Meanwhile, in the UK: Doc Society co-founder Jess Search steps down after brain tumor diagnosis, and TV presenter Fiona Phillips, 62, reveals she has Alzheimer's
RE 'do not be afraid to ask your doctor what you might think is a stupid question'...such as....Doc, are you a genocidal murderer? ....Doc, do you know anyone who has died from the jabs?.....Doc, how much did you make when you jabbed me with mRNA? many 'stupid' questions to ask!!
My hubby told his cardiologist how much one of the procedures cost and the doc was truly shocked. Most are 10 to 20 years behind on big shifts in science like the fat and dietary saturated fat & cholesterol gives ❤️ disease con. Of course you shouldn’t eat the nasty seed oils as your fat.
I expect that the "revolutionary treatment" she is receiving will likely kill her sooner. It is just like so much of the 'pharmakia' out there, which has but one purpose, to enrich the manufacturer regardless of the uselessness of it, or the cost/loss in quality-of-life.
Having read "The Real Anthony Faucci", "Dissolving Illusion" Suzanne Humphries, and dozens of other medical-insider exposés, there is no longer any trust that any of the crap peddled by these mass murderers is in any way safe.
Anyone who doesn't seek a second...and third...and fourth opinion when "diagnosed" with Alzheimers is risking serious iatrogenic effects. Quite aside from the basic stupidity and arrogance of doctors and corruption of the system in general, there are many possible causes for symptoms that could be Alzheimers and great difficulty in diagnosing it, and then the toxicity (and uselessness) of drugs that will be prescribed. I would refuse to accept such a diagnosis (certainly at the point she apparently has). If I ever suffer anxiety and brain fog, I'll do what I do with most perturbations in my life: Get through it in the expectation it will either pass or I'll learn to live with it. And stay as far away from the medical mill as I possibly can. It's worked well for my 80 healthy, active and medication-free years so far.
There are so many supplements to arrest it for a while too, but not to stop it and just slow it down. Niacinamide is one and you can read about it on
*If* she even really has Alzheimer’s. Anxiety and brain fog? Who doesn’t experience that occasionally? The drugs they put her on will make it a self-fulfilling prophesy, as I think was likely the case with my husband’s brother.
My neighbor is a farmer, has amazing eggs. Even 'organic' store bought eggs are crap. The shells are thin, the color anemic. My neighbors eggs are hard shelled, the deep orange yolks standup well above the white.
Plus I never have to worry about the shells chipping apart and ending up in whatever I am making.
I'm far enough through Turtles All the Way Down that I gave a copy to my daughter (who has four kids), and she (a nurse) and her husband are backing away from most vaccinations for their kids/our grandkids. I won't be satisfied until they stop ALL vaccines on my precious grandkids! All the shots are dangerous and worthless!
(She does admit that they gave their firstborn too many too soon; he was 5 weeks premature, and I think those b@$t@rd doctors gave him the initial vaccines as though he were full term! If I could get my hands on those quacks...I'd probably be in prison!)
One more thing, don't forget about finding a Dale Bredesen doctor to help you. He wrote a great book I think called The End of Alzheimer's. Look for it on Amazon or or maybe in the library.
Right? I may not be a forensic expert, but that trial was nothing but an inside look at a corrupt system that trips over it's own disreputable reputation on the way to a verdict.
The tetanus shot is a major concern for me ... it is passed off routinely as a normal wound treatment but it is not a good vaccine. It is rumored that it was once proposed as a method to reduce population in African communities. My hackles are up. On top of that, the tetanus shot is actually a triple combo with pertussis and diphtheria tossed in. What are those??? These are not problematic diseases in common experience... why would I be vaxxed for them?! No thanks! To top it off, tetanus infections are rare and mostly non complicated events. We have been terrorized with tales of lockjaw but it turns out that is an extraordinarily rare outcome of infection. I do t know how many of those things I’ve had over the years but I will have no more.
Good grief, again! ~~~Imagine world wide doctors and health industry making sure you, somewhere breathing air, oh privileged ethnic group. somewhere around the world, should not get pregnant….what is the best descriptive word for that!?
Actually, it was not preventing pregnancy at all, but altered the hormones required in placenta to support the growing fetus. The women endured multiple miscarriages. I watched a video and one woman endured 3, different lengths, from 8 weeks to about 22. The jab campaign was girls from 14 to about 40, no males who would be most likely to have dirty wounds and not just one jab, but several. The heartache these women went through must be terrible.
