Pushback over the deaths in Scotland and Italy; Wayne Allan Root has lost 33 friends—all "vaccinated"—to death or illness in the last 18 months; & TV presenter Kate McCann keels over, live!
I have been expecting that pattern as well, but I never imagined these incidents to be so numerous and frequent and we’d still be in the “slowly at first” phase.
The problem is the media is not covering the sudden unexplained deaths so people don't see what is going on. Mark Crispin Miller has diligently reported them for months if anyone cared to read therm.
Tonight at church, the prayer list is growing and is full of old, middle-age, AND young people but they are not sick with one thing, it's many different things so they don't see them as connected but we, who have read up on this stuff, know that there is a connection. We have read and seen interviews on the tons of adverse events the shots cause. In my particular situation, I don't see them getting it anytime soon.
I’ll believe it when I see it. You’re ESG score will take a big hit form comments such as this and this will cause your bank to freeze your account and the QR Code controlled access to your local supermarketS and gas stations, etc, will prevent you from eating until you improve your score. Good luck to you.
You live your life, and I'll live mine. It appears you think other people don't read anything. I'm quite well aware of what's going on. Guess what? IT WON'T STOP ME.
There is a nothing happening today that has not been in the works for many, many years. If enough people could have bothered themselves to stop this in its infancy, we would not be here. The fact that we are here is proof that not enough realize the danger we are in. There is only one way to end this, and it needed to be done years ago. If it began today, we have little hope now of success. Tomorrow? Less of chance. Next week? Far less of a chance.
We are on a sinking ship but only those in the spaces that are getting flooded, and few others, know this.
You state the obvious, for me. Perhaps you feel isolated and alone (quite understandable), but I think a LOT of people are well aware of what you're saying in the first part of your comment. But there is always more than one way to do something. You don't mention what you think that is, so we can all speculate, but I don't believe for one second, not even a tenth of a second, that we have "little hope of success." I think success is a given. The questions that remain, in my opinion, are how we succeed, how long it takes, and how we go about creating the world we want-- and how long THAT takes. These are unknowns, and I suspect there will be more than one way of doing any of it, because we're talking about the entire world.
You can think of things as a "sinking ship" if you like... You're entitled to think anything you want, obviously. But I don't share that view. Do I think life will be really easy really soon? No. But it may not be as hideous as some people think. We DO have the ability to create our future, and it takes effort and focus and creativity. But it's certainly not impossible! That's a little bit of what I think. ^_^
Thinking like what? That ESG scores will be used to control what you can and can not access? Major international investing, accounting and legal firms have been advertising ESG score improvement services for corporations for awhile now. A few are already advertising the same for individuals.
The Obama administration forced banks to stop offering financial services to gun stores. The My Pillow guy has had all his business accounts closed a/o frozen. This is already going on in the US.
I live in Japan and have for over 20 years. I now have to provide my US SSN# to banks in Japan to open a bank account and have learned that all my transactions are being reported to the US and have been since at least mid 2014, results of the US law known as FATCA.
That only applies if the MASS FORMATION hypnosis breaks. Little by little won't do that, because you're working against and pressure that is unprecedented, and the implication at stake are irrevocable.
Quote: None of these “outrageous conspiracy theories” should bother the “useless people”, they must continue in their obedience by “following the science” while smoking drugs and playing videogames, protect themselves and others by staying up to date with endless boosters, and make sure to follow the latest CDC advise to avoid catching monkeyhoax while having sex: UNQUOTE.
Yes. That is what we are doing, to avoid having to confront the awful truth.
Do you think the ones sitting in front of the tv know the truth, but think there is nothing
that can be done about it?
ALL of our politicians cannot be asleep or hypnotized. The conclusion must be they
know, and have been threatened with their lives, or that of their families, if they
say anything.
LIke Dr. Zelenko said. Here is the choice..50 million in a bank account no one will be able
to know about for going along. Otherwise, we kill your family.
And it has gotten all the way from the top of every country, down to the people's elected representatives.
And the loyal military have already been dispensed with..thanks Obama.
Wonder what they told them? I don't think they say nothing because they fear death.
Personally, I would like to see every last Veteran in this country housed and fed and attended to by private chariteis based in every town with ultimate decision making capability. The government should give only $$ or help in the form the town and the veterans themselves want and vote for. There shouldn't be one Veteran in this country out on the streets or mentally distressed. But I have totally realized that unless Charity is locally based and paid for, it gets corrupted and $$ is wasted. No mandates from State or Feds..every town needs to take care of their own...Not just veterans but ALL..our homeless, drug addicted, orphans, etc...but with people local who live with them on a day to day basis. All charity should begin at home.
I don't forget our Veterans, but they are older and some of them have taken the jabs. But admire them and their guts and clear thinking almost as much as their willingness to serve again.
A massive global red-pill moment is coming. We are now at a few "SADS" deaths per week. This will climb quickly to hundreds per week when the 3rd and 4th boosters kick in. There appears to be a 'time-fuse' on this jab which seems to be getting shorter and shorter as the boosters roll out.
Because of this and to divert attention, the globalist psychos will need to roll out a major event soon; nuclear war, internet down, EMP event....who knows. But it is coming because the 'SADS' tsunami is upon us.
Here! Here! you have many in Canada working very hard to r"right the ship".
Your Dr Trozzi comes to mind - check out his site and read of your fellow countrymen who are giving so much, and yet to give far more with the next wave of madness.
