We are tip-toeing up to a tipping point.

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Do you really think so? Still so many where I am are blind and stupid.

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Yes, because of the blind and stupid, we are tip-toeing. If not for that, we would be racing towards the tipping point.

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It's v.good alliteration anyhow.

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This is EXACTLY what I was thinking. If the qty of deaths, so far, have not changed your mind, then I don't know what the qty would be that would. Data/evidence will not solve this.

It's like asking someone what number of vaxes will keep you safe? What number is THE number at which you will say NO?

You almost feel insane.

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Still the problem is even mentioning it to these sheeple is not possible. They do/will look at you like you're insane because they either haven't known of anyone who died because of it or they wouldn't believe those people died of it. I know of two people who died from the shot on my street. A friend of mine that lives not to far from one of them knew the person died but I could never say that person died of the shot because she is so convinced that it makes symptoms milder. She taunted her 40 something year old sister into taking the shots and her sister who confided in me told me she didn't want to take it and lied that she got more than one. This whole thing is insane like I've never seen before. I went to walk my dog in the town next to ours and met a woman and we were talking about holistic health. Well, she was asking me about helping her dog then surprisingly she asked me if I got the "vaccine". Then, I told her how it causese death and she literally freaked out at me, a total stranger. It was bizarre. She told me her chiropractor brother keeps sending her the info about how dangerous the shots are but she does medical data analysis or something like that and she's "seen the data" of how safe it is. I was beside myself. Anyway, I'm at a lose. I don't see people in the US waking up to this. It's quite concerning.

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Thank you for documenting all of this, Mark. Seeing these reports laid out all together demonstrates unequivocally what seeing them one at a time just indicates intuitively. We have NEVER seen so many "Unexplained Causes" and sudden collapses before in all of history. The aftermath of the vaccines will touch everyone's lives in ways Covid never did..

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I am sure you have seen this, but there are smaller and maybe less comprehensive lists around - out there on doctors, pilots, you name it. Many of the names are gathered from Mark and send over (as I have done tonight)... for me, the nearer these stories come closer to "home" (I know at least 3 dead now from miraculous cancer starting - terminal - dead in a few months... and a few more in hospital).. the shear scale of this depopulation agenda becomes apparent. Pure ruddy evil.

Anyway Athletes = https://goodsciencing.com/covid/athletes-suffer-cardiac-arrest-die-after-covid-shot/

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I remember when this number, now

1520 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 1043 of Them Dead

was 239 or something.

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Yep, so do I and even that was too many...but it seems to be never ending, of people that had the jabs months ago....

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Dear lord. Have people become this accepting of everything they don’t research on their own? The 17yr old had to push for a correct diagnosis! Caring MD’s who are more than likely seeing this multiple times a day need to be held accountable. And their staff. F&CK being scared b/c you got the dose and walk off into disassociation. You signed up for this. Venting, yeah. I work with them. And my happily unaware acupuncturist talked today about all the young girls she’s seeing with heart attacks (why would you not question this?) and ppl with cancers… OMG if she didn’t help me every time I see her I’d walk away. Thanks MCM for all you do to terrify me everyday ; ) seriously it’s keeping me aware which is where I need to be. I’m shocked we aren’t seeing more medical emergencies during the World Cup (or are they being censored).

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Have you said anything to your acupuncturist? I'm surprised she's so blind, too. What the h___ is wrong with people?

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Her treatments are working for me exponentially. And always have. I use her instead of conventional doctors.

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Good for you. I've had to do my own research to save my dogs life from numerous vets and learn about health (thousands of hours worth) because both human and animal doctors are ignorant on the basics of health and basic science. It's unbelievable. I went to a gastroenterologist about 5 years ago who didn't know what HCL is. HCL is stomach acid. My husband and I were floored.

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Come on!!!

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What? Regarding the doctor? It's true. I asked something about HCL (it's been several years so I don't remember exactly what I asked) and he didn't know what I was referring to.

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Yes! The doctor

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I would love to, but it’s one of those things that compromises a five-year relationship. If she saw it and mentioned it to me, I would definitely go down the rabbit hole with her.

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I totally get it and it's just so sad. I hope you can go down that rabbit hole. Most people I've tried to explain it to can't seem to handle it.

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Thanks MCM for continuing this vital work.

