Whenever I hear an MD talking as the authority I like to point out that medicine is the leading killer of all Americans. That’s been true since at least 2011. They own all the names of the diseases but can’t cure any of them and won’t let anyone else either. They simply profit off the symptoms so there is no incentive to cure anything. I like them to try to answer why anyone should listen to their health care advice when they profit from your sickness. Health is counter productive to their business model. Ask a Rockefeller...
Chris Rock: “there’s no money in the cure. The money’s in the medicine. That’s how a drug dealer makes his money… that’s all the government is, a bunch of drug dealers."
Very well said. And very true. It was the flexner report in 1910 that was funded by the rockefeller's and carnegie's (I refuse to capitalize their names). The report caused the demise of medical schools that were not drug based. "In the early half of the 20th century, a coup was organized on the medical research facilities, hospitals and universities." "Abraham Flexner was empowered to investigate the quality of medical education in all 161 medical schools that existed in 1910. He helped destroy the credibility and funding sources for nearly all schools using non-drug based medicine." https://archive.org/details/carnegieflexnerreport/page/n1/mode/2up
Another article:
How John D. Rockefeller Used the AMA to Take Over Western Medicine
"The Rockefeller Foundation created the entire field of genetic manipulation through its ownership of Monsanto Corporation and financing of university biology research to create the “gene cannon” and other techniques to artificially alter gene expression of a given plant. The aim of GMO, since Rockefeller sponsored the disastrous Philippine Golden Rice project, has been to use GMO to control the human and animal food chain. Today more than 90% of all soybeans grown in USA are GMO and more than 80% all corn and cotton. Yet it is not labelled."
Thank you Debra for the links. A synopsis here of Engdahl's report on the fraud of virology, illness caused by Rockefeller/the establishment and pesticides and the suppression of effective therapies in relation to polio
You're welcome. Thanks for your link too. William Engdahl is incredible. You might want to look up his article on inclusive capitalism. He talks about how the pope, rothschilds and hillary clinton are all intertwined.
Can you elaborate on that? I was just researching homeopathy and talking with some people about it. How did they take over a portion of homeopathy? In what capacity? Thanks.
That's what the rockefellers did with the american medical association. Well, they did it with just about everything that helps us sustain life: oil, food, money, health. Pure evil.
Yes. Isn't that sickening. So many people take several drugs at one time. Do they even know what's in all the drugs they are taking? Our rescue dog was put on prozac because he was scared and anxious at the rescue kennel. I think I would be too but that doesn't mean that a drugs would help. We told them we would not give that to him if we fostered him. We fostered him and then adopted him and he never had that crap again. I tested his urine and found that he has 5x the amount of flouride in his urine then a human adult should have (no one should have any flouride in their urine btw). 5x!!! Now, I have to detox that crap out of his 60 lb body. All thanks to a pointless drug that these morons forced on him. People do not know what they are putting in their bodies and they definitely don't know what they are putting in their dogs/cats/etc bodies. It's simply sickening especially when the info is available be found. Flouide is highly dangrous and causes so much damage.
That is absurd. Dogs are also another consumer taxing families budgets. Build close relationships with other humans. It costs nothing and is more meaningful. It keeps one off antidepressants too.
A friend of mine teaches philosophy at a Catholic School. He starts the class with this scenario. A man is in a rapid river in safety. His neighbor whom he does not know and his own dog are drowning. He has an opportunity to save only one of them safely. Which one does he save?
I think you need to re-evaluate what you're saying. You do not understand what you're talking about. Many people are extremely helped by their relationship with their dogs and they don't need to take the destructive drugs for depression because of the healing power of their bond with their or a dog. Many autistic (vaccine created) children are helped by their bond with their dog.
And, if a having a dog is a financial burden on a family, they simply shouldn't have a dog/cat/human child/whomever. Financial burden is the fault of the human not the dog.
The social loneliness and free-floating anxiety that has people vulnerable to mass formation also creates the obsession with dogs and other animals. And it seems that just as one is not allowed to criticize the gene therapy he is also not allowed to dislike dogs. People get crazy about their pets. I find it weird.
Oh, you must mean iatrogenic deaths. Yes, it's a "thing". And it's the leading cause of death in the U.S. the last time I surveyed it a couple or so years ago. Imagine that!
By that logic (which seems sound to me) why would anyone willingly buy medical insurance? No one would, that's why we're all forced by Obamacare. Newslash: I don't buy medical insurance. I don't have a payroll job because I quit it when they mandated me to vaxx. The whole insurance industry is caught up in this fraud and compromised and it doesn't take a genius to understand that its days are numbered. When more people start doing what I do the insurance industry will collapse that much faster.
Interesting, isn't it, that the term "medical care" was scrapped in favor of the term "health care". I wonder what was behind that substitution. It seems to me that there is very little medical care available in the US today.
Yes, I have been at this fight for 3 decades in the field of mental health. We had a little bump in the 00's but that faded away because there is no money to be made and government loses power.
Even the names just identify symptoms. Once we trust their diagnosis, even when we use holistic treatments, we are doomed to fail because even we are just treating the symptom, not rectifying the cause.
Maybe not. Just watch it. When you hear someone diagnosed with something, just ask "what caused it"? You will find you can go back at least one step and oftimes more. Then ask how you would treat the cause. You will end up with a totally different treatment. Just watch.
I know from experience that a very thorough investigative health practitioner would dig deep to find the root cause(s) of a health problem. In my case, I've had to figure it out myself. Anyway, often it's imbalances in minerals and excessive toxins in the body that cause health problems. To get to that conclusion, sometimes many layers need to be peeled back. But, many times that's the case. The body, although very complex needs minerals balanced to survive and thrive. When minerals are not balanced it gets difficult for the detoxing organs to do their job so there's basically a back up into the tissues. I'm simplifying it all but that's the gist. Of course, genetics come in to play and some other things like the different microbiomes throughout the body but the basics are the minerals. Most people now a days are born with 200+ toxins already in their bodies so it's no surprise there are layers to unravel. Plus, stress plays a huge role in causing damage to the body and causing deficiencies of minerals and vitamins. So if one starts by looking at imbalances and toxins [in tissue like hair not the blood - the blood must be in homostatis (balance) so the excess minerals or toxins get "pushed" to the tissue] and works on those issues, then often the body can heal.
Well said. You just made my point, thank you. For example, when you treat cancer what you really need to do (maybe) is detox (and according to Hulda Clark, detox heavy metals and chemicals AND kill the parasites that make the most of the acid micro-climate caused by the toxins. - not going to argue the details) Ooops, what does medicine do? The opposite. It bombards the already overloaded body with radiation and/or chemotherapy, just to make sure it can never detox what it need to detox because it is trying to kill the cancer cell rather than remove the agent that has caused the cancer.
Thank you. And, Yes! Actually the parasites love the heavy metals, too, making it difficult to detox them out of the body.
That's why, too, people will get a "recurrence" of the cancer because they hadn't eliminated the damage/toxins in the first place. And now, they have even more toxins in their body. I've read that once a person has chemo it's harder for them to detox naturally. I'm still not clear on the mechanisms as to why that is but maybe someday I'll figure that out.
I'm furious. I remember corpses being burned in 2020, following the "nuclear" protocol. I remember people being told not to touch each other in funerals. That is psychological torture: don't follow your instinct or you will kill another person.
I remember children being told not to walk on that other side of the corridor: the virus must be there, waiting, all invisible and stuff.
