Yesterday I had an appointment with my ‘relationship manager’ at my bank. After the meeting I was being walked out of an office with many boardrooms. I noticed the reception desk had a potted Rose plant with nobody behind the desk. I went to look at the beautiful plant and there was a sticky note attached to the presentation paper around the plant. It had a first name and below that R.I.P. I asked what happened. He said the receptionist had just up and passed away...I said that was so sad, he agreed, I asked did they mention a cause, he said he didn’t know...I asked her age and he said she was maybe 60...
My guess is she had taken the gene therapy as the Bank is in Canada and the 💉rate here was high and corporations had mandates...
I believe Pope Pedophile is awaiting his tribunal or has already been executed & that fabricated illnesses/deaths of these despicable, satanic scum will be reported until truth about the global, covert military operation is revealed to public.
I must say that I’m weary of all the declarations of “no sympathy”—especially when it is not demanded. “I have no sympathy” has been a constant refrain over the last two years, with the vaccinated having no sympathy for the unvaccinated, and the unvaccinated having no sympathy for the vaccinated.
It bothered me greatly throughout 2021 as numerous hugh profile people dispensed their medical expertise upon the little people and encouraged everyone to get injected. They were put up to it because they had the ability to lead the crowd, not because they knew jack about the science. I was disgusted to see a national official of the union I used to belong to - dumb as a box of rocks - telling every member nationwide to take the jab. It was as if anyone and everyone who had a smidgen of leadership took it upon themselves to try to get as many as possible to join in with the popular and virtuous injected crowd. And NONE of them had a clue what Luc Montagnier, Sucharit Bhakdi, Richard Flening, Judy Mikovits, Geert VandenBosch, Byram Bridle, Paul Alexander, Peter McCullough, Tess Lawrie, Meryl Nass, Angie Farella, Richard Urso, Pierre Kory, Ryan Cole or Stephanie Seneff were pleading for the clueless public to understand. And assuming no direct involvement in a malicious plan against the world, I include the Pope amongst the duped. What is to become of our covid injected world? Not even the illuminated heroes listed above know.
Yes, indeed it is sickening. Thanks for listing names of our recent courageous heroes. They will have saved many lives. I have remarked before, How is it that so many peepul with so many degrees seem to have no intellectual curiosity, now stuck on the high opinion of their intelligence. And meanwhile, hearing the updater from Ed Dowd of the widespread damages, injuries, future casualties of job loss—eventual, and likely much sooner deaths. I do not get it.
You all must know that the Catholic Church had a second ecumenical council in 1962. The first was around 1000 AD. In 1962 the Vatican joined the then NWO plan because they were promised, by the powers that were part of this organized plan to TAKE OVER THE WORLD, to make the world a “better run organized and centrally ruled world with one official governing body and one world religion.”
Pope John Paul the 23 at that time signed that document and essentially signed away any vestige of holiness to the idea and promise that the Catholic Church would be that powerful one world religion.
So as the church gave up its liturgy at mass and accepted many many forward thinking ideas began, the church lost its place in the world slowly and began to disintegrate. As a result all these years later, the LGBT crowd now has its own building within the Vatican City walls, pedophiles run rampant in the priest hood STILL, and most priests today are gone, and this pope is part of that group.
Of course the Vatican did choose earthy power of Gods Divine power and of course the NWO people never ever wanted competition from a world religion and would work toward destroying the one global religion promise from within the Vatican walls just as we in this country is being destroyed, and the world now is being injected with poison BIOWEAPON. The Catholic Church will no longer be a powerful religion again.
It is but a shell of a religion now and even though the Vatican has always been a business most of history proves the world became a better place due to its firm base of belief in one God and serving God according to the Old Testament and New Testament. It has fulfilled its only purpose and now is gone.
The popes since 1962 among other Vatican officials sold its earthly powers to the NWO and now will be paying the very high price of losing whatever they hoped for. instead is a one world religion based on human/demonic power and holiness is no where to be found.
