Tucker Carlson tells Russell Brand exactly how it all went down, while CNN's Abby Phillip flips out in defense of the official story, which she thinks is true, because "we watched what happened"
In addition to that possibility, the changes I noticed in generations that came up behind me (was born the year JFK was shot) that I think deprived people of "normalcy" would also include being put in daycare 40 hours a week, or raised by "nannies", lack of parental engagement, ramped up consumerism, way too much television, and failure to have faith and family culture and traditions passed down through the generations like it was up until the 1980s (I don't even care what faith or culture, but inheriting a firm sense of identity from your ancestors and knowing who you are.) People have been psychologically kidnapped by mainstream media/entertainment/infotainment/social media. No-fault divorce and absent fathers, promiscuity, etc., also major changes that started happening big time starting in the mid-1970s. I read a lot of comments and I notice how millennials are looking for father figures everywhere, and I also see how far removed so many younger people are from any understanding of God. Nobody passed anything down to them. That's why they latch onto "the Science". I see people seeking father substitutes and God substitutes everywhere and they turn to the only places their familiar: the media/Internet.
Remember when people used to pass down recipes? Now people don't even know how to cook. It is a complete crime if parents don't teach their children the basics of life - like how to cook.
Add one more thing to your excellent comprehensive list: the demand beginning in the 1980s, then the peer pressure and cache, to devote one’s life to one’s career, complete with 50-60 hour work weeks and uprooting self and family for career. I have two super capable, very smart friends who struggled so much once children came along... coming from a broken chaotic home and rescued by stable family members (with one working parent and the other staying out of the workforce until we were all in college), I kept reminding my friends that there is nothing on the planet more important than parenting when children come along. Now parents pretty much MUST work, furthering the decline in a healthy functioning culture.
I'm 71 and I got two vaccines as a child. None of them were ever repeated, though in the '70s, I got a tetanus "vaccine" after treatment of a cut that happened at work. I've never taken a flu shot, either. It's mind-boggling to me how many vaccines were/are given to later generations of people now.
Prior to vaxxes (and in addition),brain damage came from lead (oh, that's ongoing when you use granny's vintage dishes), ddt (see Parkinson's), aluminum, fluoride in water. So many ways to poison our grey matter.
The world's premier aluminum toxicology expert Professor Chris Exley, PhD is on Substack.
He is connecting the potent neurotoxin aluminum found in many childhood and flu vaccines to Alzheimer's Disease and autism. Are they both just fancy words for aluminum poisoning?
We are being bombared with chemicals not ever proven to be safe, in food, personal care, cleaning products, furniture, clothing, etc. Watch the doco "Stink" find it on Youtube.
Babies are born with high levels of dangerous chemicals, they don't need to be injected with more.
As the steep rise in Autsim occurred, schools were overtaken by Sex Groomers. According to Dr McCullough 80 percent of those that go thru with Trans surgery are Austistic.
Umm...many in "our free press" aren't what you describe them as. Many are information warfare special operators, Defense/Intelligence-trained media specialists. Who's job is to protect and defend the government itself from We, The People. Lest we get the crazy idea that government serves the people and not the other way around. Though I have no doubt that most of those on-air special operators believe they are engaged in honorable work, I have little doubt that most of their superiors are not. They forget they swore an oath to the Constitution of the United States, not the politicians, generals and bureaucrats who mistake themselves for the Constitution.
Yes, there are such operatives among the journalists, of course. But most of them are standard-issue j-school product, who are taught to trust their high-placed sources. The most effective vectors of the lie are those who believe it.
I believe in choice. I chose not to take the jab. I chose not to rely on drugs in their pill for an ill world. I choose to eat organic food and pasture raised meat and dairy from local farmers and raise much for myself. And I chose to turn off that idiot box when the MSM spouts their garbage. I chose not to read newspapers and magazines that does nothing but cloud the mind to the truth. Even my "church" these days is in my own backyard with my garden and my chickens. Be still and listen. When you watch your seeds grow into plants, bloom and produce their offerings and pick for a meal, you learn much of what the world is really about and what God teaches.. Then take some time and marvel how a chicken makes an egg. And for sure thank God every chance you get for all the gifts he gives that most just dismiss. As crazy as this world has become, it is still possible to find some peace.
I studied under one of the top propagandists in our media, Kathleen Hall Jamieson. Co-founder of FactCheck.org and its subsidiary SciCheck.org, who's focus of influence and shaping the public mind is politics and science. Which, most of us have learned are inseparable for the true power center of this nation. I learned the magician's tricks from her. And I have no doubt in my mind that she is one of those operatives who primarily works behind the scenes, though occasionally making her on-air and public appearances.
"We know only a single science, the science of history. One can look at history from two sides and divide it into the history of nature and the history of men. The two sides are, however, inseparable; the history of nature and the history of men are dependent on each other so long as men exist. The history of nature, called natural science, does not concern us here; but we will have to examine the history of men, since almost the whole ideology amounts either to a distorted conception of this history or to a complete abstraction from it. Ideology is itself only one of the aspects of this history."
Marxists don't believe there is a difference between the science of nature, "Natural Science" (like chemistry and biology) and the science of man, "Social Science" (like political and behavioral science).
The pandemic propagandists have hidden in plain sight, claiming they are "following the science" for all of their public policy demands. Hiding in the ambiguity of the word "science" without facing questions about what *type* of science. Natural science, hard science, real science as most imagine science is. Or Social science, soft science, pseudoscience as most imagine fake science is. Like the science of the eugenicists exposed a century ago, to the horror of the world. Hiding in plain sight, in the assumptions that the word "science" comes with. Marxists believing there is only one science, no distinction, is what allows them to hide in the ambiguity of the word, linguistics. Like Marxist Noam Chomsky taught generations of Marxists to use. So do the propagandists.
I went to J-School back in the early 90's. It was crap back then. We weren't taught anything about sources. Today there are no sources, unless you mean the AP article that is literally cut and pasted (including typos) by interns into a fake local "article." There is no journalism now, just cut and paste. Thank God AI can take over now, maybe at least we will be spared the typos and bad grammar.
That's why it's unlikely most journalists 'believe' the stories they're writing. How many have been privy to editorial boardrooms where the topic at hand is how to obfuscate the story, not running out to uncover a second source.?
Of course there are the water cooler conversations plus are we supposed to think the average journalist stays naive with this going on when we're not?
Every night, like Big Ben, my adopted dogs have an obligatory fight, which I break up by yelling and threatening to send them Fed Ex to the Indonesian dog market and by spraying them with water. Long ago I had a roommate in San Francisco who had herded reindeer in Lapland and studied their dominance and submission battles, which were never fatal, but the winner got an immune lift and the loser lost some immune function. One of the things the cognitive infrastructure colonizers know is what our evolutionary weaknesses are, while they have systematically deleted those from our academic curriculums. During a winter ice storm, without power for four days, I realized that if I hadn't had food, I might've been capable of bopping my neighbor, with sickle cell anemia, who had power over the head to get to his heat. I am stronger for knowing these evolutionary vestigial capacities in myself. We are divine chimpanzees, and they try to excise both our chimp natures and divine natures from us. Helplessness and demoralization are bad for the immune system, and perhaps fighting online is an attempt to enhance our immunity driven by the adaptive unconscious, unbeknownst to us, but known to them. Also, by the way, it is salutory---studies prove this---to curse one's brains out. So maybe more cursing???
I guess one perspective is that the 'malignity' is so endemic now across all the institutions MCM mentioned, and the propensity for such malignity so pervasive across the majority of the population. (What % conform to the 'iron law of bureaucracy' -80%? higher?)
So what do you do? Lock everyone up? Try and rehabilitate?
FWIW, I think MCM has it right: a lot of these media people do believe what they are saying. They are well trained ideologues with decades of indoctrination. That doesn’t mean plenty of them don’t know they are lying. The percentages are tough to estimate.
