And we have candidates running for office who aren't even mentioning this epic crime.

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They sure aren't. A few will quietly say they believe in Medical Freedom, but they will not denounce the vaxx. I went to a political rally and the candidate did a whole long spew on the transgender stuff harming the children, but when asked about the vaxx, went silent. Wanted to know if I wanted a picture w/her. Couldn't pay me to take a pic w/her.

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Interesting. Why do you think this is?

Big Pharma donated to her campagne and made the deal that they will withdraw the money if she says one thing against the evil clot shot?

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Who was the candidate if I might ask?

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Yesli Vega

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Radio silence, too, from famous people like Bruce Willis & Celine Dion who are suffering severe adverse reactions from the shots.

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I agree but thus far what I've read is that the music industry is far more lethal than Hollywood - in other words if you don't conform to what they say they'll destroy you and your career! I personally beleive Justin Biebers video was just that - although he couldn't SAY ANYTHING outright he let the video speak for him instead The fact that he also stopped touring in my opinion is another admission of the harm he's suffered - the mere fact the media remains silent solidifies the his injection injury

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If you are dead you don't have a career, so might as well go down w/the ship.

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As in most candidates. Including in all mainline conservative parties across the world.

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Oct 26, 2022
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Voting libertarian or green or whatever generally gives you the candidate you don’t want. Third parties are “spoilers”. So be careful what you wish for.

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Oct 26, 2022
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section 8 pays the difference between what the resident can afford and the actual rent. 'mom and pop property owners' would be just fine with section 8. what's killing them is rent freezes and all the covid help going to major corporate landlords.

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They are part of the crime syndicate.

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Oct 26, 2022
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I wonder if he regressed into Autism. It sure looks like what parents of young children describe after their kids regress.

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That neanderthal was a piece of work before his stroke. There are not enough adjectives to describe the wrong on so many levels w/his and his wife's race.

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Oct 26, 2022
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Oct 26, 2022
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Oct 26, 2022Edited
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There is no honor among thieves. These days I am selectively compassionate and after watching the debate I thought how hideous what they have done by using him the way they have, same w/Joey, and I couldn't bring myself to have any sympathy. Neither of them have a clue. It is criminal and cruel.

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james corden was an egotistical pile of crap way before the plandemic, so it's no surprise he'll do anything for money and attention. So agreed, by their actions, they are accomplices to murder.

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There was that Colbert vaccine song. Definite cringe. Then there's this one from the Holderness family. Talk about mass formation cringe.


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Oh wow, that's superb! And what about the absolutely nauseating Colbert-accompanying-Fauci-to-get-his-booster(allegedly)-footage? Definitely hard pressed to find more nauseating than that.


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That made me sick.

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I hear there's a 'vaccine' for that.

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it would be so awesome if they both keeled over on the street.

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it's a cryin' shame that the song and singing are so good, but the subject ruins everything. 'mass formation cringe' doesn't even begin to describe it.

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Yeah, actually, the couple seem so genuine, it really is a cryin' shame.

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James Corden is a silly, silly man.

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and I think that Grande is the one who announced a while ago she could no longer perform because she always was so tired isn't it ?

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Well if she ate a piece of fish or some chicken and veggies once in awhile instead of the adrenochrome and diet coke she might have a little energy...(I hear they are starting in on that young now so as to avoid any aging at all lol)

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I know right, it was called "Gavin & Stacey" not "Fat Smithy"

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Safe and effective..........for depopulation.

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I couldn’t finish that last video, it is infuriating particularly after seeing the unnecessary sadness.

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It was barf bag worthy. I couldn't finish it either.

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Me neither. Hideous.

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Me either. This isn't a Disney movie musical - it's a slaughter.

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Unfortunately youtube won’t let me click the ‘dislike’ button without signing in. Nearly choked on my morning coffee in disgust.

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Thank you for the excellent Perspectives on the Pandemic interview you did back in 2021 - that someone linked last night in comments. I especially liked your definition of "conspiracy theory."

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I'm just watching it for the second time in 2 days. Brilliant. I think I've watched every MCM interview/presentation that I've come across more than once. The problem is getting other people to watch them. But that one was so heartfelt it was riveting.

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I've sent the link to several people and I know one has already watched it. Yes, it was really well done and I liked the way it was broken into segments and the fact it wasn't all about covid, but showed how the groundwork has been laid over decades for what we are experiencing.

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What passes for music anymore literally kills me.

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Is there any celebrity who isn't an accomplice to what Catherine Austin Fitts describes as a deliberate poisoning?

