The big players pushing hardest for MRNA will be miraculously immune from any vaccine harms... They know better than to take that poison

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No, they are just sock puppets that fell into the trap, sold their soul for a few shekels ... if anything, they will be some of the first to go, because they know to much.

No offense and I do not want to sound arrogant (usually do though, sorry), but look at all the celebrities, athletes, whatever - famous people - even news presenters, politicians dropping, being replaced, getting ill .. THE SAME PEOPLE THAT WERE THE GREATEST ADVOCATS PUSHING THE JABS ON TV OR OTHER MEDIA.

As for the Pope, the satanic POS .. maybe have a look at this in even mainstream:



But this is the key = https://www.newswars.com/vatican-enters-global-alliance-with-rothschilds-rockefeller-foundation-big-banks-to-create/


Now do not take my word for it, look it up yourself, if you do not believe it.


The same HAS HAPPENED with my "Church OF England" where they have teamed up with the globalist parasites, want to change the church into a "Public-Stakeholder" corporation and have invested their 18 B.. with a B, Billion into the new corporation.


Our so called mainstream religions were infiltrated by the globalist elitist scumbags many, many moons ago ... if you hold any spiritual, religious faith of any sort... brilliant, keep it inside you.


So many have not seen this and this should shock the World's faithful...




PS See how they try and divide us.

PPS Strangely enough, the only song I think about when I read about things like above .. loom at the replacement of politicians in UK, NZ, Australia and and and is ...


Same shit, different day .

Sorry to rant.

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King Charles is all in on putting MRNA into the mass food supply

without labels showing MRNA content… He’s not alone pushing for this

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No, but what a ruddy hypocrite, it is just amazing. There is the videos of him saying this andthe suddenly every mainstream rag and fact checker are pushing that he remains a great advocate of organic food (they forget to mention that the livestock feedstock is now GMO)... but they seem to want to shift the blame to the so called Princess Anne.

Just type this into your search engine - "Princess Anne wants GMO food"... even though many of us have seen "OUR KING" spout the BS first.

Trouble is, the masses, even most that have allegedly "awakened" will not see it and it will pass them by.

PS There is a photo somewhere of one ofthe Rothschilds literally prodding Charles in the stomach ... giving the latest commands.. Not on tw*tter but I can see it



Hahaha - I can see it on Tik Tock as well - https://www.tiktok.com/discover/whats-did-rothschild-say-to-prince-charles

and all the rest ... including mainstream... so pathetically obvious.

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I'm not saying you are wrong but the Black Nobility goes back much further than the Rothschilds.

The pattern seems to go like this: we give you an opportunity. You take it, then you become the "richest man in the world".

You dedicate your wealth to being a "philanthropist". Then you spend your wealth on what we tell you to.

The Rothschilds set up the Rockerfellers, who have now set up the Gates and the Soros and The Bushes.

But who set up the Rothschilds? And who set up the people who set up the Rothschilds? It's an inter-generational game of hide and seek. And we have no idea how large the hierarchy is.

Also don't forget that these people have and always will love interbreeding. You can even see this with RFK Jr and all the women who wanted to marry him.

I'm not saying RFK Jr is a bad guy at all, but these rich, upper class assholes all interbreed with each other, always. I read in a David Icke book once that almost all US Presidents are related to British Royalty according to Burke's Peerage. I haven't been able to verify that for myself but it wouldn't surprise me.

This rabbit hole runs deep and is murky AF.

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Disagree - I think, but remember just my view so no offence intended.

All goes back to Rome hey; is that what you are saying ?.

Nope. Maybe at one time but not in the so called "modern World".

If Ok, I shall respond further in the later morning ...wehave a massive time difference assuming you are over thereand I am in the EU. It maybe late as I am ****ed. Good night.

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It's good to disagree Bob. Tell me how I'm wrong and I will likely listen.

