Adams' statement tells us that the tide is clearly turning. That, and not his tone or choice of words, is what matters most about it.

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Nobody is going to win in this conflict. Too many good people have gotten vaccinated because they let their guard down and believed in big government. They trusted "the experts.," but that is no consolation. Who will feel comfortable flying in the future? Who feels good about their friends and family dying? What about the military? They forced the entire military service to get vaccinated. In what shape will our Navy and Army be in five years? I saved my daughter from getting the shot, because she wanted to conform. This was really a matter of conformity over non-conformity. But nobody is a winner in this.

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And the unvaxed who lost their jobs and had their lives derailed/destroyed are not winning either. Too many good people were treated like pariahs and paid a heavy price.

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Jan 22, 2023
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My bf and I both lost our jobs. I retired three years early and he found another job he loves. He also has his resume in with another excellent employer.


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To those who, like yourself, have found or created better positions for themselves, I salute you. I am happy for you. Not there myself. Due to my situation, also higher education but in Japan, for the first time in my life I am not even seeking new positions. Can’t even get in the building for an interview unless I am masked, and I refuse to wear one against a virus.

But this my situation. There are many worse off than I. Those of you who have improved your lot are an inspiration.

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Exactly. I know so many good people that took the poison. I know several, including babies, who had serious side effects. Luckily none have died as of now but I've seen very serious injury. Life threatening and life altering injuries. Fuck Scott Adams

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My daughter wanted it too. She said it would be “easier” because of some hardships we went thru

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Short term pain. Long term gain.

It’s challenging. Easy way is not always the best way.

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Absolutely. Hopefully there was a lesson learned with all this mess. She’s 17 so pretty impressionable

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17 years old, like my granddaughter. She took it as she was working in a creche as part of her work experience requirements in order to pass year twelve. It's disgusting how our young people have been treated.

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pay to play... #@whatcost?

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all pain- no gain.

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Agree 100%!

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Absolutely. Everyone lost in some way. Families ruptured by convincing some that coercion is ok when there were clearly other alternatives. Jobs lost, careers damaged, etc. I do have some resentment that we were being coerced. I do not blame anyone who's family member was injured as a result of that. I'd be pissed too.

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I have incredible resentment toward the psychopaths that tried to forcibly inject people. Anyone with any power that pushed this on people deserves to rot. But normal people that were simply tricked into supporting the injections out of fear... They can be forgiven.

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Yes, thank you. This just in: experts say, "You should always trust the experts."

It was never anything but abject compliance and a kinder, gentler genocide. The filthy masks spoke volumes about subjugation and accepting the role of livestock. Somebody "won." A small group of psychopathic entities had a demonic plan - and billions of order followers made it a nightmarish reality.

We are here.

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Jan 23, 2023
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Pilots were required to be vaccinated, and it appears now that a huge number of pilots have damaged hearts. The truth is that they have both clinical and sub-clinical myocarditis, and nobody knows how many have been seriously harmed. The FAA recognized this huge problem and quietly changed the requirements for pilots in terms of their heart measurements. We're seeing massive numbers of people who die suddenly. So, if a pilot has an episode like a heart attack in the air, the entire planes, passengers and crew, are vulnerable.

You might have been one of the lucky ones who got the injections and seemingly wasn't harmed, but some estimates that I have read suggest that more than 20% of all those who have been vaccinated with the mRNA injections have measurably damaged hearts.

Dr. John Campbell reports that the UK was suffering 1000 extra deaths a week last year, but in December the extra deaths increased to 2000 per week. That's over 100,000 extra deaths a year at that pace.

The reason people do not worry is because they don't know the truth. No one knows the long term consequences of these injections. Nobody knows what will happen in three years or five years or ten years. I'm glad you don't worry, but I worry that a pilot might die in flight and crash a plane. That's what I worry about. I didn't get those killer shots.

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Jan 23, 2023
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Where have you been ??? Go look at cdc data that just has been forced by FOIA by the Epoch Times

Read or remain oblivious

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Jan 23, 2023
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Keep getting vaxxed then and tell me if the vaxxines are so good then why take more

You are playing Russian roulette with your immune system you just continue with your arrogance and good luck keep getting vaxxed keep flying keep oblivious to the facts don’t care you obviously don’t care

Rip when you accelerate your mortality

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Yes, the statement is important. Yes, the tone and choice of words fall short. Hopefully Scott Adams's admission is indeed a sign the tide is turning, as you suggest. While this is great to see and quite magnanimous of him, I do take issue with the tone and choice of words on two fronts:

First, I don't like the win / lose framing of things, as if this was some kind of contest. It trivializes the seriousness of the matter. Despite being on the supposed 'winning side', as Adams now refers to it, I never saw it as a competition and I doubt a majority of skeptics did. In fact, jabbed or un-jabbed, EVERYONE lost and most more than they will ever be able to quantify or put into words.

