I hope you realize that RFK Jr. is nothing but a trojan horse. He along with Del Bigtree want a "safe" vaccine when there is no such thing. He also states that we are a "democracy" when in reality, we are a Republic. Do not put your faith in these politicians.
Well that’s your opinion? I’ve followed them both for over five years. Without Del Bigtree I probably would have bought into the psyop and got the clot shot! I LOVE them both and am not influenced by random opinions of strangers. But you have the right to one.
They mix it up -- light and dark. USE your common sense, intuition and reason to see what is right and wrong through fact. That way, we still LEARN through all that they give us. Here's some fact on vac*ines that THEY SHOULD KNOW TOO:
Wrong. RFKjr has repeatedly proven that all available vaccines are not safe, none having been tested against a true, double blind placebo. Think about it. Read RFK’s books, and listen to his podcasts. Then comment.
Same for Del Bigtree. You need to listen to those primary sources first. Otherwise it is like a child writing a book report about a book he has not read.
That’s one of the silliest comments I’ve ever seen here. You make the people who are defending us into the enemy for no reason. It’s just divisive and serves no purpose.
For once, I am trying to put the party affiliation aside because there really is just a uniparty. Listen to the candidate carefully and what resonates with you and what is the most important to you and our country to move things in a direction to support our Constitution and liberties.. Investigate their background and evolution. Remember Trump closed our country down with unconstitutional mandates and brought us the death jab, no he didn't mandate it, he left that to the corporations. I cannot forget that and I voted for him twice.
Yes and both Trump and Brandon’s covid policy were part of one pre conceived and rehearsed strategy from event 201. They planned to lock us down, push the vaccines, use mandates, push more shots, use fear. The WEF plan was followed exactly as expected by Trump AND Biden.
Kennedy is doing nothing while Karin Kingston is hiding in Mexico afraid of being assassinated. He could instantly speak out on this, bring attention to her situation and possibly save her life, knowing what he does and having talked at length with her. He will have blood on his hands if she is harmed. An automatic disqualifier for me … he’d never get my vote in that case. Those guys all stand together and form a protective wall, or they go down together as the psychopaths tear everybody down with them. She has the receipts on the shots, and he should be 100% backing her up. Her investigations and information regarding the patents of these shots is a priceless service to humanity.
He will bring voters back into the dem party just like Bernie did and all sheep dogs before him. I could tell that Bernie wasn’t serious about winning because of the many issues that Hillary had that he refused to address. Remember when he said:
"I’m tired of hearing about her emails!" when it was a very serious issue to many of the voters. Plus he never mentioned her pay to play during her tenure as SOS and she used her foundation for influence peddling. Plus how he just folded after she rigged the primary against him. Or he’d win the state, but she got all the delegates.
Why would I be obligated to come up with an alternative? What an odd question. So you're saying that donations that go to RFK, Jr. and went to Bernie Sanders did NOT go to the DNC, then? Just so I know your position.
That's a great position to have, which reinforces sound science. They can claim to want a safe vaccine which can never happen because they're all problematic.
The bottom line is that the DNC will never allow RFK to win and then your dollars will go to support the corrupt DNC. I like RFK but I am not sure I totally trust him when I see his positions regarding the palastinians and regarding the transhumanism movement that is pushing transitioning children, teens and young adults. If he is accepting big money then he will also have to pay the piper with his views. He may in the end be another Bernie type.
The problem is you are not discerning yourself and you don’t have any solution. So you’re in a state of nihilism that does no one any good and does not give us a better world.
No it's you that is the goddamn problem. Putting your faith in another false hope. Stay asleep you fucking sheep and delegate your power to someone else.
Sadly you sound like Dr Shiva. Do you ever even listen to the Highwire? After reading your comment, one would tend to doubt it. Del has been working harder than anyone to bring awareness on the dangers of these shots and other Pharma products.
RFK Jr’s remarks are always in the context that he’s being attacked as an anti-vaxxer. Until 3 years ago a vast majority of people equated this someone being anti science or just a crazy nut. So he says he’s actually pro safety. If they were proven truly safe both short and long term there would be no issue from most of us. That certainly doesn’t make him a Trojan horse.
Del works with lawyers who have scored big time, including if I am not mistaking, Pfizer having to reveal their trial docs, which they tried to bury for eternity. Big thumbs up for Del.
I will never take a jab ever again if I am conscious at the time. Leave our bodies alone. Leave the childrens bodies alone. Fuck Big Harma and the bastardization of GODS design. I will tolerate the safe vaccine suggestion and those that are saying it and will never consciously take any jab. Medicine has always been a militarized attack. Why is there a Surgeon General? The Vaccine schedule is a clear declared war of eugenics on the global population. A Democide is taking place everyday and where are the protests? What the fuck is happening when the governments around the world are injecting death? Why is Biden and Trudeau not dangling at the end of a rope?
Because we are conquered animals who have been trained to stand down.
We honestly think that voting is a way out of this? We think that these killers are going to allow RFK to become president? If we ever got close to accountability, a nuke would be dropped on the USA. The cowards and demonic masonic scum that is behind this Democide are tasked with one mission, kill off the commoners of this world so that WE the satanists can have it all for ourselves. THEY will not stop unless we stop them. The only alternative is WE the commoners ripping them apart piece by piece.
But lets vote in the next election and hope the killing stops. Please stop killing and planning on killing us some more. Oh please will you stop murdering our children. Peaceful nonviolent resistance over the next 10 years or so is a death sentence. Sending 200 plus billion to that perverted sexual deviant scumbag Zelensky and his Christian murdering government was just phase 2 of global destabilization. First the lethal injection that Russian and Ukraine all participated in with the same death results.
WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE DOING? Anything short of a real takedown of DC and the murderous collaborators and parasites there is more commoner death and loss. No offense to the author of this Stack. I am just so disgusted at this do nothing society. I read and see that people care and are connecting with Professor Miller and his detailing of what the jab has done. Gavin Newsom or some neocon Lindsey Graham type will be in the Masonic White House and it will be business as usual.
We are cornered animals and other than what is being done on this platform, nothing is changing. This fucking braindead proletariat is going to get us all killed.
Unfortunately, you are pretty much spot on. The sheep are marching to obedient, brain dead slaughter. Something truly extraordinary will have to transpire to reverse this. The awake are stuck between normalcy bias, average IQs with a Thanatos death wish, and the psychopaths who are oh so willing to oblige them.