Does it all go back to Rome? Hmmm. I'm a historian, best as I can tell it started in Venice, then moved to The Netherlands. It's very likely older but as a historian, I can only track the bankers.

If we are talking Royalty, then that is the most convoluted bollocks ever invented. Yeah, probably goes back to at least Constantine.

Secret societies are ancient. I visited Pompei and went to the Temple of Isis. Mystery religions/babylon are weird. The underlying cults are obviously millennia older.

Is it that old? I'm a historian by training so can only *prove* what I can prove.

I'm happy to learn more if you can teach me. I'm also fucked, no worries. 😂

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Rothschild was using a cattle prod on Charlie Horse.

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The London Pilgrim Society, devotees of usury, slavery, and child sacrifice. British Intel works with British royalty. Is this the Head of the Snake?

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One of the heads. It is like the Hydra. Many heads and when one is chopped off, another one grows in...

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For more on the effery of the Pope? Did I just say that? An Irish Catholic girl? Yes, I did. For more on that topic, look at the Rumble channel "From Rome", by an American Catholic monk, stationed in the Vatican. He chronicles the takeover of the Popedom by Freemasons, a cult of which have been in the Vatican for some time. He goes into the reasons behind Ratzingers unprecedented resignation, paving the way for this clown. Fascinating stuff.

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Thanks. Cannot find the actual title, but enough that are similar to keep me going.

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Bob, will you be going to the festival in Ireland the last wknd in May? Look it up, organized by another great writer on Substack - the Tuatha de Danaan on the West's Awake. It is a celebration of human culture as cherished and practiced in Ireland, since before the Romans. John Waters, a great mind and Irish patriot, will be there with many other truth tellers. I have my ticket as well.

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Unfortunately not as I am living over in The Netherlands at the moment; well, just let that be my excuse. I do follow a lot of John Waters work, agree with him mostly, but even if I did not agree with him .. at least he has the balls to actually speak out about the taboo subjects. Thinking about what I have just said, I remember what I disagreed on him about ... it was when he came out and sort of apologised for saying controversial things about a very valid subject and then waffled on, about the stress making him lose weight or not sleep .. and that irritated me, as I am sick and tired of people apologising for expressing their own views. Catch you somewhere else.

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That apologizing must have been when he was still employed by the Irish Times. I think I remember something like that. Well he left the Journaliars as he now calls them and he is not apologizing for anything these days. :)

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No idea when or where, but thanks for the info.

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Good rant Bob.

You are definitely not arrogant, probably been mixing with the wrong crowd.

Good links.

Yes, destroying the church, apparently to start a new global religion.

They are working on the totalitarian *Be kind* mantra.

Had enough of that from Jabcinda.

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I am amazed that anyone with sprit, faith, religion, even consciousness - billions of us, defending our beliefs ... but the below seems to have passed without people even noticing it. I have added a couple of links, but please do your own search...

Search "COP 27 destroying the tablet of the 10 commandments"....

They blame it on the Catholics, but always slip the truth somewhere in, and the following specifically states "Catholic and other faith-based organizations have been pushing world leaders since the convening began on Nov. 6 to take seriously actions and commitments on emissions reductions and financing loss and damages resulting from climate change." ...



Leaders of various religions and religious organizations gathered to repent of their alleged “climate” sins and usher in what they described as a new, universal “Ten Commandments.”



Simple old 10 Commandments, teaching us to live together and morality = https://lifehopeandtruth.com/uploads/images/10-Commandments-List_1.jpg

After worldwide criticism, the new Ten Commandments were reframed as “Ten Principles of Climate Repentance.”

FFS = https://www.timesofisrael.com/multifaith-leaders-to-gather-in-israel-and-around-the-world-for-climate-repentance/

The “Ten Principles for Climate Repentance” cited by the organizers are:

We are stewards of this world

Creation manifests divinity

Everything in life is interconnected

Do no harm

Look after tomorrow

Rise above ego for our world

Change our inner climate

Repent and return

Every action matters

Use mind, open heart

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When I say big players I mean Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab and others on that level…

We’re fortunate sadly that these collateral people such as celebrities and sports figures are at a level of visibility that the reality can’t be so easily covered up by the censorship regime

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Also presidents, congressmen, senators, governor's, cape cod, Martha's vineyard are all doing fine.