Second, I strongly disagree with Adams's framing at the end where he says his analytics failed him and our heuristics saved us. To be sure heuristics helped all skeptics, they must have done. But the statement implies we did not have analytics supporting our arguments, and this is flat out wrong. The correct (statistically safest) answers were relatively easy to find heuristically and analytically, and MANY people from all walks of life found them and articulated them and tried to warn the world, so that many more of us could also find our way, but they were all censored and silenced to one degree or another.

Analytics did not fail Adams. Other factors sabotaged his ability to analyse and to think critically. I sense he is still very early in his awakening and that he is in store for many more shock realisations, but yes, the trajectory is good.

Thanks Mark.

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My intuition or gut saved me. It led me to do research instead of immediately running out to roll up my sleeve. This whole thing has been scary for countless people. Not just the fear of the PINO. Pandemic in Name Only.

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As I understand it heuristics is simply the ability to look at the evidence for yourself and make a solid and wise judgement. He's giving us that. It just never added up for me. I didn't need anyone to tell me, or belong to any political party to come to the conclusion that nothing added up in early 2020. Nothing.

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Agreed. I was the same and I think many were. I wrote a fuller comment on this on my own substack here: https://powerversuspeople.substack.com/p/post-from-mark-crispin-miller-scott

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Read it. Excellent. Love this point: "The correct (statistically safest) answers were relatively easy to find, heuristically and analytically". Exactly. If you simply looked for the highest credentialed researchers, scientists and doctors who had nothing to gain financially from expressing their opinion, you could find truth fairly easily - despite MSM corruption and suppression.

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Very kind, thanks, and I agree wit your follow up point completely.

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Maybe Adams means that he feels like a loser.

Can't be a nice feeling.

He is very upset, of course.

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Jan 23, 2023
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Didn't know that.


What's he actually got?

So many direct, oops, I mean side, effects.

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Likely a part of his reply is the shock of becoming aware of having been manipulated. And for someone in his position to eat that crow this early is kind of like licking shit off of his own face. He knows that he has actually behaved irresponsibly and likely criminally. He knows that the lost trust for this event is the end of the wool thread that will unravel the foundation of his life's belief structure. He is shell shocked. His message is of someone who has seen the darkness of his own soul and doesn't yet know what to do about it. He has been truly hit hard.

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No more criminally than almost half the adult population. Now Bourla, Gates, and Fauci have behaved so despicably--with FULL KNOWLEDGE of what they were putting into the arms of others--that they deserve something lethal and faster acting injected into their own bodies.

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I watched Peggy Hall this morning and your points are brought up with additional thoughts. Here’s the link incase you are interested. https://youtu.be/LDKGoUE-0QY

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That was interesting. I had not come across Peggy Hall previously, but she is very insightful and I liked what I saw. Thank you.

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Right? No matter how he would have said it, SOMEBODY would have found fault with it.

The real win here is that someone in a position to influence others (with millions of readers of his Dilbert cartoons) has woke up and has the intestinal fortitude to actually admit it.

Now, go forth and spread your newfound knowledge, Mr. Adams!

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Did you hear that Scott Adams has already been cancelled? Not sure why, but he has a sense of humor. That's enough.

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I think we've got a potential Tinder Date set up between S.A. and 'Dr.' John Campbell...

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I hear him struggling to reconcile the regret and fear that is now arising because of the decision he made.

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He has to live with the fear that the shot might take him down at any time.

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Jan 22, 2023
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Adams can figure it out for himself to investigate FLCCC protocols. He should have done that from the start about the jabs, then maybe he would not be so ticked off at those of us who "won" (poor choice of wording on his part).

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He admires DJT. Trump has repeatedly told his followers "Get your Trump shot. I got mine!"

Is it any wonder some believed him and followed his advice? It wasn't just Birx and Fauci and CNN and NYT. Fox News, the Daily Wire, lots of mega churches, the Vatican...lots of conservative institutions also praised the boon of modern medicine. My parents were anti mandate but thought I was being silly. Lots of conservatives were less scared of the wuflu and anti mandate but pro vaxx. In Adams's case he was so pro mandate he became what I call a "vaxx-hole."

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A decent man. Felt sorry for him, and still at a loss today why "Don't trust these guy's. It's obvious" WAS SOMEHOW NOT obvious to millions more.

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Billions took the jab.

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Yes they did. There will be a lot of sickness and death in the future. Folks need to keep their kids out of college and get them in trade schools; their talents will be needed.

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Have you seen the list of Colleges and Universities requiring you to have a shot? It's over half across all the States. Some, like Vermont (statewide law), have a requirement for this fall that they have a booster within the past five months before this coming Fall semester. Maybe a full blown crisis is needed as a PR warning, because these young adults are about to get their third shot, mandated, across the nation.