It’s the weaponized hatred and selfishness. Isolate the group that is weaponizing the weak minded and how. MSM is now and has always been the mouthpiece of these archon bankers. Politicians are sellout selfish collaborators and couldn’t give a shit about the common people. We need to stop participating in their system. We are the batteries that give it existence. We stop and it stops. The selfishness of the everyday man and woman keep it going. Times up or we are done.
The problem is that, as the Gnostics knew and said, the battle with unseen forces (the Archons) and their henchmen is an archetypal one that will last forever, or as long as there is duality. Go beyond the Matrix, and only then do you have a different reality. It’s a spiritual battle of transcendence. Arguing as we do here will never bring permanent, lasting justice and peace. Only a respite before the wheel turns again. Work diligently on enlightenment. Peace and paradise are to bebfound beyond thevrealm of maya and illusion, not in this fallen realm.
The word "courage" and "authenticity" here convincingly belong to Max Blumenthal. What he says in just these few casual minutes with Jimmy Dore buries all of Kennedy's comments on Israel. As Dore repeated over and over to RFK Jr "take your lumps and move on." And he will take his lumps because he is an outright liar on this issue--and Kennedy knows this just as well as Blumenthal and Dore. (it's a cynical pol pos. that, K knows, will give him some traction should things begin to really take off with the campaign)
Think about exactly what RFK said. But you don’t know what he said. Just as almost all critics of RFK’s comments, which were against ethnically targeted bioweapons, not against any ethnic group, do not show a clip of RFK inveighing against any ethnic group, because he has never done so. Joining cancel culture is easy; the uninformed hide in cancel culture.
Yes; I agree with Dore and appreciate him. But Jimmy stepped all over RFK, as he does to all guests. I agree with his sentiments but he is an amateur interviewer; he instead talks over his guests, so it really is “The Jimmy Dore Show”, the guests are furniture.
Jimmy could just as well do a monologue, period. He’s speaking truth, but can’t elicit anything from his guests. He’s not even listening to them.
He's a fucking right-winger who yearly speaks to the National "Re-Awaken America Tour" - who are devoted to Trumpees. Took his name off their speaker-list this year for obvious reasons.
The most pressing issues by far are the vaccines and war. Not a single issue, but almost in terms of importance and how few see these issues correctly. This Israel stuff is 100% distraction noise. Who cares about Israel when they're trying to hand over all national sovereignty to the WHO? Who cares about Israel when the neocons are ready to push us into war with Russia and China? And even if you don't like RFK's view on Israel, who is better and has a chance at winning?
As a secular Jew, I resent that Zionism is equated with being Jewish.
I despise Israel for being a vile example of settler-colonialism and Israelis for being racist homicidal psychopaths. Zionists are not my people and if they claim God gave them Palestine, I'd like to see the notarized deed.
I am annoyed with RFK for trying to placate the AIPAC/ADL crowd.
I agree strongly that the biggest issues are war—and the possibility of nuclear war, and bogus epidemics and obligatory vaccines.
I'll stick with RFK. I doubt that anyone better will come along.
'trying to placate the AIPAC/ADL crowd' is what's going on, and it's frustrating enough. perhaps at this point of JFK, Jr.'s campaign it serves as some kind of defense mechanism, trying not to alianate them. however, a good debate is a good debate, whatever the outcome may be.
<i>As a secular Jew, I resent that Zionism is equated with being Jewish.</i>
the reason that happens, is because a very large majority of self-identified "Jews" go around chanting, "anti-zionism is the same thing as anti-semitism", or allow people who claim to represent them, to do so.
if you don't care to be associated with that idea, then you can stop self-identifying as "Jewish". you can't have it both ways.
why would you want to associate with those fascists and ethnic-supremacists, anyway? aren't you tired of being called a "self-hating Jew"?
maybe that's what eventually happens, when you're convinced that you're the master race -- you become complacent and stupid, and can't recognize a genocide even when it's biting you in the ass.
couldn't happen to a more charming bunch of people. pass the popcorn, please.
The Israel/Palestine conflict has been a distraction for 80 years. I wholeheartedly agree that there are more pressing issues to be addressed and resolved here at home. Whether one agrees with RFKJr on his views on those issues, he has at least identified pretty much all of them and has opened them for national debate. In my personal opinion, Israel is far down the list of my concerns both domestically and abroad.
Voting in the United States isn't about "democracy"—it's about perpetuating the illusion of democracy.
That's part of the genius of this system- keep people distracted with the political dog and pony show. As far as a "message" candidate you couldn't pick a worse place for that than a presidential campaign.
The main point with all of this is that anyone who thinks spending (wasting) an iota of financial or political capital on presidential politics to be a worthwhile endeavor is living in some fantasyland. The evidence is in. Neither the White House or Congress make the political decisions in this country. Wall St. and The Pentagon do.
In today's US, especially at the national level, elections are worse than worthless -- they simply perpetuate illusions and waste time. They are degrading and repulsive exercises in Madison Avenue PR techniques, where "the truth" is off limits from the get-go. Effort should be directed not at participating in this system, but at bringing it down, exposing its corrupt essence and building genuinely constructive alternatives.
Maybe you've got some evidence to counter what I said instead of snark?
I doubt it as there is none and you know it.
Why do you need a leader? That is a very dangerous position and one of the many things that get IN THE WAY of movements.
Worship of leaders is a technique of indoctrination that goes back to the crazed George Washington cult of the 18th century and to the Reagan cult, to the truly lunatic Obama Hopium cult, up to the present day deranged Trump cult. The Kennedy/Camelot cult is another example of this indoctrination.
Once you get into these waters you are no longer speaking about a movement you are speaking about a "cult of personality." Critical thinking and ongoing analysis should be first and foremost don't you agree?
I think that elections are cover for money laundering. Have you seen how many billions are thrown into them in such a short time and then when the winner is chosen where did the money end up? Besides we can’t vote our way out of something that we never voted for because the people who really run the country are hidden behind closed doors. No one votes for them, but they seem to be in every administration. Take Nuland for example. She’s been behind the scenes since Reagan. Did anyone get to vote for her?
Electoral politics is the last way on earth one could get an accurate gauge on "where people are at." Not only is the entire show rigged but you will never get anything other than a media orchestrated narrative of where they want you to think people are at.
"Doing elections" shows only that your are participating in hollow civic ritual.
In every election you are bombarded with propaganda about how “your vote makes a difference” and associated nonsense. According to the official version ordinary citizens control the state by voting for candidates in elections. The President and other politicians are supposedly servants of “the people” and the government an instrument of the general populace. This version is a myth.
