Such honest healers are impeding Big Pharma's "Final Solution"—i.e., to get EVERYBODY not just jabbed, but also taking Dr. Fauci's poisonous remdesevir as an "early COVID treatment"
It suggests that knowledge of graphene oxide as well as graphene hydroxide and the potential for these assemblies of molecules to be like a razor blade in the blood, is risky knowledge for one to share. And to think, even in an autopsy finding these synthetic creations is most difficult, but it can be done is what I think based on my Chemical Engineering training I got at NC State.
If truth tellers are under duress, then be aware, some of us are fedup and we are ready to take this to the end.
False-flags be damned, if you thought the shit had already hit the fan, my suspicion is that so much truth is going to be coming out so soon, it is going to be difficult to keep up with it, but if it is the truth, then let it be aired for all to sense directly is what I think.
1. It takes a cocktail of treatment to be most affective.
2. Ivermectin and other medications are part of that treatment.
3. Taken together at the appropriate time, these treatments work.
4. Ask to folks in Africa as well as those in that place in India about the effectiveness of treatment.
5. Of course, Vitamin D is critical and one can get that for free - they haven't tried to steal that from us yet, and I hope they don't try.
6. Zinc as well, but mainly getting your hands dirty in the soil is the best medication.
The WAR is on and may the best ideas prevail and those who create lists of opponents are the ones who need to be on the top of OUR list - there are many posts to string up rope and frankly seems to me the time is coming for that. That is what happens when an enemy gets so full of hot air that they forget how to give up their ego.
For the sake of the children, the innocent ones, whom they now want to jab with the gene altering concoction, can we not at least agree on that - the children are innocent and anybody who approves giving them the jab despite all the data contrary is an enemy of truth.
I'd be interested to know your theory as to how he was murdered. Electromagnetic pulse? His partner was at home when it happened; he was upstairs; she was downstairs (according to her).
Yes, but that hit list wasn't for murdering. The list that was discovered was for discrediting, harassing and blacklisting doctors and scientists that wouldn't play along. If they had an actual murder hit list they kept it off their computers.
Add Brandy Vaughn to this list, former Merck executive speaking out against vaccines for years in california. Found dead in her bed by her son one month after the vaccine roll out in the US. She made multiple videos before her death about the harassment she was experiencing.
The dilemma the Psychopaths face is if they bump off too many prominent individuals like Dr. Malone or McCullough it will become too obvious to too many people and their cover will be blown. This is because we have a secret Tyranny, the leaders of which keep themselves hidden from public view, and may kill those that reveal their identities.
Often gives a shoutout to his “friends” at DoD. Who’s behind all this technology? DARPA. What’s DARPA? A branch of DoD.
I appreciate any powerful voice calling out the imminent threat of a technocratic totalitarian state, but I often question how much more Malone knows than he is actually letting on. (He was informed by CIA in Wuhan in early 2/20. What about knowledge of “biolabs” in Ukraine?)
Yeah, yeah. He's addressed all that. We can't afford to write off powerful critics like Malone, who (it seems to me, at least) has had a real come-to-Jesus moment, in light of the great evil we're all facing.
that many people who are involved in a certain amount of "KNOWLEDGE" in related areas have taken a period of time to put the "PUZZLE TOGETHER", and bear in mind its is selective knowledge that was imparted over years to those involved.
PSYCHOPATHS HAVE IN INTERNAL AGENDA, they can appear normal if you do not know the profile and they appear to be agreeing with you, but they revert to their Agenda - ALWAYS. This is why Psychiatrists' refuse to treat them- an utter waste of the Psychiatrists' time, as they seeing a Pscyhiatrist to keep maybe a husband wife who threatens to leave them, and shall appear to agree and change their habits - NO they don't, Part of this is fooling other people- manipulation and CONTROL and they feel (their interpretation of "FEELING ALIVE" doing that.
If that's the case, Vaclav Havel wrote a great essay on the Power of the Powerless. › wp-content › uploads › 1979 › 01 › the-power-of-the-powerless.pdf
That's what these lower down the scale employees do not realise, that Psychopaths have NO CONSCIENCE, NO EMPATHY, and once someone is a threat or of no use to them they get rid of them. They can be very charming when it suits their purposes. There is a HISTORY of those behaviours to people that stand in their way. Look at their methods to control, blackmail of all sorts, children, wrecking peoples careers etc., etc.,
Here is her deleted substack.....I checked and it's still not back up.....
This Substack is going to an educational one and is the story of a recent event in my life. An event that was not pleasant at all and I would say, a sign of the times. Times that lack seem to lack scientific integrity, credibility, logic, rationality and empathy.
I was there hanging out for a few minutes (it was approximately 4:30 pm) and the 3 men in the photo rapidly and aggressively approached me and encroached on my day and my space and my time. I have no idea where they came from and was taken completely off-guard because this is one of the places/spaces I actually stand still for a while every day. It made the experience even more of a violation to me.
I knew right away they were not police men. No badges. No tablets. I don’t know who they ‘represent’ even after asking a few people who would know. I stood my ground, I turned to face them and waited for them to be within speaking distance. I spoke with confidence to the one in front. I asked him politely and assertively: ‘What’s up/What can I do for you?’ Interpretation: What is the reason for your approaching me? In other words: Do you have probable cause for imposing on me and surrounding me? Do you have a reason for demanding information from me, and threatening to chase me down and follow me to my home if I do not comply with your demands? They did not provide this or any other information and I asked about 25 times: ‘Who are you, what is this about and why are you asking me these questions?’
