Why post a video from a moron click baiting his channel for more subscribers? They wouldn't show video of him being tortured because he's an American citizen. Very simple. That could potentially undermine the $500 million in Biden death toys coming or the next twenty $500 million death toy packages. The SBU are not idiots. This Jerry guy is.
I think his basic point about the likelihood of Lira's being forgotten quickly IF we all assume he's dead is well worth making, which is to say NOT idiotic.
So we pretend he's not dead, even though he's likely dead, and that helps by not forgetting him? There's more urgency if we assume danger, it's more likely that the Chilean govt. contacts the U.S. govt. on the diplomatic front and things get moving. People like Jerry will forget him as soon as his disappearance is of no monetary value to his lame YT observations.
Other than obviously lacking basic reason and logic no. I know a lot about what's happening behind the scenes for Gonzo. He's my cousin as I told you a month ago.
If he's alive and pops up, they'll use this to discredit every true claim that journalists are being killed. They'll claim that they are hiding etc.
Why was it so difficult at first to verify whether he was a US citizen or not? Why was that information in the dark with the confusion of his other citizenship?
It got way too much focus, just like the snake venom story, while many other stories are being ignored. It makes me wonder....
Why would you trust a species that would shag your leg at half the opportunity, accepts 2nd class status for 2nd class food and eats shit every chance that it gets?
I hope he is okay.
Well, I think it’s a situation where you’ll never hear from him again.
Why post a video from a moron click baiting his channel for more subscribers? They wouldn't show video of him being tortured because he's an American citizen. Very simple. That could potentially undermine the $500 million in Biden death toys coming or the next twenty $500 million death toy packages. The SBU are not idiots. This Jerry guy is.
I think his basic point about the likelihood of Lira's being forgotten quickly IF we all assume he's dead is well worth making, which is to say NOT idiotic.
So we pretend he's not dead, even though he's likely dead, and that helps by not forgetting him? There's more urgency if we assume danger, it's more likely that the Chilean govt. contacts the U.S. govt. on the diplomatic front and things get moving. People like Jerry will forget him as soon as his disappearance is of no monetary value to his lame YT observations.
Do you know something about Jerry that justifies your contempt?
Other than obviously lacking basic reason and logic no. I know a lot about what's happening behind the scenes for Gonzo. He's my cousin as I told you a month ago.
You were saying?
He's lucky and we all know it.
You smell something? https://thegoodcitizen.substack.com/p/going-gonzo/comments?s=w
These days we are all Gonzo's cousin.
He was fearless. Still hoping that's not past tense.
If he's alive and pops up, they'll use this to discredit every true claim that journalists are being killed. They'll claim that they are hiding etc.
Why was it so difficult at first to verify whether he was a US citizen or not? Why was that information in the dark with the confusion of his other citizenship?
It got way too much focus, just like the snake venom story, while many other stories are being ignored. It makes me wonder....
Wikipedia is referring to him in the past tense - since when do they do that w/out confirmation?
A cesspool of agendas.
It's possible this is him. Hard to confirm of course, but.... https://twitter.com/Lira01Real?t=KhlW09E05r1gbPYTu_7ePw&s=07&fbclid=IwAR1AXsxaOLAlwgg9MdPq-INBWH0Nn2D0yIUbTw1yyIYYCJ-315BjAh7BV-E
Excellent video - he's right. Thanks for posting
See the Grayzone for just how brutal these bastards are: "Zelensky oversees campaign of assassination, kidnapping and torture of political opposition" https://thegrayzone.com/2022/04/17/traitor-zelensky-assassination-kidnapping-arrest-political-opposition/
That's in my prior post about GL's disappearance.
Christ you're c$nt. Inefficient players = useless eaters I assume.
Your real name is not Yoah is it?
And btw 8 billion humans are more than capable of solving such issues. If they allow themselves to. Which may require removing the 'roadblocks'.
How do you like it up you?
As I said, to move to a better humanity we need to remove the roadblocks.
What does your sign there say? STOP? What does that mean? Shoot the off topic prick?
Oh and I know dogs. If they get opportunities....
Why would you trust a species that would shag your leg at half the opportunity, accepts 2nd class status for 2nd class food and eats shit every chance that it gets?