seem to be OK. (You are not on the list of "the dirty dozen.") I think you need to worry when the NYTimes starts denouncing you. The problem is that you have been so censored and excluded from MSM, ever since "Fooled Again" that you are no longer so famous--therefore you are not a higher priority target. When tigers threaten--we can ignore the termites. (Pick a metaphor). Anyway, I'm grateful for your posts and your work in general which I support.
It’s working for me on DDG
Mark, I found your substack on DuckDuckGo by searching on "news from underground by mark crispin miller" and scrolling down until I found the term "substack." That said, I've had my doubts about DuckDuckGo in the past and recently read that Brave's search engine is far superior -- but so far I've been unable to locate it.
That said, you really need to read Glenn Greenwald's wonderful analysis of the current "liberal" cult of censorship, https://www.zerohedge.com/political/greenwald-pressure-campaign-remove-joe-rogan-spotify-reveals-liberal-religion-censorship for free on bad ol' ZeroHedge. Glenn, with his lawyerly logic and truther passion, explains and completely decimates them. You and Glenn should belong to the same circle of friends/comrades, imho.
Duck Duck Go, as I understand it, uses Bing for its search results. The difference is that DDG doesn't collect privacy-invading data.
It works well for me on DDG.
I just did a search on DuckDuckGo with "mark crispin miller substack" and your Substack came up as #1. Was it a glitch? Did they get pushback? Or was it the search method? I find the fewer words I use the better. It seems the search engines have extremely limited reading comprehension.
Just had similar results to Colin Brace below...
Google found your substack for me. First or second result.
Copied the title and pasted it in DuckDuckGo. It came right up, 2:06 p.m. 1/30/22. On Google, all they had was a long list of attacks on him for talking about the "holocaust." Tried Yandex, which usually does well, but again, just attacks on RFK. I have zero doubt about Google being controlled by "the deep state." Nor do I doubt that ProtonMail is being watched, and in one or two cases of my own, hacked. I see Jerry's comment below and think there may be truth to that...
Your Substack showed up as the second result when I searched "Mark Crispin Miller" just now in a Duck Duck Go search.
I used Google and found your substack right away. Just your name and substack.
I have been using DDG for years. I type the following in, no quotes:
mark crispin miller substack
The first hit is the substack, the second is the Taibbi article on the censorship of MCM, and the third is a link to MCM's homepage announcing the Substack. DDG works as advertised here. Will send a screenshot via email.