Let’s pause. I have had the pleasure to get advice from a human rights lawyer on this subject matter. I took this as a life lesson: I needed to learn exactly what my rights were and are in the context of an event like this. More importantly, I needed to learn what I do not have to say when this kind of person demands information from me for no reason, in the future. The most important thing that my lawyer told me was that I have to tell them nothing until they first reveal 2 things:
Their motivation (ie: they must have some probable cause to even approach me)
Their identification.
Let me continue and frame this properly. The photo above looks pretty innocuous compared to how this felt. The tall one in front on the radio (he called 2 police units for ‘back-up’ - lol) was approximately 1 foot behind me for most of the ‘exchange’. He was so close to me at one point that I yelled and jumped away from him and told him he was being far too aggressive and that he was scaring me. They made fun of me then and said tritely: ‘So now you speak ______’. By the way, they had some kind if ID cards attached to those plastic elastic string things that hold ‘cards’ attached to their belts. They also had guns, rounds, radios, cell phones but no police badges. The lead ‘man’ did aggressively shove his ID in my face to identify himself on my demand (he knew that what I was saying was true: he had to identify himself) but his ID was scratched up and written in Hebrew and I was NOT processing information properly at that point. I had no pen or pencil to write anything down and wasn’t in a calm enough state of mind to ask for one.
Let me be clear here. I only knew part of my rights at the time of this event. I knew that I did not have to identify myself unless they also did and I made that VERY clear to them by stating: ‘I know my rights and I do not have to provide you with my name, my home address or anything else.’
But I was alone. And there was no one around. And I hate to admit this, but their intimidation tactics were really good. I was very intimidated. They were big armed men with no declared motive. And they picked me. For reasons unknown to me.
They would not let up. They threatened to chase me if I left. They threatened to follow me home so that I could ‘prove that I live here’. At one point, I said I was leaving and going home. They didn’t like that. At all. They called 2 police cars (this meant a total of 3 cars and 9 ‘officers’ - all for me). Because of a combination of not knowing exactly what I did and did not have to tell them, and my state of intimidation, I gave the lead ‘man’ (the one in the mask in the photo) my address (ironically so he wouldn’t follow me home - the mind is strange), my name (you can call me Doctor) and my frikkin’ passport number (in place of my ID that is 9 digits so why the hell would I remember it?). I know: It was stupid of me. But when this kind of thing happens to you, you re-actively do what you can to end the event and get out without harm to you. Get this: the lead ‘man’ put my passport number into his personal cellphone. This cannot be legal. Again, I was in a bit of shock and my nervous system was flaring and I was scared. And yes, I am thinking of filing my own report with the police because that, in particular, was messed up.
The situation was unwarranted, irrational, illogical and because it was ‘a forged intimidation event’, it had the potential to get worse. In whatever way they decided. We live in insane times people.
The police showed up soon thereafter (I was relieved!) and I approached their lead officer and asked him ‘What this is all about? What is going on here? Who are these men?’ He half-smiled actually and looked me in the eyes and said: ‘He thinks you’re an illegal alien’? I laughed and I looked back into his eyes, reached out my hand for a shake, and introduced myself as Dr. Jessica Rose. He shook my hand and told him I am not anything of the sort. He informed me that the man had insisted that I refused to give my ID to him. I said: ‘He is lying. (Yes, I said these words to the police officer.) I told him: ‘I gave him my passport number because I don’t remember my ID by heart. I not only gave him my bloody passport number, he demanded my home address lest he follow me home, and my full name. I am on a walk, feeding cats and exercising. I was doing what I do every day minding my own business. Why do I have to give some stranger my personal details when I am not even given a reason for their approach?!’
They confirmed who I was with their gadgets and seemed to understand quickly that this was a non-issue. They remained for quite a while, however, with their vehicles parked by the side of the overpass. I do not know why. Maybe they were questioning the ‘men’ as to their motivations and instructing them on the illegality of their actions. One can hope.
I was able to walk away (finally) and I think the main reason was because my friend had been watching (and took the photograph posted here) and decided to check out what was happening. I told the police officer that my friend could also confirm who I am. As soon as he did confirm that I am just a crazy cat lady (see how I joke?), they left my physical area. In fact, they left me alone entirely. Me and my friend stood and waited and watched them and after another few minutes, I asked if he would walk away with me. He said yes and I waved to the offending men and officers and walked away. They did not try to stop me.
I had an interview pending at home and so I could only do half of my walk due to their imposition on my time. So I walked with my friend for a while (he told me ‘they do this: they have nothing better to do’) and then I bid him adieu and turned on my heel and started walking towards home. I had to pass by the police again because they were still parked there (I honestly have no idea why they lingered for so long) and I went back to my cats, played with them for 5 minutes and watched the police units drive away.
I ran home then. I got home and I had 15 minutes to ‘recover’ for my interview with the wonderful Gary Null. I was shaking. I was heavily shaken. Normal people don’t react well to this kind of crap.
To recap: according to my lawyer, ‘authorities’ cannot demand personal information from civilians without first giving a valid reason for approaching them in the first place: They need probable cause. They also need to identify themselves and must let the civilian record their names and badge numbers. It is not legal for them to do otherwise and it is simply wrong to use the fact that most people don’t know their rights against them for the sole purpose of intimidating them. It is vile.