I appreciate your take however I question the entire vaccine platform … I suspect it was founded in and embraced by desperation … it is all too common for our species to race to ill conclusions and stubbornly cling to them. We are loathe to abandon bad ideas
Tetanus is a horrible disease though (when you get the full-blown infection) but it occurs mainly in African countries in hot and wet climates, IMO only worth considering the tetanus shot if you plan on travelling there .. Pertussis (whooping cough) is caused by a bacteria like tetanus and rarely fatal.
I travel frequently to regions with high incidence of tetanus … all day long I will take my chances with that disease rather than with the mentally deranged pharma industry
Tetanus is another scam. look into it… there is a mercury free tetanus version of the vaccine but you have to ask for it. And don’t allow the MDs to give u a dtap vaccine to get tetanus …EVER!
Likely mercury. Many years ago, my mother got a tetanus vaccine for cutting herself while cooking… and had a very sick winter. It just sacked her entire immune system.
Professor Miller, Thank you for documenting these ongoing atrocities. Did I read in a Peter Halligan sub stack today that medical journals are trying to scrub past articles supporting lockdown and vaccination? Whatever the case, I know the powers that shouldn't be wish to erase any bad memories we might have of what we went through. I hope your litigation against your university is going well. I am so glad I didn't go into academia.
Peter Halligan also does weekly statistical updates to AEs/deaths from mRNA shots that would be a useful complement to your weekly posts, maybe linked in somewhere. You can see the trends more clearly. It would also highlight the work of another smaller substacker working hard to achieve same goals as you and who often crossposts your articles.
Like 300,000 oops, I mean 574,000 people around the world…..
Buddies teen daughter needed an emergency brain surgery after the miracle jab. Imagine how much worse that brain surgery would have been without the jab…..
So so sorry…..understand what you’re saying, the sarcasm and irony the only way to handle it. Miss the old late night shows when we could say out loud the maddening human abuses we all could understand
Im sickened by the continual propaganda that continues to be infested by these covidiots. Meabwhile my moms dead 20 months after 2 Moderna shots given to her by my sister against my loudly stated objections, my fathers collapsing after 2 phizer shots and covered up my motgers heart surgery and kidney failure, my daughter was pressured to keep it all secret under duress. Ive lost most of my family.
Yet, none of these "rare" incidents can possibly be due to the gene modifying injections they took... and to suggest they are, is to be "anti-vaxx". Hunh. Logic really has taken a beating these past 3.5 years. Can it recover?
Thanks. I also tried to get my sister to go on a keto program for her cancer but she would never try and used those horrible shakes the cancer clinic recommended and gave coupons for. Her cancer lit up like a Xmas tree on the pet scans. Sugar was the worst thing for her type. Of course she passed away—2 weeks after her first jab.
"Norman Cousins, an American journalist, professor and world peace advocate, published about his ability to heal himself with laughter in the New England Journal of Medicine in the 1970s. Dr. Lee S. Berk and Dr. Stanley Tan started researching the health benefits of laughter starting in the 1980s."
I’m fascinated? Well not so much…. Umm….How many peepul always keep up with movie star stories, divorces, how much they paid $$$ for new mansions? And yet they can’t handle a real scientific truth; look it up, accept some heavy stories? do they check out a car, ooops, maybe, but not the EV, on no! Just to impress! ~~~ a friend of mine doesn’t want to read that stuff, “because we can’t know what’s true”….. Where or where, have we lost our balance? How do we choose conscience now, because we do know where we stand?! ~~~I don’t discuss that I’ve never had Vac, but sure am glad I am still alive, and not had a cold in 15 years…. Don’t want to see the doctor either…. What a mess ~~~Years ago I had a tshirt with a picture of one fish swimming the other direction against all the others….. painful! amen and amen
As they say, the good thing about being a "conspiracy theorist" is that you don't have myocarditis. (or clots that aren't blood or any other numerous health anomalies, conditions, ailments, or diseases.)
Same as with you, my entire household hasn't even had the flu ever in nearly 200 combined man-years of life since we had our first.
I didn't trust doctors before this entire charade, how much less now. My family is under instructions that if somethine serious were to happen to me, to simply put me in my own bed and let me ride it out. I won't ever voluntarily set foot into a hospital ever again.
Stay Strong! I suspect that our wills will be far more severely tested sometime in the next 12 months.