The source of unwellness, nausea, etc has been misdiagnosed, IMO, as the spike proteins engulfing the mRNA virus. I don't believe this is all the truth, however. Spike proteins engulf toxins as part of natural body defenses. The adjuvant in the vax vial has 98-99% GRAPHENE OXIDE in it. It is highly TOXIC and not safe for human ingestion, though v. small amounts may not hurt you (?) supposedly. The problem is the accumulation of the nano-particles, when the spike protein goes crazy it creates cytokine storms, or serious inflammation. (See detox) Graphene Oxide has electro-magnetic properties. It is a NEW TECHNOLOGICAL MATERIAL. See the European Project "The Graphene Flagship". It is a two-dimensional (only one molecule thick) material, and it is stronger than steel. It is radioactive and also able to magnify low frequency radio waves, which is what triggers the heart attacks, strokes, thrombi, etc., in the vaxxed, (even more so if near 2,3,4,5G devices) —it amplifies the body's natural electricity.
Detox. Basically you can reduce magnetism and the graphene to zero. Take NAC or Glutathione + Zinc tablets (beef up w/ vit D & C). Depending on strength of reaction to vax: Serious cases of COVID Take 1 capsule of Glutathione a day for 5-10 days + 50mg zinc. Half zinc quantity for less ill and general protection against the "vaxxed" emitting radiation, identified, I believe erroneously, as "shedding". If you look up radiation sickness you will see that it mirrors the medical side effects of COVID.
See <La Quinta Columna/tv> ; /net; or /info and transcriptions over at Orwell DOT city for more info. The story is much worse than you think:
Very interesting load of info there! Some of what you're saying I've also found, as I began researching anything related to this global fraud from about April 2020... I do appreciate the mitigation suggestions; I no longer subscribe to either Germ Theory, nor the idea of "viruses," at all... exosomes, that's my take, and I think that word will probably resonate for you as well.
I really don't think ANY heavy metals like graphene, mercury, aluminum, and these other "adjuvants" used in vaccines are OK to inject, and I'll go a step farther and say I don't think vaccines are a good idea, at all; I subscribe to the Terrain Theory concepts, and therefore I see this bizarre idea of vaccination as a clearly monetary-based "treatment." We also get heavy metals dumped over us almost on a daily basis via Persistent Aerosol Spraying, to supposedly "cool" the planet (all rubbishy nonsense, to my mind, since there is no "climate crisis" at all, unless you consider what the chem trails are doing to the plants and what the extremely LOW C02 is doing to plant life... etc), but which is doing immense damage to the plant and animal life of the planet instead...
This all said, I think arguing endlessly about absolutes within a genocide plan is perhaps at some point rather a waste of time. It's quite clear to me that these jabs and the boosters are responsible for thousands of deaths, and we are not seeing the end of it... It could end up being millions, even billions, of deaths before it stops. And in my opinion, we need to begin to figure out how to put an end to the attempt of these psychopaths planning to control the planet and everyone on it ASAP. If people are dying from these jabs, then yes, we want to know about how and why, but we also need to know when to begin to respond, and not worry about every tiny detail. Hope that makes sense!
As much as I have appreciated MCM's posts, and generally speaking, what he does, he has shown me such an ugly side of himself that I have decided to leave off reading his page. It's not necessary for someone in his position to treat anyone with the contempt he showed me, after I've been quite supportive. Oh, well. I get enough abuse already. But cheers for your response... Come n visit me on my page if you get an inclination.
ha ha! and you asked ME for advice!! I just spent 5 minutes not realising you'd already replied so just ignore! You know exactly what to do, except that Glutathione is the professional detoxer (reduces to zero) of Graphene Oxide, in the industry anyway. Melatonin is the most powerful general anti-oxidant. Probably makes no difference.
Now, here's another question: how do we get rid of the D'evil and his spawn? These so-called 'elite', or rather 'deviant retards' threaten to lock us into an inescapable grid which spells 10,000 years of tyranny and /or the loss of Humanity from the face of the Earth ... Have to figure out a way to destroy them before they destroy us.
Okay, somebody jumped all over me for suggesting that maybe, MAYBE, the "shedding" is not a valid issue... Here's why I wonder about it, keeping in mind that if there's actual evidence of this, I have not seen it, only speculation and hearsay so far... It could be true, but what if, in the same way the Nasties get some people to FEAR those who did NOT get a jab, as "asymptomatic carriers" --what amazing bullshit right there!!!-- what if the Nasties are trying to get the UNjabbed to fear the jabbed, too? Is it not the main event of Divide and Conquer, to turn your target population into two camps that hate each other? So we kill each other, and not them. THAT is my thinking. Whether that is actually the case is unclear. I could be way off. But I wonder.
I have never shunned the jabbed. But I have had alarming health difference since having to go back to full time work in an airless office with a bunch of vaxxed people. I have had screaming charlie horses for weeks now. I now know of a few who are going through this thing. There is something up with shedding.
Sorry to hear of your troubles! I'm glad I said something, because people are responding with various evidence... I'm a skeptic, lol, that's why I was already onto the fraud of "Covid" in April 2020... I question everything, even when there's "proof" sometimes... That's science, to me (not Fauci!), asking questions, even about "settled" ideas, because we often get pieces of truth, and maybe not the biggest picture of truth, bit by bit. Anyway...
I suggest, just on the possibility that your troubles are maybe, MAYBE, a low level of magnesium or potassium, that you look into that a bit... it's really common.