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You nailed it

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" ill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab and others on that level…"

Mid-level bagmen, boogieman and extremely far removed from the real power structure. Minions in other words.

All did their deal with the devil. Meanwhile the real power structure gets away Scot free as usual.

And no, I'm not one of those "it's da Joos" people. But the real players are far up the food chain, and very few people have even attempted to name them. Rothschilds and Rockerfellers for sure, even Bushes, but aside from royalty and the Vatican, there are probably families even above them. The worst mistake these people could ever make is going public. It's a tangled web.

A decent hacker group could help by finding out who the main investors in Vanguard Group are. That would be a good start.

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Check out the books and interviews of Dean Henderson. He names names. He started down the rabbit hole back in his hometown in South Dakota, investigating who owned the corporatate bank trying to move in there. He is what I refer to as a Redpilled Lefty, not those things that we have in the Whitehouse now, Left in name only, or Fake Left.

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Great work, I have probably read some of his articles before (I am sure he may have been on Infowars at some point too).


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The name definitely rings a bell, thank you.

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You can find him on a recent Richie Allen show archived on Podamatic.

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Blackrock as well

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But Steve, I do not think they are the big players, otherwise we would not know about them ... these are the front men, then the lower tiers are the likes of our politicians; all disposable.

I do not know if I am right, but that is my view.

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Apr 8, 2023
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You can give me the $75 and I will buy dinner and drinks, because I agree with you. No offence here, but I did mention "Our so called mainstream religions were infiltrated by the globalist elitist scumbags many, many moons ago" ...

I would even go further and state the Catholic church is not Catholic, The Protestant churches no longer Protestant etc...

Now order the drinks in... I will fly over in a mo.

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Apr 8, 2023Edited
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I never stated there were not, nor same for me as a "Protestant" or "Church of England" ... I stated quite deliberately "mainstream religion". If you are lucky to find a centre for your prayers and worship, run by the dovout, excellent,but they are being ELIMINATED - I have as well in my local church (female led that shocked me at first, but bravo to her as she also sees what is happening).

We have through the wife, Spanish heritage - Catholics and they are angry and although I do not understand it fully, seems they have split from ... maybe the better word is Vatican as opposed to Catholic ... my apologies.

Think we are on the same wavelength, no offence intended to your faith.

PS Quite seriously, there are more of you lot in my family than the few of us prosts..

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Apr 8, 2023
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Read Father Malachi's works and comments on this. He wrote very openly about Satan in the Vatican... We should all be praying. I left the Church but not God or Jesus many years ago, when I realized the corruption (very early in my life). I have never wanted to worship elsewhere, I love the old churches and the Latin masses.. but. I know how corrupted it is. How rotten in its structure. And I ultimately as my self: what *would* Jesus say about this Church? I am not alone in this perspective. Read Peter De Rosa's Pope Patrick... Pope Patrick is the riotous story of a mild-mannered country cardinal who--through a democratic election, a twist of fate, and a little help from his golden Lab, Charley--turns the Vatican upside down and throws the industrial world into chaos. He deals once and for all with the thorny issues of contraception, the celibacy of the clergy, and the infallibility of the pope; sends the Dow Jones tumbling, and the hopes of the downtrodden soaring-and in the process brings the world to the brink of catastrophe.

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EXCELLENT INFO. My rclick is broken so I will have to do a lot of work to share these links with my peeps. And I will. :)

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True, shots HAVE killed a great number of their own Gung-ho types. Notice the REAL players are still chugging. Did they get a placebo shot, or super watered down version? There was some reporting of that , back about a year and a half ago. Couple of insider admissions. Gates, ( wish I still had the video), on camera admitting that , if we get EVERYONE vaccinated , and on good health, (I think he was in Africa ) we'll see an approximate 15% reduction* of population. WHAT!? Couldn't believe my ears. Thought vaxxess were to INCREASE and encourage good health?

