Let's go back and look at older forms of collapse on video from years past, where people feel faint, hang on to something, slump a bit, try to catch their fall in some way.

But these new forms of collapse are all so swift, stiff as a board, like a bolt of lightning, body stays flat and falls back or forward with no attempt to brace fall with arms or to utter some sort of warning sound.

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Dr James E. Olsson of Twitter also mentions this. The bolt of Jab-Juiciness is catastrophic with precision, to an insane degree. Also, watching the videos, we realize instantly why Bob Saget and countless others will have "died due to hitting head" in their, ahem, "autopsies." The sheer force with which these people are falling is, in fact, FULL force.

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That’s a great observation that makes total sense. Saget’s injuries were hard to explain at the time, but less so now.

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Comedian Heather McDonald had her on-stage fall a month after Saget. Same deal:


She makes jokes about being vaccinated, staggers a bit, then falls, stiff as a board.

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She started to have some slurring, cognitive trouble, eye rolling, breathing changes just moments before the fall, but it was still all quite fast and she still had the bolt of lightning stiff unprotected flat body fall.

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Dr. James E. Olsson writes exceptional tweets.

The vax bolt like the mythic lightning bolt of Zeus.

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The denial of this phenomenon by the mainstream media and our health authority is stunning in its depravity. A normal, healthy response would be to be alarmed that something unusual is going on and what is it? I wonder if somehow they all know this is collateral damage from the V and simply rationalize it by saying to themselves, it is a war after-all and we were told there would be some casualties and there is really nothing we can do about it...or something similar.

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Well, they have to deny what's happening. It's that or look at themselves hard in the mirror.

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Can anyone tell us, is it primarily heart or brain related? It seems brain to me for those that are not gripping their chest, but I do not know for sure. When it is so sudden without any warning, it is because of prions, amyloidosis, LNPs, oxidative stress, or something else. I really wish someone would provide answers that don't involve ten-page theses that I have near-zero chance of understanding.

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I have been reading that the myocarditis and the collapses are an electrocardiac event.

An article by a cardiologist on this would be interesting.

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Your comment struck a bell in my mind. You've probably heard or read of electrical or magnetic anomalies in some people who've been vaxed. This reminds me of that. I experienced an unusual number of electric shocks after I got vaxed, and even stranger , there was a lot of static electricity in my hair when I brushed it. It'd stand up straight, away from my scalp, stubbornly disobeying gravity. And it'd stay like that, all day, unless I brushed it in such a way that it returned to my scalp. It was seriously bizarre! I also felt like there was a lot of chaotic electrical energy in my brain for many months. I can imagine a jolt of electricity triggering a massive heart attack preceding collapses like this one. But I also imagine that the poison injections might well have caused myocarditis prior to his sudden collapse.

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Jesus Christ in a rolling donut, you got vaxxed??

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Yes, unfortunately I did. I thought a lot about why I succumbed to the pressure to do so, too, believe me. That was almost as depressing as the fact that I became sick and am now injured.

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I believe the FLCCC doctors have a protocol for the vaxxed. The Real Not Rare site is also a good site to share. Godspeed to you for a touch from our Saviour🙏💯

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I did too. I know exactly why. But so far no major issues. But no boosters, either

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Aug 10, 2022
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Sounds logical. Given the different BATCHES and the Nanoparticles contained therein.

The ESSENTIAL roll-out of 5G towers being built in the "lockdowns" (prison language).

Truthbirds comments below are very interesting. its ALL in the details.

Changes in behaviour and body are the early Signs & Symptoms of reactions to the Fauci Lab planned illnesses, that are not only a result of this PLANdemic but have been happening to The People for many years now, combined with the toxic ....., processed foods, Big Pharma pills and so much more that has caused so many problems in this wonderful Planet we have been given.

Yet the Psychopaths' in true form BLAME The People forTHEIR members deliberate acts against society, make us pay for it in so many ways, then want us to keep buying their goods and services???? TYPICAL PSCYHOPATHIC behaviours. They are so predictable.

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I'm a physical therapist and I just spoke to this point above... It's related to the central nervous system. That's the system that would keep the knees and hips straight during falling. The immediate loss of consciousness without much warning is also indicative of the central nervous system.

If the heart was the culprit, even if the heart stops beating blood there is still blood in the arteries, brain, muscles and organs. The loss of consciousness and weakness in the body is more gradual as these areas use up the oxygen supply of the blood there, and the knees and hips would give way.