It is Easter Sunday and hope endures with in our souls that God is good, God watches over us, knows all and continues to care about us. We in turn have looked to God as a distant entity believing worldly laws are more important that Gods simple 10 commandments. Given that knowledge of our reality is not a pleasant one we are being forced to question our choices and actions and beliefs. Hopefully humanity will decide to make life affirming, charitable God fearing choices and NOT fellow human rules that choose death.
It’s time to WAKE UP TO OUR REALITY it’s killing us and we need to fight against the very powerful death affirming man made deceit that is keeping many chained in despair and disease.
God will not coexist within the framework of the NWO. so our choices will be to embrace our souls desires for Gods rules or embrace the NWO ideas of enslaving us and destroying our world of any degree of justice.
In the end it is Gods world and He will not allow evil to run it. It’s time to choose your side. Choose wisely.
I always read, I always cry, I continue to wonder at your inner strength which makes it possible for you to do this essential work of collating and recording this seemingly endless tragedy.
I would be surprised if Francis is actually vaccinated. I think he is one of THEM. He is evil. That he has supported Biden as much as he has, and that he required all those who work in Vatican City to be vaccinated with a substance created in part from fetuses to me demonstrates that evil now rules the church. I was raised Catholic and worked on a graduate degree in theology. I have moved so passed that.
So sad about John Farnham, he has always been so loved by the Australian people. Tragic that so many ruined their immune systems by putting toxic vaxes in their body. The liver cannot keep up with the toxins we are bombared with, don't add anymore fuel for it.
He and his best mate Glen Wheatley (died from cancer), both lived in the gulag of Melbourne. "London to a Brick" they were both jibby jabbed. We have all been propagandised.
The Pope made his "vaccination as an act of love" comment after meeting with Pfizer. Then made sure the whole church said no to any religious exemptions if asked. Enough said. He should step down, since he is obviously just another patsy for whoever or whatever is pulling the strings on all this.
Don’t forget to join the “anti-vax racket,” and vote for RFK Jr. for President. The only tricky thing is that you gotta be an enrolled Dem to vote in the Primary. Maybe he’ll finally run on an independent ticket--which is also tricky (for some here) because that might benefit the Dems more than the Repubs. So, you might as well enroll now. (ha)
Register as a Dem so you can support RFK Jr.!!! If you register as a Dem, you can vote in the primaries, which will be crucial to getting RFK Jr on the ballot. When the election comes, you can vote for anyone you want, but unless there is overwhelming support in the primaries, RFK Jr has less chance than Bernie to make it to the election.
To be honest, I think he would be great as president, but he is also great now, and the Kennedys don't have a great track record for surviving presidential maybe not tempt fate...? --- is another way of thinking about this.
JFK weaponized the IRS against political opponents. Used the FBI to target Martin Luther King Jnr as a spy, tracked his movements, his flights, his associates and tapped his phones, among other nefarious activities, including campaign fund violations, a procession of adulterous affairs. His greatest sin though, was to declare he would "smash the CIA into a million pieces". Thus, he was assassinated by the Deep State
I am registered with no party affiliation and can vote for a democrat, republican , independent, green, etc. and have been able to vote in the Primaries
If getting vaxxed is an act of love, then dying from the vax must be the most loving thing one could do! What a humanitarian! Seriously, the genociders believe the entire cull is an act of love too! It's because they love us sooooooooo much!
I have seen many comments suggesting the proliferation of 5G in stadiums, arenas, concert halls etc., combined with vaccination, may explain why so many pop stars and sportsmen seem to be succumbing. Not to mention doctors/medics or anyone working in similar environments.
Also remember that one of the reasons so many pop stars and sportsmen seem to be succumbing is simply that hey have a 'name' , a presence in the social mind and as such are 'newsworthy' They are not as invisible as Cathy Rochester who worked at the grocery store or Simon Bell who filled the potholes in the road. The unknown and to us un-named people who silently disappear without a whisper and living among us, 5g or no. Apart from in Mark's ever growing and heartbreaking lists of the every day folk who die suddenly we do not get to hear of them. Always think on that picture too, it's closer to home than so many realise.
