I just watched Mercola's interview of Ed Dowd about his new book, and Dowd says the entire healthcare system is going to collapse under the strains of the ill vaxed healthcare workers and the catastrophic widespread illness caused by those experimental gene-based therapies.

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“When the Black Death, a plague caused by a bacterium called Yersinia pestis swept through Europe in the late 1340s, 50% of the population was wiped out over the course of a half-decade. Such a huge mortality rate is an extreme example of hard selection, the removal of individuals from the population who cannot survive the event. But the data from a new study suggest (to me) that hard selection may have been due to another cause all together. People trying to survive the Black Death were often treated with arsenic and mercury, which “killed them faster than the plague” per WorldHistory.org, Medieval Cures for the Black Death. Quote above from Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, Black Plague Left a Genetic Imprint in Four Genes in Europeans: Specific Genetic Variants Found in Survivors Indicate Plague Deaths Involved Metal-Based "Medical" Treatments

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Collapse? In maybe THEY WILL LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE? Maybe fda, cia, USSA, Vatican, eu, Un ,who,WEF will also collapse😎😎 we can only hope

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You tell 'em John! 🔥

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Ty, Unap Unjabbed!

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Dec 12, 2022
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I should have said enemies at high levels, loyal to Globalists cult.

Ty for correction

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Collapse or Grow even bigger. Vaccine injuries like cancer and autoimmune conditions are major profit drivers.

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Yes, but, I think his point is there will be few people to employ. If the nurses and doctors are sick or dead...

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And the potential nurses and doctors who are currently in uni are all jabbed and years away from interning...

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Dowd is a great source imo. I could care less about these vax pushers keeling over, it’s the young athletes, children that bother me. They have all been so gaslighted and it’s tragic. Shocking to see the lengths people will go through to justify their actions. Better to admit you were wrong then to continue walking down the plank.

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I watched it too. Good advice from Dodd was to get healthy, as life saving services will likely be strained in future.

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Good interview!

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I haven't followed but have any of his predictions come to pass?

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Dec 12, 2022
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Well, as much as I hate the system and despise the pharmaceutical capture of it, nonetheless, it is of great use to many people. Diagnostics matter and someone having a heart attack, for example, can be rescued.

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Hospitals are murder factories and MDs are the line workers.

Prove me wrong.

3rd leading cause of death (BC - before covid) was iatrogenic mistakes by medical doctors. Imagine now.

Sacrificing yourself to the alter if you put your faith in medicine.

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I 100% AGREE!!!

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You still trust them?

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Dec 12, 2022Edited
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Cf. Dr. Barbara Starfield, author of the JAMA study, US Healthcare Third Leading Cause of Death_Barbara Starfield, MD published in 2000, https://ahrp.org/us-healthcare-third-leading-cause-of-death_barbara-starfield-md/ which documented how a staggering 225,000 Americans die from iatrogenic cause - would be appalled but not surprised. Ironically, she may herself have died from a medical error.

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As I understand it, that's been updated to the # 1 cause of avoidable death. It's been at #3 for decades but a nurse I know told me she's always known it's #1 and then I saw it several places shown as being elevated to #1. Sorry I can't remember the sources but they were credible.

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That's wonderful BF. Yes, most of us are filled with toxins and that's often involved with causing so many "illnesses" and autoimmune conditions. Yes, I've read many stories of people curing themselves of cancer (look up Chrisbeatcancer.com ). The Keto diet (I know total opposites) and fasting have helped many with cancer and other ailments. Not that I think that's a great way to eat for the rest of your life but if it helps one get out of an "illness" then that's a great start. Veganism done well is also fantastic for healing the body.

My husband and I go to a biologic (holistic) dentist and we've been to a holistic optometrist.

I believe that allopathic medicine is helpful for emergencies. However, both my grandfather and my husband's grandfather were severely harmed by doctors in hospitals and there's nothing that can be done most of the time.

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Dec 12, 2022Edited
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Good to know. Thank you.

There's a lot of great info out there to heal the human body (and dog body, too) but people don't want to bother looking. It's a shame.

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My brother, until last year, was an ICU nurse at a hospital in Tulsa. He told me they had weekly meetings of the staff to discuss how the unnecessary deaths that had occurred that week could have been prevented, and that a lot of those deaths were covered up. He then said to me, "If you ever have to go into a hospital, get out as fast as you can!

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I'd edit out city, if you have same last name... He's your bro

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Thanks, but no worries. I use a fake name, and he quit that hospital months ago.

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I agree for the most part, but it is hard, in my view, to make blanket statements. Yes, overall, I think mainstream (or whatever word) is bad news and pharma-driven, and these products often make people worse even though they think they being saved by them (statins for example and antidepressants).

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BF, would you be willing to share the hayfever treatment. Cheers,


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Same here.

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I've only seen one person have a panic attack (she had a long term prescription for Xanax). She turned very red and her face and neck were flushed. Granted that is my only experience, but it seems strange Rod Stewart's little boy would turn blue from a similarly described condition.

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I used to have them. The first time it happened, I did think it was a heart attack. Very sad the little guy is being lied to, to continue the narrative of safe and effective.

