I thank God my 83 yr old mama refused to get the death shot! She's a stubborn Spaniard and I'm thankful!

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Same. My mom is 87, has Alzheimer’s and lives in memory care. I made the decision to NOT get her jabbed….took LOTS of grief. I’m soooo thankful now I didn’t cave. Most of the other residents (across several facilities she’s been in since 2019) got jabbed, boosted, along w their yearly shots. Many many many have died. Moms been vaxx free since 2016. No seasonal illnesses (including C19). Fingers crossed 🤞 and lots of 🙏.

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My tenant's mother also got the vaccination and she went into a comatose state and later died - most of the other residents in the nursing home, who were also given the Covid vaccines, also died shortly afterwards, what I took to be a real emptying of the nursing home - all over 65!!

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However, the Queen died of old age. Interesting that Chinless Charles (the spare tire) was in such a hurry to become King and grab the Crown, he did that before his mother, the Queen, was buried and in the ground.

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He IS automatically king at the moment of her death. Assumes the crown.

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Wow...just wow...I wish you all strenght you might need, to help you deal with pain of the loss of your tenant's mother, and as well to recouver of the shock of the emptying of the nursing home you had to witness too

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Her mum had a Pacemaker too, probably kept her alive for longer than if she did not have one!!

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💪🏼stay strong

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Sep 9, 2022
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thank you! I'm familiar with him (and drinking that water myself lately ;-). Question....just curious since you seem to be knowledgable...have you ever heard of MMS? It's supposed to also be a metal detox "miracle"....and very controversial. Just wondering. Thank you for weighing-in. Looking for any help for my mom since we're just managing the disease at this point (and the docs just want to load her up with TONS of psych drugs).

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There is a Telegram channel called the Universal Antidote Videos about MMS you can also check out Kerri Rivera's channel on Brighteon.com. Another interesting thing being talked about recently is Methylene blue and red light therapy. Mark Sloan has written a book about each and uses them together. Hope you find the right modality for your mother to detox and be in better health.

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I’ve used red light. Trying it in different ways. Methylene blue seems to perk me up. It’s been used for decades.

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Thanks so much for this information!

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Also perhaps check out the Bredesen protocol. There are books on Amazon about it for AD. It may be helpful.

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Sep 9, 2022Edited
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I will watch the video. Thanks again! Really appreciate it.

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And cold pressed coconut oil

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Same with my 94 year old physician dad!👍🏻

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Although Hungarian not Spanish

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Same with my 89 year old mama. She said “It’s up to God, not a shot.”

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¡Viva España!

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While I don't think either she or her husband were injected with the real deal, I also don't put it past the slimeballs in charge of all this to find ways to hasten the deaths of the royals to further their overall agenda. These creatures make the Mafia look like the organizers of a Sunday school picnic.

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Charles being in bed with the WEF for a loooong time. Dutch royals with the equally sordid Bilderbergers.

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Even if they weren't injected, I go back to the first thought that I ever had about covid: That China had devised a virus that would kill only the elderly in order to help solve demographic and economic problems, and had released this bioweapon against their own people. Clearly there is more to it than just this, but the eldercide potential of the engineered virus itself shouldn't be overlooked. The vaccine simply replicated, in certain respects, the virus, which turned out not to be as deadly as "they" had hoped.

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China did not ‘devise the virus’ as they can’t devise or invent anything…they were given the gain of function technology of bio weapons by the DOD, Fauci and his other 3 letter agency ‘friends’. People need to quit blaming the Chinese for the bio-terrorism weapon known as the fake virus COVID. It all started here in the Good Ole U S of A!

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The vaccine was developed prior to the release of the bioweapon “virus” and its all been quietly hiding in the shadows of the EMFs that were rolled out during the lockdown.

There is a very clear relationship between new technology involving EMFs and flu epidemics. It’s actually unmistakable - yet hiding in plain sight.

