Steve is a good guy and regretted getting injected early on. And then started using his skill and money to find out the truth about vaccines. I was always afraid he would eventually get an adverse reaction. Now it’s happened.

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It probably is from the jab, however if he agreed to the covid jab, he probably agreed to other jabs. We have been legally poisoned by oh so many things. Then throw in getting older, and possibly some genetic issues then it can be hard to say what caused it. Makes it hard to point the finger at just one thing.

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I think he got 2 injections and stopped. He regretted it and he regretted that he encouraged his family to get the shots. I remember him talking about it 2021 (I think that was the year).

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Didn't Kirsch get some super-duper cancer treatment some years ago?

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I don't know... I have never heard him talk about cancer. But... who knows?

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I have avoided all vaccines this century but did get some of the childhood shots. My mother is an RN and made sure I was "up to date". Reading the adverse events, I am realizing my seasonal hayfever may have been triggered by a childhood vaccine.

I used to be severely allergic to cats (cat and long-haired dogs), that has faded over time.

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I look at vaccines so differently now. When my kids get eczema, I am sure it is a side effect of a vaccine. I apologized to them for ever getting them vaccinated. It is one of my biggest regrets in life.

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Yep! One of my biggest regrets too. I know though we thought we were doing good by our kids at the time.

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Don't regret, Annie. Nothing good can come from it.

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Same 😕

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I am aware of a lady in our church who required surgery in one of her eyes due to getting the jab.

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I know that the clotting of the injections causes problems in the small vessels in the eye. There are just SO many ways these injections can harm the human body. Like Dr Hodgkins said right way when they rolled out this poison: “The lucky ones will die right away.” I think he was right.

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Too pessimistic. The immune system can work miracles. Live as healthy as possible and put the odds in your favor.

Even if they made it to cause as much damage as possible, these are not impressive people.

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Ok - so I guess that a healthy immune system (injected folks have a damaged immune systems) can “Take care” of the Bacterial plasmid DNA (in the Pfizer shots) that rides piggy back on the Spike Proteins in the cell nucleus? This is after the cancer detection T cells have been eliminated. I bet a damaged immune system can stop the Ace 2 receptors in the Spike Proteins from attaching to heart muscle that will cause micro scaring and lead to cardiac arrest. There are over 40 (probably more) known ways these injections can injure and kill. To think a damaged immune system can deal with this unrealistic at best. The vaccinated have 3 to 5 years. That is all. They are the walking dead.

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Sad to think, but there is a very glaring reason to trust that your prediction is true to course. The exposers like Dr. Rose and S. Kirsch have done excellent work to highlight facts using charts and info from all quarters, but the most damning evidence appears to be those rubbery clots, which have NEVER been seen before these times. Since they do exist, and are predominantly discovered by embalmers; some as long as 5' in length, we must conclude that they GREW to that length. They didn't just one day appear out of thin air. With that knowledge, we can rightly conclude that for those who received the injections which have within them the capability to cause such disruptions in the blood stream, that they are walking time bombs or as you put it, "The walking dead." Time will give the clots to grow into obstructions that are deadly, and a five year window is probably adequate.

I wonder if those very words were spoken openly (but behind closed doors).

Creepy to think so.


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Yes - the amyloid clots alone are enough to seal the deal here. Let alone all the other wonderful adverse reactions from the injection. I have from the beginning of this disaster saved all kinds of posts, articles and videos about all this crap. Here is one that you will find interesting on the clots https://open.substack.com/pub/jessicar/p/what-a-tangled-web-we-may-have-weaved?r=gjogf&utm_medium=ios

The folks who REALLY know ALL the ways these injections can injure or kill are not optimistic about anyone surviving very long. So between the adverse reactions and Mother Nature seeking to establish herd immunity by evolving an immune escape virus, the chances of any vaccinated person surviving is very low. We are at the end of the world as we know it and nearing the beginning of the 2nd Dark Age of Man.

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If this was true, we would see excess death numbers much much worse than what we have been seeing. Unless you think they perfected a delayed reaction?

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Really? We are on an ascending leg of the bell curve. 3 -5 years is what was predicted from the beginning. And if the adverse reactions don’t kill them, the coming immune escape virus will.

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Maybe you should take a look at the obituaries if you think there have been no excess deaths these past few years

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He is a good guy. He must be sick knowing he and his family took the vaxx. At least he's doing his best to get the word out and data to back up his conclusions.

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I suspect that he was never jabbed

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If you can do the research, he writes about his being vaccinated and his regrets about it pretty extensively

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Dr. Robert Malone said that he was jabbed twice and knows the bioweapon status. Being jabbed can be part of a script. Go figure. I will admit, big donors have pull on Substack, surprised that Prof. Miller is now reporting common eye problems as vaccine injured.

