Denmark has stopped offering the shot to children under 18. I would genuinely like to know why the Danes got a brain and a little common sense while our Canadian authorities appear to have neither. It is still being promoted to children and in Ontario, Canada's largest province, the health authorities still require all their employees to be shot up with this junk.

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Limiting the shots as opposed to f---ing forbidding them does not indicate the presence of a brain.

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It is progress at least. We have to take a win where ever we get it.

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And we will remain a day late and a dollar short.

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Have you seen Tam's latest claim? She's certifiable.

Canada has lost its fricken mind.

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Same in Boston, Massachusetts

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Unfortunately - not true for the institutions of "higher learning"

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that's a surprise

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The CDC director, Rochelle Walensky lives right up the street from me. I live in Boston and she lives in Newton but she's less than 2 mi from my house.

Protesters have gone to her house twice, the second time, the cops removed them. She continues to recommend the shots for infants and babies and all ages.

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fellow bay stater

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It's rough in these parts

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oh ya ‘tis!

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Dr.Sucharit Bhakdi: Routine Introduction of Gene-Based Vaccines Spells the Downfall of Mankind “

Dr. Bhakdi Warns Of "Greatest Conceivable Manmade Catastrophe of All Time"


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Most likely a result of sunspot activity.

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Yesterday I saw a gentleman lying on the floor of a Supermarket attended to by friends, and a few months ago I saw a man fall out of a chair on to the floor at a restaurant--young men (both of them) who were seemingly otherwise healthy. This has become a usual occurrence lately. A member of our church lost her 30 something son recently. And everywhere the unexpected deaths have become almost commonplace.

By this video I am not making light of this terrible situation--but here is a good compilation of young people collapsing for no reason. That sort of thing was a rare if ever occurrence before 2021.


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My husband had vertigo so bad after his second shot that he told me he thought he was going to fall off the toilet every morning.

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I had it too. Started 2 weeks post-jab, lasted about 2 weeks, then recurred a few months later. That time my homeopath treated it and it has not recurred

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My husbands didn't start until about a month after his second jab, and he's on medications for other things. so at first we didn't connect it. I told them it must be his medicine and he talked to his doctor for a few weeks trying to make adjustments but nothing helped. Then I read a post on one of my private Facebook groups about a nurse from Mass General Hospital in Boston that had the vertigo really really bad and had been debilitated for almost a year from it. I was vax injured years ago, by the hepatitis B vaccines, (I got fibromyalgia from it which I live with today) so I was begging my husband from the outset not to take this "warp speed" vaccine. Finally, in October of 2021 is employer threatened him with dismissal if he didn't take it. He lived with a vertigo for about 3 weeks before it cleared up. I have a long time homeopath that gave us a remedy from the time he took the vaccine, so I think that may have helped him. My friend who's a pharmacist, she just shared with me this Spring that her husband got vertigo after his third shot so bad he had to crawl through the house for 3 weeks, and he still has disabling vertigo on a daily basis many months later. My husband ended up getting COVID 2 months after his shot and while he was out sick his employer told him he had to take a third. He is no longer working for that employer, (Harvard affiliated) and he did not take a third shot.

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We took IVM before and after we took the jab. That may have helped

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We both got COVID at the same time and took ivermectin too. I'm not jabbed, but I have health issues from my vaccine injury years ago, and every time I get sick it takes me a long time to recover. I needed to take the ivermectin intermittently for a few months after I got COVID last December. I know for sure the ivermectin helped me. One of the lingering issues I had that ivermectin helped me with was sinus issues. I would live with them as long as I could and then take the ivermectin and they would clear up. Now I'm good.

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Looks like the worst is happening

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The Expose today reported that the UK has one in 250 people die from the jabs. Several small papers and blogs warn now about the dangers. I think at least part of the population is starting to wake up from their hibernation. It is about time !