I remember families yelling at each other, because of the poison the God Damned mobile phone was inserting in their thinking.
I remember all those videos of people suffering seizures, young and old.
I remember people of my generation 25-44 dying in the shower, or driving, or in a bus, or in a grocery store, and everyone pretending nothing was wrong.
I remember all those fraudulent tests, the humiliating submission in exchange of NOTHING AT ALL. The destruction of fundamental rights, that must be rebuild now.
I remember evil politicians saying to me what the Nazis said to the German Jews in the 1920s. And they are still in power, getting reelected, and laughing about it.
I have not done evil, How am I the problem?
I remember everything.
I am furious.
And I don't eve like football. The glaring contradiction in terms: foot-ball, but they carry it with their hands! Americans are crazy like the Romans!
Legend has it there was a soccer game that was really boring, as soccer is. Ball going around, no one scoring. Finally, a player picked up the ball and ran with it to the goal.
They yelled at him to stop, but he didn't. Finally they chased him and tackled him to the ground.
This is an old one. 1995. Extra time. Final match of an international competition. Everyone was very tired. They are waiting for the penalty shootouts when the time is up. A midfielder tries a desperate attempt to score. Very long shot. They won. A miracle.
Soccer was always boring, except for the rare occasions of magic that no one sees coming. These days soccer is impossible to watch. It has never been as boring and predictable.
No they were playing football and when the ball was picked up rugby was invented. Soccer is a made up nonsense American word for football that no one else on earth uses.
Soccer is a British word. It's a nickname for association football taken from the word 'association.' Association was shortened to assoccer and then soccer by university students. In the same way, rugby gets shortened to rugger. They're nicknames for the sport, Besides the US, soccer is the most common name for the sport in Canada, South Africa, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand.
Wrong. "Soccer" was the term used in England up until the 1950s to differentiate "association football" from other types of football. Starting in the '50s, association football gradually began to be called "football".
The term "football" historically referred to games that were played on foot, as opposed to being played on horseback, like polo. Also, in parts of Australia where Australian rules football was prevalent, the term "soccer" was used for association football.
Most of the time, the football is in the hands of the players.
In real football, which is soccer, the ball is in the feet of the players. Then there is handball, which is even worse than football and soccer put together.
I'm old enough to remember how not so long ago these people wanted to see everyone's experimental injection status checked before they went to eat or have a drink.
The same people also wanted to deny care for those who didn't want to take part into the experiment and MSM plus media personalities wished them death.
Now they claim it's inappropriate to ask the obvious after such a tragedy and also claim that Mr. Hamlin was not vaccinated and that they care about their health. It's clear that they don't care about anyone but their cult and the Madness of the Crowds, (great book!).
We need to also clarify--for truth's sake--that no one FORCED these shots into the bodies of adults. (You can certainly say that children were forced, in a very real sense.)
All the adults DECIDED--for whatever seemingly valid reason--to take it. This is a very important point because when we look at the way this unfolded the Compliance has been astonishing and perhaps historic--towards obvious self harm. The information was out there for anyone to find.
And in fact if many had just waited--their companies have relinquished that "mandate."
Yes, they were all denied informed consent. I had the advantage, as a former pharma stats analyst, of knowing how to read their research and interpret their propaganda, but honestly, I would hope that any normal person could see that there was no way in hell they had adequately tested a brand new medical technology in 6 months. Six months might be acceptable for a life-saving medication for a guaranteed terminal illness, but not for a 99.99% survivable ailment.
Victoria is more correct than Mickwordman. There was (and is) huge censorship and peer pressure. People were coerced. Do not accept coercion as a valid form of consent.
If people had been more conscientious, they would have stopped everything, and then the systematic torture and lies would have stopped. People failed to stand up for their rights. And they collaborated with the tyranny. But they are also victims. And their pain does not compensate anyone for the harm they have contributed to.
Justice is not about leaving people behind. That is a new injustice that fits nicely with the Big Plan of the enemy class.
That's why I emphasize that the Nuremberg code, first article, forbids coercion. Because they'll try to get out of it that way. "You didn't have to take it. You could have accepted the loss of your job, or the ability to travel."
Hence the word of coercion. Threatening your job, your ability to travel, was done, and that was coercive.
Please note the reason they say the Nuremberg Code does not apply is not because it is advisory. IT IS STATED BECAUSE THE VACCINES ARE NOT EXPERIMENTAL - THEY ARE APPROVED.
This may be so. However, for whatever reason that I still do not understand, the actual approved vaccines have never been able to be given in the USA. They were "approved" by the FDA - but then never made available. This continues to this day. The vaccines being given in the USA are NOT COMIRNATY - they are still the ones authorized under the EUA. EMERGENCY USE AUTH - EXPERIMENTAL. This may be splitting hairs to some people - to others like me who have been dealing with Pharma all my life - it is a sign that something fishy is going on.
FYI - Both the Nuremberg Code and the Helsinki Declarations regarding human research have been held sacrosanct in medicine until the past 10 years or so. Now all kinds of breaches abound. The payment for the malfeasance will come due at some point.
I agree with you. They, the adults, had the choice to do the research and learn just as we did. And, yes it makes me angry when they've treated us badly and that they've created a bigger problem for all of us because they got the shots. But, I do believe that we now need to come together and also help those that want help to detox. If we don't and they all die from it, it's going to be a very strange world for the rest of us.
I've suggest to people to take powdered zeolite. It's an amazing supplement too. It's negatively charged and binds to positively charged substances such as heavy metals, mold, flouride, glyphosate, etc. From my research I've found that spike proteins (glyoproteins), lipid nanoparticles, and graphene oxide are positively charged, too. The one person who listened to me and told her sister to take it too saw her adverse reactions go away within weeks of starting the supplement. She had fatigue, joint pain, stomach pains, and her sister had nightmares. All gone. If her body keeps producing spike proteins then she would need to keep taking it. However, if I remember correctly, Dr. Edward Group of Global Healing stated that iodine stops the replication of the spike proteins in the cells. I have to re-watch that video.
There are other supplements that are fantastic too such as humic acid, systemic enzymes (serrapeptase, lumbrokinase and Nattokinase) which dissolves blood clots (but I don't know what type of clots these things really are), carbon 60 which is something I need to investigate further, and many more. I have to research chlorine dioxide more. I've come across it many times in my research over the years.
Increasing glutathione by taking it's precusor NAC or drinking Rooibos tea is also important. You don't want to actually take glutathione because 1) the body needs to make it itself and 2) it doesn't get absorbed as well when taken orally.
Thanks for all this great information. My husband took 2 shots of Moderna. I would like to get the zeolite. Where do you purchase it from? I do give him iodine drops a couple times a week. Not sure how much to give. I will research Dr. Group of Global Healing. I have him on NAC and natto, along with all the other usual vitamins. My kids were all heavily vaxxed back in the 90’s and early 2000’s. I wonder if zeolite would help them remove metals and other toxins from their bodies?
I listened to a doctor some time back on the Greg Hunter show talking about chlorine dioxide and how it’s a miracle for various things. I did order it but never tried it. It comes in two parts and frankly I was nervous because there are all kinds of warnings on it. She is a doctor in Florida and I can’t remember her name.
Well, perhaps not with this shot but with other things that these monsters have marketed to us. If you eat non organic foods, especially those with gmo (which are so many), then you've been manipulated (gmo created by the rockefellers). If you've given up your privacy via all this technology, you've been manipulated (big tech, big government, etc). If you've taken drugs without asking what's in those drugs and how they work on all systems of the body specifically, you've been manipulated (medical industry, big pharma, big government). I do believe most of us been manipulated (lie to) on some level at some time by these monsters.