Call me names, all you wish! Happy to be alive. Still Dr Tenpenny predicts much worse ahead ~~~~I live on a block of 25 properties or so, and most of them probably voted for JB. Many around, from Canada, and of course, really brain fogged….one neighbor last year, preparing for hip surgery in two weeks, urged me to move back farther on her deck when she heard I was non vacced because of course I would be danger to her procedure. Paid big Canadian bucks to have it done here, because well, Doncha know that over 100 of their doctors have Died Suddenly? Pathetique!
Yes, indeed, can only hope that the public’s fighting spirit will finally be standing upright, on the sidewalk by then.
Censoring one and all, keeping everyone’s eyes and ears covered, like a 4 year old. ~~~Wow, Zoom certainly did the preparation work didn’t it? What bullying and what a scam, and those lazy teachers….oh no! ooooooh, not healthy for me to go to school! I can teach from my own living room! I need to stay inside for the next two years, can’t lose my retirement at this age. Haha Unbeeeeleeeevable!
There is no job important enough to risk your life on an experimental clot shot that is just as, or more dangerous than the disease it's supposedly designed to prevent.
RE 'do not be afraid to ask your doctor what you might think is a stupid question'...such as....Doc, are you a genocidal murderer? ....Doc, do you know anyone who has died from the jabs?.....Doc, how much did you make when you jabbed me with mRNA? many 'stupid' questions to ask!!
Real question asked of real doctor.
What cycles of amplification do they run the PCR tests on here in South Africa?
Response - really blank stare. Had no clue what was being asked.
It’s so much fun being 1000 times more informed than the “experts” ain’t it?
That was my first personal confirmation of how out of touch the med doctors were regarding this fatal farce. July 2021.
It got to the point where the awake members of my family were calling me for advice.
My hubby told his cardiologist how much one of the procedures cost and the doc was truly shocked. Most are 10 to 20 years behind on big shifts in science like the fat and dietary saturated fat & cholesterol gives ❤️ disease con. Of course you shouldn’t eat the nasty seed oils as your fat.
My favorite thing I’ve ever said to an MD “I don’t care if you ARE a doctor. You don’t know what you’re talking about”!
The bright side is that millions will never go near any of these quacks ever again.
I expect that the "revolutionary treatment" she is receiving will likely kill her sooner. It is just like so much of the 'pharmakia' out there, which has but one purpose, to enrich the manufacturer regardless of the uselessness of it, or the cost/loss in quality-of-life.
Having read "The Real Anthony Faucci", "Dissolving Illusion" Suzanne Humphries, and dozens of other medical-insider exposés, there is no longer any trust that any of the crap peddled by these mass murderers is in any way safe.
Anyone who doesn't seek a second...and third...and fourth opinion when "diagnosed" with Alzheimers is risking serious iatrogenic effects. Quite aside from the basic stupidity and arrogance of doctors and corruption of the system in general, there are many possible causes for symptoms that could be Alzheimers and great difficulty in diagnosing it, and then the toxicity (and uselessness) of drugs that will be prescribed. I would refuse to accept such a diagnosis (certainly at the point she apparently has). If I ever suffer anxiety and brain fog, I'll do what I do with most perturbations in my life: Get through it in the expectation it will either pass or I'll learn to live with it. And stay as far away from the medical mill as I possibly can. It's worked well for my 80 healthy, active and medication-free years so far.
At 80 and healthy I'm impressed.
I'm the same at 67.
You tell me I'm om the right track.
My two Dr friends who are much more educated than I are both my age as we grew up together except they are JABBED and sick.
Not sure what it is as they haven't spoken to me in 2 years since I told them I don't do "VACCINES ."
Never have.
I'm an idiot blue collar guy they said.
There are so many supplements to arrest it for a while too, but not to stop it and just slow it down. Niacinamide is one and you can read about it on
*If* she even really has Alzheimer’s. Anxiety and brain fog? Who doesn’t experience that occasionally? The drugs they put her on will make it a self-fulfilling prophesy, as I think was likely the case with my husband’s brother.
I'd start eating lots of fat, beef, steaks.
Even just a couple of "washed", organic eggs for breakfast will help as the egg makers do something to the eggs now. Here's a list of the best ones to buy when you can:
My neighbor is a farmer, has amazing eggs. Even 'organic' store bought eggs are crap. The shells are thin, the color anemic. My neighbors eggs are hard shelled, the deep orange yolks standup well above the white.
Plus I never have to worry about the shells chipping apart and ending up in whatever I am making.
Read the same books; feel the same way.