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I have them every3 min since mar 2020😎😎

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Tell me about it🙄

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Sick Suddenly

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"Rod Stewart’s son Aiden rushed to hospital... which turned out to have been caused by a panic attack sparked by the pressure of striving to perform well in the game."

Do I look like a fukng moron?

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The preservation of celebrity image is everything to these people who have to cover the inconvenient truth up with a neat little package of psychological explanation. We can see through the fog of celebrity.

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All these "doctors" with Pfizer, Moderna, etc. Recall other people with a lot of scientific acumen.... and who were outright evil. Remember Dr. Karl Brandt, Hitler's doctor? Look up "the doctor's trial" in Nuremberg to get a complete list. All these men were well trained. You realize that the Nazis had the atom bomb first, or at least the makings for it, don't you? Problem is, heroes blew up the heavy water for it (see movie the Heroes of Telemark), where it was in an "unassailable" location in Norway. And as you do your search, please! Do NOT use "First, let's only do evil" Google and its Chrome. Why feed the crocodile that is only eying your at that very moment for it's next meal. Use Brave browser, and search engines SwissCows, PreSearch, Freespoke or similar.

You realize, don't you, that Kirsch, Dr. Malone, Mike Adams, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Michael Yeadon, et al ARE those self-same heroes that we saw in Norway, only updated to today right?

Nuremberg too cliche for you? Check out other brilliant, and evil, scientists like Shiro Ishii of Japanese Unit 731 - what they did to the Chinese was too atrocious to even relate here... but you can do a web search for the macabre details. Most of you know Werner von Braun, of our moon effort, was behind the V1 and V2 bombs MURDERING innocent civilians, right? The problem is, we have clever people who can memorize stuff, but have ZERO moral development. Think that Sam Bankman-Fried dude as another example.

How did we get here? The truth is, as the famed GK Chesteron wrote, "When men cease to believe in God, they don't believe in nothing, but **anything**. And since - per Nietzsche and the existentialists like Sartre, Camus, et al - God is dead, we now indeed do have people who believe anything*

* One problem with Nietzsche, Sartre, Bertrand Russel, etc. This "we killed God" thing was also tried before, 2,000 years ago. Unfortunately for them, this "dead God" didn't stay quite so dead. Yeah, that same God who, as philosopher Francis Schaeffer wrote, "is there and He is not silent." The same God.

PS. You know, I looked up the words to "Wake up Little Suzie" ( see here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wake_Up_Little_Susie) It's short. Read it yourself. It's not long.

Notice the **MORAL** components to this song. Think this song would have any moral resonance at all with today's generation?

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Malone is in the midst of suing people for $25 million who were denouncing the jabs a full year before he was because they stated he works for the government. The fact that he is trying to destroy them makes it look like their accusations may be correct.

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I love those who told me not to take DEATHVAX. This nice black gentleman wss telling me in may 2020 not to... Months BEFORE deathvax came out.


A gentleman, but a badass

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Breggins look like gr parents, and feel like my gr parents... I've read bios, heroes, brave

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Re Chesterston, somewhat similar. :separation of church and state.... Idiots think this is best.

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You might enjoy this podcast John.

Goes to the HEART, not to the politics or religion of another important matter.

One of the worst things that the diabolical Medical Mafia has done, and is doing to a generation of youngsters.

(Besides jabbing them, locking them down, masking them, etc...)

I found it fascinating, at any rate, and paid it forward.



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Listening now. I believe this has been satan's long century and amount of evil is beyond measure.

And he's using communists to do his work.

From what I've seen so far, agree with it all.

Commies have taken much from me...

But, I have great hope...

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"But, I have great hope..."

Me too. They can't take that away. Or our fighter dna.

"La gente come noi non molla mai." 🎯

20 seconds:


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I love those. Huge in 2021, felt like friends all over World!

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Yep. 😁

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I saved to fav and will listen UNAP UNJABBED.


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My pleasure John. ❤

Don't shoot me if you disagree with the data presented though: Am only a messenger.

I thought it was prescient and compelling.

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You're the legend!

I know well about messenger UU;:

Dmitry,we have a tennie problem


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"It's great to be fine".

Loved Peter, still do. I remember watching a film on TV one New Year's Eve when I was young, all alone, and during one scene, busting a gut, waking up the sleeping household.

I saw the film again, many years later, and although I didn't laugh as hard, found much more to appreciate about it.

It's probably all but cancelled now because, you know...


And who can ever forget Chauncey?

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Dec 12, 2022
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Sorry if I wasn't clear. Simply that academic acumen does not make one wise. A lot of the people I did grad work with could memorize well, play the academic game well, but I always marveled how stupid they were overall. One guy told me straight up "I"m doing my MD to make a lot of money." As Dostoyevsky once wrote (and he DID write this) "If there is no God... everything is permissible." CS Lewis, "the smartest man at Cambridge, died same day as JFK) discussed this all in his short book The Abolition of Man, which you may enjoy; the fictional rendering of the same subject was That Hideous Strength

We are now at that point, where "everything is permissible..."

