Irrespective of Mr. Clapton’s desire to donate to the Kennedy ‘24 (and now is doing a private fundraiser in LA on September 18 for Mr. Kennedy), it does not take away from his talent as a musician, who though he got The Jabs and experienced ‘vaccine injury as a result of those shots), he had the courage to come out and speak about them and his experience with them. And he did not require Proof of Vaxx to attend his concerts when he did get back on the road, like so many of artists of his age and status , like James Taylor, did.

Also his collaboration with Van Morrison and the couple of songs they did together, when no other musicians of their ilk and status, were speaking out, should be recognized as well!

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I hadn't realize JT had required a vax passport to attend his venues. A real shame.

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Yes he’s was one of the worst! He started back to touring as soon as he could and required The Jab as did other ‘Musicians’ in that ‘age’ group as well as groups like Foo Fighters. (Dave Grohl was a supper vaxxer. His drummer Taylor Hawkins, untimely death at age, 50 was likely connected to Grohl’s requirement that the band and crew be fully vaxxed!) Most bands that went back on tour in 2021 required POV (Proof of Vaxx). 🙄🤨

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Clapton is still God, as everybody liked to say during the '60s. But this is not one of his better songs, IMHO -- nowhere near as moving as Cat Stevens' "Father and Son" or Ian Hunter's haunting "Ships": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EPH0mOJ7eM

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Regardless if the newer ‘anthem’ song(s) of Mr. Clapton’s are “not one of his better songs” nor “nowhere near as moving” as Cat Steven’s “Father and Son (1970) and Ian Hunter’s ‘Ships’ (1979) he is speaking out NOW…in the times we are living in.

Has either Cat Stevens or Ian Hunter come out in the past three years, to pen an equal if not more ‘moving’ songs that speak to the times we live in. Not that I have heard.

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Well, this song is from 1998 -- so what does it say to you about "the times we are living in"???

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And what song is that? You did not mention a song title. 🤔🧐

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"My Father's Eyes" -- the "bonus track" accompanying Mark's post on Clapton. Did you not see it?

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Did not.🫣🤭

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The best candidate in the field. When people look past the surface level attacks and actually listen to what he has to say, more will realize he is the type of statesman we need.

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Exactly, People have this knee jerk reaction beacause of what they have heard. LISTEN to him!

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The best in what kind of a field? And what about the shameless lies re. Israel and its daily treatment of Palestinians?

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Yes, I find that repellent, too. But what he's saying about that issue now does not mean that he wouldn't take a different tack should he be president. His uncle ran as a devout Cold Warrior.

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But my goodness Mark, you can't judge the character of a man by what he :'might' say, come to believe/accept or indeed by how devout you perceive his 'Cold Warrior' uncle to have been.(given the readily available evidence of Israel's crimes not to mention the global influence, power of the lobby)

You have his history (indeed that of the Kennedy family re Zionist befriending, excusing, supporting), and of course the recent holy show with the hideous imposter racist Shumley....

A balanced view must necessarily include the repellent.

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Exactly. And carrying that huge "Mother Israel" flag in the parade was especially reprehensible.

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Mark, Pauline C, and David, I agree that Israel's actions against the Palestinians are heartwrenching and absolutely criminal. We need a leader, and leaders around the world, to break their silence and finally hold Israel to account.

And yet, I support RFK Jr.

Having followed RFK Jr’s work for decades, I see he is consistently a man of integrity. He cares, listens, and serves out of a sense of honoring all people, nature, and God. He invites correction and can publicly change his mind, apologize, and hence change direction. And of course he’s brilliant, compassionate, courageous, curious, and healthy.

So, why the monumental disconnect? Kennedy family loyalty. Pervasive, persuasive propaganda. Time priorities. Location priorities. The unspoken truth: opposing Israel equals political suicide. Other thoughts?

I see a leader whose heart is capable of opening, whose moral compass is capable of finding the good, whose fight for justice will in time be all-encompassing. I see light and love and a more beautiful world.

And, not that Kennedy would be a second choice for me, but I surely don’t see such possibilities in any other candidate.

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Well stated. 💓🙏🏻

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Thank you.

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"Having followed RFK Jr’s work for decades, I see he is consistently a man of integrity"

Didn't hear about the way he treated his wife, did you?


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I have. And I've heard about addiction, recovery, redemption, and honesty. Many who suffer extreme losses turn to drugs, make mistakes, and hurt others. Some are fortunate enough to find help, do the hard work of recovery, and go on to do great things. None among us are perfect. Every one of us is a work in progress.