It does not matter who is elected because the way the system is set up all elected representatives must do what big business and the state bureaucracy want, not what “the people” want.
Elected representatives are figureheads. Politicians’ rhetoric may change depending on who is elected, but they all have to implement the same policies given the same situation. Elections are a scam whose function is to create the illusion that “the people” control the government, not the elite, and to neutralize resistance movements. All voting does is strengthen the state and ruling class, it is not an effective means to change government policy.
Barely any time left for a marathon Plague Trooper, but I understand where you are coming from. It's a shit show no matter what, in my Kanadian opinion....just like up here.
We have been voting for the same people who have been screwing us for 30-50 years while our lives have been getting worse during that time. Remember when only dad worked and mom stayed home and they had one car and a vacation home and vacation time to use it? Now mom and dad work 2-3 jobs and are just barely hanging on in many cases. McConnell, Schumer, Biden and Pelosi have been in congress for 5 decades!
This is great news. RFK seems to be someone open to being educated on any subject, and I'm hoping Max can convince him that a more balanced attitude toward Israel is warranted.
Yes, indeed. Before he announced I cautioned RFK about this this; in fact, it is likely to be worse for him, but he is going to lose all kinds of votes if he doesn't say more about the plight of the Palestinians and take a more moderate approach. On the other hand, 80% of Jews in the US are liberals, so I think he is safe being more moderate.
Or maybe RFKJ will convince Max to take a more balanced attitude. Kennedy strikes me as one who approaches things rationally and with an open mind. It is Blumenthal who projects a radical and highly emotional opinion on this topic.
Great Max, you’ll get him to concede on some points, which will then be pounced on by Zionists. All for basically NOTHING. It’s not going to change Gaza. But it will add fuel to the “anti-semite” fire and do nobody any good. More left losing because of bull headed purity and inability to accept anything but political perfection.
Max even threw in the anti-semite claim for lumping him in with Zionists. RFK is now attacked as an anti-semite by both corporate media and independent media at the same time from different angles. It's all so tiresome.
Some of us just want a candidate to help us avoid getting killed by mandated vaccines and nuclear war.
No, we need to question him on this issue. Especially since he claims he's Israel's staunchest defender. A county that was the laboratory for the evil clot shots....
Agree. I don't see a real value in this particular debate. And I agree with your (fatalistic) reference to Corbyn. That was the end result of a real "debate" in the actual political world.
I loveeeeed Kennedy! I wrote this article on him back in like 2021, before presidential runs and all. This article was right when he got banned and was the beginning of censorship...
This is a topic I am woefully lacking in knowledge and perspective. Actually, I think I will learn quite a bit from the both of them! I'm glad it will happen. I have no opinion only impressions, so it's a great opportunity to get some learning. I hope they both approach it with the goal in mind to having a healthy and robust discourse on all side of the issue!
This topic has been an ongoing hot button issue since the inception of the Jewish state of Israel in 1948. Nothing has been resolved in all that time. Although we will be educated about many aspects of the situation as a result of this debate, I fully expect the arguments on both sides to continue till the end of time.
I agree. I remember the 6 Day War, it seemed very confusing but I was a teenager. My impression has been it was a bad hand that was dealt and is a lose lose situation with no good outcome. Sometimes people just can't make things work. Probably there are many valid grievances on all sides. Some issues seem overwhelming and unresolvable. But I look forward to better understanding the history and perhaps learning if there are any bad faith or mischievous participants. Thank you for your thoughts on the matter!
Perhaps the most important driver underlying the Covid debacle, Ukraine, and the Occupied Territories and Israel is the MIIC. That is a cord worth pulling on, much more so than a surface discussion addressing each topic in isolation.
Regarding Israel, RFK Jr reads as either woefully misinformed, purposefully ignorant, or is callously supporting a position of political expedience. None of these are good. If he is, as he has stated in the past, truly willing to re-examine his assumptions and challenge himself in pursuit of critical understanding, then he should undertake this conversation in good faith. If he does not, it will speak deafeningly about who he is and what he truly stands for.
Although the context is his candidacy, this is actually less about a success of political candidacy, in my mind, than about true integrity.
All the usual suspects relentlessly deride popular figures who disagree with any part of the national security state's official narrative by calling them antisemitic. It's become a reflexive action similar to a nervous tick.😁
These annoying creatures stand around like condors waiting for just the right moment to swoop down and attack. This happened to Corbyn and to sellout Bernie. Unfortunately, both lacked the courage and integrity to fight back.
In addition, both politicians were surrounded by dubious political hacks who it appears were strangely selected to misdirect and sabotage their campaigns.
Be that as it may, there seems to be something rotten in Denmark, or at least in RFK, Jr's campaign headquarters as someone is giving him crappy advice. Firstly, he should've never retracted the "Roger Waters tweet." That was silly and unnecessary. It also showed weakness.
Secondly, you can never backdown and allow obnoxious bullies who know you're "not" antisemitic, but just enjoy shouting out lies to defame. You must attack back.
Thirdly, before getting involved in the "antisemitic rabbit hole," RFK, Jr. should've planned a trip to Israel and the Gaza Strip. Then at least he could've espoused a position based on personal experience.
Having said all of that, my interest in RFK, Jr. is his stance against the pharmaceutical industry, his opposition to the repressive mandates, and his willingness to battle the public health agencies about why they approved the dubious MRNA-based experimental gene therapy injections as well as other deleterious pharmaceuticals, and of course his outspoken criticisms about the national security state.
Nonetheless, I'd like to see a lengthy discussion between RFK, Jr. and Max Blumenthal about Israel and Palestine.
He should stick to subjects that are pertinent to the near term survival of the United States. The 5G War with CCP, the Deep State, the WEF and the WHO to name a few.
This argument is his death trap. Very disappointed.
I would say that having to make a commitment to supporting the state of Israel in order to get along in the United States Congress is very pertinent to the survival, or just the being, or the United States.
I do NOT support that type of action, or of any and all financial support of the government of Israel. I understand the politics of the support going way back, but enough is enough.
I do not believe the United States supports the soverignity of Israel out of the goodness of its heart. And to give ANY support to that government while the Palestinians are treated the way they are is wrong beyond measure.
This is great news. I was highly disappointed upon hearing he wouldn't, especially because he often talks about how it important it is to talk with people whom we disagree.
I just watched the full episode with Blumenthal and Dore. Fascinating.