To be clear. They had no probable cause. I had to give them NO information.
True immigration authorities are trained. Specifically, they are highly trained to recognize ‘people who look suspicious’ from a mile away as part of their jobs. They are astute people, and they are serious people. My lawyer assured me that if these men were actually immigration officers, then they would have been able to recognize from 10 miles away that I did not fit any kind of profile that would arouse typical ‘suspicion’ and therefore did not even have probable cause to approach. I agreed with him and I knew that instinctively, right away. I knew they were lying to the police about thinking I was ‘an alien’ as well because until I spoke (after they had decided to aggressively approach me), they had no idea that Hebrew was not my first language. I was dressed sporty-like. You know, even boring. My hair was wind-swept but up. I don’t look like an alien, do I?
What I didn’t know is that sentence in bold font above. I do now.
So, they were either the real deal and not doing their jobs within the confines of the law or they were not the real deal and … ??? Who the hell were they?
Preamble: Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the global conspiracy that is the Covid “pandemic”, is the ease with which the vast majority of those in the medical, healthcare, and scientific communities embraced the official dogma and complied with the dictates imposed under its all encompassing rubric. Indeed, this arch-criminal globalist enterprise could hardly have been imagined much less attempted without their collective imprimatur and complicity.
In this two part series, by dissecting the political and articulating the personal, Australian writer Greg Maybury applies the blowtorch to the belly of this once revered professional class. Along with betraying its solemn oath to ‘do no harm’ and jettisoning its ethical principles, it has to all intents, become a fully owned chattel of the Big Pharma cartel.
Article: Whistling Past the Graveyard — The Crimes & Betrayals of the Medical Papacy (Part One), by Greg Maybury. #Fauci #Covid #BillGates #BigPharma #VaccineSideEffects #WEF #WHO #KlausSchwab #GreatReset
A Snippet: '[The] virulence and contagion of Covid is arguably nowhere more evident than in the hearts and minds of all those medicos who have… allowed themselves to be so thoroughly contaminated by Doctor Fauci’s patented—and existentially dangerous—brand of moral turpitude and ethical beggary.'
Article: Whistling Past the Graveyard: The High Priests of Public Health & Modern Medicine — (Part Two), by Greg Maybury. #DrFauci #Covid #BillGates #BigPharma #VaccineSideEffects #WEF #WHO #KlausSchwab #GreatReset #AdverseEvents (15-20m read)
A Snippet: ‘What Dr Kevin Corbett had to say of his professional experiences during the AIDS crisis was a brutal indictment on how that epidemic was managed…In referencing the linkages between AIDS & Covid, his oft-repeated refrain was: ‘It was exactly the same!’ Both official narratives were he averred, a ‘house of cards, built on sand’.
This has always been my observation - that human beings are compliant by nature, too trusting for their own good. Add to that the relentless indoctrination in schools and business to obey orders and we have a perfect storm for near term human extinction. Clearly, the human species is not fit for purpose and would be better to go extinct than to take down our entire biosphere. Mother Nature is going to shake off the likes of us and over millenia restore balance in our ecosystem. So very sad.
You sound just like the Club of Rome Psychopath Parasite Malthusians. Rather than extinct the human species how about extinguishing these Parasites. A whole lot easier.
I can see how you might think that. At my age of 63, and having had much experience in relationship with human beings individually and in groups, it would be naive to believe otherwise. With each generation that passes, it's clear that your belief that we just 'extinguish' these parasites becomes increasingly impossible. I take no joy in acknowledging this reality. Any species which does as much damage as we've done to the biosphere hasn't earned a place in the symphony of life.
Having said that, as individuals, I believe we have a divine soul and remarkable gifts that we COULD offer to our communities. The problem is that it's shadowed by our need for belonging and approval at the expense of all other species. I do still fight for love, beauty, joy and peace. As Chris Hedges says: “I do not fight fascists because I will win. I fight fascists because they are fascists.”
― Chris Hedges, Wages of Rebellion: The Moral Imperative of Revolt
Aiding and abetting Fascists by supporting their anti-human Malthusian agenda is NOT "fighting fascists".
As for the biosphere it is true we have done some damage, not nearly as much as the many Ice Ages have done over the past 2 million years, all caused by some freak geology, likely the development of the Himalayas. Other Freak events like asteroid collisions occur every million years or so that do more damage than humans have done.
Unlike other destructive things, only humans can do the most creative thing that our biosphere has ever experienced since the Cambrian explosion. We can bioform other worlds. Most particularly Mars which is a life bomb waiting to be triggered. We can achieve that. It is totally within our potential this century. Humans, imperfect beings, but our divine purpose is to be the reproductive agents for the astonishing & incredible biota of Mother Earth. Any bad things we have done will be a triviality compared to that act of creativity. It is a grave sin for us to deny our solemn responsibility to carry this incredible gift of life, unknown anywhere else in the universe, to other worlds.
I would have liked this if you hadn't appealed to hypothesised but only extremely vaguely defined and extremely tenuously substantiated entities, to wit, “divine purpose” and “Mother Earth”. They are just proxies for tyrants. (In my judgement.)
I said that because he said "we have a divine soul". You don't need "divine purpose" or "Mother Earth", but we have to have some principals & values. Otherwise who cares if we rape & pillage Earth and pave the whole thing over. If we value the Earth's natural ecosystem than rationally the greatest thing we could do is reproduce it on a whole other World(s).
