Thank you Mark. I'm watching this now... I'm thrilled!

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While I think, Mark, you have some valuable info to share, I was really disappointed that this Corona Committee went for the snake venom story. I has no scientific basis and was a major distraction. Their case was initiated on the basis that the RT-PCR was simply pumping out false positives - which is substantiated. I think that should have stayed their focus.

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We didn't talk about that.

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Apr 29, 2022Edited
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We all know what developer Kerry Mullis said about his PCR test - “that test could find anything in anyone.” They we’re finding Covid in soft drinks and fresh fruit, lol. Kids were turning to these to try and get Covid to get out of school. It’s such a ginormous scam.

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He got dead just before this scam... utterly convincing. So did 4 African leaders and 1 Caribbean leader who resisted WHO, got dead. Rosa Kiers, fierce critic of UN agenda 22... who else?

Dr. Michael Yeadon said something like, they make calculations on how dangerous I am to them ....in order to decide whether to kill me or not...

(Butchered paraphrase)

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Apr 30, 2022
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The PCR test detects viral fragments. It’s not specific.

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Apr 30, 2022Edited
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Whisk, please explain what you mean by:

The virus is the pcr test.

I read this over and over, and don't understand.

Maybe there ought to be a Covid Scam 101 for folks like ne.

( I know pcr tests and cause of death were very early in, sp 2020, used to fraudulently used to pump up numbers to induce fear, drive the murder plan.,)

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May 1, 2022Edited
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Gotcha. Agree on pcr. I'm walking fierce dog with un vaxxed shirt, can't read Sl. Full quote.

Black sheep of family a slur? How?

They probably are ones saved in this Pfizer death plan

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May 1, 2022
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Any veteran of 9/11 truth will have instantly recognized the 'snake venom' story as an obvious poisoned bait psy-op. Stew Peters already fell for one of these traps last year, and it would appear, if you assume he's legit, he doesn't know when he's being played. Or, maybe he does know, and he's part of the play.

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Agreed! The whole snake venom nonsense was picked up by every alternative media website and talking head and they ran with it as if the information had come from the Oracle of Delphi. Ridiculous. And the debunking of this nonsense has barely been covered by anyone. At least Alex Jones, Steve Kirsch, and Dr. Richard Fleming did their part to debunk the fairy tale.

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Yes, Drs. Kaufman and Cowan, separately, went through the entire case presented and point by point dismantled it. Like the Wuhan bug escape these are distractions that frankly make a mockery of honest investigative science.

Much of biology, and science in general, is somewhere between hypothesis and theory. Much of it is bolstered by phony scientism like virology which cannot prove the existence of a pathogenic virus and so change the method to make the case. Again making a mockery of the scientific method (which is able to prove the existence of such a pathogen if one exists).

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Apr 29, 2022
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Apr 30, 2022Edited
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You can patent anything. I think that's how they create a narrative out of a lie, like that shady guy David Martin talking how this is a bioweapon lol lol

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While I think Kaufman and Cowan pretty much dispense with the notion that it's being used. I find these patents of "nature" particularly problematic, given the illegality...but then laws only exist for some. There's no proof of any viral isolate (unless you change the entire definition (something akin from Alice adventures in Wonderland)) and yet there are supposedly countless patents of these "particles". This is meta-science.

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Wow! Love it. Have followed Fuellmich & associates for years. Am trusting the world is increasingly listening to such common sense. Cheers!

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Mass media is highly concentrated. https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/files/futureofmedia/files/us_media_ownership_may_2021.pdf As you know GE, Viacom, Newscorp, Disney, Time-Warner, CBS own 90% of mass media. Then add in Metaverse, Alphabet, Twitter. :) Goethe commented to Eckermann about media in his day being for profit advertising disguised as news.

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True. And despite the overwhelming praise for the suspected intent of Mr. Musk - I do believe that precisely because of our great enthusiasm we must be careful. He may indeed turn out to be the greatest thing since sliced bread - but he is an industrialist similar to those you cite. It after all was once remarked that it is a tangled web we weave. Cheers!

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Musk might or not be helpful. I think it's pathetic people think of him as our last hope for free speech....

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So very true- none of this happens without the bought off media hyenas.

All of the exaggerated and repeated fear-based messages from the media and government agencies these past two years were just part of the advertising campaign for the pharmaceutical industry’s newest lucrative product.

Without the fear-mongering propaganda campaign no one would’ve noticed anything unusual about the last two flu seasons because there was nothing unusual, except for the criminal, murderous, and utterly unscientific lockdown policies in response to the non- existent threat.

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There was a murderous virus. Made in a lab. By means of "tweaking " an already existent pathogen. I experienced it and it killed tens of thousands of people, many who wouldn't have died if they had been given early treatment, which was a fact known to those who created it, and those who orchestrated it to close the panopticon of surveillance on the populace . Professor Miller and many other brave voices are working hard to expose the lies that allowed their unprecedented overreach.

