The western press with respect to events in Ukraine is nothing more than propaganda. Seek out The Duran gor an objective rake.

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How on earth do these press people live with themselves? Do they really believe the stuff they publish, or are they content to lie? Would love to be a fly on the wall when these folks talk amongst themselves about the information they publish. I'm sure the incentives are a mix of job security, prestige, money, intimidation and coercion. That old adage, "everyone has a price" seems to apply here.

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They despise the 99% which includes their viewers. Yet they fall apart upon being insulted or laughed at by the "commoners." Those in the Inner Circle (for their part) likely despise the presstitutes they make use of.

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“for an objective take” (this is what happens when one composes on a phone.)

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Have any links?

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I have links to alt resources in various comments at: https://covidsteria.substack.com/p/community-covid-resources/comments

Mainly look at Telegram Channels Intel Slava Z, ASB Military News and now Putin Direct...

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Telegram: https://t.me/thedurancom

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Sep 20, 2022·edited Sep 20, 2022

The Duran is great! also check out iEarlGrey's work -


and TheNewAtlas: "...Update on Russian military operations in Ukraine for September 21, 2022:

- Referendums have been announced across Russian-held territory in Ukraine;

- If incorporated into the Russian Federation, Moscow could upgrade the special military operation significantly;

- The US Department of Defense, in a recent briefing, seems to acknowledge the limits of what aid it can provide Ukraine;

- Western analysts appear to agree that Ukraine’s offensives may have been a final gamble, exhausting their reserves and leaving them at the mercy of subsequent Russian escalations..."- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-BXPfRiCOw

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Western media sang a different tune before Feb:


I have links to alt resources in various comments at: https://covidsteria.substack.com/p/community-covid-resources/comments

RUSSIAsteria: Top 10 Ways to Stick it to Putin (Happy Ukraine Independence Day!)

- Use Ukraine symbols, cancel Tchaikovsky + Dostoevsky, stop showering + eating, turn off your A/C + heat, dump your fridge, walk and more ways to stick it to Vlad on Ukraine Independence Day!


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Tales From the Great Reset: Inside a Ukraine Propaganda Brainstorming Session

- Ukrainian propaganda needs a Great Reset. I secretly sat in on a Ukrainian propaganda brainstorming session with Goebbelsky's new team as they try to come up with new ideas for starting World War III!


Suggested reading to learn more about the Ukrainian-NATO-US Deep State propaganda campaign to start a hot war or World War III with the Russians:

Ukraine's Propaganda War: International PR Firms, DC Lobbyists and CIA Cutouts (Mintpressnews.com)

- Dan Cohen reveals the network of foreign strategists, Washington lobbyists and intelligence-linked media outlets behind Kiev's public relations blitz.


Ukraine War! What Is It Good For? Propaganda (Off-guardian.org)

- The West’s propaganda, in a rapidly evolving conflict, has at times been absurd.


Don Surber: War hero or Hollywood? (Donsurber.blogspot.com)

- The real stories about wars don't come out until years later.


Fakes emerge throughout Ukraine crisis just to be debunked later (From RT)

- Video…


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Western media inverts the reality in the UKraine, just as they have with covid.

Woe to the Ukrainian civilians as long as NATO claims they will do whatever it takes to win.

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Funny how those Covid colors rolled right into the Ukraine colors

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The same people duped into supporting lockdowns and mandated clotshots were then transitioned to support a winter of starvation and freezing for Germany, and even nuclear war.

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Color is important for propaganda

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I knew Ukraine was full of shit along with our fake news media. When I see commentators like Mark Levin supporting Ukraine and bashing Russia, I want to scream. I don't know if he believes what he's hearing or just covering for the nazis. I feel horrible for the Ukrainian people being murdered by the nazi army inside Ukraine, its just unbelievably sad.

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Even Victor Davis Hanson came out and said Putin was a psychotic trying to restore the Soviet Union. And this is an older guy whose primary virtue is being sensible and reasonable.

Who can you trust anymore even just for an opinion?

As for the horrors going on there, The Duran and people they've had on as guests said they felt they had a responsibility to track down and watch the videos of the atrocities commited. I think they're mostly on Telegram. I did a little searching (Intel Slava Z is likely the best one stop shop) and saw them shooting Russian POWs in the knee before killing them. It's so different to violence in movies. And Patrick Lancaster had video of the open market they'd hit early in the war. Again, incredibly disturbing. Mostly seniors killed or injured. But it goes to show the true nature of our leaders. Every one of them should be court martialed and hung just for Covid.

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ASB Military News is also good on Telegram...

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Thanks. I just went to check it out and already had joined the channel. I'm on my phone so can't do much but I was checking that it was english, it is, and that it was also not the same stuff as Intel Slava Z, not sure, yet. You know how so many Telegram channels just repost the same as everybody else on there?

But the first article is a retired former commander of US forces in Europe, Ben Hodges, saying how the US will respond if Russia uses nuclear weapons in Ukraine.

I feel the same way the writer feels. Are they nuts? Russia has gone in with kid gloves to do as little damage as possible and yet the US make these claims. They must be projecting.

I read some of the Wall Street Journal today. If they hadn't already lost all credibility, today it was final. One article, I think it was front page, chronicles how regular Ukrainians with AK-47s and economy cars battled the Russian military into retreating from Kyiv. That was months ago and was a Russian feint to keep 30,000 Ukraine soldiers in place guarding Kyiv. I think there were 2 equally ridiculous articles near the front page. I didn't think things could get any weirder. Maybe I should prepare myself emotionally for what most certainly is the inevitable, even more nonsensical, reporting.

