The irony that men are forcing women are to 'get to the back of the bus' so they can pretend they are women. That is so twisted I can't even think of an analogy in history.

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What I find most surprising is that so many feminists who spent years championing the rights of girls and women have fallen for the trans ideological constructions (or destruction). It's virtually inexplicable.

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In 2021-22 when I was met with disdain because I chose not to get the vaccine, I thought of the high school photo from Little Rock that you shared. Intolerance is worse than ever.

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"At the ACLU, we are not shy about defending civil liberties, even when they are very unpopular. But we see no civil liberties problem with requiring Covid-19 vaccines in most circumstances."

The minute the ACLU took the above stance and did not fight for "bodily autonomy" I knew they were a co-opted piece of shit. 💩

You'd think a clever bunch of ACLU lawyers would've done some research about the experimental mRNA technology, or about the gangster-like pharmaceutical industry before "rejecting" individual rights and becoming ignorant shills for the likes of Fauci.

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Boy womens liberation had a short run.. we went from equality w TitleIX sports & aiming to break the glass ceiling to second class citizens in one generation!

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i've said it to my female friends and colleagues for years...we were sold a pup the minute they got us out in the workforce. not only expected to complete a full day at the office, factory etc...but then still expected to do most of the child rearing and house work...and then trying to gaslight us into thinking we "can have it all" . And once they got us out, then the house prices just conveniently sky rocketed, so that the choice to remain home living off one salary from then on was limited if not completely out of reach. the young generation of women need to stand up just as my generation did...i work in IT so spent my college and professional years making a go of it in a man's world but it's time to hand over the baton now and i feel really sad...it seems things are so much worse for women now than it was when i got started in the 90s.

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The blatant misogyny in all of this is stunning. If I as a biological male threaten to assault, rape or murder women (common threats experienced by women publicly standing up for women's sex based rights and women's safe spaces) - I am rightly consider a vile and violent misogynist making terroristic threats and treated accordingly by law enforcement - HOWEVER - if I make the same vile violent misogynistic threats - but in the next breath explain that I now - "identify as a woman" - I magically "trans"-form from a vile male misogynist and into a - "brave trans-activist." How completely barking mad has this idiocy become? Mark makes a perfect comparison between those "racist crowds" of my childhood years in the late 1950's & 1960's - and the "woke misogynistic crowds" of today.

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You Know That Conservatives

Are Winning

When I Have More Black Friends

Than Jamie Foxx.


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The woke mob is a walking, breathing contradiction. Not to mention ugly.

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As we reflect on this topic, I want to remind everyone who killed the Me Too movement... it was Joe Biden & the "liberal" legacy media. The Times and everyone else decided to sit on the Tara Reade story, and later smear her instead of reporting the evidence. Just like Hunters laptop, this might have swung the election, and they knew it.

The evidence against Biden was overwhelming. We obviously have years of videos of him creeping on women in public. We have contemporaneous accounts by Reade's family & friends. There are likely records (hidden away in Delaware). And something very compelling - the "Behavior Panel" did an assessment of Reade's interview & Biden's refusal, and concluded (unanimously, overwhelmingly) that she was truthful & Biden was lying.

And there you have it, on one swoop - Weinstein goes to jail, we have the scapegoat, a gross overweight rich guy, now let's just shut down the whole thing because its inconvenient.

The media once again colluded to push an agenda (getting Trump out of the white house was more important than truth).

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A perfect analogy Mark - well done!

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wonder how many of the shriekers in that crowd are undercover fbi just like at j6

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Its some kind of demon possession what we are seeing today. The only thing that makes sense.

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There's a story from the film series Eyes on the Prize about Civil Rights movement workers in the basement of a church. Suddenly (as I recall it) enraged Southerners, perhaps Klansmen, got in and started threatening them. The workers started singing hymns, and the mob froze and split up and left. Although religion has been repeatedly hijacked and harnessed over millenia to serve power and domination and individual pathologies, it also provided, since a few hundred years ago, a time when everyone sang together, and when music resolved cognitive dissonances. Now we have the anti-church of social media and the MSM and the internet, which lives, like an organism, on outrage and chaos and fear and intends to create incessant cognitive dissonance. There are feelings and cognitive alignments that only music can elicit inside us. We used to know this in the West.

Libera - Ave Verum by Albinoni (Adagio in G Minor) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CprYUY9RQ_0

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MK-Ultra mind control.

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I just checked with CBS News and all I saw was the “trans” view:

“DENTON (CBSNewsTexas.com) — Amid chants of "protect trans lives," dozens of people—including members of the LGBTQ community—stood outside Texas Woman's University with a message for Governor Greg Abbott about the new state law requiring athletes at public colleges and universities to compete on teams the same as their biological sex.

"I think he needs to realize trans people are people, trans Texans are Texans, and his legislation is supposed to protect Texans. But he's not protecting trans people, he's hurting trans people," said one student named Eliot.”

It’s such a patently obvious con. “Trans” is bullshit. “Trans lives, trans people, trans Texans, the trans community”. For “trans” you may as well make a farting noise.

And are we really supposed to pay attention to a report featuring “one student named Eliot”?

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