I had the virus and had never experienced anything like it.

Thanks Professor Miller, and all who are trying to get out the truth to set us free.

Link to Dr Meryl Nass on Dan Astin Gregory's podcast- 'elevate', which I highly reccomend.


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I'm sorry you had a bad strain. I had the virus and walked it off. Not vaxxed and not particularly cool, but my 4 kidney stones were way worse and I walked to the hospital with those as well. My kids had it, walk in the park, they are fine. Knock on wood. Now my parents on the other hand, wow. My mother died with zero comorbidities. My father as well, w/pancreatic cancer. Both were ten years ago. The flu can be bad too. We all get sick. I know zero people who died of Covid. Again, knock on wood. Sure it happened, but I know 26 people who killed themselves, including one of my brothers a year ago this April. He was in hell. He would've traded for your covid in a heartbeat. Covid is real, but it's a scam and the vaccines are the real problem, Frank. Im sure you agree, but you seem pretty distressed by Covid as well. So maybe you don't see the vaccine as a giant problem, cuz your Covid sounds tough. The one I've seen is not. Knock on wood.

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Thank you Fred Wolf, I was not trying to sound that way or give the impression that this not scam. I want to communicate more clearly that I see a shit ton of dishonesty and disinformation, you know real ministry of truth stuff, in this whole thing.

I carried on my regular schedule as much as possible, washed up in the rest rooms, which I had always done, wore a worthless surgical mask when forced to, to transact business.

Never had a sniffle until they started pushing people to get vaccinated to retain their livelihood. When the people around us started to get these vaccinations is when we got it , and it was omicron, as described, by any means. I am just trying to relate,, I got very ill when the vaccinations were cranking up almost two years into the whole hullabaloo.

It could be sprayed , leaky vaccines, anything. I sure as hell don't trust Fauci and the crew of profiteers who suppressed helping people while they fearmongered on a massive scale using "ministry of truth" disinformation

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Fred Wolf, I'm truly sorry about your brother, and so many more. Meant to say that in my reply , but got caught up in the screed.

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Fred, I'm a wood knocker as well. Learned it from my mom. For another time, I saw the consequence of knocking on plastic which appeared to be wood. I know plenty of jabbed people who have that quizzical look when they tell of getting covid after 3 jabs mostly above age 60. There were good, bad and ugly experiences. A friend recently shared that she lost hearing in one ear and developed tinnitus from both Pfizer and Moderna jabs, and knew others that shared her same boat. But still glad she got jabbed and didn't get covid.........yet.

And Frank, I heard a Pierre Kory Paul Marik discussion on vaccine shedding spikes or something and its plausible. I don't know where you set your boundary, yet pursue life as you normally would, except for the genocide, the collusion, collaboration totalitarianism of the media.

The Mark Crispin Miller interview was what I needed to hear. I need to speak out more. The ones closest to me are younger and the most rigid in their thinking.

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Apr 30, 2022Edited
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Your pseudonym is apt. Try dialing down the venom. Your certainty is more impressive than your arguments.

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Mark Crispin Miller answered well.

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May 1, 2022Edited
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I understand from your comment that you don't believe in viruses. I get it. I'm not a scientist , nor do I pretend to be.

I just honestly related my experience.

I don't know what you want to call what I had/have, it doesn't matter what it's called to me. I do not intend to take any vaccine or willingly give up my sovereignty as a human being, but by suppressing early treatments for whatever this was ,(you give it a name since you are adamant about it), this whatever x illness is, I just told you my experience. I don't believe I'm alone in this experience, so maybe you could question some other people who were ill as soon as these vaccines became widely given, and figure out what to do besides attacking people who are trying to relate their personal experience.

I am not peddling anything, I have no intention of joining the mob who would force their agenda of control of people.

I simply told what happened to my roommate and myself. I asked for hydroxycloriquin or ivermectin but they had already suppressed those through threats to the pharmacies and Doctors, and other means if I understand correctly. So your assertion that I'm somehow being less than honest , or that Dr. Nass whose license was suspended for treating her patients at great personal risk, with early treatment of those drugs repurposed, vitamins, minerals, etc was less than honest, seems to contradict your reasons. I'm not looking to start trouble with you or anyone by commenting on what I experienced.

If you have time or links to what you're trying to explain , feel free to do so.

Either way , peace to you.

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Agree. It was also to drive the populace mad, to be compliant. Utterly, and to train them to stop thinking. Comments my brother made on Canadian truckers showed how bad it is. He used to be nuanced, thoughtful

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How awesome that you were interviewed by the Corona Investigative, Committee, Mark! 👏

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I still think labour unions have been part of the fraud, too...bought and paid for.....no support or accommodations of any kind and they just repeat the narrative of both the employer/gov't.....this was their time to shine and stand up for employee rights and human rights but they have ALL stayed silent all over the world...why? I think we all know.....

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New study, danger danger

uninformed are in danger from informed


Apr 28

"Unworthy of life/Do we tolerate these people".