Dore showed clips of his discussion with Kennedy and Blumenthal would reply.
I have to say, I have been very surprised, and disappointed in Kennedy's comments about the State of Israel. I ascribed them to his effort to make it clear he is not anti-semitic. But he has gone too far in his comments about the Palestinians. I'm very surprised.
And he gets some facts about the history of how the state of Israel came out wrong, I believe.
Interestingly enough, I learned about the Balfour Agreement and the history of Britain/World War 1/Zionists from a documentary by James Corbett years ago.
James Corbett is now a regular guest on Children's Health Defense.
In any case, I am as surprised as Jimmy Dore on this one.
I think Kennedy is a very smart fellow and knows his politics (which goes without saying). I cannot believe he really believes what he is spouting about the Palestinians.
And Blumenthal is very knowledgable, has lived in Palestine and Israel and has seen first hand what is going on.
I hope that RFK Jr will take part in this discussion because if he doesn't I do believe he will lose a lot of points.
This whole saga is perhaps one of the strangest ones in memory.
1) Kennedy supports and retracts support for Roger Water's views on Israeli apartheid.
2) Kennedy sets up "private dinner" just prior to congressional testimony where he is recorded (out of context) making supposedly antisemitic views. How racial targeting of bio-weapons (duh) can be viewed as antisemitic is beyond me, especially knowing what we now know about GOF research.
3) Kennedy goes before Congress and is smeared by Wasserman et. al. as antisemitic.
4) Kennedy's brain somehow goes into Manchurian Candidate Israeli overdrive in efforts to refute, and he sets about spouting the most ridiculous anti-Palestinian rhetoric one could imagine, sets up a face-plant session with Schmuley, gets setup once again, spends two weeks in knee-jerk responses, goes on Dore and triples down, all while sounding like your cable-news-product Conservative Boomer Uncle. (All of our faux government completely supports Israel regardless of what they do - why say the quiet part out loud?)
5) Agrees on Dore to interview with Max.
6) His campaign then blows off Max for a "debate."
7) Then does an about face to commit to an "interview" with Max.
In summary, he has spent nearly a month to debate with straw-men an argument that there is no winning or a good side.
And none of it has anything to do with the real issues that most Americans care about.
Was he setup? Most certainly, but there are no perpetrators without a willing victim.
If you can't keep your importances straight on the campaign trail, how well are you going to do when you're in charge? You can't have OCD responses to the usual political head-games. It certainly rivals Desantis' plunge.
Again, one of the strangest, most inexplicable turn of events I have ever seen.
A campaign that is an experiment in "truth" is great, but I guess it depends on what your "truth" is.
And you have to be smart enough to not get dragged into unwinnable controversy. If he is to go in with Max and take his lumps, that is one thing, but the whole thing makes me question his judgment. Knowing what he knows, he should have been able to gracefully sidestep this.
I would agree in one respect about this issue not being of major concern to USA, however, given the Israel lobby in USA politics and the exhorbitant amount of money given to Israel by USA, and given the whole unfortunate politics of the middle east and our inextricable involvement, then I do think it is an important issue for a US President.
I am astounded at what Kennedy said on Dore show. I cannot fathom what is behind it.
It seems to me that most comments are missing the point. Everyone is criticizing US for NOT trying to micromanage the Israeli government, when they should be criticizing US for micromanaging everyone else's governments.
I hope RFK Jr. follows through with his renewed commitment to have a discussion with Max, but I’ll believe it when I see it. Bobby has simply taken leave of critical thinking in his outrageous error riddled narrative on Jimmy Dore’s show and in his pathetic interview and appearances with Shmuley Boteach. What a shame…hopefully he’ll come to his senses. As one of your generation, I hope, Mark, that you’ll find the time to address this situation in more detail.
RFK Jr’s performance on the Jimmy Dore show was a nauseating mix of mendacious propaganda that had him sounding like a spokesman for the IDF. His debate flip flop from on to off to on doesn’t inspire confidence. At this point Dennis Kucinich ( a seasoned and battle scarred politician) should advise his candidate to have an off the record conversation with Max Blumenthal, take his considerable lumps and gave an opaque statement to the effect that he “learned some things “
and leave it at that. The whole episode is a loser and the last thing he and his campaign need is for all to see him desperately flailing as he tries to defend his misinformed and callous opinions re: Palestinians and the state of Israel. In the lesser of 2 evils paradigm RFK Jr’s other enlightened and educated positions are hugely positive but this kerfuffle is but a footnote or distraction as the DNC will go to any extreme to deny him a fair shake.
I admire RFK JR.s willingness to debate, his courage and his authenticity.
I hope you realize that RFK Jr. is nothing but a trojan horse. He along with Del Bigtree want a "safe" vaccine when there is no such thing. He also states that we are a "democracy" when in reality, we are a Republic. Do not put your faith in these politicians.
Well that’s your opinion? I’ve followed them both for over five years. Without Del Bigtree I probably would have bought into the psyop and got the clot shot! I LOVE them both and am not influenced by random opinions of strangers. But you have the right to one.
They mix it up -- light and dark. USE your common sense, intuition and reason to see what is right and wrong through fact. That way, we still LEARN through all that they give us. Here's some fact on vac*ines that THEY SHOULD KNOW TOO:
Wrong. RFKjr has repeatedly proven that all available vaccines are not safe, none having been tested against a true, double blind placebo. Think about it. Read RFK’s books, and listen to his podcasts. Then comment.
Same for Del Bigtree. You need to listen to those primary sources first. Otherwise it is like a child writing a book report about a book he has not read.
That’s one of the silliest comments I’ve ever seen here. You make the people who are defending us into the enemy for no reason. It’s just divisive and serves no purpose.
For once, I am trying to put the party affiliation aside because there really is just a uniparty. Listen to the candidate carefully and what resonates with you and what is the most important to you and our country to move things in a direction to support our Constitution and liberties.. Investigate their background and evolution. Remember Trump closed our country down with unconstitutional mandates and brought us the death jab, no he didn't mandate it, he left that to the corporations. I cannot forget that and I voted for him twice.
Yes and both Trump and Brandon’s covid policy were part of one pre conceived and rehearsed strategy from event 201. They planned to lock us down, push the vaccines, use mandates, push more shots, use fear. The WEF plan was followed exactly as expected by Trump AND Biden.
