There are tons of references to this kind of thing all the way through the original series: smallpox vaccines used to gather DNA samples for identifying human remains after a nuclear war, vaccines developed to counter an alien virus and leaving a standing army immune to biological weapons following an alien invasion, mind-reading data chips implanted in people’s necks (the removal of which causes cancer), allusions to experimentation by the 731 unit and the post war capture of axis scientists, frequent references to PCR tests, homeland terrorism, cabalistic shadow government, experimentation on the human population without their knowledge or consent, AI taking over buildings... the list is endless. All sounded a bit fantastical in the 90s, but worryingly prescient now technology has caught up.
That these things were in a sci-fi TV show in the 90's is pretty good evidence that these things were around well before that... The Bad Guys, and some whistle-blowing types also, are pretty reliable when it comes to telling us what's going on and what's coming. We just are trained to ignore the message.
Oh yes, they can be traced back to HG Wells, especially ideas around the weaponising of nature and the technocracy feeding off the wider population. I’m in the middle of a big rewatch of The X Files, and one of the storylines is about genetically modified bees being bred to carry viruses into the human population. All of that is well within the bounds of credibility. Carter’s fascination with surveillance culture is also a major theme of the series. It’s amazing how on point he was with his concerns.
I think movies and TV shows are often quite good sources of information, but they're not really journalism or provable, and that's where my interest lies, as far as Covid and all the Deep State fuckery going on! HG Wells learned about things from sources, he didn't invent them... I'm interested in the SOURCES. So... two sides of a coin, I suppose! Cheers.
Yes! I really loved that show and saw the entire series and movies maybe three times. I honestly didn't really understand everything, but when all this vax nonsense started, my boyfriend and I were saying, "Holy Smokes! It's like the X-Files! Are they cyborgs?? Which one is the Smoking Man??"
They always tell us what they’re doing and Hollywood is a great tool to do it. I’ve come to believe that this amuses the evil perpetrators and enhances their satisfaction of hiding in plain sight.
Lindsay edited out the spoken part about aliens (alien embryos, simulated alien invasion, etc.) from these clips, so now it looks more "in line" with what happens today. I don't think that kind of selective manipulation was necessary. If you want an unedited and more nuanced version with additional links, look here:
Athletes/coaches at Summer 2020 Olympic Games -held in 2022- were subject to a digital passport that contained ALL their info -vax, testing status etc in order to obtain entry to venues, lodging, etc.
Look up "revelation of the method." Apparently, Satanic elites figure if they tell their victims what they're going to do and the victims don't stop them, the elites are good to go from a karmic sort of standpoint. What's more, revelation of the method is a form of ritual mocking. From the little I understand, a great deal of mocking/shame rituals go on right under our noses: think fraternity (and other secret society) initiation rites, Supreme Court confirmation hearings, and the like.
Further down in the comments is a clip from "The X-Files" spin off, "The Lone Gunmen," from early 2001 where there is an attempt to fly an airliner into the WTC. You oughta watch that, too.
These things are ALWAYS seen, entirely seen, by enough people to get things, say, on TV... A book was published in 2015 about DARPA that lays out not only the history of the agency and the CIA and all the brainiacs hired to find better and better ways to kill people, but it was clear, well-documented, and meticulously researched... "The Pentagon's Brain," by Annie Jacobsen.
Given that our (western) world is only a part of the global one, how do you think they will progress with their plan as far as the rest of the global population is concern? I'm thinking the is no way that those (not so indoctrinated and propagandised) ppl won't be easy to manipulate.
I'm probably wrong. Are they planning to enslave them the "old fashion" way? Thinking of millions of people who don't live like us. Are they (you know who) going to let them be? Were talking half of the global population here. How is that going to play out once they have us
Yeah, good word "old fashioned" way. That's how it works so well, it's how humanity evolved in big groups.
From what I've noticed, they work the same way like the past authoritarian groups, like major religions have done. Control by fear and image of power.
That's why their scam is also similar, with promising cures for induced plagues. They will never admit that for example, smallpox was caused by lack of sanitation, or polio was caused by pesticides. Instead they tell us that it's a contagious plague that they have the cure for. Instead of god's grace, they offer chemicals and genetics to solve the imaginary problem. That's why these shots are increasing deaths and shortening lifespans. It's not an immediate population control, but hearing the pregnancy data from the pfizer trial and other stories shows that they were successful where shot uptake was high.