I'm far enough through Turtles All the Way Down that I gave a copy to my daughter (who has four kids), and she (a nurse) and her husband are backing away from most vaccinations for their kids/our grandkids. I won't be satisfied until they stop ALL vaccines on my precious grandkids! All the shots are dangerous and worthless!
(She does admit that they gave their firstborn too many too soon; he was 5 weeks premature, and I think those b@$t@rd doctors gave him the initial vaccines as though he were full term! If I could get my hands on those quacks...I'd probably be in prison!)
If you go to prison, will send books and money.
She won't see this but far more effective than the 'revolutionary treatment' would be :
Liposomal glutathione
R lipoic acid (nrf2)
Delta gold Tocotrienol
Benfothiamine (B1)
Repair defects in OxPhos (oxidative phosphorylation)
Stimulate cerebral circulation
As I just said above, niacinamide, a type of Niacin (B3) will help arrest and slow down the ALZ if you have it after going for a few tests.
One more thing, don't forget about finding a Dale Bredesen doctor to help you. He wrote a great book I think called The End of Alzheimer's. Look for it on Amazon or or maybe in the library.
And if you want to get really sexy-
Coenzyme compositum (guide rail for Krebs cycle)
Ubichinon Compositum guide rail for electron transport chain)
(Only available as injections unfortunately)
Keep it simple. Go outside at least an hour a day in the sun or open shade. Get vit D level above 70 ng/ml., and live a heathly lifestyle
Yes! Grounding is another overlooked, but incredibly useful therapy. Especially good for cardio function/anti inflammatory/mitochondrial function:
I could not agree more strongly.
Sorry to say but Mr.Simpson is a murderer ...
Jeez, I had no idea.
The Miles Mathis essay on the Simpson case is worth a read if you haven’t seen it
Right? I may not be a forensic expert, but that trial was nothing but an inside look at a corrupt system that trips over it's own disreputable reputation on the way to a verdict.
Don't be sorry.
His poor wife and the young man did not get OJs chance at life. OJ should not have had that option clearly.
This just in. : D
Not bothered about Trump's side action. Am bothered about his main action - OWS.
Exponentially less.
Yikes...what an article! Thanks to Mr. Miller.
I did not take the shot, and will never get another shot of anything whatsoever.
Tetanus shot last year ( I live on a piece of a former big-big farm) and that has to
last me until I am over and gone.
The tetanus shot is a major concern for me ... it is passed off routinely as a normal wound treatment but it is not a good vaccine. It is rumored that it was once proposed as a method to reduce population in African communities. My hackles are up. On top of that, the tetanus shot is actually a triple combo with pertussis and diphtheria tossed in. What are those??? These are not problematic diseases in common experience... why would I be vaxxed for them?! No thanks! To top it off, tetanus infections are rare and mostly non complicated events. We have been terrorized with tales of lockjaw but it turns out that is an extraordinarily rare outcome of infection. I do t know how many of those things I’ve had over the years but I will have no more.
The shots used in Kenya had been spiked with an anti-pregnancy agent.
Good grief, again! ~~~Imagine world wide doctors and health industry making sure you, somewhere breathing air, oh privileged ethnic group. somewhere around the world, should not get pregnant….what is the best descriptive word for that!?
Actually, it was not preventing pregnancy at all, but altered the hormones required in placenta to support the growing fetus. The women endured multiple miscarriages. I watched a video and one woman endured 3, different lengths, from 8 weeks to about 22. The jab campaign was girls from 14 to about 40, no males who would be most likely to have dirty wounds and not just one jab, but several. The heartache these women went through must be terrible.
As I readily say: If your cook tried to poison your lunch, would you go back for dinner?
Not to mention the numbing agents used by dentists, filled with odd nano goop.
The tetanus preventative is a risk intensive solution, ie, depends where you live.
The single dose shot is for just in case...obviously I have researched and am college educated
RN, retired. Also obviously, I do not know what all else has been put into tetanus vaxx
over the years and when or where. I have common sense...and requested the single dose
vial sans preservatives. Okay they said and went to get that. I read the date on the vial,
and cringed as I got it. The tetanus is known to be painful, a few days, then gone totally.
I am no vaccine advocate. I figured out years ago that the childhood "schedule" is way
too much and way too soon, and largely unnecessary, IMHO. Should 100K children get
measles and one child dies, they may well have died from a concomitant condition.
Fluoride was added to the water supply in the US (formerly in Germany) because Black
children did not brush their teeth per culture, to protect them foremost. I don't agree
that was the reason. Research and find out for yourself. Funny = I breast fed my first
child while I attended college classes and further on when he needed comfort after a spill.