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Aug 11, 2022
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jeez he was just talking and then he wasn't. so strange. our only hope is that there are some rogue medical examiners who kept their own private "accurate" records for future use

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If objective autopsies were being done we could collect the data to examine. My hunch is the spike protein in the heart triggers the immune system to launch an all-out assault and boom, instant death. Their head hitting the ground will factor in some cases.

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Aug 10, 2022
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I do; however, I am wondering about these particular types of sudden death incidents and how any sort of signs of trouble or tests can prevent this from happening. His posts are still fairly technical and are more research-based than clinical.

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Exactly. There is almost always a stagger of some kind. They don't fall over like zombies.

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This is a great thread. It would seem there is enough video footage of people falling out (some dying, some surviving) to compare the details of the events. It also seems to confirm that a lot of traffic accident deaths were probably precipitated by such events.

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The not-vax hits your lights, and there's no turning them back on.

Good night, John Boy.

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Exactly, I've noticed this from the beginning. I'm a physical therapist. I think intuitively many people know this is not natural. But if you do know how people faint, the knees start to bend and give way. If it's happening slowly or they are getting dizzy, people will try to hold on to something. Currently people are collapsing with the body stiff. This is very unnatural. Something is happening in the central nervous system to keep the muscles stiff, as well as their consciousness cut off so quickly. Even their automatic fall reflexes (arms going out to break the fall) don't engage.

I remember one video from China of a man outdoors who also fell with his body stiff, but at the last moments he can't keep himself from putting his arms out to break his fall, which means it was a fake.

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Yes, one of the first covid fall videos, but he cushioned the impact.

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It looks like a tonic seizure to me, and apparently, anything that interrupts the normal connections between nerve cells in the brain can cause that so I suspect they are suffering some kind of stroke induced by you know what.

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Yep; I was an active EMT for yesrs, and classic heart attack would bend forward, often clasp chest, then tripod. These straight backward falls would seem to be maybe blood flow to brain. We often heard of strokes in bed, but I was never on a call for straight backward collapse(but I worked pre- vax)

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Good point. I've never seen the arms affected post vax like they would be in a tonic seizure, where they are stiff and straight.

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It is strange that the ambassador's body fell backwards, as an unconscious person will usually fall forwards because that is where the body's weight is concentrated.

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That's exactly what I was thinking. Died SUDDENLY is no understatement.

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So true, Betsy..

Flat out!

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Yes; like a very large clot which suddenly moved. The person collapsed usually had no history of such clots, so this clot had to grow dangerously large very quickly, or a person such as an ambassador or one of the recent Canadian MD’s would have known as they receive regular, thorough physicals. Sounds like it couldn’t be something known as a ‘ clot shot,. Probably all these guys touched the ground without gloves. (:

And collapse so hard that injury occurs from the fall is a listed side effect from Pfizer according to FOIA.

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Omg. I’ve been saying this forever there’s somethings very different about when the cardiac arrest happens it’s like someone pulled the plug I would imagine a Bob Saget and possibly even Ivanka Trump had the same kind of cardiac arrest event due to the Covid vaccine

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Couldn't the same thing have happened to Donald Trump's ex-wife?

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Absolutely; a more commonplace faint might well not have sent her crashing down the steps. She seems to have collapsed, a trademark of the clot shots.

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If anyone falls down a flight of stairs when this happens, it's 10X the injuries probably. Very little chance of survival. Try to picture it. You just finishing reaching the top of the stairs. Boom, you fall BACKWARDS, falling and cracking your bones down every step, depending on # of steps, this is certain death. I mention because I recall "stairs" being mentioned in Ivana's fall.

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It could be the strange substance that grows inside the arteries that makes them drop dead like what UK funeral director John O’Looney recently brought to light in a video

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Have you heard anything about what that might be?

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Aug 10, 2022
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I bet their Apple Watch and oura ring have that data. If they went into a tachycardia or arrhythmia before no pulse.

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If you are jabbed do you really want an apple watch , cell phone, or any internet close to your body? Esp with the 5g and 6g rollout. I think Id be taking them off right away

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I would think it very interesting to see the Batch Numbers of the individual Jabs, then the period of time (average) before the victims sudden death. of course, there are many variables involved.

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It would be great if they were interested in getting this data along with a thorough autopsy but they obviously don’t want to know.