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Thanks for compiling all this alarming info together. I find it very helpful to get a global perspective of what’s happening. As for excess mortality in New Zealand, an angry father call out a pharmacist there who did not tell his wife the risk of giving his 7yr old son a covid 💉


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I posted that two days ago.

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Ok. Glad it out there. I’ll take a look at what you posted. Thanks!

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NZ just posted its highest weekly All Cause Deaths since they sarted recording in 2010. Week ending 17th July saw 866 deaths. This figure will grow by another 20 as data rolls in. The starting figure for the 24th July is 814, the second hignest for the year. It will rise by another 40. The previous highest was in August 2017, at 863.

Seven of the past 9 weeks have seen over 800 die. This is crazy stuff.

Jacinda Adern, who lied and bludgeoned people into taking a useless and dangerous vaccine sbould be tried for crimes against humanity.

She parades around opening schools and says nothing of this carnage. She is pure evil. No wonder she has plummdted in the polls.

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Do you have a link for those figures?

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She was honored at Harvard in Cambridge, Massachusetts during their graduation this year and given a standing ovation by students 😓. I live within walking distance to the school and felt sickened when I saw it. But given the way Boston and Cambridge have reacted here in the States, which has been very tyrannical, I was not surprised.

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They must be watching the fake news that comes out of NZ. Over hete in NZ, her popularity has plummeted. She has recently opened two new schools in Christchurch. For the first one, she was escorted through a back entrance to avoid protestors, while the second one, they kept the visit so quiet that no-one knew she was coming. My daughter was there and told me only a handful of the schools Board of Trustees knew about it and they weren't to tell anyone.

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Our mayor in Boston, Michelle Wu, has a small group of protestors that plagues her, that she constantly has to dodge. Only 28% of Boston residents showed up in our last election to vote, and mayor Wu only got a third of those votes. This was already a year into the pandemic, when she got elected, and one of the platforms she ran on was vaccine passports. She enacted the injection mandates to dine out and go to shows and public venues 4 days before Christmas last year. I contributed money towards a lawsuit against her for this act. She retracted her order just a couple months later in February, this year. She graduated from Harvard law. We are not dropping our lawsuit against her, because she had says she reserves the right to reenact her injection mandate. She had a biography on the WEF web site, and was noted as one of their "young leaders", but since the protesting against her began, that biography has since been removed. I hope New Zealanders can get rid of Jacinda. She is completely corrupted to the core, as is our mayor in Boston.

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Adern is a fake. She has to sleep with herself at night and that is punishment indeed.

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I heard Harvard gave jazinda a honorary doctorate. Our systems and awards have no true meaning. Even awardees of noble prizes are questionable selections Stopworldcontrolnow.com informative. How many inventions have been surpressed because it would not benefit the world curators paradigm. It is not about equal resources for the masses but control of those that remain alive. If NGOs worked for humanity we would have made progress. If climate was a concern, wars would not be on autorepeat. Philanthropist's $ should go down not up as it does.questions abound

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Honorary doctorate? A joke. As useful as a collector card in a Cornflakes box.

Jabcinda would have been too thick to get into Harvard.

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It must be understood that what we are seeing is the global world conspiracy to cull a certain percentage of commoner’s. What phase is this and when will the commoners start killing the collaborators in government and media?

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I think they will and already have begun to exact vengeance. But many of the "collaborators" are true believers. As my Rabbi told me - as he banned my non-vaxxed, non-masked presence from religious gatherings - "I'm saving you from yourself."

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Not worthy of title or position “Rabbi” when this is what is dispensed.

Agree with @PsyoP Awareness:

Find a new Rabbi.

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Find a new Rabbi.

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Seriously though, perhaps the medical criminal cabal are themselves under some form of hypnosis where they cannot get their small brains to see the light, any light, perhaps like rabbits in head lights. They have to be mad, plain raving barking mad to continue down this path, or there's a juicy managememt role in Pfizer when they finish their tenure, i.e. committing democide on behalf of the Pharma / Government / Medical Criminal Cabal.