As an example, I had a large set of files showing specific people getting injured or killed by the shots and a lot of the theory. Some did look at a lot of it, one saying “I stopped about halfway through. If this was happening, I’d’ve heard about it. I mean (speaking of his two most trusted sources) they don’t really have any reason to lie”. I explained otherwise but got nowhere.
Someone I’m close to rejected what I asked them to read (a transcript of an RFK J speech summer of 21 where he explained the table top exercises and totalitarian agenda). As soon as the agenda 2030 goals were read, that was the end. They wouldn’t read any more. They are big NYT fans, “all the news that’s fit to print”, and NYT never bothered to mention this subject (in a way that would give proper perspective).
The big lie propaganda is unfortunately very effective when coming from a personal “trusted source”.
SH has had many interesting articles and insights, including the concept of “cooling the marks”. However I don’t accept that there is any evidence that it should be applied to Naomi Wolf, MCM, McCullough, and others. All of the medical freedom advocates I follow state plainly that lots of people have been maimed or killed with these shots. McCullough wouldn’t be asked to testify before legislative bodies if he was calling these bioweapons, regardless of what he actually believes.
I agree that things look very tenuous but everyone’s efforts (in spite of some chaos agents perhaps) are succeeding in moving the needle. Will it be enough?
One more point: one of the most insidious indoctrinations is the notion that you shouldn’t pay attention to or debate any dissidents on the grounds that it helps them spread misinformation.
Yes. The most insidious of all. The First Amendment is the first one for that reason.
As for the "friendly fire" or "controlled op" accusations I say that as long as they are sharing truths with more and more people, they serve a purpose. And if/when they share untruths, if people trust them and believe an untruth that is on them.
The lesson we are supposed to learn out of this is not to fully trust *any* source of information, from friend or foe. We always must apply our discernment, the most important gift of all that God gave us. And put information shared by friends and foes alike through that filter. Sometimes friends will tell untruths, sometimes foes will tell truths. We must listen to both and apply our own discernment. Controlled Op only works if you've turned off your discernment and trust your team without that filter. Which is how we got in this fix in the first place, trusting our "team."
And if we presume that those minds we are trying to open who may find some of the controlled op messengers trustworthy without applying their own discernment then we believe they have not have learned this most important lesson of all. And will be led down the path of deception over and over and over. And there's not much we can do about that. So we save them from one deceit? But they fall for the next one? What good is that?
We want them not to trust. We want them to hear what these contrarian voices have to say with a skeptical mind. Then apply the gift God gave us all, discernment. The lesson is relearning that gift, practicing it, honing it. We all have to practice and hone it. Even those of us who've been formally trained in the field of propaganda and deception. It's effective in the hands of skilled operators. Especially when we let our guard down and lazily trust our *team.*
I agree with you and I have been knocking myself out for the past three years trying to have reasoned discussions with people about "the science" because I was working in scientific research until 12/31/2019 and was familiar with coronaviruses, SARs, NIH/NIAID, Fauci, etc., because I drafted hundreds of contracts in this very arena. I'm not a scientist but a paralegal who worked in biotech and tech transfer for a decade. During 2020 I was actually working in clinical trials and understood the blatant violation of the FDA regs as well and talked about that. So, you would think friends would be interested in what I had to say on the matter and would trust me and take my advice. I'm certainly no Dr. McCullough but I certainly do understand how these respected, esteemed experts in this field got sidelined, threatened, ridiculed, etc. I lost lifelong friends, got cut from Christmas card lists, etc. But I also made new like-minded friends, and I even found that several of my friends and neighbors DO see the truth and now I know who I can really trust. I think only people with courage can handle the truth. In the last few years we learned that most people lack courage and couldn't handle the truth of the situation. They wanted to believe Fauci was a saint and their saviour and all they needed to do was obey St Fauci and Grandpa Joe and take the jab and everything would be "safe" again. Now they don't want to hear anymore about it. I think they reject the truth for lack of courage and they feel safer believing a distortion of their own mind or someone else's lie. They can't handle the truth. Morally, I know I did what I could do to warn people. (I even paid for 1000 flyers to be printed and distributed to people in 2020 warning against the unlawful "lockdowns" and providing facts. An activist group formed in my city and I supported it from the beginning. We did what we could do.)
We have similar paths to truth as we understand it. I had lobbied for public health policy at the state legislative level for nearly two decades. As well as consulted on political campaigns. I was familiar with the types of resources and publications that public policymakers access and use to set public health policy. Including public health emergency policies. I've worked with the research and the regs...and the regulators, lawyers, large hospital groups, health professional association leadership, health insurers, medical malpractice insurers, you name it. Working roundtables, both closed and open door, with senior execs, etc. And I knew it was ALL wrong. And even with my creds I mostly failed in my efforts to pull people back to sanity. Smart, experienced people who know the system is f'd and should've known better trusted authorities. Little twerp twenty-somethings who worked cash registers and hostess stands high and mighty, confident they knew more than people with experience like yours and mine, proudly displaying their ignorance as if they had a clue, snotty little shits. Maddening how many from all demographics failed the test of discernment and trusted authorities. A lawyer friend who made a fortune suing the medical profession, big corporations, drug manufacturers, distrusted politicians, knew the powerful all lie for profit and to cover their asses, trusted those very same entities more than his own experience and my prodding. Crazy.
I left the world of politics about a decade ago, I had seen enough to know it for what it was, and my soul had been so wounded I needed to heal it, detoxify. I knew it was bad. Really bad. But even I didn't dare imagine it was as bad as it really is. So corrupt. Only interested in protecting the system itself, not the people the system is supposed to serve. Even after being told by political leaders that the public already believes they lie, so they have to lie even more to protect the tiniest sliver of trust they still have. Coming clean isn't an option. And that conversation preceded 2020 by a decade. Obviously that strategy works to the degree it does, the lost friends, families, colleagues, connections are evidence of that.
But we share our truths without flinching no matter what. We don't lose hope, even when we are tempted to. Our cause too great. If we fail now our legacy will never forgive us. Truth will prevail. The only question is how many victims will the lies claim before it does.
Discernment is the key 🔑 as I have explained to many I have encountered. Trust is built over time and is revocable.
It is easy to take sides among disparate voices in the hearts Freedom movement, which I resist doing. For example Dr. Ryan Cole says there is no graphene (better to say no evidence or proof of). I learned by listening to a podcast where they played a clip of him dismissing La Quinta Columna’s ramen spectroscopy because they used heat for 30 minutes when it should have been only a fraction of a second.
Is this analysis accurate? I don’t know and am awaiting clarification. In the meantime I very much appreciate all Dr. Cole has done even if he isn’t full bore bioweapon/genocide in his public statements, that I can recall.
Yes. I met Ryan Cole and Robert Malone at a health freedom leaders conference earlier this year. Both in the formal working groups and in social settings over the long weekend. And I know the skepticism about both, the questions of their real intentions. The subject was addressed in the group of about 100. And the fact of the matter is, if we're fighting each other all the time instead of growing our movement, we've already lost. If someone is a phony, waiting for their right time to sabotage the movement at a pivotal moment, as we know some have done, then so be it. But if we have learned what we are supposed to learn, honed our discernment, brought in more to our cause and helped them learn how important it is to hone their discernment then any attempts to sabotage our movement will be muted. Because we'll already be well-practiced in discernment. Even within friends.
Whatever their roles are I say I'm glad they are helping to wake up the minds they are waking up. And once they wake up a mind, truly wake it up to where it applies discernment instead of blindly trusting the "team" it won't matter what they believe their roles are, because once a mind is truly woken up and discernment is truly engaged it cannot be controlled. Not even by controlled opposition. That mind will escape the control of even the ones that woke it up.
Friends will lie. Foes will tell truths. Always remember that. Only God gets our complete trust. Graphene/not graphene, Cole said the same thing to me seven months ago, just a few weeks before that video of him taking the mic at the end of the forum in Europe where the wonderful woman had done a presentation about graphene confronted him on stage for disagreeing with her findings. I read very convincing studies in 2021 that say the opposite, studies published in 2019 and earlier said they were testing the technology and loved it's potential - if it could get past that little deadly side effect thing. If they aren't in the jabs now then know they are in development for other jabs. It's good we know that either way.