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No sense paying for a lifetime career, is there?

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And the Canadian government has put out a tender notice for a Canada wide digital health technology, including proof of vaccination. (Thanks to Exposing the Darkness newsletter). These monsters just will not stop.

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Jan 22, 2023
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really? source:

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Billions took a covid jab but mostly not the genetic ones.

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I still know doctors getting the bivalent toxin!!! No one is waking up in my town and especially at my job.

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It's wild that the 'smartest' among us continue to go for these shots.

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Ok- So what do You do with that...?

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Jan 22, 2023
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He and so many others are now awakening to the ugliness.

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Yes, that’s what’s important. I just wish it wasn’t sullied by snark.

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Eating crow is often very distasteful... sadly.

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But kudos to him for being a man and admitting he was wrong. Unfortunately he will have to live with the consequences but I admire him for speaking out! And I wish him well,also!

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Snark directed at who?

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Yea - when you can get Adams to say something clear and direct that cannot be interpreted six ways from seven and its not an attempt to manipulate his audience... then yea... I guess... Don't hold your breath about the MSM as they are merely the regime's propaganda arm...

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You're right Mark. I never thought of it as a contest. He probably should have used the word "right," instead of won. The shock of this is going to hit the vaccinated soon. I'm ready for their rage to join mine.

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Right that was my first thought. It’s good news!

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Agreed. More than anything he is just admitting that he has surrendered to a truth he did not want to believe. It's difficult to find the words for that. He knows. He knows this whole thing is a lose/lose for the human race. Give him time. He'll refine his choice of words as he works through it. God bless him. Everybody lost something or someone in this one. It's not over.

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Adams is a shy, awkward guy who doesn't communicate emotions normally. At least not before a camera. He seems apologetic and a little scared.

I believe he is admitting "defeat." Saying, "My hat goes off to you."

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Perhaps next time . . . a rehearsal would be a good idea before posting to the world.

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I don't think your commenters are railing at you.

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One strange thing I found with the video is it appears it has been cut about five times. He couldn't make it through a two minute video without cutting it five times?

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Yes we should take his words as a cryptic but encouraging signpost along a bloody trail of tears, not as those from a teacher or a friend.

Worlds are colliding here, all the way down past Malthus to even quantum physics.

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And, what do you think it's going to happen?

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He’s wrong. None of us won and we never will win. People’s health and lives have been stolen from them and we, as communities, as countries, and as a world, have all lost. He should have simply said we are right.

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Spot on. To use the term "anti-vaxxer" is pejorative in itself. The mRNA shots are only a feature.

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Vaccine literate is what I am, have been for 30 years. I am anti-corruption, anti-depopulation and anti-fraud.

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Bruh, you can pejorate me all you want, but the truth today is that every human being who wants freedom and justice is an antivaxer through and through, and everyone else is working for the enemy class knowingly or by being totally disinformed.

Go watch the old documentaries vaxed and vaxed ii from chd



after watching that, try to say again that that term is a pejorative, and see what happens

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I am proudly “anti-vax” if that is what the demons pushing this poison would like to call me. I’ll wear the label with pride.

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He's also still calling our position a heuristic that just happened to be better than his "analysis". Which is bullshit because the avoidance position was completely supported by analysis, if you didn't take obvious government lies at face value.

So... It's a start anyway.

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Analysis reveals that the Emperor had no clothes, but he did have a lot of lint sticking to him. For a long time, the Media told us that what we had here was a developing fashion statement and we just needed to adjust our idea of what clothing was. The lint, if we were patient, would self-assemble into a fine...CLOT...!! No No! We mean CLOTHES!

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To me it feels a bit like what Sam Harris said recently, that we ended up on the right side of things "by chance."

At least Adams isn't out here wishing more covid death upon children to help cement his position. 🥴

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Ouch. Yes, true.

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Jan 22, 2023
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And it's the name-calling slurs that enables society to get where they are today. Those slurs, including "anti-science" etc., were designed and propagated uniformly across all media platforms before the vaccines ever hit the market. This intentionally programmed the population to interpret any refusal as equivalent to the stereotype slur that they had been conditioned for. Adams is apparently at the point where he recognizes that delivering poison directly to his heart / neurons / reproductive organs was not a good decision. But he hasn't emerged to recognize the conditioned narrative of artificial stereotypes that enabled it in the first place.

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Jan 23, 2023
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Combined apparently with a lingering 8-year-old mindset to respond to name-calling strategies.

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100%. Humanity as a whole is the big loser this time.

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it all depends

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Amen. And it’s never a contest. But remember he’s trying to process a significant and scary dichotomy.... normalcy bias kept him from doing that for a long time, so if he processes it correctly he will see even his apology is hanging on to his credibility. Note how he said the ‘anti’. That’s a pejorative term. And he said we were not as right before - no, that’s not correct either, the common sense logic (I won’t repeat it all here) has always been more right, the shot people were sadly blinded and duped.

