A journalist who's over there, and actually knows something about Russia and Ukraine, provides an antidote to the crude propaganda in which we're all suddenly drowning
Russia has been bombing schools, kindergartens and orphanages from day 1. Russia wants to subjugate Ukraine by killing off it’s leadership.
It’s inexcusable that Russia has invaded let alone spent years supporting the separatists and has been interfering in Ukraine just as much as the US, Soros and others. Russia broke the denuclearization agreement made with Ukraine years ago and so did the US and other signatories. Ukraine has been left in the middle as a pawn.
Obviously you are highly sympathetic to Russia. Russia rounded up protesters and locked them up. Just the kind of society that the Klaus Schwab envisions and Communist China has today. No different than Justine Trudeau or the US Democrat party mafia.
Who told you that Russia's "bombing schools, kindergartens and orphanages from day 1"? You rail against the "US Democrat party mafia," but swallow every claim by its affiliated media.
"bombing schools, kindergartens, and orphanages since day 1." ????? I think you are mixing up U.S. propaganda uttered about Assad, Khaddafi, and Saddam Hussein - with what's going on now - you wouldn't be the first sucker, nor the last, to believe that bullshit.
Let's talk facts: NATO has broken its pledge re: non-expansion- 13 times in the last 20 years.
Ukraine has 15 U.S. funded biolabs within its borders.
If more U.S. weaponry is put into Ukraine and they become part of NATO- Russian citizens are in GRAVE DANGER.
The U.S wouldn't allow Russia to put missiles in Cuba, so WHY would Russia allow Ukraine - which already has an incestuous relationship with the U.S (which has done nothing but VILIFY Russia for the last 6 years - all based on lies) - to further align themselves with powerful allies?
Zelenko wanted to act brave, because he had a Big Brother watching his back. Well, Putin drew a smart line in the sand. It had to be done ( and Ukraine is NOT a Democracy, it's far from it).
PS - Is 'Russian propagandist' the same as an 'Assad apologist'? You might want to stop using tired cliches - and cite actual facts - in your next contribution to the conversation!!;)
The most egregious propaganda has been lifted from several movies—people running away, a woman hugging a soldier, etc. Just as the MSM re-used an undated 15 second video from an ER in Italy over and over on numerous local and national news shows throughout the past two years. “Fool me once…” No, I was immediately suspicious. Maybe it was my early misspent childhood (I was an extra in numerous tv shows) or my decades in Washington DC, or a natural-born cynicism, but I don’t trust news sources or the “sincerity” of elderly (and possibly intoxicated) partisan politicians. The propaganda is laid on as thick as frosting on a cheap carrot cake. Yes, what could be a better transition from a bogus “pandemic” than a rousing war? Who will remember the hysteria of self-flagellation during BLM riots or shrieking mask karens, or pressure to vaccinate after waving goodbye to Our Brave Soldiers(tm)? How could they top this? Something with Tom Hanks as Forrest Gump perhaps? I dunno, but I’ll have to hear about it 3rd or 4th hand because I don’t watch this crapola anymore. It’s just all too predictable.
Like they say, "if you break it you own it". So don't break it, if you want to own it. Makes sense. Also, Russell "Texas" Bentley is reporting from Donbas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7MQg5lFovI&t=1006s
So the videos of Russian tanks stranded in the middle of Ukraine because they ran out of gasoline are all fake? If the Russians are winning, it seems rather strange that they would abandon their armored vehicles in this manner. As far as Russia’s “professional army” is concerned, it’s full of inexperienced conscripts as well, 18-year-olds with iPhones and TikTok videos, trying to score dates with local women on Tinder.
Every ex-Soviet citizen is trained in the use of firearms. Every. Single. One. Men and women. Military training was a part of the Soviet curriculum. Handing out Kalashnikovs to volunteers is not reckless, it’s smart - guerrilla warfare is the only way to confront a more powerful enemy. That involves placing weapons in residential areas to make them difficult to reach. “It’s Putin’s obligation to get rid of such dangerous weapons” - is the guy even hearing himself? You invade a country and it’s your “obligation” to destroy the weapons of the resistance? Interesting (and very telling) choice of words there.
Iraq and Afghanistan are actually good examples - for all of the US military superiority and might and “owning the skies”, the US military had their asses kicked by a bunch of determined fighters with AK-47s. It wasn’t until they bribed everyone (the famous “surge”) that the casualties stopped coming.
There are more idiotic takes. “Young people fleeing cities not because they fear the Russians, but because they don’t want to get drafted.” Is there any evidence to support this bizarre claim? I see the opposite - people volunteering to join the military all over the place. Recruitment centers have lines outside.
This video is probably the worst “analysis” of the situation I have seen to date. It doesn’t get more clueless than this.
Mark, there are people in the US who don't trust any media, US, Russian, Ukrainian, or whatever... don't trust any media at all. These people only trust their own eyes and their own brains, and they actually have the ability to gather, research and analyze information and intelligence from original sources to know what's really going on well before newswires put their spin on the latest developments.
