"I want America to pay attention. Somethin' ain't right. It's time to investigate what's really goin' on here!" she demands—adding, "Don't you DARE call me a 'conspiracy theorist!"
The hearings. Tptb *let* the gop have a slim majority to tamp down the rage. They will *let* hearings go forward because they control Justice, FBI, DOD, etc. so they can ensure any hearings go nowhere.
They will find some "minor" wrong doing, punish some low level schlep or other, Fauci, Collins et al will slither away to some tropical island or other to relax & enjoy their billions in peace..
It really helps to believe that Jesus will be meeting them at the pearly gates with a stern look & send them packing to hell.
Fraudster JOE is the one NOT stopping the EUA. He's bought by Big Pharma and he's enabling them to produce more COVID vaccines. Why is he and Dr. Jill still pushing the JABS? Anybody questioning the Biden Crime Family?
It's always amazing to consider how he has that large beachfront home in Delaware in a 10,000 sq ft from a politician's salary. It's all Bread and Circus
I would suggest that in regards to the shots, Trump may not be revealing his actual stance. To do so would simply lead to far more irrationality on the part of the already irrational Left wing in this country, causing them to dig in their heels all the more, and further push the forced injections of Americans. ( Dislike him for his mean tweets or his juvenile responses, but recognize he has a fairly astute assessment of the political landscape.)
Meanwhile, the media, and much of the government is paid off by Pharma. Scott Gottlieb, former crooked FDA head, now in a cushy payoff-job with Pfizer, is STILL asserting the vax provides better immunity than natural infection, and all those folks watching The View for their pulse on all things news and COVID will take that gaslighting criminal's word as gospel.
Put down the Trump kool aid. He boasted repeatedly “MY Lockdown saved millions of lives, MY vaccines saved tens of millions of lives!” His narcissism is getting people killed. Trump is on the ash heap of history. DeSantis is by far the best choice for president (assuming that voting will even solve anything anymore.)
Agreed, we need to stop rationalizing Trumps ridiculous and dangerous stance on the injection. I used to be a big supporter. No more. He is a disgusting man for placing his electoral chances ahead of the kids. For god sake, they are being injured and dropping dead everywhere and nobody is trying to come up with solutions. May he and all the collaborators rot in hell.
Always remember that you are being manipulated. I do not, do not understand why Trump is continuing with this position. But, bear in mind that he never mandated it, and that the shots did not even start up until 2021, Biden's administration. Do reserve some of your venom for Biden and his lackeys, or his handlers, however you look at it.
Never took it, never tested, never wore a mask, my only grandchild was taken away from me because I was a dirty unvaxxer. Trump needs to save the kids instead of his own skin. I supported 45 from the beginning but go ahead, keep rationalizing his position. I will give you one thing, Trump is just a cog in the machine. The whole machine has to come down.
I like DeSantis as governor, but I doubt if he would do for the country what he has done for Florida. Have a look at his resume, his links to "intelligence" (ie, Deep State). He is more of the same, but I admit, putting on a good show.
What links to the Deep State? He was a JAG attorney. He has protected the people of Florida like no other governor, and there are several good ones. What are you referring to?
I like DeSantis as well, but I somehow doubt that if he would be genuine he would be allowed to be in the position he is holding now.
If I would be of the globalists, I would make sure I control not only the opposition, but also prepare far in advance "credible" people to take the mantle of the "uprising" leaders if plan A fails. Having said that I would prepare back-ups for the case plan B fails as well.
Ron, Musk, Kennedy Jr. are not from amongst us, they are from them (whether form the 0.1% or their 1st/2nd tier of minions).
At the moment I suspect that they are part of a faction of globalists opposing the ones which are now attempting to run the show...but if that is good for humanity or not I do not know.
I could not agree more. Trump was a master builder, a master organizer, financier, shrewd entrepreneur. He listened to others -- the "little people" -- and trusted them more than the experts. He is a brilliant man. He did everything good for the country but was brought down when he decided to shut down this country's never-ending, useless wars. He had vision and foresight for this country and was right about just about everything. Sadly he had too much trust in others and had no idea what the Deep State was capable of doing. And he had trust in his scientific and health advisers -- and why wouldn't he? He tried to promote early treatment -- and the minute he mentioned Hydroxychloroquine, they all jumped on him and accused of him of amateurism -- and he backed off.
