Total of 7 U.S Presidents murdered by the Central banking cartel.

The Presidents who have been murdered by the Central banking cartel.

1. Andrew Jackson escaped assignation by luck. There was an attempted assassination which failed when both pistols used by the assassin, Richard Lawrence, failed to fire.

2. President Zachary Taylor - murdered/assignation

Taylor died on July 9, 1850 after eating a bowl of cherries and milk rumored to have been poisoned. The symptoms he displayed are consistent with acute arsenic poisoning.

3. President James Buchanan - murdered/assignation

He was poisoned with arsenic and survived, although 38 other people at the dinner died.

4. Lincoln- murdered for Greenbacks issue

Following Lincoln's assassination, the Greenbacks were pulled from circulation and the American people forced to go back to an economy based on bank notes borrowed at interest from the private bankers.

5. President James Garfield - murdered/assignation

"Whoever controls the volume of money in our country is absolute master of all industry and commerce, and when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate." -- President James A. Garfield, two weeks before he was assassinated

6. President William McKinley - murdered/assignation

McKinley favored gold-backed currencies and a balanced government budget which would free the public from accumulating debt.

McKinley was shot by an out-of-work anarchist on September 14, 1901, in Buffalo, NY, succumbing to his wounds a few days later. He was suceeded in office by Theodore Roosevelt.

7. President John F. Kennedy - murdered/assignation

As President, John F. Kennedy understood the predatory nature of private central banking. He understood why Andrew Jackson fought so hard to end the Second Bank of the United States. So Kennedy wrote and signed Executive Order 11110 which ordered the US Treasury to issue a new public currency, the United States Note.

Five months later John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas Texas, and the United States Notes pulled from circulation and destroyed (except for samples held by collectors).

Full documentation found at link:






What if every war fought in the last century was just a means to install central banks into countries that didn't want them? If you look at a list of all the nations the US has toppled since 9/11, it's every nation that was not connected to a central bank under international control. It's not a coincidence, and any time a nation attempts to back their currency with something like gold or silver, their leaders mysteriously get assassinated or some other disaster happens that upends the government so it can be coup'd.

By Michael Rivero

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Lincoln and the Greenbacks is a bit of a stretch. But I am certainly on board with McKinley, whose assassination is barely mentioned let alone studied. Came across an odd lyric from a very old blues/folk tune on the death of McKinley and how it spelled horror for the working man and how it left Roosevelt in the WH eating from silver spoons.

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How do we watch this?

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See my follow up post, with the link.

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Ah, it's on Apple TV, Amazon Prime, and Google Play! Well done! https://www.fourdiedtrying.com/

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Not on Amazon prime - damnit

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Cain't wait ta see it!

Meantimes, I've put the word out ta propose: DIED SUSPICIOUSLY - A WEBSITE WE NEED cuz indeedy, it's not only JFK an' MLK et al AND those that bore witness to "the truth" but SO many good doctors, citizen journalists, investigators, an' yup, even celebrities that wanted to EXPOSE lies, corruption, an' murder most foul! Bless'em all fer tryin'--may they all RIP an' in my write up I add an expanded (albeit woefully incomplete) list:


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Your list of those who were murdered because they knew too much omits Lee Harvey Oswald.

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I should think that would go without saying.

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I take it's to say he know too little? OTOH he did say as he was apprehended, "I'm a patsy"... 🤔

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Touché. I think so too.

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Boy this article brought the trolls out bigly as Trump would say. Maybe this film is over the target and they want to get people not to watch it.

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Good point.

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No. At the last moment he held them back. The CIA does not want them released. The date keeps getting pushed back. Biden was supposed to release them this year (2023 was the new date) and it was pushed back again. What might that tell you?

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I think Marilyn Monroe faked her death with a lookalike and engineered the deaths of JFK and RFK out of vengeance. Prove me wrong!


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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

This isn’t funny. These deaths aren’t funny. This is an important day. There’s a reason why this isn’t taught in the 11th grade & why Mr. Blackwater’s elder sister became Secretary of Education.

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Nov 22, 2023·edited Nov 22, 2023

I wasn't making fun of the deaths, I was making fun of foolish conspiracy theories that let the real perps off the hook for it.

But carry on.

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JFK's assassination was obviously faked and RFK's looks faked too. My pet theory is that the three of them set up a menage a trois. I know it's ridiculous but I have no better theory.