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They're not mad. They're in on the depopulation agenda. They are part of the problem.

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My state senator, Harvard undergrad and Harvard Law, is one of those that is under some kind of hypnosis himself. I consider most of my state legislature in Massachusetts to be in that category. So I send them emails with information from MD's and scientists as time and energy allows, to try to educate them.

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Long pre-plandemic I wrote to an elected representative for the last time in my life, a promise to myself. My communication clearly stated my position/thoughts against an issue/pending legislation. The reply I received was boilerplate thanking me for my support; I had done no such thing. This was not the first time for a reply of such nature, nor the first representative. But it was the last. These office holders are not beholden to their constituents. They are beholden to the source of money for getting them their election won. Period. They hold their “constituents” in such disdain it’s disgusting to watch anymore. Ronald Reagan’s win made it abundantly clear what they all are. They pretend in public. They’re all actors. It’s all theater. All of it. I still tried from time to time over the years to voice an opinion but one voice is mostly wasted energy.

I recently found this enlightening, posted in another comment on another ‘stack.


Can’t vouch for veracity but my take is there’s numerous grains (pounds) of truth. Goes quite a ways toward explaining the bizarre behavior of electeds across the globe over the last couple of years.

Reads like so much hyperbole in awake circles but we truly are in a spiritual war for the soul/s of humanity. God wins. There’s no other possible outcome. The biggest question related to what humans will have to endure is time. No crystal ball here. I will die on this hill if it comes to that. There will be a rebirth; we’re in the birth canal now. Painful. Traumatic, for the old (laboring mother in the metaphor) and the new (baby). We’ll get there.

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I've held mine to the fire. I actually had a zoom meeting with my state senator and state representative and they both showed up. I invited 200 people, including Dr. Richard Moskowitz who wrote the book "Vaccines A Reapprisal". We were promoting a bill for bodily autonomy in the summer of 2020 knowing the warp speed vaccine was coming down the tracks. My senator engages with me but my representative does his best to ignore me. Both are quite daft when it comes to understanding the toxicity of these shots. So what I do now is I copy all 200 state legislators. I know some are more honest than others, and some are just lacking the information. Maybe none of it's read, but there's always the slim chance that somebody's looking at it. I live in the city of Boston and when I called this mayor's office last year the girl who answered the phone told me she knows they all get my emails, and she reads them all, and she told me my emails are her favorite, because I always send links to qualified and credentialed MDs and scientists. She also told me she shares my emails with all her friends. We should all do what we're comfortable doing. At the end of the day, a simple no is a radical act on behalf of freedom nowadays. 💕

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Very strange. A real Agata Christie mystery. I think Magnum and Rockford would struggle with this case. Gee, I wonder what it could be?

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"How many deaths will it take till he knows/ That too many people have died?"

Exactly. Thank you Mark for the lyrical reference..

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Surprised to hear all the events in Russia from Edward Slavsquat's many posts and that there are the same alarming declines in fertility and increases in mortality paralleling other countries. I had hoped for more places on the planet to have evaded the genetic shots.

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What is the vaccination rate in Russia? For the last generation or so, the Russian gov't has not blatantly lied, so perhaps Russians trust the gov't and RT and are lining up for the kill shot. Dmitry Orlov was very positive about the vaccine; not a good sign. I pointed out to him that it uses the same mRNA as Western kill shots, but I doubt he listened.

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They're dropping dead all over Russia, too.

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I have a tenant from Russia here in Boston and she said everybody gets them (the shots)

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Mark, did NYU mandate you take them?

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there are no words....the calculus (in both senses) makes pointed the horrifying trajectory we as a civilization are on.

But of course, there MUST be words - a "counterspell" of sorts...


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To all of you who have complied up until now —- you must STOP. No job or friend or even spouse is worth becoming a slave for. Please STOP complying.

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