El Gallinazo (above) hasn't a clue about the Deep State forces that undermined Donald Trump from the minute he declared his candidacy, and I suggest some reading. Bush, intelligent? Seriously? Comparing Trump to Biden? Seriously? You have some serious self-educating to do, kid.
You've got to be kidding that trump was a master builder, master organizer, financier, etc. He's a narcissistic daddy's boy who would have been nowhere without his father's money and connections. He was a ruthless business man and quite evil himself both attributes he probably got from his father. Most of the time not paying his vendors either.
Ironically, on a separate note, it appears that trump's grandfather died of the "spanish flu" or was it the 1918 vaccine (which killed the people then not the flu) back in 1918.
Why would you settle for any narcissist? The point is, we as citizens should choose people who represent us because they work for us. Unless you're a narcissist yourself (and no narcissist would ever admit that), I would bet you'd rather not have a narcissist working for us. All of these criminals including trump should not be in a government that represent us and work for us.
Trump, to my knowledge, has never acknowledged a single victim of his precious Operation Warp Speed. In fact, he was still shilling for the vaccines as recently as last week. If someone can find video evidence to the contrary (not pontificating, not apologetics, but actual evidence) please enlighten us all.
Thank you for saying it. I voted for him twice. Never again. If he is the nominee for 2024 President- I just will leave that part of my ballot blank and vote for all the other offices on the ballot.
Reading the Twitter replies is amazing!! They all believe she died of covid because she was an antivaxxer. Then they post articles that say covid is causing heart attacks. The evil ones had this whole thing figured out right to the end. They will make the sudden deaths be the from the awful covid virus. They are Never going to admit they did this. Ever!! We are so F’D. Even the people who died right after the shots were given are discounted somehow. I remember watching the video of a mom who died right in the pharmacy 15 min after the bivalent shot. Whatever happened with that??? Oh. Nothing I guess. So even when it’s obvious the shot killed someone we all do nothing!! How the hell will we ever prove these sudden deaths are from the shots ??!!! Anyone doing anything to prove this and if so where do we take it from there??? Will anyone in power do anything????
How do you know those tweets are from actual human beings? It's more than likely that they're bots, deployed to give precisely the dispiriting impression that now has you feeling overwhelmed.
Though I'm DeSantis 2024 - I honestly believe Trump did not know or could not know - the swamp was much deeper than anyone knows. Trump was also "out of touch" and those who distrusted the vax and everything going on are common sense people. I'm shocked Diamond actually took the jab - unless Silk was referring to something else - perhaps she thought Diamond was intentionally targeted? I still believe Andrew Breitbart was killed. He woke many, many people up. Was excellent at confronting people, yet his wife believes it was natural causes. Most people do not want to believe or can't grasp the fact that YES, people are that callous, that cruel, and care nothing about harming others.
Bingo! Marylander here, and you have hit the nail on the head. Chelsea Clinton was at the inauguration as well. Oprah and Obama funded Moore’s campaign here in MD. He is being groomed for the next step. I had never even heard of Moore before, but sure enough, in the couple years before his campaign,many local high schools made his book, The Other Wes Moore, mandatory reading. So the plan has been in the works...
I've heard from Californians that they both took it in order to be able to keep speaking engagements in California when you could only enter a venue with a passport. They caved, to be able to speak to their masses. What a tragic shame.
Stupid and tragic. Numbers speak. Everyone -- every team member, every company employee, every business owner, everyone -- needs to TOGETHER stop taking this shit. And I mean "shit" as all encompassing. Stop taking jabs; stop wearing masks; stop signing exploitative contracts - just STOP.
He "could not know"? WFT?? He invited RFK Jr to head a vaccine commission in 2016 then stopped returning his calls. He could have easily returned RFK's calls and asked prior to "Operation Warp Speed". We had plenty of evidence prior to 2019 that mRNA vaccines would cause havoc. This is a piss poor excuse. Trump caved under pressure, threw us under the bus in the worst possible way, and has never looked back.
Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. I don't agree with you. You be in President Trump's
shoes and see how you would have handled it. He was fighting the Deep State who framed him on COVID along with Communist China. No matter what Trump did it wouldn't suit you naysayers.