Putting the two together - virus/vax and ^EMFs confounds the evidence so it’s easier for them to carry this out. But I distinctly remember noticing that the only vehicles on the roads during the lockdowns were Verizon trucks and they were EVERYWHERE, quietly installing that crap all over my town.

Sadly, the hospital protocols combined with lockdowns were the nails in the coffins of so many of these unfortunate victims; they did not deserve to die such horrible deaths.

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Coinky dink 5G rollout same year as jab rollout?

My Baby Bell of AT&T ended all 2G service in my US state and required me to update my cell to 3G. When that was done they'd upgraded my cell without my permission to 4G in Q3 of CY 2021. I discovered at the time Russia still provided 1G service. Not falling for forced tech obsolescence, forced new cell phone sales, or human population as 5G signal medical experiment lab rats. Was it 2022 or 2021 when Russia announced it ran a "successful" test to see if it could disconnect, disable, or jam all connections to the internet across its borders?

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All very good points.

And I wouldn’t mind at least visiting Russia; they seem to be doing more to protect their citizens and are being ganged up on by the West.

If it’s good enough for Edward Snowden, it’s good enough for me.

Besides, what’s not to love about open spaces full of regular folk playing chess in the sunshine?

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It wasn't the virus it was the " solution " that was the kill switch. Oh and it needed to be taken every 5-6 months in perpetuity per all the puppets and puppeteers.

That way, it definitely gets you.

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The royals are the agenda

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We can't tell if the Royal's were injected with Saline Solution and not mRNA vaccines

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Biden either - Trump, no - he got a mix of things when he got Covid, but he did not have the mRNA vaccines, as you will recall.

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Sheesh...for those who are *still* commenting that we shouldn't ask questions because she was 96...

(1) Elizabeth 1 lived till 101, without the benefit of modern medicine. I expected Elizabeth 2 to live beyond that. (Well, prior to the Plandemic I believed that)

(2) The Royal Family are smart. They're into alternative medicine. Prior to the vax, they were taking Vitamin A &D, Zinc, Quercetin, and other EFFECTIVE prophylactic measures that the "disinformation dozen" were relentlessly chastised for promoting. Take note - both Elizabeth & Phillip did NOT get Covid. Until that vax, that is.

(3) The Royals have done regular intravenous ozone treatments. Look this up if you're not aware. Ozone promotes cellular health, is effective at slowing or stopping the spread of cancer, can reverse kidney failure, tons of health benefits. It was found to be extremely effective (nearly 100%) at treating Ebola in Sierra Leone (Fauci, et al still claim Ebola is untreatable). So it was tested against Covid (yes, peer reviewed), and sure enough, once again nearly 100% effective at preventing hospitalization and death. No wonder the FDA is trying to outlaw it in the US.

(4) At 99, my grandfather was doing roof repairs on his own home. By himself. Carrying the shingles up a ladder.

(5) Yes I believe the Queen & Phillip set aside their better judgment & got snookered into taking the jab. At the time I predicted one or both would have symptoms of clots & other cardio issues. Sure enough, only weeks later Phillip went into the hospital.

Bottom line: If they let this happen to the Queen, how much do they really care about YOU? "Well, it's just your time to go, so we shouldn't ask any questions or do anything heroic." At 96, 86, 76... Pretty soon, we will not be allowed to ask questions about deaths at 66 or even 56. Oh, just old age. This is a slippery slope.

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Thanks for this.

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lol FDA objects to ozone (not FCC). at the moment, in addition to reading your insights about the queen, i'm also reviewing notes from a hearing yesterday with my county commission, trying to stop a new 5G tower. so i've poured through my share of FCC documents.

but speaking of the FCC. . .not sure if you're aware, dr miller (and others), but the 1996 telecommunications act prohibits local zoning from considering health effects when ruling on cell phone towers. then, in my state, a 2007 law prohibits local zoning from considering negative impacts to the environment, agriculture, or wildlife. this is as rigged as the 1986 childhood vaccine injury act.