Not at all. I subscribe to probably three dozen Telegram channels, including the DNR and LNR and a whole lot of Russian and Ukrainian ones from Kyiv, Kharkiv and other parts of the country. I also have friends and colleagues who have family in Ukraine who send them videos and updates daily.
Just because Zelensky is a WEF guy (Schwab “penetrated zee cabinets” in Ukraine too) doesn’t legitimize the invasion. I watched the video, but it does seem like Russian propaganda to me. “Russian troops are not bad guys, see? They don’t specifically target civilians! They want to “capture” the country and the Ukrainian army intact! Just stop resisting, choose hope over tragedy!” Guess what, regardless of Putin’s motivation and whether or not he was “pushed” into this invasion by NATO and the Anglo-American war machine, the people of Ukraine do not feel like getting “captured”. Many of them would rather die than live under a puppet Russian government.
If the United States moved in with tanks and bombs, surrounded Kyiv, killed Yanukovych and installed their own guy to replace him, I'm pretty sure Ukrainians would have a problem with them too. The CIA operates a bit more subtly than Vladimir Putin. They foment unrest and fund opposition. They don't roll in with tanks, at least not in Ukraine.
Right, which gives them that special right to throw up their hands in disgust with Russia and say, "Look at these horrible guys, invading Ukraine and look what saviors we are!", when in fact they've done the dirty deeds under the table and created far worse destruction to the Ukrainian people than Russia is doing now with artillery.
Can you substantiate your claim that the Orange Revolution of 2014 "created far worse destruction" than what is happening now?
I believe just over a hundred people died in the protests of 2014; the death toll is already much higher than that. There was no widespread destruction of property back then, certainly not on the scale we're seeing now - missiles hitting apartment buildings, bridges blown up, airports destroyed, cars burned, etc.
Binary thinking is everywhere. The US - bad, therefore Ukraine - bad, Russia - good. Or Ukraine - good, Russia - bad. George Soros is against the Russian invasion. George Soros - bad, therefore I smell a rat.
I don't really watch the corporate media reporting on this, but from what I've been reading, they are predictably going with "Ukraine, good, Russia, bad" angle on this.
Why can't things be more subtle than that? Why can't the Anglo-American establishment and Vladimir Putin be wrong at the same time?
Why are people trying to find reasons to justify the invasion, when it's obviously horrific and causing tremendous suffering to regular people?
Not one mention of the 15 bio labs funded by the U.S. - within Ukraine. Not one mention of the expansion of NATO into 13 countries - after promising to NOT expand ( BOTH OF WHICH JUSTIFY RUSSIA'S ACTIONS). Not one mention that Ukraine is the most corrupt country in the region, and that 3 prominent Democratic politician KIDS - with no experience or talent - are HEAVILY EMBEDDED IN UKRAINE ( KERRY, BIDEN, PELOSI OFF SPRING). Come on, Alex K - with all your telegram contacts - no one has brought that up to you?
Also, the military industrial complex IS the editorial content maker of Main Stream Media - as is Big Pharma - so, of course, what they say - will lead to actions - that increase their profits, power, and influence - it's never about the truth of things.
None of these things justify Russia's actions. There are US bio-labs all over the world. There are also corrupt countries everywhere (including ours - probably the most corrupt one of all.)
I think our government is evil and illegitimate. They have not "represented" us in any meaningful way for a very long time (at least a hundred years). They rig elections when it suits them and they don't care about the Constitution or the founding principles of this country. They steal trillions of dollars from the people each year by debasing the currency. They start foreign wars and kill innocent people. Need I go on?
Everything I just wrote does NOT mean that if Putin were to invade Washington DC with tanks, his actions would be "justified". I may not like our government, but I sure as hell do not want a foreign government "liberating" me with a "peacekeeping force" of tanks. If that ever happened, I too would pick up a machine gun and fight the invaders. As would many other Americans. You get that, don't you? People don't like being invaded. Invasions are never justified.
If Russia didn't make this move, millions of Russians would be dead within two years. There's no argument about that - anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional about history - in denial. That DOESN'T mean that citizens shouldn't defend themselves. But Zelenko doesn't care about his people - and he is the one that put them at risk due to his being in bed with D.C.
"Millions of Russians dead within 2 years" unless Putin occupies Ukraine? That is a deranged claim that immediately disqualifies you from any reasonable discussion or debate because you're living in some bizarro fantasy world, not the real world or even the same universe or plane of existence as the rest of us.
Zelenko is a Ukrainian-American doctor who promoted the use of hydroxychloroquine, zinc and azithromycin as an experimental treatment for Covid-19 (the so-called "Zelenko protocol".) The Ukrainian president's last name is Zelensky. I don't purport to know what he cares or doesn't care about, and I strongly suspect that neither do you. I doubt any leaders - Zelensky, Putin or Biden - really care about "their people". They all have their agendas.