And be careful with potassium, if you decide to take supplements... it's not good to get TOO much. Magnesium, you just pee out the excess. (You can try eating a banana or two in the evening...) Cheers.
And also, FYI, the PCR is not a "test" of any disease or infection. It's just not the right tool for anything like that. So it's a deliberate fake tool used to terrify the entire world. It means NOTHING at all. Also "asymptomatic" infection is a non-event. You cannot have an infection without SYMPTOMS. That is real science. If you want to see one of the best videos I've seen in the past couple of years, check this out, it's great... ^_^
Know who gives a series on diet you can download, I believe it's seven PDF's, is The Weston Price Foundation. No bullshit, back to good fats and SALT is okay, etc. Good stuff, you'd probably like it.
I wonder too. Evidence in the uptick in mortality in autumn of 2021 coincides with when the jabs were made mandatory by Biden and corporations in one of their "public private partnership"
moves. Otherwise known as fascism. As an unvaxxed that's when I got covid. Went two years without a sniffle, then late Autumn 2021 I and others I know to be unvaxed caught the illness.
I am feeling strongly these days that there is no such thing as "contagion." I know, we've been taught this for centuries, but it CAN be explained. There are two comments with links to a couple of excellent videos below here... from me, look for the dog. ^_^
There's a lot of SH!T going on, no question about it.
I didn't mention this: I believe "Covid" is actually EMF poisoning. In that case, people could be "catching" a "virus" that's actually radiation. How convenient, doncha think? But that said, it's only an idea, and so is the shedding idea, and until I know what's what, I'll just consider both of these ideas to be possible. But thanks for your comment, it's clear you're using your thinking cap! Cheers.
And also, we seem to be on the same page generally, which is always gratifying. ;)
I have stopped being utterly convinced of contagion. It's never been proven. I do not believe in the existence of "viruses." There has never, ever, been an instance of isolating a "virus." The process used to "isolate" viruses is so bogus and ridiculous, even a child could easily see how fraudulent it is. All these "viruses" we're told are killing everyone, and "variants" and "monkeypox" and so forth are fake. Computer-generated cartoons. If you'd like to hear an expert explain these things, here's a great video for ya, and it's actually entertaining.
Climate change causing dehydration causing SADS. Pretty obvious. I’m pretty concerned about Monkey Pox too. Shouldn’t they be saying ‘NO anal sex for three weeks!’ Just to flatten the curve. And close the gay bath houses? Cancel pride season? Just for three weeks though.
The proganda never stops; BBC reported that “talk tv said that Kate McCann was fine, but the show was stopped due to medical advice”.
Fine? Um, she collapsed guys, so hard it is audible on the tape. And why not just continue the show if she was fine? Why did medical advice have them stop for someone who is fine?
Just like in Soviet times. The disjunction between what the mind KNOWS, and what the news FED to the viewer, had grown so extreme that the system finally snapped. That's how it always is near the end [or beginning?] of things.
The trouble is that they intend for the system to snap. And before people get round to hanging Quislings from lamp posts, the plan is for the CBDCs and social credit systems to be in place. And they are not hanging around. Big Brother Watch in the UK has just made a legal complaint against the implementation of live facial recognition software in southern Co-op stores 'to deter known thieves'. It's software from the Chinese state-owned Hikvision, who provided the same software for concentration camps in Xinjiang.
A couple of weeks ago, a number of supermarkets said they were about to trial live facial recognition and fingerprint recognition at checkouts, the plan being that neither cash nor cards will be accepted. Every time a new step is introduced, you can see in hindsight the other steps that led up to it - first they got us used to fingerprints to access our phones, next people will think nothing of extending that to paying for their groceries. Fingerprint + incomplete vaxx record = no dinner for you, mate.
We have to keep supporting people like Big Brother Watch to bring legal challenges against these developments - it also gets the issues into the mainstream 'newspapers'.
Yep- like during Chernobyl Soviet TV supposedly said that an American Nuclear accident had occurred. ( so I heard, would appreciate if you could verify? )thanks
Speaking of collapsing hard. That is something I’ve noticed, now that you mention it. I’ve seen the odd person faint over my lifetime. It seems to me a typical fainting has a bit of a buildup, and some sense of fainting in the person. They’ll slowly sink, or try to sit down etc. The ‘droppers’ are awake and talking and then BAM! They go down hard.
Yep, and Del Bigtree of The Highwire noted that sudden hard collapse that can even fracture a skull( Bob Saget) is a sude effect of pfizer shot that was released in their document dump dut to an FOIA
The article about the number of guests associated with one wedding party, whose only other common denominator was that they all were jabbed is indicative of how information spreads in real life: the best way is to spread by real people telling of their experiences around the matter.
So many people seriously affected, you wonder how big was that wedding party?
I expected this and more - ALL data is not being collated as many jabbed people do not realise that certain changes in behaviour alone, can signal reactions re The Jab - and do not realise the many different Signs & Symptoms that portend so much more to come re health issues.
MORE IMPORTANTLY Mark, so many people have already had their bodies altered-shall I use the word PREPARED for The Jab - over many, many years, by Vaccines, HIV/XMRV being spread per air and so much more.
My 2 sons who had International Careers, we are Australians, sons, around the 50 years old mark, one with Asperger's, after the 2 baby jabs-Mum diagnosed at 7 months,. We had an ongoing Major stress event (05/1987) in our lives and we all went down with Auto Immune disorders, in the late 1980'- Fauci Lab leak (read Dr Judy Mikovits book "The Plague of Corruption" FREE download). We all had excellent health, rarely a cold and NO FLU ever.