Colleges students (young adults) were absolutely FORCED to get this shots; many could not transfer because their records were locked UNTIL they took the shots, many were threatened with loss of scholarships and fines if they didn't get vaccinated, many don't have the luxury of transferring (if they were able to) for costs reasons and specialized majors that are not easily available elsewhere. Did he get his primary series when he was at University of Pittsburgh? Was he coerced so as to not lose everything he worked so hard to achieve? So the TRUTH is - this was never a choice for many of them and still isn't.
Still a choice and always was. Team up with other students and hire a lawyer. Get a job in the meantime. You have one body this lifetime. Their parents should have guided them, that is true.
First, college has never been a safe place for anyone, nor students, nor employees, nor professors. These are places of antihuman indoctrination for the most part. The best people are kicked out of such places.
Second, people are placed in a situation where they believe a false notion: that they have no choice. That is due to censorship and pressure. That's an evil action that has caused great harm to people. I have to congratulate those who refused to go to college under such homicidal and unsanitar conditions, and those who found the knowledge to go through the legal process. But everyone else got fucked up by evil people. You have to accept that evil was commited against these people.
In this country, unfortunately, most of them are still like kids. And at seventeen, eighteen years old you depend on your parents--or elders--for guidance.
If you go to the supermarket and buy food that's been intentionally poisoned by the manufacturer, then take it home and eat it... that's a choice is it?
There was a choice. You just might not like it. My son was a student athlete at tOSU. Full ride. Had 2 years left. He did not succumb to the pressure. He walked away and is now learning a trade. Best decision of his life.
I disagree. They were forced. The students were subjected to military level psychological torture for nearly two years. Extreme social isolation, forced masking, dozens of arbitrary rules with severe consequences (expulsion) for infractions, public shaming, terrorization about germs, the repeated message that they could kill their friends and family by merely breathing, forced invasive humiliating testing, etc. etc. When it came time to 'choose' of course they took the shot. They were denied the psychological capacity to even make a choice by that point. Only a few were able to withstand this.
That is complete bullshit! If you will lose your job and can’t feed your family without the shot that’s bring forced!! Who the hell are you yo say people had a choice. All the young people in colleges all across CA and elsewhere forced to get shot up or lise the spot they earned in their college!! Nurse being fired!! Your point is not correct!! That is coercion and bullying. The only ones who truly had s choice were people like me who had no job and no worries about how I would take care of my kids. How dare who say they were not forced!!!
It's being forced, but not in a legal sense as the defense is "you can always quit/leave." Coercion and duress is very hard to prove in a legal case unless it involves "do this or I will kill you right now!" Apparently losing a job or college education is not enough of a consequence to warrant a judgment of coercion/duress regarding the bioweapon shots.
So only being threatened with your life means being forced. So I guess all the people who died from these shots would have a legal case in court that their life was threatened, even taken , but only after they were forced to take the shots even though they really weren’t forced to take the shot! That’s messed up. People are dying left and right but they weren’t really forced to take the shot. Who decides what being forced means? The courts? What about informed consent? We’re any of these people told up front the health risks involved in these shots? The sheet in the box for this so called medical treatment was completely blank. Therefore before administering this shot the person giving the shot could not even really inform the person getting the shot. Do you think young people were truly informed before giving consent to take the death shots? Do you think anyone told these young healthy athletes that a side effect of the shot was myocarditis or clots or strokes? Nope! Never. They were coerced and misinformed and even lied to!
While I understand your point of view I can’t make any absolutes about it. I know of many people that were caught in bad positions and although they could have said no and lost their income, really didn’t have the ability to choose. Many are responsible to support others and many other reasons. I agree but don’t feel comfortable judging. All humans are trying to do the best they can. Some take more time to figure it out. I don’t want to hang with them and I believe they need their own time and space.
I recall a bunch of women crying about having to bang Harvey Weinstein for their jobs, I remember a whole movement called “me too” #believeallwomanz arising out of it.
You make an interesting point. The closest legal argument of duress/coercion/harassment is the workplace sexual harassment situation. But there were already laws on the books against workplace sexual harassment. Are there laws on the books for shot harassment? Until congress gets off its dumb lazy bought-off ass and starts passing laws that strike down EO shot mandates, nothing will change and no justice will be done for those coerced into the shots.
But -- and I think this is important -- we all (adults) need to take responsibility for our choices, ESPECIALLY now when so much is riding on the line and you have to be very obtuse or very stubborn to refuse to see what's happening.
Not necessarily. Some people---more rather than fewer---never glimpse or hear the truth, since propaganda has their hearts and minds enclosed as tight as drums. If people don't even know that there's a choice, how exactly might they choose? Between what and what?
I also think that children raised up to college age have become so used to being injected in order to simply move about Planet Earth that I'm sure for many this was just one more. Go to school, play a sport, simply exist -- only possible if one submits to a eye-watering number of injections of nearly 20 different concoctions from birth to age 18. That right there is the real crime. The abuse is heartbreaking.
So, yes, then it's a spiritual issue. Which is the tack that many of us in fact have taken with those we love and also "strangers"--in person and online. Trying to open those hearts (if not minds); perhaps we've failed. I've wrestled (and my friends) with that question. Could we have done more?
We tried to present them--in many forms--with those Choices. Not sure what else we could have done.
in healthy circumstances making a choice and comparing options is one of our earliest intuitive actions. first hurdle is at breasfeeding: left or right one?
I think I’ve been aware for quite some time to not trust the system and create my life a little on the outside which left me in a good position with the plandemic. Those that haven’t been paying attention got caught in compromising positions. Pain wakes people up but most people ignore the “negative” emotions that give you advanced warning.
Yes, I'm well informed. I asl what do you think is happening? Do you think that coercing people into taking a poison, being lied into playing Russian roulette with their lives, for a disease that is so weak if it even exists, and probably it doesn't, is an acceptable, normal public health policy?
What is your opinion about what is happening?
Do you think any of this is normal?
My opinion is that we are at war. The weirdest, most obscure war of all times. 99.9% psychological operation. It's still not clear what the "winning conditions" for the people who initiated the war are. None of this is normal.
Western societies have been infantilized for at least three decades.
The most clear example: peer pressure. This used to be more important among the young. Now it's also very important on people older than 40. Normally, as people age, the opinion of others becomes less and less relevant. But a lot of adults seem completely dependent on external evaluation. They are afraid of everything. This is not normal.
Can people with an abnormal psychology take important decisions, such as stand up to defend fundamental human rights? This implies that people are able to think in themselves, in the older generations, in the younger generations, and in the situation at hand and in the future. That is the task of adults: to be aware of where we are. Most of them can't. They are also victims.
My thesis is that victims must rebel and take control. Denying the condition of "victim" does not lead to any good place.
This very week last year (after begging our school board for months to stop mandating the jab) a recently boosted kid collapsed during a game-while both of my sons were playing the game. I wrote the Board in the morning and was eviscerated by a member for “using a tragedy to move my agenda” bla bla. Same we see now. I was shocked. This is a brainwashed cult in lockstep. That’s the tragedy.
I also want to add that my husband and my son both saw the collapse and said “that looked exactly like___” (the kid that collapsed and had cardiac arrest in Jan ‘21, within a few feet of them.) now why would they each instinctively, immediately say that?