I quit when he said, "stop, me cup now". He is a brilliant person and never has been sick,
he had my immunities.
Fluoride is an ingredient in antidepressant drugs except for one.
The one different is Sertraline. I am no MD/no advice here. Just sayin'.
Now there is the short term "depression" as in losing one's wallet and
keys. Then there can be a clinical depression (one can't bounce back)
developing after the loss of a parent, child or spouse/best friend.
People can begin to plan their suicide...and that is a danger zone. Do your
own research please. Not every psych. med is a scam...and short term they can
save lives. Depends. Overall, exercising in the fresh air, a good diet (sans
soda and processed junk), being busy and with people is a plan. We in the US
are very stressed out and need to plan for relief, and recovery. Do your best.
I appreciate your take however I question the entire vaccine platform … I suspect it was founded in and embraced by desperation … it is all too common for our species to race to ill conclusions and stubbornly cling to them. We are loathe to abandon bad ideas
absolutely in agreement with you, especially when decisions are made/acted on
and discovering later, we were wrong. People will stubbornly cling to rather than
abandon bad ideas. We are human and we all make mistakes your research please.
Tetanus is a horrible disease though (when you get the full-blown infection) but it occurs mainly in African countries in hot and wet climates, IMO only worth considering the tetanus shot if you plan on travelling there .. Pertussis (whooping cough) is caused by a bacteria like tetanus and rarely fatal.
I travel frequently to regions with high incidence of tetanus … all day long I will take my chances with that disease rather than with the mentally deranged pharma industry
I hear you .. but putting big pharma aside, you don't believe in vaccination ? personally i don't, although the idea looks good "on paper"
Good grief!
I titer (blood test showing antibodies) instead. I’m many years overdue and my titer tests always show I don’t need it.
Yes that is how our "free" health care works here in CHINADA.
Tetanus is another scam. look into it… there is a mercury free tetanus version of the vaccine but you have to ask for it. And don’t allow the MDs to give u a dtap vaccine to get tetanus …EVER!
Had the tetanus shot 5 years ago like an idiot. I had a headache for 3 days and arm weakness and pain for a week. Some wicked stuff in there.
Likely mercury. Many years ago, my mother got a tetanus vaccine for cutting herself while cooking… and had a very sick winter. It just sacked her entire immune system.
WELL ..... We all meet our maker someday ,meh OJ .... I am not his judge , jury or executioner. God knows the truth.
Professor Miller, Thank you for documenting these ongoing atrocities. Did I read in a Peter Halligan sub stack today that medical journals are trying to scrub past articles supporting lockdown and vaccination? Whatever the case, I know the powers that shouldn't be wish to erase any bad memories we might have of what we went through. I hope your litigation against your university is going well. I am so glad I didn't go into academia.
Do you have the link to that substack?
I am not sure if this is more allegation than evidence.
Peter Halligan also does weekly statistical updates to AEs/deaths from mRNA shots that would be a useful complement to your weekly posts, maybe linked in somewhere. You can see the trends more clearly. It would also highlight the work of another smaller substacker working hard to achieve same goals as you and who often crossposts your articles.
Like 300,000 oops, I mean 574,000 people around the world…..
Buddies teen daughter needed an emergency brain surgery after the miracle jab. Imagine how much worse that brain surgery would have been without the jab…..
So so sorry…..understand what you’re saying, the sarcasm and irony the only way to handle it. Miss the old late night shows when we could say out loud the maddening human abuses we all could understand
Reading these stories made me sad, except for OJ, him surviving makes me sick.
“The truth cannot be told, it has to be realized.” -Ralph Smart
Im sickened by the continual propaganda that continues to be infested by these covidiots. Meabwhile my moms dead 20 months after 2 Moderna shots given to her by my sister against my loudly stated objections, my fathers collapsing after 2 phizer shots and covered up my motgers heart surgery and kidney failure, my daughter was pressured to keep it all secret under duress. Ive lost most of my family.
Yet, none of these "rare" incidents can possibly be due to the gene modifying injections they took... and to suggest they are, is to be "anti-vaxx". Hunh. Logic really has taken a beating these past 3.5 years. Can it recover?
Of tangental relevance—like many of my comments—but these snippets come to mind.
"Every moment dies a man,
Every moment one is born."
—Alfred Lord Tennyson
"Every Night and every Morn
Some to Misery are Born.
Every Morn and every Night
Some are Born to sweet delight.