Many of the COVID jab Signs & Symptoms were experienced by us over the years, and we still must take car with Diet etc., of our Auto Immune disorder. Had Narcolepsy, Carpal tunnel, Neurodegeneration, CFS, Arthritis, IBD, Fungal, EAR & EYE problems, Hives, Rashes, joint problems, Thyroid & Adrenal, moderate Diverticulitis-self-cured, Dr wanted to operate on my neck - NO, said I, and never a problem after self-treating, but did have to wear a support Collar for sometime, Infection+++ (Drs 4.5 years of Antibiotics, Chest, Emergency hospital, seriously ill a number of times, Bronchitis ++, and the list goes on & on. FORCED to be Dr, Researcher, Pharmacist, now we are up and running when I decided to totally divorce the Medical and Pharma worlds. Except for the occasional blood test while I bear in mind that they are fallible, but do serve as a baseline of sorts.
Drs are amazed and ask what am I doing? I tell them to do their own Research, also change their systems/ training etc.,
Stress "triggers" this Auto Immune reaction that so many have had, long before this PLANdemic.
People were beginning to suffer so many Chronic diseases and other illnesses and Drs gave them pills that gave temporary relief, but then made many worse.
But it prepared the way for peoples Immune Systems to be weakened, and bear in mind I said STRESS precipitates illness and we are now in very stressful times, so with those factors present - connived by those who are supposed be in positions of RESPONSIBLITY and who have abrogated same for $$$.
Remembering now, that in July 2001, and according to my Dr, I was SERIOUSLY ILL and had return that afternoon for the morning Blood test results, the Dr telling me I was seriously ill" she was still reading the BLOOD TEST RESULTS, and said Oh, YOUR BLOODS have been SENT to THE CDC" this acronym had no meaning for me and I could not have cared less then.
Years later I learnt that this acronym referred to THE CENTRE FOR DISEASE CONTROL in USA. I tried to obtain the tests/data from the Pathology Lab, who denied that it ever happened.
Later I sent a letter to the State Health Department and to this day I await their acknowledgement or a full reply. NO one asked me if I consented to my information being sent to The CDC. I emailed the CDC later on and they referred me back to the State Health Department.
When this PLANdemic " happened" I remembered this CDC involvement with my Blood Tests.
Wow. That's quite the story, thanks for sharing that, and I'm impressed with your gumption and wisdom to do what you did. Cheers! Wishing you the best!
I keep wondering when it will sink in and how bad it will be for these people. Acknowledging what's going on means having to contend with your own (possible) death sentence. I desperately tried to wake people before they got the shots. Now, I try to avoid the subject, because I am legitimately worried about what it will do to their mental states.
And yet tomorrow morning they will show up with bright and shiny faces pushing this poison on babies. They are now concocting a new Trivalent jab that will untested and ready for this Autumn. Dr. Malone calls this pure insanity. One of my closest friends with zero health problems was found dead just 3 weeks ago. I literally begged him not to take it but his boss insisted.
Joan, I'm on the team compiling the sudden deaths. When an obituary (or other death notice) for your friend appears, please email me a link to it: annettecohen (at) proton.me. Thanks in advance.
Russian spokeswoman Maria Zakharova had the best take on the presenter who collapsed while Liz Truss was droning on with her usual drivel about democracy. Zakharova said she was overcome by the bs Truss was spewing.
But we already knew the consequences of the injection. Because thousands are dying all over the world, and now? Are we going to bring them back to life? Let us wait because the world continues to undergo a great transformation in our eyes. Let us take it easy and wait for these results not those of vaccines. They took it done. We've been explaining for two years. Enough is enough.
It's difficult to be in a cult and suddenly someone opens the window a crack... It's like falling off a skyscraper. That's why they don't JUMP off the skyscraper. This is about a fear so profound that a person cannot tolerate the THOUGHT of something being amiss, because they fear their entire world will collapse. They are incapable of going there, until they somehow ARE able, and surely for some, that is never. We're told over and over again, by all the religions, all the philosophers, all the wise folks, that Fear is the thing to overcome. This whole Covid mess sure does illustrate it, I'd say.
I suspect the "opening of eyes" will follow the pattern of the Ernest Hemingway quote: Slowly at first, then suddenly.
Thank you for all you do Mark !!!!!!!
I have been expecting that pattern as well, but I never imagined these incidents to be so numerous and frequent and we’d still be in the “slowly at first” phase.
The problem is the media is not covering the sudden unexplained deaths so people don't see what is going on. Mark Crispin Miller has diligently reported them for months if anyone cared to read therm.
A very very clear message about why a FREE PRESS is so absolutely necessary!
Yes - they are covering - it’s sudden adult death syndrome - no known cause 😜
I think that will quickly be "discovered" as well. Once there's a crack, the light just gets in.
Tonight at church, the prayer list is growing and is full of old, middle-age, AND young people but they are not sick with one thing, it's many different things so they don't see them as connected but we, who have read up on this stuff, know that there is a connection. We have read and seen interviews on the tons of adverse events the shots cause. In my particular situation, I don't see them getting it anytime soon.
Like the berlin wall
or the opposition to the war in Vietnam
or people committing “ Clintoncide”
I sure hope it starts really soon.
I think we are coming up on “suddenly”!
Won’t mean anything unless we do something about it, which we won’t.
Yes, we will. It's a whole different thing when people DO "wake up."