I have hope that it will not be as successful because when it was religion, there was a place/person that the "officials" could "talk to" that others could not verify. These days, with science, it is much easier to call them out on their bluffs. They claim to have the answers, but now we can use basic common sense aided by science. The original scientific method was what challenged major religion and opened the door for the truth- like the heliocentric model.
It might be easy for them to cover up a shot death as a covid death. But, it will be much much harder for them to claim that sterility, birth issues, or childhood death/injury is from "covid" than the shot which they even acknowledged wasn't technically tried on pregnant women!
Sorry for the ramble, but your question made me think a bit on how this is like the past, but different.
Thank you Rob, I appreciate your reply. So, basically they're just playing in "their yard" now and, once they have a total control of it they'll move to subjugate the rest of the world
(?!) It ain't gonna happen, you think they've "jump the shark"?
Also, it would only take a segment of msm to present 1/10 of the data circulating in samizdat to wake the sleeping ones.
Similar to this, the woman that Alec Baldwin killed (Haylna Hutchins), her father was the Sean Connery character in "The Hunt for Red October", which starred Baldwin. He was the former captain of the Soviet nuclear sub division, in Murmansk, and is a Ukrainian. In the book, the Connery character (Hutchins father) kills a character named Ivan Putin.
She also was killed on a full moon night, which symbolizes the Blood Moon or Hunters Moon, on Oct 21st. She herself was tied up in British intelligence in the 90s. Also her husband is a total CIA lawyer who is tied into the Clinton Cartel.
There are tons of references to this kind of thing all the way through the original series: smallpox vaccines used to gather DNA samples for identifying human remains after a nuclear war, vaccines developed to counter an alien virus and leaving a standing army immune to biological weapons following an alien invasion, mind-reading data chips implanted in people’s necks (the removal of which causes cancer), allusions to experimentation by the 731 unit and the post war capture of axis scientists, frequent references to PCR tests, homeland terrorism, cabalistic shadow government, experimentation on the human population without their knowledge or consent, AI taking over buildings... the list is endless. All sounded a bit fantastical in the 90s, but worryingly prescient now technology has caught up.
That these things were in a sci-fi TV show in the 90's is pretty good evidence that these things were around well before that... The Bad Guys, and some whistle-blowing types also, are pretty reliable when it comes to telling us what's going on and what's coming. We just are trained to ignore the message.
Oh yes, they can be traced back to HG Wells, especially ideas around the weaponising of nature and the technocracy feeding off the wider population. I’m in the middle of a big rewatch of The X Files, and one of the storylines is about genetically modified bees being bred to carry viruses into the human population. All of that is well within the bounds of credibility. Carter’s fascination with surveillance culture is also a major theme of the series. It’s amazing how on point he was with his concerns.
I think movies and TV shows are often quite good sources of information, but they're not really journalism or provable, and that's where my interest lies, as far as Covid and all the Deep State fuckery going on! HG Wells learned about things from sources, he didn't invent them... I'm interested in the SOURCES. So... two sides of a coin, I suppose! Cheers.
I agree. Their contempt for us is unending.
Is that predictive programming?
No, I don't think so. It's more likely they get tipped off somehow about what's going on, and they use it to sell their product.
Yes, it is.
Yes! I really loved that show and saw the entire series and movies maybe three times. I honestly didn't really understand everything, but when all this vax nonsense started, my boyfriend and I were saying, "Holy Smokes! It's like the X-Files! Are they cyborgs?? Which one is the Smoking Man??"
Who did the writing and production of these episodes ?
I know nothing about TV because I don't watch it. Maybe I should have.
This this Obama's Netflix ?
The writers and producers will lead you to the culprits if they are not them, themselves.
So far, it is pretty right on.
I think there were a lot of writers over the years, but two of them were Chris Carter and Daniel Arkin. I think the show originally aired on FOX...
They always tell us what they’re doing and Hollywood is a great tool to do it. I’ve come to believe that this amuses the evil perpetrators and enhances their satisfaction of hiding in plain sight.
Can you elaborate, please?
We know that the creator of X-Files, Chris Carter, had connections with military intelligence.
They enjoy taunting their victims.
Yep! (Hi, again, Ray! lol I think we're destined for each other, LOL!
Lindsay edited out the spoken part about aliens (alien embryos, simulated alien invasion, etc.) from these clips, so now it looks more "in line" with what happens today. I don't think that kind of selective manipulation was necessary. If you want an unedited and more nuanced version with additional links, look here:
I'm glad we're just in a movie. I was worried that it was for real.
Season 10, episodes 1 and 6.
flip that and it makes a 911. . .interesting.