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Folks are dropping like ke flies. Seems like the tip of the iceberg

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Yes, this year will essentially be the year that deaths are accelerating at a fast pace. I just went to a Buddhist house prayer of someone I know who developed stage 4 liver CA fast. He was in his early 50s. The allopathic morons told him that he's had it for a while which I call bullshit. I told his brother-in-law what the cause of it was; he just didn't seem to react to the information I relayed to him. Another guy who I didn't know, died last week in his sleep. He was in his late 40s to early 50s.

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You know, I wonder if this is why I managed to find a job so fast 2x over? Its not like I am that old but later 50s. And I am snapped up and offered interviews (admittedly for lower level, mid level positions). Still.. it makes me wonder if there really is a dire shortage. Business owners all tell me that the labor force has changed into a gig economy where people work for cash for x, y, z length of time, then wander away, quit or whatever. They come back when they need more money. This is in service end jobs and in mid level type jobs. So, I wonder. I really really wonder...

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It is both a surprise and not a surprise that business owners end up hiring back the same people who quit and come back due to the shortage. Before the plandemic, it was difficult or near impossible to come back to the same employer after dipping on them. Employers are desperate now to keep afloat and are now at the mercy of low-quality personnel and have to kowtow to their demands to an extent. I'm not attacking you, but just making a general statement about what's going on now.

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Heehee. Not taking it personal. I am pretty higher end (or was) employee. I just got told I blew the interview panel with an interview I did. They wanted me now, now now. And I sort of did blow their 'assessment' out of the water too. That's what 25 years of training, experience and high standards will do for you. OTH, they can't find younger ppl willing a) to work hard for the pay (lower end of the pay spectrum) and can't find ones that will actually stay employeed. I believe that it is a change in mentality regarding work. Work is not the be all end all and they don't have that sense of personal effort anymore. Even when paid well.. you will hear people say "I'm not staying past x" "I don't over work myself, I pace myself' and so forth. And the employers are desperate to get an employee that will work, and stay. If they know you are good? They will welcome you back - especially if there is a shortage of the skill set you have.

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Brace yourself. What's coming will be 1347 on steroids.

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I’m waiting to hear news of even one WEF Young Leaders clubs suffering vaccine injury or worse... Not holding my breath

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That's why it's hard to believe this is vaxx related. The vatican is so tied to WEF and dirty money that their boy in Rome should be unvaxxed???

Unless, the next poppy they have lined up is an even more faithful WEF whipping boy?

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You can't know what games they're playing at the top.

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Hey Mark. Hope all is well.

Yeah, there are a ton of conspiracy theories regarding Benedict. It's very rare for a Pope to "resign" or "retire".

Benedict looked like a Satanic minion, but I'm advised that his book was beautiful.

Whatever is going on there, there is something really insane afoot.

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You can’t know by what you’re getting from legacy media but you can get a fairly good idea by the gathering storm death and suffering

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Such data sheds no light on whether eminences like Francis (or Elizabeth) got jabbed for real.

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Hard to tell. Some were old, and old people do die.

I'm not saying Vax deaths and injuries aren't real.

Confusion can be part of the game. Harder to point fingers that way.

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It seems to be a boy sodomisers club, exclusively.

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Meanwhile it's legal for rabbis in the US to suck the blood from the penis of a newly circumcised baby.

Also, many states in the USA allow child marriages, which no-one bats an eyelid at.

Go deeper.

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Apr 8, 2023
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Nice logical fallacy you attempted, try harder next time. Of course most circumcisions for gentiles are done in hospitals by surgeons.

Bloody hell.

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Give him a booster before he dies.