i'm doing this with my family doctor. we had a meeting with the commissioner, who is interested in voting against it, but has no legal justification. the commissioner is quite a libertarian, and feels he must cite a compelling state interest to override the landowner's personal property rights. however, those compelling reasons (health & safety) are not legal justifications.

my doctor, by the way, a rare & righteous healthcare provider, believes 50% of his patients are vaccine injured. and he made this statement prior to covid! when covid hit, he led an aggressive team of doctors and scientists to successfully petition the county commissioners NOT to lock down the county.

alas, looks like we're going to lose on the 5G. one bright spot, though, i caught the applicant's lawyer in not one but TWO lies, and called him out in the public hearing. it was wonderful, he just stared at the floor and shuffled his feet, refused to make eye contact. he did not provide a response when given the opportunity. such an awkward silence, eventually broken by audience laughter and applause. i wanted there to be no question about this guy's role as a legal prostitute, and i believe i accomplished that. i think he's also concerned about a bar association complaint, which i'm considering. next step, though, is challenge the state law. so much work do to, a thousand different ways their crappy products can kill us, and a thousand different ways they subvert democracy.

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Should you tire of voting and legal system, you might want to look into this turn around of the legal system: https://www.inpowermovement.org/about Many persons in high places have stepped down as they personally become accountable and towers have been moved, taken down or not installed.

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Excellent Link of Inpower movement above I am going to present this.

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what is this? i don't get it.

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Read and listen. It took me about 60 seconds to get it.

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Keep fighting the good fight, Marcion.

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Did you forget their daily colloidal silver ?

With their ( real ) silverware.

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She died of a stroke. Leaked from a treating medic.

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Clot shot. If she got it. She seemed far too smart and savy. She is in the Billionaires Club. If the British Deep State handlers wanted her dead there were a number of easy ways to change out her meds/vitamins etc.

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When was the Queen diagnosed with Cancer. Just wondering if her cancer was rapid due to her having received the shot. (turbo cancer?)

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The elderly elite with their wealth would have all the best medical apps in the world. They will live longer than us normies till their bodies say I had enough or exterminated by their own tribe.. just look at all the walking deads, Soros, Kerry, Pelosi, etc.

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They were doing pretty well with homeopathy.

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My 1st thought was, they killed her. She stood in the way of the advancement of the agenda. 2 days before she was fit enough to go through the ceremonial appointment of the new government and prime minister, then she was shuttled off to Scottland only to die there quietly? Something smells. I just don't know what.

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I thought that was strange, too, that just 2 days earlier she was well enough to go through the ceremonial appointment. In addition, interesting timing that the new "autumn booster" campaign just commenced this week in the UK, using Pfizer (8 mice) and Moderna (10 mice) bivalent boosters previously untested in humans....

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Truss went to Balmoral to be appointed or whatever it’s called. Queen not well enough to travel. Might be only PM ever appointed or whatever there. Not sure. I was thinking exactly along the same lines as Mark about this.

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96 years old, husband died last year. At some point you gotta go, injected or not.

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Maybe you could read the post before commenting on it.

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I read it. I think it is a stretch to argue the cause of death in anyone of such a venerable age, unless there's blood on the ground

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How much blood does there have to be before some people wise up?

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Yes, it certainly seems that way.

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People die for a reason, not for no reason .

Hacksxxxxine ain't no natural causes as you suggest.

Big Harma killed the planet

Now Womanity and earth are dead.

No cause listed

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Autopsies people, to determine and check the composition of the clot and the dislodged location. Etc.

This is simple stuff and that is why we have Medical Examiners Departments and specialists. Unless someone(s) don't want to know.

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Sep 9, 2022
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Yes, that’s a very common outcome. It also appeared that she never fully recovered from Covid (or the jabs?) and she’s well into the demographic that it affects most. Failure to thrive comes to mind. Her beloved husband is gone, her family is a mess, why endure it any longer. The fact that she stayed in her position for so long and denied Chuck the promotion tells me she didn’t want him to tarnish the monarchy in her lifetime. Which will now proceed at breakneck speed. It will be a time of painful transition for the UK. I wish them well.