Kennedy is doing nothing while Karin Kingston is hiding in Mexico afraid of being assassinated. He could instantly speak out on this, bring attention to her situation and possibly save her life, knowing what he does and having talked at length with her. He will have blood on his hands if she is harmed. An automatic disqualifier for me … he’d never get my vote in that case. Those guys all stand together and form a protective wall, or they go down together as the psychopaths tear everybody down with them. She has the receipts on the shots, and he should be 100% backing her up. Her investigations and information regarding the patents of these shots is a priceless service to humanity.
He'll bring in some good $$ to the DNC, same as Bernie did.
Bernie was part of act blue, which was run by them.
RFK Jr has his own system. Anyway, I'm happy enough that he got publicity with that Hotez thing and he calls out the war.
He will bring voters back into the dem party just like Bernie did and all sheep dogs before him. I could tell that Bernie wasn’t serious about winning because of the many issues that Hillary had that he refused to address. Remember when he said:
"I’m tired of hearing about her emails!" when it was a very serious issue to many of the voters. Plus he never mentioned her pay to play during her tenure as SOS and she used her foundation for influence peddling. Plus how he just folded after she rigged the primary against him. Or he’d win the state, but she got all the delegates.
Again no substance or facts to back up your cynicism. What do you propose as an alternative? That is my question.
Why would I be obligated to come up with an alternative? What an odd question. So you're saying that donations that go to RFK, Jr. and went to Bernie Sanders did NOT go to the DNC, then? Just so I know your position.
No he will not use the DNC money at all.
That's not what I said. I said, your donations to RFK - as a legit Dem candidate - will go to the DNC, as did donations to Bernie Sanders.
That's a great position to have, which reinforces sound science. They can claim to want a safe vaccine which can never happen because they're all problematic.
It's a nice double punch to the scam.
Run along, little troll!
narin, then who? If not perfect then you want the greater evil?
The bottom line is that the DNC will never allow RFK to win and then your dollars will go to support the corrupt DNC. I like RFK but I am not sure I totally trust him when I see his positions regarding the palastinians and regarding the transhumanism movement that is pushing transitioning children, teens and young adults. If he is accepting big money then he will also have to pay the piper with his views. He may in the end be another Bernie type.
Do not delegate your own power to no one. Everything the creeps do must be by consent albeit with a bit of sleight of hand.
The problem is you are not discerning yourself and you don’t have any solution. So you’re in a state of nihilism that does no one any good and does not give us a better world.
Your platitudes are hilarious. Thank you. At first, I thought it was satire.
No it's you that is the goddamn problem. Putting your faith in another false hope. Stay asleep you fucking sheep and delegate your power to someone else.
Jeez these people fooled over and over by the Dems, and can't get enough of it.
No, he calls for a "safe" vaccine knowing that is an oxymoron.
Let him debate the issues here -- where even a picture tells a thousand words:
Work with the Peace Planet Party Way to get THEM all out of our Life:
Sadly you sound like Dr Shiva. Do you ever even listen to the Highwire? After reading your comment, one would tend to doubt it. Del has been working harder than anyone to bring awareness on the dangers of these shots and other Pharma products.
RFK Jr’s remarks are always in the context that he’s being attacked as an anti-vaxxer. Until 3 years ago a vast majority of people equated this someone being anti science or just a crazy nut. So he says he’s actually pro safety. If they were proven truly safe both short and long term there would be no issue from most of us. That certainly doesn’t make him a Trojan horse.
Del works with lawyers who have scored big time, including if I am not mistaking, Pfizer having to reveal their trial docs, which they tried to bury for eternity. Big thumbs up for Del.
Always searching for the truth and no subscriptions to show?
I will never take a jab ever again if I am conscious at the time. Leave our bodies alone. Leave the childrens bodies alone. Fuck Big Harma and the bastardization of GODS design. I will tolerate the safe vaccine suggestion and those that are saying it and will never consciously take any jab. Medicine has always been a militarized attack. Why is there a Surgeon General? The Vaccine schedule is a clear declared war of eugenics on the global population. A Democide is taking place everyday and where are the protests? What the fuck is happening when the governments around the world are injecting death? Why is Biden and Trudeau not dangling at the end of a rope?
Because we are conquered animals who have been trained to stand down.
We honestly think that voting is a way out of this? We think that these killers are going to allow RFK to become president? If we ever got close to accountability, a nuke would be dropped on the USA. The cowards and demonic masonic scum that is behind this Democide are tasked with one mission, kill off the commoners of this world so that WE the satanists can have it all for ourselves. THEY will not stop unless we stop them. The only alternative is WE the commoners ripping them apart piece by piece.
But lets vote in the next election and hope the killing stops. Please stop killing and planning on killing us some more. Oh please will you stop murdering our children. Peaceful nonviolent resistance over the next 10 years or so is a death sentence. Sending 200 plus billion to that perverted sexual deviant scumbag Zelensky and his Christian murdering government was just phase 2 of global destabilization. First the lethal injection that Russian and Ukraine all participated in with the same death results.
WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE DOING? Anything short of a real takedown of DC and the murderous collaborators and parasites there is more commoner death and loss. No offense to the author of this Stack. I am just so disgusted at this do nothing society. I read and see that people care and are connecting with Professor Miller and his detailing of what the jab has done. Gavin Newsom or some neocon Lindsey Graham type will be in the Masonic White House and it will be business as usual.
We are cornered animals and other than what is being done on this platform, nothing is changing. This fucking braindead proletariat is going to get us all killed.
Unfortunately, you are pretty much spot on. The sheep are marching to obedient, brain dead slaughter. Something truly extraordinary will have to transpire to reverse this. The awake are stuck between normalcy bias, average IQs with a Thanatos death wish, and the psychopaths who are oh so willing to oblige them.
It’s the weaponized hatred and selfishness. Isolate the group that is weaponizing the weak minded and how. MSM is now and has always been the mouthpiece of these archon bankers. Politicians are sellout selfish collaborators and couldn’t give a shit about the common people. We need to stop participating in their system. We are the batteries that give it existence. We stop and it stops. The selfishness of the everyday man and woman keep it going. Times up or we are done.
The problem is that, as the Gnostics knew and said, the battle with unseen forces (the Archons) and their henchmen is an archetypal one that will last forever, or as long as there is duality. Go beyond the Matrix, and only then do you have a different reality. It’s a spiritual battle of transcendence. Arguing as we do here will never bring permanent, lasting justice and peace. Only a respite before the wheel turns again. Work diligently on enlightenment. Peace and paradise are to bebfound beyond thevrealm of maya and illusion, not in this fallen realm.