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I took exception to the "anti" moniker as well -- I had all those jabs over the years and forced my kids to get them as well. I can't even think about it now that I know how much our government lied about products that have been maiming and killing us for half a century. I don't think you can call someone an "anti" vaxxer just because they declined one experimental shot. I hope he calms down and realizes we really all are on the same team. I don't want vindication, I want cooperation, against big pharma.

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Ex vaxxer ...

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the term "anti-vaxer" is a slur, plain and simple

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It was.

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I wonder how good vaccines are at this point. How many lies have we been told?

I was shocked and angered to find that the underlying brain chemical imbalance my psychiatric cocktail was supposed to correct was a lie. Or "a metaphor" or "urban legend" according to Dr. Ronald Pies--one time president of the American Psychiatric Association. One which "no well informed psychiatrist" ever actually believed. Though he admits some did say that to consumers to ensure meds compliance. "Much to the detriment of the understanding of those they treated."

Shrink: Yeah, my profession lies all the time to sell mind altering drugs by comparing them to insulin for diabetes. Cause otherwise we couldn't sell as many. But we are too well informed to get taken in ourselves. Lol.

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No room for pejoratives here. How about knowing what all that technology does and how the human body works? Any biology / medical professional could have thumbed through the existing literature at the very beginning and easily come to the conclusion that this was high-risk poison. Some cared enough about their bodies and patients to read up on it, others were inexplicably not as clever.

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Agreed. This is actually sad the way he presented himself. As if we are still in a battle and we hated him as much as he hated all of us. We never hated anyone. We never wished death on anybody. We weep with grief over this whole nightmare and only wished people like him the best. We prayed for them to come around. It is so sad it's too late for so many of our friends and family.

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So well said - "we weep with grief over this whole nightmare". I am fearful for colleagues and friends who took the poison. Everyday I wonder if they are going to drop dead or suffer from some affliction. One friend, declared breast cancer-free by her doctor due to a 14 year hiatus, had a double mastectomy two weeks ago because the cancer returned aggressively. Another went to the emergency room last week for a racing heart and shortness of breath but the tests show no "reason" for it. One of them told me she took the shot because Trump took it! As if that made it okay. Yes, I am so sad it's too late for many of them......

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I think he feels bad and expects us to gloat if he suffers injury or death. Maybe I'm naive because I'm a Dilbert fan.

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never heard of this guy

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He does the Dilbert cartoon, which is popular in the US, FYI.

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who knows indeed ...

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We will see if Dilbert ends up "dying suddenly"

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Human body cannot produce graphene oxide. What am I missing?

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So correct. Bravo!!!!!!!!!

I still can't talk to friends about this crap. How can you tell someone that they've put a bioweapon into their body, their parents body's, and their children's body's? I've told maybe 10 people who think they're ok to detox because they most likely aren't ok but most won't listen especially when their ignorant doctors (who don't do the proper testing) don't look for the correct heart problems, etc. When they get sick or die our world suffers a little bit more. I know that's selfish but because they've chosen to be ignorant and not think the rest of us who knew better end up paying (literally) the price for it in multiple ways. Just to make the computer or phone we're typing on takes hundreds of workers and many companies. What will happen to all of that? What happens when the people who grow the food, educate the children, or whatever get sick and/or die as is happening now?

How many feel safe going to a hospital? How many trust doctors? The possible good that might come out of this is that more people will wake up and realize that for over 100 years they've been played by the rockefellers and the allopathic medical industry (flexner report - 1910). Maybe now people will see the benefit of nature, natural immunity, and how the body can heal with the correct tools and not with dangerous chemicals, heavy metals, petroleum, and synthetic drugs. Who knows? People are so brainwashed.

Also, we've had to hide our emotions and feelings and talk in whispers or code for 3 years and still do while those who have abused us verbally, wanted us dead, and made fun of us did as they pleased. A woman literally freaked out on me while I was trying to calmly converse with her about the shots when SHE asked me about it. Jobs are still limited to those who chose the correct path of not being stupid because many companies still mandate the bioweapon illegally. How many people have committed suicide because they chose not to get the shots and their lives have been ruined? There is absolutely no winning here.

These people, like mr. adams, might be a little awake but there's so much more to all of this then just the fake pandemic and bioweapon shots. It's just the beginning of more harm that these monsters are planning on all of us through economics, finance, food, health, climate lies, etc. How do you tell people about what's coming when they're barely waking up to the horror of the shots? Steve Kirsch won't even recognize the nefarious happenings behind the scenes here because according to him there's no evidence. NO EVIDENCE? Come on!!!!

Yes, we were and are right but as you said, "None of us won and we never will win... we... have all lost."

