You are absolutely correct. I burst into tears after viewing this, and just can't stop crying. Thank you for being there. I don't know what I would do without your writing and your posts, thank you so very much. I would be so honored if I ever get to shake your hand in person.

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This show would not have taken place during the war. This man hid what he did precisely because it wasn’t popular, or acceptable behaviour at the time. It was easy for the bbc to run this year later because by then the masses had accepted that these Jewish children had human rights. However at the time the masses allowed many more children to die than were saved. So what will we do? Protect the children despite that we will be unpopular for doing so or stay quiet and comfortable…

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Certainly that's true, which only makes a THOUGHTFUL viewing of this clip that much more urgent.

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Yes. Agreed. And I did. I watched it and streams of tears ran down my face. My daughter came out just afterwards (I was watching it on my patio) and saw the tears. She quickly came over to hug me and asked if I was ok. I told her yes, that I had just watched something that made me cry but “in a good way”. This was her instinct, to love me, take care of me. I believe most kids are born with this and it is only hardened out of them by fear and trauma. Imagine the world we could build if we nurtured this heart centered way of being. If adults could maintain it from childhood and keep it safe in the kids. This man was a hero and I pray we can walk in his footsteps. ❤️

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So beautifully said. And my heart is joined with yours and Mark's and ALL OF US sharing this very moving and needed reminder of what we CAN BE.

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Yes. We can all be like this man. If we get to be on a TV show 40 years later great, if not, great. What matters is saving the kids. I am glad to know I am not alone. ❤️

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I know maybe... two others. ;) We're not alone, my friend.

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Expect no praise nor gratitude for saving lives now. Not even from many you are trying to save.

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Many, many things are done out of Love, and not done for praise. They are done because they're the right thing to do-- that is Love. That's something we've maybe lost sight of as well, to do something even if no one ever knows, because it's the right thing to do, because it's done for Love.

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Really beautiful words-a reminder to all of us to love, unite and find our moral character.

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Not written for praise, but thanks. ^_^ xo

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True-just as Sir Winton received no praise or gratitude when he saved those children. Not for decades. Was it worth it anyway? Hell yes.”….the problems of three little people don’t amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. Here’s looking at you, kid.”

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Hmmm-praise will come from most of us-just not the lunatics in charge

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This clip is from the 1980s. Esther Rantzen - the presenter here - is herself a British Jew who achieved national status as a BBC presenter. Sir Nicholas Winton is the son of German Jews. In the 1980s maybe it was still acceptable to be Jewish in Britain. Not so much now though I’ve noticed that they will currently use Holocaust stories to point the finger at us ‘right-wing’ refusniks.

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I'm afraid this is truth.

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What we call "anti-semitism" (actually Judaeophobia) is coming back big-time. As with Pashtuns during the "war on terror," and Russians now (now more than at the height of the Cold War), Jews may be vilified with NO risk of getting canceled. (Same, of course, with straight white males.)

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At least we've got a few good 'uns, like vouz! xo

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And women, generally speaking, seemingly always. But I don't want ANYONE being vilified (except these horrible psychopaths, then it seems appropriate) !

And all products of the extremely effective tool called "Divide and Conquer." I think right about now, and your post from ... yesterday?... started some of that going, among other bloggers, but MUSIC. Music, songs that everyone knows that are about Love and Unity and Freedom, etc. It's always been a great way to rally up... There are videos of Flash Mobs of such soul-enriching music, they also bring me to tears, music has that magic... It's LOVE in audio form... (well, okay, some of it, lol).

Here's a sweet one...


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Jul 13, 2022
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If we live in fear, then our lives are pretty lousy.

There's no reason to fear death, and as long as we're alive, there's the possibility that we can influence what happens. Things could get a lot better, and I think they will. If we have to struggle a while to get there, then that's what we'll do... together. Without the parasites causing all this hell.

HOLD FAST, Eddy. xo

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Quite right Jaan. No room for fear anymore, I liken our situation to those of the clans 1000 years ago who would eat drink and be merry in the evening, in the full knowledge that they go to war with the neighbouring clan in the morning.

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Yeah, something like that... Although, if I'm going to have to actually "go to war," then I want to be fighting the actual Bad Guys, not my fellow citizens... preferably! But I suppose they could be one and the same. Oh, hell, help, I want to live a peaceful life, gd these psychopaths, I've never felt such extreme resentment...

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Here is what I consider a better link. This was from a BBC special in 1988:


For anyone not aware of the story ... Winton was a Jewish banker in England. In 1938 he was planning a ski vacation, but a friend who was a board member for a refugee organization implored him to visit Prague instead, to survey the rapidly deteriorating situation. This was a risky trip, Germany had already begun "annexing" Czechoslovakia, and war seemed imminent. But at this point in history almost everyone said they wouldn't have imagined in their wildest dreams what would come next.

Winton went on to fund & sponsor the escape of over 600 Czech children who had been separated from their parents (majority were Jewish, not all). Winton's "underground railroad" moved the kids from trains, to ferries, and eventually on a plane to England. He enlisted his mother to make calls to find homes for the kids, and even ran ads in the newspaper seeking adoptive parents.

The story does end tragically, however (which is one of several reasons why Sir Winton rarely spoke about his efforts publicly, and shied away from interviews). The railroad fell apart in September 1939 when Hitler invaded Poland. Winton had a train of 250 kids on that day, and all but 2 went missing or were killed. He was obviously heartbroken about this, and subsequently rarely spoke about their refugee efforts, but he had kept a scrapbook. In 1988, the BBC asked to study his scrapbook and tracked down some of the former child refugees for their program - he agreed but didn't expect the reception he received.