This is an observation I have commented on frequently in the past. Sadly this is true. Bill Hicks once described us all as a virus with shoes. I think he was onto something.
Truth told, almost none of this would have been possible without the injection of TRILLIONS of dollars printed by the FED and distributed to nearly everyone who had an hand in the covid disaster. Media, hospitals, universities, governments (particularly healthcare "professionals"), doctors, testing companies, politicians, NGOs, and more, benefitted from a literal flood of found money that, for all but the most honest and honorable people (precious few, clearly) were unable to tell the truth about what was happening, assuming they knew what the truth was. Add to these people the hundreds of thousands who were unwilling to risk their professions, their families' welfare, their professional standing, their livelihoods, etc., when it was much easier, seamless in fact, to go along to get along. Ethical people are a dying breed, hence the minuscule numbers of professionals willing to stand up to TPTB.
To make matters worse, it appears that Big Pharma is working on MURDERING non-conforming doctors. Did you ever think we would live in such a world as this?
Great article link. A West Australian author, apparently. The medical dictatorship they are living under right now with their mad Premier McGowan is astonishing. I know the grit and strength of those who work this hard country and cannot understand why so many of the State’s citizens simply complied at such a late stage of the C19 game. FIFO workers are not fools. Good to see this clear communication coming out from behind their Covid Curtain.
Do you really think it out of the question for the SAME people who have been actively engaged in genocide of us for years to lose sleep over the concept of straight out murder? You are deluded if you think this ridiculous...
It is also important to note that the over 100 AIDS scientist and researchers were killed in the MH17 flight downed in Ukraine en route to and international AIDS conference in Australia.
Did someone have a cure, an effective treatment OR damning evidence of the HIV/AIDS vaccine research fraud so eloquently described in RFK book the the real Anthony Fauci... ???
Oh man. Dr Zelenko seems like the most straight forward upfront no nonsense doctor I've listened to throughout this whole ordeal. I can't believe this is happening. I hope big pharma and the medical industrial complex go down and everyone will finally see them for the monstrous crooks they really are. They need to be wiped out and the whole direction of health needs to be reimagined and re developed from the basics starting with food and vitamins and looking at the cause of disease rather than just trying to suppress symptoms
No, I don't think the story is far-fetched at all. They want to murder the whole world, why would they spare those who pulled their cat(s) out of the bag ?
They did it many times before, and they will try again.
Stay safe, or whatever "safe" still means in this wildly uncertain environment...
And if one "Dr. Richard Pan has his way, we will never be able to talk about any of this again, at least not in any forum that goes into California. Read up on California SB 1390.
"This bill would prohibit a social media platform, as defined, from amplifying harmful content"..."The bill would provide that harmful content includes libel or slander, as specified, threats of imminent violence against governmental entities, and disinformation or misinformation, including, but not limited to, false or misleading information regarding medicine or vaccinations, false or misleading information regarding elections, and conspiracy theories."
The bill also sets up a censorship apparatus.
No first amendment rights for Californians! Of course, the Biden administration has been leaning pretty hard on social media platforms to censor "misinformation". The current censorship is supposedly constitutional because the social media platforms are private entities and censoring by their choice. What Pan is suggesting would not be constitutional AT ALL.
I'm not sure what Pan is thinking here, perhaps to get the camels nose in the tent and ban "hate speech" and get a censorship apparatus set up?
The guy in Germany? He was murdered.
My brother walked into the ER.
Had shortness of breath.
Immediately a Covid .
Immediately ventilator, Remdesivir and a sedative.
They murdered him.
My best friend also murdered.
I want these demons strung up.
It suggests that knowledge of graphene oxide as well as graphene hydroxide and the potential for these assemblies of molecules to be like a razor blade in the blood, is risky knowledge for one to share. And to think, even in an autopsy finding these synthetic creations is most difficult, but it can be done is what I think based on my Chemical Engineering training I got at NC State.
If truth tellers are under duress, then be aware, some of us are fedup and we are ready to take this to the end.
False-flags be damned, if you thought the shit had already hit the fan, my suspicion is that so much truth is going to be coming out so soon, it is going to be difficult to keep up with it, but if it is the truth, then let it be aired for all to sense directly is what I think.
Peace is easy,
Here, towards the objective of truth.
1. It takes a cocktail of treatment to be most affective.
2. Ivermectin and other medications are part of that treatment.
3. Taken together at the appropriate time, these treatments work.
4. Ask to folks in Africa as well as those in that place in India about the effectiveness of treatment.
5. Of course, Vitamin D is critical and one can get that for free - they haven't tried to steal that from us yet, and I hope they don't try.
6. Zinc as well, but mainly getting your hands dirty in the soil is the best medication.
The WAR is on and may the best ideas prevail and those who create lists of opponents are the ones who need to be on the top of OUR list - there are many posts to string up rope and frankly seems to me the time is coming for that. That is what happens when an enemy gets so full of hot air that they forget how to give up their ego.
For the sake of the children, the innocent ones, whom they now want to jab with the gene altering concoction, can we not at least agree on that - the children are innocent and anybody who approves giving them the jab despite all the data contrary is an enemy of truth.
May the best ideas prevail.
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Which fit in Germany do you mean? Andreas Noack?
Yes thank you. Dr Noack
in front of his pregnant wife!! Now the Lawyer assisting Dr Fuellmich has been arrested for treason in France.
Alex just read your comment - it was on a video- I cannot remember which video channel. 'officials" entered his apartment and he was killed.