I was not at the game where the child fell, but during the NFL game they both instinctively, immediately said “that looked like___” referring to how he actually fell.
He definitely dropped down but I would call it planking. Planking is like a tree being cut down and falls like a plank. The athlete looked like he just slumped down. I’m not sure if there’s a difference but 9 minutes of cpr definitely isn’t good and he’s either brain dead and being kept alive or they just haven’t announced his death yet.
Heard Doug Hagmann (Hagmannreport, he is a private investigator of 35 years) today say that he looked through the HIPPA and that Damar was to get another booster 2 1/2 weeks ago, whether he did or not is debatable, but my understanding is the Bills and Bengals teams both were mandated to get poisoned
Hard to believe it took til 2023 for this to happen on live TV in the US. Demaryius Thomas is the only other (retired ) NFL player who I know of who has been struck down. He died. Cole Beasley of the same team the Bills stood up against getting jabbed. Top NFL player Aaron Rodgers refused the jab.
Abbie Hoffman once told me that it should be assumed that any business that grosses a half billion dollars should be assumed to be corrupt. Even considering inflation, the NFL is WAY over that BUT that hardly proves Hamlin was not jabbed.
No, you do what my wife did. Go to your appointment and when the door closes put a wad of cash on the table and tell them to squirt that shit in the sink. Cost us a few grand, but was totally worth it.
What I am finding to be deeply troubling is how the entire spectrum of main stream "conservative" media - e.g., National Review, Washington Examiner - also have joined in the effort to attribute Damar Hamlin's cardiac arrest to anything but the mRNA shot. Anyone who dares even to suggest a causal relationship in a comment is shouted down and attacked. The video speaks for itself. Truly dystopian.
Those outraged over suggestions the heart attack seen round the world might be caused by the jab have no more basis for their tirade than those suggesting it was jab-related. Twenty-four year old athletes don’t have heart attacks everyday. Except, today it’s an almost daily event. They’ve lied about everything related to Covid and mRNA from the get-go. How many times must we play along?
Excellent job jumping on the event in real time lady night! Thank you for being on top of these deaths and fighting for honesty and truth in public health.
We are in the midst of the greatest crime committed against humanity in history. Two million dead will pale compared to carnage this gene therapy will ultimately cause, with yet unknown permanent consequences to the human race.
(checking). the word Holocaust is a greek transliteration of the Hebrew word "olah" which means a burnt sacrifice to G-d.
So the reason the Holocaust has that name -- comparing the burnt Jewish victim of the Nazis -- as a burnt sacrifice to G-d.
Then the word took on a life of its own, becoming a mass slaughter when used in other respects. The Armenian holocaust, the Irish holocaust, etc. A retroactive application of the word.
But ultimately, yes. History is full of atrocities.
Middle English, from Late Latin holocaustum, from Greek holokauston, from neuter of holokaustos burnt whole, from hol- + kaustos burnt, from kaiein to burn
Whenever I hear an MD talking as the authority I like to point out that medicine is the leading killer of all Americans. That’s been true since at least 2011. They own all the names of the diseases but can’t cure any of them and won’t let anyone else either. They simply profit off the symptoms so there is no incentive to cure anything. I like them to try to answer why anyone should listen to their health care advice when they profit from your sickness. Health is counter productive to their business model. Ask a Rockefeller...
There's no money in health; the money is in sickness.
Chris Rock: “there’s no money in the cure. The money’s in the medicine. That’s how a drug dealer makes his money… that’s all the government is, a bunch of drug dealers."
I knew I liked him for a reason!
Very well said. And very true. It was the flexner report in 1910 that was funded by the rockefeller's and carnegie's (I refuse to capitalize their names). The report caused the demise of medical schools that were not drug based. "In the early half of the 20th century, a coup was organized on the medical research facilities, hospitals and universities." "Abraham Flexner was empowered to investigate the quality of medical education in all 161 medical schools that existed in 1910. He helped destroy the credibility and funding sources for nearly all schools using non-drug based medicine." https://archive.org/details/carnegieflexnerreport/page/n1/mode/2up
Another article:
How John D. Rockefeller Used the AMA to Take Over Western Medicine
It's more than the medical community. It's also agriculture and gmos.
This article by WIlliam Engdahl gives some explanation. Watching his video or reading his book would explain more.
"The Rockefeller Foundation created the entire field of genetic manipulation through its ownership of Monsanto Corporation and financing of university biology research to create the “gene cannon” and other techniques to artificially alter gene expression of a given plant. The aim of GMO, since Rockefeller sponsored the disastrous Philippine Golden Rice project, has been to use GMO to control the human and animal food chain. Today more than 90% of all soybeans grown in USA are GMO and more than 80% all corn and cotton. Yet it is not labelled."
Thank you Debra for the links. A synopsis here of Engdahl's report on the fraud of virology, illness caused by Rockefeller/the establishment and pesticides and the suppression of effective therapies in relation to polio
You're welcome. Thanks for your link too. William Engdahl is incredible. You might want to look up his article on inclusive capitalism. He talks about how the pope, rothschilds and hillary clinton are all intertwined.
dr Mullins wrote a book,, death by injection in 1988. still worth reading. one big bunch of harma. Not pharma.
You know your stuff! So frustrating when all they have to do is do some independent reading.
Your thorough research reminds me of an extraordinary research/investigator I know. by the same name. Excellent links. Appreciated.
If you're responding to me. Thank you and you're welcome.
Can you elaborate on that? I was just researching homeopathy and talking with some people about it. How did they take over a portion of homeopathy? In what capacity? Thanks.
That's what the rockefellers did with the american medical association. Well, they did it with just about everything that helps us sustain life: oil, food, money, health. Pure evil.
Thank you. The insanity and the proliferation of their claws are getting everywhere. We really need to explore everything carefully. Just freaky.
And lets not forget the reason the Rockefellers got into medicine - to find more uses for their petroleum.
Yes. Isn't that sickening. So many people take several drugs at one time. Do they even know what's in all the drugs they are taking? Our rescue dog was put on prozac because he was scared and anxious at the rescue kennel. I think I would be too but that doesn't mean that a drugs would help. We told them we would not give that to him if we fostered him. We fostered him and then adopted him and he never had that crap again. I tested his urine and found that he has 5x the amount of flouride in his urine then a human adult should have (no one should have any flouride in their urine btw). 5x!!! Now, I have to detox that crap out of his 60 lb body. All thanks to a pointless drug that these morons forced on him. People do not know what they are putting in their bodies and they definitely don't know what they are putting in their dogs/cats/etc bodies. It's simply sickening especially when the info is available be found. Flouide is highly dangrous and causes so much damage.
How many dogs are on Prozac now? It seems like so many. It’s terrible. If you can’t take care of the dog, don’t get it.
That is absurd. Dogs are also another consumer taxing families budgets. Build close relationships with other humans. It costs nothing and is more meaningful. It keeps one off antidepressants too.
I am sorry, but I would rather have close relationships with dogs than with people whose heart seems colder than ice.
You are so right. Please don't feel you need to apologize for your feelings or your thoughts.
A friend of mine teaches philosophy at a Catholic School. He starts the class with this scenario. A man is in a rapid river in safety. His neighbor whom he does not know and his own dog are drowning. He has an opportunity to save only one of them safely. Which one does he save?