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His current wife, actress Cheryl Hines (who you'd think might stand by her husband), pretty much hung him out to dry after his ill-considered "Anne Frank" comment.

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Fellow freedom lovers, most of the negative things written and said about Israel are as untrue as “safe and effective”. Please look deeper and don’t be fooled.

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Could you suggest somewhere to get some good information about that...short of actually going to Israel?

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Joan Peters’ book, From Time Immemorial, has a lot of good information. I know people have quibbled about some of it, but the vast majority is substantiated.

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You could not be more wrong. As Wikipedia notes:

"Reviewing the book for the November 28, 1985 issue of The New York Times, Israeli historian Yehoshua Porath described it as a 'sheer forgery,' stating, 'In Israel, at least, the book was almost universally dismissed as sheer rubbish except maybe as a propaganda weapon.' In 1986, Porath repeated his views in The New York Review of Books, and published a negative review that cites many inaccuracies."

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100 years ago, the local Arabs rejected being called Palestinians. They considered themselves part of the Arab nation, southern Syrians. The local Jews used the term, not the Arabs

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You could try PragerU.com and search for Israel. They have a bunch of short videos.

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Every one of them propaganda, but hey . . .

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I dont' think there is anything untrue about the Balfour Agreement and the deals that went on between Great Britain, France and the US to implement plans for the Jewish state. They pulled the wool over a lot of eyes.

I dont' think there is anything untrue about the state of daily life for most Palestinians. I have never read anything nice about the Gaza Strip or the West Bank.

Israel is not the first country to do this. South Africa, Great Britain in Ireland, the USA with Native Americans.

But I do not feel that we should be supporting it in any way shape or form.

Let's get Mr. Kennedy to sit down for an indepth discussion with Max Blumenthal like he said he would do.

Let's stop this insane tactic that if you speak against Israel you are speaking against Jewish people. That is entirely false.

I can't speak for others but to me Jewish is a religion and a culture. I have Jewish family members and many Jewish friends.

Israel is a country and a government. And as such is deserving of critique as is any country and government. Especially when, from what I understand, our tax money has been funding that country for years. (Am I incorrect here?)

To conflate the corruption of the Israeli government and it's treatment of Palestinians with the historical suffering of Jewish people is disengenous at best and dangerous at it's worst.

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Right ON, Judith:

Israel currently receives $3.8 billion yearly from the U.S. (nearly $10.5 million PER DAY, approximately $7,000 per minute)! Various U.S. bills provide a combined annual total of U.S. tax money to – and on behalf of – Israel of over $7 billion per year, or about $20 million per day.

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You could not be more wrong. . . .

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Which uncle? Ted?

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RFK has to be e l e c t e d in order to do any good. Do you get that? Israel is not just the third rail of US politics. It is the other two rails too as Zionists are the biggest donors to both parties. Remember when Trump claimed he didn’t need or want lobbyist’s contributions? He then went on to take $100 MILLION from three Zionist mega-donors: Adelson, Marcus and Singer. And in return, Trump bombed Syria, “gave” Israel the Golan (as if he owned it) moved the embassy, pulled out of the JCPOA Iran Deal and other favors.


Israel lobbyists and an occasional Israeli PM (see links below) credibly brag about controlling US politics. Until we register subversive foreign agents AS the foreign agents they are, and remove their ability to perform the legalized bribery called lobbying, our politics here will remain poisoned. (Hard to see why ANY lobbying/bribery should be legal. Lobbying is more surely the root of evil than money itself.)


Cenk Uygar on Ehud Olmert, W Bush

Mark Bruzonsky


MJ Rosenberg


Stephanie Schriock


Glenn Greenwald


General Wesley Clark



French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas


Gonzalo Lira on Vicki Nuland


Truthout on Vicki Nuland


We are all Palestinians…


Lawrence Wilkerson on the dread lobby


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Well said, Fred.

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Right? Socrates is quoted as saying that politics is the degenerate son of an illustrious father: statesmanship. Kennedy, like his father and uncle Jack, is a true statesman.

Which means he is a person without the agenda of the bent wealthy.

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He is so much more than an anti vaxxer. He has a brilliant mind. I don't like NAMES, like "Anti Vaxxer", I prefer to be called a natural health supporter.

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RFK Jr. Is one of the most vaccine literate people I have read about.