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It’s possible that the timing is exactly just perfect, all is going according to plan.

King Charles alluded to “someone” (who is to lead the world), needing TRILLIONS - with a T, to carry out the PLAN.

It would appear that the Monarchy is collapsing; have they served their purpose and are no longer needed or is it time for them to dissolve or morph into a different form so that a “new world order” might emerge?

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Yes. Just saw this in my husband's family in 2020...

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And perhaps by the same cause.

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I did. I agree with all your points but think that the death of a nonagenarian is a poor example.

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You may have read it, but you evidently didn't get it.

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Of course

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He got paid for the comment, not the read.

He must have a long death ahead of him....

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Indeed I did.

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It’s true she was old but old people can be poisoned just the same

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Exactly. And no one dies of "old age", which is just a statement of how long they've lived, not a diagnosis or cause of death. No matter what their age, people die of some illness, disease, condition, or trauma: e.g., pneumonia, cancer, heart attack or car crash. It's interesting that the cause of death is so seldom mentioned these days, whereas in the past it was usually an expected part of any obituary notice.

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Reading old family obituaries they even described their last day and the grieving relatives. Very detailed. It gave me a sense of human connection. There but some time in the future go I.

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I have never seen so many "the family requests privacy at this time", it is not unheard of, but since the 19 it seems every family requests privacy. Death is usually when people come together. The complaint I have always heard is that once the funeral is over people tend to go back to their lives and the grieving are lonely, that is when they need the casseroles and a cup of tea/coffee.

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Very true. The cause of death was usually in the first paragraph. Somehow it is now deemed irrelevant. No wonder no one reads newspapers anymore. People are interested to know the cause of death not read a PR version.

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And it if was unexpected, that was a signal for suicide. I realize drugs and suicide are on the upswing, but not all these people are dying from suicide and fentanyl.

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As I said any medical intervention can be dangerous and useless to one as old as that. Two examples in my family. Before Covid. I’m not buying it.

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Iatrogenic injury should be explored, exposed, and learned from, whatever the agent… whether Covid jab or something else. See A Midwestern Doctor’s brilliant 5-part Substack series on iatrogenic injury and why doctors gaslight their patients. Unless of course you would like to suffer an iatrogenic injury yourself.

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Are suggesting that the Covid quackcines are actually medical intervention?

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Sep 9, 2022
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Me too. However I broke my femur last week and I had a wonderful surgeon. If I can just stop the other circling docs from insisting on more BP meds and such. I can’t run away as fast at the moment. 😱

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You have the right to decide what drugs you take! Who cares if a doctor wants you to take blood pressure meds, or any other kind of drugs?

After I was seriously sickened and injured by the Pfizer poison injections, I was incandescent with rage at the entire contemporary conventional western medical system. This was the third time (I think it was actually the fourth, the first very likely having been early childhood vaccination) I'd been seriously injured by western medicine.

I decided to wean myself off the three pharmaceutical drugs I'd been taking for years. I didn't ask anyone's permission nor advice about doing so. I simply made the decision to do so. I carefully titrated down the doses I was taking by one half, over and over, for a period of two or three months, until the amount I was taking was so minuscule there was no way to titrate them down any further. The entire process was easy and painless. I didn't feel any withdrawal symptoms whatsoever. I refuse to partake of western medicine in any way at this point. I hate the entire paradigm with a burning passion.

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I have a functional medicine doc. This new doc was because of trauma and hip replacement. I’ll work it out with the functional doc. I do have essential hypertension though. It needs some control. I have tried lifestyle and diet changes for years. Doesn’t seem to work for this. I don’t plan to follow everything this trauma doc says or get hooked into the big medical system the surgery is tied into. I just got out of it last year. Getting up and walking as I used to is my main goal. Once that happens, bye bye. Sorry you have been rung through the ringer.

