On the needle and the damage done—by rockers like Mick Jagger (and "Sir Paul" McCartney, Neil Young, Bono, Stevie Wonder, Patti Smith, Dave Crosby, and SO many more)
How many great old rockers WON'T be in the dock, and making lame excuses for themselves, at Nuremberg 2.0?
Check out this month-old video of “Covid-recovered” Mick Jagger (a/k/a “Sir Mick Jagger”), cheerily announcing the resumption of the umpteenth Rolling Stones tour, which had been interrupted by the singer’s struggle with whatever “variant” he had allegedly contracted.
I’d like to say that this upbeat appearance by the ancient rocker takes me back to when I saw the Stones play in Chicago (twice) and in London (at the Palladium in 1965, where the original Moody Blues, with Denny Laine, opened for them), several years before they started packing big arenas in the Seventies. I’d like to say that about this old “icon,” but I can’t; and not because the lissome, pouty “Jumping Jack Flash” of yesteryear looks absolutely nothing like this Aztec gargoyle with the fluffy bangs and ivory shirt.
No, this Mick Jagger doesn’t, and can never, take me back to those exhilarating days (“Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive,/ And to be young was very heaven”), because—like nearly every other of the rock greats who so thrilled me then, and since—he’s been transformed, by “COVID,” from a harbinger of joy and freedom (of a sort) to a bio-fascist operative, staunchly pushing the “vaccines” (one of which may well have helped kill Charlie Watts), and even jeering those opposed to “vaccination,” and doing so in favor of Bill Gates.
I’m referring to “Easy Sleazy,” Jagger’s unfortunate collaboration with Dave Grohl (who also lost his drummer, Taylor Hawkins—who, unlike Watts, is known to have been “vaccinated,” and, reportedly, at Grohl’s insistence). When that song came out in April of last year, I was one of many who mistakenly exulted in it, thinking it was meant as critical of COVID hell, like Van Morrison’s first shots across the bow. I and all those others changed our view once Jagger made it clear, in an interview with the emetic Rolling Stone, that he and Grohl were trying to satirize the likes of us—a double disappointment, showing that Jagger had become a pretty muddle-headed lyricist, as well as an authoritarian ignoramus.
This is not to say that Mick was ever one to go against the grain, as, say, Dylan and John Lennon did, although he took a stab at it sometimes, as with “Under Cover of the Night,” his and Richards’ protest of the death squads in Latin America. Jagger’s always been primarily a businessman, from his student days at LSE on through his whole career as a devoted one-man sales department, tracking album sales worldwide and milking Stones tours for more revenues from corporate product placement. But we, or I, forgave all that, or overlooked it, out of love of Jagger’s songs, and Jagger’s shows, and all the bodily and social pleasures they enabled—pleasures that, since “COVID,” he’s been working to destroy, as one of all too many traitors to the music.
And nearly all those old rock greats are just such traitors now. While standouts like Morrison and Eric Clapton do “take me back” to that exquisite moment, most of those “iconic” rockers (and folk and R&B greats of that moment) have, like Mick, become The Man. I make this point in full awareness of the dark side of that scene, having read Dave McGowan’s book on Laurel Canyon (which overstates its case), and other works on what was probably the CIA’s involvement with the Dead et al. However solid much of that work is, and however personally compromised and/or corrupt some artists surely were, their music, at its best, is something else—and something to be valued, not discarded, as is (of course) the case throughout the arts.
And yet this Great Betrayal by so many major rockers makes it challenging, at least for me, to take the same old joy in their creations, so egregious is their bio-fascist stand against such joy. As with the witless Jagger, so is it with “Sir Paul” McCartney (“Be cool, get vaxx’d!” he urged his fans last year) and “Sir Ringo” Starr (“I have had both my shots of the vaccine”); Bruce Springsteen (“Mr. President, with all due respect, put on a fucking mask!”); Good Canadian Neil Young, along with Graham Nash, and their longtime nemesis, Dave Crosby (see below); faux-firebrands like Patti Smith and Rage Against the Machine (both playing segregated venues); arch-phony Bono (see below); Stevie Wonder, and the others who, last September, performed to “raise awareness” of the urgent need for more “vaccines” worldwide (as well as ACTION on the threat of “climate change)—Jennifer Lopez, Billie Eilish, Ed Sheeran, Coldplay, Usher, Lizzo, Elton John, Doja Cat, Metallica, Camila Cabello and Black Eyed Peas. And those are just a few of the “vaccine”-perverted rockers who will, one day, face the music as accomplices to Evil, like Veit Harlan, and other filmmakers who pumped out propaganda for the Nazis (a comparison that’s not quite fair to Harlan, since he was ultimately cleared).