Putin is also a WEF guy. I am still considering the possibility that this is a coordinated campaign, not that it is much comfort to those affected by it.
Turn off CNN and it will make sense. If you believe the Ministry of Defense UA claims about abandoned tanks and 4300 captured or dead Russian soldiers I have a bridge for you. Your claim about ex-soviet citizens is hog wash. Complete hot wash. The guy is in Ukraine. He's lived there for years. As someone living in poland for years that firearms claim is an utter lie. He's right about the insanity of giving out weapons to people who don't know how to use them. They will be sacrificing their lives for a comic dictator puppet of western oligarch corruption, not fighting for liberation or freedom. Ukraine was never a democracy, and it only got poorer under the comic and US occupation after the 2014 coup. That the comic would ask for US nukes in Ukraine was the last straw for Putin. The people fleeing are absolutely fleeing conscription. Hundreds of thousands are on the Polish border right now, smart enough to not be cannon fodder for the CIA's proxy war. They aren't stupid. They're fleeing the comic's dictates to be casualties for western media propaganda. Hundreds of thousands more are crossing Romania, Hungary and Moldova. And if Putin ends up controlling the country with his own puppet regime, yes, it will be his job to get those weapons back from the civilian population, those who were dumb enough to pick one up and point it at trained Russian forces.
The firearms claim is *most definitely* not a lie. I can’t speak for today’s curricula in Ukrainian schools, but every single Soviet school had a “military training” class («военка») which included Kalashnikov assembly / disassembly drills (demilled, obviously), and the class wasn’t optional. There was at least one or two visits to the gun range where kids got to shoot live ammo.
This means that anyone over 45 is perfectly capable of operating an AK-47.
If you don’t believe me, ask anyone who went to a Soviet school in the ‘80s or earlier.
I have, they're all around me. It's not true. If it was at some point, they're all old or dead. Civilians are now killing civilians in the streets at checkpoints. Great plan. If Qaddafi or Assad armed civilians to use as cannon fodder they'd be calling it war crimes. When the west does it for CIA proxy puppet regime wars it's "liberation".
Now you’re just annoying me. If they are “all around you“ and you are still claiming that military training in Soviet schools wasn’t a thing, then I don’t know what to say to you. You’re either too lazy to check or you’re a liar. It was introduced in 1968 and replaced with a different course along the same lines in 1991, according to this:
I'm not saying you're wrong but, what about the heartwarming ABC News "grandma learns to defend the Fatherland" piece featuring the Azov battalion training a 75 year old woman to shoot the AK? Didn't she already know how? Why wasn't SHE doing the training?
Here is what a former Russian special forces Colonel in Afghanistan said in response to the video I sent him. Briefest of bios on him: Born and raised in Ukraine to two aerospace Ph.D's who worked on behalf of former USSR (my friend is age 52, his parents around 80); his grandfather was THE martial arts trainer to STALIN'S body-guards. Yes THE STALIN, you read correctly. He defected from the Russian special forces and joined the peace and freedom promoting White Lotus Society in the 1980's, which led to him being persecuted by the KGB and losing and eye in the process of "interrogation." He has lived in the US for the past 20 years under the name of Lama Tantrapa, a Tibetan name that reflects his being considered a reincarnated Lama. One cannot question that he has extensive background in the military and historical matter of this region, having a Master's in History and Linguistics as well from the Ukrainian State University. Here is what he said, and note that for the record, as a friend of his in the self-healing/Qigong world, I am well aware that US foreign policy and concomitant global militarization and propaganda is still the GREATEST THREAT TO WORLD ORDER. The old what goes around comes around, Karma thing: just that the US finds ways to attempt to morally, politically, and legally justify and cover up for ITS atrocities; whereas the rest of the world (aside from Britain, the original teacher of imperialism and its associated Dark Arts), is at pains to compete in similarly devious and treacherous ways on the world stage, as the US and Allies pulled off the textbook false flag invasion in Iraq.
Here is what my Ukrainian friend said in response to the video:
Thanks for sharing this silly video. The schmuck in it is either seriously confused himself or deliberately tries to confuse his viewers, in which case he is likely to be a mouthpiece of Russian propaganda.
He is correct about one thing: Russia wants to own Ukraine and make it work for it as a colony. That is why the infrastructure and utilities have not been completely destroyed (although a lot of oil and gas lines have been blown up, but there is plenty of oil and gas in Russia, so this kind of destruction matters not).
What he is completely wrong about is, well, everything else. The most glaring mistake or deliberate misdirection this guy repeated five or six times is that Russian forces would have destroyed the entire Ukrainian army and everything else in that country, if they only wanted to. His explanation of the reasons as to why the Russians back off and try to flank the Ukrainians, when running into serious resistance demonstrates obvious lack of understanding of the realities of what happens on battlefield. It is not the benevolence that informs the Russians to back off and spread out, but simple survival mechanism that is integrated into military training.