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An injustice of immense proportions! Watch the testimony of a veteran Nova Scotia nurse who was fired for refusing to take the jab. https://mathewaldred.substack.com/p/veteran-nurse-vonnie-allen-betrayed

New Substack release. Listen to Turfseer’s new protest song A GOOD NURSE: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/a-good-nurse

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Gives "tiktok" a different twist 🤔

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Underrated comment.

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hahaha, wasn't the pope a big pusher of all the Branch Covidian cult actions? good for him

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Lot of people should pray that spike protein poisoning is short lived, we don't know what else was randomly introduced.

What happens when mRNA enters a malignant cell isn't being publicized

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I think they have known how to cause cancer in people for years now. Through vaxes or the "food". Cancers can be somewhat slow growing too, but don't worry there is always some healthy cut, poison and radiation treatments waiting for you if you get cancer to "help" you.. die faster.

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They have been people say no one can give you cancer since Jack Ruby's claim in the 1960's. In the 1960's a VA employee said we give cancer to lab animals "every day"

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I think our bodies pretty much have pipes in us. Kind of like kitchen sinks. Our arteries can get clogged up with muck. Our lymph system can become clogged over time too. If you keep inputting toxic crap into it, it will indeed get clogged up over time like your kitchen sink. There is probably many ways to clog up a body. It can be just a slow clog that builds up over time. Maybe a year. Maybe five years. Maybe ten. Toxins can accumulate in the body if your body doesn't efficiently get rid of toxins.

They usually put a toxic substance in every shot, and don't get me started on the chemicals, preservatives, toxic dyes in our processed foods that contribute to chronic health over time. Then go to a doctor, and at best get prescribed a toxic med that only supresses the chronic condition for a short duration. Not a cure. We got a lot of doctors that were trained to give superficial help to patients. If they even have figured out how to cure, they stay silent.

How many of our doctors have talked about our toxic food when people have chronic health problems? They may say you should keep your weight down, but goodness, even the toxic food dyes that make our food so pretty is poison to our bodies. Have you ever had a conversation with your doctor about food dyes? Try talking to your dentist about fluoride. My dentist keeps trying to give my kids extra fluoride to "protect their teeth", then I got to argue with my kid that it's nut to say fluoride is healthy. If they don't get you that way, they just simply up the poison in our water supply. You got to drink eventually or you get dehydrated and die pretty fast.

Read the book, Mary's Monkeys. They have known how to give cancer to people through shots for many years.

The evil elite know how to control our minds and control our bodies. They know how to make us sick, and won't think twice about doing it.

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We are expendable they have too many peasants. I buy bottled water and run it through a zero filter into stainless steel bottles. Tap water destroys a zero filter. They are detecting aluminum in rain water.

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When you look at how much has been spent on AIDS, you know that Fauci didn't waste his tax-paid decades. Like a bad Trojan horse, what the clots, shedding and turbo cancers don't get...the AIDS will.

Why is there not a Blacklist published for every complicit player?

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Thank you for your tireless efforts.

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apparently Biden and the Pope have to go before the new system takes hold -

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The devil in me isn't too unhappy about the outcome here of this globalist Jesuit "pope." You reap what you sow, Francis.

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Just heard that another UK (alleged) musician has died aged 46. Paul Cattermole from S Club 7. Cause unknown but no suspicious circumstances, of course.


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Picture of Francis wiping nose taken 2020 or 2023? Asking because photo caption (at least when I first asked, don't know now) read 2020.

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"The Pope's got VAIDS and so do you"


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Lipid nanoparticals/LPN’s are toxic and to blame, until proven otherwise

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Spike proteins cause brain damage.. permanent, along the lines of Alzheimer's and death. Parkinson's and the like...and cross the blood brain barrier. Study out of Germany (note they can't do that study in the USA of course.. too much resistance...)

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Ah heck just a coincidence hey...if he croaks.....I doubt they would have an autopsy ?!

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