So what happened to those people? Some will claim, too easily, that all of them were always scum at heart, and/or covert state operatives, and now have been exposed for what they really were deep down. From what I know about a lot of them, that sweeping condemnation is unfair, and—more important—fails to take account of the enormous propaganda drives that gradually changed everything, and nearly everyone, after the Seventies—the HIV/AIDS panic, Big Pharma’s mammoth push, from 1987, for vaccination, the “global warming” narrative, and others that eventually wiped out the world in which those rockers had all lived. That world came alive at Woodstock—which Joni Mitchell and CSNY so powerfully extolled in their two versions of her song, without a thought about the Hong Kong flu pandemic raging even as that “half a million strong” were jubilantly grooving, sharing eats and screwing, and all those great musicians were performing for all time. (And what about those artists who, like Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Marvin Gaye and Jim Morrison, died prior to that propaganda war? Would they be “vaccinated,” too? Would George Harrison get jabbed, and tell his fans to get jabbed, too? Something tells me he, and Jimi, and the rest of them, would not, because that war had not “perverted” them—to quote George’s “Beware of Darkness”—nor had they been conscripted into it, as all these traitors surely have, in one way or another.)
But let’s get back to Jagger, happily recovered from his “COVID” (which he caught despite his thorough “vaccination”), calling on his fans in Italy to “see” him in Milan. Considering how venal Jagger is (and always has been), does it not give him pause to think of all the revenue he’s lost because so many have “died suddenly” in Italy, and Milan in particular? Or is he simply ignorant of that appalling toll, just as he’s bone-ignorant of what’s in those “vaccines”? Anyone inclined to ask him might consider sending him the names of those reported to have “died suddenly” just in Milan these last few months. Scroll down below that pic of Bono, for a list of all too many who would either not be there to see the Stones perform that show, or who won’t be there to see them when they play Milan again.

Bono launches vaccine campaign with animation series
Updated / Friday, 26 Mar 2021 09:42
Bono has recruited Penelope Cruz, Michael Sheen and David Oyelowo for Pandemica, a new animation created to promote the importance of making the Covid-19 vaccine available globally to help bring an end to the pandemic.
Reports of people “dying suddenly” in Milan:
Struck down by an illness on the eve of her birthday, found dead by her father
July 17, 2022
"A well-known and well-liked woman, her death leaves us deeply saddened": a few words, those expressed by the mayor of Mansuè, Leonio Milan, which fully describe the great condolences of her community for the sudden death, at just 54 years old, by Serena Serafin, nurse at the Pordenone hospital, who passed away a few days ago, on the eve of her birthday, due to an illness.
Yesterday afternoon, Saturday 16 July, her funeral took place at the parish church of San Mansueto, very well attended and heartfelt. Serena leaves her husband, Giuseppe Gerotto, her children Anna (who followed in her mother's footsteps and became a nurse in turn) and Giovanni, her mother Ivana and her father Enrico who found her lifeless (also a nurse before retirement), a few days ago, in addition to a brother, Luca.
No cause of death reported.
Milan, loses control of the bike and falls: 22-year-old boy dies
July 2, 2022
The motorcyclist was found unconscious, in via Maffeo Bagarotti, at street number 44, in the Baggio area ofMilan. Shortly after being taken to the Niguarda hospital he passed away.
The boy was found this morning at the crack of dawn. The local police arrived at the scene immediately and intervened together with 118 to make the findings and rescue the young man. The 22-year-old suffered several traumas: cranial, thoracic, abdominal and pelvis and was transported to the Niguarda hospital where he struggles between life and death. From the very first findings, it seems that the motorcyclist has lost control of the bike independently.
Lorenzo Brenta, the last motorcycle trip (with his wife and friends) on the Milan-Bologna motorway
July 1, 2022
Lorenzo Brenta, 65, engineer and entrepreneur well known in Milan in the real estate field. He fell ill while driving on the Autostrada del Sole, between Milan and Piacenza. He died under the eyes of his wife Corinna and some friends
The man with a thousand passions had a firm and solid center of gravity, the family. He died at the age of 65 while he was sitting on his bike "firm and solid as always". He was running on the Milan-Bologna motorway, his wife huddled behind him, bruised but miraculously alive, and his lifelong friends racing around on motorbikes.