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And rightfully so! The industry is based on income, and always has been, except until recently, where its illicit motive has been hijacked and coupled with the propaganda MSM machinery, to do the NWO's bidding. What a plot it has been! And very "SAFE" to say, "Effective!"

My consolation in the matter, being a Bible believing Christian, is that those wicked designers of death, will meet their Maker when He returns, and they will then be punished severely, until their complete demise by the flames of our Lord; the "brightness of his coming" that is if they still are roaming the earth, pumping air at the time. If not, their "day" will come assuredly when at the SECOND resurrection, they will be "raised from the grave; from the dead, to then face the punishment

and proclamation of their final destruction for ever. Simply GONE!

My elder brother was taking Clonopin, and some other drug to "combat depression." He was amazed as was I, when he discovered, by investigation, that these or one or the other's stated side-effects WAS "depression!" How's that for insanity? He weaned himself pronto off the drugs, and has been doing so much better now, thank God! Just like you have done. Good going. Stay strong and healthy!



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Sep 9, 2022Edited
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"Circling docs!"

Janet, you are ruthless! But accurate just the same! Thanks for the mind picture.


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Sep 9, 2022
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There's always the trauma danger, but give them their due, they are pretty good at that. Stay safe.

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True, but her mother, the Queen Mother, lived to age 101, so I thought Queen Elizabeth had a good chance of making it to 100

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I watched some video footage of the queen riding a horse with her youngest granddaughter (a teenager) riding beside her just before Covid. The Queen looked healthy & fit for her age. After her reported vaccination she visually seemed to decline. I was reading some of the British news yesterday and they mentioned the Queen was experiencing mobility issues that included difficulty standing up and extreme fatigue in the last several months. The mobility issues seem really out of character for the Queen who was known to walk and ride her horses regularly. Because of her mobility and engaged work ethic I had always thought she would live as long as her mother did. I can totally believe that the vaccine shortened her already long life although it will never be proven.

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Yes--you can see her decline visually from last year to this year in the pics of her wearing the yellow dress in this article: https://nypost.com/2022/09/06/queens-blue-hand-sparks-health-concerns-at-liz-truss-meeting/

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Exactly. She was The Queen w/the best foods, cleanest environments, plenty of exercise and endless help w/whatever she needed or wanted. And most definitely had a strong mind and will. She was surrounded w/caretakers that loved her and she loved them. The dear queen did take some big hits over the last couple years the family scandals and loss of her husband, all very stressful, but still in all I can't help but believe they gave her the vaxx and it speeded up her demise.

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I believe it too.

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Let’s just let her go in peace. Any medical intervention these days can contribute to death. Let’s face it.

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Those of us who've been immersed in this Covid travesty since spring of 2020 are mentally and emotionally exhausted; systems collapsed which we'd (naively...) failed to anticipated would; the scurrilous, captured agencies -- of course -- we knew, viscerally, were not our allies. At the moment the evil escalated to the unthinkable sacrifice of children and babies, anyone who still had the whiff of an apologist engendered righteous wrath. I watched my mom, age ninety-eight, and my husband, age ninety, succumb (before Covid) to understandable natural causes. (I should add here that neither were ever vaccinated, their entire lives, except that one inoculation mandated during the smallpox campaign which affected New York City residents early in the twentieth century.) They were both raised within a common paradigm, which now might be labeled "naturopathic," but -- then -- was simply a non-pharma childhood. Both of them endured privation during the depression, of course, but simple fare and common sense kept them alive. My mom put herself through college, and raised me well; she had been widowed at only thirty-five; as she aged, she remained in her own home, insisting on independence, until one week before her death. My husband (whom I married in my midlife; we had many fine years together) had become a manager at a large corporation, and was happily enjoying his retirement -- golfing, reading, riding an adult trike; -- until the morning in which a sudden stroke brought on aphasia, and subsequent sadness -- to put it mildly. his last three months were tremendously difficult; he died in hospice. However, he never failed to mention -- in his few, lucid moments -- how much he'd loved and appreciated the life he'd led. This lengthy response is all meant to culminate in my one overweening belief: my deep, daily gratitude that neither my mom, nor my husband, had to live through this twisted, tormented period in history which would have absolutely destroyed them emotionally -- no doubt in my mind.

