Utter horseshit. NBC news should be challenged to air an interview with her

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Agreed. It would be the first thing they did if she was alive/able-bodied.

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Proving she’s alive would be the easiest thing in the world, and would take barely five minutes of Tiffany’s time, if she’s actually still with us. The fact that all those insisting those who think she’s probably dead are crazy and “harassing” her, why can’t she come on a live video long enough to say, “Hi there! I’m alive (and well?). Thanks for your concern about me but I’m fine so you don’t need to worry anymore.” Done, rumors squelched, case closed.

But no, has never happened, which leads reasonable, rational minds to think of the two most likely possibilities: 1) she’s dead; 2) she’s alive but so severely injured from the Spikeshot that appearing in public would be just as damaging to the “safe and effective” narrative as her actually being dead. The efforts by the media to deny this are so ridiculous and unbelievable that they stoke the flames of suspicion more than they quench them.

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consider for a second what a coup it would be for pfizer to parade tiffany dover out in front of the cameras. "look, ma, i fainted right after my vaxx but I'm fine now." we aren't seeing that, are we?

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Tiffany could even use that moment to plug their precious vaxx.

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What would it prove if Tiffany was alive? The healthcare industry made her a de facto spokesperson by parading her medical treatment for everyone to see. Within moments of the media spectacle that was her receiving the shot, she fainted and went into hiding without any clue about her health or welfare for months. How is this not the public’s concern, and who could blame them for any suspicions that Tiffany was not in good health, assurances notwithstanding.

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These si called fact checkers are complicit. I have seen their depraved lies up close.... they are liars and accessories to murder when they help suppress true information about pfizer

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TheCovidBlog is awesome.

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I agree. As his own blog he has time to develop stories with a lot

of great twitter posts, etc.

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Elvis is still alive. He wants his privacy so no, you can't interview him.

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Hi Mark,

Although I certainly don't believe the official story, and I think she may well have died or was disabled, the evidence is still very speculative and weak. All the evidence is from the ancestry website, which is nothing even remotely close to government official documentation. Ancestry entries can be made by anyone. It is not secure, nor is it validated. There is no official public record of her death anywhere.

There are no admissions from any members of her family, nothing.

We need better evidence than a 15 minute video which simply relies on a single non-credible source of data -- ancestry.com.

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also, that video repeatedly refers the caller to the "Memorial" website. Important to remember the hospital has Memorial in its name. Viewers could easily be led to believe the phone answerer was directing the caller to a memorial (as in for the dead) website, which he wasn't.

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Agreed, it doesn’t prove anything. Ironically, the most compelling evidence we have that she’s dead is the complete lack of definitive evidence that’s she’s actually still alive, which, as many others have already pointed out, would be extremely easy to produce, e.g., an interview with her.

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Nurse Tiffany Pontes Dover is alive and happy on the other side....

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I have difficulty believing that her husband, family and hospital staff would still be complicit after all this time if she is dead...but proof of her being alive should be a simple interview.

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Large amounts of money and serious threats can go a long way in achieving that. And if she’s alive but permanently disabled, the money could be very important to them. And they could salve their consciences with the knowledge that saying she’s alive wouldn’t be technically lying.

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There've been so many families clamming up after the "sudden death" of a loved one, and, as well, so many who've flipped out publicly at the suggestion that such deaths were "vaccine"-related, that it's hard not to believe that there were very powerful disincentives offered to keep them in line.

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I wonder about Midwin Charles, TV legal commentator. No cause of death was ever revealed to my knowledge. She posted about recent vaccination.

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Yes. She's one of a significant number of black people who died post-jab in 2021.

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I tend to agree I'm just musing out loud. Death has a very long tail though that person doesn't come back. It would be simple for them to prove her alive and wellness. I'm also a regular reader of the Covid Blog looks like they are going to do some hit pieces on Brian Wilkins next. In the case of the three month old baby who died after Mom was jabbed while pregnant, one can't definitively say the conjab caused it. But the only way they could definitively say the conjab DIDN'T cause it is if she hadn't gotten it at all!

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Also, wouldn’t her neighbors notice, her hairdresser, etc and the kids school?

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Exactly my point. She'd likely have a social network of 50 or 100 people. Those outside ones (the cashier at the local store, the hairdresser) aren't all going to be paid off, and most are not going to have a psychological vested interest in protecting the killers. I suppose you could get around that with a "the family moved out of town" thing. I've been following the Tiffany Dover story since the beginning. I haven't seen anything proving conclusively in my head that she is either alive or dead. If she is dead (or permanently injured) it shows a criminal level of coverup. If she's alive and really did just faint they are going to angle this as a straw man attack on anti-conjab folks as conspiracy theorists who will believe anything. I'd love to get to the bottom of it

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If I was Tiffany and alive, I’d definitely come out with a video showing I’m alive and ask folks to leave me and my family alone. Hold up todays paper like hostages do. The fact that she’s silent tells me she’s dead or seriously disabled. So sad!

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If they got paid a lot (and/or threatened) they’d keep quiet.

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I think “Tiffany Dover” is an actress. She did not die. She fake-fainted (tiffa- “kneed over”) and then came back to normal so that when other people fainted after taking the real shot they’d think it’s nothing to worry about. Here in the post-fainting interview she says how she’s prone to fainting:


The actress is alive. The reason why you can’t find her now is not because she’s dead but because that wasn’t her real name to begin with. That’s also why you don’t hear anything from her “friends and family.” She was playing a nurse for TV in a staged event to make people think fainting after vaccination is no big deal. And now she’s on to bigger and better things.

Come on they would never put her up there if she was really that prone to fainting.

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exactly another crisis actor, sure they will wheel her out when required

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Thanks for the 'esquire' article linked.

You may not be wrong. If so then this is a lie wrapped in a riddle inside an enigma. One cannot undo such a deception without discrediting those mouthpieces that began the falsity. They cannot walk it back without destroying their credibility.

I personally find it hard to believe that they employed a nurse who had fainting spells. Can you imagine the scene as she is half-way inserting a canula and has a vaso vagal episode on the hospital ward? Claret sprays overhead as your brachial artery bleeds unimpeded. "Nurse! Nurse" you shout as one of her collegues comes down the wing. Her collegue looks at the scene - blood on the walls, bed and floor, the body of the nurse on the floor, a patient in distress. "Oh look" the nurse says "Nurse Dover has fainted.. Again!"

I don't buy the cover story. So perhaps you are correct and the media are caught in jeopardy.

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Half a million Americans killed by the mRNA bio weapons and NBC gaslights us over the injured and probably dead Tiffany Pontes Dover. Why even bring her up? What’s their gain? Distract us from the fact that all the Jabbed are dropping like flies from SARS-CoV-WIV infections, strokes, cancer and heart attacks?

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The Dover case supplied one of the most grimly humorous headlines I've seen: "There is no evidence that she died". We're not looking for evidence she died. We are looking for evidence that she's still alive - which you'd think would be easy to produce if she were.

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Brandy Zadrozny - that’s all you need to know.

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Has anyone done a public records search for her death? If indeed that was her real name. They could’ve given a fake name so that if the person was injured or died, they could not be found.

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