This poor schmuck sounds like he has no idea about military strategy, tactics, or even firearms handling. He clearly doesn’t recognize or acknowledge that the vast majority of Ukrainian men have served as conscripts in the military, which means that they are not strangers to handling Kalashnikovs or RPGs. A very significant percentage of the men in Ukraine are veterans of the gun battles in Donbas, where firefights have been going on non-stop for the last eight years. Such experience provided plenty of preparation for serving in the Territorial Defense Force for at least half a million men in Ukraine.
And the most despicable lie/disinformation that this guy spewed was that Zelinsky’s regime is trying to maximize the civilian casualties by positioning howitzers in populated areas. He either has no clue about how artillery works or deliberately runs a smear campaign on behalf of Putin. Simply put, large caliber guns just don’t work, if they are stuck in an areas with many tall apartment buildings, which is what Ukrainian projects are. Apartment buildings obstruct the view and limit the mobility of howitzers too much to shoot from such locations. Mortars would work much better, but they operate at much shorter distances than howitzers, so they have not been used nearly as much in this war, at least, not as yet.
All in all, I suspect that this guy is either an agent-provocateur or just an uninformed American that unwittingly ended up in the middle of a war zone and unsuccessfully tries to make some sense of it. If you think otherwise, please feel free to share your analysis with me, as I may be wrong, too, in which case I will be happy to stand corrected.
there are a few important issues that have yet to be covered:
1) The Russian Air Force “owning the Ukrainian sky" and false it is, because the Ukrainian AF verifiably shot down a number of Russian warplanes and helicopters;
2) The fact that the requirement for the Ukrainian men of fighting age to stay in the country is a standard procedure for any country at war;
3) The stupidity of such statements as “the Russian forces have to.. that are obligated to bomb the Ukrainian artillery,” since the Russian Army should not be in Ukraine in the first place.
Since this video was shot several days ago, there have been many new developments, including the following:
1) The indiscriminate shelling of purely civilian areas of Kharkiv and many other cities;
2) The new sanctions on Russian industries and President Putin himself and how he finds loopholes in them;
3) Putin’s announcement of his nuclear forces going on high alert, which puts the entire world in a greater danger of a nuclear war;
4) The first, unsuccessful round of talks between Russia and Ukraine being the farce, as Russian shelling actually intensified during the talks in Gomel.
Coach Red Pill is awesome. It's like hanging out with someone who's an expert in Russian history just speaking off the cuff with you. Very honest and to the point.
The media is definitely retrenching the misinformation tag line. Undoubtedly contingency plans are being drawn to handle all scenarios. Within the misinformation programs, who will be sacrificed who will be protected. Will we let them set the agenda of their own defence.
What happens when the truth does come out. Is anyone keeping track of what is being said and by whom. Will those people that spread the real misinformation be accountable. Will the media and corporate interests re-tangle the story so as to make themselves immune to the consequences of their words. The consequence of those words possibly causing millions of deaths. From faux science to faux fact checkers to corrupt politicians to corporate disinformation.
What will we do?
I would like to start a online discussion:
In Canada and USA we need forensic investigation starting at Mulrony(Canada) Reagan(USA) remember this is not political its an investigation of facts.
We are looking for legislation which looked innocent at the time or at least acceptable. The small steps in governing that led to our current catastrophe of propaganda.
Deregulation of media companies, single investment companies owning multiple positions in media, pharma, banking, technology etc…
keep in mind 10 years ago no one- left or right- would have agreed to allow media censorship as it is today. These end points did not happen by chance nor did the happen in one sweeping legislation.
Lira was just on the Duran, which is an interesting source, focusing on diplomacy, with knowledge of Russia, the UK and geopolitics generally. I have personally found the Duran to be sanity inducing, an antidote to corporate propaganda. Once a week I believe that have an historical thing that is kind of fun, reporting the news of the Russian Revolution as if were the news of the day.
Oh dear. This is going to look really prophetic in two days once the thermobaric MLRS get going. But then I suppose there will be a different rationalization from Stalinists-without-Stalin.
such manipulation and deceit that goes on that is covered up, causing the populace to be confused about what's really going on, especially when gov'ts are involved. so frustrating to know truth throughout our lives.
If the media reports something, believe the opposite. That's what I've learned in the last 2 years.
Those are the ones who just want their bias confirmed, which is sadly mostly everyone.
He is a Russian propagandist.
Russia has been bombing schools, kindergartens and orphanages from day 1. Russia wants to subjugate Ukraine by killing off it’s leadership.
It’s inexcusable that Russia has invaded let alone spent years supporting the separatists and has been interfering in Ukraine just as much as the US, Soros and others. Russia broke the denuclearization agreement made with Ukraine years ago and so did the US and other signatories. Ukraine has been left in the middle as a pawn.