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I hope someday we get to know

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The irony is we were propagandized with early images from China of people allegedly falling dead from Covid.

But shhhhh. Not the Winkccine.

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Not an irony. It's the whole strategy: traumatize millions with that myth of people dropping dead of COVID, and then they won't be able to perceive its really happening because of the "vaccine."

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Yes. It was planned propaganda from the onset. When I first saw those images I thought to myself no one could possibly believe it. No sooner did I think this a buddy sent an email saying, 'I want you to panic!' It's like they all crashed out of the windows at the same time. Weeeeird how fast and easily people were deceived.

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Aug 10, 2022
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As Prof., M C Miler states in his speech, that we MUST have PROPOGANDA listed as a REQUIRED Subject in all Courses in SCHOOLS, also CRITICAL THINKING as a basic Subject in all curriculums.

People have been given a Christian based upbringing that does not delve into mans inhumanity to man throughout History, it just harps on man doing the "right thing" in Italy the people were told by Pollies that they have an "OBLIGATION" regarding having the Jab. And the American versions of violence & nefarious deeds in films of the last 40 years makes people think that its all "out there" that it is only in a film. Its only coming out now that the CIA etc., are heavily involved in Hollywood......

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That would require that almost all of the educators are instantly sacked and the system rebuilt.

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Your terms are acceptable.

James Lindsay on the New Discourses website has been meticulously reading through Paolo Freire's works on the philosophy of pedagogy. It is apparent that Freire's Marxist ideology has thoroughly permeated all of the teaching schools and all of the institutions of education downstream from them. The result, visible to all at this stage, is that students are barely educated, as the term ought to be understood, but instead indoctrinated and radicalized.

The whole edifice of education must be torn down, the "educators" fired, and the unions broken. It is too corrupt to be salvaged, and what they have done to generations of students who have fallen into their clutches, not least their obsession with sexualizing very young children, is a crime, plain and simple. These Marcusian Groomers deserve jailtime.

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My Christian upbringing certainly taught me history in all its gory detail. What you refer to is a bad educational system without a full curriculum! Compared to common folk Brits, Americans always seem rather late to cynicism (and irony), dare I say 'naïve'? The Italians had a real Fascist bout in their history and don't tend to defy the authorities. Nothing to do with Christianity. People had the jab or they wouldn't keep their job, etc.

As for the propaganda in Hollywood, everyone in the rest of the world knows about Hollywood and their propaganda! Just look at a Marlborough ad. Everyone else knows that we are supposed to think America is the greatest country in the world, but we know it isn't, at least not necessarily ... depends what you are comparing!

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Same strategy with Monkeypox.....all blistering is MP and not vaccine injury.

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Good point, Planted the idea in people's minds like good propagandists do.

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Wait. Mark. You don't think those people in China dropping dead were really dropping dead? I do. It didn't have to be same thing. It was still a strategy. But them dropping dead - real.

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Why? If they were real, how come there were never any other instances of people dropping dead of COVID in the streets—not even in China, from the lockdowns on, and nowhere else in all the world.

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Another "why" back to you, Mark. Why is it so important to you that the China dropdeads not be real? That's a real question. What am I not understanding?

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Why? As you said: to strike fear in the rest of us. That worked. It worked so well that the whole world lined up to get injcted with only-Pfizer-knows-what ingredients. Only a few people cared; their voices were diminished. Mark, the China people dropping dead didn't have to be covid - they just *blamed" it on covid. Maybe they murdered them with something else. And the grand social, psychological, biological experiment rolled out. And now people ARE dropping dead - of the injctns. Just how they planned it. The consequences? Major de-pop. Here we go.

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Maybe those Wuhan people dropping dead were early trial clotshots.

Or some other group of people must have had the clotshots trialled on them, thus the falling down dead *side-effect* was known and then actors were used to be predicting for our benefit, so long ago, what's happening now.

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Not real. Suddenly China is allowing videos out through the great firewall. They were lies and planted to appear like something happening now.

China has video cameras everywhere. How hard is it to find the five images of people falling over. Everyone remembers the same man. It is more of the same when you make this statement REAL.

Real for you maybe yet why do you feel the obligation to convince others? What proof do you have. Just the idea that a country that never releases data is suddenly releasing it and it was REAL. The only thing real is the brainwashed masses.

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Well - I guess real deaths or fake deaths - mission accomplished: fear.

