
Adams' statement tells us that the tide is clearly turning. That, and not his tone or choice of words, is what matters most about it.

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He’s wrong. None of us won and we never will win. People’s health and lives have been stolen from them and we, as communities, as countries, and as a world, have all lost. He should have simply said we are right.

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What the hell did we win? I know several people who died after the vax (mostly their first booster).

I feel that I made the right choice, but I have a lot of stress about which person that I love is going to go next? Everybody can win next time if they do what this person says and "distrust the government."

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My husband and I are unvaccinated but our four kids all got the jabs. We have won nothing.

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No one won... many of my loved ones chose to vax and I’m scared. One of those people is my beloved daughter that fought for her life as a child with leukemia. ☹️ I worry, a lot.

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(repostin' what I wrote on this topic when Visceral Adventure wrote 'about it... reading the subtext....)

So I don't know this Scott fellow from Adam(s) but what seems baked in.... is resentment. He is only GENUINE in that he knows he made a bad call... He is insincere in profferin' that the REASON he lost/we won is that he (stem brain guy?) didn't DO the DATA right. Somehow only HIS data failed. BUT.... we DATA-FREE rube tinhatted mistrusters--got it right by luck. The guy still feels superior even though he admits defeat. As they say, with friends like this who needs enemies? I never heard've this feller but he's more bitter than undressed arugula!


He conflates "us" all as if all anti-vaxxers just don't trust ANYTHING big corp/ big gubba-mint or BIG anything as if we can be dismissed as just a bunch'a Un-Trusters all over (that's it nothing more ta see). Pfffffst.

THAT (that which the guy sez) is a way to say, OH, we anti-vaxxers are not actually intelligent--nope, we never looked at statistics that we had ta dig for, nope, we never looked at test results on the ani-mules that died/ inta the ADE, nope we never wondered that Moderna never made any jabs before or that many of us were keenly aware that Pfizer, Merck and J&J had lied before...had lost suits a' plenty. And. So. Much. More. Nope... we won not because we were THINKERS (tm) like him--we are just mistrustin' folks.

Unspoken: superstitious! crazy tin-foil hatted or crack potted folks (like me tee hee) that FEAR anything big /corporate/commercial... not a healthy mistrust built on intelligence or knowledge, nope...

This admission stinks (to me) 'bout as much as Emily Osterizer's faux am-nasty piece....

OH and one more "pernt"--this should not be about winnin' and losin'. WE free thinkers who opted out didn't think of it as a game--a strategy--a way to stay on top. We thought of it as survival. We may let a wry smirk 'scape our face every so often--but mostly--we ain't gloating (rather we are preparing for the next blow and figurin' out what to cover first!)

ps OH I see he's the creator of THAT Dilbert (which I never read)... Al Capp fan myself.... Windsor McCay... (Welsh Rarebit strange dreams...)

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I agree with those who have commented before me. I was never looking to win. Who are we-- Charlie Sheen?

I was just trying to live my life and protect people I know and love. I was scorned and vilified by some of those same people and now I fear for them.

Calling it “winning” feels like an attempt to diminish the seriousness of this. None of us have won anything.

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There’s only losers .

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This was not a competition. It was about the preponderance of evidence of truth. That’s all. I stand in memory of all those killed and injured by an experimental product who’s regulators knew very early on the signals of harms and did nothing but continue to press on in denial to this date. It’s time for accountability in the next phase of this disaster.

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I suppose I should be happy that we're free enough to know that Mr Adams had this change of heart.

So many like him, carefully programed to behave the way they did when the assault was launched.

He still thinks he's an elite that is now trying to figure out how the dolts around him could possibly, accidentally, stumble on the truth that he could not.

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The tide is turning against the toxxines. There must be severe punishment for those guilty or they will just do this same sort of operation over and over again.

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Its not about winning and losing, Scott. And I didn't hear an apology.

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It is truly remarkable, although I do agree that the way he is putting it, in terms of who "won" is somewhat bizarre, but I am sure it isn't easy for him to eat crow and that's what he's doing.

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This is a way of escaping responsibility. If it's just a game and we won then it's over. This wasn't a game and nobody "won." Some of us were able to see evidence and connect dots. This guy was just playing a game. There needs to be consequences or this is going to happen all over again..... very soon.

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How about a comment about forcing the vaccine on people who didn't want it? This is not about winning, it is not a football game. A pretty pathetic statement.

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Clott Adams still doesn't sound particularly contrite. Not when he uses a pejorative in his declaration.

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