Hotez as “courageous” is absolutely hilarious.

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He shows no fear in front of a bag of Cheetos, that's for sure.

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courageous as a hyena may be ?

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Why are you hating on hyenas???

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Hotez is more like a sloth, but again, I don’t want to hate on the animals.

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I'll take the mind-controlling fungus over the lying vaccine pusher. At least the fungus is interesting and some people like the tea for health. The lying vaccine pusher is the most venal, unqualified, unscientific, boring, harmful, disgusting, and a whole host of other descriptors that suck and they're the most pathetic and craven and unhealthy and disgusting in other ways than the other disgusting and harmful in other ways than the other harmful people there are.


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Only the Harris kind!

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I had to look that one up1

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they seem to be one of the most dangerous animals

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Highly reminiscent of Grima Wormtongue -- except he entirely lacks Wormtongue's charm.. 🤔

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And Wormtongue's intelligence. And his sense of humor, his refined etiquette and his good looks.

Other than being a servant of darkness, Wormtongue was actually a bit of a character, wasn't he?

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The quintessential courtier, really... 😘 "kissassery" refined to a malevolent art form; I must correct myself: Wormtongue was utterly charming -- to the right people.

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Reminds me of Monty Python. “Sir Gallahad bravely turned his tail and ran!!”

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Hotez proves that one can in fact often accurately judge a book by its cover. If the book is about health and wellness, and its jacket is pasty, flabby and unctuous, well, then you don't need to read every page.

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Awe, Hotez is a runner, isn’t that what he told Rogan.

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It’s written “...“Conspiracy theorists don’t care about facts, just attention.”

I say ““today’s journalists don’t care about facts, just advertising revenue.”

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TWO THUMBS UP! [except that- as a major point of discernment- I'd suggest that those who work for the 'corporate legacy media' are not in fact, "journalists." They are "propagandists" on the Langley/Pharma/Reich payroll!]

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Actually I don't think they are propagandists. They are just empty people that have come to resemble the two dimensional world they occupy (our tv screens). To what extent they are aware of that is anyone's guess.

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A "liar for hire" is a propagandist in my lexicon! Pax!

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Useful Idiots, for sure!

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And what does it tell you that social media libs are trying to be like the empty people on TV, but not even getting paid for it?

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I imagine the payoff for them is the strokes they get from their cohort and from the paid ones they worship. You would think that would wear thin after a while, but it is a religion so who knows.

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It should never be forgotten that 'conspiracy theorist' was the pejorative invented to discredit people who questioned the official version of the JFK assassination. So of course RFK is a conspiracy theorist! People who throw the term around as an insult just don't like dealing with the truth - probably because it will cost them their job

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I just spent a few days with some much-beloved friends who are “NPR Liberals.” There is no debate. Anyone against their narrative is crazy, and facts disproving their narrative are untrue... They still think the H Biden laptop story is Russian disinfo. How convenient it must be to label everything that undermines their narrative as hokum, and anyone who attempt to debate their narrative as conspiracy theorists. You can never lose!

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I have some family members who are exactly like that. So irritating, I find myself not wanting the aggravation of interaction. Facts do not matter to these people.

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Ditto. Same problem with highly educated, smart old friends.

Mass hypnosis.

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Same here, when they say, "See you tomorrow", I thank them for the warning.

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Yes, and NPR recently did a 30-45 minute hatchet job on RFK. Not only did they use all the same talking points as Manjoo, but did him one better by cutting frequently to his actual voice in recent interviews and podcasts. What struck me about these short “confirming” fragments was not only were they often taken out of context, but that each sounded garbled. This was their low blow way of pronouncing RFK’s candidacy as third-rate, and rather laughable, if not impossible. Even worse, it was a way of not so subtly underscoring RFK’s neurological speech problem which, for the most part, he handily overcomes, especially when he’s allowed to speak at his own pace--and in speeches.

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Jerard Capp: RFK Jr.'s "neurological speech problem," as you call it, is a result of a vaccine injury which he suffered in the 1990s. His doctors called it "idiopathic dystonia." "Idiopathic" simply means "we don't know what caused this," but that's a lie. His doctors knew perfectly well that a specific vaccine had caused this neurological injury. Before that, his voice had been strong, healthy, normal. Evidently, he rarely speaks publicly about this terrible vaccine injury these days, and consequently, relatively few people are aware of this.