I'm not interested in opinions. Give us evidence. Jut one video clip of him acknowledging the most massive excess mortality in modern history. All I see is him CONTINUING to shill for the deadliest medical experiment ever invented, as recently as last week. Go ahead, give us some evidence.
Breaking my ignore rule...are you enjoying putting people in their place? Why all the animosity ? You sort of sound like a bully, you know, like Trump.
I think there are many contributing factors. At this point, if people need to put it all on Trump, fine. I’m more interested in seeing Fauci, CDC, NIH ( the guy who retired , Francis somebody) the FDA, the CEOs of Moderna and Pfizer, Facebook, Twitter and anyone who agreed to censor vaccine skeptics, and most of all, the effing Media. Since this whole nightmare started, only in the last two weeks have a few media outlets suggested that perhaps the vaccine is possibly problematic. The fact that there was a lot of of behind the scenes shenanigans that to this day remain “secret” and to suggest any kind of nefariousness makes one a conspiracy nut….
i listened to it. that guy's on crack. and it doesn't even pretend to explain why trump continues to pump the vaccine even today, "play the deep state games" (or whatever) even while he's out of office. how many millions have to die while he's playing his game?
I am a hospital RN and calling for an investigation. I never saw a pandemic and these shots are killing people. How many have to die to bring the criminals forward?
[I also have a sinking feeling that the obsessive matter of who becomes the next “President” of this “country” is going be the absolute least of our problems, as we tend to the shattering, and the shattered.]
No Truce, No cease fire, no AMNESTY! Just fierce and violent retribution against the 'WEF' perps!
The world is BLIND to the impending 'Gates - World Health Organisation Coup = world take-over', so we must refute all WHO 'scam' initiatives that supersede our personal and National Sovereignty. Since Gates became the WHO biggest benefactor (INFLUENCER) the WHO have become corrupt and no longer function in the interests of World Health - they now operate as another of Gates's Vax marketing divisions. Vax = DEPOPULATION!
Apparently, Bill Gates said this in 2011;
"............if you just do a GOOD JOB with VACCINES we can REDUCE the population by 10 - 15%."
He then backpedalled by suggesting "......women from poorer countries would be less likely to OVERPRODUCE if their children had a longer life expectancy".
Join the dots, factor in these new (since 2021) phenomena =
'SADS', 'Sudden Adult Death Syndrome'.
'SIDS', 'Sudden Infant Death Syndrome'.
"died suddenly",
'never seen before, inexplicably large multiple blood clots',
'athletes dying mysteriously',
'unparalleled excess deaths'
The topic has since been covered up and vehemently denied by the 'establishment'.
Join the dots and reach your own conclusions.
Mick from Hooe (Unjabbed because I joined the dots!)
The biosecurity eugenicist ghouls must be stopped in their tracks before they create an inescapable surveillance prison coercing everyone to partake in gene therapy transhumanist CRISPR projects.
lest we forget....newstarget.com /2023-01-18-trump-moderna-mrna-vaccines-operation-warp-speed.html
Ivanka Trump admits her father’s administration partnered with Moderna to produce mRNA vaccines BEFORE Operation Warp Speed 1/18/2023
...Official government documents show that messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines were in development long before Donald “father of the vaccine” Trump officially launched Operation Warp Speed on May 15, 2020 – and his daughter Ivanka admitted this in a tweet from later in the year that many seem to have missed...'
Diamond said this is war! And yep this is war! She was right. Good for Silk to say what she said. These two stood! They deserve metals. And good for her to speak her truth no matter who hears it.
Silk described her death to a "T", but I guess we still don't know if heart attack etc... But she didn't get run over by a bus. Interesting though. About a month before Silk and Diamond were talking to Dr. Christina Parks and Diamond was saying she was having trouble breathing. Fits in with what I see about the vax people in my life. They are kind of sickly, still moving, but not at a 100%. That is like the ones that didn't die or become paralized in my circle, they just got kind of sickly.
It looks like the narrative is being turned all of a sudden, but to what purpose?
Some scapegoats will be publicly paraded in front of the mob.
In the back the real culprits will still work their machinations for ze great reset - all them crises.
The jabbed will still suddenly die, or suffer from a host of autoimmune conditions or God knows what in the next few years.