But Cole, Malone, McCullough, Mikovitz, BigTree, Robert Scott Bell, a lot of the bigger names and many names not as well known were all accessible and informative, I left knowing more truths than I did before I met them and they inspire a great many people to do the hard work of being freedom fighters. Maybe they have ulterior motives. I won't worry about that. I'll take what I take from them, leave that which my discernment tells me to leave with them. And try to help the freedom movement grow and grow and grow, and get better and better and better at honing the gift of discernment God gave us all. Becoming immune to any attempts to harm our efforts. Even attempted betrayals will fail. Because our discernment will protect us.
Happens to me with some regularity. You get used to it. I usually just ask for the rebuttal. I often get, "well, it's not so much that I disagree, but..."
Look. I don’t know any of you people. I just know people who jokingly say stuff like :”Why don’t you tell us how you rEaLLy feel?” when I say something passionately. It seemed as though it could have been that. It’s hard to tell when it isn’t in person.
So why did yOu get offended by my question? I’m curious. Are you easily offended too?
I do know both people slightly. Sage is well-known for being passionate and for not censoring her strongly held opinions and ideas, and people who are more restrained are known for frequently criticizing her for precisely that quality. I would say, on reflection, that I was slightly offended on Sage's behalf. The "calm down" admonition sounded paternalistic, dismissive, and uncalled for to me.
CNN anchors who were CIA including that guy with the white hair (Gloria Vanderbilt's son.) Even the music industry is influenced by the CIA. Jim Morrison's father was Army Intelligence or something and the Doors was a project designed to corrupt the youth, introduce drugs and alienate people from their families. I remember how shocking and destructive their lyrics were, hearing Doors albums being played by wholesome all-American kids after school. It was very dark stuff at the time. I also just saw a video last week about how rap music was a CIA project to do the same - ruin young people - and dovetailed with introducing crack cocaine to the Black community. Ultimately it raised a lot of drug money for the CIA.
With no previous interest in music, having never played any musical instrument, and unable to read or write sheet music, Jim Morrison (son of Admiral George Morrison, who gave us the Gulf of Tonkin incident) arrived in Laurel Canyon with enough songs to fill the first several Doors albums in his head. Uh-huh. Did he hum or whistle them to someone so they could write the sheet music?
Many, if not most of the Laurel Canyon crowd had ties to the military, military intelligence or other powerful people. A good case can be made that our intelligence agencies either created, or at least co- opted the entire flower power movement, in order to tie it to, and discredit the antiwar movement, which was largely conservative and libertarian at the time.
Here's a link to chapter one of an excellent book on the subject. The author points out an unbelievable number of "coincidences", and there is also a great deal of rock trivia included. I came of age in the sixties, and really enjoyed this, although I was disillusioned to find out that my entire youth was a lie. 🙁
I beg to differ, a much, much more dangerous drug is Carfentanyl, which is about 100 times more potent than fentanyl and is used to anesthetize elephants and other large animals (that's what they put in the darts). Also imported from China and often mixed with heroin ...
So, tell me this. Someone that willingly allows their Morals to be Compromised, for whatever rea$on. Are they a Victim or a Perpetrator at that point, when people die?
That's a hard question to answer in a com box, but in a nutshell, this goes to the central truth of the Gospel: forgiveness. Even if a person willingly and knowingly compromises their morals, commits an act against their conscience (sins) if they acknowledge their sin to God, express remorse and resolve not to do it again, you are forgiven by God and the slate is wiped clean and is restored to a state of grace and if they die in a state of grace they go to heaven to be with God. That's the Christian faith. (No matter how bad it was and even if it was done for money. Repentence is key.) Read the Gospel of John for a full understanding.
So what happens to 90% of the mail I never even open? Going to track it to my burn pile? Probably the same thing that happens to the millions of calls and text i get on this overpriced phone that sits in a drawer in my desk 23 1/2 hours a day. Poor baby NEVER gets a car ride!
USPS was established as an intelligence gathering service, from inception. The North opened mail from the South during the Civil War to gather intelligence, the sender and recipient unaware what happened in between. Surveillance has always been a part of its mission. Even moved into the cyber world today. It's once-removed from government status itself allows it to avoid constitutional restraints. Sound familiar?
Brainwashed is wrong. The messages are limited, pre-selected, strategically drafted, and carry with them a clear agenda. That’s not the work of a brainwashed press across the nation. That’s the work of a shadow government that controls the media from the neck down and/or IS in fact the media made to look like a separate arm.
I remember, when Fauci and "Scarf Lady" Birx would give their press conference everyday, I read a comment somewhere that her obligatory scarf was a sign that she was a female Freemason, a member of the Eastern Star, and they have to wear a scarf as a sign of deference when appearing with male Freemasons. (Something like that.)
Pfizer pays the network. The CIA dictates the content. There's no need to "bribe" every single employee. They get the message; and those who don't are out.
Mark, I appreciate your response but you made a false statement, casually.
What a false statement: to claim there is no need. The point is about motivation. increasing income is a very powerful motivator. It is Liberals like you who repeatedly deny how federal spending distorts social norms, thus our problems expand around this distorted reward system.
Since you receive a handsome university salary, of course you’ll deny how money motivates. You’ll complain about medical corruption, but you won’t connect it to the massive spending promoting the corruption.
There is a “need“ to bribe everyone: so everyone can feel rewarded.
Only giving money to the bosses doesn’t motivate the lower level employees.
Welfare, extra medical pay to the nurses for giving shots, extra pay for the doctors and help staff at the hospitals, extra pay for school officials for promoting the lockdowns, etc. etc.
When the government has unlimited amounts of money, it can print it can bribe unlimited amounts of people.
Mark, I make my remark because I love you and care for you, and your overt switch from discussing the motivational power of money, to "there is no need" is an obvious non sequitar: There is simply NO WAY you can justify saying the government doesn't need to reward their followers with cash or services paid for by never-to-be-paid-back federal borrowing.
Under Hitler's socialist party, he too created fake or "fiat" money in the form of Mifo Bonds, then distributed the money as "coupon"s to avoid WWI reparations limits on military spending, thus all of German society's "boat" was floated higher in the name of war production.
And they worshiped the socialist candidate as if he were the second coming: Because he made it possible for the average german family to buy food again using fabricated money, to build their war machine, and cause millions of deaths.
Just like today's US socialists fanning the flames of the Ukraine - and ignoring their own party's former anti-war legacy. Which was bogus since Korea, vietnam, and WWII were entered while democrats led the country.
Socialism makes sure the politicians can always create a bribe scheme masquerading as a care package. Because liberals will repeat lies if given enough federal money.
The US allows socialism at the state level - but they always insist on nationalized borrowing since they know it cements the agenda in place and hides the failures. It requires excessive, centralized spending and intimidation of opponents.
Its all one big family. Look at who Gates is related to. He is also cousins with Warren Buffet, Obama, Bush Family and ALL the Kings of England. If someone stops Gates, there will be another fake philanthropist to take his place like demon spawn. We never really ever became independent from the British Empire because massive members of that ruling bloodline became US presidents. DC is just Hollywood for the hideous. US history is just carefully constructed stories to keep the patriot mythology alive. 1776 and the fight against slavery in the civil war. This week was just The Farce of July.
Correction, Gates is a great grandchild of ALL the Kings of England and obviously not cousins with them. His father directly connected and related to the Rockefeller family aka the American Rothschilds and the reason that he is the tech geek nerd recipient of Microsoft that tracks us and traces us via the Operating Systems over the years.
I worked for Rupert's MATP in Australia last century. That's the Mirror Australian Telegraph Publications. I was Agency Group Head, Telegraph & Mirror BEFORE the Intertoobs. When these were the MASS MEDIA Mastheads of Australia.
So, I was a whore...I mean an Advertising Salesperson 🤔. My budget was literal millions of dollars per quarter and my team smashed it👏 alladatime! News Ltd paid well🤑.