I think you need to re-evaluate what you're saying. You do not understand what you're talking about. Many people are extremely helped by their relationship with their dogs and they don't need to take the destructive drugs for depression because of the healing power of their bond with their or a dog. Many autistic (vaccine created) children are helped by their bond with their dog.
And, if a having a dog is a financial burden on a family, they simply shouldn't have a dog/cat/human child/whomever. Financial burden is the fault of the human not the dog.
The social loneliness and free-floating anxiety that has people vulnerable to mass formation also creates the obsession with dogs and other animals. And it seems that just as one is not allowed to criticize the gene therapy he is also not allowed to dislike dogs. People get crazy about their pets. I find it weird.
Cats as well but if I had tried to give any of my cats this stuff I would have soon been disabused of that silly notion. Physically by bloodlettings.
Animal idolatry and consumerism.
You really need to keep your ignorant thoughts to yourself.
Really? How sad! I never heard of this, maybe it is not as common here in Germany? At least I hope so.
The chemical imbalance theory and Serotonin reuptake that undergirds SSRA's was disproven last year. It is a complete scam.
Precisely right!
yes, it's been going on since at least 1796 with the introduction of the original and worst vaccine; smallpox https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/lets-hope-the-monkey-pox-nonsense
Oh, you must mean iatrogenic deaths. Yes, it's a "thing". And it's the leading cause of death in the U.S. the last time I surveyed it a couple or so years ago. Imagine that!
By that logic (which seems sound to me) why would anyone willingly buy medical insurance? No one would, that's why we're all forced by Obamacare. Newslash: I don't buy medical insurance. I don't have a payroll job because I quit it when they mandated me to vaxx. The whole insurance industry is caught up in this fraud and compromised and it doesn't take a genius to understand that its days are numbered. When more people start doing what I do the insurance industry will collapse that much faster.
Unfortunately, too may people would be wealth taxed at 2% if they didn't take medical insurance. That's why this will not happen
they do not offer a cure, ultimately they do not care.
Interesting, isn't it, that the term "medical care" was scrapped in favor of the term "health care". I wonder what was behind that substitution. It seems to me that there is very little medical care available in the US today.
Yes, I have been at this fight for 3 decades in the field of mental health. We had a little bump in the 00's but that faded away because there is no money to be made and government loses power.
one of Jon Rappoport's older articles, still very valuable - https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2015/03/06/the-starfield-revelation-medically-caused-death-in-america/
They know all the names. Can't cure any of them.
THIS ^^^^^^^^^^ Maybe we should ask why they don't want to.
Even the names just identify symptoms. Once we trust their diagnosis, even when we use holistic treatments, we are doomed to fail because even we are just treating the symptom, not rectifying the cause.
That's not necessarily the case.
Maybe not. Just watch it. When you hear someone diagnosed with something, just ask "what caused it"? You will find you can go back at least one step and oftimes more. Then ask how you would treat the cause. You will end up with a totally different treatment. Just watch.
I know from experience that a very thorough investigative health practitioner would dig deep to find the root cause(s) of a health problem. In my case, I've had to figure it out myself. Anyway, often it's imbalances in minerals and excessive toxins in the body that cause health problems. To get to that conclusion, sometimes many layers need to be peeled back. But, many times that's the case. The body, although very complex needs minerals balanced to survive and thrive. When minerals are not balanced it gets difficult for the detoxing organs to do their job so there's basically a back up into the tissues. I'm simplifying it all but that's the gist. Of course, genetics come in to play and some other things like the different microbiomes throughout the body but the basics are the minerals. Most people now a days are born with 200+ toxins already in their bodies so it's no surprise there are layers to unravel. Plus, stress plays a huge role in causing damage to the body and causing deficiencies of minerals and vitamins. So if one starts by looking at imbalances and toxins [in tissue like hair not the blood - the blood must be in homostatis (balance) so the excess minerals or toxins get "pushed" to the tissue] and works on those issues, then often the body can heal.
Well said. You just made my point, thank you. For example, when you treat cancer what you really need to do (maybe) is detox (and according to Hulda Clark, detox heavy metals and chemicals AND kill the parasites that make the most of the acid micro-climate caused by the toxins. - not going to argue the details) Ooops, what does medicine do? The opposite. It bombards the already overloaded body with radiation and/or chemotherapy, just to make sure it can never detox what it need to detox because it is trying to kill the cancer cell rather than remove the agent that has caused the cancer.
Thank you. And, Yes! Actually the parasites love the heavy metals, too, making it difficult to detox them out of the body.
That's why, too, people will get a "recurrence" of the cancer because they hadn't eliminated the damage/toxins in the first place. And now, they have even more toxins in their body. I've read that once a person has chemo it's harder for them to detox naturally. I'm still not clear on the mechanisms as to why that is but maybe someday I'll figure that out.
I'm furious. I remember corpses being burned in 2020, following the "nuclear" protocol. I remember people being told not to touch each other in funerals. That is psychological torture: don't follow your instinct or you will kill another person.
I remember children being told not to walk on that other side of the corridor: the virus must be there, waiting, all invisible and stuff.
I remember families yelling at each other, because of the poison the God Damned mobile phone was inserting in their thinking.
I remember all those videos of people suffering seizures, young and old.
I remember people of my generation 25-44 dying in the shower, or driving, or in a bus, or in a grocery store, and everyone pretending nothing was wrong.
I remember all those fraudulent tests, the humiliating submission in exchange of NOTHING AT ALL. The destruction of fundamental rights, that must be rebuild now.
I remember evil politicians saying to me what the Nazis said to the German Jews in the 1920s. And they are still in power, getting reelected, and laughing about it.
I have not done evil, How am I the problem?
I remember everything.
I am furious.
And I don't eve like football. The glaring contradiction in terms: foot-ball, but they carry it with their hands! Americans are crazy like the Romans!
I am furious, but I can still joke around a bit.
This clown is running out of jokes.
They kick it with their feet
Legend has it there was a soccer game that was really boring, as soccer is. Ball going around, no one scoring. Finally, a player picked up the ball and ran with it to the goal.
They yelled at him to stop, but he didn't. Finally they chased him and tackled him to the ground.
And realized this was a lot more fun.
Hence, Football was invented.
That legend deserves to be true.
Red skins vs Dolphins better than a million peles.
Soccer brings me to tears with boredom... 35 years ago when I watched 25 min of it
You have my deepest respect, John. You made it through 25 minutes. My remote doesn't change the channels fast enough for me not to get bored. 😉😋
You're the greatest Bandit.
I was tied to chair!
Go Redskins, riggins!
This is an old one. 1995. Extra time. Final match of an international competition. Everyone was very tired. They are waiting for the penalty shootouts when the time is up. A midfielder tries a desperate attempt to score. Very long shot. They won. A miracle.
Soccer was always boring, except for the rare occasions of magic that no one sees coming. These days soccer is impossible to watch. It has never been as boring and predictable.
When they stop playing and go to shooting ? Insane! Keep playing! If it goes past 2 hours, resume next day, advertising rates incredible
I agree, the shooting is crazy. Have them playing until they fall dead. Or let the guys in the bank substitute the players. That would be better.
Also, if referees were not bought to favor the big team, that would be better for the show. But they prefer a bad show and safe revenue.
Yeah, what 5 minutes out of 4 hours or more of dull, dull, dull, dull, dullness? 🤢🤮🤬
No they were playing football and when the ball was picked up rugby was invented. Soccer is a made up nonsense American word for football that no one else on earth uses.