The natality is continuing to takea nosedive.
Sorry for the negativity but I don't see this story having a happy end.
YES.....I see your point. The Republicans having the hearings will go nowhere either.
The only reason that will happen, is the Justice Department and the FBI, along with the DOD, is completely co-opted.
The only reason what will happen?
The hearings. Tptb *let* the gop have a slim majority to tamp down the rage. They will *let* hearings go forward because they control Justice, FBI, DOD, etc. so they can ensure any hearings go nowhere.
They will find some "minor" wrong doing, punish some low level schlep or other, Fauci, Collins et al will slither away to some tropical island or other to relax & enjoy their billions in peace..
It really helps to believe that Jesus will be meeting them at the pearly gates with a stern look & send them packing to hell.
That hearings will go nowhere.
Biden has been running like a rabbit with the jab~ I smell a set up. They are going to turn the jab right back at Trump
Fraudster JOE is the one NOT stopping the EUA. He's bought by Big Pharma and he's enabling them to produce more COVID vaccines. Why is he and Dr. Jill still pushing the JABS? Anybody questioning the Biden Crime Family?
It's always amazing to consider how he has that large beachfront home in Delaware in a 10,000 sq ft from a politician's salary. It's all Bread and Circus
I agree with your observation. Useful idiots will be offered up.
I would suggest that in regards to the shots, Trump may not be revealing his actual stance. To do so would simply lead to far more irrationality on the part of the already irrational Left wing in this country, causing them to dig in their heels all the more, and further push the forced injections of Americans. ( Dislike him for his mean tweets or his juvenile responses, but recognize he has a fairly astute assessment of the political landscape.)
Meanwhile, the media, and much of the government is paid off by Pharma. Scott Gottlieb, former crooked FDA head, now in a cushy payoff-job with Pfizer, is STILL asserting the vax provides better immunity than natural infection, and all those folks watching The View for their pulse on all things news and COVID will take that gaslighting criminal's word as gospel.
Trump praises the damn vaxes as much as anyone. He's as crooked as all the rest.
Glad to hear it.
You are a NWO man. Anybody that says that GW was shrewd doesn't have much upstairs.
No Weapons of Mass Destruction was a form of intelligence. President Trump is everything
you say he is NOT. Sounds like you don't have much of a brain when you compare
President Trump to Dementia JOE.
Put down the Trump kool aid. He boasted repeatedly “MY Lockdown saved millions of lives, MY vaccines saved tens of millions of lives!” His narcissism is getting people killed. Trump is on the ash heap of history. DeSantis is by far the best choice for president (assuming that voting will even solve anything anymore.)
Agreed, we need to stop rationalizing Trumps ridiculous and dangerous stance on the injection. I used to be a big supporter. No more. He is a disgusting man for placing his electoral chances ahead of the kids. For god sake, they are being injured and dropping dead everywhere and nobody is trying to come up with solutions. May he and all the collaborators rot in hell.
No COVID, War, Climate Amnesty
Always remember that you are being manipulated. I do not, do not understand why Trump is continuing with this position. But, bear in mind that he never mandated it, and that the shots did not even start up until 2021, Biden's administration. Do reserve some of your venom for Biden and his lackeys, or his handlers, however you look at it.
I recommend not holding up for Trump. He praises the damn vaxes.
Never took it, never tested, never wore a mask, my only grandchild was taken away from me because I was a dirty unvaxxer. Trump needs to save the kids instead of his own skin. I supported 45 from the beginning but go ahead, keep rationalizing his position. I will give you one thing, Trump is just a cog in the machine. The whole machine has to come down.
No COVID, War, Climate Amnesty
I like DeSantis as governor, but I doubt if he would do for the country what he has done for Florida. Have a look at his resume, his links to "intelligence" (ie, Deep State). He is more of the same, but I admit, putting on a good show.
What links to the Deep State? He was a JAG attorney. He has protected the people of Florida like no other governor, and there are several good ones. What are you referring to?
I like DeSantis as well, but I somehow doubt that if he would be genuine he would be allowed to be in the position he is holding now.
If I would be of the globalists, I would make sure I control not only the opposition, but also prepare far in advance "credible" people to take the mantle of the "uprising" leaders if plan A fails. Having said that I would prepare back-ups for the case plan B fails as well.