I'd be interested to know your theory as to how he was murdered. Electromagnetic pulse? His partner was at home when it happened; he was upstairs; she was downstairs (according to her).
Scary as F
Merck had a "hit" list of docs and scientists that spoke up against Vioxx. This list became known during the discovery of the trial
Yes, but that hit list wasn't for murdering. The list that was discovered was for discrediting, harassing and blacklisting doctors and scientists that wouldn't play along. If they had an actual murder hit list they kept it off their computers.
Pharma has upped their game against dissent.
It would hardly have been labelled as the "to kill" list.
Add Brandy Vaughn to this list, former Merck executive speaking out against vaccines for years in california. Found dead in her bed by her son one month after the vaccine roll out in the US. She made multiple videos before her death about the harassment she was experiencing.
I'm not sure how Dr. Malone is still around... I hope he has 24/7 security and someone taste testing his food.
The dilemma the Psychopaths face is if they bump off too many prominent individuals like Dr. Malone or McCullough it will become too obvious to too many people and their cover will be blown. This is because we have a secret Tyranny, the leaders of which keep themselves hidden from public view, and may kill those that reveal their identities.
Controlled opposition. He's still on DoD payroll.
Often gives a shoutout to his “friends” at DoD. Who’s behind all this technology? DARPA. What’s DARPA? A branch of DoD.
I appreciate any powerful voice calling out the imminent threat of a technocratic totalitarian state, but I often question how much more Malone knows than he is actually letting on. (He was informed by CIA in Wuhan in early 2/20. What about knowledge of “biolabs” in Ukraine?)
Malone is not against vaccines - he's not questionning the entire narrative
Some people I listen to think he must have some CIA connections. They think he looks a bit like a spook...
Yeah, yeah. He's addressed all that. We can't afford to write off powerful critics like Malone, who (it seems to me, at least) has had a real come-to-Jesus moment, in light of the great evil we're all facing.
Sometimes things really are just as they seem to be. We're fortunate to have Malone, McCollough, and Cory on the correct side of history.
that many people who are involved in a certain amount of "KNOWLEDGE" in related areas have taken a period of time to put the "PUZZLE TOGETHER", and bear in mind its is selective knowledge that was imparted over years to those involved.
PSYCHOPATHS HAVE IN INTERNAL AGENDA, they can appear normal if you do not know the profile and they appear to be agreeing with you, but they revert to their Agenda - ALWAYS. This is why Psychiatrists' refuse to treat them- an utter waste of the Psychiatrists' time, as they seeing a Pscyhiatrist to keep maybe a husband wife who threatens to leave them, and shall appear to agree and change their habits - NO they don't, Part of this is fooling other people- manipulation and CONTROL and they feel (their interpretation of "FEELING ALIVE" doing that.
THEY MUST ALWAYS WIN this is the trajectory they are well and truly on now.
That seems implausible (although I never say never), given the amount of invaluable information he's putting forth.
Even when I return to the thread, i cannot find your comment, so I am not sure what you are referring to. Sorry.
I was responding to your comment about Dr Malone possibly being a spook. Hard to imagine, here is one of his latest articles:
Thanks for making this visible. Isn't killing off the intellectuals part and parcel of installing communism?
The Nazis did the same.
Yeah, the Nazis sure had one heck of a dark playbook. Stay strong and continue to shine bright for us, eh? I appreciate your work!
The artists, also. Can anyone name a Best Picture nominee? Television and literature is so bad right now, and what happened to popular music?
It's not physical killing or anything, it's the crushing any sort of creativity via wokeness and anti-racism.
There is no communism/capitalism, left/right, conservative/liberal, democrat/republican. There is only ever the powerful vs the powerless.
If that's the case, Vaclav Havel wrote a great essay on the Power of the Powerless. › wp-content › uploads › 1979 › 01 › the-power-of-the-powerless.pdf
Havel had a lot of powerful friends -,9171,159069,00.html
Any kind of obscene Tyranny.
It's amazing many of us are still sane and continue to stand in our integrity!
That's what these lower down the scale employees do not realise, that Psychopaths have NO CONSCIENCE, NO EMPATHY, and once someone is a threat or of no use to them they get rid of them. They can be very charming when it suits their purposes. There is a HISTORY of those behaviours to people that stand in their way. Look at their methods to control, blackmail of all sorts, children, wrecking peoples careers etc., etc.,
Look into Brandy Vaughn, Big Pharma whistleblower who “happened” to die. Listening to the death threats in her own words is bone chilling!!
Seems like IDF (?) is starting to harass Dr Rose too. She posted about an unnerving encounter which appears to have been deleted.
OMG!!! I subscribe to her substack, too and I read it this morning about the encounter. Now, I read your comment and it is very much gone!!! WT????
Can you describe what happened to Dr. Rose since it’s been deleted?
Here is her deleted substack.....I checked and it's still not back up.....
This Substack is going to an educational one and is the story of a recent event in my life. An event that was not pleasant at all and I would say, a sign of the times. Times that lack seem to lack scientific integrity, credibility, logic, rationality and empathy.
I was there hanging out for a few minutes (it was approximately 4:30 pm) and the 3 men in the photo rapidly and aggressively approached me and encroached on my day and my space and my time. I have no idea where they came from and was taken completely off-guard because this is one of the places/spaces I actually stand still for a while every day. It made the experience even more of a violation to me.