All is all and health is wholistic so YES. EMF is a toxin. The human system is in the electric universe. Lower or disrupt natural frequencies and the bodies develop dis-ease.
And last year in Aus, footballer Ollie Wines withdrew from a match due to a heart complaint and took a break for several weeks. Arrythmia, I believe. About the same time, a leading AFL commentator got Bells Palsy . He attributed it to the jab.
The link given beneath the "28-year-old Brazilian player Zé Carlos..." paragraph is broken. Looks like two separate URLs (intended as "Link" and "Video") were entered as one.
Does anyone know if this can happen? Two candidates, who run as a Republican and a Democrat, in the primaries. Can they than switch in general election switch to independent?
Yesterday I had an appointment with my ‘relationship manager’ at my bank. After the meeting I was being walked out of an office with many boardrooms. I noticed the reception desk had a potted Rose plant with nobody behind the desk. I went to look at the beautiful plant and there was a sticky note attached to the presentation paper around the plant. It had a first name and below that R.I.P. I asked what happened. He said the receptionist had just up and passed away...I said that was so sad, he agreed, I asked did they mention a cause, he said he didn’t know...I asked her age and he said she was maybe 60...
My guess is she had taken the gene therapy as the Bank is in Canada and the 💉rate here was high and corporations had mandates...
I have no sympathy for the apostsate Pope Francis. Vengeance is not mine, nor is mercy mine to give.
No one's asking for your sympathy. The point here is to wake people up.
I believe the man was simply stating how he felt which happens to correspond to what
I feel. I actually hope the bastard drops dead. What do you have to say to that? No-one asked for my opinion?
Do you believe that particular Jesuit was injected? I know that he and the C. Church consider it the eighth sacrament, it's a reasonable question.
I believe Pope Pedophile is awaiting his tribunal or has already been executed & that fabricated illnesses/deaths of these despicable, satanic scum will be reported until truth about the global, covert military operation is revealed to public.
"Satanic scum?" Have you no respect for our betters, our lords and masters?
I must say that I’m weary of all the declarations of “no sympathy”—especially when it is not demanded. “I have no sympathy” has been a constant refrain over the last two years, with the vaccinated having no sympathy for the unvaccinated, and the unvaccinated having no sympathy for the vaccinated.
It bothered me greatly throughout 2021 as numerous hugh profile people dispensed their medical expertise upon the little people and encouraged everyone to get injected. They were put up to it because they had the ability to lead the crowd, not because they knew jack about the science. I was disgusted to see a national official of the union I used to belong to - dumb as a box of rocks - telling every member nationwide to take the jab. It was as if anyone and everyone who had a smidgen of leadership took it upon themselves to try to get as many as possible to join in with the popular and virtuous injected crowd. And NONE of them had a clue what Luc Montagnier, Sucharit Bhakdi, Richard Flening, Judy Mikovits, Geert VandenBosch, Byram Bridle, Paul Alexander, Peter McCullough, Tess Lawrie, Meryl Nass, Angie Farella, Richard Urso, Pierre Kory, Ryan Cole or Stephanie Seneff were pleading for the clueless public to understand. And assuming no direct involvement in a malicious plan against the world, I include the Pope amongst the duped. What is to become of our covid injected world? Not even the illuminated heroes listed above know.
Yes, indeed it is sickening. Thanks for listing names of our recent courageous heroes. They will have saved many lives. I have remarked before, How is it that so many peepul with so many degrees seem to have no intellectual curiosity, now stuck on the high opinion of their intelligence. And meanwhile, hearing the updater from Ed Dowd of the widespread damages, injuries, future casualties of job loss—eventual, and likely much sooner deaths. I do not get it.
You all must know that the Catholic Church had a second ecumenical council in 1962. The first was around 1000 AD. In 1962 the Vatican joined the then NWO plan because they were promised, by the powers that were part of this organized plan to TAKE OVER THE WORLD, to make the world a “better run organized and centrally ruled world with one official governing body and one world religion.”