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Bruh, just do the victory lap with all of us.

Come on! A victory lap is common sense!

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There's no "victory" here. Everyone loses. And please don't encourage the jabbies to run.

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That's a good idea for a videogame: fresh air simulator 2030, now with faster sprints. Only for xbox!

Special discounts for former customers of other micro$oft software products.

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Hopefully a victory lap with plenty of sunshine, fresh air and no mask...

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What you are saying there is so reckless and adventurous...

They may make a movie with that incredible premise.

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Exactly. I didn’t like that phrasing at all but at least he has come around. Interesting that the hold puts think in term of winning and losing though.

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He also needed to frame it correctly. People who considered all the evidence and decided the vaccine was NOT safe relative to the risk of covid, made a good decision. They saw through the lies and deception and we all owe them an apology. We also need to talk about how this happened and how we are going to fix this. He was very snarky and because of this I think this is part of the psyop.

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Do you mean what Denis Rancourt commented yesterday about cooling the mark out by Erving Goffman?


Yes, it is probably that. But sometimes you have to pretend to take the bait to set them up for an error.

This stopped being 5d chess long ago: now we are playing 17d chess where every piece is also playing russian roulette and every square may trigger a booby trap, as a metaphor, of course. Finest psychowarfare ever.

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Well, I think it's ok to say we won because we need positive reinforcement for our positions from someone influential and trusted. Saying "we won" makes it likelier for the message to enter the heads of other people.

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Also it's just his style for the "you won" thing – he's a comic book artist. I like his delivery better than the sniveling Emily Oster, "How could anyone have known?"

Only thing is, as pointed out elsewhere, it's not podunk backwoods squirrel-eating antivaxxers who got lucky due to mistrust. How about: Good judgment, common sense, perception, intelligence, education, and having a backbone.

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My mistrust led me to do research. My brain played a key role. But my gut started it.

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Yes, that applies to a lot of folks. But some good decisions also had an element of luck if not outright providence.

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I agree. It was a big step for him to admit it, even though a bit grudgingly. BTW, I like your name and tag line.

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dream on. ignorant, vaxed people are the ones having lives stolen from them for acting like sheep. common sense says wait to see the side affects of a new, untested vaccine.

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What the hell did we win? I know several people who died after the vax (mostly their first booster).

I feel that I made the right choice, but I have a lot of stress about which person that I love is going to go next? Everybody can win next time if they do what this person says and "distrust the government."

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Thank you, Cindy. I thought the same thing. I have to sit and worry about what's going to happen to my daughter for the rest of my fucking life. There are no winners here. We are all still under the thumb of the fascist technocratic psychopaths who really run the world and want us dead or in perpetual serfdom. Until they are taken out of the equation, none of us is safe.

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True. TPTB have won, it seems to me. Im healthy, unpoisoned, but don’t feel victorious. My kids are jabbed, most my silly family are. Now its funeral time. No win there.

They will spray us from the sky. Seals our total loss, doesn’t it?

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I don't think it's a complete loss, but it's definitely not a win. I don't think that this battle should be framed in the way that he framed it. He did appear to be looking down his long nose at people that he considers uneducated and beneath him. I don't trust a single solitary thing the government says to me; therefore, I never even considered getting the jabs. Unfortunately my daughter and her spouse did not listen to me and they got the jabs even after they had already contracted and gotten over covid. My heart was broken, and I had a complete meltdown in my living room. If my husband could speak, he would confirm that.

Anyway, I want the perpetrators of this global psyop exterminated forthwith. As I said, none of us is safe while these cockroaches live and breathe. In the meantime, unless and until these fucks are exterminated, we absolutely must learn survival skills and create parallel economies and parallel societies and disconnect from this abnormal, corrupt, and fetid society that we all must exist in.

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Yes, I felt a real disconnect from Adam's framing. This was never a "contest." That reflects some kind of ego thing on his part. This was never a mere academic exercise. This is a sovereign vs slave, God vs Devil, truth vs deceit, life vs death level of challenge. I awoke in 2008 to the fraud and sacrifice that was 9/11/2001; and then there were the banker bailouts that over 90% of the public were against. Never again would I trust government or the media that gives it cover.

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Adams admits he was wrong.

In my opinion from watching him for years and even more years of comic strip reading, I think he is one of those men with hyper-competitive instincts paired with an inferiority complex relative to other people, and anger against God. He has always been in pain. Finally, the material world has beaten him and he admits he was wrong. Now it's his time to recover and open his heart.

When he says "You win" he doesn't mean anything else than "I was completely wrong and you, who I see as my inferiors, were completely right, and that hurts a lots and I don't want to hurt more."

If he goes to Jesus Christ, he won't hurt any more.

The defeatist comments in this post are astonishing to me. You guys don't realize he is talking about himself and not about you!