If I had an idea 💡 AND clients/agencies interested in my idea$, then I controlled the copy. A.D.V.E.R.T.O.R.I.A.L.S. Client paying? Then journos be bitches. Deal is DONE.
Mark, we all LOVE YOU. Your stuff -- what you write about-- and how you write about it-- and watching your interviews-- I could listen to you talk for hours and hours. I wish you had a podcast of your own where you could talk and talk and talk and talk and talk-- about propaganda, about anything. I'd buy a subscription. Thank you for your work! WWW.LORENHECHT.NET
That is a good idea. Professor Miller get on a podcast and TEACH YOUR COURSE. To the ENTIRE country. So people can recognize how they are being manipulated and wake a bit more of them up. Like Thomas Paine. Please? Just teach it like you teach in your courses.
These ‘commentators’ ( not real journalists) are so brainwashed they actually visualize something that did not happen.
In reality, It was being taped in real time.
On Jan 6 people were videotaping with their phones what was going down.
On those confiscated phones is the truth.
What the Capitol police do not realize there are people who saw in within a few hours what actually happened. Example: police breaking windows , pulling out glass and encouraging Trump people to enter. The doors to the Capitol opened ( by the Police) and Trump supporters encouraged to enter by the police.
There were buses with Antifas who were changing their clothes and putting on red caps and wearing masks. Those were a few of the things I saw within hours of the so called insurrection.Never made it to the Jan 6 committee.
I’m afraid this country is lost to Marxist/communism.
The disconnection, even 35 years ago, was well in place. And it has become more and more extreme with each passing year. That's why all this recent coverage of AI is somewhat besides the point, because it has already taken over our lives to a critical degree. The lock-downs should have given us a picture of all that proceeded them, but most of us were too far gone to realize to what extent our lives had been already diminished and stolen from us.
Keep telling it like it is Professor Miller. Keep going. Do NOT stop. Your sane voice and clear ability to see the propoganda and point it out...I so wish you could find a way yo teach how to recognize propoganda to the entire damn country. It is so desperately needed..you are so desperately needed.
I don't believe any more than a few in the MSM believe ANYTHING they are reading off of their teleprompters as they fraudulently refer to themselves as "journalists."
There is such a thing a EVIL. And those who intentionally serve it are not less guilty than the evil they serve. One can charge both the hit man and the one who hired him. Neither is innocent.
I personally think presstitutes are not fanatical ideologues or brainwashed fools, but are merely rapacious careerists who probably hold back laughing at the inane scripts they're required to read.
And if the commentator's back is to the wall, like in the case of Rachel Maddow she'll claim she doesn't present the actual news, but rather a hyperbole or exploitation of the real news to serve her liberal viewers.
Chomsky in his younger days was asked why the agents of the media lie. He said, paraphrased, that they don't *knowingly* lie. People are very uncomfortable lying and living a lie is hard. So to keep their job and status in the media hierarchy what happens is that they stop *seeing* the truth. I'll add to that what can and perhaps often happens is that they stop being *able* to see the truth. This in recent years helps explain some of the impossibility of *real* communication: inability to speak truthfully because the truth has become invisible.
Huge courage indeed! And may be why it is the first on the list of the 5 kleshas in *The Yoga Sutras*– 'avidya' – and is indirectly first in Gautama Buddha's Fourfold path, to *see* that life is comprised of suffering and that we have the power of choosing to reduce it.
JC also spoke to this with reference to there being none so blind as those who will not
Journalists used to be the people who were willing to get to the bottom of a story. Back in the day this was a very manual, very feet on the ground job. I would suggest that 98% of modern journalists are not willing to go through the discomfort of any real gumshoeing, it's more about clicking to find out things, these days.
I can see that, they are taking on what a soldier takes on, with the same dangers now. I would add that Marks story is part of the continium of oppression of journalists by the governments hand, ultimately. He has sacrificed alot and managed to stay a real journalist in this most important story ever.
I've never doubted for a second, that probably up to 98% of all who work in the mainstream media, "fully believe the official narrative." They're just hypnotised idiots who are not thinking clearly. They got on the conveyor belt of military grade propagandised fear right from the get go!.. and they just simply have no inkling, desire... nor even the "concept" of stepping off it. This business about mass formation that Mattias Desmet has been going on about... is "REAL!" People have got to start recognising... these people are actually 100% HYPNOTISED.
My thinking is all of us born after 1989 are vaccine damaged and seems real bad for those after 1997.
Humans produced complicated societies and brain damage in parallel. Now our people are retarded and society is too complex to survive.
In addition to that possibility, the changes I noticed in generations that came up behind me (was born the year JFK was shot) that I think deprived people of "normalcy" would also include being put in daycare 40 hours a week, or raised by "nannies", lack of parental engagement, ramped up consumerism, way too much television, and failure to have faith and family culture and traditions passed down through the generations like it was up until the 1980s (I don't even care what faith or culture, but inheriting a firm sense of identity from your ancestors and knowing who you are.) People have been psychologically kidnapped by mainstream media/entertainment/infotainment/social media. No-fault divorce and absent fathers, promiscuity, etc., also major changes that started happening big time starting in the mid-1970s. I read a lot of comments and I notice how millennials are looking for father figures everywhere, and I also see how far removed so many younger people are from any understanding of God. Nobody passed anything down to them. That's why they latch onto "the Science". I see people seeking father substitutes and God substitutes everywhere and they turn to the only places their familiar: the media/Internet.
Remember when people used to pass down recipes? Now people don't even know how to cook. It is a complete crime if parents don't teach their children the basics of life - like how to cook.
Add one more thing to your excellent comprehensive list: the demand beginning in the 1980s, then the peer pressure and cache, to devote one’s life to one’s career, complete with 50-60 hour work weeks and uprooting self and family for career. I have two super capable, very smart friends who struggled so much once children came along... coming from a broken chaotic home and rescued by stable family members (with one working parent and the other staying out of the workforce until we were all in college), I kept reminding my friends that there is nothing on the planet more important than parenting when children come along. Now parents pretty much MUST work, furthering the decline in a healthy functioning culture.
I’m 57 & know a bunch my age disabled by boosters, Lyme, pesticides and bt corn , etc . It’s a crime against our humanity.
When you were a kid, you probably got 6 vaccines.
Kids born in 1997 got 72!
Kids born today get 106 and counting!
I know. It’s criminal. Before I got too sick to work, I was working in an autistic classroom. The moms knew what happened to their children.
I don’t know how many I got at birth.1966, I was premature and spent a few months in an incubator.
Getting to adulthood for kids born in 1997, seems the equivalent of making it across a minefield in enemy territory…
I'm 71 and I got two vaccines as a child. None of them were ever repeated, though in the '70s, I got a tetanus "vaccine" after treatment of a cut that happened at work. I've never taken a flu shot, either. It's mind-boggling to me how many vaccines were/are given to later generations of people now.
Flu vaccine as sold is very confusing, those that have poor immunity and thus fear flu have a immunity that wont respond proper to the flu shot.
Prior to vaxxes (and in addition),brain damage came from lead (oh, that's ongoing when you use granny's vintage dishes), ddt (see Parkinson's), aluminum, fluoride in water. So many ways to poison our grey matter.
The world's premier aluminum toxicology expert Professor Chris Exley, PhD is on Substack.
He is connecting the potent neurotoxin aluminum found in many childhood and flu vaccines to Alzheimer's Disease and autism. Are they both just fancy words for aluminum poisoning?
THIS!!! 👆👆👆👆👆👆
We are being bombared with chemicals not ever proven to be safe, in food, personal care, cleaning products, furniture, clothing, etc. Watch the doco "Stink" find it on Youtube.
Babies are born with high levels of dangerous chemicals, they don't need to be injected with more.
Yea, it could be Autism is multi-faceted....shots plus environmental poisons, etc.
Whatever it is, I wonder why our government loves it and refuses to do anything about the Austism pandemic.
Because it feeds the health industry (big pharma)? Also to add many kids get labelled "on the spectrum" when they are vaccine damaged.
It could be deeper.