One of this quotes was spoken by a high level nazi referring to the Jews of Poland I believe it was.1943-4 not sure One was said by a high level canadian politician about some of his fellow canadians 2020 not sure In fairness I assume because he is being supported by many of his fellow legislators they must also feel the same way. Just spreading the weight of it, so its a lighter burden for all involved.

These quotes were said in different times I put them in one set of " marks they are they same quote after all. Maybe the times aren't so different.

I heard 50% + of our legislators our Klaus Swhwab(?) grads, not sure if that is contagious or not, hope not. gee now I'm the one that's scared.

As for the study, "Impact of population mixing between vaccinated and unvaccinated subpopulations on infectious disease dynamics: implications for SARS-CoV-2 transmission" Out of UofT I think not sure

The "health by the month" arm of the major investment firms are simply trying to drive profits by scaring everyone within earshot, I think under the newly crafted legislation its legal, you know for the greater good.

A headline like that (injected vs non injected) is more than enough to destroy families work relationships. As to the meat of it,, doesn't matter its a tabloid read just the headline please, just the headline, really its all that's required nothing else to see here move on.. I guess I won't be going to my sons wedding this summer. I wonder if there is legal action here, hmmmm nope they can say anything they want. Its the new law.

Thanks for reading shawn663@substack! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

My friends back to basics time, we are being data dumped.

I believe they (pharma) are feeding us unending documentation knowing it takes time to process this info:

time is our biggest enemy and there biggest friend.

There will be more and more bright and shinny catastrophes to distract and overwhelm. Such as double digit inflation, bankruptcies war, next pandemic on and on.

We forgot WMD bank collapse etc... we don't talk about them anymore and nothing happened to the perps even though WMD lie cost 100,000 +lives and the lie was proven.

does ivermectin/hydroxy work, when did they know who knew who suppressed it.

As they drive home"safe and effective" we must drive

"does ivermectin/hydroxy work, when did they know/ who knew/who suppressed it".

If we can prove that one point everything else falls everything else was WMD

"does ivermectin/hydroxy work, when did they know/ who knew/who suppressed it"

We need to start at the top and go down. Nice thing is the truth is on our side and that one thing “Does Ivermectin /Hydroxy work” is an easy point to prove, easy to sell, easy to prosecute.

As a bonus every politician that said we have to wait for the "safe and effective" vaccine at the cost of 15,000 lives a day is guilty of at least something you decide?????

I don't capitalize canada anymore, where my heart lives.


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Let’s start with libel, slander, defamation, and criminally negligent homicide, then work our way up from there.

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Can’t wait to watch !

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It's probably hard to assess the situation in Germany from the U.S., but Reiner Füllmich and Vivian Fischer are part of the controlled opposition. Many plaintiffs have given him a lot of money, but he has achieved nothing in court. It is not a coincidence that his name is "Füll mich!", in English it would be "fill me", preferably with money...

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I hear this person is controlled opposition, that person is... usually with no compelling evidence.

Some might be right, but it's easy to say.

Maria, prove it. It's a serious charge

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Thank you for your contributions to the Corona Committee.

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This is the biggest and most dangerous loophole in the U.S. Constitution. It enables 68 people to determine the "law of the land"

"Article VI, Clause 2, --- all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding."

Any treaty that the President signs and 67 Senators ratify become the "law of the land". This has led to the U.S. being turned over to a small unelected clique and world government.

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The Supreme Court held in Covert v. Reid that a treaty cannot override the US Constitution.

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An analysis... I am looking for that language.

Maybe I have to go elsewhere? I'd like to read that part you give...


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Got it... go to case, 2nd point.

Thank you Lysias

But they reversed themselves?

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Great post!

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That was what TPP was all about. Turned the government over to a cabal of corporations.

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The language "to the Contrary nothwithstanding" --- strange meaning, double negetive, but I think it means "the law of the land" period.

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Many are very much on edge. Do you really believe good Americans won't fight world government and medical tyranny in the streets?

It's horrible that DeBlasio or Newsome did what they did... but a globalist organization trying to do it?

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It's gonna be interesting for sure. I recently travelled with a relative. One of the neighboring houses to our rental was flying a UN flag. It creeped me out.

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Someone who says build back better, new world order with glee is a traitor.... Someone flying a UN flag is a filthy traitor.... God bless you

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Here's a little creep. Non Catholic non pope...

He told UN on one speech, they were only hope for peace...STABBING JESUS AND MARY IN YHE BACK.

False popes cuddle up to satan and nwo


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Don't hold your breath waiting for anyone in the "free press" to be held accountable.

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Just as the massive lies become revealed another fauci funded freezer specimen will "escape.".Miraculously at the height this new crisis a vaxxx sine will become available concocted based on modelling of a previously patented nucleotide sequence....haha

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I first heard you speak at the 9/11 Conference held at Cooper Union years ago and have always found you to be so truthful and well spoken. Thank you for being on the right side of history!

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