Obviously you are highly sympathetic to Russia. Russia rounded up protesters and locked them up. Just the kind of society that the Klaus Schwab envisions and Communist China has today. No different than Justine Trudeau or the US Democrat party mafia.
Who told you that Russia's "bombing schools, kindergartens and orphanages from day 1"? You rail against the "US Democrat party mafia," but swallow every claim by its affiliated media.
Exactly. The western propaganda is worse than for covid. And that was bad.
Marc, these trolls never have an answer for that.
"bombing schools, kindergartens, and orphanages since day 1." ????? I think you are mixing up U.S. propaganda uttered about Assad, Khaddafi, and Saddam Hussein - with what's going on now - you wouldn't be the first sucker, nor the last, to believe that bullshit.
Let's talk facts: NATO has broken its pledge re: non-expansion- 13 times in the last 20 years.
Ukraine has 15 U.S. funded biolabs within its borders.
If more U.S. weaponry is put into Ukraine and they become part of NATO- Russian citizens are in GRAVE DANGER.
The U.S wouldn't allow Russia to put missiles in Cuba, so WHY would Russia allow Ukraine - which already has an incestuous relationship with the U.S (which has done nothing but VILIFY Russia for the last 6 years - all based on lies) - to further align themselves with powerful allies?
Zelenko wanted to act brave, because he had a Big Brother watching his back. Well, Putin drew a smart line in the sand. It had to be done ( and Ukraine is NOT a Democracy, it's far from it).
PS - Is 'Russian propagandist' the same as an 'Assad apologist'? You might want to stop using tired cliches - and cite actual facts - in your next contribution to the conversation!!;)
Stop watching CNN.
The most egregious propaganda has been lifted from several movies—people running away, a woman hugging a soldier, etc. Just as the MSM re-used an undated 15 second video from an ER in Italy over and over on numerous local and national news shows throughout the past two years. “Fool me once…” No, I was immediately suspicious. Maybe it was my early misspent childhood (I was an extra in numerous tv shows) or my decades in Washington DC, or a natural-born cynicism, but I don’t trust news sources or the “sincerity” of elderly (and possibly intoxicated) partisan politicians. The propaganda is laid on as thick as frosting on a cheap carrot cake. Yes, what could be a better transition from a bogus “pandemic” than a rousing war? Who will remember the hysteria of self-flagellation during BLM riots or shrieking mask karens, or pressure to vaccinate after waving goodbye to Our Brave Soldiers(tm)? How could they top this? Something with Tom Hanks as Forrest Gump perhaps? I dunno, but I’ll have to hear about it 3rd or 4th hand because I don’t watch this crapola anymore. It’s just all too predictable.
Like they say, "if you break it you own it". So don't break it, if you want to own it. Makes sense. Also, Russell "Texas" Bentley is reporting from Donbas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7MQg5lFovI&t=1006s
So the videos of Russian tanks stranded in the middle of Ukraine because they ran out of gasoline are all fake? If the Russians are winning, it seems rather strange that they would abandon their armored vehicles in this manner. As far as Russia’s “professional army” is concerned, it’s full of inexperienced conscripts as well, 18-year-olds with iPhones and TikTok videos, trying to score dates with local women on Tinder.
Every ex-Soviet citizen is trained in the use of firearms. Every. Single. One. Men and women. Military training was a part of the Soviet curriculum. Handing out Kalashnikovs to volunteers is not reckless, it’s smart - guerrilla warfare is the only way to confront a more powerful enemy. That involves placing weapons in residential areas to make them difficult to reach. “It’s Putin’s obligation to get rid of such dangerous weapons” - is the guy even hearing himself? You invade a country and it’s your “obligation” to destroy the weapons of the resistance? Interesting (and very telling) choice of words there.
Iraq and Afghanistan are actually good examples - for all of the US military superiority and might and “owning the skies”, the US military had their asses kicked by a bunch of determined fighters with AK-47s. It wasn’t until they bribed everyone (the famous “surge”) that the casualties stopped coming.
There are more idiotic takes. “Young people fleeing cities not because they fear the Russians, but because they don’t want to get drafted.” Is there any evidence to support this bizarre claim? I see the opposite - people volunteering to join the military all over the place. Recruitment centers have lines outside.
This video is probably the worst “analysis” of the situation I have seen to date. It doesn’t get more clueless than this.
Your impression of what's happening there is based entirely on US media reports, no?
Mark, there are people in the US who don't trust any media, US, Russian, Ukrainian, or whatever... don't trust any media at all. These people only trust their own eyes and their own brains, and they actually have the ability to gather, research and analyze information and intelligence from original sources to know what's really going on well before newswires put their spin on the latest developments.
Not at all. I subscribe to probably three dozen Telegram channels, including the DNR and LNR and a whole lot of Russian and Ukrainian ones from Kyiv, Kharkiv and other parts of the country. I also have friends and colleagues who have family in Ukraine who send them videos and updates daily.