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thanks for this info. I had heard something like that but this is how much more clear explanation.

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Yes, they're "all about" compassion, inclusion, etc. Unless and until they need to ignore such items in order to issue their disgusting, low blows to the gut, as they do with RFK.

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Stop interacting with them. It's a waste of your time and energy.

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You never lose, excluding when it leads you to inject experimental gene therapy. The NPR liberals that stopped their boosters early reflect glimmers of rationality buried deep inside.

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A recent peer reviewed study from the Cleveland Clinic found that the more shots a person got the more likely he or she was to get Covid. Researchers described the results as “unexpected.”

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ADE was so unexpected. If only some Qanon lunatics could have warned everyone-

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Same. EVERYONE who has any idea contrary to theirs is a Qanon whack job. Conveniently explains away all uncomfortable facts. Case closed.

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How did you do it....a few days....what did you talk about then?

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How does the LA Times get away with writing "Kennedy says he’s running for the Democratic nomination for president."

Says he's running? He's been an official candidate for the nomination for over two months.

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Am so grateful for your meticulous clarification and debunking of all this New York Slimes hogwash - thank you -!

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Always thrills me to see you in the comments of Mark or others we share!

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This the same horse hockey that Dr. Hotez implements. Basically, they're cowards and shills who are unable to prove Bobby wrong.

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Calling them presstitutes is an insult to whores.

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"W" lost in 2,000 and 2,004.

Vaccines cause autism and other chronic diseases:


As Jimmy Dore has observed, "You get censored for telling the truth, not for lying."

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Any person not worried for future generations is...well...they have given up their humanity. Autism is going through the roof. At this rate there will soon be no non-autistic children left.

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"At this rate. . . " and no capacity, therefore, to empathize with others. You're right.

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The notion that a political campaign, especially the interminable US presidential campaign, ought be about honest discussion from a variety of perspectives centering on critical issues which affect the population rather than a vaudeville show revolving around "who can win", is completely beyond these presstitutes.

They are also, of course, terrified that the internet has opened up this possibility dramatically thus they seek to control, censor, and deflect.

Kennedy is too much for them since he is the sole candidate in recent times who actually has a track record of accomplishment in a variety of fields rather than a shill who has contributed nothing to humanity that is, a "professional politician".

Consider as a contrast the "Lincoln Douglas" debates in 1858:

"Each debate lasted about three hours; one candidate spoke for 60 minutes, followed by a 90-minute response and a final 30-minute rejoinder by the first candidate. The candidates alternated speaking first. As the incumbent, Douglas spoke first in four of the debates. They were held outdoors, weather permitting, from about 2 to 5 p.m. There were fields full of listeners. "

(and was is long before the invention of microphones and electronic amplification)


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The fact that it’s in the NYT is reason enough to reject it as false/fake news. There is nothing but narrative in the NYT

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Legacy media groups are terrified because more people now get their news From social media , Hell even Bill Maher's interview with RFK has them shaking. Evening News is DEAD!

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Maher has moved the needle. A massive libtard friend of mine is actually considering RFK since the deity Maher has deemed him as acceptable. Otherwise, RFK would certainly be a raving quack.

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This is how they try and cut people off at the pass along the lines of "do NOT do your own research".

Here, just ad hom the living horse crap out of them, "he speaketh with a forked tongue!" So that nothing they say will be listened to.

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Excellent article. I have nothing to add but want to say I am reading your “The Bush Dyslexicon”. Twenty-five pages in, I have laughed (out loud!) several times and had my foundations shaken. I’m not a Republican but I always felt W was a better choice than Gore or Kerry. Thanks to your insights, I now see the utter disgrace that our presidential choices are most of the time. I am looking forward to voting for Bobby Kennedy.

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mockingbirds about to go the way of the dodo.

manjoo loses all possible cred by failing to recognize hotez as a genocidal monster who served up his own daughter to moloch

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I can’t stand these people, they sound like little children having temper tantrums and that’s an insult to the children!

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At least children are curious

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and often very funny.

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We need real leaders with real courage ... and RFK, Jr. qualifies.

Is America still the "land of the free" and "the home of the brave?" I want to see the evidence supporting these claims.


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