Soccer is a British word. It's a nickname for association football taken from the word 'association.' Association was shortened to assoccer and then soccer by university students. In the same way, rugby gets shortened to rugger. They're nicknames for the sport, Besides the US, soccer is the most common name for the sport in Canada, South Africa, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand.
Wrong. "Soccer" was the term used in England up until the 1950s to differentiate "association football" from other types of football. Starting in the '50s, association football gradually began to be called "football".
The term "football" historically referred to games that were played on foot, as opposed to being played on horseback, like polo. Also, in parts of Australia where Australian rules football was prevalent, the term "soccer" was used for association football.
Most of the time, the football is in the hands of the players.
In real football, which is soccer, the ball is in the feet of the players. Then there is handball, which is even worse than football and soccer put together.
Thank you for writing this you nailed it!
I'm old enough to remember how not so long ago these people wanted to see everyone's experimental injection status checked before they went to eat or have a drink.
The same people also wanted to deny care for those who didn't want to take part into the experiment and MSM plus media personalities wished them death.
Now they claim it's inappropriate to ask the obvious after such a tragedy and also claim that Mr. Hamlin was not vaccinated and that they care about their health. It's clear that they don't care about anyone but their cult and the Madness of the Crowds, (great book!).
Great name there..
Adam Kinzinger... what an inane asshole.
I found him on twitter. Left a few comments. (He’s got tds and cognitive dissonance. )
I may have to get an account again
All puffed up with his self righteous fall from grace in the political fold. Poser.
Perfect description of a, well, inane asshole!
We need to also clarify--for truth's sake--that no one FORCED these shots into the bodies of adults. (You can certainly say that children were forced, in a very real sense.)
All the adults DECIDED--for whatever seemingly valid reason--to take it. This is a very important point because when we look at the way this unfolded the Compliance has been astonishing and perhaps historic--towards obvious self harm. The information was out there for anyone to find.
And in fact if many had just waited--their companies have relinquished that "mandate."
They did not decide FREELY. They were lied to and threatened with permanent punishment.
Yes, they were all denied informed consent. I had the advantage, as a former pharma stats analyst, of knowing how to read their research and interpret their propaganda, but honestly, I would hope that any normal person could see that there was no way in hell they had adequately tested a brand new medical technology in 6 months. Six months might be acceptable for a life-saving medication for a guaranteed terminal illness, but not for a 99.99% survivable ailment.
There was never any need for "operation warp speed" or any other crazy thing they did.
Victoria is more correct than Mickwordman. There was (and is) huge censorship and peer pressure. People were coerced. Do not accept coercion as a valid form of consent.
If people had been more conscientious, they would have stopped everything, and then the systematic torture and lies would have stopped. People failed to stand up for their rights. And they collaborated with the tyranny. But they are also victims. And their pain does not compensate anyone for the harm they have contributed to.
Justice is not about leaving people behind. That is a new injustice that fits nicely with the Big Plan of the enemy class.
That's why I emphasize that the Nuremberg code, first article, forbids coercion. Because they'll try to get out of it that way. "You didn't have to take it. You could have accepted the loss of your job, or the ability to travel."
Hence the word of coercion. Threatening your job, your ability to travel, was done, and that was coercive.
Don't let them switch the word to "forced."
This website is a fact check attempt in the immediate timeframe around the Vaccine Mandate decree in early September.
Please note the reason they say the Nuremberg Code does not apply is not because it is advisory. IT IS STATED BECAUSE THE VACCINES ARE NOT EXPERIMENTAL - THEY ARE APPROVED.
This may be so. However, for whatever reason that I still do not understand, the actual approved vaccines have never been able to be given in the USA. They were "approved" by the FDA - but then never made available. This continues to this day. The vaccines being given in the USA are NOT COMIRNATY - they are still the ones authorized under the EUA. EMERGENCY USE AUTH - EXPERIMENTAL. This may be splitting hairs to some people - to others like me who have been dealing with Pharma all my life - it is a sign that something fishy is going on.
FYI - Both the Nuremberg Code and the Helsinki Declarations regarding human research have been held sacrosanct in medicine until the past 10 years or so. Now all kinds of breaches abound. The payment for the malfeasance will come due at some point.
It was clearly a propaganda effort.
Early on, my argument to my parents as to why I refused the jab was "It has not been approved; it is experimental."
They tried to get around this objection with the three monty switch of "We approve X so you should still take Y which we claim is the same ass X."
Maybe you can spot the three monty scam if you know what they're doing and look at the right place. But the average mark doesn't know that.
Clearly the FDA and other three letter organizations are complicit in something.
Of course they're victims. And no one should be "left behind," that's puerile. I'm talking about looking straight on at what happened.
If you were told to take the shot or quit your job and let your family starve, that is being forced. And, that is exactly what happened.
Sure, they were Manipulated. Like we all were.
I agree with you. They, the adults, had the choice to do the research and learn just as we did. And, yes it makes me angry when they've treated us badly and that they've created a bigger problem for all of us because they got the shots. But, I do believe that we now need to come together and also help those that want help to detox. If we don't and they all die from it, it's going to be a very strange world for the rest of us.
Well said. I hope they'll listen to us now. Like when we suggest things like Chorine Dioxide. I hope we can come together.
I've suggest to people to take powdered zeolite. It's an amazing supplement too. It's negatively charged and binds to positively charged substances such as heavy metals, mold, flouride, glyphosate, etc. From my research I've found that spike proteins (glyoproteins), lipid nanoparticles, and graphene oxide are positively charged, too. The one person who listened to me and told her sister to take it too saw her adverse reactions go away within weeks of starting the supplement. She had fatigue, joint pain, stomach pains, and her sister had nightmares. All gone. If her body keeps producing spike proteins then she would need to keep taking it. However, if I remember correctly, Dr. Edward Group of Global Healing stated that iodine stops the replication of the spike proteins in the cells. I have to re-watch that video.
There are other supplements that are fantastic too such as humic acid, systemic enzymes (serrapeptase, lumbrokinase and Nattokinase) which dissolves blood clots (but I don't know what type of clots these things really are), carbon 60 which is something I need to investigate further, and many more. I have to research chlorine dioxide more. I've come across it many times in my research over the years.
Increasing glutathione by taking it's precusor NAC or drinking Rooibos tea is also important. You don't want to actually take glutathione because 1) the body needs to make it itself and 2) it doesn't get absorbed as well when taken orally.
Hi Debra,
Thanks for all this great information. My husband took 2 shots of Moderna. I would like to get the zeolite. Where do you purchase it from? I do give him iodine drops a couple times a week. Not sure how much to give. I will research Dr. Group of Global Healing. I have him on NAC and natto, along with all the other usual vitamins. My kids were all heavily vaxxed back in the 90’s and early 2000’s. I wonder if zeolite would help them remove metals and other toxins from their bodies?
I listened to a doctor some time back on the Greg Hunter show talking about chlorine dioxide and how it’s a miracle for various things. I did order it but never tried it. It comes in two parts and frankly I was nervous because there are all kinds of warnings on it. She is a doctor in Florida and I can’t remember her name.
Thank you!
Well, perhaps not with this shot but with other things that these monsters have marketed to us. If you eat non organic foods, especially those with gmo (which are so many), then you've been manipulated (gmo created by the rockefellers). If you've given up your privacy via all this technology, you've been manipulated (big tech, big government, etc). If you've taken drugs without asking what's in those drugs and how they work on all systems of the body specifically, you've been manipulated (medical industry, big pharma, big government). I do believe most of us been manipulated (lie to) on some level at some time by these monsters.