Just because Zelensky is a WEF guy (Schwab “penetrated zee cabinets” in Ukraine too) doesn’t legitimize the invasion. I watched the video, but it does seem like Russian propaganda to me. “Russian troops are not bad guys, see? They don’t specifically target civilians! They want to “capture” the country and the Ukrainian army intact! Just stop resisting, choose hope over tragedy!” Guess what, regardless of Putin’s motivation and whether or not he was “pushed” into this invasion by NATO and the Anglo-American war machine, the people of Ukraine do not feel like getting “captured”. Many of them would rather die than live under a puppet Russian government.
They've been living under a US puppet government since 2014.
If the United States moved in with tanks and bombs, surrounded Kyiv, killed Yanukovych and installed their own guy to replace him, I'm pretty sure Ukrainians would have a problem with them too. The CIA operates a bit more subtly than Vladimir Putin. They foment unrest and fund opposition. They don't roll in with tanks, at least not in Ukraine.
Right, which gives them that special right to throw up their hands in disgust with Russia and say, "Look at these horrible guys, invading Ukraine and look what saviors we are!", when in fact they've done the dirty deeds under the table and created far worse destruction to the Ukrainian people than Russia is doing now with artillery.
Can you substantiate your claim that the Orange Revolution of 2014 "created far worse destruction" than what is happening now?
I believe just over a hundred people died in the protests of 2014; the death toll is already much higher than that. There was no widespread destruction of property back then, certainly not on the scale we're seeing now - missiles hitting apartment buildings, bridges blown up, airports destroyed, cars burned, etc.
Binary thinking is everywhere. The US - bad, therefore Ukraine - bad, Russia - good. Or Ukraine - good, Russia - bad. George Soros is against the Russian invasion. George Soros - bad, therefore I smell a rat.
I don't really watch the corporate media reporting on this, but from what I've been reading, they are predictably going with "Ukraine, good, Russia, bad" angle on this.
Why can't things be more subtle than that? Why can't the Anglo-American establishment and Vladimir Putin be wrong at the same time?
Why are people trying to find reasons to justify the invasion, when it's obviously horrific and causing tremendous suffering to regular people?
Not one mention of the 15 bio labs funded by the U.S. - within Ukraine. Not one mention of the expansion of NATO into 13 countries - after promising to NOT expand ( BOTH OF WHICH JUSTIFY RUSSIA'S ACTIONS). Not one mention that Ukraine is the most corrupt country in the region, and that 3 prominent Democratic politician KIDS - with no experience or talent - are HEAVILY EMBEDDED IN UKRAINE ( KERRY, BIDEN, PELOSI OFF SPRING). Come on, Alex K - with all your telegram contacts - no one has brought that up to you?
Also, the military industrial complex IS the editorial content maker of Main Stream Media - as is Big Pharma - so, of course, what they say - will lead to actions - that increase their profits, power, and influence - it's never about the truth of things.
None of these things justify Russia's actions. There are US bio-labs all over the world. There are also corrupt countries everywhere (including ours - probably the most corrupt one of all.)
I think our government is evil and illegitimate. They have not "represented" us in any meaningful way for a very long time (at least a hundred years). They rig elections when it suits them and they don't care about the Constitution or the founding principles of this country. They steal trillions of dollars from the people each year by debasing the currency. They start foreign wars and kill innocent people. Need I go on?
Everything I just wrote does NOT mean that if Putin were to invade Washington DC with tanks, his actions would be "justified". I may not like our government, but I sure as hell do not want a foreign government "liberating" me with a "peacekeeping force" of tanks. If that ever happened, I too would pick up a machine gun and fight the invaders. As would many other Americans. You get that, don't you? People don't like being invaded. Invasions are never justified.
If Russia didn't make this move, millions of Russians would be dead within two years. There's no argument about that - anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional about history - in denial. That DOESN'T mean that citizens shouldn't defend themselves. But Zelenko doesn't care about his people - and he is the one that put them at risk due to his being in bed with D.C.
"Millions of Russians dead within 2 years" unless Putin occupies Ukraine? That is a deranged claim that immediately disqualifies you from any reasonable discussion or debate because you're living in some bizarro fantasy world, not the real world or even the same universe or plane of existence as the rest of us.
Zelenko is a Ukrainian-American doctor who promoted the use of hydroxychloroquine, zinc and azithromycin as an experimental treatment for Covid-19 (the so-called "Zelenko protocol".) The Ukrainian president's last name is Zelensky. I don't purport to know what he cares or doesn't care about, and I strongly suspect that neither do you. I doubt any leaders - Zelensky, Putin or Biden - really care about "their people". They all have their agendas.
Putin is also a WEF guy. I am still considering the possibility that this is a coordinated campaign, not that it is much comfort to those affected by it.