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Trying understand what is actually true in our larger political lives… Is challenging. If anybody has resources for where they get real data and source material please do share.

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That might undermine the rabbit holes of 5th generation warfare.

Steve believes in viruses and no one was killed in hospitals.

Question everything.

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I really doubt he pray to viruses.

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One of my sisters died from the jab and another one lost 30% of her vision in one eye.

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So sorry for your loss, Willie ... my mom also died from 2 Pfizers but prior to that, she was already having vision problems and the jab only made those worse. My aunt took 2 Modernas and also lost vision where she fell and seriously injured her nose prior to her death.

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My sister falls a lot now too. It’s sad to watch people’s health deteriorate so fast and then they die.

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Lots of falls where I live. I see people walking that look like they are listing, like a ship, to one side. Almost like a walker on TWD.

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I actually see this too

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I am so very sorry

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Sorry to hear about the loss of your sister. I hope your other sister doesn't have any more health problems.

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My other sister is pretty much bed ridden now. The jab took a lot out of her.

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I am sorry to hear this.

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Rough, sorry. My ex had strange and uncomfortable vision effects after her 2 jabs, to the point where she went to see an optomistrist and spent a grand on new glasses. The problems did seem to dissapate, but I do have to wonder if the vision problems will reappear. I separated bcuz I did not want to live with the jabbed anymore. Too freaky. https://drdavidnixon.com/1/en/topic/prof-david-hughes-and-sabrina-wallace

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My condolences in regards to the death of your sister and the vaxx injured sister.

I had a first and a second cousin ( my mother’s cousin) ‘die suddenly’ from the Jabs. The ‘first’ cousin, 71 years old, was found dead in his apartment in the Bay Area, January 2023.

Thankfully no one in my immediate or extended family got the Jabs!

The ‘second’s cousin, was 77, she was found dead in her apartment in SoCA over the Easter weekend 2024. Both got multiple injections.

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Ophthalmologists Now Ethically Obligated to Denounce COVID-19 Vaccines, as 20,000 New Eye Disorders Are Reported

The covid vaccine holocaust is destroying people’s hearing and vision


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The SRF & Billionaires are Grateful for the Sacrifice...


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Jul 25·edited Jul 25

My oldest daughter was destroyed by 1 (ONE) Pfizer jab in February of 21.

When I warned, cajoled and attempted to bribe her*, she said:

"How could you know more than President Trump, Elon Musk, Bill Gates,

the FDA and the CDC?".

I said honey they're lying, There's a very evil agenda at play.

She called me a conspiracy theorist.

Thankfully, I have 3 children that did not take the kool-aid.

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I'm so sorry, but to paraphrase the old proverb: "You can lead them to the facts. But you can't make them think"...

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Good one … really good one Continues frustrating

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You can lead a horse to water but a pencil must be lead~ woke mentality~

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I'm sorry. I am around many people who buy into the other "side" of this fake duopoly, believing that the Dems are now the party of "science." All of my wife's family members have apparent "side effects" from these jabs, but none of them connect the dots to the jabs.

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most of the sick jabbed are calling their surprise illness, "LONG COVID". ugh.

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Agreed, my family mainly my sister’s 3 of them took the jab. 1 died, one is losing her vision but the last one is doing ok so far. She did have a bout of pneumonia after she got the jab though.

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I could have wrote your story. I have 3 out of 4 kids not jabbed. It was my oldest who would not listen to me. I sent emails, and tried my best to talk him out of it, and he would not listen. Like wise his 21 year old girlfriend would not listen. She developed serious immune issues, POTS and her legs suddenly stopped working these last couple of years, however they assure me it wasn't from the jab as her doctors say so. This was a case of a sudden genetic disorder.

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I too have 3 kids unvaccinated. One vaccinated. He did it to keep his job and he already has MVP. I pray for him daily. He got one injection..the Johnson and Johnson.

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So sorry to hear...

Had to look it up but when I did, it became evident that it was likely just one of the symptoms effecting the circulatory system, and can be serious.

May God be with you and your son,


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So sorry Dee!

But they'd be correct in diagnosing it as a sudden genetic disorder. The jabs WERE IN FACT intended to have a disorganizing effect on the genetic coding. Not sporadic disorganization, but a specific one, leading to all of the issues of health we see.


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I’m hearing a lot of renal failure is happening to those who were vaxed also.

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Yeah, it's terrible!