Is this what you're wanting?
I saw them on twitter an hour ago.
I gotcha!
"The Olympics Rituals of 1992/2012 "Predicted" The Corona Operation"
Athletes/coaches at Summer 2020 Olympic Games -held in 2022- were subject to a digital passport that contained ALL their info -vax, testing status etc in order to obtain entry to venues, lodging, etc.
" China is signalling the next stage of the plandemic PSYOP"
China? Really? Um.... right.
Nobody has the ability to tamper with your DNA - oh how 2016 seems so very long ago
Heh, I like your avatar image. Very appropriate for the times.
We're all in the village now
Look up "revelation of the method." Apparently, Satanic elites figure if they tell their victims what they're going to do and the victims don't stop them, the elites are good to go from a karmic sort of standpoint. What's more, revelation of the method is a form of ritual mocking. From the little I understand, a great deal of mocking/shame rituals go on right under our noses: think fraternity (and other secret society) initiation rites, Supreme Court confirmation hearings, and the like.
Wow, great find, Mark! I remember seeing that back when it came out and wondering how close we were... no more wondering now!
Further down in the comments is a clip from "The X-Files" spin off, "The Lone Gunmen," from early 2001 where there is an attempt to fly an airliner into the WTC. You oughta watch that, too.
WOW. Just WOW.
These things are ALWAYS seen, entirely seen, by enough people to get things, say, on TV... A book was published in 2015 about DARPA that lays out not only the history of the agency and the CIA and all the brainiacs hired to find better and better ways to kill people, but it was clear, well-documented, and meticulously researched... "The Pentagon's Brain," by Annie Jacobsen.
They were ahead of their time...
Or the writers/creator had inside information.
The reality is that they cant even get the genetic engineering working.
They just seek to cull population with toxins.
Given that our (western) world is only a part of the global one, how do you think they will progress with their plan as far as the rest of the global population is concern? I'm thinking the is no way that those (not so indoctrinated and propagandised) ppl won't be easy to manipulate.
I'm probably wrong. Are they planning to enslave them the "old fashion" way? Thinking of millions of people who don't live like us. Are they (you know who) going to let them be? Were talking half of the global population here. How is that going to play out once they have us
decimated and totally under control?
Yeah, good word "old fashioned" way. That's how it works so well, it's how humanity evolved in big groups.
From what I've noticed, they work the same way like the past authoritarian groups, like major religions have done. Control by fear and image of power.
That's why their scam is also similar, with promising cures for induced plagues. They will never admit that for example, smallpox was caused by lack of sanitation, or polio was caused by pesticides. Instead they tell us that it's a contagious plague that they have the cure for. Instead of god's grace, they offer chemicals and genetics to solve the imaginary problem. That's why these shots are increasing deaths and shortening lifespans. It's not an immediate population control, but hearing the pregnancy data from the pfizer trial and other stories shows that they were successful where shot uptake was high.
I have hope that it will not be as successful because when it was religion, there was a place/person that the "officials" could "talk to" that others could not verify. These days, with science, it is much easier to call them out on their bluffs. They claim to have the answers, but now we can use basic common sense aided by science. The original scientific method was what challenged major religion and opened the door for the truth- like the heliocentric model.
It might be easy for them to cover up a shot death as a covid death. But, it will be much much harder for them to claim that sterility, birth issues, or childhood death/injury is from "covid" than the shot which they even acknowledged wasn't technically tried on pregnant women!
Sorry for the ramble, but your question made me think a bit on how this is like the past, but different.
Thank you Rob, I appreciate your reply. So, basically they're just playing in "their yard" now and, once they have a total control of it they'll move to subjugate the rest of the world
(?!) It ain't gonna happen, you think they've "jump the shark"?
Also, it would only take a segment of msm to present 1/10 of the data circulating in samizdat to wake the sleeping ones.
Sorry, I don't know how to edit, I meant "ppl will be easy..."
Similar to this, the woman that Alec Baldwin killed (Haylna Hutchins), her father was the Sean Connery character in "The Hunt for Red October", which starred Baldwin. He was the former captain of the Soviet nuclear sub division, in Murmansk, and is a Ukrainian. In the book, the Connery character (Hutchins father) kills a character named Ivan Putin.
She also was killed on a full moon night, which symbolizes the Blood Moon or Hunters Moon, on Oct 21st. She herself was tied up in British intelligence in the 90s. Also her husband is a total CIA lawyer who is tied into the Clinton Cartel.