Colleges students (young adults) were absolutely FORCED to get this shots; many could not transfer because their records were locked UNTIL they took the shots, many were threatened with loss of scholarships and fines if they didn't get vaccinated, many don't have the luxury of transferring (if they were able to) for costs reasons and specialized majors that are not easily available elsewhere. Did he get his primary series when he was at University of Pittsburgh? Was he coerced so as to not lose everything he worked so hard to achieve? So the TRUTH is - this was never a choice for many of them and still isn't.
Still a choice and always was. Team up with other students and hire a lawyer. Get a job in the meantime. You have one body this lifetime. Their parents should have guided them, that is true.
First, college has never been a safe place for anyone, nor students, nor employees, nor professors. These are places of antihuman indoctrination for the most part. The best people are kicked out of such places.
Second, people are placed in a situation where they believe a false notion: that they have no choice. That is due to censorship and pressure. That's an evil action that has caused great harm to people. I have to congratulate those who refused to go to college under such homicidal and unsanitar conditions, and those who found the knowledge to go through the legal process. But everyone else got fucked up by evil people. You have to accept that evil was commited against these people.
And also, college students are basically still children. They were let down by their guides.
In this country, unfortunately, most of them are still like kids. And at seventeen, eighteen years old you depend on your parents--or elders--for guidance.
There was no informed consent. How is that a choice?
there was precious and intentionally little to be informed of. there are still no package inserts.
Here's the choice: No, I will not put that in my body.
The choice starts right there.
If you go to the supermarket and buy food that's been intentionally poisoned by the manufacturer, then take it home and eat it... that's a choice is it?
It's called GROWING UP, Josh.
When do we FINALLY grow up and take some responsibility for our -- Yes -- choices.
It's about connecting to our greater power. You don't HAVE TO eat that food.
There was a choice. You just might not like it. My son was a student athlete at tOSU. Full ride. Had 2 years left. He did not succumb to the pressure. He walked away and is now learning a trade. Best decision of his life.
I disagree. They were forced. The students were subjected to military level psychological torture for nearly two years. Extreme social isolation, forced masking, dozens of arbitrary rules with severe consequences (expulsion) for infractions, public shaming, terrorization about germs, the repeated message that they could kill their friends and family by merely breathing, forced invasive humiliating testing, etc. etc. When it came time to 'choose' of course they took the shot. They were denied the psychological capacity to even make a choice by that point. Only a few were able to withstand this.
That is complete bullshit! If you will lose your job and can’t feed your family without the shot that’s bring forced!! Who the hell are you yo say people had a choice. All the young people in colleges all across CA and elsewhere forced to get shot up or lise the spot they earned in their college!! Nurse being fired!! Your point is not correct!! That is coercion and bullying. The only ones who truly had s choice were people like me who had no job and no worries about how I would take care of my kids. How dare who say they were not forced!!!
It's being forced, but not in a legal sense as the defense is "you can always quit/leave." Coercion and duress is very hard to prove in a legal case unless it involves "do this or I will kill you right now!" Apparently losing a job or college education is not enough of a consequence to warrant a judgment of coercion/duress regarding the bioweapon shots.
So only being threatened with your life means being forced. So I guess all the people who died from these shots would have a legal case in court that their life was threatened, even taken , but only after they were forced to take the shots even though they really weren’t forced to take the shot! That’s messed up. People are dying left and right but they weren’t really forced to take the shot. Who decides what being forced means? The courts? What about informed consent? We’re any of these people told up front the health risks involved in these shots? The sheet in the box for this so called medical treatment was completely blank. Therefore before administering this shot the person giving the shot could not even really inform the person getting the shot. Do you think young people were truly informed before giving consent to take the death shots? Do you think anyone told these young healthy athletes that a side effect of the shot was myocarditis or clots or strokes? Nope! Never. They were coerced and misinformed and even lied to!
Many people valued their lives over their jobs and quit or were forced out.
While I understand your point of view I can’t make any absolutes about it. I know of many people that were caught in bad positions and although they could have said no and lost their income, really didn’t have the ability to choose. Many are responsible to support others and many other reasons. I agree but don’t feel comfortable judging. All humans are trying to do the best they can. Some take more time to figure it out. I don’t want to hang with them and I believe they need their own time and space.
Bravo!!!! And very well written!
So you’re telling me you’re cool with rape. Got it.
I recall a bunch of women crying about having to bang Harvey Weinstein for their jobs, I remember a whole movement called “me too” #believeallwomanz arising out of it.
Remember him going to jail for it too.
You make an interesting point. The closest legal argument of duress/coercion/harassment is the workplace sexual harassment situation. But there were already laws on the books against workplace sexual harassment. Are there laws on the books for shot harassment? Until congress gets off its dumb lazy bought-off ass and starts passing laws that strike down EO shot mandates, nothing will change and no justice will be done for those coerced into the shots.
But -- and I think this is important -- we all (adults) need to take responsibility for our choices, ESPECIALLY now when so much is riding on the line and you have to be very obtuse or very stubborn to refuse to see what's happening.
Not necessarily. Some people---more rather than fewer---never glimpse or hear the truth, since propaganda has their hearts and minds enclosed as tight as drums. If people don't even know that there's a choice, how exactly might they choose? Between what and what?
I also think that children raised up to college age have become so used to being injected in order to simply move about Planet Earth that I'm sure for many this was just one more. Go to school, play a sport, simply exist -- only possible if one submits to a eye-watering number of injections of nearly 20 different concoctions from birth to age 18. That right there is the real crime. The abuse is heartbreaking.
Yes, STL, this has to become a Mass awakening to what's been going on.
Thanks Mark, for your expertise and zeroing in.
So, yes, then it's a spiritual issue. Which is the tack that many of us in fact have taken with those we love and also "strangers"--in person and online. Trying to open those hearts (if not minds); perhaps we've failed. I've wrestled (and my friends) with that question. Could we have done more?
We tried to present them--in many forms--with those Choices. Not sure what else we could have done.
in healthy circumstances making a choice and comparing options is one of our earliest intuitive actions. first hurdle is at breasfeeding: left or right one?
I think I’ve been aware for quite some time to not trust the system and create my life a little on the outside which left me in a good position with the plandemic. Those that haven’t been paying attention got caught in compromising positions. Pain wakes people up but most people ignore the “negative” emotions that give you advanced warning.
What do you think is happening?
Do you read MCMs blog?
Yes, I'm well informed. I asl what do you think is happening? Do you think that coercing people into taking a poison, being lied into playing Russian roulette with their lives, for a disease that is so weak if it even exists, and probably it doesn't, is an acceptable, normal public health policy?
What is your opinion about what is happening?
Do you think any of this is normal?
My opinion is that we are at war. The weirdest, most obscure war of all times. 99.9% psychological operation. It's still not clear what the "winning conditions" for the people who initiated the war are. None of this is normal.
Here. Try this dark interpretation.
Biological warfare.
Covid was the feint.
The real bioweapon was the vaccines.
Unlike a nuclear bomb, this weapons clears out the population while leaving the infrastructure intact.
Perfect for conquest.
Chris Martenson on Peak Prosperity is very good at breaking down the 5th generation warfare concept that we are in.
I have spent 9 months studying the Book of Revelation and I can tell you this is end times prophesy in a nutshell.
Things are going to get worse, a lot worse. Buckleup.
They are at war with us.