Pope John Paul the 23 at that time signed that document and essentially signed away any vestige of holiness to the idea and promise that the Catholic Church would be that powerful one world religion.
So as the church gave up its liturgy at mass and accepted many many forward thinking ideas began, the church lost its place in the world slowly and began to disintegrate. As a result all these years later, the LGBT crowd now has its own building within the Vatican City walls, pedophiles run rampant in the priest hood STILL, and most priests today are gone, and this pope is part of that group.
Of course the Vatican did choose earthy power of Gods Divine power and of course the NWO people never ever wanted competition from a world religion and would work toward destroying the one global religion promise from within the Vatican walls just as we in this country is being destroyed, and the world now is being injected with poison BIOWEAPON. The Catholic Church will no longer be a powerful religion again.
It is but a shell of a religion now and even though the Vatican has always been a business most of history proves the world became a better place due to its firm base of belief in one God and serving God according to the Old Testament and New Testament. It has fulfilled its only purpose and now is gone.
The popes since 1962 among other Vatican officials sold its earthly powers to the NWO and now will be paying the very high price of losing whatever they hoped for. instead is a one world religion based on human/demonic power and holiness is no where to be found.
It is Easter Sunday and hope endures with in our souls that God is good, God watches over us, knows all and continues to care about us. We in turn have looked to God as a distant entity believing worldly laws are more important that Gods simple 10 commandments. Given that knowledge of our reality is not a pleasant one we are being forced to question our choices and actions and beliefs. Hopefully humanity will decide to make life affirming, charitable God fearing choices and NOT fellow human rules that choose death.
It’s time to WAKE UP TO OUR REALITY it’s killing us and we need to fight against the very powerful death affirming man made deceit that is keeping many chained in despair and disease.
God will not coexist within the framework of the NWO. so our choices will be to embrace our souls desires for Gods rules or embrace the NWO ideas of enslaving us and destroying our world of any degree of justice.
In the end it is Gods world and He will not allow evil to run it. It’s time to choose your side. Choose wisely.
They know.
Thanks Mark.
I always read, I always cry, I continue to wonder at your inner strength which makes it possible for you to do this essential work of collating and recording this seemingly endless tragedy.
'Safe and effective'??
How many more will become gravely ill or die because the pope continues this party line?!
My question is why are these exceptionally intelligent people still pushing these toxins?
There's a motive and I do not understand it
Great collage of stories! Thank you 💓
I think in some people, the jabs actually make them MORE inclined to continue the jab series. It is like it infects their brains or something.
They don't want to admit they were wrong especially if they pushed it on others.
There might not be a motive, at least not a human one.
I would be surprised if Francis is actually vaccinated. I think he is one of THEM. He is evil. That he has supported Biden as much as he has, and that he required all those who work in Vatican City to be vaccinated with a substance created in part from fetuses to me demonstrates that evil now rules the church. I was raised Catholic and worked on a graduate degree in theology. I have moved so passed that.
Berlusconi too is one of THEM. So we're Elizabeth and Philip. And yet they all took the jab.
This psy-op is not as simple as you (and others) think.
So sad about John Farnham, he has always been so loved by the Australian people. Tragic that so many ruined their immune systems by putting toxic vaxes in their body. The liver cannot keep up with the toxins we are bombared with, don't add anymore fuel for it.
Farnham went spare when the Freedom Rally in Brisbane used his "Voice" as a theme song.
Another sad thing......that he fell for the BS and most likely had the vax too.
He and his best mate Glen Wheatley (died from cancer), both lived in the gulag of Melbourne. "London to a Brick" they were both jibby jabbed. We have all been propagandised.
Under the spell of the BS coming from Daniel Andrews and co. "Jibby jabbed" so funny.
The Pope made his "vaccination as an act of love" comment after meeting with Pfizer. Then made sure the whole church said no to any religious exemptions if asked. Enough said. He should step down, since he is obviously just another patsy for whoever or whatever is pulling the strings on all this.
Or an idiot. Sometimes hard to tell.