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Presidents and prime ministers are at war with their own countries. Anything is possible.

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Not exactly related to Ukraine Nazis but it's all about the propaganda:

A Collection Of Covid Propaganda From Around The World

Published on September 19, 2022

Written by Rhoda Wilson

>>>>>One of our readers from Spain has done an incredible job of collecting over 1,500 images of Covid propaganda from around the world and turning them into a video.

It is a truly astounding collection and serves as a visual reminder that we must never forget what has been done to so many by so few.

In his own words: “I hope you like it. With kind regards from Barcelona.” <<<<<

Additionally, I have also edited an ALL-ENGLISH version. It has more English images than the video above.<<

Both videos at:


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I'm only half way through and I am weeping.

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Sep 21, 2022·edited Sep 21, 2022

it's like a glossy pamphlet that strangles you

i.e.- friendly spells meant to destroy your soul

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I keep it simple. Anything legacy media reports, I know it’s unadulterated bullshit. Period.

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You can include the "left" press in that indictment.

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That's exactly who I meant. 😁

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it's all propaganda/eugenics

duality, baby, duality...

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TQ, nice references! recent interview of Gonzalo Lira, a reporter who actually lives in Kharkov, on George Galloway's channel - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kq0bjSQc7Ic

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Gonzalo Lira just had a one week ban on Youtube for talking about something we are still not allowed to talk about... He is setting up on Rumble https://rumble.com/c/c-1913107

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Moon of Alabama has great info too.

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Alex Christoferou of The Duran did a good job today of thinking through the so called Kharkov retreat and its meaning, in the context of proposals looming for the Donbass states to engage in a referendum, at their request, to be formally part of Russia rather than independent states. That would be a total game changer and may be imminent.


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deletedSep 20, 2022·edited Sep 20, 2022
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Good to know, the destruction and the price paid is high for certain. I think The Duran have been consistently clear about the obscene waste of human lives and infrastructure throughout their broadcasts.

I have seen lots of footage from independent journalists. Patrick Lancaster tweets today that he will be covering referendums in all the territories where they will take place if they happen.

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Putin will be giving speech 'soon like now' or tomorrow. Russian people want SMO finish quickly.

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Putin To Give Major Speech On Ukraine Referendums, Possible National War Mobilization


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upside down world everywhere you look and humans pawns in some behind the scenes global chess game we ain't privy to

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perhaps not privy to, but guaranteed to be subject to the effects...

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The big news is the referendum which shall make the four areas legally part of Russia and no longer nUkraine.

Then the US of lies and Arrogance shall be fighting openly with Russia then.

That is the game changed, as Andre Martyaonav says...


Is his cite and YouTube

Smoothiex12 channel

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Maybe that was the plan all along - secure areas for referendum with a relatively small expeditionary force (which the West has misleadingly spun as total Russian strength...).

The bad news is that we could now see rapid war-escalation, as Russia pulls out all the stops, & even Russian allies can legally step in to provide aid if these new Russian provinces are attacked.

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I suppose everyone has seen the news today that four regions, Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, and Zhaperosia (sp?), will hold referenda THIS WEEK to decide if they want to join the Russian Federation. Putin clearly worked this out with China and India behind the scenes at the recent economic conference all three attended (while the collective West is deluded by its own mendacious war propaganda, Putin is cobbling together a Fair World Order outside the reach and control of Washington). After the overwhelming approval this merger proposal will get, any attacks on what will then be Russian national territory will be answered by Russia's armed forces, not the Donbass militias. (Oh, and I would bet heavy money that Moscow never had and doesn't now have any intention of seizing Kiev. Why would the Russians want to rule an area crawling with crazed Nazis eager to harass them with a guerrilla war funded and supplied by NATO warmongers? )

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Sep 20, 2022·edited Sep 20, 2022

Is Putin even really trying to win this war or just playing his predetermined role in the complex plan to sow chaos, destroy western society and economies and depopulate as much of the world as possible? At first I thought this was real, but I’m becoming convinced it’s just another psyop—cruel and deadly—but just a orchestrated as “covid”.

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My dentist is a youngish Russian woman (we're in Canada). She says he can't be trusted. I've asked her everytime I'm in there and she never deviates. She also never developed a taste for classical music or opera or Dostoyevsky even though she grew up with it. She recommends Chekhov.

I'm also becoming more and more suspicious of the motives behind this war.

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Very odd that so-called progressives suddenly started waving flags & sending 'lethal aid' to a nation with actual neo-Nazis on the payroll, uses civilians as human shields & puts critics (including children) on hit lists. This is a new low for the Western authorities & MSM...

I've put together a selection of original memes & some links:


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Since 2013, I have followed the Ukraine situation, weekly, sometimes daily, at Andrei Raevsky's blog, https://thesaker.is/

The contributors there, both article authors and analysts in the comments section, have a decidedly different perspective than that of Western official/media propaganda. The picture they paint correlates very closely with the reportage of Russell Bentley.

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I've gotten to the point where I avoid talking to propaganda consumers. "I support the current thing!" Most of their conversations consist of slogans and taglines from off TV, billboards or SM. The sad thing is they don't even know that they're quoting them.

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ubiquity = invisibility... ;)

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I laughed when I first ever heard the parrots in my office chirping “social distancing.”

“Where the hell did they get that one from?” I wondered.

My guess was NPR, which I stopped listening to months before because they were inserting wokeness into cooking shows.

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I used to listen for the classical music.

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