In all likelihood Lorenzo Brenta, a well-known engineer and entrepreneur in Milan in the field of real estate and a great lover of our country and our city, suddenly fell ill while he was driving. Two trucks got across the road to prevent them from being hit, two dear friends, "motorcyclists", took care of him and his wife, together with the 118 operators and Elena Rigolli, the Good Samaritan, from Piacenza, a medical volunteer of the Red Cross for 20 years, who was passing by car, stopped and looked after both Lorenzo and his wife, until the arrival of the Polstrada and rescue. And then she accompanied her motorcyclist friends to the Major's emergency room in Parma.
No cause of death reported.
Accident on the highway, centaur loses control of the bike and crashes: dead instantly
June 29, 2022
Tragedy this morning, Wednesday 29 June, along the A1 Milan-Naples motorway, near Cadeo. A 65-year-old man died following a serious road accident involving his motorcycle. A woman one year younger who was traveling on the passenger seat was also injured. Unfortunately, the efforts of the 118 medical staff arrived on the spot were useless.
According to what was communicated by the Lombardy Regional Emergency Emergency Agency, the motorcyclist, residing in the province of Milan, was found unconscious on the ground. The woman, on the other hand, was found with some injuries. For this reason, after an initial medication on site, she was transported by helicopter to the emergency room of the Maggiore hospital in Parma where she was hospitalized in conditions of medium severity. In the meantime, health workers have tried in every way to revive the centaur, unfortunately with no luck. The rescuers could not help but ascertain the death.
Traffic police officers also arrived along the A1 motorway to secure the area and carry out the necessary investigations to reconstruct the incident. According to the first information filtered, it seems that the 65-year-old did everything himself. Suddenly, for reasons yet to be ascertained, the centaur would have lost control of the bike by tumbling violently to the ground.
Pavia, tragedy in Ticino: 41 year old died
June 19, 2022
The 41-year-old man, rescued in the afternoon on the banks of the Ticino in Pavia, between the Ticinello and San Lanfranco, died in the hospital. Of Peruvian nationality, domiciled in Milan, he seems to have been in Italy for a few months. After eating he made the tragic mistake of wanting to take a bath in the shallow waters of Ticino. Perhaps he has accused an illness, the fact is that he ended up underwater, saved and brought to shore by the others who were with him, thanks also to the help of a boatman.
It was just after 4.30 pm when the medical aid was activated and a medical car with an on-board resuscitator and an ambulance from the Croce Verde Pavese were sent to the site from the Areu operations center. The 41-year-old had already been washed ashore when rescuers arrived. For a long time he was resuscitated on the spot and then transported to the Policlinico San Matteo in Pavia, where, however, the doctors had to give up and ascertain the death of him.
Accident in Cisliano: 49 years old dies in a head-on collision, two seriously injured
June 19, 2022
A terrible accident in Cisliano tore open the Saturday evening. A 49-year-old lost his life in a head-on collision and two other serious injuries are recorded. It happened around 21:30 along the road that connects Cisliano to Gaggiano, two small towns in the province of Milan.
For the moment the dynamics of the accident are under investigation. The most accredited hypothesis is that of risky overtaking. Two cars collided on provincial 236. The impact was very violent and one of the two cars overturned on the road.
The Abbiategrasso carabinieri investigate the tragedy. For the moment, as already stated, it is not possible to know the dynamics of the accident nor to know which of the two cars committed an infringement to the point of causing a head-on collision. Among the hypotheses reported by the local press there is talk of sudden illness on the part of one of the two drivers, but the trail of the risky maneuver is also beaten.
Luna Rossa and international sailing mourning the death of Francesco Longanesi Cattani, 69, a native of Bagnacavallo
June 11, 2022
Francesco Longanesi Cattani, a native of Bagnacavallo , a well-known and respected manager in the sailing and America's Cup environment as a trusted man by Patrizio Bertelli and head of public relations for the Italian team of Luna Rossa and external relations of the Prada Group, of which he had been part of for 20 years. “Pimperle”, as he was known in the sailing world, died following a sudden stroke.