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That’s the term ~ vaccine literate! Thx!

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That's what I am too :) I started learning 30 years ago.

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Yes, a good term! I had a sister who was severely vaccine-injured at age 3, just barely lived life, and died at age 20 in '71. I miss her every day but am thankful she gave me a head start learning.

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I am so sorry! 💔

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Thank you Myriam.

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people talking about anti-vaxxers have not been well informed. If they were, they would not speak that way. I do not even have an ear or eye for them

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I use the think vaccines for children were important but I wouldn’t take the hepatitis vaccine when it came out because I had hepatitis b years before and I never took the flu vaccine because I knew it was not very effective so why put a bunch of chemicals and heavy metals in my body? When they started pushing the COVID jab after being developed so quickly I decided I was not going to take it. Thank god I made that decision because so many have been injured and have died. In the mean time I started doing a lot of research on vaccines in general and now know, just like RFK Jr, Del Bigtree, Dr Tenpenny, etc, etc, etc, that all vaccines are dangerous and ineffective. Fortunately many in the world are coming to this same realization.

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welcome to the club ! thankfully lots of people have now opened their eyes to the scam. Glad you became aware of the push of bigharma, and their consorts, and be safe!

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The media exposes themselves as evil when they attack someone this famous just for saying he was injured by the sacred cow mRNA. He met with RFK Jr because he was one of the few who would even listen. Luckily it helped a lot of people understand that safe and effective was a lie. But others who just believe what they are told remain ignorant. Too bad.

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Too bad about RFK Jr backing away from Roger Waters. Well, this is the USA after all, you get what you can. Clapton should have put down his city as Kiev.

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And why would anyone back away from Roger Waters? Anyone want to hazard a guess?

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What does Eric Clapton look for in a Presidential Candidate? Climate Activist, no straight answer on Abortion ( and Bobby is Catholic), and no track record. Sounds like both are Democrat Communists.

Why is it that these singers and so called stars stance on Presidential candidates are pushed so much in the public eye. People can think for themselves.

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So why don't you start doing that? Have you actually looked into RFK's stance on climate change? Obviously not. You'd rather just hate him, along with all other "Democrat Communists."

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here is some more in depth reporting on climate and weather:


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Clapton and Van Morrison are the only prominent rock artists to stand up to the madness. That's why we should pay attention to them. They had the strength to resist the enormous pressure placed on them to conform.

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OK....Then can't they see the Country is being destroyed. So, why aren't they

endorsing President Trump. Bobby isn't the Man for the Time.

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Wow, it looks like TDS works both ways. Why do you think Trump is a savior? Serious question.

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Aug 27, 2023
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Yike's!!! talk about being lost

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You mean the warp speed, the world is anchored in Jerusalem hero who enabled Fauci -- and thus Biden/Democrats -to destroy the country?

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“Man for the time”???? Trump talked big then let a flood of neocon idiots like Pompeo and John “the-death-Walrus” Bolton join and subvert his intentions. Trump was also a proponent of Warp Stupid and Warp Corruption which may have permanently reduced planetary average longevity through long-lasting adverse effects.

RFK Jr. is the only candidate with the knowledge of the enemy and what it will take to fight.

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So did Three Doors Down, voting for DJT and also a prominent rock group but probably also for 2nd Amendment. RFK Jr. isn't for it.

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Try READING The Real Anthony Fauci: 1,200 citations and not ONE has been opposed by anyone on Earth, to date. NO TRACK RECORD??? What would you call 500 lawsuit winnings on water and environmental toxics issues?

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What do you think of YIn Yoga? What kind of Yoga do you practice?

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I have practiced yoga for 30 years. Hatha, Vinyasa, Kundalini, Restorative and Iyengar are some I have tried as well as Hot Yoga, which I call Purgatory! :)

I teach Hatha Yoga and Chair Yoga for Seniors, just completed two Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training courses, and am in the middle of a third one.

I'm currently enrolled in a Yin Yoga Teacher Training! It looks fascinating. I love TCM and Yin Yoga is based on the meridians and how Qi flows through our body. I will introduce it to my yoga students once I complete the training.

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Where do you live? I live in Central Florida. Sure would like to come to

your classes. I have Fibromyalgia now, so Yin Yoga works best. I like Restorative, also. There is a teacher that incorporates yoga poses in her

stretch and meditation classes. There is a Crosby Wellness Center that

I go to near Orlando. It has something for all ages. They also have

Chair Yoga. I tried Hot Yoga at a Studio. I didn't care for it. You certainly are accomplished. Thanks for sharing. NAMASTE :-)

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S. Florida. And I am currently only teaching privates. I used to teach @studios and chair yoga @community centers for seniors and on zoom during the Plandemic.