Good points Bootsie! I agree.
Yes! Medical Freedom. The Nuremberg Charter.
The word "courage" and "authenticity" here convincingly belong to Max Blumenthal. What he says in just these few casual minutes with Jimmy Dore buries all of Kennedy's comments on Israel. As Dore repeated over and over to RFK Jr "take your lumps and move on." And he will take his lumps because he is an outright liar on this issue--and Kennedy knows this just as well as Blumenthal and Dore. (it's a cynical pol pos. that, K knows, will give him some traction should things begin to really take off with the campaign)
I like Max as well. A terrific journalist.
Let's remember, Kennedy's father was murdered in front of him. I'm impressed what he's attempting to do.
Think about exactly what RFK said. But you don’t know what he said. Just as almost all critics of RFK’s comments, which were against ethnically targeted bioweapons, not against any ethnic group, do not show a clip of RFK inveighing against any ethnic group, because he has never done so. Joining cancel culture is easy; the uninformed hide in cancel culture.
People can’t mountain a truthful, rational, logical attack against RFKjr, so they twist his words and make shit up about him.
Yes; I agree with Dore and appreciate him. But Jimmy stepped all over RFK, as he does to all guests. I agree with his sentiments but he is an amateur interviewer; he instead talks over his guests, so it really is “The Jimmy Dore Show”, the guests are furniture.
Jimmy could just as well do a monologue, period. He’s speaking truth, but can’t elicit anything from his guests. He’s not even listening to them.
He's a fucking right-winger who yearly speaks to the National "Re-Awaken America Tour" - who are devoted to Trumpees. Took his name off their speaker-list this year for obvious reasons.
The most pressing issues by far are the vaccines and war. Not a single issue, but almost in terms of importance and how few see these issues correctly. This Israel stuff is 100% distraction noise. Who cares about Israel when they're trying to hand over all national sovereignty to the WHO? Who cares about Israel when the neocons are ready to push us into war with Russia and China? And even if you don't like RFK's view on Israel, who is better and has a chance at winning?
As a secular Jew, I resent that Zionism is equated with being Jewish.
I despise Israel for being a vile example of settler-colonialism and Israelis for being racist homicidal psychopaths. Zionists are not my people and if they claim God gave them Palestine, I'd like to see the notarized deed.
I am annoyed with RFK for trying to placate the AIPAC/ADL crowd.
I agree strongly that the biggest issues are war—and the possibility of nuclear war, and bogus epidemics and obligatory vaccines.
I'll stick with RFK. I doubt that anyone better will come along.
'trying to placate the AIPAC/ADL crowd' is what's going on, and it's frustrating enough. perhaps at this point of JFK, Jr.'s campaign it serves as some kind of defense mechanism, trying not to alianate them. however, a good debate is a good debate, whatever the outcome may be.
R FK, jr
<i>As a secular Jew, I resent that Zionism is equated with being Jewish.</i>
the reason that happens, is because a very large majority of self-identified "Jews" go around chanting, "anti-zionism is the same thing as anti-semitism", or allow people who claim to represent them, to do so.
if you don't care to be associated with that idea, then you can stop self-identifying as "Jewish". you can't have it both ways.
why would you want to associate with those fascists and ethnic-supremacists, anyway? aren't you tired of being called a "self-hating Jew"?
Good points.
Not really.
Zionism is a political ideology, Jewishness is an identity and religion.
This is like telling an Irish Catholic to stop identifying that way if they’re tired of being associated with the IRA.
Uh, I don't quite understand your point; however, if we were sitting in a pub together downing pints, I suspect we'd find we agree on most things.
Why do people need to broadcast their suoerstitions?
Uh, to hold up their pants?
Is being secular a superstition?
I'm not an anthropologist and don't know whether "Jewish" is a religion or a race.
If it's a religion (superstition), I reject it.
If it's a race, I accept it.
However, I didn't choose it.
I agree with your sentiments.
Not in favor of supporting anyone who adheres to the belief in killing Jews wherever one finds them and driving every last one of them into the sea.
no, obviously only Israel should be allowed to do things like that.
Cheer up. Israelis will be suffering and dying off because of their colossal failure to refuse the Covid shot experiment on their own people.
maybe that's what eventually happens, when you're convinced that you're the master race -- you become complacent and stupid, and can't recognize a genocide even when it's biting you in the ass.
couldn't happen to a more charming bunch of people. pass the popcorn, please.
You are so right , national sovereignty is all. Anything else is a diversionary tactic.
The Israel/Palestine conflict has been a distraction for 80 years. I wholeheartedly agree that there are more pressing issues to be addressed and resolved here at home. Whether one agrees with RFKJr on his views on those issues, he has at least identified pretty much all of them and has opened them for national debate. In my personal opinion, Israel is far down the list of my concerns both domestically and abroad.
Voting in the United States isn't about "democracy"—it's about perpetuating the illusion of democracy.
That's part of the genius of this system- keep people distracted with the political dog and pony show. As far as a "message" candidate you couldn't pick a worse place for that than a presidential campaign.
The main point with all of this is that anyone who thinks spending (wasting) an iota of financial or political capital on presidential politics to be a worthwhile endeavor is living in some fantasyland. The evidence is in. Neither the White House or Congress make the political decisions in this country. Wall St. and The Pentagon do.
In today's US, especially at the national level, elections are worse than worthless -- they simply perpetuate illusions and waste time. They are degrading and repulsive exercises in Madison Avenue PR techniques, where "the truth" is off limits from the get-go. Effort should be directed not at participating in this system, but at bringing it down, exposing its corrupt essence and building genuinely constructive alternatives.
So you'll lead the effort? Great!
Maybe you've got some evidence to counter what I said instead of snark?
I doubt it as there is none and you know it.
Why do you need a leader? That is a very dangerous position and one of the many things that get IN THE WAY of movements.
Worship of leaders is a technique of indoctrination that goes back to the crazed George Washington cult of the 18th century and to the Reagan cult, to the truly lunatic Obama Hopium cult, up to the present day deranged Trump cult. The Kennedy/Camelot cult is another example of this indoctrination.
Once you get into these waters you are no longer speaking about a movement you are speaking about a "cult of personality." Critical thinking and ongoing analysis should be first and foremost don't you agree?
pills that big need to be broken down into many much smaller tabs. Then taken with much water. Only on a full stomach. Professionally recommended.
Joined your SS for your reading list. It's a canyons worth of intriguing insight.
