Multiple staff at same B.C. school diagnosed with breast cancer; investigation launched

All from the same wing of the school. Maybe someone should ask if they all went to get their COVID shots on a lunch break together?

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Friends in Metro Van said they put up a 5G tower right next to the school. Double whammy?

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Feb 2, 2023Edited
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Baffle - to restrain or regulate. Yes I think most doctors these days are baffled.

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It was caused by atypical, highly-localized climate change.

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New Project Veritas drop!

Pfizer Director Concerned Over Women's Reproductive Health After COVID-19 Vaccinations


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Thank-you, for the link.!

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So strange that nobody in the media dare to even wonder if it could be the V.

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I work for a real estate development company, a tenant/farmer of an orchard our company owns...died suddenly and unexpectedly at the age of 71...such a shock... I just was informed yesterday...I asked what happened, heart attack...didn’t ask how many jabs, but he was traveling so my guess is he was vaxxed...BC Canada had a big uptake of the vax (gene therapy)...so sad...hard to hear so many friends also have new health challenges...😳🙈😢

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"Multiple staff at same B.C. school diagnosed with breast cancer;"

They must play a lot of video games.

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I forgive the people who were forced to get the jab, for whatever reasons but, for all those who know what's going on or pretend they don't know and continue to push or give the shots, they must be held to account. I'm not sure how we do that, though. Throughout history the human race has injured and killed massive amounts of people, and sadly we've never learned our lessons that life is so precious and fragile. Money and power can corrupt if its allowed to. Rian Eisler's book, "The Chalice and the Blade" is a great concept. Will our species survive? I'm having my doubts with so much evil happening at the same time.

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It really is crazy how this covid fear took off this time whereas all previous attempts to create a pandemic fear had failed.

I recall the 2004 SARS scare and a friend of mine got a hat made that said SARS. It was a joke, he got in trouble at work for it, but no one took it seriously.

What was it? Was it the twitching bodies in garbage bags in China? The industrial militarized disinfecting sprayers going block by block? What triggered the fear?

It was just a bizarre turn of events, one month Trump's impeachment goes to the Senate and the next lockdowns. That never settled with me.

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This Juggernaut of illness and death keeps going. I'm reading these posts as well as seeing friends falling sick far too often, having heart problems, tumors, and other diagnoses. I'll keep trying to have 'the talk' with them when they're ready and introducing them to the spike protein detox guide via the world council for health.


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Thanks. I just printed it out and saved the link.

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Feb 3, 2023
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The people who need detoxing the most are not ready to acknowledge that they need this. I gave out bottles of virgin black (cumin) seed oil to friends and family over new year and it was easier to grade it to their language by saying it was good for 'long covid' = stealth detox. One of them had a bad cold and chesty cough for two months and since I gave them a one week course of ivermectin + the virgin black seed oil, they are healthy again, for now...

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I highly recommend watching and sharing Dr. Drew’s interview with Dr. Ryan Cole from last night. LOTS of insight! https://rumble.com/v27zayc-pathologist-dr.-ryan-cole-analyzes-mrna-and-alarming-blood-clots-w-dr.-kell.html

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And get this. B.C. hired....DEENA HINSHAW!

Just when you thought this country can't get any more insidiously stupid.

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I know. I can't believe it. They just keep recycling these people. They're never going to go away.

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Video link, Dr Henry Ealy talking with the Organic Consumers Assoc. really good- he discusses how there are possibly many (10-20) types of venom in the covid injections, and that D-Dimer tests are what is used to test for snake bites, just a coincidence no doubt. https://rokfin.com/stream/29262

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Holy cow.

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When are people going to realize that Climate Change is real and is taking lives..... or something😀

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I understand this is a lazy request but does anyone have any good information on the shots and quick acting cancer? Something happened to someone I know and I know they were "up to date". Otherwise very healthy and active person, doesn't make sense.

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I recall watching an interview a while back with Dr Charles Hoffe, (wonderful brave Canadian doctor - obviously suspended). He said that he and his colleagues are now calling this 'turbo cancer', because it is so quick and I think it reaches end stage much faster than in the past. ☹

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My best friend came home after her trip for her malignant melanoma...which has been stable/contained in her brain and intestines...she was fired from the study she was in because her brain melanoma has grown...her Doctor delegated this piece of information to the assistant in his office."because your melanoma has grown you are out of the study, the treatment isnt working" He forgot to add "anymore".

She said it felt like a divorce,

She took the booster and the bivalent in September I think, again not telling me because she knows

I think it is not a good thing. She never connected the re-occurence in 2021 to the jab....but they beat it back again. Now, it is growing again.

But I am not her trusted source.

My last friend who knew me from 40 years ago

Every once in a while I want to sit down on the floor and cry.

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Oh, that is so sad. For her and for you.

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