Have you tried an anti-inflammatory diet and proteolytic enzymes + digestive enzymes for your Fibromyalgia?

Yoga is wonderful for mind, body & spirit. Glad it is helping you!

Namaste <3

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Then call Senator Rand Paul and ask him why? I heard that the Politicians just like to have their hearings, but noting comes of it. I called Paul's office and told him so. Then I heard later he took some action. Who knows? Maybe people got wind of it and started calling him out.

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That still doesn't make him ready to take on World Affairs. Then why is he still a Climate Change Activist? I like Bobby. He's not the person we need to take our Country back.

President Trump's knowledge is vast in many areas.

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Er ah, that is an extraordinary claim requiring extraordinary evidence. If you own a china shop and need a bull to destroy it for insurance purposes,...Trump is the man.

The guy opened the door of his admin to an army of neocon psychopaths which he then failed to control. Both the hiring and the lack of control were unacceptable violations of his stated intentions.

We need someone thoughtful and fearless.

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Aug 27, 2023
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Tell me what you would have done, if you were in Trump's shoes? He was boxed in by the

Witch Pelosi and Warlock Schumer.

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He isn’t now. Would be reassuring to think he agrees with our early treatment/no vax docs but not a peep. Isn’t restoring my confidence and I voted for him twice before the pandemic. If his ego is stopping him, that’s serious because sounds like he got played based on folks knowing and exploiting this flaw. Hope he will grow and apologize and pledge not to yield to his false flatters again!

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Go and research, it was the Leftists that took all the COVID money. The Leftists Democrats in the Blue States. It was the Leftist Governors that forced businesses to play their stupid games and lies or be shutdown. Some even committed suicide. There never will be an answer to the

COVID fiasco. Call out JOEBAMA, Bill Gates, C-H-I-N-A. China are the murderers. They are infiltrating our Country as we speak. They will attack us from within. Where did he listen to

Gates? He put Traitor Pence in charge. Fraudster JOE and his Communist gang are responsible for all the disasters going on. JOE's the one talking Cartoon Climatology lockdown.

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Aug 27, 2023
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No, Brother. YOU have. Why are you so interested in other people's minds? Don't try

and think for me. Take care of yourself.

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RFK Jr is an environmentalist....big difference than a climate activist....he also has a view on abortion..personally he states he is for life, but as a man he also recognizes that women give birth and it is their bodies and most importantly each individual should have autonomy over what they chose for their bodies. I believe you have bought into the mal information! The

Canadian and I also tried to donate and the money was sent back!

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Lynn -(As a sop to the other half of America(us)??), "Bobby" is now saying that climate change is being used by the weffies to impose impose totalitarian control. As an old school environmentalist (like me) he is anti pollution but he hasn't backed down from the ideology of anthropogenic climate change. (Wonder what he has to say about the strange weather changes on some of our sister planets, and how America is responsible for that). He is now claiming that "the discipline(!) of the free market" can solve the "problem" of carbon and methane. But ya know? He's a lawyer. He knows how to emote, how to be convincing, how to get the ladies to drool over him. He's charismatic. He's a politician.

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Margie if you can, please consider donating to Jim Lee's campaign to fix his teeth, the guy is trying to do all this work with constant migraines. or maybe send this link to other people who can...


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Hi Margie - I think this guy Jim Lee does a great job of addressing current weather issues. I hope you have time to look at this. Jim Lee says it's the Jets at high altitudes that are actually causing problems with the weather, not CO2 emissions at ground level. plus he talks about a whole bunch of other stuff, but to me that was the main point. also he does this work as a volunteer, he has been a whistleblower at least one EPA hearing. no funding from Gates or the CIA Etc...


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here is some more in depth reporting on climate and weather:


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Thank YOU very much :-)

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Great points. I’m not so eager either to jump on another Kennedy train. And don’t forget he was all for lockdowns.

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Aug 27, 2023
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You have no idea what you are talking about. Now, isn't the time to kid.

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Aug 28, 2023
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Why don't you go somewhere else and bother people. You work for the Leftists. Just going from comment to comment to see who you can TRY and prove wrong. Who died and made you the KING of KNOW IT ALL? I hope you live in CA, since you LOVE GOV Hairdoo so much.