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Thank you so much for this.

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Thank you.

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He was one of the "Justes", non-jews helping Jews in WWII.

So was my mother (Dutch underground). She wanted no recognition for it. She did what anybody would have done, she said. My parents met in a concentration camp. I was born after the war. We are not Jewish.

I believe BBC broadcast this tribute to make us focus on the atrocities committed during WWII against the Jews (propaganda) and not look at the role of the Jewish elites in today's debacle.

For anyone wanting to understand the role of the Jews in Bolshevism and WWI and WWII, I would recommend the following video: Europa, the last battle


It is painfully long but it is heartbreaking for all the victims involved.

Professor Miller,

Your mailings are the best and I wait for the Notes from the Underground every night before turning off my computer. I concur with all you say 99.99% of the time. I also appreciate the time you spend on gathering information and organizing. I forward every chance I get. Your role towards the many people who read and trust you is as heroic as any. Being from academia myself, I know what you risk daily as well. Thank you so much.

Dr. Sigyn Minier

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Thanks so much.

Winton was himself Jewish, it turns out. (See Paul's elaboration above.)

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Certainly not all the "elites" -- I don't use that word for these psychopaths, they are not such, but mutants, or parasites, or despicables, maybe, something like that -- not all are Jewish. People are so ready to lump everybody into a box, and category, and usually, it's not quite applicable in such a very narrow definition. Just sayin.'

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Every day that we wake up, we are writing a script that will be read 50 years from now. Make it memorable. Do something. Be the hero that brings people to tears when they read your story.

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Mr. Mark Crispin Miller, keep doing exactly what you are doing. Thank you.

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Yes! We can take’em. I continuously read Churchill’s WW 2 memoirs. Bombs falling from the sky every day over England. Churchill planned, fought and won against overwhelming odds. Most wanted to negotiate with Hitler. We can win.

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Impossible not to cry. Thanks for sharing this and am sharing in turn.

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Beautiful story. Thank you for sharing. And no, you can’t watch it without weeping. 🙏🏻

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I cried first because this story was touching, then I realized that the extermination camps were built by JP Morgan Chase and the Rockefeller Foundation, that they were operated using IBM (Microsoft) computer technology, and that the Nuremberg Code which condemned the atrocious Eugenics-based medical experiments carried out there and guaranteed the world the protection of "informed consent" is about as worthless as wet toilet paper today. Now, I'm still crying because my children are threatened by the Nazi needles of Pfizer in their schools where they are forced to wear the dehumanizing and debilitating slave muzzle masks of the Nazi MK Ultra mind control program developed by the CIA. Crying even more so because the same Eugenics-oriented Rockefeller Foundation of the Nazi party continues to control the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, and the World Health Organization. Crying because the corporate-fascist Nazi New Order agenda has successfully turned the entire world into an extermination camp while the Operation Mockingbird media tells everyone that injecting babies with an experimental mutagenic serum is required, your children will eat bugs instead of beef, and you have no right to medical privacy.

The following is an excerpt from Rock Stone Report | The Number of the Beast | Democide is the new genocide | https://mrockstone.substack.com/i/58530495/democide-is-the-new-genocide

Have you ever had the feeling that you’re being manipulated? Isn’t the UN supposed to uphold and enforce the Nuremberg Code, instead of violating it? Can anybody tell me how in the world the Rockefeller Foundation was allowed to be in charge of creating the United Nations after they had been the very architects and financial officers of Hitler’s network of human extermination camps and the Nazi eugenics program? What sort of slap-in-the-face absurdity is it that the organization responsible for the rise of the Nazis was put in charge of protecting the world from the rise of another murderous New Order Nazi regime?

Is it any wonder that the Nuremberg Code, which was written as a response to Nazi war crimes, establishes protections for all of humanity against being coerced into medical experimentation yet, in spite of having been completely ignored by governments around the world and the mRNA vaccine manufacturer Bill Gates-funded World Health Organization itself since the Covid-19 bio-weapon attack, our world peace, human rights watchdogs at the UN have not only acted with complicity in the democide of humankind but have instead acted aggressively in censoring and suppressing any medical expert who has dared to raise the alarm?

Can you tell me what recourse are we supposed to have when the sworn protectors of human rights around the world reveal themselves to be a sick Satanic, corrupted, murderous, lying pack of slobbering Nazis? Who will stop the WHO?

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I learned of the Kindertransport years ago watching a documentary I rented from Netflix. My very first reaction was what person here in the United States (today) would have ever done or be able to do the same? People have no knowledge of history! Theses families knew there was more than an ample chance they would never see their children again! Who could have the strength to do the same?

ALL THIS BEING SAID . . . . who will save the children today from these lethal injections? I don't know how many times I have thought of this exact same scenario. How far will you go to protect your child?

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It's impossible to watch this without weeping.

There was a film made about Nicholas Winton and the evacuation of the Jewish Czech children which he was able to accomplish before the Second World War began. The film was made in the latter half of the 1990s in the Czech republic. It's in Czech with English subtitles. The English translation of the title is All My Beloveds.

I just looked for it online. I think this is only the first half of the movie. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xqp0oe

Maybe someone can find the second half as well, or better yet, the whole movie under one link, and post it here.

Nicholas Winton would have saved many more Jewish children, but when the Nazis invaded the Sudetenland, they immediately stopped the train transports of the Jewish Czech children. It's devastatingly sad, heartbreaking, unbearable.

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I saw this last year and I burst into tears. Same happened now. Thank you for sharing this! 🙏🏼🙏🏼

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A great heartwarming story! If true.

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See Paul's elaboration below.

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I'm sobbing. He did the right thing which is not easy to do.

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