As the steep rise in Autsim occurred, schools were overtaken by Sex Groomers. According to Dr McCullough 80 percent of those that go thru with Trans surgery are Austistic.
Pandemic of the Coincidence or a Marxist attack?
Those who questioning whether they are a boy or girl are effected by the thousands of chemicals many which are hormone disrupters.
Umm...many in "our free press" aren't what you describe them as. Many are information warfare special operators, Defense/Intelligence-trained media specialists. Who's job is to protect and defend the government itself from We, The People. Lest we get the crazy idea that government serves the people and not the other way around. Though I have no doubt that most of those on-air special operators believe they are engaged in honorable work, I have little doubt that most of their superiors are not. They forget they swore an oath to the Constitution of the United States, not the politicians, generals and bureaucrats who mistake themselves for the Constitution.
Yes, there are such operatives among the journalists, of course. But most of them are standard-issue j-school product, who are taught to trust their high-placed sources. The most effective vectors of the lie are those who believe it.
I believe in choice. I chose not to take the jab. I chose not to rely on drugs in their pill for an ill world. I choose to eat organic food and pasture raised meat and dairy from local farmers and raise much for myself. And I chose to turn off that idiot box when the MSM spouts their garbage. I chose not to read newspapers and magazines that does nothing but cloud the mind to the truth. Even my "church" these days is in my own backyard with my garden and my chickens. Be still and listen. When you watch your seeds grow into plants, bloom and produce their offerings and pick for a meal, you learn much of what the world is really about and what God teaches.. Then take some time and marvel how a chicken makes an egg. And for sure thank God every chance you get for all the gifts he gives that most just dismiss. As crazy as this world has become, it is still possible to find some peace.
I studied under one of the top propagandists in our media, Kathleen Hall Jamieson. Co-founder of FactCheck.org and its subsidiary SciCheck.org, who's focus of influence and shaping the public mind is politics and science. Which, most of us have learned are inseparable for the true power center of this nation. I learned the magician's tricks from her. And I have no doubt in my mind that she is one of those operatives who primarily works behind the scenes, though occasionally making her on-air and public appearances.
Marx and Engels had this to say about science. Science and politics. Jamieson's forte:
"We know only a single science, the science of history. One can look at history from two sides and divide it into the history of nature and the history of men. The two sides are, however, inseparable; the history of nature and the history of men are dependent on each other so long as men exist. The history of nature, called natural science, does not concern us here; but we will have to examine the history of men, since almost the whole ideology amounts either to a distorted conception of this history or to a complete abstraction from it. Ideology is itself only one of the aspects of this history."
Marxists don't believe there is a difference between the science of nature, "Natural Science" (like chemistry and biology) and the science of man, "Social Science" (like political and behavioral science).
A deeper dive on the subject:
The pandemic propagandists have hidden in plain sight, claiming they are "following the science" for all of their public policy demands. Hiding in the ambiguity of the word "science" without facing questions about what *type* of science. Natural science, hard science, real science as most imagine science is. Or Social science, soft science, pseudoscience as most imagine fake science is. Like the science of the eugenicists exposed a century ago, to the horror of the world. Hiding in plain sight, in the assumptions that the word "science" comes with. Marxists believing there is only one science, no distinction, is what allows them to hide in the ambiguity of the word, linguistics. Like Marxist Noam Chomsky taught generations of Marxists to use. So do the propagandists.
I went to J-School back in the early 90's. It was crap back then. We weren't taught anything about sources. Today there are no sources, unless you mean the AP article that is literally cut and pasted (including typos) by interns into a fake local "article." There is no journalism now, just cut and paste. Thank God AI can take over now, maybe at least we will be spared the typos and bad grammar.
That's why it's unlikely most journalists 'believe' the stories they're writing. How many have been privy to editorial boardrooms where the topic at hand is how to obfuscate the story, not running out to uncover a second source.?
Of course there are the water cooler conversations plus are we supposed to think the average journalist stays naive with this going on when we're not?
Sage, try to calm down.
I agree with this person MCM.
Calm down.
Yes. Odd comment.
There's a background story.
How much more PROOF do we need?
That is from over a year ago and the sirens still increase in our neighborhood here in Scarborough Ontario CHINADA.
I believe we are all fucking tired. This is democide.
Make nice with Sage. You share common objectives...
I expect I will, in fact, calm up! (Head nod to Teal'c)
Every night, like Big Ben, my adopted dogs have an obligatory fight, which I break up by yelling and threatening to send them Fed Ex to the Indonesian dog market and by spraying them with water. Long ago I had a roommate in San Francisco who had herded reindeer in Lapland and studied their dominance and submission battles, which were never fatal, but the winner got an immune lift and the loser lost some immune function. One of the things the cognitive infrastructure colonizers know is what our evolutionary weaknesses are, while they have systematically deleted those from our academic curriculums. During a winter ice storm, without power for four days, I realized that if I hadn't had food, I might've been capable of bopping my neighbor, with sickle cell anemia, who had power over the head to get to his heat. I am stronger for knowing these evolutionary vestigial capacities in myself. We are divine chimpanzees, and they try to excise both our chimp natures and divine natures from us. Helplessness and demoralization are bad for the immune system, and perhaps fighting online is an attempt to enhance our immunity driven by the adaptive unconscious, unbeknownst to us, but known to them. Also, by the way, it is salutory---studies prove this---to curse one's brains out. So maybe more cursing???
I guess one perspective is that the 'malignity' is so endemic now across all the institutions MCM mentioned, and the propensity for such malignity so pervasive across the majority of the population. (What % conform to the 'iron law of bureaucracy' -80%? higher?)
So what do you do? Lock everyone up? Try and rehabilitate?
FWIW, I think MCM has it right: a lot of these media people do believe what they are saying. They are well trained ideologues with decades of indoctrination. That doesn’t mean plenty of them don’t know they are lying. The percentages are tough to estimate.
As an example, I had a large set of files showing specific people getting injured or killed by the shots and a lot of the theory. Some did look at a lot of it, one saying “I stopped about halfway through. If this was happening, I’d’ve heard about it. I mean (speaking of his two most trusted sources) they don’t really have any reason to lie”. I explained otherwise but got nowhere.
Someone I’m close to rejected what I asked them to read (a transcript of an RFK J speech summer of 21 where he explained the table top exercises and totalitarian agenda). As soon as the agenda 2030 goals were read, that was the end. They wouldn’t read any more. They are big NYT fans, “all the news that’s fit to print”, and NYT never bothered to mention this subject (in a way that would give proper perspective).
The big lie propaganda is unfortunately very effective when coming from a personal “trusted source”.
SH has had many interesting articles and insights, including the concept of “cooling the marks”. However I don’t accept that there is any evidence that it should be applied to Naomi Wolf, MCM, McCullough, and others. All of the medical freedom advocates I follow state plainly that lots of people have been maimed or killed with these shots. McCullough wouldn’t be asked to testify before legislative bodies if he was calling these bioweapons, regardless of what he actually believes.
I agree that things look very tenuous but everyone’s efforts (in spite of some chaos agents perhaps) are succeeding in moving the needle. Will it be enough?
One more point: one of the most insidious indoctrinations is the notion that you shouldn’t pay attention to or debate any dissidents on the grounds that it helps them spread misinformation.
Yes. The most insidious of all. The First Amendment is the first one for that reason.
As for the "friendly fire" or "controlled op" accusations I say that as long as they are sharing truths with more and more people, they serve a purpose. And if/when they share untruths, if people trust them and believe an untruth that is on them.
The lesson we are supposed to learn out of this is not to fully trust *any* source of information, from friend or foe. We always must apply our discernment, the most important gift of all that God gave us. And put information shared by friends and foes alike through that filter. Sometimes friends will tell untruths, sometimes foes will tell truths. We must listen to both and apply our own discernment. Controlled Op only works if you've turned off your discernment and trust your team without that filter. Which is how we got in this fix in the first place, trusting our "team."