Mark is right: the tide is changing.

I add, the tide is changing wether you like it or not!

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Outstanding post 💯

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And distrust all mainstream media sources that continue supporting the globa”lust” & Biggg Harm”ass” narrative!

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Yes, the legacy media has a huge role in this crime against humanity---thanks for reminding me because I often forget that they are not one and the same.

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Oh, he writes/draws Dilbert. Got it.

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My husband and I are unvaccinated but our four kids all got the jabs. We have won nothing.

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I really really feel for you, and have a message for parents of younger kids, like myself. I read my kids at least one vaccine study, or one vaccine horror story, every day. I show them MCM's substack. They get a DAILY reminder that there are greedy people out there who dont care if they live or die (or may in fact want them dead).

I have taught almost every grade level, from kindergarten to grad school, and started out with a thousand educational & developmental goals for them. And yet, despite all my training & education, my #1 goal is that they identify propaganda, distrust authority, and develop critical thinking skills. I never in a million years thought that I would basically be showing my kids "snuff films" (people falling over dead from "coincidences") but that's where we are.

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Shelly, my 2 adult daughters are jabbed and every night I say a prayer.

As well as my 6 brothers and sisters. And my 86 YO dad. Who is home and still works in the yard daily.

Every time I see this thread of parents praying and hoping nothing happens to their child/family I start to think soon a support group will be in the mix for all of us to connect.

But at the same time I look away thinking “no it won’t happen to my kids and not to my sisters and brothers I just cant think about it”

Very hard to get past the anxiety of it all

But we press on

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It sounds like you were the only outlier...a bit like me, and my two adult kids. My 85 year old Mom has taken four shots, and all my siblings have had at least two....and their kids too. I warned them all back in January of 2021 to wait, and watch....and that it was an experiment....and not necessary. None listened, and I was the leper...and even though I kept sending the data( yes, we all know we kept researching and reading) it didn't make a difference. I still have trouble wrapping my head around their ignorance and/or compliance, and think nothing will change until the damage/ horror hits them directly....the propaganda that was used was historic in its scope. Thank God for my rebel ways.

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Thank goodness your kids didn't take it, at least. Nothing would be worse than losing a child from this.

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They are also critical thinkers, and saw the waving red flags....they also trusted me, their mother...I raised them myself, on my own. My son said it was the obscene propaganda that sealed it for him....there was no way he trusted that bunch of BS. I also never tested once, never wore a mask, and made sure I made my views known, and shared the truth from the warriors we all know. My family of origin disowned me, but God never did. I put my trust in God, and me. Not enough people look inwards.

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I‘m pretty much in the same position. Almost nobody would listen. We first had some old acquaintances convinced not to do it, but later on they were practically coerced by their own children to get the jabs or get banned from seeing their grandkids. Disgusting behavior. As a silver lining – I have 3 pretty old relatives, aunt (92yo) and 2 uncles (90yo), who never listened to our warnings, took all the jabs and boosters. My aunt is a cancer survivor and therefore I’m especially worried about her. Thankfully, they’re all still doing ok. It looks like these transfections (they all got the Pfizer crap) more often than not don’t work b/c the modRNA was already too degraded.

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My heart breaks for you 😢🙏

We did have to really explain and argue to our 5 kids.... so far they see the danger but 2 are in the medical field and now the flu shot is proposed to be MRNA.

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The flu shot was a hoax anyway. Stay away from it.

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Exactly but they push that hard on all medical personnel.

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Jan 22, 2023
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My kids are adults. Our youngest daughter is a Registered Nurse and she was very disappointed that her father and I decided not to get the jabs. She believed the propaganda and so did our other kids.

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No one won... many of my loved ones chose to vax and I’m scared. One of those people is my beloved daughter that fought for her life as a child with leukemia. ☹️ I worry, a lot.

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To ease the worries: Spike has sequences to target leukocytes. We know that cells infected by or displaying Spike on their surface will be destroyed. If you imagine a few leukemia cells floating around, they could also be targeted and destroyed – so there's a chance that it could work in her benefit. Here's one case where that seems to have happened: https://drjessesantiano.com/remission-of-hodgkin-lymphoma-with-sars-cov-2/

As you know, there is also the other side of the story with risks. Because of her history and your concerns, you could be proactive in having her get a simple blood smear (or automated equivalent) to check for reactivation of leukemia every so often. It's a simple and cheap test that you could pay to have done privately if need be.

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Thank you for your words of hope and taking the time to share these things! I appreciate! 🙏

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(repostin' what I wrote on this topic when Visceral Adventure wrote 'about it... reading the subtext....)