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I appreciated the extensive information that you provided and you are correct in saying that one who believes in nothing will fall for anything. What amuses me, in a sad sort of way, is the inconsistency of today's "non thinkers." Their very existence and consciousness, the amazing Universe that could not have simply come from nothing, the precision and immutability of the laws of nature are only a beginning of evidence for a God. They don't want to believe in God, but they believe Pfizer which paid the largest fine for fraud, the treacherous and corrupt government, the lying Bidens and heads of WHO, FDA and such, and rush to accept injections of materials that were never tested on humans, which alter one's genetic structure, and go back for more and more of the same. Such is not critical thinking, or thinking at all. I was absolutely astounded that some of the leadership of Churches, who claim to believe in God, fell for the covid hoax, and now their ego prevents any show of humility.

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Dec 12, 2022Edited
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BF: Yes, the DoD is in charge of the covid poison-injection campaign. The FDA is but a pawn to them. But the idea that red states in general were given a much higher percentage of hot lots than blue states is incorrect. (There are five states which did have somewhat higher numbers of adverse reactions than the average, but even there, the numbers were not really all that different from the rest of the country. Those five states are Kentucky, Minnesota, Tennessee, Michigan, and Georgia.) If you want to know the truth about this (and much more), a massive amount of data is available at howbadismybatch.com. You'll need to devote a significant amount of time to studying all the data in order to appreciate the magnitude of the diabolical nature of the poison-injection campaign. (The injections are not vaccines. They are bioweapons.)

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DARPA developed the Hydrogel delivery system. George Webb is investigating their Erasmus Labs which will lead to further exposure of their role in this lethal bioweapon.

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You were clear, good

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“The pharmaceutical industry isn’t looking for cures, they’re looking for new customers.”

The important thing is to never stop questioning.” ‒ Albert Einstein

“Science is a process for learning about nature in which competing ideas about how the world works are measured against observations.” – Nobel Prize winning physicist Richard Feynman (The Meaning of it All)

“All are sure in their days except the most wise ... He is the wisest philosopher who holds his theory with some doubt.” – Michael Faraday (1791-1867, famed English scientist in electromagnetism. James Clerk Maxwell summarized the work of Faraday in a set of equations which is the basis of all modern theories of electromagnetic phenomena; Einstein kept a picture of Faraday on his study wall, alongside pictures of Arthur Schopenhauer and James Clerk Maxwell)

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act." Attributed to Dietrich Bonhoeffer, including Eric Metaxas, but may be derived from another origin

“…science is not belief; a scientist is not supposed to believe anything. It is the role of the scientist to question, debate, refute, and demonstrate with evidence - not blindly accept ideas based on a set of beliefs. Yet over time, classical, evidence-based science has been usurped by hyper-monetized and hyper-propagandized institutions still hiding behind the mask of what it used to be.” – Jeff Landry

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And may I add, "Ain't no money in the cure, the money's in the medicine...that's how a drug dealer makes his money, on the comeback." Chris Rock

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Hopefully Rod Stewart will shut his f*ing mouth now.

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Isn't Rod about 80? Young hearts beat free tonight. An 11 yr old son?

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A son he has more than likely essentially condemned to die before him by the sound of things.

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This all is hard to watch. 11 years old. I was flipping baseball cards and looking for lizards

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Seems like it's happening on an exponential curve now.

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Definitely seems to be accelerating.

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you ought to produce summary statistics going back to 21 for all the things your

ve reported.

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I think you should do it.

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It would be work!

On a related topic, do you have a post where you've laid out the general media-minining procedures used by those who do this research with you? I.e., the "rules of 'methodology.'" I.e., what gets included, what doesn't? I assume these rules would have to be general, with wiggle room for lots of judgment calls.

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I grew up in ny. Miss people

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Mercola said that story was deliberately scrubbed from internet

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So sad. 😥🙏❤️

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Go back in time and read “confessions of a medical heretic” by Robert Mendelsohn, MD. All csuse mortality DROPPED dramatically in NYC during a hospital strike years ago. He cited numerous unnecessary and often deadly surgeries and procedures that were not done during the strike. Most of what allopathic medicine is doing is harmful; chemo, surgeries, mad vaccines (mrna) gender changing drugs, behavioral control drugs, AZT…

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And all the while the footballer is having heart troubles, from the jabs, they are profiting on the info the chip they embedded in him, profiting in ways no one but them can see. Medical surveillance levels are 10x what we have been told, this information from the fitbits and all screens are watching us as we watch them. I hope computers are a bit harder to hack this way, I did remove my camera and mic at least. Fuck their biometrics, they want us all ded as a doornail. Death is so profitable and such a clean deal, over quick, predicted futures gained.

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Don't you love the anger! I love Jacquelyn! I love all purebloods except those saying Amnesty.

Amnesty ain't for us to give

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Even with two kids collapsing, one in the classic clot shot way falling back banging his head, Rod Stewart still can't bring himself to apologize to the unjabbed people he demonised. Unless some way can be found to stop the damage it sounds like his kid won't be with us long. Rod Stewart should be running his fat mouth off against those that did this to us not against the victims of these out of control truly evil corporation's and CEOs.

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For sure

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