I’ll believe it when I see it. You’re ESG score will take a big hit form comments such as this and this will cause your bank to freeze your account and the QR Code controlled access to your local supermarketS and gas stations, etc, will prevent you from eating until you improve your score. Good luck to you.
You live your life, and I'll live mine. It appears you think other people don't read anything. I'm quite well aware of what's going on. Guess what? IT WON'T STOP ME.
There is a nothing happening today that has not been in the works for many, many years. If enough people could have bothered themselves to stop this in its infancy, we would not be here. The fact that we are here is proof that not enough realize the danger we are in. There is only one way to end this, and it needed to be done years ago. If it began today, we have little hope now of success. Tomorrow? Less of chance. Next week? Far less of a chance.
We are on a sinking ship but only those in the spaces that are getting flooded, and few others, know this.
You state the obvious, for me. Perhaps you feel isolated and alone (quite understandable), but I think a LOT of people are well aware of what you're saying in the first part of your comment. But there is always more than one way to do something. You don't mention what you think that is, so we can all speculate, but I don't believe for one second, not even a tenth of a second, that we have "little hope of success." I think success is a given. The questions that remain, in my opinion, are how we succeed, how long it takes, and how we go about creating the world we want-- and how long THAT takes. These are unknowns, and I suspect there will be more than one way of doing any of it, because we're talking about the entire world.
You can think of things as a "sinking ship" if you like... You're entitled to think anything you want, obviously. But I don't share that view. Do I think life will be really easy really soon? No. But it may not be as hideous as some people think. We DO have the ability to create our future, and it takes effort and focus and creativity. But it's certainly not impossible! That's a little bit of what I think. ^_^
Thinking like what? That ESG scores will be used to control what you can and can not access? Major international investing, accounting and legal firms have been advertising ESG score improvement services for corporations for awhile now. A few are already advertising the same for individuals.
The Obama administration forced banks to stop offering financial services to gun stores. The My Pillow guy has had all his business accounts closed a/o frozen. This is already going on in the US.
I live in Japan and have for over 20 years. I now have to provide my US SSN# to banks in Japan to open a bank account and have learned that all my transactions are being reported to the US and have been since at least mid 2014, results of the US law known as FATCA.
These just scratch the surface.
That only applies if the MASS FORMATION hypnosis breaks. Little by little won't do that, because you're working against and pressure that is unprecedented, and the implication at stake are irrevocable.
You're doing important work MCM. 🙌
Back atcha. (Loved your recent piece about the trans movement.)
A Global Slaughter:
Unprecedented: Mortality in Finland Has Risen to All-Time Highs. Australian Deaths Are 17.5% More Than the Historical Average
Quote: None of these “outrageous conspiracy theories” should bother the “useless people”, they must continue in their obedience by “following the science” while smoking drugs and playing videogames, protect themselves and others by staying up to date with endless boosters, and make sure to follow the latest CDC advise to avoid catching monkeyhoax while having sex: UNQUOTE.
Yes. That is what we are doing, to avoid having to confront the awful truth.
Do you think the ones sitting in front of the tv know the truth, but think there is nothing
that can be done about it?
ALL of our politicians cannot be asleep or hypnotized. The conclusion must be they
know, and have been threatened with their lives, or that of their families, if they
say anything.
LIke Dr. Zelenko said. Here is the choice..50 million in a bank account no one will be able
to know about for going along. Otherwise, we kill your family.
And it has gotten all the way from the top of every country, down to the people's elected representatives.
And the loyal military have already been dispensed with..thanks Obama.
Wonder what they told them? I don't think they say nothing because they fear death.
What were they told that is worse than death?
Don't forget about all the veterans... Just a thought. xo
Personally, I would like to see every last Veteran in this country housed and fed and attended to by private chariteis based in every town with ultimate decision making capability. The government should give only $$ or help in the form the town and the veterans themselves want and vote for. There shouldn't be one Veteran in this country out on the streets or mentally distressed. But I have totally realized that unless Charity is locally based and paid for, it gets corrupted and $$ is wasted. No mandates from State or Feds..every town needs to take care of their own...Not just veterans but ALL..our homeless, drug addicted, orphans, etc...but with people local who live with them on a day to day basis. All charity should begin at home.
I don't forget our Veterans, but they are older and some of them have taken the jabs. But admire them and their guts and clear thinking almost as much as their willingness to serve again.
If the US is up 12% only and it normally has 3.5 million deaths then increased mortality is likely hitting 400,000 right about now.
I understand CDC will not release mortality figures anymore....
A massive global red-pill moment is coming. We are now at a few "SADS" deaths per week. This will climb quickly to hundreds per week when the 3rd and 4th boosters kick in. There appears to be a 'time-fuse' on this jab which seems to be getting shorter and shorter as the boosters roll out.
Because of this and to divert attention, the globalist psychos will need to roll out a major event soon; nuclear war, internet down, EMP event....who knows. But it is coming because the 'SADS' tsunami is upon us.
Marc Mullie MD
Cheers from Toronto, we will crest on top of this giant tidal wave together, and then be as one.
Here! Here! you have many in Canada working very hard to r"right the ship".
Your Dr Trozzi comes to mind - check out his site and read of your fellow countrymen who are giving so much, and yet to give far more with the next wave of madness.
I'd say one event they'll be considering is where and how the hell they're going to hide... long term.