And if we presume that those minds we are trying to open who may find some of the controlled op messengers trustworthy without applying their own discernment then we believe they have not have learned this most important lesson of all. And will be led down the path of deception over and over and over. And there's not much we can do about that. So we save them from one deceit? But they fall for the next one? What good is that?
We want them not to trust. We want them to hear what these contrarian voices have to say with a skeptical mind. Then apply the gift God gave us all, discernment. The lesson is relearning that gift, practicing it, honing it. We all have to practice and hone it. Even those of us who've been formally trained in the field of propaganda and deception. It's effective in the hands of skilled operators. Especially when we let our guard down and lazily trust our *team.*
I agree with you and I have been knocking myself out for the past three years trying to have reasoned discussions with people about "the science" because I was working in scientific research until 12/31/2019 and was familiar with coronaviruses, SARs, NIH/NIAID, Fauci, etc., because I drafted hundreds of contracts in this very arena. I'm not a scientist but a paralegal who worked in biotech and tech transfer for a decade. During 2020 I was actually working in clinical trials and understood the blatant violation of the FDA regs as well and talked about that. So, you would think friends would be interested in what I had to say on the matter and would trust me and take my advice. I'm certainly no Dr. McCullough but I certainly do understand how these respected, esteemed experts in this field got sidelined, threatened, ridiculed, etc. I lost lifelong friends, got cut from Christmas card lists, etc. But I also made new like-minded friends, and I even found that several of my friends and neighbors DO see the truth and now I know who I can really trust. I think only people with courage can handle the truth. In the last few years we learned that most people lack courage and couldn't handle the truth of the situation. They wanted to believe Fauci was a saint and their saviour and all they needed to do was obey St Fauci and Grandpa Joe and take the jab and everything would be "safe" again. Now they don't want to hear anymore about it. I think they reject the truth for lack of courage and they feel safer believing a distortion of their own mind or someone else's lie. They can't handle the truth. Morally, I know I did what I could do to warn people. (I even paid for 1000 flyers to be printed and distributed to people in 2020 warning against the unlawful "lockdowns" and providing facts. An activist group formed in my city and I supported it from the beginning. We did what we could do.)
We have similar paths to truth as we understand it. I had lobbied for public health policy at the state legislative level for nearly two decades. As well as consulted on political campaigns. I was familiar with the types of resources and publications that public policymakers access and use to set public health policy. Including public health emergency policies. I've worked with the research and the regs...and the regulators, lawyers, large hospital groups, health professional association leadership, health insurers, medical malpractice insurers, you name it. Working roundtables, both closed and open door, with senior execs, etc. And I knew it was ALL wrong. And even with my creds I mostly failed in my efforts to pull people back to sanity. Smart, experienced people who know the system is f'd and should've known better trusted authorities. Little twerp twenty-somethings who worked cash registers and hostess stands high and mighty, confident they knew more than people with experience like yours and mine, proudly displaying their ignorance as if they had a clue, snotty little shits. Maddening how many from all demographics failed the test of discernment and trusted authorities. A lawyer friend who made a fortune suing the medical profession, big corporations, drug manufacturers, distrusted politicians, knew the powerful all lie for profit and to cover their asses, trusted those very same entities more than his own experience and my prodding. Crazy.
I left the world of politics about a decade ago, I had seen enough to know it for what it was, and my soul had been so wounded I needed to heal it, detoxify. I knew it was bad. Really bad. But even I didn't dare imagine it was as bad as it really is. So corrupt. Only interested in protecting the system itself, not the people the system is supposed to serve. Even after being told by political leaders that the public already believes they lie, so they have to lie even more to protect the tiniest sliver of trust they still have. Coming clean isn't an option. And that conversation preceded 2020 by a decade. Obviously that strategy works to the degree it does, the lost friends, families, colleagues, connections are evidence of that.
A Personal Fox Tail:
But we share our truths without flinching no matter what. We don't lose hope, even when we are tempted to. Our cause too great. If we fail now our legacy will never forgive us. Truth will prevail. The only question is how many victims will the lies claim before it does.
Thank you, Liz P., from the bottom of my heart.
Discernment is the key 🔑 as I have explained to many I have encountered. Trust is built over time and is revocable.
It is easy to take sides among disparate voices in the hearts Freedom movement, which I resist doing. For example Dr. Ryan Cole says there is no graphene (better to say no evidence or proof of). I learned by listening to a podcast where they played a clip of him dismissing La Quinta Columna’s ramen spectroscopy because they used heat for 30 minutes when it should have been only a fraction of a second.
Is this analysis accurate? I don’t know and am awaiting clarification. In the meantime I very much appreciate all Dr. Cole has done even if he isn’t full bore bioweapon/genocide in his public statements, that I can recall.
Yes. I met Ryan Cole and Robert Malone at a health freedom leaders conference earlier this year. Both in the formal working groups and in social settings over the long weekend. And I know the skepticism about both, the questions of their real intentions. The subject was addressed in the group of about 100. And the fact of the matter is, if we're fighting each other all the time instead of growing our movement, we've already lost. If someone is a phony, waiting for their right time to sabotage the movement at a pivotal moment, as we know some have done, then so be it. But if we have learned what we are supposed to learn, honed our discernment, brought in more to our cause and helped them learn how important it is to hone their discernment then any attempts to sabotage our movement will be muted. Because we'll already be well-practiced in discernment. Even within friends.
Whatever their roles are I say I'm glad they are helping to wake up the minds they are waking up. And once they wake up a mind, truly wake it up to where it applies discernment instead of blindly trusting the "team" it won't matter what they believe their roles are, because once a mind is truly woken up and discernment is truly engaged it cannot be controlled. Not even by controlled opposition. That mind will escape the control of even the ones that woke it up.
Friends will lie. Foes will tell truths. Always remember that. Only God gets our complete trust. Graphene/not graphene, Cole said the same thing to me seven months ago, just a few weeks before that video of him taking the mic at the end of the forum in Europe where the wonderful woman had done a presentation about graphene confronted him on stage for disagreeing with her findings. I read very convincing studies in 2021 that say the opposite, studies published in 2019 and earlier said they were testing the technology and loved it's potential - if it could get past that little deadly side effect thing. If they aren't in the jabs now then know they are in development for other jabs. It's good we know that either way.
But Cole, Malone, McCullough, Mikovitz, BigTree, Robert Scott Bell, a lot of the bigger names and many names not as well known were all accessible and informative, I left knowing more truths than I did before I met them and they inspire a great many people to do the hard work of being freedom fighters. Maybe they have ulterior motives. I won't worry about that. I'll take what I take from them, leave that which my discernment tells me to leave with them. And try to help the freedom movement grow and grow and grow, and get better and better and better at honing the gift of discernment God gave us all. Becoming immune to any attempts to harm our efforts. Even attempted betrayals will fail. Because our discernment will protect us.
Thanks for this. Oh, how often I have heard this one: "If this was happening, I’d’ve heard about it."
Such is the power of censorship over lazy people. I have often thought, what got people to fall for the covid con is their own sloth and/or pride.
The numbers of those passing along due to the vaccine is probably more then most realize.
Right here in The New Haven Register, if you read between the lines, they seem to be in the obits regularly.
As for the doctors… most got played due to their gullibility, it seems.
I don’t know either one......but the ‘calm down’ was maybe just kidding......maybe?
CStone: What would you think or feel if someone told you to "calm down" after you voiced your heartfelt opinion?
Happens to me with some regularity. You get used to it. I usually just ask for the rebuttal. I often get, "well, it's not so much that I disagree, but..."
Look. I don’t know any of you people. I just know people who jokingly say stuff like :”Why don’t you tell us how you rEaLLy feel?” when I say something passionately. It seemed as though it could have been that. It’s hard to tell when it isn’t in person.
So why did yOu get offended by my question? I’m curious. Are you easily offended too?
I do know both people slightly. Sage is well-known for being passionate and for not censoring her strongly held opinions and ideas, and people who are more restrained are known for frequently criticizing her for precisely that quality. I would say, on reflection, that I was slightly offended on Sage's behalf. The "calm down" admonition sounded paternalistic, dismissive, and uncalled for to me.