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Powerful... Thanks for sharing your story. It's in the sharing that we can bond at a spiritual level and not feel so isolated in our grief over loss and the world that is collapsing... I still have faith that it will resolve as the locusts eat themselves. It will take time but if we can keep our strength and love in tact - we've got this.

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Sep 9, 2022
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Well, like one of my treasured heroes (MCM), I (and you...) exist now as those who've "been judged and found wanting," as the saying goes! My longtime friends from college (whom I met many years ago, while an English major at SUNY Binghamton) are now retired from lifelong medical careers, so my having been "cast out" hardly came as a surprise. Its consequences to me have had a much, much lesser impact than have Mark's and yours, given that I'm seventy-three and (right now) between jobs (longtime commercial driver -- NYC and Boston -- and academic tutor -- two vocations which, as a duo, clearly dovetail -- amirite? Haha) When I finally completed all my East Coast obligations, I decided to buy a used motorhome as my new residence; drove cross-country to settle near my children and grands; the only move which made sense to me. Thank you, so much, for your very kind words; I'm honored to read them, Mads. It should be of at least some comfort to us that our ranks are sure to increase, as the light finds the truth; thank heavens for Substack and other sources; or...or...the mind boggles, for sure.

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This is incredibly moving, thanks to you both.

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Sep 10, 2022
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Stay as strong as you can; know that "dis here" grandma believes we have lives which teach us that we must remain true to ourselves, above all else, and try to help others as much as we possibly can. I believe you will find a new path; always remember to "mine the gold, " i.e., the visceral satisfaction of having weathered the most difficult of storms; Covid dystopia has tested each of us beyond what we ever could have foreseen. Sending long-distance, heartfelt support, Mads...

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Iatrogenic injury should be explored, exposed, and learned from, whatever the agent… whether Covid jab or something else. See A Midwestern Doctor’s brilliant 5-part Substack series on iatrogenic injury and why doctors gaslight their patients. Unless of course you would like to suffer an iatrogenic injury yourself.

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Janet is batting hard for Big Pharma.

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The coincidence of her death this particular week is reasonable to question, in my mind.

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I don't understand why any death isn't reasonable to question when the media refuses to add a cause of death to anyone's obituary anymore. I would question why they don't, regardless of the actual cause of death. It's to normalize it. We should demand they stop doing this, regardless, because it's a dangerous precedent, even apart from the vaccines.

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I think we should demand the vaxx status of people, they sure don't mind demanding it for those that are not vaxxinated.

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Rollout of the new bivalent booster that's not been tested in humans? If so, that's what I wondered, as well...

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this week a new prime minister took office;

this week, the energy crisis in Europe has reached a new high, desperate Germans searching for firewood and being told no one will declare bankruptcy though they can't run their businesses because of exorbitant energy prices https://niccolo.substack.com/p/a-comedy-of-errors?utm_source=email

this week when Russia is burning into the sky 10 million dollars' worth of natural gas instead of sending it to Europe;

this week when an insane deal with Iran is more certain to be agreed upon https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/18855/arabs-iran-deal-warn

this week when at the same time the US, Canada, EU, and the UK approved a new gene therapy injectable poison shot {yet untested in humans} only tested in 8 mice that got sick and then were destroyed https://merylnass.substack.com/p/the-high-speed-bivalent-covid-boosters?utm_source=email https://endmedicaltyranny.substack.com/p/israel-lied-people-died-the-untold?utm_source=email#details

this week Steve Kirsch posted his most important article out of over 700 about security problems leaked that the Israeli government is hiding https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/exclusive-proof-that-the-top-israeli

this week deaths are increasing and getting harder to hide https://metatron.substack.com/p/deaths-of-young-and-middle-aged-american?utm_source=email

etc., etc.