Some are Born to sweet delight,
Some are Born to Endless Night."
—William Blake
“In a room that knows your death
a closet freezes like a postage stamp
A coat, a dress is hanging there”
—Richard Brautigan
Nice selection. Brautigan needs more recognition.
Thank you, Marty.
I strongly agree about Brautigan.
Thanks. I also tried to get my sister to go on a keto program for her cancer but she would never try and used those horrible shakes the cancer clinic recommended and gave coupons for. Her cancer lit up like a Xmas tree on the pet scans. Sugar was the worst thing for her type. Of course she passed away—2 weeks after her first jab.
For Grace Helbig:
{ala Journalist/Professor Mark Crispin Miller}
"Norman Cousins, an American journalist, professor and world peace advocate, published about his ability to heal himself with laughter in the New England Journal of Medicine in the 1970s. Dr. Lee S. Berk and Dr. Stanley Tan started researching the health benefits of laughter starting in the 1980s."
"Anthony Smith Reveals He Got Covid Vaccine To Keep His Job Despite His Mom Dying From Booster Shot"
""I'm vaccinated and I end up with a blood clot. What are the chances of that?..."
Yeah, that's crazy, never heard of anything like that recently. (extreme sarcasm)
Depends upon who you believe I suppose. The Heaven's Gate group 30 years ago (among endless others) were all convinced as well.
Call me nuts, but options would have been getting a different jab ..., I mean job. Freudian slip.
We all make our own choices. Interestingly, the ones suffering the most were the most insufferable during the rage of it all.
Funny and ironic how things often work out.
I’m fascinated? Well not so much…. Umm….How many peepul always keep up with movie star stories, divorces, how much they paid $$$ for new mansions? And yet they can’t handle a real scientific truth; look it up, accept some heavy stories? do they check out a car, ooops, maybe, but not the EV, on no! Just to impress! ~~~ a friend of mine doesn’t want to read that stuff, “because we can’t know what’s true”….. Where or where, have we lost our balance? How do we choose conscience now, because we do know where we stand?! ~~~I don’t discuss that I’ve never had Vac, but sure am glad I am still alive, and not had a cold in 15 years…. Don’t want to see the doctor either…. What a mess ~~~Years ago I had a tshirt with a picture of one fish swimming the other direction against all the others….. painful! amen and amen
As they say, the good thing about being a "conspiracy theorist" is that you don't have myocarditis. (or clots that aren't blood or any other numerous health anomalies, conditions, ailments, or diseases.)
Same as with you, my entire household hasn't even had the flu ever in nearly 200 combined man-years of life since we had our first.
I didn't trust doctors before this entire charade, how much less now. My family is under instructions that if somethine serious were to happen to me, to simply put me in my own bed and let me ride it out. I won't ever voluntarily set foot into a hospital ever again.
Stay Strong! I suspect that our wills will be far more severely tested sometime in the next 12 months.
Call me names, all you wish! Happy to be alive. Still Dr Tenpenny predicts much worse ahead ~~~~I live on a block of 25 properties or so, and most of them probably voted for JB. Many around, from Canada, and of course, really brain fogged….one neighbor last year, preparing for hip surgery in two weeks, urged me to move back farther on her deck when she heard I was non vacced because of course I would be danger to her procedure. Paid big Canadian bucks to have it done here, because well, Doncha know that over 100 of their doctors have Died Suddenly? Pathetique!
Yes, indeed, can only hope that the public’s fighting spirit will finally be standing upright, on the sidewalk by then.
Censoring one and all, keeping everyone’s eyes and ears covered, like a 4 year old. ~~~Wow, Zoom certainly did the preparation work didn’t it? What bullying and what a scam, and those lazy teachers….oh no! ooooooh, not healthy for me to go to school! I can teach from my own living room! I need to stay inside for the next two years, can’t lose my retirement at this age. Haha Unbeeeeleeeevable!
"To keep my job...."
I would like to hear more about this because I was not aware the UFC had an internal mandate for fighters or commentators, which he is both.
My assumption was that he wasn't a full-time UFC guy and had another job. Did it say?
I dont know if he has another job but he, at least during covid, was a full time fighter, high ranked, too, and also was commentating.
"I did it to keep my job."
There is no job important enough to risk your life on an experimental clot shot that is just as, or more dangerous than the disease it's supposedly designed to prevent.
“I did it to keep my job.”
And how’s that working out for you...?
It’s not like your mom sacrificed her own life to teach you what NOT to do, either. In essence.
SMH 🤦♀️