The source of unwellness, nausea, etc has been misdiagnosed, IMO, as the spike proteins engulfing the mRNA virus. I don't believe this is all the truth, however. Spike proteins engulf toxins as part of natural body defenses. The adjuvant in the vax vial has 98-99% GRAPHENE OXIDE in it. It is highly TOXIC and not safe for human ingestion, though v. small amounts may not hurt you (?) supposedly. The problem is the accumulation of the nano-particles, when the spike protein goes crazy it creates cytokine storms, or serious inflammation. (See detox) Graphene Oxide has electro-magnetic properties. It is a NEW TECHNOLOGICAL MATERIAL. See the European Project "The Graphene Flagship". It is a two-dimensional (only one molecule thick) material, and it is stronger than steel. It is radioactive and also able to magnify low frequency radio waves, which is what triggers the heart attacks, strokes, thrombi, etc., in the vaxxed, (even more so if near 2,3,4,5G devices) —it amplifies the body's natural electricity.
Detox. Basically you can reduce magnetism and the graphene to zero. Take NAC or Glutathione + Zinc tablets (beef up w/ vit D & C). Depending on strength of reaction to vax: Serious cases of COVID Take 1 capsule of Glutathione a day for 5-10 days + 50mg zinc. Half zinc quantity for less ill and general protection against the "vaxxed" emitting radiation, identified, I believe erroneously, as "shedding". If you look up radiation sickness you will see that it mirrors the medical side effects of COVID.
See <La Quinta Columna/tv> ; /net; or /info and transcriptions over at Orwell DOT city for more info. The story is much worse than you think:
Very interesting load of info there! Some of what you're saying I've also found, as I began researching anything related to this global fraud from about April 2020... I do appreciate the mitigation suggestions; I no longer subscribe to either Germ Theory, nor the idea of "viruses," at all... exosomes, that's my take, and I think that word will probably resonate for you as well.
I really don't think ANY heavy metals like graphene, mercury, aluminum, and these other "adjuvants" used in vaccines are OK to inject, and I'll go a step farther and say I don't think vaccines are a good idea, at all; I subscribe to the Terrain Theory concepts, and therefore I see this bizarre idea of vaccination as a clearly monetary-based "treatment." We also get heavy metals dumped over us almost on a daily basis via Persistent Aerosol Spraying, to supposedly "cool" the planet (all rubbishy nonsense, to my mind, since there is no "climate crisis" at all, unless you consider what the chem trails are doing to the plants and what the extremely LOW C02 is doing to plant life... etc), but which is doing immense damage to the plant and animal life of the planet instead...
This all said, I think arguing endlessly about absolutes within a genocide plan is perhaps at some point rather a waste of time. It's quite clear to me that these jabs and the boosters are responsible for thousands of deaths, and we are not seeing the end of it... It could end up being millions, even billions, of deaths before it stops. And in my opinion, we need to begin to figure out how to put an end to the attempt of these psychopaths planning to control the planet and everyone on it ASAP. If people are dying from these jabs, then yes, we want to know about how and why, but we also need to know when to begin to respond, and not worry about every tiny detail. Hope that makes sense!
couldn't agree with you more, and just posted as such to the other commenter, to not repeat see below ...
As much as I have appreciated MCM's posts, and generally speaking, what he does, he has shown me such an ugly side of himself that I have decided to leave off reading his page. It's not necessary for someone in his position to treat anyone with the contempt he showed me, after I've been quite supportive. Oh, well. I get enough abuse already. But cheers for your response... Come n visit me on my page if you get an inclination.
ha ha! and you asked ME for advice!! I just spent 5 minutes not realising you'd already replied so just ignore! You know exactly what to do, except that Glutathione is the professional detoxer (reduces to zero) of Graphene Oxide, in the industry anyway. Melatonin is the most powerful general anti-oxidant. Probably makes no difference.
Now, here's another question: how do we get rid of the D'evil and his spawn? These so-called 'elite', or rather 'deviant retards' threaten to lock us into an inescapable grid which spells 10,000 years of tyranny and /or the loss of Humanity from the face of the Earth ... Have to figure out a way to destroy them before they destroy us.
Okay, somebody jumped all over me for suggesting that maybe, MAYBE, the "shedding" is not a valid issue... Here's why I wonder about it, keeping in mind that if there's actual evidence of this, I have not seen it, only speculation and hearsay so far... It could be true, but what if, in the same way the Nasties get some people to FEAR those who did NOT get a jab, as "asymptomatic carriers" --what amazing bullshit right there!!!-- what if the Nasties are trying to get the UNjabbed to fear the jabbed, too? Is it not the main event of Divide and Conquer, to turn your target population into two camps that hate each other? So we kill each other, and not them. THAT is my thinking. Whether that is actually the case is unclear. I could be way off. But I wonder.
I have never shunned the jabbed. But I have had alarming health difference since having to go back to full time work in an airless office with a bunch of vaxxed people. I have had screaming charlie horses for weeks now. I now know of a few who are going through this thing. There is something up with shedding.
Sorry to hear of your troubles! I'm glad I said something, because people are responding with various evidence... I'm a skeptic, lol, that's why I was already onto the fraud of "Covid" in April 2020... I question everything, even when there's "proof" sometimes... That's science, to me (not Fauci!), asking questions, even about "settled" ideas, because we often get pieces of truth, and maybe not the biggest picture of truth, bit by bit. Anyway...
I suggest, just on the possibility that your troubles are maybe, MAYBE, a low level of magnesium or potassium, that you look into that a bit... it's really common.