Ron, Musk, Kennedy Jr. are not from amongst us, they are from them (whether form the 0.1% or their 1st/2nd tier of minions).
At the moment I suspect that they are part of a faction of globalists opposing the ones which are now attempting to run the show...but if that is good for humanity or not I do not know.
I'd like to know more too. Please inform us of DeSantis.
I have the same worries about Ron.
Trump or Biden. Trump all day.
Yes operation warpspeed and Fauci. He is in on it too.
I could not agree more. Trump was a master builder, a master organizer, financier, shrewd entrepreneur. He listened to others -- the "little people" -- and trusted them more than the experts. He is a brilliant man. He did everything good for the country but was brought down when he decided to shut down this country's never-ending, useless wars. He had vision and foresight for this country and was right about just about everything. Sadly he had too much trust in others and had no idea what the Deep State was capable of doing. And he had trust in his scientific and health advisers -- and why wouldn't he? He tried to promote early treatment -- and the minute he mentioned Hydroxychloroquine, they all jumped on him and accused of him of amateurism -- and he backed off.
El Gallinazo (above) hasn't a clue about the Deep State forces that undermined Donald Trump from the minute he declared his candidacy, and I suggest some reading. Bush, intelligent? Seriously? Comparing Trump to Biden? Seriously? You have some serious self-educating to do, kid.
You've got to be kidding that trump was a master builder, master organizer, financier, etc. He's a narcissistic daddy's boy who would have been nowhere without his father's money and connections. He was a ruthless business man and quite evil himself both attributes he probably got from his father. Most of the time not paying his vendors either.
Ironically, on a separate note, it appears that trump's grandfather died of the "spanish flu" or was it the 1918 vaccine (which killed the people then not the flu) back in 1918.
Funny, if you objectively look at it, Biden is quietly implementing many elements of Trumps global trade plans. But, nothing to see here.
Just stating something I found while researching. You don't have to read into everything.
Why would you settle for any narcissist? The point is, we as citizens should choose people who represent us because they work for us. Unless you're a narcissist yourself (and no narcissist would ever admit that), I would bet you'd rather not have a narcissist working for us. All of these criminals including trump should not be in a government that represent us and work for us.
Trump, to my knowledge, has never acknowledged a single victim of his precious Operation Warp Speed. In fact, he was still shilling for the vaccines as recently as last week. If someone can find video evidence to the contrary (not pontificating, not apologetics, but actual evidence) please enlighten us all.
Thank you for saying it. I voted for him twice. Never again. If he is the nominee for 2024 President- I just will leave that part of my ballot blank and vote for all the other offices on the ballot.
Reading the Twitter replies is amazing!! They all believe she died of covid because she was an antivaxxer. Then they post articles that say covid is causing heart attacks. The evil ones had this whole thing figured out right to the end. They will make the sudden deaths be the from the awful covid virus. They are Never going to admit they did this. Ever!! We are so F’D. Even the people who died right after the shots were given are discounted somehow. I remember watching the video of a mom who died right in the pharmacy 15 min after the bivalent shot. Whatever happened with that??? Oh. Nothing I guess. So even when it’s obvious the shot killed someone we all do nothing!! How the hell will we ever prove these sudden deaths are from the shots ??!!! Anyone doing anything to prove this and if so where do we take it from there??? Will anyone in power do anything????
Exactly. I see these types of Twitter replies all the time, and it's why I don't believe the tide is really turning. Not yet, anyway.
How do you know those tweets are from actual human beings? It's more than likely that they're bots, deployed to give precisely the dispiriting impression that now has you feeling overwhelmed.
In short: Don't believe everything you read.
Yep, divide and conquer
Though I'm DeSantis 2024 - I honestly believe Trump did not know or could not know - the swamp was much deeper than anyone knows. Trump was also "out of touch" and those who distrusted the vax and everything going on are common sense people. I'm shocked Diamond actually took the jab - unless Silk was referring to something else - perhaps she thought Diamond was intentionally targeted? I still believe Andrew Breitbart was killed. He woke many, many people up. Was excellent at confronting people, yet his wife believes it was natural causes. Most people do not want to believe or can't grasp the fact that YES, people are that callous, that cruel, and care nothing about harming others.