So I don't know this Scott fellow from Adam(s) but what seems baked in.... is resentment. He is only GENUINE in that he knows he made a bad call... He is insincere in profferin' that the REASON he lost/we won is that he (stem brain guy?) didn't DO the DATA right. Somehow only HIS data failed. BUT.... we DATA-FREE rube tinhatted mistrusters--got it right by luck. The guy still feels superior even though he admits defeat. As they say, with friends like this who needs enemies? I never heard've this feller but he's more bitter than undressed arugula!


He conflates "us" all as if all anti-vaxxers just don't trust ANYTHING big corp/ big gubba-mint or BIG anything as if we can be dismissed as just a bunch'a Un-Trusters all over (that's it nothing more ta see). Pfffffst.

THAT (that which the guy sez) is a way to say, OH, we anti-vaxxers are not actually intelligent--nope, we never looked at statistics that we had ta dig for, nope, we never looked at test results on the ani-mules that died/ inta the ADE, nope we never wondered that Moderna never made any jabs before or that many of us were keenly aware that Pfizer, Merck and J&J had lied before...had lost suits a' plenty. And. So. Much. More. Nope... we won not because we were THINKERS (tm) like him--we are just mistrustin' folks.

Unspoken: superstitious! crazy tin-foil hatted or crack potted folks (like me tee hee) that FEAR anything big /corporate/commercial... not a healthy mistrust built on intelligence or knowledge, nope...

This admission stinks (to me) 'bout as much as Emily Osterizer's faux am-nasty piece....

OH and one more "pernt"--this should not be about winnin' and losin'. WE free thinkers who opted out didn't think of it as a game--a strategy--a way to stay on top. We thought of it as survival. We may let a wry smirk 'scape our face every so often--but mostly--we ain't gloating (rather we are preparing for the next blow and figurin' out what to cover first!)

ps OH I see he's the creator of THAT Dilbert (which I never read)... Al Capp fan myself.... Windsor McCay... (Welsh Rarebit strange dreams...)

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I agree with your assessment. I watched the entire presentation and noticed that he is focused on preserving his fig leaf that he did the REAL analysis while all the "antis' operated out of fear and mistrust. He had the better technique, the better data and the better analysis (says he), but things just didn't work out for him this time (says he). Sorta like Tiger Woods saying that he lost this round, but it wasn't because of any failures in his perfect golf swing--other factors beyond his control caused him to lose.

I call horsesh*t.

Adams wants to say the correct analysis wasn't to look at VAERS and the early emerging signals that something was wrong with the vaxx. The correct analysis, he says, is about comparing the Vaxxed with the UnVaxxed and then goes off on what I consider a tangent about the old and frail dying because of the vaxxine but they were going to die anyway. (See the latest analysis of death certificates in Massachusetts that suggests the entire pandemic was over in 9 WEEKS! The rest was all smoke and mirrors!)

The deaths attributed to the virus were tiny for most age groups--less than 1%. Couple that with a completely fraudulent PCR test that grossly inflated the infection rates and nasty safety signals that were emerging even before the vaxx was released but suppressed by the CDC and MSM and you had a tempest in a teapot that drove many people to do things out of fear. Including, most of all, Scott Adams. There was no superior brain at work here, just raw animal fear.

No, the truth is it WAS about VAERS. It was about making individual choices based on individual circumstances and real "risk/benefit" analysis.

Bottom line, he bought a "pig in a poke." An untested product, no history, novel technology against a Case Fatality Rate of less than 1% for his age group. He bought the Brooklyn Bridge and now wants us all to believe he is the smartest consumer out there.

He was bamboozled, plain and simple, and he can't/won't admit it.

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Ironically he wrote a book or two about persuasion. This would make it all the more difficult for him to admit that he fell for the ultimate "persuasion."

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He would have come across this technique, this one-liner, in those studies no doubt. It is very Saturnic/Chironic in its message. What he wants is the finality of the issue but it will be eating at his liver with every anti-vax tweet he has to view the rest of his online meta life.

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The analysis was simple: brand new type medicine, untested and unproven, for a low risk treatable illness. Not taking it is the most obviously right answer. Not even a close call.

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I boil it down to: I was wrong, but you were just lucky! 🍀

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I agree. He bought into the fear like so many who didn’t bother to ask how dangerous covid really was. Claims we were all fear driven, as he was. When faced with analytical strategies that he doesn’t use (cost benefit analysis anyone) he says you can’t trust any of the data. Sure data isn’t completely trustworthy, but trends can be discerned. You had to seek this stuff out (do you own research, which he also claims is futile) yourself because there was little to no reporting on the fact that this virus largely affected the old and co-morbid. Adams is also unwilling to entertain the notion that any of the dishonesty we witnessed was deliberate, which I find beyond naive. He likes to go on about cognitive dissonance but what’s funny is he’ll provide really good examples of it from time to time.

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Yeah, there was enough reliable data internationally throughout 2020 to get a pretty good picture of the risks and trends. At his age he was moderate risk, but very low risk if taking early treatment. No reason to panic if you sought out the data.