People so want to believe in these pretty illusions.
There's no easy way out of this.
Voting is a ritual to enforce a myth. Even Mark should know this.
Larken Rose on YT... very informative.
I think that elections are cover for money laundering. Have you seen how many billions are thrown into them in such a short time and then when the winner is chosen where did the money end up? Besides we can’t vote our way out of something that we never voted for because the people who really run the country are hidden behind closed doors. No one votes for them, but they seem to be in every administration. Take Nuland for example. She’s been behind the scenes since Reagan. Did anyone get to vote for her?
Neither of your points make any sense.
Electoral politics is the last way on earth one could get an accurate gauge on "where people are at." Not only is the entire show rigged but you will never get anything other than a media orchestrated narrative of where they want you to think people are at.
"Doing elections" shows only that your are participating in hollow civic ritual.
In every election you are bombarded with propaganda about how “your vote makes a difference” and associated nonsense. According to the official version ordinary citizens control the state by voting for candidates in elections. The President and other politicians are supposedly servants of “the people” and the government an instrument of the general populace. This version is a myth.
It does not matter who is elected because the way the system is set up all elected representatives must do what big business and the state bureaucracy want, not what “the people” want.
Elected representatives are figureheads. Politicians’ rhetoric may change depending on who is elected, but they all have to implement the same policies given the same situation. Elections are a scam whose function is to create the illusion that “the people” control the government, not the elite, and to neutralize resistance movements. All voting does is strengthen the state and ruling class, it is not an effective means to change government policy.
Barely any time left for a marathon Plague Trooper, but I understand where you are coming from. It's a shit show no matter what, in my Kanadian opinion....just like up here.
You're just using strawmen and platitudes kiddo.
Obviously you have no cogent argument to back your flimsy assertions.
You keep arguing for people to engage in the same failed strategies- the defintion of insanity- and claim you are seeing things with clarity? LOL.
Why don't you provide some evidence? Is it because you have none?
Maybe stop watching those shows.
You have no case only a "I voted" sticker and a sense of smug self-righteousness having done as you are told.
We have been voting for the same people who have been screwing us for 30-50 years while our lives have been getting worse during that time. Remember when only dad worked and mom stayed home and they had one car and a vacation home and vacation time to use it? Now mom and dad work 2-3 jobs and are just barely hanging on in many cases. McConnell, Schumer, Biden and Pelosi have been in congress for 5 decades!
This is great news. RFK seems to be someone open to being educated on any subject, and I'm hoping Max can convince him that a more balanced attitude toward Israel is warranted.
Are you familiar with what happened to Jeremy Corbyn????
Your fatalism isn't helpful
I agree with both Mark and Meg.
Am I schizo?
No, the world is.
Or is it “what Jeremy Corbyn allowed to happen to him”?
Yes, indeed. Before he announced I cautioned RFK about this this; in fact, it is likely to be worse for him, but he is going to lose all kinds of votes if he doesn't say more about the plight of the Palestinians and take a more moderate approach. On the other hand, 80% of Jews in the US are liberals, so I think he is safe being more moderate.
Or maybe RFKJ will convince Max to take a more balanced attitude. Kennedy strikes me as one who approaches things rationally and with an open mind. It is Blumenthal who projects a radical and highly emotional opinion on this topic.
Great Max, you’ll get him to concede on some points, which will then be pounced on by Zionists. All for basically NOTHING. It’s not going to change Gaza. But it will add fuel to the “anti-semite” fire and do nobody any good. More left losing because of bull headed purity and inability to accept anything but political perfection.
Max even threw in the anti-semite claim for lumping him in with Zionists. RFK is now attacked as an anti-semite by both corporate media and independent media at the same time from different angles. It's all so tiresome.
Some of us just want a candidate to help us avoid getting killed by mandated vaccines and nuclear war.
Hear Hear !
No, we need to question him on this issue. Especially since he claims he's Israel's staunchest defender. A county that was the laboratory for the evil clot shots....
Agree. I don't see a real value in this particular debate. And I agree with your (fatalistic) reference to Corbyn. That was the end result of a real "debate" in the actual political world.
Has trap vibes for sure
I loveeeeed Kennedy! I wrote this article on him back in like 2021, before presidential runs and all. This article was right when he got banned and was the beginning of censorship...
This is a topic I am woefully lacking in knowledge and perspective. Actually, I think I will learn quite a bit from the both of them! I'm glad it will happen. I have no opinion only impressions, so it's a great opportunity to get some learning. I hope they both approach it with the goal in mind to having a healthy and robust discourse on all side of the issue!
This topic has been an ongoing hot button issue since the inception of the Jewish state of Israel in 1948. Nothing has been resolved in all that time. Although we will be educated about many aspects of the situation as a result of this debate, I fully expect the arguments on both sides to continue till the end of time.
I agree. I remember the 6 Day War, it seemed very confusing but I was a teenager. My impression has been it was a bad hand that was dealt and is a lose lose situation with no good outcome. Sometimes people just can't make things work. Probably there are many valid grievances on all sides. Some issues seem overwhelming and unresolvable. But I look forward to better understanding the history and perhaps learning if there are any bad faith or mischievous participants. Thank you for your thoughts on the matter!
Perhaps the most important driver underlying the Covid debacle, Ukraine, and the Occupied Territories and Israel is the MIIC. That is a cord worth pulling on, much more so than a surface discussion addressing each topic in isolation.
Regarding Israel, RFK Jr reads as either woefully misinformed, purposefully ignorant, or is callously supporting a position of political expedience. None of these are good. If he is, as he has stated in the past, truly willing to re-examine his assumptions and challenge himself in pursuit of critical understanding, then he should undertake this conversation in good faith. If he does not, it will speak deafeningly about who he is and what he truly stands for.
Although the context is his candidacy, this is actually less about a success of political candidacy, in my mind, than about true integrity.
All the usual suspects relentlessly deride popular figures who disagree with any part of the national security state's official narrative by calling them antisemitic. It's become a reflexive action similar to a nervous tick.😁
These annoying creatures stand around like condors waiting for just the right moment to swoop down and attack. This happened to Corbyn and to sellout Bernie. Unfortunately, both lacked the courage and integrity to fight back.
In addition, both politicians were surrounded by dubious political hacks who it appears were strangely selected to misdirect and sabotage their campaigns.
Be that as it may, there seems to be something rotten in Denmark, or at least in RFK, Jr's campaign headquarters as someone is giving him crappy advice. Firstly, he should've never retracted the "Roger Waters tweet." That was silly and unnecessary. It also showed weakness.