Here's just ONE site: https://drveniadvokat.com/what-are-the-symptoms-of-low-potassium-and-magnesium/
And be careful with potassium, if you decide to take supplements... it's not good to get TOO much. Magnesium, you just pee out the excess. (You can try eating a banana or two in the evening...) Cheers.
And also, FYI, the PCR is not a "test" of any disease or infection. It's just not the right tool for anything like that. So it's a deliberate fake tool used to terrify the entire world. It means NOTHING at all. Also "asymptomatic" infection is a non-event. You cannot have an infection without SYMPTOMS. That is real science. If you want to see one of the best videos I've seen in the past couple of years, check this out, it's great... ^_^
FYI, Epsom salts are loaded with magnesium. ^_^
Know who gives a series on diet you can download, I believe it's seven PDF's, is The Weston Price Foundation. No bullshit, back to good fats and SALT is okay, etc. Good stuff, you'd probably like it.
I wonder too. Evidence in the uptick in mortality in autumn of 2021 coincides with when the jabs were made mandatory by Biden and corporations in one of their "public private partnership"
moves. Otherwise known as fascism. As an unvaxxed that's when I got covid. Went two years without a sniffle, then late Autumn 2021 I and others I know to be unvaxed caught the illness.
I am feeling strongly these days that there is no such thing as "contagion." I know, we've been taught this for centuries, but it CAN be explained. There are two comments with links to a couple of excellent videos below here... from me, look for the dog. ^_^
There's a lot of SH!T going on, no question about it.
It's just something that needs to be done. I'm in good, large, company. xo
You make many good points.
I didn't mention this: I believe "Covid" is actually EMF poisoning. In that case, people could be "catching" a "virus" that's actually radiation. How convenient, doncha think? But that said, it's only an idea, and so is the shedding idea, and until I know what's what, I'll just consider both of these ideas to be possible. But thanks for your comment, it's clear you're using your thinking cap! Cheers.
And also, we seem to be on the same page generally, which is always gratifying. ;)
I have stopped being utterly convinced of contagion. It's never been proven. I do not believe in the existence of "viruses." There has never, ever, been an instance of isolating a "virus." The process used to "isolate" viruses is so bogus and ridiculous, even a child could easily see how fraudulent it is. All these "viruses" we're told are killing everyone, and "variants" and "monkeypox" and so forth are fake. Computer-generated cartoons. If you'd like to hear an expert explain these things, here's a great video for ya, and it's actually entertaining.
Those that have ears let them hear.
Many won’t allow themselves to believe they were so wrong
You are correct. It is due to climate change. Obviously.
Climate change causing dehydration causing SADS. Pretty obvious. I’m pretty concerned about Monkey Pox too. Shouldn’t they be saying ‘NO anal sex for three weeks!’ Just to flatten the curve. And close the gay bath houses? Cancel pride season? Just for three weeks though.
Exactly I agree systemic racism.
The proganda never stops; BBC reported that “talk tv said that Kate McCann was fine, but the show was stopped due to medical advice”.
Fine? Um, she collapsed guys, so hard it is audible on the tape. And why not just continue the show if she was fine? Why did medical advice have them stop for someone who is fine?
You can’t make this stuff up.
BBC…ha ha ha…
Just like in Soviet times. The disjunction between what the mind KNOWS, and what the news FED to the viewer, had grown so extreme that the system finally snapped. That's how it always is near the end [or beginning?] of things.
The trouble is that they intend for the system to snap. And before people get round to hanging Quislings from lamp posts, the plan is for the CBDCs and social credit systems to be in place. And they are not hanging around. Big Brother Watch in the UK has just made a legal complaint against the implementation of live facial recognition software in southern Co-op stores 'to deter known thieves'. It's software from the Chinese state-owned Hikvision, who provided the same software for concentration camps in Xinjiang.
A couple of weeks ago, a number of supermarkets said they were about to trial live facial recognition and fingerprint recognition at checkouts, the plan being that neither cash nor cards will be accepted. Every time a new step is introduced, you can see in hindsight the other steps that led up to it - first they got us used to fingerprints to access our phones, next people will think nothing of extending that to paying for their groceries. Fingerprint + incomplete vaxx record = no dinner for you, mate.
We have to keep supporting people like Big Brother Watch to bring legal challenges against these developments - it also gets the issues into the mainstream 'newspapers'.
Yep- like during Chernobyl Soviet TV supposedly said that an American Nuclear accident had occurred. ( so I heard, would appreciate if you could verify? )thanks
Speaking of collapsing hard. That is something I’ve noticed, now that you mention it. I’ve seen the odd person faint over my lifetime. It seems to me a typical fainting has a bit of a buildup, and some sense of fainting in the person. They’ll slowly sink, or try to sit down etc. The ‘droppers’ are awake and talking and then BAM! They go down hard.
Yep, and Del Bigtree of The Highwire noted that sudden hard collapse that can even fracture a skull( Bob Saget) is a sude effect of pfizer shot that was released in their document dump dut to an FOIA
It was all so easily avoided by following the advice in Psalm 1:1
The New Living Translation puts it this way:
"Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked..."
Imagine how many are not caught on camera
Ivana Trump.
The article about the number of guests associated with one wedding party, whose only other common denominator was that they all were jabbed is indicative of how information spreads in real life: the best way is to spread by real people telling of their experiences around the matter.
So many people seriously affected, you wonder how big was that wedding party?
this is incredible. watch liz truss. she knows exactly what's happening.
i hope olga in italy has relatives who will bring her murderers to justice. all of them.