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That's right up there with the notion Princess Diana died from a car accident...

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It’s not We The People who dreamt up “Covid”, the wars in Iraq, Vietnam, Afghanistan and God knows how many other places (which Congress isn’t even aware of)... this tragedy compounds itself exponentially with the general ignorance about it.

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Oh my let’s immerse ourselves in a distraction from the Covid democide. Our government is still assassinating folks this time it is it’s own population. Martyrs abound in our present universe parsing about the past does not change our present dilemma nor solve it.

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You COULD actually read the post, but I'll make it easier for you:

"While several other documentaries have also been released to mark this anniversary, none of them deals so comprehensively not just with that first major murder in the Sixties, but with all four whereby the US government and its accomplices killed off our best potential leaders, all variously capable of unifying the rest of us against the US war machine, which—therefore—is now raging all around the world (including Gaza), and has also now been wreaking havoc here, through its affiliation with the juggernaut of 'public health.'"

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Think of all the presumed suicides. Think of people who worked for the Clintons that killed themselves. “ I doubt it”. They were helped along to an early grave. The CIA and top brass in the FBI are Mafia people. It is darn scary to see how Satan has gained their souls. They follow orders from some very evil people. We need Superman to swoop in, but that is a too far fetched dream. I pray about it. Only God can do anything about it, when He is ready. It is too evil for humans to fight without our God’s direction. My advice to all is READ:

2 Chronicles 7:14. And do what it says, if you want a better world. It will never get better, if we continue rebelling against our creator.

Humans fall for it, when Satan nudges them and says,” I will make you rich and powerful.” Oh such fools we humans are . Narcissism is a mighty demon to resist. Too many in this world have fallen for that line...... Read 2 Chronicles

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And if you don’t know what 2 Chronicles is, Get educated to soon....

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We have no leaders capable of unifying us and repealing the Constitutional laws that currently enslave us. Past leaders would have made no difference. Ruminating about the past does not rectify the present.

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Demonstrating how far back this really goes, and thereby getting still more people to wake up, is well worth it. Do you think your fatalism is a help? You're doing exactly what they want you to—encouraging paralysis. If they're not paying you to do it, you're being ripped off.

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"If they're not paying you to do it, you're being ripped off." Mark, I promise I'll give you attribution as I steal this line repeatedly going forward. Gold.

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Be my guest. What's mine is yours.

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What Mark said, a thousandfold.

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It isn't a "distraction." It's a connection.

Do you imagine that the covid thing is a unique, unrelated event?

If so, I would like very much to play poker with you.


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I am tired of this subject as well.

But you know, those that don't know history, well you know the rest.

I think Castro killed JFK.

The Warren commission was a coverup to stop a nuclear Armageddon.

I came to this decision years ago.

I'm sticking with it until some proof changes my mind.

I have no idea what that proof may be or look like.

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I don't either. Probably because there isn't any.

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Lyndon J and the CIA did it because Kennedy caught on what they were doing in the government and about our money/gold. My dad said it the day they killed him. It’s true

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Great, thanks Mark. I’ll look forward to watching it.

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Something new to look into, regarding DH Byrd, the oil-millionaire owner of the Texas School Book Depository Building:


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Embrace your own cussedness and stop name calling. There is an excellent book on the four assassinations. It came out in the 90s. This stuff has been around for decades. The book is a compilation of articles from Probe magazine and is called Assassinations, edited by Lisa Pease and James DiEugenio. Of course Malcolm X challenged power. So did MLK and the Kennedys.

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Excellent first installment. I look forward to the next.

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"an inquiry that would pick up where the Church Committee left off in 1975, having only scratched the surface of this mammoth, endless criminal conspiracy. "

We could even start by declassifying Pike Committee Reports sealed in 1976 the House counterpart to Senate's Church Committee & now relegated to dustbin of history!!




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Thomas Merton?

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The standard story is that he died of electrocution/heart attack, though neither explains his head wound. No autopsy conducted. If you don't know Merton, you should do some investigating.

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When it comes to propaganda from those in power we need to anticipate a case of Russian dolls - the propaganda is multi-layered and you need to keep digging.