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Thank you for speaking out for the elderly. The untimely death of the young is harder to cover up, and so receives most of the attention. In reading your weekly “died suddenly” updates, I see that the harm of the vaccine is no respecter of age. It frustrates me when I see the vaccine opposed in general, but still recommended above a certain age group. Surely it is harmful to all groups. A society is judged by how it treats its most vulnerable: the old and the young. The world is failing miserably.

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Yeah, I never understood that thought process, it doesn't work, but if you are elderly and at high risk get a shot that doesn't work?

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I greatly appreciate what you are doing MCM. You are assembling what we know, or are told, and synthesizing it as part of the bigger picture. The Queen reportedly took very good care of her health and her mother’s living to 101 you noted. Taking their claims of being vaxxed at face value, two more cases of ill health/death following the shots. We can continue to ignore these correlations if we choose.

Someone I know very well, 92 2/3, got the booster and went way downhill mentally and physically almost immediately. Yes he’s “old”; I refer back to MCMs dialogue on that.

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Same is happening to my 83 year old mother... It feels like she is artificially disconnecting from her soul. As if fighting an unseen internal battle that creates confusion and depression so dark that she has no will to do anything creative or "normal". The simplest things are of no interest to her. Basically, a zombie...

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I am also of the belief that it makes no logical sense that the royals would inject themselves with a potion they know full well is meant to destroy health. Homeopathy and the best of everything is what keeps them going. I am certain they do not rely on allopathic medicine to stay fit and healthy. As it has been mentioned here in the comments... iatrogenic death should be examined and finally addressed. When covID came I began calling these deaths iatrogenocide. Truly, that what it is now.

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In principle I agree, public figures should know better. But then you look at Celine Dion, lots of athletes, and others who should have been in the know who took the real jabs...

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Right, and I've thought about that... It seems to me celebrities are not of the same caste as the "families" and are quite dispensable. They are the minions that are used to sway the rest of us and they represent tens of thousands or a dime a dozen. They care not if these people are harmed. If they die of the jab it will never be known and the PR will be twisted to reach a large audience of people ripe for a new mind f*ck - "they died of covid complications" or "died suddenly". Oh, it's so sad... go get your booster/shot/pills. Be safe. Just my thoughts on that angle...

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I have lost five old friends family this year: 106, 105, 96, 94, 95. They were old, yes, but why did they all suddenly die this year. These were the oldest people I knew—all dead.

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Thank you for saying what I had been wondering anymore any time anyone dies..

I think these folks are getting real injection based on results of getting Flubah...

Big Harma hacksxxxine Harmacide continues....

It now is self replicating

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I wonder if she was really jabbed, but with all the jabbed dying sooner than they should have, it makes me wonder. I'm 70 and in great health, I'm not jabbed, never masked and didn't go along with any of the insane lockdowns. I know the satanic monsters were killing people off early on and I did research on the jabs which were already made before Trump called for "warp speed" and they were experimental. If the queen was jabbed and her husband, I believe they both died before their time. Yes they were old but that doesn't matter, if they had years left to live, they should have been allowed to do that. God put us on this earth, only He can take us from it.

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With all due respect, I don't beLIEve she received any poisonous injections. This is a ruse and merely theatre....in my opinion.😎

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It may be "theatre," imbued with the traditions befitting something stretching back to the Middle Ages, but what Crispin wrote makes full sense to me. There are forces much larger than even Royalty. If you're a fan of David Icke, you call it the Hidden Hand, the Sabbatian Frankist cult, or similar. If you're Bill Gates you just call it business as usual. We'll never know whether the injections really did play a part here. But that same logic applies to the tens of thousands of elderly patients culled already in the Great Democide.

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Right....and Prince Charles....can't ever call him King :-( way too much for me to wrap my head around, would never admit that the Queen died of the JAB.

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Sep 9, 2022
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He's been?