Prof Mark Crispin Miller,
I expected this and more - ALL data is not being collated as many jabbed people do not realise that certain changes in behaviour alone, can signal reactions re The Jab - and do not realise the many different Signs & Symptoms that portend so much more to come re health issues.
MORE IMPORTANTLY Mark, so many people have already had their bodies altered-shall I use the word PREPARED for The Jab - over many, many years, by Vaccines, HIV/XMRV being spread per air and so much more.
My 2 sons who had International Careers, we are Australians, sons, around the 50 years old mark, one with Asperger's, after the 2 baby jabs-Mum diagnosed at 7 months,. We had an ongoing Major stress event (05/1987) in our lives and we all went down with Auto Immune disorders, in the late 1980'- Fauci Lab leak (read Dr Judy Mikovits book "The Plague of Corruption" FREE download). We all had excellent health, rarely a cold and NO FLU ever.
Many of the COVID jab Signs & Symptoms were experienced by us over the years, and we still must take car with Diet etc., of our Auto Immune disorder. Had Narcolepsy, Carpal tunnel, Neurodegeneration, CFS, Arthritis, IBD, Fungal, EAR & EYE problems, Hives, Rashes, joint problems, Thyroid & Adrenal, moderate Diverticulitis-self-cured, Dr wanted to operate on my neck - NO, said I, and never a problem after self-treating, but did have to wear a support Collar for sometime, Infection+++ (Drs 4.5 years of Antibiotics, Chest, Emergency hospital, seriously ill a number of times, Bronchitis ++, and the list goes on & on. FORCED to be Dr, Researcher, Pharmacist, now we are up and running when I decided to totally divorce the Medical and Pharma worlds. Except for the occasional blood test while I bear in mind that they are fallible, but do serve as a baseline of sorts.
Drs are amazed and ask what am I doing? I tell them to do their own Research, also change their systems/ training etc.,
Stress "triggers" this Auto Immune reaction that so many have had, long before this PLANdemic.
People were beginning to suffer so many Chronic diseases and other illnesses and Drs gave them pills that gave temporary relief, but then made many worse.
But it prepared the way for peoples Immune Systems to be weakened, and bear in mind I said STRESS precipitates illness and we are now in very stressful times, so with those factors present - connived by those who are supposed be in positions of RESPONSIBLITY and who have abrogated same for $$$.
Remembering now, that in July 2001, and according to my Dr, I was SERIOUSLY ILL and had return that afternoon for the morning Blood test results, the Dr telling me I was seriously ill" she was still reading the BLOOD TEST RESULTS, and said Oh, YOUR BLOODS have been SENT to THE CDC" this acronym had no meaning for me and I could not have cared less then.
Years later I learnt that this acronym referred to THE CENTRE FOR DISEASE CONTROL in USA. I tried to obtain the tests/data from the Pathology Lab, who denied that it ever happened.
Later I sent a letter to the State Health Department and to this day I await their acknowledgement or a full reply. NO one asked me if I consented to my information being sent to The CDC. I emailed the CDC later on and they referred me back to the State Health Department.
When this PLANdemic " happened" I remembered this CDC involvement with my Blood Tests.
Wow. That's quite the story, thanks for sharing that, and I'm impressed with your gumption and wisdom to do what you did. Cheers! Wishing you the best!
I keep wondering when it will sink in and how bad it will be for these people. Acknowledging what's going on means having to contend with your own (possible) death sentence. I desperately tried to wake people before they got the shots. Now, I try to avoid the subject, because I am legitimately worried about what it will do to their mental states.
So angry 😡 about the poor woman who literally was executed by force. Her crime: being an old lady in Italy. What will make this stop?
And yet tomorrow morning they will show up with bright and shiny faces pushing this poison on babies. They are now concocting a new Trivalent jab that will untested and ready for this Autumn. Dr. Malone calls this pure insanity. One of my closest friends with zero health problems was found dead just 3 weeks ago. I literally begged him not to take it but his boss insisted.
Was there an obituary or other notice in a local paper? We need this info.
Nothing has been posted yet. I'll get back when I hear...
Joan, I'm on the team compiling the sudden deaths. When an obituary (or other death notice) for your friend appears, please email me a link to it: annettecohen (at) proton.me. Thanks in advance.
Got it.
Russian spokeswoman Maria Zakharova had the best take on the presenter who collapsed while Liz Truss was droning on with her usual drivel about democracy. Zakharova said she was overcome by the bs Truss was spewing.
But we already knew the consequences of the injection. Because thousands are dying all over the world, and now? Are we going to bring them back to life? Let us wait because the world continues to undergo a great transformation in our eyes. Let us take it easy and wait for these results not those of vaccines. They took it done. We've been explaining for two years. Enough is enough.
These stories have been opening people's eyes, which were shut tight regardless of what "we already knew."
If you want to take it easy, go ahead. Some of us don't have that option, and cannot imagine it.
It's difficult to be in a cult and suddenly someone opens the window a crack... It's like falling off a skyscraper. That's why they don't JUMP off the skyscraper. This is about a fear so profound that a person cannot tolerate the THOUGHT of something being amiss, because they fear their entire world will collapse. They are incapable of going there, until they somehow ARE able, and surely for some, that is never. We're told over and over again, by all the religions, all the philosophers, all the wise folks, that Fear is the thing to overcome. This whole Covid mess sure does illustrate it, I'd say.
Not really. They’re always thinking the same thing. ‘I want to eat his brains! Ummm, yummy.’