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After reading about all the sudden illness and side effects, I am very thankful for my health. It is an utter atrocity that all these men and women are suffering almost entirely as a result of having taken the mRNA vaccine. What an absolute crime.

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Canada has already come up with a successful and coincidentally timely treatment for ClotShot injuries: MAID.


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Disturbing stuff… especially the mental health aspect. When will these kids who were talked into gender reassignment decide they don’t want to be here b/c it was a mistake? We are living in hell.

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39 yr old Thor has alzheimers! That's my takeaway from his sudden departure from acting. I remember Judy Mikovits saying 5 yr olds will get accelerated dementia.

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They are saying it runs in the family I think but as you say that is one of the side effects, or intended effects, of these poisons.

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Alzheimers generally is associated with heavy metal and/or other toxicity. I love it when "professionals" say these health issues "run in the family". It's often bs. I could explain further but it would be a book. It's not that hard to learn how these toxins we're all inundated with are causing these so called diseases. It not so hard to learn that the flouride, the gmos (thanks to the rockefellers - read/watch William Engdahl), mercury, aluminum, arsenic, lead, glyphosate, etc. are the cause of a lot of what's damaging and causing health problems including "mental" health problems. They also cause males and females to have too much estrogen. Both not good situations. It's endless. We all need to go back to nature, real science, and the basics. It's not that hard but people like to make it hard and like to be brainwashed it seems.

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I came across a little ditty today, "It's beginning to look a lot like Genocide, everywhere you go", sung to the tune of "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas . . ." It's become an earworm I cannot shake. Lord help us all.

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That was top of the pops last Christmas.

This year it's a Golden Oldie. LOL

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These are a few off-season (2022) former NFL player deaths.

Shane Olivea, 40 years old: The former San Diego Chargers player Shane Olivea was reported dead in March 2022. It was announced about three months later that he died of “hypersensitive heart disease”.

Marion Barber, 38 years old: Former Dallas Cowboys and Chicago Bears running back Marion Barber was found dead in his bathtub inside his home in June 2022. It was later reported that Barber died of heat stroke.

Tony Siragusa, 55 years old: Former Baltimore Ravens and Indianapolis Colts defensive tackle Tony Siragusa died in June 2022. The cause of death is still being investigated, but police were called to his home, where he’d been receiving CPR. His death was reported in the same week as Jaylon Ferguson.

Charles Johnson, 50 years old: Charles Johnson was a wide receiver for the Pittsburgh Steelers and was found dead in a hotel on Wednesday. The cause of death is still being investigated and has not yet been released.

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Bravo to the 17-year-old teen who fought for a proper diagnosis. I don't think I would have had a clue at that age. And fighting sexist doctors to boot! I wish her and all the injured as full a recovery as possible. I too was asleep to all the jab propaganda as a nurse, a young mother and a human being up until 10 years ago. That was when I was pressured to take the flu jab as a nurse and I finally said NO. Following Dr. Northrup and Dr. Mercola for years helped me to wake up to the truth about vaccines and many medications. I feel fortunate to be conscious at this point in time. Thank you MCM and team. This documentation is so important even though it is horrifying to think about my grandchildren and children, friends and neighbors who have received the jabs and especially the ones who will continue to take all the future jabs for all the future "dis eases."

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Yes, thank you for the work you are doing to keep us informed and seeing while the world wears a blindfold. And when it falls off they'll have your record to refer to.

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Tippy toeing my foot! Sounds/looks like its full speed ahead!!! Vaxxidents all over da place,

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I'm no medical specialist, (but nor are a lot of the thus described), but *illness* didn't used to come on *suddenly*. I would be looking at an injury as the cause.

The good news is that the drivers are not being blamed although driving under the influence used to be a crime.

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For the most part, cancers didn't start at stage 4.

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These “medical emergencies” while driving may mystify some people, but what happens when that wears off?

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Each weekly batch numbs me a bit more. It’s hard to be human right now.

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Mark, Do you know what an aviation Squawk 7700 is? It's a mid-air emergency of some type. There used to be about 4 a month globally. Install FlightRader24 on your phone and in Alerts, enable Squawk 7700. I have 4 already today, two yesterday. Some days there can be 10. The 28th there were 8. Also, not all emergencies are notified with Squawk 7700, some are direct via radio to ATC.

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