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I agree...well stated

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One thing the Globalists and JOEBAMA and their Communist Regime is good at is THEATRE...TOO

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Sep 9, 2022
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Right....Unfortunately, you can't live forever. I know what you mean about your Father. My Uncle took my Aunt to the Doctors and he said that she wouldn't live long. She worried about that forever. It never went out of her head. She passed away years after that, but it still wasn't good for her mind.

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I recently read an excellent little book by Dr. Vernon Coleman, ANYONE WHO TELLS YOU VACCINES ARE SAFE AND EFFECTIVE IS LYING.

One of the many intriguing observations in the book was an allusion to three sizable communities that suffered zero autism: a pediatric practice, the Amish, and a group of home schooled children. A search on my computer led me to this.


Am currently reading the Israeli book on vaccines, TURTLES ALL THE WAY DOWN, and have learned, among other things, that vaccines are not tested against true placebos in RCTs; they're tested against other vaccines! (pp.42 ff)

The authors conclude,

"Vaccine trials in general, and childhood vaccine trials specifically, are purposely designed to obscure the true incidence of of adverse effects of the vaccine being tested." (p 52)

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Yes!! I've been reading all I can about vaccines for nearly fifty years; the "pickins" were few, but stellar, way back when, before the internet, etc.: Ivan Illich ("Medical Nemesis", 1975); Dr. Robert Mendelsohn's always-excellent books; Vera Scheibner ("Vaccines: 100 Years of Orthodox Research"); the early (often excellent) Phil Donahue show (before the late-'80s commercial pressure diminished its quality) actually devoted an hour to the small, fledgling "Dissatisfied Parents Together," which grew into the phenom which is NVIC! The show was a respectful forum for their testimonies, which -- as you surely know -- is a moment we'll never live to see repeated on mainstream media. P.S. I've downsized to full-time, RV living, to be near family; I still am addicted to "real" books, but (of course) have limited space. So...they must resonate with me, and teach me something! "Turtles All the Way Down" arrived a few weeks ago, into my eager hands! Best of luck to you on what -- quite likely -- will be the most life-changing journey upon which ever embark.

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Thanks, very consciousness raising and informative. Being interested in health and longevity, from a scientific perspective it bothers me when someone very old has their life ended, like by a accident, or spikeshot, because then we miss the opportunity to see how long they might have lived. "Iatorogenicide" (Toby Rogers' apt term) or eldercide is a very clever sneaky way to get away with something that people won't question, even some of your readers.The financial conflicts of interest are undeniable, but deniable. Like in comedy, timing is everything. Though this sin't funny.

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You needn't have even written this as we ALL suspected the very same! Everyone knew Charles was anxiously awaiting his mum to pop her clogs long ago and probaly shocked/angered she didn't pass sooner once she got injected! Don't forget at 96 she was STILL riding her horse - therefore solidifying she would've certainly lived a longer life - this was most definitely intentional and Charles is responsible for her premature death! We all know he's also in bed with Klaus and this is HUGE for England given the financial situation - since Andrew has already lost everything perhaps he'll come forward and spill the beans - it would certainly redeem him!

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And don't forget NJ which had the largest - per capita - death rate among veterans and those in nursing homes. Fuhrer Phil, copied - word for word - the declaration of NY Governor Cuomo which pushed COVID patients released from hospitals into nursing homes. Of course NJ is bankrupt, mostly due to the promised and contractually obligated post-retirement pensions and health care which total somewhere near $200 Billion (according to the CAFR dated 06/30/20.)

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Sep 9, 2022
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Did they re-elect him?

Hmmm. I recall seeing an election posting at around midnight in Bergen County which showed his opponent ahead by about 5% on election day. Next thing you know, The Fuhrer took Bergen and that was the election.

He was hand-picked years ago to handle just what came down in March 2020 (that and also removing religious exemptions to vaccines for kids - something which brought out the Mama Bears in the tens of thousands in Dec 2019 and Jan 2020. )

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