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Pretty sure every celebrity does what they are told to do. Part of their contract with the chief commander.

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Keeling over and dropping dead is the new black.

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I wonder how much of our tax dollars paid for their stupid covid hollywood propaganda ad

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Billions according to FOIAs. We are paying to help kill people with jabs and war and seems we no choice. Vote Red as a first start. I’m voting Red for the first time in decades although I have NO trust the GOP will do much better but hopefully stop Biden in Congress. I’m holding my nose and voting.

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I respect that, I was raised Dem, turned Reb, then started voting. But now, I don't think it even matters who we vote for, which doesn't sound very optimistic I know! It's pretty clear that it's all rigged and has been for a long time now. The grass roots and people we voted into congress &/or the senate, end up getting threatened or bought off. There's always someone we can't see who's in control of everything like a cancer, reaching it's tentacles into everything. Im trying to let go of being in control of this shit show, and send out happy positive energy

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We made a meme that illustrates this very well (the last meme, the elephant one).


Subscribe for updates as they drop. We’re handing out free memes and artwork all the time for all to use as they see fit.

Memes, cartoons artwork. We don’t even have a way for you to pay us even if you wanted to.

Just trying to help fight the system we’re in.

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I subscribed

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Welcome aboard! Glad to have you!

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Thanks MCM for sharing these drop dead videos. I rarely see anything like this information elsewhere. What are the news media reporters discussing? I don’t know why these videos aren’t the main news stories everywhere.

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A couple looked like a horror film with the phone doing the killing. Chilling enough as 5G rolls out.

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Nutrionist? Yikes.

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Alex Stein tears up on Tucker telling how hospital killed his mother with Remdesivir.

Retribution must happen for these horrific Crimes against humanity.

YouTube won’t let me copy/paste the link from YouTube, so here’s the link from CitizenFreePress. It’s the first video on top.


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Thank you for all your hard work!!

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Dr. Rima Leibow, in an interview with Maria Zee, spoke of the very odd way people were keeling over. She noted that she had seen many people suffer heart attacks and strokes in her 40+ years as a doctor, and it was normal for people to clutch their chest during a heart attack, or hold their head during a stroke. They would then fold or double over before collapsing. She described the manner in which people are keeling over in the many online videos this past year. It was so unusual that she coined a term “planking” to describe how people seemed to stiffen up before falling straight over, which seemed to happen very suddenly, without warning. I’m not in the medical field and don’t have an opinion on this, but I remember thinking how unnatural it seemed and that it’s probably worth looking into.

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Chilling. I have noticed that too in these videos.

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Rima Leibow is either batshit crazy or an agent. At the beginning of the Covid Coup in 2020 I came across her vids and immediately thought she was a fruitcake. That hasn't changed today. There's a sneaking suspicion she's a poison pill agent... 9/11 Truth vets will recognize them.

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Any, like, evidence to back up that suspicion?

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Some people have pointed out how many of them look up to their right side before they die. I would like to know more about this. It's pretty frightening.

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This is insane. What, physically, causes death so quickly? Pre-2020, did people just drop dead instantly? Is it their hearts? A stroke? What is the mechanism?

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There's a big push, by REAL scientists and doctors, to find the answer(s) to that question. But one thing we can say for sure is that, pre-2020, people certainly did NOT "just drop dead instantly" like that. This whole thing is utterly ABNORMAL, which is why "our free press" is working overtime to "normalize" it.

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Here in the UK, the majority of current excess deaths are happening at home. My own husband collapsed unconscious a week after his booster and I heard the thud from another room, so I didn't see how he went down - just found him unconscious on his back with his mouth open (he's OK, not one of the stats, thankfully).

Dr Rima Laibow talks here about the strange new phenomenon of the deaths we're seeing on film, like the ones above, where the person falls rigid. She calls it 'planking'.


She's been a doctor for decades and says people never just dropped down rigid like that before - a person who had a heart attack would usually 'fold' while collapsing. She includes the video of the man who looks as if he's fighting something. Like some other people, Dr Laibow reckons those - and the 'planking' phenomena - are caused by 5G. Those ones are like something out of a horror movie, where a person can see demons or something that other people can't see. It's inhuman.

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Not a doctor, but, my best guess is a blood clot getting stuck in the major arteries that supply to the brain which causes the black out. Lack of oxygenated blood feeding the brain can make you pass out very quickly, happens all the time in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu when someone gets caught in a “rear naked choke” maneuver.

If the clot doesn’t clear up then they die, if it does, they spring back into action and pretend like nothing happened for the sake of vaccine hesitancy. Yes, that last part was sarcasm.

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