I've read of plenty of "diseases" that I'd never even heard of before being attributed to "died unexpectedly" cases. It's my assumption that the concoction in the vials contain some very wicked substances, which negatively effect organs of the body, not necessarily randomly, but maybe those which are slightly compromised by a careless lifestyle. That seems logical, but the actuality of the thing, is most likely a different case all together. We see that very young people and even babies are dying suddenly, so a compromised life-style is sort of ruled out by these cases. Kidney failure is no surprise, since the injectables find their way into the blood stream, and the immune system attempts to filter them out. They probably lodge there, and proliferate as well, inflaming all tissues of the organ. I would imagine that the heart muscle would suffer the same fate, but once again, the thing is unclear. How could it be that certain individuals will expire within hours or days after the jab? That just does not fit in with any of these "logical" theories. In my opinion.


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I believe you can have a genetic disorder, but a mild case of it, so it is practically unnoticeable. I forget which company it was but there was a "vaccine" manufacturer that said don't get these shots if you have a connective tissue disorder. However once you get the shots then your issues are more severe. It makes everything worse. I am not buying she had a sudden case of severe genetic disorder immediately after all the shots.

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I was being sarcastic. The "genetic disorder" spoken of is one of intention. The "disorder" is laboratory manufactured to induce the illness and death that was planned. I suppose the "disorder" is not random, though. It probably was carefully placed to perform as it has, doing its dirty work.

Sorry about any misconception. 'Probably shouldn't be sarcastic at all with such a terrible subject prevailing among us.

Yours in Christ,


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So today’s Phoenix Republic rad columnist takes up a third of his page ranting that No vaccines, No school …. What’s the joke, “I buy you books and I buy you books, and you still haven’t learned anything” ~~~it’s quite a rant, and so discouraging….he stands by his wokey gospel … scary when such ignorant people have the bull horn

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Indeed…. that kind of argument is difficult to argue, because in a world where we were accustomed to trusting some basic black and white premise to begin with, and when we believed that our country’s leaders took the time and~~~mostly~~~had no ego invested in their promises ….it now takes some real clear radio signals to read the truth and stand by the conscience~~~I can take hassle and verbal put downs but that usually makes me more stubborn; I can see beyond the “oh Sharon you can’t believe that!” Go for it kiddos!~~~Au contraire, I might say the same for you. LOL It’s so painful to watch and have to stand by, for weeks, months …and more likely to be proven right in the end…. Not an enjoyable triumph by that time….

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Tell her, "How could you TRUST strangers--politicians and businessmen, no less--over your own Mother in matters of health?! At a minimum, you listen and understand the reasoning."

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I know three people all different age groups who had retinal hemorrhages and all received multiple jabs. One is a young woman who went completely blind for several months and her vision is still not great. One friend continues to have hemorrhages and blurry vision in one eye and all the doctors are "baffled." None of these people have made the connection and will continue to take their boosters and flu shots this fall.

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Awful. So sad

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I read on FB that it was a torn retina....those can happen spontaneously, one of my parents had it happen in their 40's many years ago. Vax responsible or not for Steve, hard to say. But no doubt eyes have been affected by the vax's micro-clotting

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Not a doctor, but the image suggested a retinal artery occlusion. Precisely the kind of adverse event associated with mRNA injections. Steve had two Moderna injections. Is it possible that there was tissue injury that never healed and / or scarred and finally broke apart?

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Either way, the vaxx did not help anything.

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The picture looked like a partly dead retina not a detached retina.

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Dead retina from micro clots is most likely the reason they lost their vision in my opinion.

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With govt hiding data, they ate guilty til proven otherwise

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I agree about that the retina can detach spontaneously. I have a friend who lost her sight in one of her eyes, when this happened to her. Her’s happened a couple of years ago when she was playing tennis. She just turned 70 and is not CONvid vaccinated.

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Steve Kirsch can't even see that COVID was bullshit.

Check out his interview with Andrew Kaufman and another one with Denis Rancourt. Steve is a total fucking jerk cutting them off and playing games.

Oh and he like Pierre Kory and McCullough and other "heroes" love to bullshit about spike protein and mRNA, ignoring a huge fact. It's the lipids that clog up and cause issues everywhere. Why the fk are they playing interference for lipids by obsessing over spike, DNA contamination, etc?


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Steve is probably making it up just like Trump. I also doubt he took the 'vaccine' at all.

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Praying for Steve’s full recovery! He’s been a tireless leader in this fight and I fear we need him still!

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That's awful. My best wishes to Steve. He does so much good work.

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In the 2/9/2024 Steve Kirsch Substack article, he wrote about the fact that he had glaucoma and was working toward finding solutions for himself and others. He also shared information about what he believes his doctor might have missed and was trying to help others possibly avoid similar issues.