Don't call me kiddo. Al MAN>

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Aug 28, 2023
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You are such a plant and you think we don't know it. Mere words. You are so full of lies. Don't you have anything else better to do? Go bother somebody else. How much they paying you?

And the PLAGUE can't stop his negativity. You're worse then a kid. You go pound it somewhere else.

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It will be Fetterman/Beetle Juice in '25

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Is this a line for Saturday Night Live :-(

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Aug 27, 2023
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Are you serious?? It’s not suspicious at all when Rolling Stone comes out against an artist who wrote and performed a song that speaks to everything we’re going through right now. How about all of the songs/artists who created the anti war songs during the Vietnam war?? Were they all controlled opposition too? You’re going to trust Rolling Stone over a regular guy? Just like all of the “anti vaxxers” who are supposedly lying (although they cross all socioeconomic lines and have eerily similar stories), but I’m sure the multi million dollar company is telling the truth and whole story? What planet are you living on?

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Aug 27, 2023
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I don’t know. With the internet I guess that is possible. What I do know for sure is “they” are trying to pit us all against each other and people like you fall for it over and over. If we aren’t all on the same page, with the same trajectory then the others must be controlled opposition? Ridiculous. We’re all on our own journey through some pretty thick shit. Literally fighting for our lives, and the attacks against every other person who makes choices that differ from your own must not be in the same fight? No. Healthy skepticism is welcome, but stop grasping at straws. Clapton was injured by this bio weapon like so many others. Oliver? Why can’t he be a guy expressing his feelings like you and I are on Substack, wearing sunglasses without being accused of working with the Feds? It’s absurd.

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Aug 27, 2023
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I understand completely what you’re saying and you’re making my point. I’m never going to automatically think that just because someone on “our side” isn’t acting the same way I am, that they are controlled op. I won’t do it. Until that person does something real I can point to that demonstrates their ulterior motive (and wearing sunglasses doesn’t count) I will keep my mouth shut. Maybe you’re controlled opposition. You’re making outlandish accusations based on a person wearing sunglasses!! Maybe you’re here for the sole purpose of creating division?

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That is a good point. How did he rise to stardom in such a very short time? Singer Songwriters spend years trying to make it BIG. I can say one thing the American Idol seemed to help the people who won. The VOICE never did.

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Aug 27, 2023
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You're doing great work for the government, BF.

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I recognise the same thing Clapton points out. Kennedy is from a bygone era. He is from the era of intelligence and state-craft, of dignified states-men. Somehow, he is "out of sync" with today's world of slime. Same with Clapton, who took a lot of flack for his own anti-vaccine stance once he came out publicly as vaccine injured. I find the pathos of these men almost unbearable, in my grief from a world of optimism now gone.

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While many fellow musicians and performing artists are maimed or “die suddenly,” Eric Clapton is standing strong!

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RFK Jr.'s remarks about Israel are very dismaying and he has very questionable ties to the global technocrat criminals as Alison McDowell ably documents in Wrench in the Gears. BUT, he's saying crucial truths that must be said and heard by the public that no other prominent political figure is saying. He is by far the best prospect out there and his family/fame gives him cred that the most virulent corporate propaganda media cannot censor completely short of doing to him what was done to his father and uncle and if THAT unspeakable happens, We the People will know whodunnit!


There is no noxious crime that the evildoers desiring to lord it over us won't commit to maintain their stranglehold on power. A groundswell critical mass resistance to their murderous enslavement plans is needed urgently!

There is a fate worse than death - I would rather die than be a robotized slave of technocratic overlords! This is my hill to die on!

I have a landline and a wired laptop and a wired monitor screen, all the tech anyone should ever want or need. I never had and refuse to ever have one of those infernal mobile devices that are designed to enslave you.

My loathing of AI and all things NANO and digital knows no bounds!

Kudos to ERIC CLAPTON'S AND MARK CRISPIN MILLER's heroic efforts and success in the struggle. We the People must always be aware of the existential threats lurking behind this fight!

How I stick my thumb in the eyes of the grotesque billionaire bastards pushing their enslavement agenda and how I embrace being fully human.

Fighting the globalist predator technocrat psychopath megalomaniac TOTAL SLAVERY AGENDA one performance at a time!

Amazing Amy: Eccentric Yoga Entertainer!