Operation Mockingbird never ended. The CIA not only fed propaganda to the press. They became the press.
CNN anchors who were CIA including that guy with the white hair (Gloria Vanderbilt's son.) Even the music industry is influenced by the CIA. Jim Morrison's father was Army Intelligence or something and the Doors was a project designed to corrupt the youth, introduce drugs and alienate people from their families. I remember how shocking and destructive their lyrics were, hearing Doors albums being played by wholesome all-American kids after school. It was very dark stuff at the time. I also just saw a video last week about how rap music was a CIA project to do the same - ruin young people - and dovetailed with introducing crack cocaine to the Black community. Ultimately it raised a lot of drug money for the CIA.
With no previous interest in music, having never played any musical instrument, and unable to read or write sheet music, Jim Morrison (son of Admiral George Morrison, who gave us the Gulf of Tonkin incident) arrived in Laurel Canyon with enough songs to fill the first several Doors albums in his head. Uh-huh. Did he hum or whistle them to someone so they could write the sheet music?
Many, if not most of the Laurel Canyon crowd had ties to the military, military intelligence or other powerful people. A good case can be made that our intelligence agencies either created, or at least co- opted the entire flower power movement, in order to tie it to, and discredit the antiwar movement, which was largely conservative and libertarian at the time.
Here's a link to chapter one of an excellent book on the subject. The author points out an unbelievable number of "coincidences", and there is also a great deal of rock trivia included. I came of age in the sixties, and really enjoyed this, although I was disillusioned to find out that my entire youth was a lie. 🙁
Now the most dangerous drug is Fentanyl allowed to cross the border into the US I have read, so destructive and where do you think it is made? China.
I beg to differ, a much, much more dangerous drug is Carfentanyl, which is about 100 times more potent than fentanyl and is used to anesthetize elephants and other large animals (that's what they put in the darts). Also imported from China and often mixed with heroin ...
I was not aware of that, scary.
There’s much more to the Laurel Canyon music scene than meets the eye. The late Dave McGowan does a masterful overview:
Thank you!
And Bingo was his name-o.
So, tell me this. Someone that willingly allows their Morals to be Compromised, for whatever rea$on. Are they a Victim or a Perpetrator at that point, when people die?
Perp. All the way. They can research just as easy as you and zi do.
That's a hard question to answer in a com box, but in a nutshell, this goes to the central truth of the Gospel: forgiveness. Even if a person willingly and knowingly compromises their morals, commits an act against their conscience (sins) if they acknowledge their sin to God, express remorse and resolve not to do it again, you are forgiven by God and the slate is wiped clean and is restored to a state of grace and if they die in a state of grace they go to heaven to be with God. That's the Christian faith. (No matter how bad it was and even if it was done for money. Repentence is key.) Read the Gospel of John for a full understanding.
So what happens to 90% of the mail I never even open? Going to track it to my burn pile? Probably the same thing that happens to the millions of calls and text i get on this overpriced phone that sits in a drawer in my desk 23 1/2 hours a day. Poor baby NEVER gets a car ride!
USPS was established as an intelligence gathering service, from inception. The North opened mail from the South during the Civil War to gather intelligence, the sender and recipient unaware what happened in between. Surveillance has always been a part of its mission. Even moved into the cyber world today. It's once-removed from government status itself allows it to avoid constitutional restraints. Sound familiar?
The only thing free, about the MSM Free Press, is the space between their ears.
Brainwashed is wrong. The messages are limited, pre-selected, strategically drafted, and carry with them a clear agenda. That’s not the work of a brainwashed press across the nation. That’s the work of a shadow government that controls the media from the neck down and/or IS in fact the media made to look like a separate arm.
Cronkite was another operative to sway and control the minds of the masses. All parasites all the time
I don’t think any of us truly realize how long this has been going on, how coordinated and planned it all is and how well orchestrated.
A masonic plot. A brotherhood of darkness and powerful infiltrations into every area of anything of importance.
I remember, when Fauci and "Scarf Lady" Birx would give their press conference everyday, I read a comment somewhere that her obligatory scarf was a sign that she was a female Freemason, a member of the Eastern Star, and they have to wear a scarf as a sign of deference when appearing with male Freemasons. (Something like that.)
Bribed. For instance, indirectly, they are getting lots of Pfizer Advertising money through advertising, and Pfizer is paid by the government.
Pfizer pays the network. The CIA dictates the content. There's no need to "bribe" every single employee. They get the message; and those who don't are out.
Mark, I appreciate your response but you made a false statement, casually.
What a false statement: to claim there is no need. The point is about motivation. increasing income is a very powerful motivator. It is Liberals like you who repeatedly deny how federal spending distorts social norms, thus our problems expand around this distorted reward system.
Since you receive a handsome university salary, of course you’ll deny how money motivates. You’ll complain about medical corruption, but you won’t connect it to the massive spending promoting the corruption.
There is a “need“ to bribe everyone: so everyone can feel rewarded.
Only giving money to the bosses doesn’t motivate the lower level employees.
Welfare, extra medical pay to the nurses for giving shots, extra pay for the doctors and help staff at the hospitals, extra pay for school officials for promoting the lockdowns, etc. etc.
When the government has unlimited amounts of money, it can print it can bribe unlimited amounts of people.
Mark, I make my remark because I love you and care for you, and your overt switch from discussing the motivational power of money, to "there is no need" is an obvious non sequitar: There is simply NO WAY you can justify saying the government doesn't need to reward their followers with cash or services paid for by never-to-be-paid-back federal borrowing.
Under Hitler's socialist party, he too created fake or "fiat" money in the form of Mifo Bonds, then distributed the money as "coupon"s to avoid WWI reparations limits on military spending, thus all of German society's "boat" was floated higher in the name of war production.
And they worshiped the socialist candidate as if he were the second coming: Because he made it possible for the average german family to buy food again using fabricated money, to build their war machine, and cause millions of deaths.
Just like today's US socialists fanning the flames of the Ukraine - and ignoring their own party's former anti-war legacy. Which was bogus since Korea, vietnam, and WWII were entered while democrats led the country.
Socialism makes sure the politicians can always create a bribe scheme masquerading as a care package. Because liberals will repeat lies if given enough federal money.
The US allows socialism at the state level - but they always insist on nationalized borrowing since they know it cements the agenda in place and hides the failures. It requires excessive, centralized spending and intimidation of opponents.
Hey Professor. I just received this and I don't know of its accuracy or not. I posted it tonight with the caveat that it might not be legit.
Looks legit to me. Very important. Gates seems to be the driver of much social damage. Time to call him on it.
Its all one big family. Look at who Gates is related to. He is also cousins with Warren Buffet, Obama, Bush Family and ALL the Kings of England. If someone stops Gates, there will be another fake philanthropist to take his place like demon spawn. We never really ever became independent from the British Empire because massive members of that ruling bloodline became US presidents. DC is just Hollywood for the hideous. US history is just carefully constructed stories to keep the patriot mythology alive. 1776 and the fight against slavery in the civil war. This week was just The Farce of July.
Gates Bloodline Family
Correction, Gates is a great grandchild of ALL the Kings of England and obviously not cousins with them. His father directly connected and related to the Rockefeller family aka the American Rothschilds and the reason that he is the tech geek nerd recipient of Microsoft that tracks us and traces us via the Operating Systems over the years.
It's unhealthy to post something you haven't fact checked. It's a lie if it's not true.
In a fine leading column about the corrupt, govt paid leftist press, this story is really insignificant in comparison to the headline, and off topic.
I worked for Rupert's MATP in Australia last century. That's the Mirror Australian Telegraph Publications. I was Agency Group Head, Telegraph & Mirror BEFORE the Intertoobs. When these were the MASS MEDIA Mastheads of Australia.
So, I was a whore...I mean an Advertising Salesperson 🤔. My budget was literal millions of dollars per quarter and my team smashed it👏 alladatime! News Ltd paid well🤑.