The basic MO for big psyops:

1. Nonsense story for the 90%.

2. Multiple misdirecting threads - and I mean MULTIPLE - targeted to the 10% that they anticipate will not accept the nonsense story so that they also get it wrong. That makes perfect sense, doesn't it? They're hardly going to go, "OK, 10% won't believe our nonsense so we'll just let them GET IT RIGHT, are they? No, no, no, no, no.

3. Underneath the nonsense story and the misdirecting threads they TELL us the truth with Revelation of the Method signs - if not simply in the basic evidence itself. Always. They're good to us in that way.



1. If you accept the magic bullet explanation is ludicrous wouldn't that mean that John Connally was in on the assassination because obviously he wouldn't have been hit by the bullet as described and would call it out? Do you really think he'd be OK with sitting in front of JFK knowing he was going to be assassinated? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single-bullet_theory

2. Do you really think they'd assassinate a president in such a precarious situation?

3. Why are there so few people lining the streets to watch the motorcade and why aren't they responding as you'd expect when the president goes by?

Frame-by-frame analysis of the Zapruder film. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prGNxjJXog0

I have no idea why JFK agreed to participate in his alleged assassination. That question I have zero answer for or what happened to him. It makes absolutely no sense to me but the evidence says very clearly he was not assassinated.

My page on the fakery with links to analysis by others. https://occamsrazorterrorevents.weebly.com/jfk---fake-assassination.html

Also, "Operation Northwoods" was a complete fabrication, not a false-flag plan approved by the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The document bundle labelled "Operation Northwoods" makes no sense - none of the documents relate to each other in a sensible manner, the documents are stamped UNCLASSIFIED not DECLASSIFIED which also makes no sense and we'd really have to ask why on earth such a self-incriminating document was declassified. So very, very interesting that ON was released three years before 9/11 just as the PNAC document ("absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.") was published in September 2000 ... all the better to misdirect the 10% not buyin'.




Seth Rich was not killed either and they could not make it more obvious Revelation-of-the-Method style with the utterly ludicrous interview with his family. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOn09bhDXMo. Interestingly, while this is a video directly from ABC - not one put up by a psyop analyst - many commenters question Rich's death. These are a couple of comments:

"WTF? Watch this video many times. Something stinks. The first few seconds in, the brother is cracking up and trying not to laugh. He does this throughout the whole video. 30 seconds in, the dad says the police called him and stated that Seth was alive when they arrived and MAYBE stable when Seth got to the hospital. No, no, no, no, no. A cop would not say he was MAYBE stable. You are either stable or, you are not. 40 seconds in, the mom starts to talk and just as the camera is panning left towards mom, dad is actually mouthing her lines. He knows what she is about to say. One minute 3 seconds in, the mother says something off script? The dad subtly moves his right arm and taps her on the back and then he quickly takes over her conversation. WALLS COVERED WITH DISNEY AND MOM, HOLDING A GD PANDA! C'mon people."​

"This reminds me SOOOO much of the Robbie Mook interview. Either people have suddenly turned their emotions upside down and smile through grief (this isn't "nervousness") or these people know something that we don't. Not to mention all the lack of information available after a full year of the public waiting. Nothing from the hospital or staff (other than strange suspicious stories of what was going on at the hospital), nothing from the police that makes sense and no FBI investigation!!!(?). And then there's the "witness" on tape that talks about the police at the scene walking Seth around after he was shot (apparently he was alive and "unaware he had been shot") to find a witness or suspect??? Who the f__ does that? Not even someone without medical training would walk a shooting victim around on his feet!!! And to top it off, the family is discouraging people from investigating (other than the democratic party appointed investigator). THAT makes the least sense of all. I'm not saying there is a conspiracy but I am saying that the facts surrounding this case and the behavior of the people involved is really weird and suspicious. And I would love to be a fly on the wall when these people go to the bank and their balances are read out."

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“Richard Nixon Told Me” - Roger Stone Reveals Who Really Killed JFK...


Nov 22, 2023: Patrick Bet-David and the Home Team are joined by political analyst Roger Stone as they remember President John F. Kennedy on the 60th Anniversary of his assassination. Roger explains why Lee Harvey Oswald wasn’t the lone gunman and reveals who was behind the conspiracy to have JFK killed! Roger Stone's book "The Man Who Killed Kennedy": http://themanwhokilledkennedy.com/

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Just one of the multiplicity of propaganda threads to bamboozle, confuse and hide the truth.


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Thanks for the link....

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