As an entertainer, I have been devastated and practically destroyed by the closure of all performance venues and then when they reopened, because MY BODY, MY CHOICE - being made a total untermenschen pariah outcast in NAZI NIGHTMARE LAWLESS 'SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS' JAB CROW APARTHEID/DISCRIMINATION/SEGREGATION HELL NYC WHERE THE MAD/DRUNK WITH POWER TYRANT POLS DOUBLE DOWN ON THEIR ILLEGAL MANDATES. I am trapped here with zero financial resources to leave or do anything else about this 'wish I were dead' endless misery life has become. The tragic irony is that my SPREAD THE YOGA LOVE performances are all about health, miraculously overcoming age (68) and injury to achieve feats of flexibility few can attain at any age. So BIG PHARMA who wants to addict every person on the planet to their toxic products hate people like me who prove that we do not need them if we eat healthy organic food and exercise daily!


I try and live and embody the creative performing artistic world and life I so fervently want existence to be about.

They can stick their f*cking damned NANO, Digital IDs, AI, jabs and chips up their asses where the sun don't shine!

All manner of lies and propaganda spew forth from the upper echelons in governments worldwide who are completely intertwined with the global criminal ruling class that wants to commit the worst atrocities imaginable and suffer no consequences. And their corruption slithers down the chain of command creating petty tyrants everywhere.

Supporting this excellent post with a statement and useful links. https://virustruth.net


It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!

We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.


There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.

How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!


Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.

There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!


MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
















Pam Popper: https://makeamericansfreeagain.com

Del Bigtree: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/highwire


Naomi Wolf: https://dailyclout.io



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Del Bigtree and Naomi Wolf....

Here’s a list of heroes on a couple of subjects:

Julian Assange

Vanessa Beeley

Eva Bartlett

Patrick Lancaster

Janice Kortcamp

Denis G. Rancourt

Miko Peled

John Pilger

Gideon Levy

Mick Wallace

Clare Daly

Neil Oliver

James Corbett

Cristine Anderson

Christian Terjhes

George Galloway

US District Judge North Texas Mark Timothy Pittman

Dr. Jill Stein

Dr. Stephen Cohen

Glenn Greenwald

Ilan Pappe

Larry Johnson

Dr. John Mearsheimer

Brian Berletic The New Atlas

Thomas Suarez

Phil Giraldi

Ron Unz

Ryan Dawson

Jim DiEugenio

Paul Craig Roberts

Ray McGovern

Regis Tremblay

William Binney

Kim Iversen

Gonzalo Lira

Garland Nixon

Tucker Carlson

Timothy J. Russert

Col. Douglas MacGregor

Alan Sabrosky

Mint Press (Mnar Adley, Lee Camp, Ben Norton, Asa Winstanley…)

Aaron Mate & Katie Halper (Useful Idiots channel)

Jimmy Dore & crew

The Grey Zone (Aaron Mate, Max Blumenthal and Anya Parampil)

Natalie and Clayton Morris (Redacted)

Alex Christoforou & Alexander Mercouris at The Duran channel

Scott Ritter

Ben Norton

Judge Andrew Napolitano at Judging Freedom channel

Bret Weinstein, Heather Heying and misc furry friends at the Dark Horse channel

Robert F. Kennedy

Lawrence Wilkerson

Jeremy R. Hammond

Tamara Lich

Del Bigtree & Jefferey Jaxen, The Highwire & ICAN organization

Dr. John Ioaniddes

Dr. Rodger Hodkinson

Dr. Peter McCullough

Dr. Paul Alexander

Dr. Ryan Cole

Dr. Richard Urso

Dr. Geert Vanden bosch

Dr. Robert Malone

Dr. Scott Atlas

Dr. Theresa (Tess) Lawrie

Dr. Jessica Rose

Dr. Arron Kheriaty

Dr. Pierre Kory

Dr. Paul Martin

Dr. David Wiseman

Dr. Michael Yeadon

Dr. Aseem Malhatra

Dr. John Campbell

Dr. Byram Bridle

Dr. Rick Kelly

Dr. Scott Jensen

Dr. Suneel Dhand

Dr. Philip McMillan

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Great people except Malone - he seems to be insidious controlled opposition.

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My two fav men!

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“Conspiracy theorist, anti-Vax politician”.......I used to disdain being called that or hearing Kennedy be so vacantly labeled that. Now it is absolutely a badge of HONOR. There is so much more to that man, human being.