Indeed it is hard to tell. He should have just kept his mouth shut but like so many other people he was an overnight expert.
it's hard to fathom that the Jesuit Pope and Berlusconi get the actual quackzine, but reading about their health issues, it's probably true.
Don’t forget to join the “anti-vax racket,” and vote for RFK Jr. for President. The only tricky thing is that you gotta be an enrolled Dem to vote in the Primary. Maybe he’ll finally run on an independent ticket--which is also tricky (for some here) because that might benefit the Dems more than the Repubs. So, you might as well enroll now. (ha)
Register as a Dem so you can support RFK Jr.!!! If you register as a Dem, you can vote in the primaries, which will be crucial to getting RFK Jr on the ballot. When the election comes, you can vote for anyone you want, but unless there is overwhelming support in the primaries, RFK Jr has less chance than Bernie to make it to the election.
he won't get nominated.. he is not Deep State .. he is not evil like the rest of the Dems
To be honest, I think he would be great as president, but he is also great now, and the Kennedys don't have a great track record for surviving presidential maybe not tempt fate...? --- is another way of thinking about this.
JFK weaponized the IRS against political opponents. Used the FBI to target Martin Luther King Jnr as a spy, tracked his movements, his flights, his associates and tapped his phones, among other nefarious activities, including campaign fund violations, a procession of adulterous affairs. His greatest sin though, was to declare he would "smash the CIA into a million pieces". Thus, he was assassinated by the Deep State
Already a democrat here under the plan to vote in primary for someone who isn't Hillary, then later vote for who I really want.
I am registered with no party affiliation and can vote for a democrat, republican , independent, green, etc. and have been able to vote in the Primaries
Not sure, but I think it depends on the state, as states are able to make their own rules regarding how elections are carried out.
Yeah, it must depend on the state.
Yeah, depends on your state. I'm in PA and I'll have to switch from Independent to something if I want to vote in a Primary.
In PA here too. Just went to my Triple A office and changed my registration. It was pretty easy.
I did it online when I switched from Dem to Independent :-)
I have voted in the Primaries despite not being in any party, so what are you talking about?
If getting vaxxed is an act of love, then dying from the vax must be the most loving thing one could do! What a humanitarian! Seriously, the genociders believe the entire cull is an act of love too! It's because they love us sooooooooo much!
I have seen many comments suggesting the proliferation of 5G in stadiums, arenas, concert halls etc., combined with vaccination, may explain why so many pop stars and sportsmen seem to be succumbing. Not to mention doctors/medics or anyone working in similar environments.
Also remember that one of the reasons so many pop stars and sportsmen seem to be succumbing is simply that hey have a 'name' , a presence in the social mind and as such are 'newsworthy' They are not as invisible as Cathy Rochester who worked at the grocery store or Simon Bell who filled the potholes in the road. The unknown and to us un-named people who silently disappear without a whisper and living among us, 5g or no. Apart from in Mark's ever growing and heartbreaking lists of the every day folk who die suddenly we do not get to hear of them. Always think on that picture too, it's closer to home than so many realise.
All is all and health is wholistic so YES. EMF is a toxin. The human system is in the electric universe. Lower or disrupt natural frequencies and the bodies develop dis-ease.
I dunno... plenty of Canadian doctors have died...
Who gave the medical training to the Canadian doctors? Who wrote their books?
And last year in Aus, footballer Ollie Wines withdrew from a match due to a heart complaint and took a break for several weeks. Arrythmia, I believe. About the same time, a leading AFL commentator got Bells Palsy . He attributed it to the jab.
Is there a link between leukemia and the injections ?
"In general, leukemia is thought to occur when some blood cells acquire changes (mutations) in their genetic material or DNA"
Thinking about the catastrophic effects it has on blood cells, i wonder ...
Thanks for keeping these stories coming Mark.
The link given beneath the "28-year-old Brazilian player Zé Carlos..." paragraph is broken. Looks like two separate URLs (intended as "Link" and "Video") were entered as one.
Does anyone know if this can happen? Two candidates, who run as a Republican and a Democrat, in the primaries. Can they than switch in general election switch to independent?