Turn off CNN and it will make sense. If you believe the Ministry of Defense UA claims about abandoned tanks and 4300 captured or dead Russian soldiers I have a bridge for you. Your claim about ex-soviet citizens is hog wash. Complete hot wash. The guy is in Ukraine. He's lived there for years. As someone living in poland for years that firearms claim is an utter lie. He's right about the insanity of giving out weapons to people who don't know how to use them. They will be sacrificing their lives for a comic dictator puppet of western oligarch corruption, not fighting for liberation or freedom. Ukraine was never a democracy, and it only got poorer under the comic and US occupation after the 2014 coup. That the comic would ask for US nukes in Ukraine was the last straw for Putin. The people fleeing are absolutely fleeing conscription. Hundreds of thousands are on the Polish border right now, smart enough to not be cannon fodder for the CIA's proxy war. They aren't stupid. They're fleeing the comic's dictates to be casualties for western media propaganda. Hundreds of thousands more are crossing Romania, Hungary and Moldova. And if Putin ends up controlling the country with his own puppet regime, yes, it will be his job to get those weapons back from the civilian population, those who were dumb enough to pick one up and point it at trained Russian forces.
The firearms claim is *most definitely* not a lie. I can’t speak for today’s curricula in Ukrainian schools, but every single Soviet school had a “military training” class («военка») which included Kalashnikov assembly / disassembly drills (demilled, obviously), and the class wasn’t optional. There was at least one or two visits to the gun range where kids got to shoot live ammo.
This means that anyone over 45 is perfectly capable of operating an AK-47.
If you don’t believe me, ask anyone who went to a Soviet school in the ‘80s or earlier.
I have, they're all around me. It's not true. If it was at some point, they're all old or dead. Civilians are now killing civilians in the streets at checkpoints. Great plan. If Qaddafi or Assad armed civilians to use as cannon fodder they'd be calling it war crimes. When the west does it for CIA proxy puppet regime wars it's "liberation".
Now you’re just annoying me. If they are “all around you“ and you are still claiming that military training in Soviet schools wasn’t a thing, then I don’t know what to say to you. You’re either too lazy to check or you’re a liar. It was introduced in 1968 and replaced with a different course along the same lines in 1991, according to this:
and this
I'm not saying you're wrong but, what about the heartwarming ABC News "grandma learns to defend the Fatherland" piece featuring the Azov battalion training a 75 year old woman to shoot the AK? Didn't she already know how? Why wasn't SHE doing the training?
Please turn off the mainstream media for a while and watch this collection of videos that present a different view of the situation in Ukraine.
Here is what a former Russian special forces Colonel in Afghanistan said in response to the video I sent him. Briefest of bios on him: Born and raised in Ukraine to two aerospace Ph.D's who worked on behalf of former USSR (my friend is age 52, his parents around 80); his grandfather was THE martial arts trainer to STALIN'S body-guards. Yes THE STALIN, you read correctly. He defected from the Russian special forces and joined the peace and freedom promoting White Lotus Society in the 1980's, which led to him being persecuted by the KGB and losing and eye in the process of "interrogation." He has lived in the US for the past 20 years under the name of Lama Tantrapa, a Tibetan name that reflects his being considered a reincarnated Lama. One cannot question that he has extensive background in the military and historical matter of this region, having a Master's in History and Linguistics as well from the Ukrainian State University. Here is what he said, and note that for the record, as a friend of his in the self-healing/Qigong world, I am well aware that US foreign policy and concomitant global militarization and propaganda is still the GREATEST THREAT TO WORLD ORDER. The old what goes around comes around, Karma thing: just that the US finds ways to attempt to morally, politically, and legally justify and cover up for ITS atrocities; whereas the rest of the world (aside from Britain, the original teacher of imperialism and its associated Dark Arts), is at pains to compete in similarly devious and treacherous ways on the world stage, as the US and Allies pulled off the textbook false flag invasion in Iraq.
Here is what my Ukrainian friend said in response to the video:
Thanks for sharing this silly video. The schmuck in it is either seriously confused himself or deliberately tries to confuse his viewers, in which case he is likely to be a mouthpiece of Russian propaganda.
He is correct about one thing: Russia wants to own Ukraine and make it work for it as a colony. That is why the infrastructure and utilities have not been completely destroyed (although a lot of oil and gas lines have been blown up, but there is plenty of oil and gas in Russia, so this kind of destruction matters not).
What he is completely wrong about is, well, everything else. The most glaring mistake or deliberate misdirection this guy repeated five or six times is that Russian forces would have destroyed the entire Ukrainian army and everything else in that country, if they only wanted to. His explanation of the reasons as to why the Russians back off and try to flank the Ukrainians, when running into serious resistance demonstrates obvious lack of understanding of the realities of what happens on battlefield. It is not the benevolence that informs the Russians to back off and spread out, but simple survival mechanism that is integrated into military training.