I knew right away they were not police men. No badges. No tablets. I don’t know who they ‘represent’ even after asking a few people who would know. I stood my ground, I turned to face them and waited for them to be within speaking distance. I spoke with confidence to the one in front. I asked him politely and assertively: ‘What’s up/What can I do for you?’ Interpretation: What is the reason for your approaching me? In other words: Do you have probable cause for imposing on me and surrounding me? Do you have a reason for demanding information from me, and threatening to chase me down and follow me to my home if I do not comply with your demands? They did not provide this or any other information and I asked about 25 times: ‘Who are you, what is this about and why are you asking me these questions?’
Let’s pause. I have had the pleasure to get advice from a human rights lawyer on this subject matter. I took this as a life lesson: I needed to learn exactly what my rights were and are in the context of an event like this. More importantly, I needed to learn what I do not have to say when this kind of person demands information from me for no reason, in the future. The most important thing that my lawyer told me was that I have to tell them nothing until they first reveal 2 things:
Their motivation (ie: they must have some probable cause to even approach me)
Their identification.
Let me continue and frame this properly. The photo above looks pretty innocuous compared to how this felt. The tall one in front on the radio (he called 2 police units for ‘back-up’ - lol) was approximately 1 foot behind me for most of the ‘exchange’. He was so close to me at one point that I yelled and jumped away from him and told him he was being far too aggressive and that he was scaring me. They made fun of me then and said tritely: ‘So now you speak ______’. By the way, they had some kind if ID cards attached to those plastic elastic string things that hold ‘cards’ attached to their belts. They also had guns, rounds, radios, cell phones but no police badges. The lead ‘man’ did aggressively shove his ID in my face to identify himself on my demand (he knew that what I was saying was true: he had to identify himself) but his ID was scratched up and written in Hebrew and I was NOT processing information properly at that point. I had no pen or pencil to write anything down and wasn’t in a calm enough state of mind to ask for one.
Let me be clear here. I only knew part of my rights at the time of this event. I knew that I did not have to identify myself unless they also did and I made that VERY clear to them by stating: ‘I know my rights and I do not have to provide you with my name, my home address or anything else.’
But I was alone. And there was no one around. And I hate to admit this, but their intimidation tactics were really good. I was very intimidated. They were big armed men with no declared motive. And they picked me. For reasons unknown to me.
They would not let up. They threatened to chase me if I left. They threatened to follow me home so that I could ‘prove that I live here’. At one point, I said I was leaving and going home. They didn’t like that. At all. They called 2 police cars (this meant a total of 3 cars and 9 ‘officers’ - all for me). Because of a combination of not knowing exactly what I did and did not have to tell them, and my state of intimidation, I gave the lead ‘man’ (the one in the mask in the photo) my address (ironically so he wouldn’t follow me home - the mind is strange), my name (you can call me Doctor) and my frikkin’ passport number (in place of my ID that is 9 digits so why the hell would I remember it?). I know: It was stupid of me. But when this kind of thing happens to you, you re-actively do what you can to end the event and get out without harm to you. Get this: the lead ‘man’ put my passport number into his personal cellphone. This cannot be legal. Again, I was in a bit of shock and my nervous system was flaring and I was scared. And yes, I am thinking of filing my own report with the police because that, in particular, was messed up.
The situation was unwarranted, irrational, illogical and because it was ‘a forged intimidation event’, it had the potential to get worse. In whatever way they decided. We live in insane times people.
The police showed up soon thereafter (I was relieved!) and I approached their lead officer and asked him ‘What this is all about? What is going on here? Who are these men?’ He half-smiled actually and looked me in the eyes and said: ‘He thinks you’re an illegal alien’? I laughed and I looked back into his eyes, reached out my hand for a shake, and introduced myself as Dr. Jessica Rose. He shook my hand and told him I am not anything of the sort. He informed me that the man had insisted that I refused to give my ID to him. I said: ‘He is lying. (Yes, I said these words to the police officer.) I told him: ‘I gave him my passport number because I don’t remember my ID by heart. I not only gave him my bloody passport number, he demanded my home address lest he follow me home, and my full name. I am on a walk, feeding cats and exercising. I was doing what I do every day minding my own business. Why do I have to give some stranger my personal details when I am not even given a reason for their approach?!’
They confirmed who I was with their gadgets and seemed to understand quickly that this was a non-issue. They remained for quite a while, however, with their vehicles parked by the side of the overpass. I do not know why. Maybe they were questioning the ‘men’ as to their motivations and instructing them on the illegality of their actions. One can hope.
I was able to walk away (finally) and I think the main reason was because my friend had been watching (and took the photograph posted here) and decided to check out what was happening. I told the police officer that my friend could also confirm who I am. As soon as he did confirm that I am just a crazy cat lady (see how I joke?), they left my physical area. In fact, they left me alone entirely. Me and my friend stood and waited and watched them and after another few minutes, I asked if he would walk away with me. He said yes and I waved to the offending men and officers and walked away. They did not try to stop me.
I had an interview pending at home and so I could only do half of my walk due to their imposition on my time. So I walked with my friend for a while (he told me ‘they do this: they have nothing better to do’) and then I bid him adieu and turned on my heel and started walking towards home. I had to pass by the police again because they were still parked there (I honestly have no idea why they lingered for so long) and I went back to my cats, played with them for 5 minutes and watched the police units drive away.