You Republicans have no idea what is coming down the line. When DeSantis runs he will face
Wes Moore, the second coming of OBAMA. Go to the Huffington Post today, Sunday,
January 22, 2023 and read all about him. He's now the First Black Governor of Maryland.
Guess who attended his inauguration. Someone by the name of OPRAH. She was
pushing for OBAMA, too. Let's face it the voters don't select the candidates or winners.
After the 2020 and 2022 Stolen Elections we have NO election integrity. Because, the
Republicans are in on it, too.
Totally agree it was the Uniparty that stole the 2020 election.
Just think how stupid they looked. That idiot Karl Rove goes to Pennsylvania to
support Jew Shapiro who is a Democrat/Leftist. He said that a Republican doesn't
deserve to win. Now, that's all the RNC is worried about who will be the next
chair. Who cares. There is NO Election Integrity. What was the RNC doing for the
lead up to the 2022 Midterms. Doesn't seem like much :-(
Wouldn’t you love to see Candace Owens on that stage ?
Bingo! Marylander here, and you have hit the nail on the head. Chelsea Clinton was at the inauguration as well. Oprah and Obama funded Moore’s campaign here in MD. He is being groomed for the next step. I had never even heard of Moore before, but sure enough, in the couple years before his campaign,many local high schools made his book, The Other Wes Moore, mandatory reading. So the plan has been in the works...
I've heard from Californians that they both took it in order to be able to keep speaking engagements in California when you could only enter a venue with a passport. They caved, to be able to speak to their masses. What a tragic shame.
Stupid and tragic. Numbers speak. Everyone -- every team member, every company employee, every business owner, everyone -- needs to TOGETHER stop taking this shit. And I mean "shit" as all encompassing. Stop taking jabs; stop wearing masks; stop signing exploitative contracts - just STOP.
This is Louder with Crowder talking about exploitative contracts. Very eye-opening piece. https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/crowder-dont-sign-contracts
He also has a follow-up video responding to The Daily Wire: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/crowder-responds-daily-wire
Much respect for Crowder.
She suggested maybe it’s from shedding also.
He "could not know"? WFT?? He invited RFK Jr to head a vaccine commission in 2016 then stopped returning his calls. He could have easily returned RFK's calls and asked prior to "Operation Warp Speed". We had plenty of evidence prior to 2019 that mRNA vaccines would cause havoc. This is a piss poor excuse. Trump caved under pressure, threw us under the bus in the worst possible way, and has never looked back.
Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. I don't agree with you. You be in President Trump's
shoes and see how you would have handled it. He was fighting the Deep State who framed him on COVID along with Communist China. No matter what Trump did it wouldn't suit you naysayers.
I would forgive him if he had admitted his precious jabs were dangerous in 2021. He STILL claims they’re safe and effective!
I'm not interested in opinions. Give us evidence. Jut one video clip of him acknowledging the most massive excess mortality in modern history. All I see is him CONTINUING to shill for the deadliest medical experiment ever invented, as recently as last week. Go ahead, give us some evidence.
Breaking my ignore rule...are you enjoying putting people in their place? Why all the animosity ? You sort of sound like a bully, you know, like Trump.
The animosity is caused by the frustration of arguing with a kool aid drinking cult. Trump has been a disaster on covid and especially the jabs.
I think there are many contributing factors. At this point, if people need to put it all on Trump, fine. I’m more interested in seeing Fauci, CDC, NIH ( the guy who retired , Francis somebody) the FDA, the CEOs of Moderna and Pfizer, Facebook, Twitter and anyone who agreed to censor vaccine skeptics, and most of all, the effing Media. Since this whole nightmare started, only in the last two weeks have a few media outlets suggested that perhaps the vaccine is possibly problematic. The fact that there was a lot of of behind the scenes shenanigans that to this day remain “secret” and to suggest any kind of nefariousness makes one a conspiracy nut….
https://rumble.com/vid86n-why-is-president-trump-pushing-the-vaccine.html Just leaving this here. You decide.
i listened to it. that guy's on crack. and it doesn't even pretend to explain why trump continues to pump the vaccine even today, "play the deep state games" (or whatever) even while he's out of office. how many millions have to die while he's playing his game?
Ok. Your opinion.
YES!! I voted for him twice. NEVER AGAIN!!!