Secondly, you can never backdown and allow obnoxious bullies who know you're "not" antisemitic, but just enjoy shouting out lies to defame. You must attack back.
Thirdly, before getting involved in the "antisemitic rabbit hole," RFK, Jr. should've planned a trip to Israel and the Gaza Strip. Then at least he could've espoused a position based on personal experience.
Having said all of that, my interest in RFK, Jr. is his stance against the pharmaceutical industry, his opposition to the repressive mandates, and his willingness to battle the public health agencies about why they approved the dubious MRNA-based experimental gene therapy injections as well as other deleterious pharmaceuticals, and of course his outspoken criticisms about the national security state.
Nonetheless, I'd like to see a lengthy discussion between RFK, Jr. and Max Blumenthal about Israel and Palestine.
I wish he would not.
He should stick to subjects that are pertinent to the near term survival of the United States. The 5G War with CCP, the Deep State, the WEF and the WHO to name a few.
This argument is his death trap. Very disappointed.
I would say that having to make a commitment to supporting the state of Israel in order to get along in the United States Congress is very pertinent to the survival, or just the being, or the United States.
I do NOT support that type of action, or of any and all financial support of the government of Israel. I understand the politics of the support going way back, but enough is enough.
I do not believe the United States supports the soverignity of Israel out of the goodness of its heart. And to give ANY support to that government while the Palestinians are treated the way they are is wrong beyond measure.
But then look what we did to Native Americans.
This is great news. I was highly disappointed upon hearing he wouldn't, especially because he often talks about how it important it is to talk with people whom we disagree.
I just watched the full episode with Blumenthal and Dore. Fascinating.
Dore showed clips of his discussion with Kennedy and Blumenthal would reply.
I have to say, I have been very surprised, and disappointed in Kennedy's comments about the State of Israel. I ascribed them to his effort to make it clear he is not anti-semitic. But he has gone too far in his comments about the Palestinians. I'm very surprised.
And he gets some facts about the history of how the state of Israel came out wrong, I believe.
Interestingly enough, I learned about the Balfour Agreement and the history of Britain/World War 1/Zionists from a documentary by James Corbett years ago.
James Corbett is now a regular guest on Children's Health Defense.
In any case, I am as surprised as Jimmy Dore on this one.
I think Kennedy is a very smart fellow and knows his politics (which goes without saying). I cannot believe he really believes what he is spouting about the Palestinians.
And Blumenthal is very knowledgable, has lived in Palestine and Israel and has seen first hand what is going on.
I hope that RFK Jr will take part in this discussion because if he doesn't I do believe he will lose a lot of points.
Forgive the very bad grammar. Wrote that too quickly and did not proof read.
This whole saga is perhaps one of the strangest ones in memory.
1) Kennedy supports and retracts support for Roger Water's views on Israeli apartheid.
2) Kennedy sets up "private dinner" just prior to congressional testimony where he is recorded (out of context) making supposedly antisemitic views. How racial targeting of bio-weapons (duh) can be viewed as antisemitic is beyond me, especially knowing what we now know about GOF research.
3) Kennedy goes before Congress and is smeared by Wasserman et. al. as antisemitic.
4) Kennedy's brain somehow goes into Manchurian Candidate Israeli overdrive in efforts to refute, and he sets about spouting the most ridiculous anti-Palestinian rhetoric one could imagine, sets up a face-plant session with Schmuley, gets setup once again, spends two weeks in knee-jerk responses, goes on Dore and triples down, all while sounding like your cable-news-product Conservative Boomer Uncle. (All of our faux government completely supports Israel regardless of what they do - why say the quiet part out loud?)
5) Agrees on Dore to interview with Max.
6) His campaign then blows off Max for a "debate."
7) Then does an about face to commit to an "interview" with Max.
In summary, he has spent nearly a month to debate with straw-men an argument that there is no winning or a good side.
And none of it has anything to do with the real issues that most Americans care about.
Was he setup? Most certainly, but there are no perpetrators without a willing victim.
If you can't keep your importances straight on the campaign trail, how well are you going to do when you're in charge? You can't have OCD responses to the usual political head-games. It certainly rivals Desantis' plunge.
Again, one of the strangest, most inexplicable turn of events I have ever seen.
A campaign that is an experiment in "truth" is great, but I guess it depends on what your "truth" is.
And you have to be smart enough to not get dragged into unwinnable controversy. If he is to go in with Max and take his lumps, that is one thing, but the whole thing makes me question his judgment. Knowing what he knows, he should have been able to gracefully sidestep this.
I would agree in one respect about this issue not being of major concern to USA, however, given the Israel lobby in USA politics and the exhorbitant amount of money given to Israel by USA, and given the whole unfortunate politics of the middle east and our inextricable involvement, then I do think it is an important issue for a US President.
I am astounded at what Kennedy said on Dore show. I cannot fathom what is behind it.
I absolutely agree with you - but to focus so much attention there at this point in his campaign is inexplicable.
I think Max said that it sounds like Alan Dershowitz talking points, but I have no reference to what that means.
It seems to me that most comments are missing the point. Everyone is criticizing US for NOT trying to micromanage the Israeli government, when they should be criticizing US for micromanaging everyone else's governments.
I hope RFK Jr. follows through with his renewed commitment to have a discussion with Max, but I’ll believe it when I see it. Bobby has simply taken leave of critical thinking in his outrageous error riddled narrative on Jimmy Dore’s show and in his pathetic interview and appearances with Shmuley Boteach. What a shame…hopefully he’ll come to his senses. As one of your generation, I hope, Mark, that you’ll find the time to address this situation in more detail.
RFK Jr’s performance on the Jimmy Dore show was a nauseating mix of mendacious propaganda that had him sounding like a spokesman for the IDF. His debate flip flop from on to off to on doesn’t inspire confidence. At this point Dennis Kucinich ( a seasoned and battle scarred politician) should advise his candidate to have an off the record conversation with Max Blumenthal, take his considerable lumps and gave an opaque statement to the effect that he “learned some things “
and leave it at that. The whole episode is a loser and the last thing he and his campaign need is for all to see him desperately flailing as he tries to defend his misinformed and callous opinions re: Palestinians and the state of Israel. In the lesser of 2 evils paradigm RFK Jr’s other enlightened and educated positions are hugely positive but this kerfuffle is but a footnote or distraction as the DNC will go to any extreme to deny him a fair shake.