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Yes, our heuristics were better than his analytics he says. Yet I sat my kids down in I think September 2020 to say they weren't getting the vax because of a thing called ADE which always -- in the literature, which I had been reading, being a biostatistician -- happens with coronavirus vaccines. But it was just a "heuristic," sure Scott.

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Right. Let me just put down my vials and blots here for a second to adjust my bandana and coon skin cap.

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Love your reply, and agree with every word...thank you.

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Daisy, “More bitter than undressed Arugula” 😂😂

Love it!

Big Arugula fan and boy ain’t nothin more bitter

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Yes, exactly - he is pulling an Emily Oster!!!! His delivery is through snark, hers through faux "can't we all just be friends?". When I read Oster's article and watched Adams' video, they scream gaslighting to me.

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I agree with those who have commented before me. I was never looking to win. Who are we-- Charlie Sheen?

I was just trying to live my life and protect people I know and love. I was scorned and vilified by some of those same people and now I fear for them.

Calling it “winning” feels like an attempt to diminish the seriousness of this. None of us have won anything.

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Yes to this. He seems to still be in the us against them mode that was used to divide and coerce when it really needs to be all of us against all of the big guys (the perps.)

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There’s only losers .

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Bourla and Bancel disagree.

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Matter of perspective

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I do not care what those murderous liars think

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They won. Laughing all the way to the bank with wheelbarrows of money.

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For the moment, they think the millions are worth more than their soul. Their opinion will change eventually.

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Cheer up!

Repentance is the way to stop losing.

The tide is changing.

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This was not a competition. It was about the preponderance of evidence of truth. That’s all. I stand in memory of all those killed and injured by an experimental product who’s regulators knew very early on the signals of harms and did nothing but continue to press on in denial to this date. It’s time for accountability in the next phase of this disaster.

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I suppose I should be happy that we're free enough to know that Mr Adams had this change of heart.

So many like him, carefully programed to behave the way they did when the assault was launched.

He still thinks he's an elite that is now trying to figure out how the dolts around him could possibly, accidentally, stumble on the truth that he could not.

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Personally, I don’t care if he feels superior. How he FEELS doesn’t matter. How I FEEL doesn’t matter. Part of the reason we got into this mess is because people wanted to FEEL safe and FEEL like they were protecting others. Facts and truth don’t care about feelings.

And the fact is that he has turned the corner and discovered that he was misled. And he is in a position to reach a LOT of people.

And that’s a fact that we should all feel good about.

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The tide is turning against the toxxines. There must be severe punishment for those guilty or they will just do this same sort of operation over and over again.

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Covid shots were a complete disaster for them. Way too many people are awakening to the damage and will never fall for this again in their lifetimes.

Without at least half the population to play along for the next pandemic, they cannot enforce vax passports. Making it even harder for them is how they thinned the ranks of their most compliant.

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"Way too many people are awakening to the damage and will never fall for this again in their lifetimes."

I do hope your right.

But the world said "never again" in '45. And look at us now experimenting on many millions more people this time around. Many parents/grandparents didn't pass on the lessons learned from WW2. And if they did, the parental teaching was undermined by indoctrination from media and at schools that "vaccines" will protect you.

So many hardworking people are too busy putting food on the table and keeping a roof over their heads that it has taken 3 years for the current awakening to get going. I'm glad you're hopeful because we all need hope in order to face the reality.

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Capital Crimes Against Humanity have only one just punishment.

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Its not about winning and losing, Scott. And I didn't hear an apology.

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It is truly remarkable, although I do agree that the way he is putting it, in terms of who "won" is somewhat bizarre, but I am sure it isn't easy for him to eat crow and that's what he's doing.

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True that. If more people could put their ego aside and cast off the denial that comes with it... we would be in a much better position.

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For sure!

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There would be so many more injabbed and redeemed if it weren’t for the marxist-feminist psyop of the decades before. Masculinity is nearly gone. Just look at that Satan-in-a-suit Trudeau. Rainbow boy actor running a country off the left cliff.

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Agree. It's too bad he put it in terms of winning and losing. Many of the responses here and on Twitter are focusing on the negative instead of appreciating the positive fact that those who refused the jabs have preserved their natural, healthy immune system.

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This is a way of escaping responsibility. If it's just a game and we won then it's over. This wasn't a game and nobody "won." Some of us were able to see evidence and connect dots. This guy was just playing a game. There needs to be consequences or this is going to happen all over again..... very soon.

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How about a comment about forcing the vaccine on people who didn't want it? This is not about winning, it is not a football game. A pretty pathetic statement.

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Clott Adams still doesn't sound particularly contrite. Not when he uses a pejorative in his declaration.

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He sounds like a man on the spectrum. But that's how he sounds in all his videos.

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