I ran home then. I got home and I had 15 minutes to ‘recover’ for my interview with the wonderful Gary Null. I was shaking. I was heavily shaken. Normal people don’t react well to this kind of crap.
To recap: according to my lawyer, ‘authorities’ cannot demand personal information from civilians without first giving a valid reason for approaching them in the first place: They need probable cause. They also need to identify themselves and must let the civilian record their names and badge numbers. It is not legal for them to do otherwise and it is simply wrong to use the fact that most people don’t know their rights against them for the sole purpose of intimidating them. It is vile.
To be clear. They had no probable cause. I had to give them NO information.
True immigration authorities are trained. Specifically, they are highly trained to recognize ‘people who look suspicious’ from a mile away as part of their jobs. They are astute people, and they are serious people. My lawyer assured me that if these men were actually immigration officers, then they would have been able to recognize from 10 miles away that I did not fit any kind of profile that would arouse typical ‘suspicion’ and therefore did not even have probable cause to approach. I agreed with him and I knew that instinctively, right away. I knew they were lying to the police about thinking I was ‘an alien’ as well because until I spoke (after they had decided to aggressively approach me), they had no idea that Hebrew was not my first language. I was dressed sporty-like. You know, even boring. My hair was wind-swept but up. I don’t look like an alien, do I?
What I didn’t know is that sentence in bold font above. I do now.
So, they were either the real deal and not doing their jobs within the confines of the law or they were not the real deal and … ??? Who the hell were they?
That’s my story. Just documenting the details.
Thank you! I’m worried about Dr Rose! Fir her to write this then withdraw it with no further word is not like her…
Me too. :( I don't know how we can find out if she is alright? Any ideas??? I am worried those people came back.....???
Good news! She posted on Mathew Crawford’s Substack 5 hours ago. Readers there are relieved. Hope she’ll explain!
I found her email and sent her a note of concern. Asked her to let me know or send a sign if she can.
I’ll post my concern on a couple of related Substacks to see if anyone knows her.
Mark, ICYMI.⬇️👀
Preamble: Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the global conspiracy that is the Covid “pandemic”, is the ease with which the vast majority of those in the medical, healthcare, and scientific communities embraced the official dogma and complied with the dictates imposed under its all encompassing rubric. Indeed, this arch-criminal globalist enterprise could hardly have been imagined much less attempted without their collective imprimatur and complicity.
In this two part series, by dissecting the political and articulating the personal, Australian writer Greg Maybury applies the blowtorch to the belly of this once revered professional class. Along with betraying its solemn oath to ‘do no harm’ and jettisoning its ethical principles, it has to all intents, become a fully owned chattel of the Big Pharma cartel.
Article: Whistling Past the Graveyard — The Crimes & Betrayals of the Medical Papacy (Part One), by Greg Maybury. #Fauci #Covid #BillGates #BigPharma #VaccineSideEffects #WEF #WHO #KlausSchwab #GreatReset
A Snippet: '[The] virulence and contagion of Covid is arguably nowhere more evident than in the hearts and minds of all those medicos who have… allowed themselves to be so thoroughly contaminated by Doctor Fauci’s patented—and existentially dangerous—brand of moral turpitude and ethical beggary.'
Article: Whistling Past the Graveyard: The High Priests of Public Health & Modern Medicine — (Part Two), by Greg Maybury. #DrFauci #Covid #BillGates #BigPharma #VaccineSideEffects #WEF #WHO #KlausSchwab #GreatReset #AdverseEvents (15-20m read)
A Snippet: ‘What Dr Kevin Corbett had to say of his professional experiences during the AIDS crisis was a brutal indictment on how that epidemic was managed…In referencing the linkages between AIDS & Covid, his oft-repeated refrain was: ‘It was exactly the same!’ Both official narratives were he averred, a ‘house of cards, built on sand’.
My Dr before Covid said the government runs healthcare.
During Covid I asked for a medical exemption. I have in my chart, do not give flu or pneumonia shots, allergic.
My Dr told me, no medical exemptions per CDC. Unless one is being treated for Cancer.
To lump everyone together is murderous , period.
CDC is Gates Funded, Pfizer bribed entity. Criminals
Jjulie, your comments are central to the narrative in my article above 🙏😎☝️.
This has always been my observation - that human beings are compliant by nature, too trusting for their own good. Add to that the relentless indoctrination in schools and business to obey orders and we have a perfect storm for near term human extinction. Clearly, the human species is not fit for purpose and would be better to go extinct than to take down our entire biosphere. Mother Nature is going to shake off the likes of us and over millenia restore balance in our ecosystem. So very sad.
You sound just like the Club of Rome Psychopath Parasite Malthusians. Rather than extinct the human species how about extinguishing these Parasites. A whole lot easier.
I can see how you might think that. At my age of 63, and having had much experience in relationship with human beings individually and in groups, it would be naive to believe otherwise. With each generation that passes, it's clear that your belief that we just 'extinguish' these parasites becomes increasingly impossible. I take no joy in acknowledging this reality. Any species which does as much damage as we've done to the biosphere hasn't earned a place in the symphony of life.
Having said that, as individuals, I believe we have a divine soul and remarkable gifts that we COULD offer to our communities. The problem is that it's shadowed by our need for belonging and approval at the expense of all other species. I do still fight for love, beauty, joy and peace. As Chris Hedges says: “I do not fight fascists because I will win. I fight fascists because they are fascists.”