This poor schmuck sounds like he has no idea about military strategy, tactics, or even firearms handling. He clearly doesn’t recognize or acknowledge that the vast majority of Ukrainian men have served as conscripts in the military, which means that they are not strangers to handling Kalashnikovs or RPGs. A very significant percentage of the men in Ukraine are veterans of the gun battles in Donbas, where firefights have been going on non-stop for the last eight years. Such experience provided plenty of preparation for serving in the Territorial Defense Force for at least half a million men in Ukraine.
And the most despicable lie/disinformation that this guy spewed was that Zelinsky’s regime is trying to maximize the civilian casualties by positioning howitzers in populated areas. He either has no clue about how artillery works or deliberately runs a smear campaign on behalf of Putin. Simply put, large caliber guns just don’t work, if they are stuck in an areas with many tall apartment buildings, which is what Ukrainian projects are. Apartment buildings obstruct the view and limit the mobility of howitzers too much to shoot from such locations. Mortars would work much better, but they operate at much shorter distances than howitzers, so they have not been used nearly as much in this war, at least, not as yet.
All in all, I suspect that this guy is either an agent-provocateur or just an uninformed American that unwittingly ended up in the middle of a war zone and unsuccessfully tries to make some sense of it. If you think otherwise, please feel free to share your analysis with me, as I may be wrong, too, in which case I will be happy to stand corrected.
there are a few important issues that have yet to be covered:
1) The Russian Air Force “owning the Ukrainian sky" and false it is, because the Ukrainian AF verifiably shot down a number of Russian warplanes and helicopters;
2) The fact that the requirement for the Ukrainian men of fighting age to stay in the country is a standard procedure for any country at war;
3) The stupidity of such statements as “the Russian forces have to.. that are obligated to bomb the Ukrainian artillery,” since the Russian Army should not be in Ukraine in the first place.
Since this video was shot several days ago, there have been many new developments, including the following:
1) The indiscriminate shelling of purely civilian areas of Kharkiv and many other cities;
2) The new sanctions on Russian industries and President Putin himself and how he finds loopholes in them;
3) Putin’s announcement of his nuclear forces going on high alert, which puts the entire world in a greater danger of a nuclear war;
4) The first, unsuccessful round of talks between Russia and Ukraine being the farce, as Russian shelling actually intensified during the talks in Gomel.
Lama Tantrapa
Academy of Qi Dao, Founder
Mastery Magazine, Publisher
The Secrets of Qigong Masters, Producer/Host
Coach Red Pill is awesome. It's like hanging out with someone who's an expert in Russian history just speaking off the cuff with you. Very honest and to the point.
Writes shawn’s Newsletter ·just now
Misinformation, on which side
4 min ago
The media is definitely retrenching the misinformation tag line. Undoubtedly contingency plans are being drawn to handle all scenarios. Within the misinformation programs, who will be sacrificed who will be protected. Will we let them set the agenda of their own defence.
What happens when the truth does come out. Is anyone keeping track of what is being said and by whom. Will those people that spread the real misinformation be accountable. Will the media and corporate interests re-tangle the story so as to make themselves immune to the consequences of their words. The consequence of those words possibly causing millions of deaths. From faux science to faux fact checkers to corrupt politicians to corporate disinformation.
What will we do?
I would like to start a online discussion:
In Canada and USA we need forensic investigation starting at Mulrony(Canada) Reagan(USA) remember this is not political its an investigation of facts.
We are looking for legislation which looked innocent at the time or at least acceptable. The small steps in governing that led to our current catastrophe of propaganda.
Deregulation of media companies, single investment companies owning multiple positions in media, pharma, banking, technology etc…
keep in mind 10 years ago no one- left or right- would have agreed to allow media censorship as it is today. These end points did not happen by chance nor did the happen in one sweeping legislation.
She's ex U.S.military, studied international relations at FIU: Here's her insightful take:
let's not forget - the military industrial complex controls the news - as does big pharma.
Everything they say is to increase their influence, income, and power- it's never about truth.
Thank you for posting this video - hopefully the Elmer Fudd group in DC stand down
Lira was just on the Duran, which is an interesting source, focusing on diplomacy, with knowledge of Russia, the UK and geopolitics generally. I have personally found the Duran to be sanity inducing, an antidote to corporate propaganda. Once a week I believe that have an historical thing that is kind of fun, reporting the news of the Russian Revolution as if were the news of the day.
Lira shows up minute 50:16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mbgjjEnbKc&t=1979s
In war and religion, truth is the first casualty.
Oh dear. This is going to look really prophetic in two days once the thermobaric MLRS get going. But then I suppose there will be a different rationalization from Stalinists-without-Stalin.
such manipulation and deceit that goes on that is covered up, causing the populace to be confused about what's really going on, especially when gov'ts are involved. so frustrating to know truth throughout our lives.
Great. Awesome. Thank you much for sharing it.