One way
Agreed, overall.
I wish they had all listened to us as we BEGGED them not to comply. To stand together with all of US.
And I hope we've all learned something.
Western societies have been infantilized for at least three decades.
The most clear example: peer pressure. This used to be more important among the young. Now it's also very important on people older than 40. Normally, as people age, the opinion of others becomes less and less relevant. But a lot of adults seem completely dependent on external evaluation. They are afraid of everything. This is not normal.
Can people with an abnormal psychology take important decisions, such as stand up to defend fundamental human rights? This implies that people are able to think in themselves, in the older generations, in the younger generations, and in the situation at hand and in the future. That is the task of adults: to be aware of where we are. Most of them can't. They are also victims.
My thesis is that victims must rebel and take control. Denying the condition of "victim" does not lead to any good place.
I totally agree with his ideas on this.
They rage because they are complicit. “ I think they protested too, much.”
this is what cog dis does....the next reason....wait till they learn their kids can't have kids....
And, I doubt any young person who refused the shots will want to procreate with the mRNA damaged.
If they are aware of the situation.
This very week last year (after begging our school board for months to stop mandating the jab) a recently boosted kid collapsed during a game-while both of my sons were playing the game. I wrote the Board in the morning and was eviscerated by a member for “using a tragedy to move my agenda” bla bla. Same we see now. I was shocked. This is a brainwashed cult in lockstep. That’s the tragedy.
I also want to add that my husband and my son both saw the collapse and said “that looked exactly like___” (the kid that collapsed and had cardiac arrest in Jan ‘21, within a few feet of them.) now why would they each instinctively, immediately say that?
Did the child fall like a plank?
I was not at the game where the child fell, but during the NFL game they both instinctively, immediately said “that looked like___” referring to how he actually fell.
Looked like____? Like a plank? I didn’t see the incident yet.
Oh! Just standing to laying down flat on back with no in between. Should be easy to find
He definitely dropped down but I would call it planking. Planking is like a tree being cut down and falls like a plank. The athlete looked like he just slumped down. I’m not sure if there’s a difference but 9 minutes of cpr definitely isn’t good and he’s either brain dead and being kept alive or they just haven’t announced his death yet.
That’s good. Truth!
Heard Doug Hagmann (Hagmannreport, he is a private investigator of 35 years) today say that he looked through the HIPPA and that Damar was to get another booster 2 1/2 weeks ago, whether he did or not is debatable, but my understanding is the Bills and Bengals teams both were mandated to get poisoned
There is a screenshot of a tweet supposedly from a physician who gave him the injection on Dec. 26.
Just read that Dr McCullough has formally requested vaccine status of the player
Take a look at this....
Hard to believe it took til 2023 for this to happen on live TV in the US. Demaryius Thomas is the only other (retired ) NFL player who I know of who has been struck down. He died. Cole Beasley of the same team the Bills stood up against getting jabbed. Top NFL player Aaron Rodgers refused the jab.
Just lost another retired one: Uche something, 38. He was very openly angry at anti-vaxxers. https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/former-nfl-player-who-called-for-covid-jab-resisters-to-be-jailed-dies-suddenly-at-38/ .
We don't have to wait Nuremberg.
Good riddance
We're mean, John. 😋
People like that I have no sympathy for. They represent the worst of humanity and losing them is addition by subtraction.
Involved with the Mob. There's a book on it, cled Interference. But that probably bears no relation to the jabbing of the players.
Does the Mafia mandate the vax?😎😎😎
I don't see mobsters putting up with this shit
Abbie Hoffman once told me that it should be assumed that any business that grosses a half billion dollars should be assumed to be corrupt. Even considering inflation, the NFL is WAY over that BUT that hardly proves Hamlin was not jabbed.
Now yo mention it, he was walking around strange
I heard some players weren't getting shots, secretly
No, you do what my wife did. Go to your appointment and when the door closes put a wad of cash on the table and tell them to squirt that shit in the sink. Cost us a few grand, but was totally worth it.
What I heard, some league or team officials were colluding.
As I wrote at the C&C post (https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/tomato-popsicles-tuesday-january) sharing a tweet that said it was “truly disgusting” to suggest this is vaxx-induced:
What’s truly disgusting is people who find those trying to expose and stop sudden deaths more disgusting than the act of murder itself.
As Edward Snowden says:
“When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals!”
This is the time to hammer the message home:
• “Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem)
What I am finding to be deeply troubling is how the entire spectrum of main stream "conservative" media - e.g., National Review, Washington Examiner - also have joined in the effort to attribute Damar Hamlin's cardiac arrest to anything but the mRNA shot. Anyone who dares even to suggest a causal relationship in a comment is shouted down and attacked. The video speaks for itself. Truly dystopian.
"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it."
—Upton Sinclair
You should pin this to the top of your stack.
I've certainly quoted it enough times! 😹
Truth doesn’t mind being questioned.
Lies don’t like to be challenged.
Those outraged over suggestions the heart attack seen round the world might be caused by the jab have no more basis for their tirade than those suggesting it was jab-related. Twenty-four year old athletes don’t have heart attacks everyday. Except, today it’s an almost daily event. They’ve lied about everything related to Covid and mRNA from the get-go. How many times must we play along?
Many of us have NEVER played around with the cult
Excellent job jumping on the event in real time lady night! Thank you for being on top of these deaths and fighting for honesty and truth in public health.
"foam-flecked hirelings"! Love that! Ha!
This is only the second holocaust?
In 1847 half the English army was used to force Irish people off the land, deliberately starving them. Two million died.
There are a number of other holocausts too. Belgian Congo. Great Leap Forward. Etc.
We are in the midst of the greatest crime committed against humanity in history. Two million dead will pale compared to carnage this gene therapy will ultimately cause, with yet unknown permanent consequences to the human race.
Yes some say 20 million just so far.
My point was twofold:
1) There have been many holocausts and we shouldn't rank them. The subtitle did so.
2) This, if it did originate in London, would not be the first one of English origin (some say the Official Holocaust also had Anglo-American origins)
Pol pot.
Also India. British made too.
Trail of Tears.
Quite horrible events in India. Not as knowledgeable.
God bless you for remembering these victims
What happened in WW II to Jews was horrible.
But all these mass murders are tragic.
Armenia. Mexico, 1920s.
Vendee, Frbehch Revolution
(checking). the word Holocaust is a greek transliteration of the Hebrew word "olah" which means a burnt sacrifice to G-d.
So the reason the Holocaust has that name -- comparing the burnt Jewish victim of the Nazis -- as a burnt sacrifice to G-d.
Then the word took on a life of its own, becoming a mass slaughter when used in other respects. The Armenian holocaust, the Irish holocaust, etc. A retroactive application of the word.
But ultimately, yes. History is full of atrocities.
"Holocaust" comes from Latin and Greek words meaning "whole" and "burn."
Middle English, from Late Latin holocaustum, from Greek holokauston, from neuter of holokaustos burnt whole, from hol- + kaustos burnt, from kaiein to burn
It is thus not precise.
Actually, obscene. As if mass murder of little children is an offering to God?
It is a pretty cynical use.
Another term from the Holocaust (of the Jews by the Nazis) is "Shoah" meaning catastrophe. Perhaps that's a better term.
A billion unborn babies.
This also from commies, 1917 Commies legalized abortion. Spread it.
We're going thru this chastistement because nations mocked God.
But this is not addressed. No science.
Many good people on our side are complete naturalists
Because human history is full of humans.