If I had an idea 💡 AND clients/agencies interested in my idea$, then I controlled the copy. A.D.V.E.R.T.O.R.I.A.L.S. Client paying? Then journos be bitches. Deal is DONE.
Independent. My left nut🥜
Mark, we all LOVE YOU. Your stuff -- what you write about-- and how you write about it-- and watching your interviews-- I could listen to you talk for hours and hours. I wish you had a podcast of your own where you could talk and talk and talk and talk and talk-- about propaganda, about anything. I'd buy a subscription. Thank you for your work! WWW.LORENHECHT.NET
That is a good idea. Professor Miller get on a podcast and TEACH YOUR COURSE. To the ENTIRE country. So people can recognize how they are being manipulated and wake a bit more of them up. Like Thomas Paine. Please? Just teach it like you teach in your courses.
Yes maybe do your propaganda course online.
These ‘commentators’ ( not real journalists) are so brainwashed they actually visualize something that did not happen.
In reality, It was being taped in real time.
On Jan 6 people were videotaping with their phones what was going down.
On those confiscated phones is the truth.
What the Capitol police do not realize there are people who saw in within a few hours what actually happened. Example: police breaking windows , pulling out glass and encouraging Trump people to enter. The doors to the Capitol opened ( by the Police) and Trump supporters encouraged to enter by the police.
There were buses with Antifas who were changing their clothes and putting on red caps and wearing masks. Those were a few of the things I saw within hours of the so called insurrection.Never made it to the Jan 6 committee.
I’m afraid this country is lost to Marxist/communism.
Twitter has a shit ton of video live streamed that shows exactly what you say Annie.s. I know I watched them all day.
Most in the MSM are paid activists. Highly paid activists.
The Greatest "Achievement" Of The Internet
Is To Disconnect Us From One Another
And To Keep Us Tethered To It [ IT ]
"Injected Code" Serves The Same End.
Congratulations To You If You Knew Not To Be Injected.
And Thank You For That.
You Have Made Many Friends. As Is Your Due.
Find Them Where You Are.
The disconnection, even 35 years ago, was well in place. And it has become more and more extreme with each passing year. That's why all this recent coverage of AI is somewhat besides the point, because it has already taken over our lives to a critical degree. The lock-downs should have given us a picture of all that proceeded them, but most of us were too far gone to realize to what extent our lives had been already diminished and stolen from us.
'Surfs Up.
'And Perfect Weather
- Every Day.
'Love 'Ya
You're just rare meat for me.
- Seriously.
“In a room that knows your death
a closet freezes like a postage stamp.
A coat, a dress is hanging there”
I get it.
You've lived your life in an emotional Roach Motel.
And now you're getting it ...
- There is no checking out.
Now, now Thomas.
Don't be mad at me.
It's not my fault that your "poetry" sucks.
"Congratulations as I BAMBOOZLE with Cryptic Poetry"
Ha, ha!
Thomas's attempts at free verse are pathetic.
I like your version better, Saga.
"Although a poem can have free verse, it is still not prose. On the other hand, prose even if it has some poetic elements, is not poetry. "
Compare Thomas's lame dreck with someone who knew how to write free verse: Richard Brautigan.
But remember, "He loves ya."
"Rommel Drives On deep Into Egypt"
—San Francisco Chronicle headline June 26, 1942
"Rommel is dead.
His army has joined the quicksand legions
of history where the battle is always
a metal echo saluting a rusty shadow.
His tanks are gone.
How's your ass?"
—richard brautigan
You guys are doing great.
Keep keeping on ...
I will let you know when you catch up.
- Because, you know, it's a conspiracy
- and you missed the planning meeting.
Your invitation must have got lost "in the mail".
We are reaching the three bong hit limit.
I might have one more if you hurry.
Let me know when you're ready.
Keep telling it like it is Professor Miller. Keep going. Do NOT stop. Your sane voice and clear ability to see the propoganda and point it out...I so wish you could find a way yo teach how to recognize propoganda to the entire damn country. It is so desperately needed..you are so desperately needed.
I don't believe any more than a few in the MSM believe ANYTHING they are reading off of their teleprompters as they fraudulently refer to themselves as "journalists."
There is such a thing a EVIL. And those who intentionally serve it are not less guilty than the evil they serve. One can charge both the hit man and the one who hired him. Neither is innocent.
"Our free press” (by and large) don’t think they’re telling lies.."
I personally think presstitutes are not fanatical ideologues or brainwashed fools, but are merely rapacious careerists who probably hold back laughing at the inane scripts they're required to read.
And if the commentator's back is to the wall, like in the case of Rachel Maddow she'll claim she doesn't present the actual news, but rather a hyperbole or exploitation of the real news to serve her liberal viewers.
Maddow is one thing. Most of the others are something else? (Do you know any, BTW?)
Maddow is not the exception on MSNBC as Scarborough, Joe Reid, Nicole Wallace, etc...are all similar. And the same applies to the bullshitters on FOX.
Very well put! They KNOW. And they also know they are paid to lie.
Chomsky in his younger days was asked why the agents of the media lie. He said, paraphrased, that they don't *knowingly* lie. People are very uncomfortable lying and living a lie is hard. So to keep their job and status in the media hierarchy what happens is that they stop *seeing* the truth. I'll add to that what can and perhaps often happens is that they stop being *able* to see the truth. This in recent years helps explain some of the impossibility of *real* communication: inability to speak truthfully because the truth has become invisible.
Upton Sinclair said essentially the same thing decades earlier; and so, in his own way, did Orwell in 1984.
Yes. I think that HL Mencken did as well.
And Marshall McLuhan and his mentor, Harold Innes also pointed in this direction with their look at media.
And very old! The stoic Epictetus in 150AD or so made similar comments, and before that Marcus Aurelius.
It takes courage to open one's eyes and then to acknowledge what one actually sees. Always has.
Huge courage indeed! And may be why it is the first on the list of the 5 kleshas in *The Yoga Sutras*– 'avidya' – and is indirectly first in Gautama Buddha's Fourfold path, to *see* that life is comprised of suffering and that we have the power of choosing to reduce it.
JC also spoke to this with reference to there being none so blind as those who will not
Covidian craziness? Hello!!! Wake-up call, everyone! LoL!
Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker never had any problem lying, and in the news business too no doubt there are many who will knowingly lie.
Let the courts decide who knew what when.
Its a short step from "news purveyors can be forgiven because they couldn't handle the truth" to "news consumers can't handle the truth".
Journalists used to be the people who were willing to get to the bottom of a story. Back in the day this was a very manual, very feet on the ground job. I would suggest that 98% of modern journalists are not willing to go through the discomfort of any real gumshoeing, it's more about clicking to find out things, these days.
Are they now too afraid? Since Julian Assange is still locked up after many years without committing a crime you can understand that now.
I can see that, they are taking on what a soldier takes on, with the same dangers now. I would add that Marks story is part of the continium of oppression of journalists by the governments hand, ultimately. He has sacrificed alot and managed to stay a real journalist in this most important story ever.
Not to mention Gary Webb, Danny Casaloro, Michael Hastings.
I've never doubted for a second, that probably up to 98% of all who work in the mainstream media, "fully believe the official narrative." They're just hypnotised idiots who are not thinking clearly. They got on the conveyor belt of military grade propagandised fear right from the get go!.. and they just simply have no inkling, desire... nor even the "concept" of stepping off it. This business about mass formation that Mattias Desmet has been going on about... is "REAL!" People have got to start recognising... these people are actually 100% HYPNOTISED.
"'our free press' (by and large) don’t think they’re telling lies"
They *do know* they are telling lies and this will be proven in time.
Propaganda in support of Nuremberg crimes is itself a Nuremberg crime.
There is no statute of limitations on Nuremberg crimes.
You know this how? And you actually believe that they include those dim bulbs in their planning?
As for the propaganda Hitler, they didn't prosecute a single journalist who worked in Dr. Goebbels' system.
I live and breathe. And they are not such dim bulbs in spite of their perfect hair.
As far as propaganda crimes not having been prosecuted...there's a first time for everything.