Since so many important voices are banned on the platforms you list it would be nice if the group had a Substack where we digital refugees can see and comment on the articles.

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Very much appreciate awareness regarding propaganda. However, we wouldn't need to be tuned into what our government/media and their owners lie about if we didn't live in an oligarchic representative system. This system cannot be reformed. It is corrupt at the highest levels. In other words, it is corruptible by design and top-down governance will always maintain the upper hand.

But I do think your work on propaganda is outstanding and I'll be tuned into your journal.

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Attempting to demoralize the opposition could be a tool in the belt of the propagandists. I will regard your words with suspicion.

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And I yours.

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Thank you and thank you for recognizing those who have died from all over the countries. So sad things have come to this. Everything is so upside down. We still have people unaware and are just too busy and want to ignore what is happening all over this great planet. As long as wars and shortages are created and the forced push for people to cross borders into countries, what better way to make people think the world is over populated. Travel and see all the land this planet has to offer and recognize the ones agendas in purchasing land that they have no use for other than banning people from enjoying or using it for the better of all humanity.

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Good luck! The more the truth is spread, the more the possibilty that the trance will be broken.

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It's a great idea and much needed. Can I suggest - as a marketing / spread the word strategy - you make the most of the social media honeymoon period.

The honeymoon period is the time between now and the new venture being noticed by the gatekeepers. Soon as it's noticed it'll be added to blacklists and downweight algorithms to try to curtail growth. Shadowbans will start accumulating. It'll be hard to pinpoint exactly why but view counts that were previously rising will plateau. There's a raft of further measures they might use but the ones I just listed are ubiquitous.

So, make the most of the honeymoon period because momentum gained before it ends will be ESSENTIAL for offsetting the platform drag factor once it's over.

Good luck!

I'd also suggest a few extra services your site could run - mostly automatically - to increase audience like a Bullshit Article of the Day Twitter account people could follow, or other ideas for Twitter feeds that'd get the word out: a Legit Journalist of the Day, an at-a-glance Decoded Headline Story, daily jargon buster, etc etc. Zillions of on point on theme possibilities. Hope you guys don't disdain social media itself too much to take its reach seriously.

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I like the “BS Article of the Day” idea. It could be shown, then taken apart, sentence by sentence. Good learning tool.

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Very awesome however they are missing a subscribe/sign-up option. If I can't sign up, I tend to forget about publications because otherwise I'm not reminded to visit them. All in all, it looks like an excellent new source for great articles.

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Interested in this new journal BUT I am not and never shall be a Twitter for Twats, Facebook for fools and PINTEREST and the other provider you have here. Have NEVER bought from Amazaon and never shall - your merely supporting the ELite Criminals who should have been in jail/hung by now.

Can you give other sites where its NOT a BIg Business enterprise.

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Bravo. Much needed. I'll certainly be following closely.

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Thank you!!!

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Thank you all for creating such a needed place. I'm so fortunate to have a partner who understands how 1984 our situation is, and when I say our I'm not just referring to the US, but rather most of the world. We need a dystopian novelist to step up right now. I mean the latest outrage of what I refer to in 1984 terms: The Ministry of Truth. At least there was some pushback on this. I just want to see a lot more people speaking out. If enough of us are outspoken, it might stop this insanity.

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Thank you all for creating such a needed place for sanity!

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Wonderful! An online magazine devoted to propaganda is a great idea. I just perused it and it looks very interesting. Propaganda in academia, propaganda and the conspiracy label, propaganda in technocracy. 👍🏼 And your article, since I'm familiar with your work it's not new for me but I hope this magazine helps educate people.

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Here is a must watch video on Nicolle Wallace... her lies. via Glenn Greenwald -https://rumble.com/v15xkey-nicolle-wallace-the-typhoid-mary-of-disinformation.html

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Suggest you put "whistleblowers" 1st in your intro 'graph. You nearly lost me at "academics, journalists and..."

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Since there's only one whistle-blower among us at the moment, and it's mostly profs involved, you'll just have to swallow your distaste.

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I wrote "almost" lol. Once I saw whistleblower & you among the founders, my alert system switched from yellow to green.

Suspicions are very heightened these days. 😁

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