The people are turning on Trump. DeSantis is beating the pants off Trump in the polls.
Trump vs DeSantis. When you travel to a possibly hostile country do you hire a local guide ?
I am a hospital RN and calling for an investigation. I never saw a pandemic and these shots are killing people. How many have to die to bring the criminals forward?
I believe she nailed it right here at the end....
[I also have a sinking feeling that the obsessive matter of who becomes the next “President” of this “country” is going be the absolute least of our problems, as we tend to the shattering, and the shattered.]
No Truce, No cease fire, no AMNESTY! Just fierce and violent retribution against the 'WEF' perps!
The world is BLIND to the impending 'Gates - World Health Organisation Coup = world take-over', so we must refute all WHO 'scam' initiatives that supersede our personal and National Sovereignty. Since Gates became the WHO biggest benefactor (INFLUENCER) the WHO have become corrupt and no longer function in the interests of World Health - they now operate as another of Gates's Vax marketing divisions. Vax = DEPOPULATION!
Apparently, Bill Gates said this in 2011;
"............if you just do a GOOD JOB with VACCINES we can REDUCE the population by 10 - 15%."
He then backpedalled by suggesting "......women from poorer countries would be less likely to OVERPRODUCE if their children had a longer life expectancy".
Join the dots, factor in these new (since 2021) phenomena =
'SADS', 'Sudden Adult Death Syndrome'.
'SIDS', 'Sudden Infant Death Syndrome'.
"died suddenly",
'never seen before, inexplicably large multiple blood clots',
'athletes dying mysteriously',
'unparalleled excess deaths'
The topic has since been covered up and vehemently denied by the 'establishment'.
Join the dots and reach your own conclusions.
Mick from Hooe (Unjabbed because I joined the dots!)
Dont forget that “doctors are baffled”.
Doctors are "baffled" my @ss! As Gates buys more and more of our farm land. Nothing to see here folks. Move along now. Just another death.
Also plummeting birth rates.
While Facebook deleted all covid information that exposed the toxic jabs - now finally a leaked video from Mark Zuckerberg warning staff not to get the vaccine: https://gellerreport.com/2023/01/leaked-video-facebooks-zuckerberg-warned-his-staff-not-to-get-the-vaccine.html/?mibextid=Zxz2cZ&fbclid=IwAR0iEhdIIvAmesPEJb_u24DffOmLD05sLWhVDMFWPKYIL_3LoBy1RJQ9zIQ.
The fact she is making us guess is wrong. Tell what happened!
Another clip she mentioned Shedding.
The biosecurity eugenicist ghouls must be stopped in their tracks before they create an inescapable surveillance prison coercing everyone to partake in gene therapy transhumanist CRISPR projects.
RIP. She was a great person.
lest we forget....newstarget.com /2023-01-18-trump-moderna-mrna-vaccines-operation-warp-speed.html
Ivanka Trump admits her father’s administration partnered with Moderna to produce mRNA vaccines BEFORE Operation Warp Speed 1/18/2023
...Official government documents show that messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines were in development long before Donald “father of the vaccine” Trump officially launched Operation Warp Speed on May 15, 2020 – and his daughter Ivanka admitted this in a tweet from later in the year that many seem to have missed...'
Diamond said this is war! And yep this is war! She was right. Good for Silk to say what she said. These two stood! They deserve metals. And good for her to speak her truth no matter who hears it.
Did the family reveal the cause of death? I never heard the cause and I no longer trust anything coming from the media or corporate medicine.
Silk described her death to a "T", but I guess we still don't know if heart attack etc... But she didn't get run over by a bus. Interesting though. About a month before Silk and Diamond were talking to Dr. Christina Parks and Diamond was saying she was having trouble breathing. Fits in with what I see about the vax people in my life. They are kind of sickly, still moving, but not at a 100%. That is like the ones that didn't die or become paralized in my circle, they just got kind of sickly.
Hang turncoat, deceiving Trumpenstein, too!
The entire DC/WEF/UN/WHO cabal needs to face 7 billion voices calling for justice.
Not just voices; pitchforks and rifles, too!
Go and listen to: Chris Paul from the Endgame....The Trump Vaccine....1/17/23....
Chris tells you all you need to know.
Great comment, Mr. Crispin.
Luc Lelievre