― Chris Hedges, Wages of Rebellion: The Moral Imperative of Revolt
I'm going to have to revisit Chris Hedges. I think I wrote him off a few years ago when I was still in the matrix.
Aiding and abetting Fascists by supporting their anti-human Malthusian agenda is NOT "fighting fascists".
As for the biosphere it is true we have done some damage, not nearly as much as the many Ice Ages have done over the past 2 million years, all caused by some freak geology, likely the development of the Himalayas. Other Freak events like asteroid collisions occur every million years or so that do more damage than humans have done.
Unlike other destructive things, only humans can do the most creative thing that our biosphere has ever experienced since the Cambrian explosion. We can bioform other worlds. Most particularly Mars which is a life bomb waiting to be triggered. We can achieve that. It is totally within our potential this century. Humans, imperfect beings, but our divine purpose is to be the reproductive agents for the astonishing & incredible biota of Mother Earth. Any bad things we have done will be a triviality compared to that act of creativity. It is a grave sin for us to deny our solemn responsibility to carry this incredible gift of life, unknown anywhere else in the universe, to other worlds.
I would have liked this if you hadn't appealed to hypothesised but only extremely vaguely defined and extremely tenuously substantiated entities, to wit, “divine purpose” and “Mother Earth”. They are just proxies for tyrants. (In my judgement.)
I said that because he said "we have a divine soul". You don't need "divine purpose" or "Mother Earth", but we have to have some principals & values. Otherwise who cares if we rape & pillage Earth and pave the whole thing over. If we value the Earth's natural ecosystem than rationally the greatest thing we could do is reproduce it on a whole other World(s).
This is an observation I have commented on frequently in the past. Sadly this is true. Bill Hicks once described us all as a virus with shoes. I think he was onto something.
My understanding is that all the institutions you mention have been infiltrated for a while now, and if they speak up, funding disappears....
Truth told, almost none of this would have been possible without the injection of TRILLIONS of dollars printed by the FED and distributed to nearly everyone who had an hand in the covid disaster. Media, hospitals, universities, governments (particularly healthcare "professionals"), doctors, testing companies, politicians, NGOs, and more, benefitted from a literal flood of found money that, for all but the most honest and honorable people (precious few, clearly) were unable to tell the truth about what was happening, assuming they knew what the truth was. Add to these people the hundreds of thousands who were unwilling to risk their professions, their families' welfare, their professional standing, their livelihoods, etc., when it was much easier, seamless in fact, to go along to get along. Ethical people are a dying breed, hence the minuscule numbers of professionals willing to stand up to TPTB.
To make matters worse, it appears that Big Pharma is working on MURDERING non-conforming doctors. Did you ever think we would live in such a world as this?
Great article link. A West Australian author, apparently. The medical dictatorship they are living under right now with their mad Premier McGowan is astonishing. I know the grit and strength of those who work this hard country and cannot understand why so many of the State’s citizens simply complied at such a late stage of the C19 game. FIFO workers are not fools. Good to see this clear communication coming out from behind their Covid Curtain.
Do you really think it out of the question for the SAME people who have been actively engaged in genocide of us for years to lose sleep over the concept of straight out murder? You are deluded if you think this ridiculous...
They must attempt to hide their tracks, which is why they use "heart attacks," "suicide," "freak accidents," etc.
It is also important to note that the over 100 AIDS scientist and researchers were killed in the MH17 flight downed in Ukraine en route to and international AIDS conference in Australia.
Did someone have a cure, an effective treatment OR damning evidence of the HIV/AIDS vaccine research fraud so eloquently described in RFK book the the real Anthony Fauci... ???
As they say, I need a new conspiracy theory ...... all my others have come true.
Pfizer is a serial killer along with other big Pharma.
Oh man. Dr Zelenko seems like the most straight forward upfront no nonsense doctor I've listened to throughout this whole ordeal. I can't believe this is happening. I hope big pharma and the medical industrial complex go down and everyone will finally see them for the monstrous crooks they really are. They need to be wiped out and the whole direction of health needs to be reimagined and re developed from the basics starting with food and vitamins and looking at the cause of disease rather than just trying to suppress symptoms
No, I don't think the story is far-fetched at all. They want to murder the whole world, why would they spare those who pulled their cat(s) out of the bag ?
They did it many times before, and they will try again.
Stay safe, or whatever "safe" still means in this wildly uncertain environment...
"How about you 'stay safe' and stop worrying about me. And since when did you suddenly become so strangely interested in my safety, anyway?"
Are you in pain ?
No money for Prozac ?
Sell your corpse for experiments.
And if one "Dr. Richard Pan has his way, we will never be able to talk about any of this again, at least not in any forum that goes into California. Read up on California SB 1390.
"This bill would prohibit a social media platform, as defined, from amplifying harmful content"..."The bill would provide that harmful content includes libel or slander, as specified, threats of imminent violence against governmental entities, and disinformation or misinformation, including, but not limited to, false or misleading information regarding medicine or vaccinations, false or misleading information regarding elections, and conspiracy theories."
The bill also sets up a censorship apparatus.
No first amendment rights for Californians! Of course, the Biden administration has been leaning pretty hard on social media platforms to censor "misinformation". The current censorship is supposedly constitutional because the social media platforms are private entities and censoring by their choice. What Pan is suggesting would not be constitutional AT ALL.
I'm not sure what Pan is thinking here, perhaps to get the camels nose in the tent and ban "hate speech" and get a censorship apparatus set up?