The mayor Eleonora Proni expressed the condolences of the municipal administration and of the entire Bagnacavallo community: “The death of Francesco Longanesi Cattani fills us with sadness. Originally from Bagnacavallo, a person of rare humanity, availability and courtesy, despite having lived in Milan for a long time, he loved his city very much, to which he often returned".
The sixty-nine year old, of Romagna origin and always tied to Bagnacavallo, has dedicated himself to regattas from a very young age. After a period also in the world of Formula 1, he has followed the fate of Luna Rossa, since its foundation, becoming a well-known character within the sailing world.
Councilor Conca dies at 59
July 5, 2022 | Il Giorno
Unanimous condolences for Salvatore Mario Conca who died suddenly. Disbelief and pain in Bollate, Milan for the sudden death of Salvatore Mario Conca, 59, councilor for sport and leisure.
The Bollatese, of Molise origins, passed away due to illness on Sunday evening. Conca was a candidate on the SiAmo Bollate list in support of the mayor Francesco Vassallo and had been a member of the council for two and a half years. A sports lover and a volunteer in many associations, he had been president of the Noi di Madonna in Campagna association, he had committed himself during the pandemic by bringing home shopping to those who had contracted Covid-19.
“…His work, carried out with seriousness and determination, has contributed to improving the sense of belonging. to the Bollatese community and attachment to our city ", writes the mayor Francesco Vassallo with the entire municipal administration. The funeral home is set up at the Fatebenefratelli hospital in Milan. In the city everyone knew Conca and there are hundreds of comments of condolence on social networks.
Treviso entrepreneur dies on the job in Milan: the autopsy will clarify
June 6, 2022
Roncade - 64-year-old entrepreneur Gastone Faraoni from Treviso, 64 years old, was specialized in exhibition stands. He was co-owner of the company specializing in trade fair stands. He was found dying at the foot of the 4-meter high staircase he was using to complete the work on a stand in preparation for the opening of the Salone del Mobile.
Originally from Roncade, in the province of Treviso, he was busy inside Pavilion 1 of the Rho Pero Fair, where the event will be inaugurated on 7 June. The man died shortly after being admitted to the hospital.
The causes of the accident have yet to be clarified. Investigations and investigations by Carabinieri and Spisal. In all likelihood, an autopsy will be performed to trace the exact causes of death. Faraoni was married to Annapaola Vianello, gymnastics teacher of the comprehensive school, volleyball coach. He leaves his children Giorgia and Michele in pain. The latter was present on site at the time of the tragedy.
Simona Salvemini ex Filippo Bisciglia, mourning the death of her mother / "You left suddenly"
July 14, 2022.
Simona Salvemini, a former competitor of Big Brother 6, has now suddenly lost her mother in the past. A few hours ago, the 45-year-old from Milan published an Instagram Story in which she announced the death of her beloved mother: "My mother, you suddenly left, a woman loved by everyone for her kindness and for the good soul of her. You left me an unbridgeable void. I will make myself strong for you who always wanted to see me happy and serene… ”.
Simona did not explain the cause of her death but she made it clear that her mother's disappearance was sudden and unexpected. A few years ago, on the occasion of her 70 years, the ex gieffina had dedicated a post full of affection to her mother. (More than 70 y.o.)
He takes a bath in a small lake in the Parco delle Cave but "disappears" in the water
June 5, 2022
A boy dived into one of the lakes of the Parco delle Cave in Milan with some friends and never re-emerged. After hours of searching his body was not found. The drama took place on Sunday afternoon, around 4.30 pm.
The man, of Egyptian origin, had gone with two friends to the park. They decided to swim despite the bathing ban. The 30-year-old boy was unable to return to shore.
Some of the people present at the scene alerted 118, who arrived together with firefighters, police and local police. The two friends, all compatriots of more or less the same age, are unharmed and have refused transport to the hospital while the divers continue the search for the third man.
Shock in the city: Luca Giordano, a Rossoblu fan and friend of everyone, suddenly dies at 38
May 31, 2022
An entire city dismayed and in shock at the death of Luca Giordano. He would have turned 38 tomorrow, this morning the news of his death took everyone by surprise. Luca, struck by a sudden illness, left his family, friends and the many who knew him, in bewilderment and pain.