What happened to him the other day, may or may not be related to the jab. Of course the injection might have triggered a delayed reaction. Others have reported vision issues which appear to be related. Steve has shared that he and his family took the jab before he started to realize there might be a problem. He has also spoken about having gone on a program to try to detoxify and to improve his health. He reported that he has improved his health overall and has shared what he did.

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I’ve got a brother in law that complained about his eyes hurting. His eye got like Biden’s almost like he’s squinting and his eyes bother him a lot now too. This may be a common side effect of RNA technology. Sad day in America

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Remember when they demonized Ivermectin during the Convid Scamdemic, even though it had decades of studies showing it's safety?

But then coerced people to get jabbed with a gene-altering bioweapon with no long-term studies?

Still think I’m a “Conspiracy Theorist”?!

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No, I think you're just another voice bordering on despair in the echo chamber that is Substack. 😥

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You seem agitated, maybe ask your doctor about Abrain®


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Didn't think I was that far gone.. Thanks for the laugh.. 😘

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Elyon Muskoxshit and Linda Yakkingrhino still demonize it. Doncha know, suggesting ivermectin have any human use "advocates suicide"?

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IVERMECTIN : A Nobel-prize winning medicine that’s anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anti-clotting, anti-parasitic, and anti-cancer.

Coercion is not science

Censorship is not science

Faked data is not science

Manipulating results is not science

Cherry-picking studies is not science

Fear-mongering is not science.

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I personally know of nine people who died from the Bio-Weapon Jab! Number of people I know that died of COVID! ZERO

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You too, eh? 4 years of the Covid Fraudemic, not so much as one person at my work, ever called in sick. And yet all the morons believed there was a deadly pandemic with a mortality rate of 5% - 10% taking place.

Meanwhile since the release of The Lethal Injections? I'm personally aware of 7 deaths, and now, 34 permanent, debilitating injuries.

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I quit giving people my professional opinion! If they want to wear mask and get 100 boosters so be it!

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Makes me feel a bit better: They sure as Hell didn't listen to my non-professional opinion! 😘

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My time will be better spent creating content and doing educational series podcast on our current and future state post pandemic! It seems as though it will be more productive!

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Your work will be cut out for you come October and the start of the "Bird Flu" fraudemic, AKA "Covid 2.0".. I've gathered Bill has promised us we'll notice this one. https://www.bobmoran.co.uk/prints/the-big-picture-print

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Wouldn't have to if they could have avoided childhood vaccinations. Regrettably, no time machine to join the 0.26% unvaccinated.

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I’m a recovering introvert trying to honor my real personality. Else I might have been swimming these past months in the same raging and painful waters of loss as you all. I’m so so sorry

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You were swimming in those waters anyway Sharon...🤔

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O M G ….what a sorrow to carry

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Sad, most died from Turbo Cancers and Heart Attacks the youngest was twenty nine year old male from a massive heart attack and the most recent a fit (ran marathons) sixty two year old female from a massive heart attack!

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The sad part is everyone trusted our government to look out for every Americans well being. Sadly they knew what Fauci was doing and did nothing to stop any of it from happening. They say they want 702 back. I think it was a big mistake to allow it.

They haven’t tried once to fess up for all their wrong doings. I consider everyone working in intelligence UnAmerican Or traitors.

I still don’t think there will be any changes until the Agency is closed and we start all over.

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I think Steve has glaucoma, so it wouldn't surprise me if the jab turbocharged that genetic predisposition. I swear, that's what this thing does, ANY susceptibility, it seems to bring on much faster...

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Kirsch is part of the controlled opposition.

Do not believe him at any level.

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While I don't always agree with Steve, I would not wish this on anyone; sadly he. like many others, many of which are highly credentialed and should have known better participated in the grand culling in the (wrong) belief that they were Doing The Right Thing.

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Have Uber Polymath Kirsch get on a red eye to Germany and Get treatment with IV Streptokinase

to dissolve all of his macro and micro clots coming from the jab. When home , purchase from Amazon

Lumbrokinase ,Nattokinase, and Red yeast extract made in Japan and use orally for continued clot busting from the never resting death jab. if not that product then use digestive enzymes 4-12 daily in divided dosages 2 hours before or after meals ( dr. Gonzales MD Cancer treatment..although he would use 3-4 x times that much for treating cancer) Also please get the book "50 years lost in Medical advances" from amazon

that decodes Hans Selye's Stress Mechansim which has the clotting cascade centrally implicated in all stress. Best of luck for you Uber PolyMath Kirsch.

Have DSLR will travel. JJAdams MD Sedona Az

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