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Clapton must have become aware of RFK Jr. after he took the Covid "vaccines."

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I sure did.

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I'd rather be a Georgia Carlin and never listen to the government, especially on shots, nutrition, and any other rules they try to lay down.

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I didn’t really pay that much attention to the governments proclamations, got two Covid shots only because nearly EVERYONE I know was uncomfortable being around a dangerous unjabbed person. Didn’t realize how bad they are. If I got to do over, I would find new friends.

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George. ?

Please, please.....I think it might be the final straw to any semblance of sanity I have left to misgender George Carlin posthumously.

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And, if a certain group gets its way, a CRIME, as well!

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I give much respect to Eric Clapton and Van Morrison.

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Both Clapton and RFKJr have suffered and don’t flee from it in others but reach out with courage and compassion seen in their actions as well as words. AXIOS.

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I am a Kennedy supporter. A grateful member of Children's Health Defense. Attended his candidacy speech in Boston. Have the bumper sticker on my car and the pin on my bag.

But I did not hear much compassion for Palestinians during his interview with Jimmy Dore.

I am very very disapointed and actually quite shocked.

I give him a pass on the climate change because I do think he is an ardent environmentalist and have thought "wait till he gets into office".

But I cannot give him a pass on this Israel/Palestinian issue.

And I am not going to forget that he DID say he would talk with Max Blumenthal (I don't think of it as a debate, I think of it as clarification). But nothing has come of that. And as Jimmy Dore has said, this is akin to Peter Hotez being invited to sit down with Kennedy and prove Kennedy is wrong vis a vis vaccines. Hotez would not accept the offer and Kennedy and Joe Rogan were al over that.

I have spoken with and written to Kennedy's campaign team. I will not support until and unless he sits down with Blumenthal and hashes out this issue.

I am not giving a pass to see what happens after he is in office.

I don't do this lightly because I have listened to every single interview he has done since April of 2020, and I think Children's Health Defense should get a Nobel Peace Prize.

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Just to add to that if I may, I watched the Congressional Hearings on Censorship a few months back where they raked Kennedy over the coals.

During the entire debacle I was calling all of their offices in Wash DC and lambasting them for the unethical, disengenuous, specious, ridiculous behavior toward and treatment of Kennedy. (I kept posting the DC office numbers on the Live Chat and other viewers were actually calling, too)

Debbie Wasserman and Sen Plaskett and Attny Wiley were beyond infuriating.

I do not know Mr. Kennedy personally but for some reason I do not believe he has an anti-semitic bone in his body. The nonsensical, taken out of context, accusations being thrown his way were jaw-dropping.

When I express my disappointment about Kennedy's recent stance on Israel, I am not talking/writing about the Jewish religion/culture. I am referring to the state of Israel.

To me Israel is like any other country that like most, in my opinion, are corrupt and have little to do with the care or respect of their citizens. United States of America, my own country, included. We have done just as bad. We still have Native American's living on reservations I believe.

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I have a similar connection and history with Kennedy, Judith. And like you, I'm shocked by his stance on Israel/Palestine. It's clearly counter to his lifelong compassionate fight for justice in other realms. I do however believe this will change after he's in office. Here’s something I wrote yesterday, which you may or may not find meaningful:

I agree that Israel's actions against the Palestinians are heartwrenching and absolutely criminal. We need a leader, and leaders around the world, to break their silence and finally hold Israel to account.

And yet, I support RFK Jr.

Having followed RFK Jr’s work for decades, I see he is consistently a man of integrity. He cares, listens, and serves out of a sense of honoring all people, nature, and God. He invites correction and can publicly change his mind, apologize, and hence change direction. And of course he’s brilliant, compassionate, courageous, curious, and healthy.

So, why the monumental disconnect? Kennedy family loyalty. Pervasive, persuasive propaganda. Time priorities. Location priorities. The unspoken truth: opposing Israel equals political suicide. Other thoughts?

I see a leader whose heart is capable of opening, whose moral compass is capable of finding the good, whose fight for justice will in time be all-encompassing. I see light and love and a more beautiful world.

And, not that Kennedy would be a second choice for me, but I surely don’t see such possibilities in any other candidate.

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This is a perfect example of how the good Ole USA , who is home to many who have and live ( citizenship) outside the US but have homes and live here, feel about our country. Our country affects many around the globe. Our President has to be a strong, not corrupt, business minded, incredibly smart, and have the tenacity and knowledge of our constitution to Make America Great Again!

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