The news began to circulate in the late morning, leaving everyone speechless. He sent dozens of messages of condolence on social media, lots of memories and anecdotes from those who knew him. A passionate fan of the Lupo and also in love with his Milan, he had celebrated the AC Milan triumph a few days ago by writing on his social page "Nobody believed in this team ..." and instead his Milan had given him the joy that so many fans like him expected from years. And in Milan he had worked until last year. In Lombardy he had spent a few months of his life and then returned to Campobasso during the summer of last year. Here he had found love and was also consolidating his professional life. This morning, however, the news of his death that surprised and silenced half the city.
No cause of death reported.
Milan, sick at home: 25-year-old boy dies
May 17, 2022
Illness at dawn in Villanzo di Parabiago, a 25-year-old boy dies. The tragedy took place in the house. It was 6 am on Monday 16 May 2022, when the silence was interrupted by the sounds of the sirens of the 118 vehicles.
In a house that overlooks Via Santa Elisabetta di Vill Basta, a hamlet of Parabiago, a 25-year-old boy was found by his parents in a state of unconsciousness. His breathing was irregular. The call to 112 immediately went off and sent the ambulance of the CVPS Arluno, the automedical service of the hospital in Legnano and the helicopter rescue departing from Como.
The rescuers carried out all the advanced resuscitation procedures until the boy arrived at the emergency room of the Legnano hospital. We had to surrender to the evidence: the 25-year-old, described as healthy and practicing sport, did not make it.
No cause of death reported.
Casalpoglio, illness in the field: Dimitri Roveri has died
May 8, 2022
The amateur footballer hit by cardiocirculatory arrest yesterday afternoon during the amateur match between Casalpoglio and Quingentole did not make it. Dimitri Roveri, 27, captain of the Quingentole team, died a few hours after his admission to the San Raffaele hospital in Milan.
Dimitri Roveri collapsed with the ball away and never regained consciousness. He lived in Quingentole and was engaged: last week he announced that he would become a father in September. He worked as a gardener and cleaner in a retirement home in Mantua. The sister of the 27-year-old, president of the Quingentole team, used the defibrillator trying to save him.
Casalpoglio, illness on the pitch: serious 27-year-old player
May 8, 2022
An amateur footballer fell ill yesterday afternoon during a game and was hospitalized in serious condition at the San Raffaele hospital in Milan where he will probably be operated on.
DM, 27, striker and captain of Quingentole, was playing the game of the playoffs of the Uisp Open League championship in Mantua on the Casalpoglio field, a hamlet of Castel Goffredo.
Suddenly, he collapsed unconscious while the ball was away, probably suffering from cardiac arrest. Rescue intervened immediately. The sister of the 27-year-old, president of the Quingentole team, used the defibrillator.
The boy recovered after a long heart massage operated by the rescuers, but his condition immediately appeared serious. Fortunately, he was then stabilized and intubated to allow him to be transported by air ambulance to San Raffaele. DM, who works in a retirement home in Mantua, is described as a healthy boy, a great sportsman and above all a thoroughbred forward. In a while he will become a father.
Communications Director Salvo Nicosia Dies at 52; the highly respected and well-liked Nicosia was most recently communications director of the Alberta Ferretti and Pollini collections
April 8, 2022
Milan — Salvo Nicosia, a highly respected and well-liked communications director, died on Friday after suffering cardiac arrest in Milan, aged 52.
The Sicilian-born Nicosia joined the Aeffe Group in 2019 as VIP and celebrities relations director for Alberta Ferretti, Philosophy di Lorenzo Serafini and Pollini, operating from the London headquarters. In January 2021, he was appointed communications director of the Alberta Ferretti and Pollini collections.
Nicosia began his career at Anteprima as PR manager Europe in 1996, leaving at the end of 1999 to join Dolce & Gabbana as group celebrity director. Over 11 years at the Italian fashion house, he developed strong ties for the brand with several A-listers from Jennifer Lopez to Madonna.
The spirit of Rock and Roll died a while back, killed by conformity.
It is truly horrific how Dave Grohl and Mick Jagger collaborated in this heinous fiendish way. So well said about all these former icons Mark. I do believe you're right about Jimi Hendrix 💕. I heard in an Eric Clapton interview that he said even his daughters ostracized him for not getting more injections. Van Morrison is a stand-up guy all the way. One of the few left from the "old school. ". As are you. Let's hope the up-and-coming generation wakes up and has their own great awakening. 🙌