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Only if it remains in fear. Unquestionably that is the goal and it works because we were never taught how to create. We are Human. There is nothing else that has the power of Humans.

It's hard to break out of the years of programming. Yet we create what we truly know is for us. A husband and wife team are the most powerful of all Humans. You can do the impossible.

Yet even one of us like myself whose wife moved on but what she showed me became clear afterwards. She still exists. We live in a Simulacrum.

We can do anything we know we can do. We create reality. Start creating and know that government is the last thing we need. Government is clearly broken.

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At this point, fear or no fear, people ARE dying and will continue to die because of injctns and boostrs already taken.

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This is a great point.

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Reposted the video here, on my long list of such deaths:


We should all be keeping good records of this because they are going to deny it ever happened.

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Because he is important and in public giving a speech, we have video - but there many who fell over like this, and because they were not important, we have no video

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I rarely comment here, so for those that have already seen me comment on this, I apologize and feel free to ignore me!

In a normal world, when someone dies unexpectedly or without explanation, an investigation takes place to rule out foul play. People wait on the results on the investigation. To desensitize people and our kids and normalize dying for no reason is messing with their and our mental health. We are adding to mental health issues by not following through with standard procedure. Even a young child who has never experienced death before would ask WHY? Investigate all deaths, and report back even if it is at least in a confidential, aggregate way to explain why these deaths are occurring.

Our pets do not just die in the middle of the night or when we take them for a walk or jog or just standing there looking at us. Our pets more so than us get into a mess of things, yet they survive. People need to question why is that??? Here are questions that people need to start asking this fall to start looking out for themselves: https://leemuller.substack.com/p/are-you-a-risk-taker

and please take and share my one question 3-day poll to start showing what we truly value in life and how things need to start changing now more than ever: https://leemuller.substack.com/p/3-day-poll-to-prove-a-point

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People! He fainted because he was nervous about an important speech, then hit his head when he hit the floor.

Lesson to be learned: when giving an important speech, picture the audience in their underwear, then you'll relax so you can't die of the vaxx. :)

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And I’m sure he was not vaxxed and boosted...SADS

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I'd sure like to bet $20 on it....

Not going to, because don't wanna take your $

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I hope you know I was being facetious

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Your name was a clue UO.

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You're the legend

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Looks legit. Nobody fakes a fall like that.

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Pfizer or Moderna? Wonder if part of Biden's trip was encouraging another booster round...

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Why not Phizer for kill-shot 1, Murderna for kill-shot 2? Heck it seemed like yesterday I recall articles printed in mainstream media telling us to 'mix and match' the shots, as if we were putting the tiny pieces of a cyanide pill together from different colours. Meh. It's only your one life, not too important. What's on tv?

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"Mix and match" so you cannot effectively sue.

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Yet another one......

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I would have shared this shocking video but the uncaring language (dumbarse etc) from some of the commentators about someone collapsing and dying is embarrasing.

Everyone has suffered from the excessive and evil Fauci PROPAGANDA. Even Saudis.

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Pfooled Around and Pfell Down Dead

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Just watched a vid of a coffin maker....demand for caskets in his part of Canada is up 30% to 40% over 2019 he says. Confirms what undertakers are seeing. This only occurs if something extraordinary is happening.

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Watched a video a few weeks back, and the Funeral Director said they now do bulk ordering of coffins.

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Which is even more telling as a much larger percentage of deceased are now getting cremated - which is cheaper, which is a workaround for rising inflation.

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and permanently removes EVIDENCE and any future exhumation.

Read recently that a few USA States are, for want of a better word, dissolving bodies now. Sorry, did not take note of what that procedure is called.

What next?

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Heard they're sold out of the cherry wood colour. Gotta love that cherry-stained death case. Mmmmhmmmm.

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Luckily, his country played an important role in mRNA vaccine development


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Thanks for link

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My well-jabbed cousin had an incident of heart palpitations recently and was told it was a heart attack, then they said it was tachycardia, did some monitoring and put her on statins. She came to visit and "tripped" in my garden. She fell like a plank. No attempt to stop herself, no outstretched arms or crying out. Just fell like a plank with her arms by her sides, head on one side, legs stiff. A few seconds later she got up and said she'd tripped. That was it. Just tripped. Only she didn't. She clearly blacked out. Scary. Lucky she didn't die. Makes me want to cry.

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